• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 4,131 Views, 74 Comments

My Little Alchemist: Friendship is NOT Science - AppleJack96

During a battle with Father, Ed and Al are transported to a different world where there Alchemy is considered Magic and Friendship is more important than science! Can they ever fit in and will they ever get home?

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Chapter 7: Return Home for the Promised Day

Ed awoke to a quiet house, the darkness shrouded the room he had slept in like a blanket, save for a slit of brilliant white moonlight coming through a crack in the curtains. He raised a hoof to brush his hair back out of his eyes, and then used both hooves quickly put his hair into a ponytail, as he could not be bothered to carefully plait it

He gave a large yawn and raised himself from the bed, stretching his legs and wings as he went, he staggered into the hall and down the stairs to the only tap in the whole farmhouse, he filled a bucket with freezing cold water and plunged his head into it, hair and all, and held it there for a few seconds while he thought about what a mess his life was, he had been ripped from his home country, scratch that, his home world, and sent to this strange world

he carefully raised his head from the bucket, picked up a towel that was kept near the tap and dried his his face and hair, as he turned he saw Applejack standing just outside the house staring up into the sky

"You OK?" he asked, as he sat beside her

"Yea' Ah'm fine" She replied, sighing

"you sure?" Asked Ed

"Sure as Ah'm the Element of Honesty" Said Applejack

"OK" Sighed Ed "I kinda have to go, I need to speak to Twilight about what happened last night"

"Sure, jus' don't forget where we are, It's nice to have a visitor ever' once in a while" Replied Applejack, smiling

Ed turned and left Sweet Apple Acres, once onto the main road he sped up to a gallop, heading for town, the moon hanging at the centre of the sky above him, illuminating the road ahead, he slowed to a trot upon arriving in town his hooves clopping gently on the cobbled streets

When he arrived at the library he knocked carefully, pale blue aura surrounded the door and it opened revealing Princess Cadence, Twilight was sat at a nearby desk, her head in her hooves

"Who is it?" Asked Twilight her voice muffled by the desk she was leaning on

"It's me" Said Ed, Twilight raised her head at his voice and turned to face him, there were dark rings around her eyes and it was obvious she had not slept

Ed walked over to her and put his 'flesh and blood' hoof around her shoulders "I'm sorry Twilight, I was just confused yesterday night, I had no idea what to think" He pulled her in for a hug

"It's OK, It was a bit sudden" muttered Twilight, She looked ready to cry

"But today I had a dream, It was a strange dream, you and my childhood friend were there, you were both looking at me and I was confused, both of you confessed love for me, but in the end I chose you" Said Ed, Twilight gave him a confused look, He sighed and continued "I have never really been good with words, so I'll let Cadence tell you what I was trying to say"

"He feels the same Twilight, but as he just said, he really isn't good with words, I only know this because I am the princess of love, so I can tell" Said Cadence, smiling

Twilight threw her hooves around Ed, and pulled him in for a kiss, the difference was, this time both parties were enjoying it, rather than being nervous

"Really Ed?" Asked Twilight

"Really" Replied Ed

"Um... Twilight?" Said Al, sticking his head round the door frame, ruining Ed and Twilight's moment "Spike has a letter for you" He said, sheepishly

Spike walked into the room carrying a scroll, Al following close behind, A purple aura surrounded the letter and it moved just inches away from Twilight's nose as she read it aloud "To my dearest student Twilight Sparkle, I have recently heard from Princess Cadence. She sent me a letter informing me about your feelings for a certain somepony and I am pleased for you. However I will have to warn you, Truth says he must return home before the promised day, It is however entirely up to him if he wishes to return to Equestria afterwards and Truth will send him back if that is his wish, yours faithfully Princess Celestia"

Twilight dropped the scroll, tears began to form at the corners of her eyes, and she threw her hooves around Ed's neck, he placed a hoof carefully around her back and held her close, "Don't worry, we'll be back before you can say All is One and One is All..." his voice trailed off as he began to fade from between her forelegs

She fell to her haunches, "All is One and One is All" She said to herself and began to cry

Ed fell to his knees and pushed himself up with his left arm, he was in Winry's room, he could recognise the smell of Auto-Mail oil anywhere, he stretched out his right leg and left arm, he then gathered some metal from about the room and clapped one hand against a metal hoof and bought them down on the gathered metal, blue lightning flashed and his arm and leg were returned to full length and size, his fingers and toes all back as they should be

He flexed each finger and toe in turn to make sure he had made the connections properly, afterwards he turned his attentions to Al who had not moved since they arrived back, he rolled the metal shell over and the light was gone from the eye holes "Al, AL! Wake up for Celestia's sake!" He Yelled, He then covered his mouth, Had he really just said that?

Ed than clapped and turned some of Winry's older clothing into clothes that would fit him, for as It was he was standing as naked as the day he was born, and anyone could come barging through the door, after pulling on the new clothes, he transmuted Al's pony shaped armour back into it's usual form, the lights came back on behind the eye holes and Al raised his form from the floor

"Brother, I saw my body!" Cried Al "It was there I could have taken it! But taking it would mean abandoning you when you need me the most"

"Thanks for not leaving me Al" Said Ed

"I will never leave you, as long as you need me, I'll be here" Said Al, and although Ed Could not see a smile he knew it was there

"Right, first things first we need to get to Central, then we need to go to the Third Laboratory and find that Bearded B******d, and stop him so we can get back to Equestria" Said Ed

Al looked at him and nodded "Right, let's get going then"

As the two ran from the house to the train station, Ed was still lost in thought 'don't worry Twilight I'm coming back for you'

Author's Note:

I refuse to write swears, I am a gentleman of few talents I shall admit, but I refuse to swear when I am writing, hence the part where I wrote

'then we need to go to the Third Laboratory and find that Bearded B******d'

rather than what Ed would have said If this were contained in some sort of official Fullmetal publication.

also I will write a little bit about what is happening In Equestria while the Amestrians are fighting Father, I will also re-write the fight against Father to a certain extent, all the main plot points will still be there I just want to make it follow more in line with my story...