• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 5,899 Views, 93 Comments

Enderquestria - Friday Knight

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Creating New World

“Interesting.” Most likely not the thought that most of my kind would have after waking up in a different environment then what they are use to. I wasn’t sure what to think, my head was hurting, my bones were aching and I think I drank something off. I got steadily to my knees, reaching out to grab the trunk of a tree. “Interesting.” The word ran across my mind for a second time, the bark felt different, and in my homeland, there are only four kinds of trees, oak, birch, spruce and what is commonly referred to as simply jungle, only because we are not sure of it’s true name. Each bark on the tree felt different, oak was, a basic bark, kind of rough, but also smooth in places, the birch, somewhat opposite, smooth all round except for the small black patches, the spruce was completely rough, and cold to the touch, it was hard to find jungle bark as most of it was covered in thick, rope like vines, but when ever you could feel it, it felt oddly slimy.

I looked at the tree I was now resting on, and considered making a name for it, but I got rid of the idea and assumed that, if there were any other beings in this land, or possibly world, that they would already have a name for it. I didn’t know what way to go, so I looked up in an attempt to see the moon, but instead I saw a canopy of leaves, and I was confused to say the least, even in the thickest of forests you could always grasp at least a glimpse at the moon, and based on what direction it was travelling, you could tell what direction north was, so, I resorted to my most expert way at choosing directions. “Eenie meenie miine mo, catch a creeper by the toe, if he hisses, let him go, eenie, meeni, miine, mo.” I had finished with my short rhyme and had ended up pointing away from what appeared to be the trail I was now on. I was seriously considering following the worn out trail, but I would most likely lose it in the darkness, that and I had never gone against my rhyme before, so I headed into the forest.

About halfway through, or I think it was, it was hard to tell there, I heard the snap of a stick, I whirled around, as I had heard that sound countless times before, and shortly afterwards someone would lunge at me with a newly made sword. Instead this time, I heard a low growl, and felt slightly relieved, now that I knew it was merely a wolf, a creature that roams the forests of my home. I continued on my journey turning away from the noise, only to be confronted by an actual wolf, normally such things would not faze me, but this time, it wasn’t exactly something I was used to seeing. These wolves, they were made of wood, sticks and what appeared to be vines hanging from them. The wolf growled at me once again, and I took a step back, only to have my heels nipped at by a second wolf, it was then that I realised that this wasn’t my homeland, it wasn’t even my world. As I stared at the wolf, I realised, aside from the fact it was made of wood it looked nothing like the wolves where I was from, and neither did the tree beside it. I turned in a full circle, taking in what I had just witnessed, and then I could feel it rising in my chest, my anger, my hatred, my realisation that I am far from the ones I loved. I let my mouth rip open and let the animal side of me kick in. I shouted to the farlands “EVERYTHING IS CURVED!” I could hear my voice echo around the forest, and I suddenly remembered what it was that got me angry. I stared at the, I think I’ll call it a Woodwolf, and saw it cower before me, I roared and swiped at it, knocking it off its paws, sending it crashing into one of those CURVED trees. As it hit the trees it splintered into a dozen pieces, I turned to the other Woodwolf, only to find it had turned tail and ran away. I exhaled deeply, letting out a breath I didn’t realise I had been holding. I grabbed my head in my palms as my mouth resealed itself. I hunched over, my head still being held in my hands, I began to cry, just like a young one. Then, I did what was almost second nature to me, and what anyone else would have to kill one of brethren to do. “Take me away, anywhere, just out of this forest.” and then, I teleported.

It is an extremely interesting sensation when one teleports, the feeling of freedom, of being able to go exactly where you want to go, without exhausting yourself, almost like flying, if it was possible, although I have observed some of the, more scarce species of my world, being granted amazing powers, and normally, they either used those powers to build massive structures, or intricate devices, but more than usual they will simply blow stuff up. Never the less, I teleported away, and it felt similar to flying. As I finished what felt like a minute, but took only a second, I fell to the ground on one knee, as I stared at the ground below me, it even felt and looked different than my worlds. I stood up, and was almost afraid to look and see where I had teleported to. Unfortunately, it was either stay or go, so I chose go. I turned my head up to see what kind of Nether I had appeared at, and was quite surprised honestly.

I saw another forest, but it was extremely different to the one I was just in. This looked like it was well thought out, and took sever hours to plant and toil the ground. I walked through a row of the trees, and had to admire the workmanship put into them; most of the beings who try something like this are almost always off and usually give up. If it wasn’t for the fact they were curved, I would have been almost tempted to befriend whoever planted them. Another thing I noticed was that these trees were differently curved to the ones in the forest, the ones in the forest looked wild and unruly, but these ones looked, almost controlled. As I continued walking, I noticed something hanging from the trees. I took a step closer and saw it was, an apple! I sighed in relief, glad to see something remotely familiar. The only thing I found odd was that they were hanging from the trees, but, food is food so I did not complain. I reached out and grabbed one, I would have taken the reddest and plumpest, but it was hard to see in the dark. As I bit into the ripe red fruit, I remembered the first time I had tasted one of these glorious burdens.

I was young at the time, only six feet tall, I was walking through a forest, one that isn’t curved, and noticed that most of it had been recently cut down. I could tell as the dark leaves were still hanging in the air. I was walking under the leaves, enjoying the partial shade, when I felt a small “bop” on my head. I looked up to see the final leaf fading away from the remnants of the tree. I turned to the ground to see what had hit me. It was then I saw it, at red apple, practically glowing in the sunlight. I picked it up, and examined it, not knowing it was a food back then. Although it was a bit reckless, I bit into it, assuming that because it came from a tree it would be ok, and that I haven’t had anything to eat for quite some time. My eyes widened in amazement, it was like I had eaten food straight from the furnace of a Modder, a term we used to describe someone who could destroy and entire mountain in one blow.

I came back to the present and looked at the apple I had just bit into. From the size of it I would say it had about three more bites in it, including the core, I decided to make the most of it, and chewed slowly while continuing on my path. I was about to bite into the core, and finish it all, until I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It was a house; I wasn’t sure why I was so excited, as they usually housed someone ready to injure me. I took a chance, not wanting to waste anytime, as I could see light pouring from one of five windows, it was the most top right one. It was hard to tell which kind of light it was, I could usually differentiate between torchlight, stone glow, or one of those new lamp things. I decided it didn’t matter, as long as it was someone who wasn’t going to hurt me, if the decided to, I would simply teleport away. It wasn’t till I reached the porch of the house until I realised a small problem, I was almost at level with the top windows and it would quite rude to simply teleport in. I stood there for around a minute, figuring out what to do, and then felt stupid, that all my manners had left in the fight with the Woodwolves. I bent over enough to come face to face with the small door, which was quite an effort in itself. I stood up and stepped a bit back from the door, hoping that whoever was in the lit room heard me knocking, now that I think about it why didn’t I just knock on the window, they definitely would have heard me then, or maybe they just left that light on by accident, or maybe they- my thoughts were cut off as I heard foot steps coming towards the door, I listened carefully. It sounded like two pairs; I hope I didn’t interrupt a moment between someone.

The light behind the door was turned on, and my heart soared, I saw the handle turn, and my heart was grounded, but at the same time some what levitated. Behind the door was, well I don’t know what it was, it looked similar to the bovines that roam the plains, only someone got rid of it’s spots and splashed it with red dye, and for some reason I doubt it would give milk. As soon as his eyes had stoped travelling up my legs and torso, and rested themselves where we could make eye contact, we kept it for quite some time, I would assume I shared the look of confusion shown on this, bovines face. Each time I would blink he would blink a short while after. It was I who broke this kind of trance, I lowered myself on to my hunkers, and reached a hand towards the, I feel bovine is the incorrect term, but animal and creature would be considered rude, native, I suppose, would be good, seeing as he lived here.

Anyway, the native was clearly hesitant, pulling his head back from my hand, I pulled mine back a short bit, to show I meant no harm. The native seemed to understand my gesture, and leaned forward a small bit. I reached my hand out once again, slowly; making sure the native was ok with it. After I reached, what I hope was it’s head, I lowered my hand down and began rubbing it gently, it had the same feeling as one of the bovines fur, only, slightly softer, and it seemed to have a longer piece of fur at the very top, I suppose it would be called hair. I could see the native having conflicting feelings about this, whether he should enjoy being rubbed by a stranger and one so large and threatening. It appeared he made his decision when his eyes seemed to lock in place and he let out a short breath of air from, what I think was his nose. I took it as “stop” and “don’t like it.” I pulled my hand back quickly and rubbed it embarrassingly, as I realised what I would have done in my position. The native eyed me, with curiosity in his eyes. We made eye contact again, and I could tell, that he could tell I wasn’t a threat. “Alright listen here for a moment.” My eyes went wide, did this thing just speak? I thought it was just an animal, I’ve never heard an animal speak, in fact, I’m pretty sure that my kind and the more scarce population are the only ones with basic communication skills, but from the sound of it, the native was male. He must have noticed this “What, did ya think I was just some dumb animal who couldn’t speak?” my eyes went wide again, this time from embarrassment. I shook my head in a fashion that said “more or less” The native seemed insulted by this, but at the same time it felt, sorry, for me? “You really ain’t from here are ya?” I shook my head sadly, the native sighed “Alright well listen up, Ah’m kinda tired right now, and Ah really don’t know how Ah’m going to deal with you, but if you’re tired, which Ah assume you are, could you please sleep in the barn, so Ah can talk to you tomorrow about all this?” A barn? What’s a barn? I saw that the native was pointing his, hoof? I think that’s what they’re called, to a much larger house. Why doesn’t he just live in there, I began walking over, and as I approached I could tell that this was more my size. I could tell why I would be sleeping here, and why the native slept in his house, this was more or less just for storage. I stepped inside, admiring the rather large doorframe. I noticed that there were piles of wheat stacked in one corner, and they were in shape, although at first it appeared cubic, I was disappointed that it was in fact a bunch of cuboids. Even though it was still different, it was closer to home than anything else. I couldn’t see a bed in here, but then again, this was just for storage, and I was too tired to really care. I picked up the bundles of wheat with ease, having picked up far more heavier things in my day, and moved them so it was a three by two makeshift bed. I laid down on the wheat, my feet only dangling slightly off the edge. As I closed my eyes I heard the “barn” door close, and gladly ignored it, before drifting off, into a dreamless sleep

Author's Note:

This has been on my mind for a while now, and I wanted to see how it would go