• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 4,144 Views, 451 Comments

Awkward, But Worth It - bahatumay

Snippets of the lives of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Time and again, they discover that this phrase accurately describes falling in love, being in love, and life in general.

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That Time You Come Out To Your Family

If you listen to half of what comes out of Rainbow's mouth, you might be tempted to think that she is obsessed with sex. This is not entirely true. She is obsessed with Applejack, and Applejack is, in her professional opinion, really really ridiculously good at sex; and so she sees no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity.

This is funny, because Applejack thinks much the same thing about Rainbow Dash.

But there are times when sex is not entirely necessary to show true love. Sometimes it’s just enough to be in their presence. And this was one of those times.

The two ponies lay cuddled together on a cloud overlooking Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack lay on her back, absentmindedly running a hoof through her lover's mane, while Rainbow Dash curled around her with her head on Applejack's stomach. With one hoof, she gently played with the amulet on her lover's chest, and every once in a while, she would extend her tongue and gently lick her, which never failed to bring a gentle nicker from Applejack. Neither said anything for a while, because neither had to.

Eventually, the pegasus broke the silence. "We should do this more often," Rainbow Dash commented.

Applejack nodded. "Eeyup. Nice and peaceful up here."

"Just us two."

"Eeyup. And Cadence was right. Nopony looks for an earth pony in the clouds."

Rainbow Dash grinned. Applejack might still have been embarrassed about that letter, but that cloud walking amulet was definitely in her top three favorite physical possessions. She was about to say something extremely sappy that she would definitely regret later when her ear flicked at a whirring noise.

“Do you hear that?” Rainbow asked, sitting up and looking around.

Applejack reached down and rubbed the spot where Rainbow had been laying. It was much colder without her close. “No. Wait... Yeah, Ah do now."

“It sounds like... wait." Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "I know that sound."

They were suddenly greeted by the only pony crazy enough to look for an earth pony in clouds.

“Hey, you two!” Pinkie Pie grinned widely and waved rapidly as she piloted her candychopper (which, as it required four hooves to operate, was a bit impressive an action in its own right). “Having a little hot pegasus on earth pony action?”

“What? No!” Rainbow Dash sputtered. “I mean, not right now. Not like we haven’t before. ...I mean, I would... I mean, sometimes it’s more earth pony on pegasus and... I mean... Applejack, tell her what I mean.”

Unfortunately, all Applejack could manage was a moderately confused, “Uh...”

“Great!” Pinkie cheered. “That means you’ve finally gone public with your relationship and you know what that means?”

“It’s... time for a party?” Rainbow hazarded a guess.

“Yep! Here!” And Pinkie Pie quite literally tossed out a cake, which Rainbow instinctively dodged and which landed on Applejack's stomach, prompting a 'hey!' of protest from the earth pony.

Ignoring (or not noticing) the strange situation she had just put Applejack in, she turned and looked downwards. "Fluttershy!" she called. “That was your cue!”

“Sorry!” The yellow pegasus arrived, flying upwards with a banner attached to two sticks. She unfurled it, and Rainbow squinted to read it.

"So it's a 'Happy you two finally came out and now you won't be embarrassed to touch each other in front of your friends party'?" she asked.

Funnily enough, it was Applejack whose mind first went the dirty route. She had a sudden vision of herself pleasuring Rainbow in front of their friends. As Rainbow panted and writhed with pleasure under her ministrations, Twilight was taking notes, Rarity was blushing and trying not to make eye contact, Fluttershy was hiding her face in the corner and Pinkie Pie was suggesting new things to try. Shuddering, she shook her head, repulsed at the thought. Some things were supposed to be personal.

“Yep! I got bored waiting for you to officially come out, I mean, we all know about you two and then I thought, hey, they only need one pony to see them and then they'll have to be out and then I thought, why can't that pony be me? And then I thought, but two ponies are even better so I brought Fluttershy along, too! You know, rule of two or three witnesses and all that good stuff. And then I thought and then I did and here I am!”

“How did you know?” Applejack asked.

“Better question,” Rainbow interrupted. “How many of our friends know?”

“Well, you told Twilight, Fluttershy’s a bit of a matchmaker--you know, she has all those animals to work with--and she saw it right away..."

"Yes, you didn't hide it very well. I'm sorry if you were trying, though," Fluttershy said helpfully.

Pinkie continued, "Rarity deduced it when she saw you together after the mud-wrestling tournament, and I had a series of twitches, flops, and drips that told me two of my bestest best friends were in lesbians with each other.”

“...drips?” Applejack asked, one eyebrow raised.

"I'm pretty sure I've never been to Lesbians," Rainbow protested. “Isn’t that past the griffon border?”

“I get a bloody nose when ponies are in love,” Pinkie explained. She paused, and then snapped her hoof. "That was the L word I was looking for..."

“That’s... mildly disturbing," Applejack said slowly. She had another bad mental image of Pinkie Pie, blood trailing down her nose as she obliviously baked pink frosted cupcakes, and not all of the color came from food coloring. She shook her head to clear it. What was with her mind today?

“I think the bigger question is, why doesn’t everypony know? I bet you haven't even told your family yet, have you, Applejack?”

Brought forcefully back into the conversation, Applejack could only stammer, "Well... No..."

"Why not?" Pinkie asked brightly. There was no malice or judgement in her voice; she sincerely wanted to know.

"Uh... We're just... Waitin' for the right time?" Applejack offered hesitantly.

Pinkie laughed. "It's never going to be the right time!" she protested. "Something will always come up. And if you never tell them, they'll never know!"

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, but Rainbow Dash wasn’t convinced. "Won't they find out anyway?" Rainbow asked. "You guys did."

“Maybe. But really. You should tell them. They probably know something’s off but they don’t know what. I was like that when I was back on the rock farm. My parents knew something was wrong, but I never told them what I needed to do. Then I told them that I needed to leave, to find my destiny, and it was a good moment.” Pinkie smiled a true smile. “They even threw me a going-away party. Sure, it wasn’t the fanciest party, and their cakes kindof tasted like rocks, but it was from the heart, and I knew they would always love me." She paused. "Maybe they were rocks, and I just didn't notice..." She shook her head. "I don't know, but this requires thinking cake! Fluttershy! To the Corner!"

"Oh," Fluttershy gently protested, hiding behind the banner, "but it's almost feeding time for my animal friends, I don't know if I can make it... I'm sorry!"

Pinkie Pie patted her on the head. "Very well. You're excused. Pinkie Pie! To the Corner!" She turned and flew off, singing a personal theme song that sounded something like, "na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Pinkie Pie!"

The three ponies stared at her as she departed. Rainbow blinked and broke the silence first. “You know, with how random she is, sometimes I forget just how deep that pony can be.”

"She certainly can be." Fluttershy looked at the two cuddling ponies, one of which still wore Pinkie's gift of cake, and blushed again. "I think I'll leave you two alone, now," she said, slowly sinking out of sight.

“Well, Pinkie hath spoken,” Rainbow joked. "We're coming out."

Applejack sighed. “Ah did say Ah’d come out eventually. Guess now’s a good a time as any, right?”

“Sure. But not 'right now', right now.”

"Why not?"

"Applejack, I don't know if you noticed this, but Pinkie Pie gave us a cake." She leaned in, extended her tongue, and slowly licked up part of the frosting clinging to Applejack's fur. "And I don't think we should go anywhere until we've eaten it all."

"Lemme guess. You ain't stoppin' til Ah'm clean?"

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow asked, placing a hoof on her chest innocently. "I'm just eating some cake here. Nothing wrong with that." She leaned down to take another bite of cake and "missed", giving Applejack a little bite on her stomach. She was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath and a settling of her hips. Rainbow grinned as she took another bite of cake, and then another. Suddenly, Rainbow looked up, her face a perfect mask of innocence.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Rainbow Dash said. "Did you want some, too?"

Applejack had been enjoying the show, but said, "Ah wouldn't say no."

Rainbow grinned, bent forward and took another bite, then leaned over to Applejack, holding the bite of cake out like an offering on her tongue. Applejack cracked a smile and extended her own to receive it. Tongues 'accidentally' brushed longer than was strictly necessary as Applejack accepted and ate.

"More?" Rainbow asked, as Applejack finished that piece.

Applejack nodded and licked her lips, knocking off some of the crumbs.

Never before had either pony been so glad that Pinkie Pie made such huge cakes.

When Applejack’s stomach was clean of all the cake and every last bit of frosting, she got on Rainbow's back and the two headed down back towards the ground.

"Well," Rainbow said. "When are we going to tell them?"

"Ah'm thinkin' around breakfast time," Applejack replied. "Get it out there and out of the way."

She saw Rainbow flinch a little.

"You guys always get up early. I know I need to be there but I don't know if I can get up that early."

"How about..." Applejack swallowed. "How about you stay the night?"

Surprised, Rainbow missed a flap. "Really?"

"Yeah. Then you'll be here on time. And you'll make sure Ah won't chicken out or anything."

Rainbow laughed lightly. "You're one of the bravest ponies I know. I think you'll be fine. It's just... I've never spent the night over at your house before. Sleeping with you... in a nonsexual way, I mean."

Applejack leaned forward, gripping Rainbow around the neck tightly. "It'll be fun. Ah imagine it's like cuddling, but better."

Rainbow sniffed. If there was a better thing than cuddling, she certainly didn't know about it. "Well, we'll see. As long as you don't snore or anything."

* * *

Applejack let out a grunt of pain as she was slammed into the ground.

"What're you...!"

Granny Smith walked up, a deep frown etched upon her face. "We don't like your kind here. You ain't got no right t' wear the mark of the Apple."

Applejack felt heavy weights land on her outstretched legs. She spun her head around to see ponies holding her down, and her brother walking up behind her, holding a large file in his mouth.

“Applejack!” Rainbow yelled. Applejack looked around frantically before she saw her marefriend. She was being held down by no less than seven ponies, complete with one on her back, holding her head up so she would have to watch. “No! Please! Applejack!” Tears were streaming down the pegasus’s face as she screamed her marefriend's name.

“Take her mark off, Mac,” Granny Smith ordered coldly.


Applejack struggled as hard as she could, lashing out. She managed to free one foreleg, and swung it forward powerfully to try and get some leverage and free her body as well.


Applejack's eyes flew open. She was still in her bed, it was still night outside, and she was next to Rainbow Dash, who was holding her muzzle as if she had just been hit. She gasped.

Rainbow patted her nose, checking for blood. "I kindub expected waking ub to your face to be a little... less painful," she said jokingly.

"Ah'm sorry! Ah just... Nightmare and..."

Rainbow had determined that she was not actually bleeding, and so leaned forward and pulled Applejack in close. She didn’t even have to ask what the nightmare was about. "Don't worry. It'll be fine. No matter what happens, you'll still always have me. If she accepts us, great! We'll have sex in your bed tonight. If she doesn't, great! We'll have sex in mine."

Applejack shoved Rainbow away. "What is it with you an’ bringin’ up sex all the time?" she demanded.

Rainbow Dash shrugged as best she could from her horizontal position. "Well, with a partner who looks like you, it's kindof hard not to. Besides, now you're not so nervous."

Rainbow was right. Applejack smiled and flicked her tail over, dropping on top of Rainbow's stomach. Together, they could face anything.

* * *

Morning came too soon for the two lovers. Rainbow Dash met Applejack’s eyes.

“It’s time,” she said.

Applejack nodded and took a steadying breath. It would be worth it.


Tails entwined, the two went downstairs.

Big Mac sat at the table, helping Apple Bloom with some last-minute homework. Granny Smith stirred the pancake batter, and it was a peaceful scene.

Too bad Applejack had come to drop a bombshell on it.

“Hey, everypony,” Applejack said. “Ah have an announcement to make.”

All three looked up at her.

“This is Rainbow Dash,” she said, gesturing to the pegasus. “And she’s my marefriend and super special somepony.”

Big Mac nodded in appreciation. Apple Bloom cocked her head. But Granny Smith...

Granny Smith’s face was an inscrutable mask as she slowly walked over to the two lovers. She frowned as she stopped in front of Applejack, reached up... and bopped her playfully on the head. “Well, it's about time, you two!” she said cheerfully.

Applejack said something along the lines of, “bwah?”

Granny Smith tapped her temple conspiratorially. “Ah'm more observant than you think! Ah’ve been watching you two sneak around for the better part of a year, and Ah’m glad ya finally trust us enough to come out.”

“So... You aren't mad?” Applejack asked slowly.

Granny Smith laughed and waved a hoof dismissively as she started to walk back to her pancakes. “Why would Ah be? Ah've had a few flings with other mares myself and if'n it makes you happy, then Ah say go for it. Why, there was this one mare in the summer of '69 and Ah gotta say, she was something else entirely!"

“So... you’re ok with this,” Rainbow Dash confirmed.

“Of course Ah am!” Granny Smith said. “Ah know how these things work. Ah can tell you two are inseparable. After all, there ain’t nothin’ that gets past Granny Smi-”

This boast was interrupted by the unfortunate occurrence of her falling down the cellar steps.

Granny called out, “Ah’m fine!”, but Applejack rushed downstairs anyway.

“That was... eventful,” Rainbow finally said.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said.

Apple Bloom, however, had a few more questions. “So are ya gonna be livin’ here from now on?”

“Probably not,” Rainbow admitted. “But I’m pretty sure I’ll be hanging around here more often.”

Apple Bloom giggled. “Scootaloo’s gonna be so jealous...”

* * *

Later, in the fields, brother and sister had a little bit of a heart-to-heart as they worked.

“Ah came out,” Applejack said.


“That means you’re comin’ clean too, right?”


“When?” Applejack asked. Her curiosity was just growing by the day.


Applejack kicked an apple at his head. “You’re insufferable.”

Big Mac chuckled. “Eeyup.”

* * *

Later that night, Applejack sat on her front porch, with a nice, tall glass of lemonade at her side. As much as she loved apples, sometimes there was a need for a change.

She squinted into the sun as she saw the shapes of two ponies walking up. One was definitely her brother, and the other was a little smaller.

Well, of course smaller, compared to Big Mac. But still.

Applejack tried to remain calm as she took another drink of her lemonade. Mac had come through, and she definitely wanted to make a good impression on his lover.

As much as she wanted that, she couldn’t keep a look of surprise off her face as the two shapes resolved into Macintosh and a little pied colt Applejack vaguely recognized from Nightmare Nights past. He seemed to be about Apple Bloom’s age. Perhaps younger. She relaxed slightly. He was probably here to work or something, and Big Mac was giving him the tour. After all, there's no possible way he woul-

“Hey, Applejack,” Mac said, pointing at the younger pony. “This here’s Pipsqueak. Says he’s here for a date.”

Applejack choked on her lemonade. The two male ponies watched as Applejack gagged and gasped for air.

Finally, she managed to regain her breath. “Pipsqueak? Him? That little colt is your coltfriend?”

The two male ponies looked at her, looked at each other, and looked back at Applejack before both simultaneously burst into uproarious laughter.

Applejack frowned. She didn't care much for being laughed at.

Pipsqueak looked as though he was at the point of tears. When he finally managed to get his laughter under control, he said, "Beggin' yor pardon, miss Applejack, but I’m straight and proud of it. Furthermore, I don't think I could survive a sensual encounter with your brother."

Big Mac chuckled. "Nope."

“I’m here for Apple Bloom.” Pipsqueak tapped his chin thoughtfully and cast an eye critically along Mac's body. "Come t' think o' it, a sensual encounter with yor sister would probably also lead to my untimely demise."

Big Mac chuckled again and ruffled his mane playfully, with just the barest hint of a threat. "Eeyup."

"Mac!" Apple Bloom's voice came from the window. "You ain't scarin' off Pipsqueak, are ya?"

“Nope!” Mac called back.

Apple Bloom came out of the house. Applejack could see that she had combed her mane and washed her bow. She blinked. This was relatively serious for her little sister.

“Bye!” she called as she ran past.

“Be home by ten, ya hear?” Applejack called.

“Ah will!” With that, the two smaller ponies left, with the two larger ponies watching them walk off into the setting sun.

Applejack felt her brother staring at her. She turned to see him, trying once again to hold back laughter.

“It ain’t funny! Ah really thought he was... ugh. Never mind. But you're gonna bring yer lover over soon, right?"

Big Mac nodded. "Ah did say Ah'd come out when you did."

"So...?" Applejack asked, giving her brother a gentle jab in the ribs. "Who's the lucky pony?"

"When th’ other pony is ready, Ah'll tell you."

"And will this other pony be ready soon?" Applejack pressed.

"When he's ready, Ah'll bring her over. He's a bit awkward, but she's very nice, so you'll have to promise to be nice to him back and not scare her too bad."

Applejack stomped a hoof angrily. "You're doing that on purpose!" she accused.

Big Mac laughed. "Ah've been waitin' almost a month t’ use that." Still smiling, he turned and walked away, leaving a frustrated Applejack behind.

* * *

Later that night, two ponies relaxed in Applejack's bed. Although Rainbow's offer of a fun time still technically stood, a few previous tests had determined that the walls were very, very thin; and so both were content with nonsexual contact for that night.

That didn't mean they weren't having fun, though.

From her position on Applejack's stomach, Rainbow held back a giggle as she finished, "So then she says, ‘Well, yeah. Where do you think I got the horseshoes?'"

Applejack burst out laughing. She hadn’t seen that one coming.

"Who says pegasi humor isn't universal?" Rainbow asked rhetorically. “I bet I could tell it at one of your family reunions and get a laugh.” She paused. “When is the next one, anyway?”

“Hmm. Every four years or so, so...” Applejack sat up. "Oh my," she whispered.

"What?" Rainbow asked, mildly annoyed that her safe haven had disappeared.

"Ah just realized somethin'."

"Was it about the first joke I told? Took you long enough to get it.”

"No. It ain't that. Ah just realized that the summer of '69 falls under a family reunion."

"So what?"

"That's when Granny Smith said she had a thing with a mare."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "And? You think she had sex with her cousin or something? That's..." Her eyes widened in horror. "That is exactly what she was saying, wasn't it?"

Applejack shuddered.

Rainbow tried to comfort her. "You don't know that. Maybe she missed the reunion that year. Maybe she was somewhere else and met somepony else."

"Granny Smith said she has never missed one."

Both lay there on the bed, mulling over this rather horrifying information.

“Welp," Applejack finally said. "Ah'm gonna go take an hour long cold shower.”

Rainbow shuddered. “I'd join you, but I can't think of showering together without thinking of sex, and right now I can't think of sex without thinking of Granny Smith.”

Applejack gagged. “Two hours,” she corrected herself.

Author's Note:

Also entitled, "The Incredibly Dirty Mind of Applejack".

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