• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 4,465 Views, 633 Comments

Dueling is Magic! Many Futures - Wolfgang

When a man called the Black King threatens the balance across dimensions, Twilight and her friends must travel to Neo Domino City and battle for the fate of all worlds!

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Chapter 41: Reunion of Harmony

Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 41
Reunion of Harmony


Twilight galloped through the halls, leaving a trail of half-conscious Dark Troopers in her wake. "Endymion, the Master Magician" ran behind her, occasionally throwing out a blast of magic from his staff as Dark Troopers attempted to intercept her. The blasts knocked them to the ground before they could activate their Duel Disks.

Twilight turned as sharply as she could at the next corner, almost falling on her side as she did. Up ahead, she spotted a somewhat short man with bushy-spiked orange hair standing in front of an odd door. Twilight skidded to a stop. Endymion halted behind her, aiming his staff at the human.

"Hey!" Twilight shouted. The human looked in her direction.

"What? Hey, aren't you one of those pony-things?" said the human.

"Yeah, and I'm a pretty dangerous 'pony-thing,' " Twilight replied. "Where are the stairs? I'm getting out of here!"

"How'd you get here?" the human asked.

"One of your friends brought me here," said Twilight. "Antinomy."

"Antinomy... wait a second, I know that name!" The human had a look of shock on his face. "But... that can't be right! He's dead!"

"Well, Yusei rebuilt him," said Twilight. "Tell me where the stairs are!"

"Take it easy!" said the human. "What do you mean Yusei rebuilt him?"

"Stairs! Now!" Twilight shouted. Her horn and Endymion's staff began to glow. The human sighed.

"The elevator's faster," he said. "I'm going down anyway. We'll ride the elevator together and you can tell me what the heck you're talking about."

Twilight wasn't sure if she could trust this human. Her ears flattened backward and she glared. "Who are you?" she asked.

"The name's Crow Hogan," the man replied.

"Crow? You're the guy that beat Jack!"

"Yeah, and I have to do it again," Crow said dejectedly. "Apparently, I didn't do it right the first time."

"Yeah, I don't think I trust you," said Twilight.

"I'm not gonna stop you from leaving," Crow said. "If you want to give me some answers before you do, though, I'd be grateful."

"And if I don't?"

Crow pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "Stairs are that way, but we're pretty far up. It'll be a while before you reach the ground floor."

Twilight weighed her options. She looked up at Endymion, then back at Crow. "Fine," she said. "But try any funny business and Endymion here will blast you into next week."

"Fair enough," Crow said. The elevator doors opened and he walked in. Twilight and Endymion followed him inside. The doors closed behind them. Twilight stared up at Crow. Like many of the humans, he wasn't much taller than she was.

"So whaddya mean Yusei rebuilt Antinomy?" Crow asked.

"I mean just that: Yusei rebuilt him."

"But that's impossible! Yusei's smart, but Bruno was from the future. Yusei can't rebuild him just like that," Crow protested.

"Well, he did," said Twilight. "Antinomy told me that he did."

"He must be lying," Crow said. "Even if Yusei knew how to build a machine as advanced as Antinomy or Aporia-"

"He rebuilt him too," Twilight interjected.

Crow stood there with his mouth open in midsentence for a moment before finally saying softly, "You've gotta be kidding me."

"I wish I were, but I've dueled him twice now," Twilight said.

Crow shook his head. "This just gets crazier and crazier," he muttered. "Look, there's just no way Yusei could've rebuilt those two. The tech they were made of is two hundred years ahead of everything we know right now. Even if he could design and build new bodies for them, he would still need... their..." Crow stopped talking as a look of shocked realization spread across his face.

"Their mental imprints," Twilight said. "Antinomy said Yusei got those-"

"When he and Paradox found the Ark Cradle," Crow finished. "I found Paradox and got some answers straight from him about why Yusei's been acting so weird. Man, I didn't think he'd go as far as rebuilding Bruno and Aporia!"

"He's done a lot more than that, Crow. Yusei's the one who turned Neo Domino City into a ghost town, and he's trying to bring an evil creature called Nightshroud into your world."

"The heck's a Nightshroud?" Crow asked, scratching his head. "And what's this got to do with Yusei emptying the city? How would he have done that in the first place?"

"Yusei is the Black King, Crow," said Twilight. "He's responsible for everything that's happened here, and he did it using Nightshroud's power."

"Yusei told me the Black King isn't real," Crow countered. "Why would he lie to me about that?"

"Probably to keep you on his side, if you're working with him," Twilight said.

"Yusei doesn't need to lie to me about anything!" Crow yelled. "He's my best friend; I'd do anything for him!"

"Crow, he's trying to resurrect Nightshroud! It's an evil creature that's attacked your world once before, and my world twice!" Twilight said. "It's been trying to overtake your world for who knows how long. With Yusei's help, it might even succeed this time."

"Look, I don't think Yusei would do something like that, no matter how desperate he might be to change the future," Crow objected. "Yusei's not like that. He never gave up against the Dark Signers, he didn't stop fighting against Yliaster, and he was even willing to fly and duel against Z-one. No matter what happened, Yusei fought for a brighter future, even if he had to go up against gods."

"Nightshroud claims it can make humanity immortal by merging all of you into a single mind. It calls this the Living Singularity. Yusei and I fought against Nightshroud because it plans to force this unity onto everyone. But it claims that it's the only way for your race to survive the coming destruction. Yusei might have started to believe it."

"Well, I don't buy it," said Crow. "I'm going to keep fighting for Yusei. If he's found a way to save the human race, then I have to help him."

"Crow, you don't understand! The path he's chosen ends in silence for you and every other human alive!"

"I don't think that's what he's doing," said Crow. "I know Yusei. He won't give up just like that, and he definitely won't go down a path that forces people to do something they might not want to do in the first place."

The elevator stopped moving. A the sound of a bell ringing echoed in the tiny room and the doors opened in front of Crow and Twilight. Crow walked out. A black D-Wheel stood outside the front doors.

"Hey, that doesn't look like one of the D-Wheels the Dark Troopers use," said Twilight.

"Of course it's not," Crow said. "That's MY D-Wheel, the Blackbird!" Crow stopped and turned around. "Hey, what's your name? You never told me."

Twilight debated whether or not she should tell him, but decided there was no harm since he'd recognize her in the future anyway. "Twilight Sparkle," she said.

"Nice to meet ya, Twilight," said Crow. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go duel Jack again."

Crow opened a compartment under the seat of the vehicle and pulled out a black helmet. As he slid it down over his head and lowered the visor, he turned back to Twilight. "That's a Duel Monster following you around, isn't it? When all this is over, maybe you and I can duel. Yusei always said you should duel to make new friends."

Twilight stood rooted to the spot for a moment, then smiled. "That sounds like Yusei, alright," she said. "But, Crow, Yusei's not the same person he was when I met him. He's changed. He's so desperate to save your future now that he'll even work with a demon!"

"No matter how desperate things get, Yusei will always try to do the right thing," Crow replied. "Until this is over, I guess you and I aren't on the same side. Crying shame, really. You seem really smart, almost as smart as Yusei is, and believe me when I say that's really saying something." Crow mounted his D-Wheel, revved it up and took off. Twilight went back into the elevator and pushed the button labeled "G". The doors closed in front of her and Endymion again and the elevator shuddered to life.

* * * * *

Yusei stepped into the observation gallery. A shadow glow emanated from the Momentum reactor's core. The light inside flowed in a way that looked like the chamber was filled with water.

"Is the link established?" hissed Nightshroud. Its skeletal features flowed into shape inside the reactor's core chamber.

"It's getting there," Yusei answered. "The code makes for a very large file, so it'll take time for the other Momentum computers to download and install it. But by my estimate, we're about halfway there."

"When did it begin?"

"An hour ago. Not every country has access to the best technology, so the download rate varies throughout the world. The amount of time each system takes to actually update shouldn't be too different, though. It should happen in about another hour."

"Is there no way to accelerate the process?"


"Very well. Defend the Momentum until your changes to the mainframe take effect and I have control of the global network. The Dark Signers and their gods were able to open a portal to what they called the Netherworld, the schism in reality from which all darkness flows like water. They do not understand what this is. It is MY world, Yusei Fudo. Not even the power of the Crimson Demon, Red Nova is equal to mine, for it was I that tore open that schism and gave form to the shadows."

"So you plan to open the portal again?" Yusei asked.

"I will do more than that," Nightshroud growled.

"What do you mean?" asked Yusei.

Nightshroud merely chuckled as its bony face faded from the light.

* * * * *

"Go faster!" Pinkie yelled.

"Don't yell in my ear, Pinkie!" Kazama yelled back.

"Sorry!" Pinkie yelled.

"And this isn't a joyride, Pinkie," Kazama said.

"No, the gate's closing!" Pinkie shouted, pointing her hoof. A tall metal gate was sliding sideways into the concrete fence. "Go faster!"

"I see it!" said Kazama. He stomped his foot down and the jeep lurched forward, throwing Pinkie back into her seat. They gained more and more speed, and just as they were almost through, the gate clipped the back bumper. Kazama struggled with the steering wheel, trying to keep the vehicle from spinning out. Pinkie suddenly grabbed it and turned it in the direction the vehicle wanted to go. It spun around several times, tires squealing against the pavement, before coming to a stop. Pinkie flopped onto her belly, her eyes spinning in different directions in their sockets.

"Pinkie, what were you thinking?" Kazama snapped. "You could've got us all killed!"

"No... Pinkie Sense... had to spin... would've flipped over...." Pinkie said through her dizziness.

"Kaz, when Pinkie's Pinkie Sense goes off, it's best to trust it," said Spike. "And before you ask, we'll explain when we've got more time. Right now, we've got company!" Spike popped open his door and hopped out. He landed on his feet, but stumbled and fell backwards. He sat up and shook his head.

"You okay, Spike?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah," he said. "Just a little dizzy. I'll be fine."

Rainbow Dash jumped into the air with a flap of her wings. Her Duel Disk appeared on her left foreleg as two Dark Troopers ran toward her and the van, fierce monsters trailing behind them.

"All right, who wants some?!" yelled the pegasus.

Suddenly, a massive ball of fire raced overhead and struck one of the Dark Troopers, knocking him to the ground. Dash spun around in the air and saw a familiar monster.

Jester Queen
ATK / 800
LV 2

"Yeager!" Dash shouted. "Rarity!"

"Sorry we're late, Rainbow Dash," said Rarity. Dash flew over and gave her friend a hug. Both of them were then tackled to the ground by Pinkie Pie.

"Rarity! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're here!" Pinkie said.

"Good t'see ya, Rare," Applejack chimed in from the jeep.

"Rarity! You're okay!" Spike called out.

"Pinkie, let us up," Rarity said. Pinkie nodded and got on her hooves, then helped her friends off the ground. Rarity brushed herself off, lit up her horn, and conjured her Duel Disk. "If none of you would mind terribly, I'd like this last Dark Trooper for myself."

"Think you can handle him?" Rainbow asked.

"Of course she can," said Yeager. "Her dueling has become flawless."

"My turn!" shouted the Dark Trooper. "I activate 'Dark World Dealings'. Both of us draw one card, then discard one card. Next, I Summon the Tuner monster 'Masked Chameleon' in Attack Mode!" A giant chameleon wearing an elaborate, bug-eyed mask emerged through a blue portal behind the Trooper.

Masked Chameleon
ATK / 1600
LV 4

"Masked Chameleon's effect activates! When it's Normal Summoned, it Special Summons a monster with zero Defense Points from my Graveyard. Revive, 'Infernal Dragon!' " A purple, rune-rimmed portal appeared on the ground. The Masked Chameleon shot its tongue into the portal and pulled out a black dragon with a long neck, many spikes on its shoulders and down its back, and three gold spikes on the end of its tail.

Infernal Dragon
DEF / 0
LV 4

"My Level Four 'Masked Chameleon' tunes with the Level Four DARK monster 'Infernal Dragon'! Synchro Summon! Rise from shadow, 'Dark End Dragon!' " A column of green light appeared and consumed the two monsters. A new dragon emerged from the light. It was a thin, hideous creature, its face seemingly grinning, with a much larger, grinning face on its chest. Two grey spikes jutted straight out from the sides of its head. Frayed wings spread out behind it and a thin tail with a single grey spike swung about in the air.

Dark End Dragon
ATK / 2600
LV 8

"I equip Dark End Dragon with 'Axe of Despair,' increasing its Attack Points by one thousand," the Trooper said. A grisly axe, the blade held in place by a shriveled, green human head, appeared in the dragon's grasp. A red aura appeared around it as its Attack Points increased. "Finally, I activate 'Kaiser Colosseum', which stops you from having more monsters on the field than I do. I end my turn."

"Is that all?" Rarity asked as she approached her opponent. Her horn lit up and her Duel Disk appeared before her. "My turn!" she announced.

Player: Rarity
LP: 4000
Hand: 6

"I activate 'Brilliant Fusion,' " she said. "This card Summons a 'Gem-Knight' Fusion Monster by sending its Material monsters from my deck to the Graveyard, but makes its Attack and Defense Points become zero. I fuse 'Gem-Knight Tourmaline' and 'Gem-Knight Lazuli' in my deck! Stone warrior in armor of lightning, green stone of law, meld your strength to become the perfect storm! I Fusion Summon 'Gem-Knight Prismaura!' " There was a blinding flash of light, but from within formed a silhouette. The light faded and the shadow became clear. It was a warrior in gleaming white armor, crystals jutting up from the shoulder plates. A cape fluttered in the wind behind him. In his left hand was a round shield with a pyramid corner jutting out from the front. In his right, a lance made of pure crystal.

Gem-Knight Prismaura
ATK / 0
LV 7

"Is that supposed to scare me?" the Dark Trooper laughed.

"It's rude to interrupt a lady," Rarity said. "But yes, it should. First I activate Lazuli's effect. When it's sent to the Graveyard, I can retrieve a Normal Monster from my Graveyard and add it to my hand. I choose 'Gem-Knight Sapphire,' but then send it back to the Graveyard to activate Prismaura's effect, which destroys 'Kaiser Colosseum!' " Prismaura raised his lance into the air. It was struck by lightning and began to flash with electricity. Prismaura pulled back and thrust the lance into the ground. The ground rumbled like thunder and a jagged bolt of blue-white lightning shot out and pierced through the holographic image of "Kaiser Colosseum," shattering it like glass.

"What?!" the Dark Trooper cried.

"I'm just getting started," said Rarity. Another card flew up in front of her from her hand of cards. "I activate 'De-Fusion,' which returns Prismaura to my Extra Deck and Special Summons its Fusion Materials from the Graveyard. Appear, 'Gem-Knight Tourmaline' and 'Gem-Knight Lazuli!' " Two new warriors appeared, one a knight in gleaming yellow armor, the other a small girl whose eyes were bright green stone.

Gem-Knight Tourmaline
ATK / 1600
LV 4

Gem-Knight Lazuli
ATK / 600
LV 1

"I activate 'Gem-Knight Fusion', combining Tourmaline on my field with 'Gem-Knight Obsidian' in my hand. Stone warrior in armor of lightning, black knight of chaos and combat, meld your might to make your light blinding bright! Fusion Summon! Pursue victory, 'Gem-Knight Topaz!' " A whirlpool of light appeared above Rarity. Two knights in stone armor appeared and vanished into the whirlpool. Swirling yellow and black light suddenly flashed and a new warrior appeared. He wore dark yellow armor and held two lightning-shaped blades in his hands. A huge cape fluttered in the wind behind him as he landed on the ground.

Gem-Knight Topaz
ATK / 1800
LV 6

"Gem-Knight Obsidian activates its effect and Special Summons Gem-Knight Sapphire from my Graveyard," Rarity said. This new warrior appeared in blue-white armor, kneeling on the ground with his arms crossed in front of his chest. A short wall of ice grew up around him.

Gem-Knight Sapphire
DEF / 2100
LV 4

"None of those monsters stand a chance against Dark End Dragon!" the Dark Trooper laughed.

"Not on their own, no," Rarity replied, "but when they combine their strengths, they are unstoppable! I activate 'Particle Fusion', and fuse Sapphire, Topaz, and Lazuli together! Storming knight of thunder, lavender gem of wisdom, merge within the blue glow of power to forge a blinding new brightness! I Fusion Summon the mighty 'Gem-Knight Master Diamond!' "

Rarity's newest Gem-Knight stood taller than any other. He wore layered white armor embedded with diamonds. A black cape flowed to the ground behind him. In front of him, he held a long, black broadsword, its edges a gleaming silver-white and a rainbow of gems embedded in the flat of the blade. The sword was held pointing down, its tip resting on the concrete.

Gem-Knight Master Diamond
ATK / 2900
LV 9

"Particle Fusion's second effect activates," she continued. "When I Fusion Summon with it, it is removed from my Graveyard and Master Diamond's Attack Points increase by those of Gem-Knight Topaz. Along with that, Master Diamond gains one hundred Attack Points for each 'Gem-Knight' monster in my Graveyard. Finally, I activate Master Diamond's effect, banishing Topaz from my Graveyard to let Master Diamond gain its effects."

Gem-Knight Master Diamond
ATK / 5000
LV 9

"Battle! Gem-Knight Master Diamond, attack Dark End Dragon with Rainbow Sword Slash!"

Player: Dark Trooper
LP: 2600
Hand: 2

"Master Diamond will activate Gem-Knight Topaz's effect. When it sends a monster to the Graveyard by battle, that monster's original Attack Points are inflicted as damage to your Life Points."

Life Point Count
Dark Trooper: 0
Rarity: 4000

The Dark Trooper fell to his knees, then to his side. Suddenly, black smoke began to rise from the man, weaving its way into the air like a stream of water in reverse. There was a loud hissing sound and a guttural roar as the smoke formed an acrid cloud and then quickly vanished.

"What the hay was that?" asked Applejack.

"I... I don't know, Applejack," Rarity said.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward with her mouth hanging open.

"Are you alright, darling?" Rarity asked.

"You can do it too?" Dash said after a few seconds.

"Do... what, exactly?"

"Well, I'm not really sure myself, but I saw it happen to a few of the Troopers that I beat."

"What do you suppose it was?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe they're all possessed by Nightshroud and you chased it out of them," Pinkie said. Everyone turned to look at her with puzzled expressions. "What? It's not like it's the craziest thing we've seen lately."

"I guess not," said Spike.

The human began to stir. He seemed to be wearing normal clothes now. He sat up and looked around. When he saw the ponies and Spike, he yelped and began crawling backwards. Kazama approached him and knelt down beside him.

"Hey, it's okay," Kazama told the man. "I'm Officer Kazama. Do you know where you are?"

"Officer... like Sector Security?" Kazama nodded. "I don't know where I am. I don't remember how I got here either. I just remember this... awful nightmare."

"What's your name?" Kazama asked.

"Richie," the man said. "Wha.... what are those?" He pointed at Rarity and the others. Kazama looked back at them, then smiled at the man.

"They're friends," he replied. "And one of them just helped you, by the looks of it. Listen, can you duel? We need help in there."

"Yeah... yeah, I can duel. Have I been dueling? Is that why my Disk's on my arm?"

"That's part of it. We don't have time for the full story, though, but we need all the extra Duelists we can get at this point. One of our friends is trapped inside, and Neo Domino City's in trouble. BIG trouble."

"It's not just the city," came another voice. Everyone turned toward the building.

"Twilight!" shouted the ponies and Spike. They all ran over to hug her.

"It's good to see you all again," she said happily as she hugged everyone back. "I'm so glad you're all safe."

"Twilight, we were all coming to rescue you!" said Pinkie. "How'd you get out here?"

"I had a nap and then I escaped with Endymion's help," she said. "Hey, where's Fluttershy?"

"I'm over here!" called Fluttershy as she flew over the fence. Aki was standing on the other side of the gate next to her D-Wheel. Yeager and Kazama ran over to the gate and opened it as quickly as they could. Aki pushed her D-Wheel, the Bloody Kiss, into the courtyard. Leo and Luna ran up to her and hugged her.

"Big Sis Aki!" they shouted.

"Hey, you two!" she said as she hugged them back.

Across the courtyard, Fluttershy dove into the group hug of her friends.

Richie stood up and walked over to Kazama. "Talking, brightly colored ponies, and a lizard the size of a baby. A cop. Aki Izayoi of Team 5D's. And the city's mayor himself. And you're asking for my help?"

"We need everyone," said Kazama. "And if Rarity and Rainbow Dash can free others from the darkness like they did with you, then we can free up more people to fight with us."

"Who are we fighting?" Richie asked.

"Yusei Fudo," said Twilight. Everyone turned toward her. She and her friends had ended their group hug and rejoined the humans in the group. "He's planning something terrible for the city, maybe the whole world, and we have to stop him."

"Wait. Yusei Fudo? The Savior of Neo Domino?" said Richie incredulously. "You're kidding, right?"

"I wish I were," said Twilight, shaking her head. "He's my friend, but he's gotten desperate enough to work with a demon. There's something much worse coming to this city, and the whole world, and he can't stop it. So it's up to us to stop him from covering the world in darkness."

"Twilight, you can't be serious," said Rarity. "Yusei would never do such a thing!"

"Yeah! Come on, you dueled the guy," said Rainbow Dash. "You know he wouldn't do all of this!"

"Girls, I'm sorry, but it's true."

"But how do you know?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah, Twilight," said Spike. "You're not actually saying Yusei's working with Nightshroud, are you?"

"I am, Spike. I'm sorry."

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie gasped.

"It can't be," said Aki.

"No way!" shouted Leo. "Yusei would never do all of this! Not in a million years!"

"Leo, it's true. Antinomy told me, and he helped me see all the little clues that proved it. Like how Aporia knew my last name was 'Sparkle' when no one who could've known that had said it around him."

"Wait, Aporia-"

"Yes, Rainbow, he knew. Look, we don't have a lot of time for the story, but here's what happened: Yusei asked Paradox to show him the future, so he did, and it wasn't good. They found the fortress where Paradox was created and he grabbed Aporia and Antinomy's schematics and mental imprints before they left. He worked for weeks trying to find a way to stop the future he saw from happening, but nothing worked, so he turned to Nightshroud for help and rebuilt Aporia and Antinomy. He told them everything about us too."

"Oh man," said Leo. "This is NOT good!"

"What are we going to do?" asked Luna.

"What we have to do," said Twilight. "We're gonna march right back in there, put a stop to Nightshroud's plans, and save Yusei." She sighed. "I don't know how we're going to do that, but we have to try.

"Um, Twilight?" said Fluttershy. "I think I know a way." She nodded to Aki. Aki nodded back and opened the compartment beneath the seat of her D-Wheel. She reached inside and pulled out a large bag. Fluttershy looked back at Twilight and smiled. "We've got the Elements of Harmony here too. If Yusei is really possessed by Nightshroud, we can use the Elements to save him like we did with Paradox!"

"The Elements of Harmony? What are they doing here?" Twilight asked.

"Who cares, Twilight?" said Rainbow Dash. "We've got a fighting chance now!"

"Yeah, sugar cube," Applejack chimed in. "Besides, if it's important why they're here and not back home, it'll come back to bite us."

Aki set the open bag on the ground in front of Twilight. "If you think these can help us, then use them."

"There's more than that as well, Twilight," Rarity said. "Do you see that man over there?" She aimed a hoof at Richie. "He used to be a Dark Trooper. I just now defeated him, and it somehow caused the darkness to leave him. Rainbow Dash says she can do the same thing. We didn't have the Elements with us either."

"Strange," said Twilight. "How come none of the Dark Troopers that I beat turned back to normal? What do you and Rainbow Dash have in common?"

"I dunno," said Dash with a shrug. "Wait, didn't you use my Duel Disk to make one for Rarity?"

"Yeah, but what would that have to do with it?" Twilight asked.

"You said it was made of light!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Maybe that's the reason! We're using light to beat the darkness!"

"I don't know, Rainbow," said Twilight. "I think I said it looked like it was made of light. And even if you're right about that, wouldn't that mean Spike can do it too?"

"Well, when Kaz and I dueled Jack, we DID turn him back to normal," Spike said.

"You did? Great!" Twilight exclaimed. "Where is he?"

"You won't be seeing him again, Twilight Sparkle," came a new voice. Beyond the gate was Paradox astride his D-Wheel.

"Paradox! You're okay!" said Pinkie.

"Did you beat that guy that wanted to duel you?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"He did not," said yet another voice. Another D-Wheel skidded to a halt. The main body was huge, needle-like, and held aloft by a large wheel at the back.

"Antinomy was the victor," Paradox said.

"Antinomy!" shouted Twilight. "You told me you needed my help! Did you lie to me? What did you really want from me?"

"I haven't lied since we met, Twilight," said the man in blue.

"Well, you're not going to stop us from saving this city!" shouted Yeager.

"Save it?" Paradox chuckled. "If you continue this fight, you will not save the city. You will destroy the world!" His Duel Disk flared to life on his right arm and his D-Wheel transformed and lifted into the air as a large platform.

"Like you tried to destroy mine?!" Twilight growled as her own Duel Disk appeared. "In case you can't tell, I still haven't forgiven you for that!"

"Twilight, he's just baiting you," said Rainbow Dash. "Come on, we have to get inside and stop whatever Nightshroud's planning!"

"You go on, Dash," said Twilight. "I'm gonna make Paradox pay for what he did!"

"I'm not leaving you alone here, Twilight," said Dash. "I'm not leaving you again!" Her own Duel Disk formed alongside her left foreleg.

"Do you both intend to take me on?" Paradox asked. "Very well. And unlike with the Legendary Duelists, I will not make any mistakes."

"Bring it on, Paradox!" shouted Twilight. "You're gonna pay for all the damage you caused here and at my home!"



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight and Rainbow Dash begin a deadly Battle Royale against Paradox, who has turned against them! The rest of their group watches on as Twilight unleashes a vicious assault on their former ally. Rainbow Dash tries to help her friend move past her anger, but will her loyalty be enough?

Chapter 42



Featured Card

Gem-Knight Master Diamond
Level 9
3 "Gem-Knight" monsters
Must first be Fusion Summoned. This card gains 100 ATK for each "Gem-" monster in your Graveyard. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Level 7 or lower "Gem-Knight" Fusion Monster from your Graveyard; until the End Phase, this card's name becomes that monster's, and replace this effect with that monster's original effects.

Author's Note:

And yet another hyper-delayed chapter. Sweet crap, this is taking too long. At least I've got the next duel completely outlined already, and currently working on the one after that.

The main reason this took so long was because I lost confidence in my descriptive abilities. Dialogue and such I'm good with, but describing what stuff looks like has always been a pain for me. Now, there ARE other, real-life related reasons this took so long to get out, but that's the number one reason for it. The delay's also put me out of practice, but I'll do what I can for the next chapter.

In the meantime, ARC-V is really heating up! Yuya just created ANOTHER Pendulum Xyz, the evolution of Starve Venom Fusion Dragon has been revealed as Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon (and this thing is NASTY), and we might finally get some answers about the dimensional split and why Yuya has a counterpart in the other three dimensions, as well as what this darkness is that links them all together! Heck, I might even be able to use the explanation in this story... but that's probably wishful thinking, eh?

I know things have escalated in the game as well as in the anime, but I should probably remind everyone that Pendulum Monsters WILL NOT be appearing in this series. Furthermore, I'm not going to do another Dueling is Magic! story. I may, in the distant future, rewrite the trilogy to clean it up and deal with plot holes I created, but that's about it. If I do another original story, it won't be YGO related.

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