• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 4,131 Views, 74 Comments

My Little Alchemist: Friendship is NOT Science - AppleJack96

During a battle with Father, Ed and Al are transported to a different world where there Alchemy is considered Magic and Friendship is more important than science! Can they ever fit in and will they ever get home?

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Chapter 4: Parties and Living Arrangements

Upon arriving back at Ponyville Ed, Al and Twilight were met with a huge party, courtesy of a certain pink earth pony mare

"Wow" Said Al "it's been such a long time since anyone has thrown a party in our honour"

"Guys, you need to act like you are one of us" Whispered Twilight

"How do you mean?" Asked Ed

"You need to say, anypony where you would normally say anyone, otherwise it will arouse suspicion, the same with everyone and everypony" Said Twilight quietly

"HiI'mPinkiPiewhat'syourname" said a hyperactive Pink pony next to them

"Uh... What?" Asked Al

"She said her name is Pinkie Pie, and asked who you are" said a blue, rainbow-maned, pegasus who was hovering above them "oh and by the way I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all Equestria, and future wonderbolt"

"I'm Edward, but I would prefer if you called me Ed" Said Ed

"And I'm Alphonse, his younger brother, I prefer to be called Al" Said Al

"Cool" Said Rainbow "So do you guys have somewhere to stay in town?"

"Oh, yeah that reminds me, sorry gotta go!" Said Ed hurriedly, befor running off into the crowds

"Where's that Rarity Pony?" thought Ed, he picked up his pace, weaving through the crowd, he eventually found her in a heated conversation with an orange mare in a Stetson, while a pale yellow pegasus hovered above them, looking rather worried about the argument

"Rarity!" shouted Ed as he got closer,

Rarity stopped talking and turned to face Ed, as the blonde coated colt attempted to stop and fell, face first onto the footpath at her hooves

"Who are you?" asked the orange mare, her tone still rather angry because of the arguement

"I'm Edward, but most ponies call me Ed" Said Ed, as he rose to his hooves, Rarity dusting his jacket with her magic as he stood "I could ask you the same question"

She looked him over, she could not however see his wings, as they were folded beneath his jacket, "A new unicorn in town, huh, wonder how Twi'll take it, Ah'm Applejack by the way, some like to call me AJ, but Ah prefer Applejack"

"Twilight said I was an alicorn"Ed pointed out

"But an alicorn has wings and a horn" Retorted Applejack

"Oh, then what are these" Said Ed as he flexed his wings and gave them an experimental flap, having not actually tried to use them before he found it strange how instinctive he found it

"Oh my, that makes a total of five alicorns on the planet" said the yellow mare, speaking so quietly that ed only just managed to hear her

"And the only known alicorn stallion!, you mustn't forget that Fluttershy " Said Rarity, speaking up for the first time having given up dusting Ed's jacket after his wings had moved it

" Rarity, me, my brother and Twilight need to speak to you" Said Ed

"Sorry Girls, must dash, we can finish this up tomorrow"

When Ed and Rarity arrived back to the group Al was standing off to one side, while Pinkie was dancing a strange quick dance that caused her to leap from side-to-side, while waving one of her front hooves in the air as though it were a lasso, Twilight was face-hoofing and Rainbow was nowhere to be seen, Spike however had turned up and was dancing alongside Pinkie

"Hey, brother you're back" Said Al

"Hey, Twilight is there anywhere the four of us could go privately" Asked Ed

"But of course, we could use the Boutique" said Rarity

When the four arrived, Rarity waved them into the kitchen and took a seat at the table

"Now what is it that you need me for?" asked Rarity

"We need someplace to stay" Said Ed "And this shop is right on the exit to the gate, this mean is anyone follows us through then you could be in danger"

"However if we stay here you would have two extra sets of hooves about the place and we could keep an an eye out for people we know crossing through the gate" Said Al

"Hmm... well I could use the extra help, what with work and then looking after Sweetie Belle, I hardly get any time to just pamper my self" Said Rarity 'And the shorter one is kind of handsome' she added in her head "If you could look after Sweetie Belle, I would allow it"

"Well then it's settled" said Twilight "you two can stay here as long as you help Rarity, look after Sweetie Belle"

"Sounds good to me" Said Ed, smiling "Al loves young ones"

"Well guys, I need to hit the hay" Said Twilight, yawning "I'll see you all in the morning" And she left

Later that night Ed lay on one of the spare beds Rarity had, His eyes shut, trying to sleep, but a single memory kept playing in his head

"Welcome Edward Elric, when you are let out of here you will be in a land called Equestria" Said Truth Smiling At Ed " when you arrive you should immediately seek audience with the Princesses

"what do you mean Equestria?, and why do I have a hoof instead of a hand? and why do you look like a horse?" Asked Ed

"One: you are among the first Humans to completely traverse the gate and as such you have ended up in a new land, two: to compensate for this I have, made your body that of the locals, and three: because I mimic your body shape and form I too have taken on this form" Replied Truth

"Makes sense, but why am I here?" Asked Ed

"Because you have successfully traversed the gate" Said Truth "You did however faint about half way through so you will not recall any of the knowledge that I had to offer"

"But..." Ed began

It's to late your time is up, just remember see the princesses, Shorty!" Shouted Truth the Portal began to fade from Ed's vision slowly being replaced with a small colourful shop where two ponies stood shocked by his sudden appearance...

'these last two days have been so weird' he thought to himself 'But I wouldn't have missed it for all of both worlds'

Author's Note:

So finally I have gotten round to the part in which Truth briefly explains Equestria, Next chapter will be a blast from the past for Ed as somepony he thought long dead comes back, but who? Feel free to guess in the comments, I will attempt to have the next chapter up by Wednesday but can't make any promises :applejackunsure: