• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 4,131 Views, 74 Comments

My Little Alchemist: Friendship is NOT Science - AppleJack96

During a battle with Father, Ed and Al are transported to a different world where there Alchemy is considered Magic and Friendship is more important than science! Can they ever fit in and will they ever get home?

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Chapter 10: Introductions

Ed and Twilight wandered through the small slum town, Twilight pulled the jacket tighter around herself as a light breeze began to raise the hem above her knees. Ed suddenly stopped and lead her to a tiny shop on the left side of the street, which sold a multitude of fabrics in almost every colour imaginable

Ed paid around 30 Cenz for a roll of purple fabric and some leather scraps, and carried them out to a nearby alley

A quick clap and flash of blue later and there was a long lilac gown decorated with Twilight's Cutie mark, and pair of leather slippers

"Put those on" Said Ed, turning away and guarding the end of the alley while she changed

"Done" Twilight announced, Ed turned around and admired his handiwork

"You look pretty good" Said Ed smiling cockily

A loud boom shook the floor, and Ed turned he looked towards the forest, where flames were licking the skyline

"Dammit" Said Ed "Twilight you stay here, I have to go help Al and Heinkel"

"But Ed..." Twilight began

"No time to argue, just wait here" Interrupted Ed, he pulled her into a hug and ran off towards the flames

"Princess!" Shouted Rarity, as the her and the other four elements ran into the throne room behind her

"Whatever is the matter?" Asked Celestia

"Where's Twilight?" Demanded Rainbow Dash

"She sent herself through the gate and is currently residing in Amestris with Edward" Replied Celestia calmly

"Amestris?" Asked Applejack

"Edward's homeland" Said Celestia "She has gone to assist Edward on the promised day"

"The Promised Day, What's that" Asked Fluttershy her voice barely audible

"The Promised Day is when an evil man plans to open his world's gate, and absorb the power of their God" Replied Celestia

"Is there any way we can help?" asked Pinkie, speaking up for the first time, having been bouncing around the throne room

"The best way you could help is to get spike up here, and bring the elements, the five of you can stay in the sun tower until The Promised Day is over" The Sun Goddess rose from her seat "Now if you would like to follow me I will show you to your temporary quarters"

"AL!" Ed yelled as he slid into the clearing, smoke and flames choking the cool night air around him, he saw spike of shadow heading straight for him and dodged with milliseconds to spare

"Stay back Edward" said Hoenheim throwing an arm out infront of Ed

"Why should I?" Ed asked "my brother needs help!"

"I'm sorry but this was his idea" said Hoenheim, red lightning crackled around his feet and large chunks of stone raised from the floor and encompassed Al and Pride

"NO!" cried Pride and launched his shadows in Hoenhiem's direction just as the hole in the dome sealed, and the spears faded to nothing

"Why did you do that?!" Shouted Ed, Hoenheim looked at him shoo his head and walked off

"Where are you going you B*****d?!" Cried Ed "what about Al?"

Hoenhiem turned back and Ed could see the tears in his eyes, "I didn't want to do it, but it was the only way" Said Hoenheim "and besides it was his idea"

"and what happened to Gluttony" Asked Ed, struggling to remain calm

"Pride absorbed him to gain his powers" Said a rough voice behind Ed, who turned and saw Heinkel, a small cut on his forehead bleeding profusely

"Maybe we should discuss this back in town" Said Ling, dropping from the only tree in the clearing that wasn't on fire

"Agreed, but first we need to snuff these flames" Said Ed, he clapped his hands and smacked the against the floor the air around them seemed to get thin for a few seconds, and all the flames went out "there now we can go"

Twilight walked along the main street a bag of fruits hung loosely on her left elbow, those being the only things she had see that she recognized as food, she heard yelling from a small food bar by the side of the road, she turned to see who it was and, she saw Ed arguing with an older man that looked just like Ed, if he were taller and had a beard, whom she assumed must be his father


"I had no choice he asked me to do it" Said Hoenheim, calmly

"umm.. hello?" Said Twilight

"Oh hi Twilight" Said Ed rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed

"Oh hello" Said Hoenheim "I suppose you must be a friend of Edward's?"

"Umm... yeah" Said Twilight nervously

"No need to be worried" Said Hoenheim "I'm Ed's father, my name is hoenheim, May I ask yours?"

"Yes my name is Twilight Sparkle, I am a princess where I come from" Twilight Said

"Interesting, Ed seems to be meeting a quite a few members of royal families recently" Said Hoenheim "are you from Xing"

"No, I'm from a land know as Equestria" Said Twilight

"Oh... Hmm... How's Celestia" Said Hoenheim

"Wait you know Princess Celestia?" Asked Twilight puzzled

"Why yes, Truth introduced me when I was younger, after I accidentally became Immortal as I recall" Said Hoenheim his brow ridged in concentration, attempting to recall the exact conversation

"How come you never mentioned this before?" Said Ed

"It never seemed Important" Said Hoenheim, he turned back to Twilight "now you say you are a princess of Equestria, this means you have passed through the gate, passing the gate from the Equestria side provides the knowledge of advanced magic, and the basic principles of Alchemy. These two combined should allow you to do Alchemy without a circle and without clapping your hands as Ed does, try thinking about something you know really well and touch this stone"

Twilight closed her eyes and put a hand on the stone and closed her eyes, she concentrated on Ed's pony form that she had grown accustomed to, there was a flash of purple light that shone even through her closed eyelids and she opened her eyes, there in front of her, on Hoenheims palm, was a statuette of herself and Edward when they were In Equestria together

"Wow that's amazing" said Ed leaning forward in his chair to get a closer look, he couldn't believe the detail in the statuette, all the markings on his jacket were present and correct

"Dammit, now somebody else has my power, and to top it off she bettered it!" Yelled Ed, Twilight couldn't help but smile as he said this, Ed seemed to deflate where he sat, and sat in silence for a few moments and then a a thought occurred to him, "If that's the case would I not be able to do the same since I went through both ways I have knowledge of both advanced alchemy and advanced magic?"

"It's possible" Mused Hoenheim, Ed bent down to the ground and touched his palms on the floor he then raised them from the floor pulling with it a small stone dagger

"Oh man this is awesome, I can't wait to show Al when he gets out" Said Ed

"I do however doubt that Alphonse will possess this knowledge due to the fact that only a certain amount of memory can be bound to the armour and Truth would not stop his memory working purely to provide him with extra power" Said Hoenheim

"That makes sense" Said Ed "but is it possible that these memories may become entangled between, I mean it almost seems that I am providing his body with the basic Nutrition and sleep it needs, I know I've seen it"

"I don't know the only way to find out for certain is to get his body back and see" Said Hoenheim

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long my laptop has broken down and I have to work on this on the home PC, which I hardly ever get to use, I will hopfully have my laptop back soon and will be updating more frequently, but for now you will have to make do with the limited flow

I do hope you like this chapter and next chapter will be in central fighting the Puppet Soldiers

once again thanks for putting up with the long update time :twilightsmile: