• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 4,144 Views, 451 Comments

Awkward, But Worth It - bahatumay

Snippets of the lives of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Time and again, they discover that this phrase accurately describes falling in love, being in love, and life in general.

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That First Attempt to Lose Your Virginity

Author's note:
Please note that the rating is still Teen. Yes, this is intentional. I may push the line a bit, but I won’t cross it.
Hopefully. And if I do, I don't mean to.

Applejack fretted slightly as she checked the squash again. No. Definitely not done yet. And that made sense, as it had only been about fifteen seconds since she had checked it last, and squashes (squashi?) took longer than fifteen seconds to cook.

She sighed as she leaned back against the wall, dropping the mouthpad on the ground. She didn’t need to be so nervous, right? After all, ponies met to lose their virginity all the time. No need to worry.

Aw, who was she kidding? She was nervous and she knew it. And moreover, you only lost your virginity once. Applejack really wanted this to be special. Something she'd look back on and smile. A little bit of special time with the world's most special of ponies.

She jumped as there was a knock on the door. Straightening her apron, she walked over and opened it.

Rainbow stood on the doorstep, carrying a basket in her mouth. “‘m not too ‘ate, am I?” she asked, smiling around the handle.

She was joking, of course. She was there exactly five minutes before Applejack had said to show up. Applejack smiled. "Nope, and even if you were, Ah'd still let you in. This is our night, after all."

"Yeah," Rainbow said as she walked in. She set the basket down on the kitchen counter. "Our night. I kinda like the sound of that. Just us."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, but Ah’m still jumpy. Ah still think Ah'm going to hear Apple Bloom come rushing in."

"Nah. Rarity will have it covered while we have our fun." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "And we better have fun. I traded four hours of modeling for that favor."

Her words sounded harsh, but Applejack could see in her eyes that she would gladly have traded forty hours of modeling for this night. Rainbow Dash would never share it out loud, but she had been looking forward to this night, too.

So yeah. No pressure. None whatsoever.

Applejack's nervous thoughts were interrupted when Rainbow sniffed the air. "Is something burning?"

* * *

"Well, that doesn't bode well," Applejack muttered, staring at the blackened thing that had come out of the oven.

Rainbow lay a hoof comfortingly on her shoulder. "So the squash got a little toasty. So what? We still have the other stuff. And my garlic bread. And dessert. And by that I mean the actual dessert, not..."

Applejack flicked her tail in Rainbow's face, effectively quieting her. "Ah get it, Ah get it."

Within minutes, Applejack had salvaged what she could and served the rest of what had been prepared. The two sat down to eat, and as you might have expected, there was a bit of awkwardness. Not that dinner was bad; but it’s a little awkward to sit and eat next to the pony you plan on having sex with in a few minutes. It’s a combination of ‘I’d better not screw this up!’ and ‘does she want to do this as much as I do?’ and maybe a bit of ‘I don’t think I deserve her’.

Needless to say, the atmosphere needed a bit of an icebreaker, and Rainbow provided.

"Do you ever wonder why spaghetti got so popular as a date meal?" Rainbow asked, poking at her plate. "It's like impossible to eat without magic and it's messy."

Applejack smiled. "Maybe that's the point."

"Dumb point," Rainbow muttered as she tried and failed to scoop some onto her fork. "You got some sauce on your cheek."

"Ah do?"


There was silence for a while, but eventually, it clicked in Rainbow’s mind.

"Oh! Oh. You can't see it. I should get that for you, huh?"

Applejack sat primly as Rainbow Dash leaned over, and cleaned the spaghetti sauce off with one lick that was probably a lot slower than it needed to be. And the two that followed were probably unnecessary, too, but neither seemed to mind.

“Maybe spaghetti’s not so bad after all,” Rainbow said.

There followed one of those silent moments, the kind that's not awkward at all because you're just happy to be in the other pony's presence.

"Here," Rainbow said suddenly. "I'll let you try the bread first. I haven't even tried it yet." She opened the basket and pulled out a slice of her garlic bread. Feeling a little spontaneous, Rainbow held the plate in her mouth and offered it to Applejack, who smiled and took a bite.

Rainbow had been expecting a few different reactions. The one she hoped for the most was a, ‘Mmm, that’s good!’ and maybe a hug or something.

Shut up. Hugs feel good.

But what she got instead was Applejack gagging, spitting and coughing violently. To be honest, Rainbow felt crushed at this drastic rejection; but like she usually did, she played it off and hid it behind a joke. “You know, you could have just said you didn’t like it,” she said.

Applejack finally regained control of herself. “H- how much garlic did you put on that?” she gasped.

“Just what the recipe said. Half a clove of garlic.”

“That ain’t half a clove. If that’s half a clove Ah’ll eat a pear.”

“Yeah, it was just half that white thing.”

Applejack understood in an instant and exhaled. "No, Rainbow; that's a head of garlic. Those ya break into cloves. You were only supposed to add a clove, so that's like... let’s see...” She did a a little mental mathematics (that means she made a few numbers up) and continued, “Almost thirty times as much as you were 'apposed to."

“Oh. I guess this is why the salespony laughed at me and asked if I was afraid of vamponies." She paused. "It also explains why my entire house reeks of garlic now."

Applejack, despite the awful taste in her mouth, couldn't help but smile. "Well, at least you don't have to go back there tonight."

"Yeah, that's true.” Rainbow sighed, and her ears drooped with shame. “I’m really sorry, AJ. I had one job...”

“It’s fine,” Applejack said, drinking some cider to get the taste out of her mouth. “Ah burned the squash and overboiled the first set of noodles, so Ah can’t say anything.”

Rainbow laughed, helping dispel the awkwardness. “We can’t do anything right together, can we?”

“Nope,” Applejack agreed. “All we need now is somepony walking in on us.”

Rainbow glanced around the room. “That’s not going to happen, is it? No flight of shame for me tomorrow, right?"

Applejack shook her head. "Nah. Mac never goes into my room and Granny Smith's out of town, visiting cousins until next week."

Rainbow smiled. "And Rarity said she'd have the trio until ten or so, so I guess we're good."

"Ah'd say you're more than good," Applejack said, pulling Rainbow Dash close. Rainbow quickly returned the gesture, wrapping her forelegs around Applejack and nuzzling her shoulder.

Dinner lay forgotten as two ponies held each other, merely enjoying each other's company.

This tender moment was interrupted by a comment from Rainbow Dash.

"You know, I'd be a terrible porn star."

Applejack couldn't help but run an eye up and down Rainbow's body, and found herself disagreeing strongly with that statement. But she was in a good mood, so she answered with a much safer, "Why do you say that?"

"Because just being here next to you turns me all mushy and that's just... I don't like it."

Applejack smiled. "Your mouth is saying one thing, but your wings say another."

Rainbow looked back at her traitorous wings, but then her eyes lit up as the perfect thing to say occurred to her. "Oh yeah? Well, maybe you should try and get my mouth and wings to agree."

"Sounds like an invitation," Applejack said, leaning closer. She licked her lips, and the moisture helped her feel Rainbow's breath start to become a bit faster and a bit shallower.

"Maybe it was," Rainbow replied, leaning forward a bit too. She swallowed and leaned forward, tongue poised behind her upper teeth and ready to attack.

This for some reason reminded Applejack of that conversation with her brother and she couldn't help but laugh.

Rainbow pulled back slightly, feeling slightly hurt. “What’s so funny?” she asked. She didn't like being laughed at. Not at all.


Rainbow gave her a look, and Applejack cracked.

“Ok, remember how... no, you didn’t know...”


“After the first night Ah kissed you, Big Mac was teasin’ me about usin’ tongue. Ah said it was nasty.”

With (semi-)faux pride, Rainbow brushed some imaginary dust off of her coat. “Let me guess. That was before you kissed awesomeness incarnate, namely me.”

"Yep. And then Ah did, and Ah haven't regretted it since."

"Are you sure? Maybe you'd better try again."


There was a brief pause.

"We talk too much." And with that, Rainbow Dash went on the offensive, pushing herself up on Applejack's shoulders and coming down on her lips aggressively. One hind leg came up on the table as she braced herself, pushing down to get as close to the earth pony as possible. Applejack couldn’t help but close her eyes as she felt that familiar pressure (and accompanying familiar pleasure).

Rainbow kissed like she flew, fast and light and everywhere. She bounced from her forehead to her cheek to her lips back to her forehead. Her tongue brushed against her lips, pleading for entry, which Applejack was only too happy to provide.

Much to Applejack's surprise, Rainbow Dash quickly pulled away, coughing and wiping her tongue off with her hooves.

Needless to say, Applejack was a little bit confused--and a lotta bit hurt.

There was a lot of that going on tonight, wasn’t there?

Rainbow finally looked up and blushed. "Sorry. You taste like garlic. I really wasn't expecting that."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "That's your fault, you know."

"Yeah, but..." Rainbow really had no comeback for that.

Applejack laughed and placed a hoof over her mouth. "It's fine. I know where Granny keeps the mint leaves."

"And we should probably finish eating, anyway," Rainbow added.

* * *

Dessert was Applejack’s favorite part of dinner. Of course, it’s everypony’s favorite part of any meal, but Applejack had an experiment she wanted to try.

If you've never realized just how sensual eating can be, it's definitely an experiment to try. Applejack made sure she ate her dessert (apple pie with ice cream on top) with a lot more licking and tongue showing than usual, and Rainbow noticed.

Applejack noticed right back. Rainbow fidgeted a little more than usual, licked her lips every so often, occasionally bit her lower lip ever so briefly before her eyes darted away, and her tail kept flicking to one side.

Huh. Maybe Rarity's constant romantic drivel wasn't such a pile of horseapples after all.

Applejack hadn't even finished her slice of pie before Rainbow couldn't take it anymore.

"So I don't know about you, but I'm definitely feeling it."

"Oh yeah?" Applejack asked primly, deliberately licking the apple pie’s filling slowly.

"Yeah. Seriously. I'm half tempted to ask you to take me over the kitchen table right here, right now like the dirty little pegasus I am."

Applejack laughed. "Rainbow! You've been working on your dirty talk."

Rainbow grinned. "I've been trying. How'd I do?"

"In all honesty? Ah really am half tempted to take you over the kitchen table."

Rainbow leaned back on her haunches, shifting her hips up and letting her tail fall, which revealed much more than could be considered chaste. As she did so, her wings flared out in the universal pegasus symbol for arousal.”Why don’t you just try it?” she asked. No, on second thought, that was definitely an invitation.

Here it was. The time had come. She was finally going to have sex with Rainbow Dash.

So why were her hooves retreating? Why was she shifting her weight a bit further away? Why couldn’t she meet Rainbow’s eyes?

Rainbow noticed her hesitation. "What's stopping you?" she asked.

"Ah dunno, Ah... Ah can't help feelin' like something's gonna go wrong."

Rainbow cocked her head, but made no move to cover herself. "I love you, you love me, I can't see where anything could go wrong. What, you afraid the condom's gonna break or something?"

Applejack smacked her upside the head. "Be serious! And cover that!"

"There is no such thing as serious sex!" Rainbow protested, crossing her forelegs but leaving her rear ones where they were. "At least, I don't think there is..."

Applejack got up and walked over to the dark window. “Ah dunno... Ah just...” She let her voice trail off, not really sure where she was even going with this.

“Are we goin’ about this too quick?” she finally asked.

Rainbow paused. “Because we’ve known each other for like forever, I’m going to say no.”

Applejack looked out the window again, not really looking at anything. She stayed like that for a while, just staring.

Rainbow finally spoke. “Look, if you never try something, you’ll never do it.”

“Surely, your wisdom is astounding,” Applejack deadpanned.

“AJ, I’ve seen you scared. You’re not scared right now. You’re nervous. You think you’re gonna screw up and ruin everything. News flash: we do that all the time. We’re ponies. We mess up. That’s life. Sometimes you miskick the cloud. Yeah, it hurts when you get hit by the lightning, but hey, life goes on. Sometimes you just have to go with it.”

Applejack continued staring. “You might be right,” she finally said.

"I know I'm right." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Fine. Fine. I get it. You don't want to start. That's cool. I'll start." She got up and walked close to Applejack, who tensed slightly.

“Just relax,” Rainbow said as she ran a hoof down Applejack’s side, pausing only to draw a few circles around her cutie mark. “It’s not like Rarity is going to come bursting in here, complaining that the Crusaders flooded her basement and now need a place to stay while she tries to salvage her dresses.”

Applejack cracked a smile. “You’re right,” she said, taking a deep breath and letting herself relax, which didn’t last very long as Rainbow’s hoof found its way over to her croup. She felt her heart race and her tail lift instinctively, and for once, she wasn’t ashamed.

Rainbow may have been loud, brash, and a whole host of other things, but Applejack truly trusted her.

That's when she knew.

She was ready.

She looked over at Rainbow and nodded. There was no need for words between them now.

It started out with a nuzzle, then a gentle kiss, then a short little lick, and then escalated quickly as Applejack accepted Rainbow’s tongue’s request. Back and forth they went, fighting with tongues, hooves, and in Rainbow’s case, wings; each vying for dominance, each fiercely competing but neither seemed to mind it when she was losing. Suddenly, Rainbow pulled back, reared up, and pushed Applejack down to the ground. Before Applejack could react or even catch her breath, Rainbow slowly began drawing circles with her hoof, starting on her chest and descending slowly. Applejack couldn't help but arch her back slightly and lick her lips in anticipation.

Some observers have the view of the Equestrian universe as a happy place, full of cheer and joy and... well... happiness, and where everything is butterflies and rainbows.

This is simply not true. The Equestrian universe is just as much a sadistic bastard as ours is.

Rainbow Dash’s hoof was three inches away from Applejack’s nipple line when a loud series of raps sounded on the door. Both ponies froze.

“Please tell me that's the wind," Applejack whispered.

"There’s no storm scheduled for tonight," Rainbow whispered back. "Just sunny skies all week long. Maybe they'll go away."

Applejack sagged as the knocking was repeated, but quicker and with more urgency.

"You're gonna get it, huh?" Rainbow didn't even have to phrase it as a question.

She nodded, rolling over and standing up and in doing so, accidentally brushed her tail across a fairly sensitive piece of Rainbow's anatomy, causing her to inhale sharply.

"What?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing," Rainbow said too quickly.

She highly doubted that was true, but when the knocking came a third time, she turned and headed for the door. When she opened it, she was surprised and yet not to see Rarity, mane dripping wet, with three very soggy (and apologetic-looking) Crusaders.

Rarity opened her mouth to explain, but Applejack cut her off. “Wait, wait. Don’t tell me,” Applejack said flatly. “They flooded the basement and now they need a place to stay.while you try and salvage your dresses.”

Rarity was taken aback. “However did you know?” she asked.

“Ah have my ways.”

* * *

Applejack had bathed, fed (no apple pie for Cutie Mark Crusaders Dress Destroyers), and sent the crusaders to bed (Cutie Mark Crusaders Sleepover! Yay!) and was in bed herself by the time Rainbow Dash returned. She walked in slowly, bringing the faint smell of wet mane.

“How’d it go?” Applejack asked, scooting over so that Rainbow would have plenty of room.

Rainbow Dash literally jumped into bed, landing on her stomach and judging by the relieved sigh she let out, had no intention of ever leaving. “‘Bout as good as you’d think," she mumbled around the pillow on her face. "She actually managed to save most of them, so it’s not too bad. Took forever, though.”

Applejack nodded.

The two lay in silence for a while.

“Hey, Ah’m sorry about earlier,” Applejack said. “Ah really wanted it to be a special night and all. And we didn’t even get to do what we planned on doing.”

Rainbow Dash made a noncommittal grunt, but shifted her weight so one of her rear legs was on top of Applejack’s, and flicked her tail over so the two were touching before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Applejack smiled as she listened to Rainbow’s smooth breathing. Sometimes, it’s the little things that are the most important.

And besides. There was always next time.

Author's Note:

Did someone say vamponies? #shamelessselfpromotion
I almost put in a scene where Rarity commented on being able to smell the arousal in the air, but then I decided that even if she had (and I think she would), she would have been smart enough (or distracted enough) to not mention it in front of the Crusaders, who seemed to serve no point in this chapter except to ruin their night.
Ah well. Maybe we'll see more of them next time. And maybe next time, AJ and RD will be able to finish what they started.

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