• Published 5th Apr 2013
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Dueling is Magic! Many Futures - Wolfgang

When a man called the Black King threatens the balance across dimensions, Twilight and her friends must travel to Neo Domino City and battle for the fate of all worlds!

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Chapter 37: Thorns of a Rose

Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 37
Thorns of a Rose


The sun hovered over the west horizon. Yellow light splashed itself across the streets of Neo Domino City from between the buildings. A breeze pushed a stray paper along the sidewalk. It found itself plastered to Fluttershy’s face. She screamed through the paper and started swatting at it with her hooves.

“Get it off! Get it off!” she cried.

“Okay, okay! Hold still, Fluttershy!” said Aki. She reached down and grabbed the paper from Fluttershy’s face.

“Thanks, Aki,” said Fluttershy. “I’m sorry. I get scared really easily.”

“It’s okay, Fluttershy,” said Aki. She wadded up the paper and put it into a nearby trashcan. “You don’t have to worry about anything while I’m here, okay? Don’t be scared.”

“I’ll... try,” said Fluttershy. She hid her face in her mane.

“Fluttershy, I know it’s dangerous, but I think we should go back to the base,” said Aki. “There might be some people trapped inside that need our help.”

“But Aki,” Fluttershy said, “it’s getting dark. Don’t you think we should find some shelter first?”

“It’s just the two of us right now, Fluttershy. We need more people with us. Don’t worry; so long as we’re quiet and careful, we won’t have to deal with any Dark Troopers.”

“But what if we do run into Dark Troopers?” Fluttershy asked.

“Then I’ll deal with them,” she said. “I can handle them well enough. Okay?”

Fluttershy nodded timidly.

“Then let’s go,” said Aki. She ran off and Fluttershy fluttered after her.

It wasn’t long before they arrived at the base. An unusually dark cloud hung over the entire facility and the windows appeared black as pitch. There was no one visible inside the fence. The entire area seemed devoid of life. Even the grass appeared to have withered away in the darkness.

“I don’t like this, Aki,” said Fluttershy. “It’s too quiet, even for me.”

“You might be right,” said Aki, “but we have to try to find someone on our side.”

“The Dark Troopers have the base, Aki,” said Fluttershy. “I don’t think there’s anyone left on our side.”

“What about my patients?” Aki replied. “I can’t just leave them in there.”

“I... guess you’re right,” said Fluttershy.

Aki and Fluttershy moved along the fence until they found a small side gate. Aki quickly pushed several buttons on the keypad and unlocked the gate. Aki ran through while Fluttershy hovered soundlessly behind her. They reached a door and slipped inside.

Despite being near a window, the hall was black as night. Aki pulled a square device from her bag and tapped it with her fingers twice. A bright light appeared on the side facing away from her that lit up the hallway several feet ahead of them.

“Stay close to me,” said Aki. Fluttershy gulped and nodded in response. Aki started walking slowly, holding the device ahead of her to light the way. “The infirmary shouldn’t be too far from where we are,” she said. “We just need to get there to find out if everyone is okay.”

Aki turned a corner, then immediately ducked back around the wall and covered the light with a hand. Fluttershy didn’t make a sound.

They waited. After a moment, they heard a door open and shut. Aki peered around the corner with her light again. There was nothing but the double doors to the infirmary.

“I saw shapes,” she muttered to Fluttershy. “It must have been Dark Troopers. They probably went in there.”

“Aki, we should get out of here,” said Fluttershy. But Aki was already moving again. Fluttershy fluttered after her.

Aki reached the doors and opened one as soundlessly as she could. She urged Fluttershy in, then slid in after her. She eased the door shut, then turned around and pulled her light out of her pocket.

The two companions gasped at what they saw.

Every bed that contained one of Aki’s patients was still occupied. Only now, each one was surrounded by a shimmering black nexus. The substance of the lines looked somewhere between liquid and billowing cloud. Aki ran to one of the beds.

“Well done getting in here, Aki,” said a gruff voice. Aki and Fluttershy spun to the left. Two figures stepped forward. “But then, we knew you’d come, didn’t we?”

“That we did, Ushio,” said a woman, her accent thick. “Perhaps we should not have made it so easy, though. I would like to have worn her down first.”

“Ushio! Sherry!” said Aki.

“In case you haven’t figured it out,” said Ushio, “this was a trap. And you walked right into it.”

“Why?” Aki said. “Why would you betray us, Ushio?”

“Sherry,” he said. “She showed me the light. Or should I say, she showed me the Darkness.”

“Jack was right to distrust me,” said Sherry. “I was planted here, as were the Dark Troopers that were captured in the siege. We waited for the moment when we would be ordered to strike.”

“That moment came,” said Ushio, “when Jack was defeated in a duel and returned to his senses. The Seed of Darkness had grown wild in him, but burned out prematurely. Sherry heard her orders... and showed them to me.”

“Traitor!” shouted Aki. She pulled her Duel Disk out from beneath her coat and strapped it to her wrist.

“There’s no call for that,” said Ushio. Water flooded the room. Aki looked down as black water sloshed around her feet.

“Fluttershy, go!” shouted Aki. “Get help! Find the others!”

“What about you?” Fluttershy asked frantically.

“Just GO!” Aki shouted. Fluttershy squeaked and flew through the double doors, bolting out of the building like lightning. Aki sighed and turned back to her enemies. The water was rising higher and higher.

“I summon-” she started to say, but her words were cut off by the water. Ushio and Sherry smiled at her.


Aki was laying on the floor when she awoke. She quickly looked around. She was in a hallway, but couldn’t tell which one. It was very dimly lit and seemed familiar to her... but not as familiar as Home Base. This was something else, somewhere else.

Aki slowly picked herself up from the floor. She looked around again, but still couldn’t make out much. A landscape painting hung from a wall. A cushioned bench sat a little further ahead. A dead plant sat withering in its pot next to Aki. The sight of the plant made Aki shudder, but she didn’t know why.

She looked down one end of the hall and decided to move. She walked and walked, taking in her darkened surroundings as best she could. As she walked, the hall became more and more dilapidated. The walls were wrinkled with water damage and mold. Plants were overtaking the floor and the walls as well. Vines were creeping up the walls and wrapping themselves around the benches. Further along, thick roots were breaking through the walls. Aki found it increasingly hard to walk.

She stopped. Before her was a massive black branch covered in thorns stretching across the hall. It had burst through one wall and pierced the one across from it. Her breath came up short, but she shook her head and decided to keep going. She moved underneath the black branch and carefully crossed to the other side. The roots stretching across the floor were getting thicker. Her footing was unsure and it took all of her concentration to keep from falling.

Lush green vines continued to spread across the walls and barred access to the doors that Aki found, but she now saw something else on them. Roses were in bloom, but their petals seemed wrong. They were a deep crimson, but mottled with black spots and streaks.

A light at the end of the hall suddenly flashed into existence. Aki’s reflexes made her raise her hand to her eyes, but she continued on after only a moment’s hesitation.

Her eyes adjusted to the light as she entered the huge room. The ceiling had been greatly damaged and sunlight streamed in through the gaping holes and cracks. There was a raised platform in the center, overrun with vines. Aki carefully climbed the steps to the platform. On the far side, basking in a ray of light, she saw an enormous, bright red rose bud. It began to unfold its petals. Aki gasped as the inside of the blossom revealed itself. Though the outer petals were bright red, the inner petals were as black as night. A figure stepped out of the blossom. Aki’s eyes widened in horror. The figure standing before her wore loose, black robes. Beneath the hood of the robe was a stark white mask with glaring, blank eyes.

“Who are you?” Aki demanded.

“Do you not recognize me?” the figure asked. Though muffled somewhat by the mask, the voice was unmistakably Aki’s own.

“What is this place?” Aki asked.

“Do you not remember?” the figure asked in return. “This is where you first accepted yourself. This is the Academia dueling stage where you first manifested your powers to hurt others. Do you remember? The social awkwardness, the whispers and rumors, the building rage... the rage bursting forth into the power of the Duel Monsters themselves.”

“My first rampage...” Aki said. The figure nodded.

“You enjoyed making your tormentors suffer so,” she said. “You began to see that pain is part of who you are. Everyone enjoys sharing their most cherished aspects with others. Yours is pain. It has always been pain.”

“I never wanted to be in pain!” Aki yelled.

“Not at first, no,” the figure said. “But you were immersed in it, embraced by it. Your father hated you-”

“He was sorry for what he did!”

“That doesn’t change that he hurt you, called you a monster, and struck you because he couldn’t understand. And your mother stuck by his side instead of rushing to your defense, didn’t she? Your were scorned by one, abandoned by the other, then betrayed by them both when they sent you away instead of owning up to their mistakes. But it wasn’t until that duel that you truly saw how much pain had woven itself into who you are. You shared your pain with so many people that day, didn’t you?”

Aki remained silent.

“I said that pain embraced you. You returned its embrace.”

“I’m not that person anymore!” Aki yelled. “I put on the mask because I couldn’t deal with the guilt on my own, but Yusei broke the mask!”

“A piece still remains in your heart,” said the cloaked figure. “The seed of darkness is in everyone. Yours will grow and bloom into a beautiful black rose. You will always be the Black Rose Witch.”

“I refuse to believe that!” Aki shouted.

“You created me to deal with the guilt,” said the Witch, “and that makes me stronger than you. Shall I prove it to you?” She raised her arm and pulled back the sleeve of the robe. A Duel Disk appeared on her right arm. The body was shaped like a black rose in full bloom. The blade was divided into sections, each one shaped like a rose petal, but with a sharp edge on the outside. Small thorns protruded at different angles from the wrist brace of the Disk.

Aki’s Duel Disk appeared on her left arm and she moved it into its active position.


Life Point Count
Black Rose Witch: 4000
Aki: 4000

“I will go first,” said the Witch. She drew a card with her left hand and held it above her. “First I activate ‘Foolish Burial,’ which sends one monster from my deck to the Graveyard. Now I summon ‘Evil Thorn’ to the field.” A withered plant rose from the roots and vines covering the duel stage On one side hung a pitiful pink blossom. On the other hung a black pod covered in thorns.

Evil Thorn
ATK / 100
LV 1

“I activate ‘Evil Thorn’s’ effect. By Releasing it, I can inflict three hundred points of damage to your Life Points and Special Summon two more ‘Evil Thorns’ from my deck in Attack Mode. However, their effects cannot be activated.” The black pod exploded, sending thorns out in every direction. Several struck Aki, tearing at her sleeves and leaving a cut on her cheek. Two embedded themselves into the ground and quickly grew into two more withered plants.

“I Set four cards face-down and end my turn,” said the Witch. “Fight me if you think you can.”

“My turn!” shouted Aki, swiping a card from the top of her deck.

Player: Aki
LP: 3700
Hand: 6

“I activate ‘Fragrance Storm,’ which destroys one Plant-Type monster on the field and lets me draw a card,” said Aki. “If the card I draw is a Plant-Type monster, I can reveal it to draw another card.” One of the ‘Evil Thorns’ was engulfed in a whirlwind and shredded by the air currents. Aki drew a card, glanced at it, then showed it to the Witch. “The card I drew is the Plant-Type ‘Rose Fairy,’ so I can draw another card.

“Now I activate the effect of ‘Rose Fairy,’ ” Aki continued. “If it’s added to my hand by a card effect, I can Special Summon it to my field!”

“Continuous Trap, ‘Rose Flame,’ ” said the Black Rose Witch. “Each time a Plant-Type monster is Summoned to your field, you will take five hundred points of damage.”

A small pink fairy with big red eyes and a rose blossom atop its head appeared before Aki. A burst of fire erupted from the Trap Card on the opposite side of the field and hit her in the chest. Unfazed, she continued to play.

“I Summon the Tuner monster ‘Copy Plant,’ ” said Aki. A tangled mass of roots and branches emerged from the ground before Aki. Gleaming in the darkness within the roots were two green eyes. Another burst of fire struck Aki.

Rose Fairy
ATK / 600
LV 3

Copy Plant
ATK / 0
LV 1

“I activate ‘Copy Plant’s’ effect,” said Aki. “Once per turn, it can copy the Level of another Plant-Type monster on the field. I copy ‘Rose Fairy’s’ Level. Level Three ‘Copy Plant,’ tune with the Level Three ‘Rose Fairy!’ ”

The body of ‘Copy Plant’ vanished in a flash of light. Three bright stars appeared in its place and drew green Synchro rings around the tiny fairy. Its body became an orange outline, revealing three more stars inside. The outline was stripped away and the stars formed a straight line within the rings.

“Splendid hunter and dweller of the sacred forest, with your whip of punishment in hand, come forth now!” Aki chanted. A column of light shot through the stars and expanded to engulf the stars and rings. “Synchro Summon! Appear, ‘Splendid Rose!’ ”

Emerging from the column of light came a tall, slender woman dressed in a half green, half black suit. Red rose petals wrapped themselves around her ankles. Four whip-like vines emerged from the back of the belt around her waist. Thorns were spaced evenly apart and pointing at angles along the whips. The woman’s hair was blonde and short, with a thick curl covering her left eye.

Splendid Rose
LV 6

“ ‘Rose Flame’s’ effect inflicts another five hundred points of damage to you,” said the masked woman. Aki was struck by another burst of fire.

Player: Aki
LP: 2200
Hand: 5

Aki glared up at her opponent. “Battle! ‘Splendid Rose,’ attack ‘Evil Thorn’ with Punish-Whip!” Aki ordered. The blonde woman drew another whip from within her fists and slashed it toward the black bulb of the ‘Evil Thorn’ plant.

“I play the Trap ‘Ground Capture,’ “ said the Witch. “This halves the damage I would take from this battle and lets me draw a card if I still take at least a thousand points of damage.” A massive hand rose from the earth beneath the ‘Evil Thorn’ and closed its fist around the plant and the oncoming whip-vine. The plant was destroyed and the whip vanished.

Player: Black Rose Witch
LP: 2950
Hand: 1

“I activate ‘Splendid Rose’s’ effect,” Aki continued. “If she attacks, I can remove a Plant-Type monster from my Graveyard during the same Battle Phase to give her a second attack. I remove ‘Rose Fairy’ from play. ‘Splendid Rose,’ attack directly with Splendid Dive!”

‘Splendid Rose’ somersaulted into the air and came down, feet first, on the Black Rose Witch spinning like a drill to deliver a devastating kick.

“I activate ‘Offensive Guard,’ “ said the Witch. “When your monster attacks me directly, its Attack Points are halved and I draw one card.” The witch raised her left hand and drew a card from her deck as an orange translucent barrier appeared around her. ‘Splendid Rose’s’ kick struck the barrier and she backflipped away from it and back to Aki’s field.

Player: Black Rose Witch
LP: 2400
Hand: 2

“I end my turn,” said Aki. “During the End Phase, ‘Splendid Rose’s’ Attack Points return to normal.”

“My turn,” said the Witch as she drew a card. “I activate ‘Fragrance Storm’ and destroy ‘Splendid Rose.’ “ Aki’s monster cried out and was destroyed in another whirlwind. The Witch drew a card. “I drew a monster,” said the Witch. She revealed “Wall of Ivy” to Aki, then drew another card.

“I activate the Field Spell ‘Black Garden,’ “ the Witch continued, revealing the card she just drew. Aki’s eyes widened in shock. The platform became enclosed in a dome of black vines and blacker thorns. “Whenever a monster is Summoned to the field, other than by the effects of ‘Black Garden,’ its Attack Points will be halved, and a ‘Rose Token’ will be Special Summoned to the opposite side of the field.

“I summon ‘Wall of Ivy’ in Defense Mode.” A stone slab shot up from the earth. Vines of ivy and thorns sprang up from the ground around it and wrapped themselves around the slab. Opposite the vine-wrapped stone grew an oversized rose. Bursts of fire erupted from the “Rose Flame” Trap Card and struck Aki.

Wall of Ivy
ATK / 300 to 150
DEF / 1200
LV 2

Rose Token
ATK / 800
LV 2

Player: Aki
LP: 1700
Hand: 5

“I Set two cards face-down,” the Witch continued. “Finally, I activate ‘Doom Petal Countdown.’ “ Another face-down card flipped up onto its edge. “During each of my End Phases, I can remove a Plant-Type monster from my Graveyard to inflict three hundred damage to you. I remove one ‘Evil Thorn’ from my Graveyard and end my turn.” A skull-shaped flower bloomed beside the Witch and spat a burst of yellow flame at Aki.

Player: Aki
LP: 1400
Hand: 5

“My turn!” said Aki. “I Release the ‘Rose Token’ you gave me to Advance Summon ‘Rose Tentacles!’ “ The tall rose before Aki vanished, and in its place rose a new plant grew in its place. It was much taller than Aki, with a rose bud at the top of the stem. Two orange eyes glowed beneath the bud, and beneath the eyes were mass of tentacle-like vines that made the monster resemble an octopus or squid.

Rose Tentacles
ATK / 2200
LV 6

“The effects of ‘Black Garden’ and ‘Rose Flame’ activate now,” said the Black Rose Witch calmly. “When a monster is Normal or Special Summoned to your field, its Attack Points are halved and a ‘Rose Token’ is Special Summoned to my field. Since the monster you Summoned is Plant-Type, you will also take five hundred points of damage.”

A “Rose Token” rose up on the Witch’s side of the field. Black thorny vines grew up around the stem of “Rose Tentacles,” and a point display appeared showing its Attack Points reduced. Finally, a burst of fire erupted from the Witch’s Trap Card and struck Aki in the chest.

Rose Tentacles
ATK / 1100
LV 6

Rose Token
ATK / 800
LV 2

Player: Aki
LP: 900
Hand: 5

“I equip ‘Rose Tentacles’ with ‘Thorn of Malice!’ “ said Aki. The thorns on the creature’s vines became much longer and sharper, almost blade-like. “ ‘Rose Tentacles’ gains six hundred Attack Points and any monster it battles isn’t destroyed in that battle!”

Rose Tentacles
ATK / 1700
LV 6

“At the start of the Battle Phase, ‘Rose Tentacles’ gains an extra attack for each Plant-Type monster you control,” Aki continued. “Battle! ‘Rose Tentacles,’ attack the ‘Rose Token’ with Triple Thorn Whip!” Three vines whipped into the air and then sliced down to the giant rose across from it.

“I activate the Trap Card ‘Rose Blizzard,’ “ said the Witch calmly. “This negates your attack and changes the attacking monster to Defense Mode.” Cold blasts of wind and frozen rose petals sliced through the air. The vines from “Rose Tentacles” became covered in frost and ice. The monster withdrew its vines and wrapped them around itself in a defensive pose. A blue outline appeared around the plant.

Rose Tentacles
DEF / 1200
LV 6

“I Set three cards face-down and end my turn.”

“Why do you struggle? You’re going to lose this duel. Tell me why.”

Aki remained silent.

“Come, Aki. Tell me why.”

Aki just glared.

“Then I will say it for you. You made me to be stronger than you. That is why I will win. That is why you will embrace the thorns of the Black Rose Witch once more. It is natural that I replace you.

“My turn,” the Witch said as she drew a card. “I think it’s time I end this duel. During my Standby Phase, I Special Summon ‘Darkness Seed.’ When it is sent to the Graveyard, its effect activates and it is Summoned from the Graveyard on my second turn afterward.”

A brown, withered plant shot up between the roots that covered the dueling stage. At the top was a blue bulb. Many red eyes opened up across the bulb’s surface, then it split and opened up, revealing a mouth with several rows of teeth. Two massive scythes curved around the plant from its back.

Darkness Seed
ATK / 1000
LV 2

“The effect of ‘Black Garden’ activates,” the Witch said. Black thorns grew up around the stem of the withered plant and a “Rose Token” appeared on Aki’s field.

“I play the Trap ‘Illusion Destruction,’ “ said Aki. “With this card, I can flip your ‘Rose Flame’ face-down so I won’t take any damage from its effect!” The Continuous Trap on the Witch’s field fell down onto its face and vanished from the field.

“That will not save you from your fate. I Summon the Tuner monster ‘Twilight Rose Knight.’ “ A young woman with pale blue hair appeared on the field. She wore a form-fitting white suit, over which she wore black armor. Red lines trimmed the edges of the armor and ran across it. The waist cape depicted green thorny vines. The center of the chest plate was emblazoned with a rose emblem. The shoulder plates resembled black flower petals, and a long white cape fluttered out from beneath them. On her head was a diadem with a tall black center, embedded with yellow jewels. She drew a sword from its sheathe with her left hand and held it aloft.

Twilight Rose Knight
ATK / 1000
LV 3

“I activate the effects of ‘Black Garden’ and ‘Twilight Rose Knight.’ My ‘Knight’s’ Attack Points are halved and a ‘Rose Token’ will be Summoned to your field. ‘Twilight Rose Knight’ lets me Special Summon a Level Four or below Plant-Type monster from my hand. I Special Summon ‘Lord Poison’ from my hand!” The young knight pointed her sword at the ground next to her. A twisted mass of yellow bark and black spikes appeared on the field, letting out a moan from its mouth-like opening at the top. Black vines rose up and wrapped themselves around the two new monsters, and two “Rose Tokens” rose up on Aki’s field.

Twilight Rose Knight
ATK / 1000 to 500
LV 3

Lord Poison
ATK / 1500 to 750
LV 4

“Level Three ‘Twilight Rose Knight’ tunes with the Level Two ‘Darkness Seed’ and ‘Wall of Ivy!’ “ The young knight raised her sword straight up. Three bright lights raced up along the blade and into the air, and the woman vanished. The lights drew black tuning rings in the air, then the rings descended onto the other two monsters the Witch had designated. Their forms became orange outlines and four more lights erupted from within, forming a straight line within the rings. A beam of light shot through them and widened, engulfing the stars and rings.

“Dark waters nourish the black seed of judgment, and within its current blooms a bloody flower!” the Witch chanted. “I Synchro Summon ‘Black Rose Dragon!’ “ A dragon emerged from within the green-white column of light beside the Witch. Its body was short and covered in scales that resembled a rose in full bloom. It extended its massive wings, which were covered in the same petal-like scales. The scales were bright red, but blood-toned splotches adorned the edges of each one. The skin beneath the “petals” was black as pitch. A black tail covered in thorn-like spines whipped about behind the creature. Several thorny vines slithered onto the ground beneath the dragon’s wings. The creature roared a deep, guttural cry. Its eyes were a bright, sickly yellow and ringed with red.

Black Rose Dragon
ATK / 2400
LV 7

“The effect of ‘Black Garden’ halves the Attack Points of ‘Black Rose Dragon,’ while also Summoning a ‘Rose Token’ to your field,” the Witch said. Then she continued, “I activate ‘Black Rose Dragon’s’ effect: By removing the Plant-Type ‘Evil Thorn’ in my Graveyard from the game, I can change your Defense Mode ‘Rose Tentacles’ to Attack Mode and reduce its Attack Points to zero. Go, Rose Restriction!” The four vines beneath the dragon’s wings whipped violently through the air and wrapped themselves around Aki’s “Rose Tentacles.”

Black Rose Dragon
ATK / 1200
LV 7

Rose Tentacles
ATK / 0
LV 6

“Battle! ‘Lord Poison,’ attack ‘Rose Tentacles!’ “ The ghost-shaped plant howled and slithered forward with its clawed arms raised above it.

“Trap Card, open! ‘Card Defense!’ “ Another of Aki’s Trap Cards flipped up and a criss-crossing wall of cards appeared in front of “Rose Tentacles.” “I can negate your attack and draw one card by discarding a card from my hand!” The black claws of “Lord Poison” slashed at Aki’s monster, but hit only a barrier of cards. Aki placed the last card in her hand into the Graveyard, then drew a card to replace it.

“My attack continues. ‘Black Rose Dragon,’ attack ‘Rose Tentacles’ with Black Rose Flare!” ordered the Black Rose Witch. The dragon inhaled and launched a red-black stream of fire erupted from its maw, flying down toward Aki’s monster.

“I activate ‘Half Counter,’ “ said Aki. “This Trap increases my monster’s Attack Points by half of the attacking monster’s original Attack Points. This puts both of our monsters at twelve-hundred points!” The dragon’s fiery breath engulfed “Rose Tentacles” and turned its form black as it burned away. The fire exploded and knocked Aki into the wall of vines and thorns behind her. Thorns pierced her back and the backs of her arms and legs. She fell to the uneven roots that covered the dueling stage, scraping her arms and legs and sending even more pain through her body.

“Because ‘Rose Tentacles’ was equipped with ‘Thorn of Malice,’ ‘Black Rose Dragon’ is not destroyed by this battle,” the Witch said. “My turn is not quite over. First I will attack a ‘Rose Token’ with my own Token. Then, during the End Phase, I remove the third ‘Evil Thorn’ from my Graveyard to activate ‘Doom Petal Countdown’s’ effect. You take three hundred points of damage!”

Aki pushed herself onto her hands and knees, but another blast knocked her back to the ground. She groaned in pain and tried again to get up.

Player: Aki
LP 600
Hand: 1

“Look at yourself,” said the Witch as Aki finally got to her feet. “Crushed and broken... you can barely hold yourself up. Pain has always been a part of your life, Aki. It wishes to hold you again. Return to its embrace, Aki. Wear the mask.”

Aki opened her eyes. The same white mask stared up at her from the ground. Its gaze seemed to meet hers. She remembered way the mask felt in front of her face. She remembered how she could close her eyes behind it and shut out the light entirely. She remembered the calm she felt knowing that she had that mask. Even after Sayer had found her, she continued to wear the mask whenever she felt the need to rampage and hurt the world.

The mask shut out the world when it wanted to hurt her. She wore the mask to hurt the world back.


Aki slipped a hand beneath the mask to pick it up. The world had become so painful now. Her friends had been scattered. Crow had betrayed them. Jack was insane. The twins were gone. Yusei had vanished from her life entirely.


Someone was calling her, but they were so far away. It didn’t matter that someone was looking for her. They would be gone too. Aki lifted the mask off the ground.

“...up, Aki!”

Aki’s gaze drifted down. Her eyes widened. The porcelain mask was chipped.

“Get up, Aki!”

A jagged crack sliced through the mask. The bottom half fell away from her hand and shattered against the roots and vines on the floor.

“Yusei...” Aki whispered.

The rest of the mask drifted away as if it were no more than dust. Aki smiled and got to her feet.

“You’re wrong, Black Rose,” said Aki. “You’re not stronger than me.”

“I am, Aki,” said the Witch. “I think, therefore I am. My existence began so that I could take on your guilt. You could not hold it all on your own.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Black Rose,” Aki replied. “You’re not stronger than me because you are me. The Black Rose Witch was never a different person from me.”

“Then you are embracing the pain?”

Aki shook her head and smiled. “No, Black Rose. That chapter in my life has closed. I am no longer a witch who wants to hurt others. The Black Rose Witch is only a bad memory now, but one I can look back on in peace. I can’t change what I did, but I won’t let it drag me down. Many futures await.

“My turn!” Aki drew a card from her deck.

“I will prove my superiority to you, Aki Izayoi!” the Witch shouted. “I activate ‘Rose Flame’ once again! You only have six hundred Life Points left, and if you Summon a Plant-Type monster, you will take five hundred points of damage. On my next turn, I will end you!”

“You could have done it last turn,” said Aki. “But you didn’t. You were so focused on making me hurt, making me give up on my own that you didn’t think about how you could win that turn.”

The Witch looked down at her Duel Disk, then looked at the field before her. She gasped.

“I Summon ‘Blue Rose Dragon!’ “ A blue rose bud appeared on Aki’s field and began to bloom. A black dragon’s head emerged from the flower. Blue rose petal-wings spread on either side of its body. Black thorns appeared around it as the effect of “Black Garden” activated and a giant rose grew just opposite the dragon.

Blue Rose Dragon
ATK / 1600 to 800
LV 4

“I activate the effect of ‘Glow-Up Bulb.’ By sending the top card of my deck to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon this card from my Graveyard. I Special Summon the Tuner monster ‘Glow-Up Bulb!’ “

A brown plant bulb appeared on the field in front of Aki. A single blue eye appeared on the side and a white flower bloomed on the top. More black thorns and another “Rose Token” also rose up on the field.

Glow-Up Bulb
ATK / 100 to 50
LV 1

“Because you summoned a Plant-Type monster, you take five hundred points of damage from my ‘Rose Flame’ Trap Card,” the Witch said. “Burn in a hell of your own making!” A fireball shot away from the Trap Card and raced toward Aki. She crossed her arms in front of herself just before the fireball struck her. She held her ground and lowered her arms. She was still smiling.

Player: Aki
LP: 100
Hand: 0

“I still have three ‘Rose Tokens’ of my own, Black Rose,” Aki said with a smile. “Level One ‘Glow-Up Bulb’ tunes with my three Level Two ‘Rose Tokens!’ “

A bright star burst out of the bulb and drew a green ring above the three “Rose Tokens.” The giant roses turned into orange outlines and six stars burst out of them, forming a straight line inside the ring.

"A blue flame envelops the world, and within its blinding light a black flower blooms. I Synchro Summon ‘Black Rose Dragon!’ "

A stream of oscillating light ran through the stars and expanded outward to engulf the green ring. A dragon identical to the one on the Witch’s field emerged from column of light. Its colors were brighter than those of the other dragon, and its scales lacked the blood red edges. Its eyes were still yellow, but brighter and gleaming with life. The dragon roared, and it was louder and sharper than the other dragon.

Black Rose Dragon
ATK / 2400
LV 7

“The effect of ‘Black Garden’ activates,” said the Black Rose Witch. “When a monster is Summoned, its Attack Points are-”

“ ‘Black Rose Dragon’s’ effect activates!” Aki shouted. “When it’s Synchro Summoned, it can destroy all cards on the field. Go, Black Rose Gale!” Aki’s new monster roared and flapped its wings. Incredibly strong winds whipped up around the dueling stage. They tore at the vines that enclosed the stage, ripping them down. Every monster on the field shattered as they were destroyed by the gale.

“What did you hope to accomplish from this? You’ve destroyed every card on the field and left yourself with nothing. If I draw a monster with at least a hundred Attack Points on my next turn, you will lose this duel!”

“There won’t be a ‘next turn’ for you,” Aki replied. “ ‘Blue Rose Dragon’s’ effect activates! When it’s destroyed, I can Special Summon ‘Black Rose Dragon’ from the Graveyard!”


“Return to my side, ‘Black Rose Dragon!’ “ A blue flower blossom appeared on the field and caught fire. Its petals turned bright red and the claws, head, wings and tail of Aki’s dragon emerged from the folds of the flower. The fire faded and the dragon roared.

Black Rose Dragon
ATK / 2400
LV 7

Player: Black Rose Witch
LP: 2400
Hand: 0

“Battle!” Aki shouted. “ ‘Black Rose Dragon,’ end the pain and end this duel! Attack the Black Rose Witch directly with Black Rose Flare!”

Violet flames surged out of the dragon’s open maw and raced toward the Witch. The fire tore at her robe and bathed the entire arena in purple light. Flames consumed the room and everything in it. Aki watched as the fire tore at the robes of the Witch.

Aki heard a man scream. Where the Black Rose Witch had stood a moment before was her father. He fell to his knees and reached for Aki.

“F-father?” Aki said. “No.... no, this isn’t real! It can’t be real!”

”Get up, Aki!”

Aki gasped. She knew that voice.

“Fluttershy...?” she murmured.

A light flashed before her eyes and the image of her father in flames disappeared. Now she saw a tall man in black garb in the fire. He wore a pair of dark glasses across his eyes, but Aki could feel his glare on her. She glared back at him and he vanished.

The flames disappeared. The room melted away. The light around Aki faded. She heard water rushing all around her.

She bolted upright and drew a sharp breath. As quickly as the air entered her lungs, it was forced out just as fast by a sudden squeezing embrace.

“Aki! You’re okay!”

“Fluttershy... can’t... breathe...”

“Oh! Oops! Sorry!” Fluttershy let go of Aki’s neck and backed up a few paces.

“What... what happened?” Aki asked. “Are we still in the infirmary? Wait, I told you to run!”

“Aki, it’s okay now,” Fluttershy said as reassuringly as she could manage. “Ushio and Sherry are gone. But... well, so is everyone else. I don’t know where they went.”

“What happened to me?”

“You were lying on the floor wrapped up in one of those black net-things we saw around your patients.”

“I must have gotten free when I won my duel,” Aki said.

“You had a duel? I wish I could have seen it.”

Aki chuckled. “Trust me, Fluttershy. No you don’t.”

“Oh well. Anyway, I thought that my Element of Kindness had helped get you out of that black net.”

“Element of what?” Aki looked puzzled.

“Oh. I guess Twilight never told you or the others about the Elements of Harmony. I can explain later when we find a safe spot.”

“Help me up and tell me what happened,” Aki said. Fluttershy crouched, put her head under Aki’s arm, then pushed up. “Thank you, Fluttershy,” said Aki. “Let’s get out of here. Tell me what happened on the way.”

“Okay. Well, you told me to run, so I got out of the building as fast as I could. I had to run and fly around a lot of Dark Troopers too. I kept going and going until I found the spot where my friends and I arrived. That’s when I noticed the saddlebag. I looked inside and it had the Elements of Harmony in it! I grabbed it up and ran back in here, hoping that they would do something. Almost as soon as I got in, the Dark Troopers and all the unnatural shadows just... vanished. Even Ushio and Sherry disappeared. You were the only one left, so I stayed and tried to get you to wake up.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Aki pushed open the door at the end of the hall. The dusk was just settling on the city. A cool breeze brushed through Aki’s hair. She smiled.

“Aki?” Fluttershy said.

“Yes, Fluttershy?”

“Um... I think I know what we should do now. We need to find our friends.”

“I was just thinking the same thing, Fluttershy. And if I know some of my friends as well as I think, then I know where we should start looking.” She pointed toward Kaiba Corp. Tower.

“That’s where the Black King is,” Aki said. “If Jack’s back to normal, he’ll go there to finish this.”

“If that’s where the Black King is, that’s where Twilight is,” Fluttershy said. “My friends will go there too!”

“We need to get there fast,” said Aki. “Let’s go to the garage. I think it’s time I took the Bloody Kiss out for one last run.”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight awakens to a dark room and a dull throbbing in her head. Captured by the enemy and still unable to use her magic, she also discovers that she’s not alone. Her captor has come to pay her a visit, and to give her some answers...

Chapter 38

Hushed Interview


Featured Card

Black Rose Dragon
Level 7
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can destroy all cards on the field. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls; change that target to face-up Attack Position, and if you do, its ATK becomes 0 until the end of this turn.

Author's Note:

Well, this took ENTIRELY too long to get out. For that, I apologize. For one thing, I honestly didn't expect to have to write another duel, but when I thought about the situation I was throwing Aki into, I couldn't resist. For two, it took a bit of tweaking to make everything work. For three, I hate the last two months of the year. Thanksgiving and Christmas both have a nasty habit of kicking my butt. This cold that I'm getting over didn't help either, but thankfully the worst part of it is done and all that's left if a cough and a sore throat.

Fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX will start to notice a few things at the end of the duel and will probably pick up on where the story is headed for certain other characters. At the same time, there's one element about this that you'll NEVER guess is coming. I DARE you to try!:rainbowlaugh:

Suddenly Elements of Deus ex Machina! Yeah, about that.... nah, I'm kidding. I've got an explanation for the Elements showing up here, don't you worry. But you're gonna have to wait for it.

But before I get off and let you guys have at it, I will say ahead of time that, yes, the premise for getting Aki and Fluttershy back into the base was pretty weak. At least, it feels that way to me, maybe you'll think otherwise.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the duel and the chapter. No duel next chapter, but more answers will come. I also need to get planning for a lot of stuff, so bear with me guys. You've been great so far.

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