• Published 14th Apr 2013
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Enderquestria - Friday Knight

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Getting Wood

I blinked. “You have more political power than her I take it?” I looked to the massive white Alicorn standing next to me. “Princess Celestia!” The Ponies said in shock. Seriously, how could they miss such a huge Alicorn right in the middle of the room, with hair that should be classed as against the laws of nature, in a good way of course. They all bowed down until their noses hit the floor. “Twilight you are a Princess too, you have no need to bow, and your friends are heroes of Equestria, they should not bow either.” The Ponies all raised their heads and smiled. “That is why I prefer you over her.” I stated pointing both my fingers at Celestia. “That’s not very nice.” I heard a whisper in my ear. I saw Sweetie Belle lying there with her front hooves over my shoulder. “But she was super mean to me.” I replied. “I was mean to you!” I turned to see the purple princess huffing. “You were the one who shouted at me and stole my book.” I slapped my hand against my face. “It’s a library you’re supposed to take books.” I retorted. “Not without a library card!” “What’s a library card?” I asked. She grumbled “It’s a card that you use to check out books, so that way you can return them on time.” I thought about it for a bit. “That’s stupid.” I said. She looked like a creeper about to explode. “We just go by the honesty of whomever takes it to return it.”
Twilight stamped her hoof against the ground. “No that’s stupid, that’s, that’s, you can’t trust people with books. You might never get them back, or, or there might be coffee stains on them, or-” “What’s coffee?” I whispered to Sweetie Belle. “I don’t know, I'm not allowed any, but Rarity drinks it to help keep her awake to work.” She whispered back. I nodded “Which one is Rarity?” “The white unicorn. She’s my sister.” “She’s your sister?” I blurted out, interrupting Twilights continuous rant about everyone needs a library card. “Have you even been listening to what I said?” She asked, very angry indeed. “

“Absolutely not.” I nodded. She began to grind her teeth, and I heard a small chuckle from Celestia, and a stranger chuckle from someone else. I turned my head around to see the mismatched creature from the previous night. I felt a throbbing in my head. “Oh, you hurt my head.” I moaned. “What!” Twilight shouted, she apparently thought I was still talking about her. “Not you him, whatever he is.” I pointed behind me. “Hey that’s a bit rude.” I turned round, the Shining Armour was looking at me with a frown. “Wait what, where did the other guy go?” I scratched my head. “Yes where did the other guy go?” I heard the voice again. “Aha.” I shouted and pointed, at nothing but air. “Oh come on.” I hung my head. “Hey that’s my line.” Sweetie Belle giggled from my shoulder. I smiled and looked up, only to see the creature standing behind the six Ponies. “There!” I shouted. Everyone turned around but they couldn't see him. “What I don’t see anything.” I felt an anger build up in my chest. I gently took Sweetie Belle off my shoulder and placed her on the ground next to her sister. I then, calmly as ever strode past everyone and took the window pane apart again.

Before I even allowed Twilight to question how I did that, I teleported away. I found myself on a roof not far from the castle. I could see Celestia looking out the window at me, wondering what I was going to do. I sucked in a giant breath, and “DAMN THEE SPAWN OF HEROBRINE!” I let it out in one glorious shout. I sighed, content with my work and teleported back to the room. Conveniently I teleported behind everyone, who was currently looking out the window to see where I had gone.

“What are we looking at?” I whispered behind them. All of them screamed, except for the Pink one, she laughed. Celestia even chuckled a bit, and soon, everyone was in full blown laughter, except for Twilight, who frowned at me. “Why did you do that?” She asked. “Well I wasn't going to do it in here now was I?” “No I mean why did you do that, why did you scream?” Oh that’s what she meant. “Because of that guy with the horns that none of you can see.” I told her. Everyone looked confused, until the yellow one softly said “Discord, stop messing around, please.”

I heard the chuckle behind me again. “If I turn around and you’re not there I swear I am going to encase myself in marble.” I turned, and he was there. “Well it’s very nice to meet you, I like that little shout of yours, but who is Herobrine?” He asked shaking my hand vigorously with his chicken hand. “I’d say your father but Herobrine isn't this nice.” I replied, my arm getting tired now. “What are you?” I asked. “How rude.” He pouted, turning away from me. I understood why he was saying that, but I felt like he was only doing so to annoy me. “I'm sorry. Who are you?” He turned back around and smiled toothily at me. “The name is Discord, Lord of Chaos, Creator of cotton candy clouds.” “What’s a cotton candy cloud.” There were two gasps, one from Discord, and one from the pink Pony.

“You don’t know what cotton candy is?” She shouted her face uncomfortably close to mine. I could see there was no violent intent in her eyes, but that didn't stop me from backing away. “No, I don’t, I apologise.” Her face broke into a large grin. “It’s ok, I just happen to keep some on me for emergencies.” She took a stick that looked like it was covered in a lighter version of her hair. For some reason, her friends looked confused and angry at how she pulled it from nowhere. I don’t understand, almost everyone in Craftia can do that, maybe she is from there too.

I took the hair stick off her and held it in my hand, examining it. It definitely looked like it came from her hair. I felt everyone’s gazes on me, not that they weren't already on me, but now they all had the same feeling, anticipation. I took a tentative bite. The pink consumable came apart rather easy, but that wasn't what I was focused. It was extremely sweet, sweeter than anything I ever ate, and I once ate a whole bucket a sugar straight from the cane. I coughed and gasped for breath, I could see the pink one looked rather upset. “It’s *ehem* a little sweet.” I said, looking at the cotton candy haired pony. It just occurred to me that I know absolutely none of their names save for Twilight and Sweetie Belle.

“What is your name?” I asked, I directed it a the Pink one but I hoped the others would answer as well. “I'm Pinkiemena Diane Pie. Or Pinkie Pie for short.” I couldn't help but chuckle. “Very suitable.” I looked at the rest of them “And you’re names are?” I gestured a hand to all of them. The orange one stepped forward first. “Names Applejack, and I would like to apologise for kicking yall seeing as somepony didn't give me a chance to.” She squinted her eyes at the multi-coloured Pegasus, who rolled her eyes and stepped forward. “I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all of Equestria.” I felt a throbbing in my head, recalling her big ego from when I first met her, well the second time I met her. “You really haven’t got a half-slab of self-control do you?” I rubbed my forehead with my hand, noticing how Rainbow Dash was scowling. I decided to move to the next Pony, but it was Sweetie Belles sister, “Rarity, I believe your name is?” She looked scared “Y-yes, how did you know?” I pointed to Sweetie Belle. “It’s why I shouted “She’s your sister.”” She looked like she understood, but she also looked annoyed at Sweetie Belle. “Well yes it is and I would say it was nice to meet you had it been under better circumstances, for example you foalnapping my sister!” There was acid in her voice.

“I didn't actually kidnap, or foalnap her I suppose, she came along willingly and I did nothing to harm her.” I stated, I was well versed in the act of bullshittery, and even though this is true, I felt the need to mention it. I could see Sweetie Belle nodding in affirmation. “And besides, if I did foalnap her would the first thing she do when she saw me be run up and hug me?” Rarity scratched at the ground nervously. “I-I suppose your right, I apologise for injuring you.” She had sorrow in her voice, I couldn't help but feel sorry. “It’s ok, I understand completely.” Her eyes widened in surprise. “Really?” I chuckled a bit. “What, you think monsters don’t care about their siblings.” I felt my eyes flash a light purple, remembering Bronagh.

I could see a smile on her voice, seeing we had some common ground. I went to look for the other Pony, the yellow Pegasus with the Pink hair, but I couldn't find her, at least I assumed it was a her, it matched the build of most of the others. “Umm, where is the other one, the Pegasus?” I asked, looking around. I saw her conversing with Discord. She was talking in a very low and quiet voice. Discord noticed me looking at her, and gave her a little nudge and a point to me. She looked very scared and her face behind her hair. I gave a meek wave and realised she was probably extremely shy. I decided to ask one of her friends who she was. I couldn't really decide who to choose so I just asked Sweetie Belle. “Her name is Fluttershy, she’s really good with animals.” I nodded in understanding, and felt I should think of something that I could start a conversation with.

I recalled a moment in my life as an enderling when I found a young ocelot. I could tell it was young because of its comically large head. It didn't run away from me, like older ones did, but instead, it looked at me with interest. I didn't have any fish on me, or a fishing rod for that matter, so I decided to share a treat that I had gotten on my Spawnday. “Excuse me Fluttershy,” she whimpered a little, I felt it best to lower myself. I sat down with crossed legs so I was almost level with her head. “I hear your good with animals. I don’t suppose you have any cats do you?” At this her eyes lit up, blue eyes, blue eyes staring at me with glee. “Oh you like cats? I have the cutest little kitty at my home, I also have Tabby, Blue, Siamese and Ginger, I also have a lot of dogs too, I have Labradors, Beagles and Mastiffs. Ooo I have bunnies too, and mice and bears and birds and bats.”
I stopped her there with a gesture of my hat. “What are bears, bunnies and mice?” I knew about everything else, but I had never heard of those types of cats or dogs. I knew a chicken was technically a bird. She looked astounded. “Where are you from? Tha-that is if you don’t mind me asking.” I laughed a little, clearly when it came to animals she forgot all aspects or her shyness. “I’m from Craftia.” I told her smiling. She looked extremely uncomfortable. “Um, I've never heard of that place.” I frowned, it wasn't an angry frown, just a confused frown. “It’s fine, it’s not your fault, it’s probably just really far away from here.” I knew I was kidding myself. How could someone not know of Craftia, it spans forever, never stopping, I heard of a Craftian who went to look for the end and hasn't been seen since.
“We don’t have many animals there, we have, uhh, ocelots, cats, dogs, chickens, squids, sheep, cows and pigs, there are mooshrooms too, but they’re kind of like cows, and that’s it.” I could see her staring at me with great unease. I could also feel everyone else staring at me with great confusion. I turned around to meet their gaze. “What?” I asked. Everyone looked unsure of what to say, rubbing they hooves behind one another. “YOU’RE CRAZY!” Twilight screamed. Everyone frowned at her, including Celestia. “Twilight.” I could hear annoyance in Celestia’s voice. “That is no way to treat a guest to our lands.” Twilight looked extremely uncomfortable. “But he is, there is no such thing a mooshrooms, and what kind of land has only ten kinds of animals. Also, I've never heard of this Craftia either and it sounds like some made up world.” She wore a frown, and had malice in her voice, even if it wasn't directed to Celsetia. Said Alicorn had a great frown upon her face.
“Twilight, how could you be so rude as to not believe his story, he clearly comes from somewhere that isn't within our lands. He might be from a different planet for all we know.” “That would explain why everything is curved.” I mumbled. “See!” Twilight said once more. “He doesn't think anything should be curved.” This was beginning to annoy me. I placed my hand against the wall of the room, and took a block of marble from the wall. Twilight jaw dropped, along with everyone else’s, except for Celestia and Shining Armour. I tossed the block up and down in my hand. “You really need to expand your horizons.” Twilights face grew red. “How did you do that?” She was clearly annoyed that I knew how to do something that she didn't. “I’m not telling.” I said still throwing the block up and down. I tossed it up once more, but it didn't come down.
I looked up to see that the block had accidentally stuck to the celling. I sighed. “I hate it when that happens.” I reached up to try and get it down, unfortunately, it was just out of my reach. I took another block out of the wall and placed it down. I then stood on the block I placed down and took the one stuck on the ceiling. I stepped down from the block and placed both back into the wall. After I had put them back I turned around to find everyone looking at me with wide eyes and dropped jaws.
“Seriously!” Shining Armour shouted. “How do you do that?” He was completely baffled. “Well, it’s easy really, although it took a while to get it to work with this, I started off with dirt, then moved onto sand, then wood, then stone, I still can’t move obsidian.” I was numbering off the blocks with my fingers. “I've never really tried to move Netherrack, seeing as I’ve never been to the Nether, I was too creeped out by soulsand to move that either, I never found a Nether Fortresse before so I couldn't try Nether Brick.” I recalled the one of the few times I had been to the nether, and let me tell you it wasn't a pleasant experience. Running for your life because you occidentally hurt a pigman is not my idea of fun.
“What in Tartus is the Nether?” Twilight said. “And more importantly how can you move almost every physical entity.” I shrugged my shoulders “Practice. I was taught by my elders how to this to the most basic of blocks and from then on I just tried to do it with whatever I came across.” Clearly this was too much for her to comprehend, or the fact that she couldn't do it was just annoying her. Before she could shout more, Celestia cut in. “Is there anything else you can do?” She asked. I pondered for a moment. I was attempting to try and recreate the Craftians abilities to make tools and other things from base materials. “I think I might be able to do something, but I’ll need a tree.”
An hour or two later, we were all standing in a forest that looked somewhat similar to the spruce trees. Although it wasn't at all cold where we where they were. “So what is it you can do that you can do that you require a tree?” Celestia asked calmly. “Well, I should be able to turn them into wooden planks.” I said, giving my knuckles a crack in preparation. I stared at the tree, it was much thinner than what I was used to. I placed my hands on the trunk, a good bit above the ground. I concentrated, and imagined myself doing this to the trees in Craftia. I imagined myself taking the block from the tree. I heard a gasp, and when I opened my eyes I saw that the part of the tree I had held onto expanded to fit my grasp were I holding a block from Craftia.
“Ha it worked!” I smiled in glee. I placed the trunk on the ground and went to take the base of it. I preformed the same actions, and sure enough the block came into my hands. I placed it down and decided to get one more block before I stopped, because if I remembered the crafting recipe correctly, I would need a lot of wood. I took the final block of wood from the tree, and decided to leave the final block with the leaves on it for a bit. I had three blocks of wood in front of me now. I decided to turn around and explain what I was going to do.
Before I could do so however, “OK, NOW HOW DID YOU DO THAT!” It was Rainbow Dash who shouted this time. “Do what? I've been doing the same thing that I did in the castle.” I was confused as to what she meant. “How did you make the tree stay in the air?!” She exclaimed. I stared at the stationary leaves in the air. “What? They don’t do that here?” “NO!” everyone but Fluttershy and Celestia shouted. “Oh, well, I don’t really know how gravity works here, but in my homeland it doesn’t matter if it’s touching anything, unless it’s physically moved it stays where it is. Except sand, and gravel.” I finished my sentence while stacking up the three blocks, and taking the two from under it away. Rainbow Dash looked as if she was going to burst, and Twilight didn’t look much better. Even Celestia had a slight twitch in her eye.
“But, I didn't come here to show you that.” I said waving a finger and taking the suspended block out of the air. “Oh great, there’s more?” Applejack sighed. “Yippee, I can’t wait to see what you can do.” I took the block in my hands, and I began to push my hands together. Nothing was happening quite some time, as I hadn't quite mastered it yet. “Umm, what are you supposed to be doi-” Before Rarity could finish her sentence there was a small popping noise, and my hands clapped together. I blinked, my hands were touching, ok, that’s step one complete, now if I can just. I brought my hands up and spread them out in an arc. Within the arc that my hands made were for spinning wooden planks. I sighed with relief, that bit is done, but I don’t have anywhere to put them. I looked over to the Ponies and noticed Fluttershy had a small bag over her back.
“Fluttershy,” I called. She “eeped” “May I borrow your bag please?” I asked politely as I could. She looked at her bag and took it off. I noticed that it only had one strap, which was good because I don’t think I could put a bag with two straps on properly. “Um, where do I put it?” She asked quietly. “Just over my neck please.” It was getting very hard to keep the blocks in the arc. I felt the strap go over my neck and saw the containment bit of the bag land on my chest. “Thank you.” I said, now came the difficult bit. I angled my arms so that all the wood would go into the bag. I hoped that this bag worked similar to the ones the Craftians carry. The four small blocks slid down my arm and into the bag, vanishing into null space.
I collapsed to the ground, hands and knees on the ground, as well as my head. I heard everyone rushing over to me to check that I was ok. “What happened!?” I heard Shining Armour ask. I waved their worries away. “Nothing, it’s just that transmogrification isn’t my strong suit.” “Transmogawhatnow?” I heard Pinkie Pie ask. I looked up to see Twilight looking at me, but not with the same gaze as before, in this gaze, she held respect. “Transmogrification,” She began, but then stopped herself “To put it bluntly is changing one thing into a different thing.” I nodded. “That is true, and hopefully I should be able to,” I let my sentence carry off as I reached into Fluttershy’s bag and retrieved the planks, still in their small spinning form.
“I hope this works.” I said hesitantly. I slowly began to push all the planks together, they made small screeching noise as I finally closed my hands. I imagined all of the times I had seen Craftians make those tables, and tried to recreate their actions. I felt the four small blocks disappear in my hand, and were replaced with one smaller block. “Ok, I think it worked.” I told the others. All of them looked upon me eagerly, even Celestia had a smile on her lips. I spread my hands and a single block was spinning in the air. “That’s it?” Rainbow Dash asked. I frowned at her and slammed the cube to the ground, causing a slight gasp from all the Ponies.
“Now there was no need for that.” Celestia said in an annoyed tone. “I apologise, but I was supposed to do this.” I lifted my hand from the ground and in its place was a single, designed block. “So, you put together four blocks to make this one block?” Twilight asked. I nodded. “I know you think it’s probably a waste of materials, but if I do this it should make getting everything a lot easier.” I sat down beside the block and figured it would be best to explain it. “This block right here,” I placed a hand on it “is known as a crafting bench.” I could see everyone looking intently, even Discord, who I assumed would be able to do this for some reason. “There is only so much that I can do with just my hands.” I figured it would be best to let them assume I was the only sentient species from Craftia. “This is used to create tools, weapons and other appliances.” I said, recalling many Craftians making and leaving these benches in the middle of nowhere for no good reason.
“If I were to want to make any sort of tool, I would first need to make sticks, which, although it can be done with my hands, is easier done with this.” I reached over for a piece of tree trunk and compressed it once more. After doing so I only put two planks into the bag this time. “If you will come a bit closer,” I gestured for them to come nearer with a wave of my hand. “you can see these nine squares.” I pointed a finger to the small crafting area. “These squares hold the blocks and anything else that you put in it.” I said spinning the two blocks in my hand. “Now, if I were to do this.” I placed the two blocks down, one above another in the squares. “That should pop up.”
No one noticed the small spinning stick in the air above the crafting bench. I reached out to take them, but was stopped by a purple hoof. I turned to see Twilight stopping me, her eyes on the sticks. “There’s, no way this is dangerous right?” She asked, fear in her voice. I had to think about it for a minute. “No,” I began hesitantly “unless you’re making something like TnT you should be fine.” “Should be?” Twilight gulped. “Well, yeah, unless you grab it wrong, or send it out the wrong way, there worst that could happen is a block to the stomach.” With that being said I reached out to take the sticks once more this time with no interruptions. After I had grabbed the stick, it sprang into four identical looking ones.
Of course no one was expecting this, so they were extremely confused, but decided not to question it, as their minds more than likely were confused enough. “Ok, so now that we have the base building material, I’ll show you how to make the most base of tools.” I compressed one more tree block for good measure and let the blocks slide into the bag. “One of the most important tools, is a pickaxe, it’s made by placing two sticks,” I placed two sticks on top of another in the centre and bottom middle squares “and with three planks on top.” I placed three wooden planks on the top of the table, filling up the top row.
A small wooden pickaxe appeared spinning above the crafting bench. I plucked it from where it hovered and placed it in the bag. “How are ya supposed to mine with that teency thang.” Applejack asked, staring at the bag. I chuckled and pulled it back out. It had grown to about three times its size. They all stared at the bag. “It’s bigger on the inside.” Pinkie Pie said, and I couldn't help but feel I had heard a rather odd Craftian say that before. Ignoring unreturning memories, I explained this to them. “The pickaxe is one of the most useful tools for mining. The name explains itself, and all the tools can be made out of five materials. Wood, stone, iron, gold and diamonds. Diamonds are the most difficult ore to find in the world so should you come across some you are very luck-” “Oh, I’ve got some here.”
I looked up to see Rarity searching through her own bag, and low and behold, she took out eight diamonds. I had only once seen a bounty of diamonds that big, and that was when a Craftian occidentally fell in front of me, dying and spilling the contents from his bag. I had to admit, I found it funny at the time, but only because Craftians are basically immortal, they die in front of you one minute and the next they’re running back almost naked to get their loot back. That particular Craftian, a man with some kind of orange wolf coat on his back, had an amazing stack of diamonds and other goods.
I may or may not have taken a few for a friend of mines Spawnday, as well as some of his lapis for a treat on the way back. “Where did you get all of them?” I asked Rarity, my mouth hanging slightly open. “Oh, I always have a few in case I need to make a few dresses on the go.” Suddenly, the diamonds became encased in a light blue glow. They began hovering over to me, and I was suddenly very scared. I recalled a time when I heard someone stepping on grass, I was still an Enderling at the time. I could see no one there, but I could still here the noise. Then, a sword appeared out of nowhere and began to swipe at me.
I later learned that it was a Craftian using an invisibility potion, and more than likely wearing a pumpkin on his head as I couldn't sense him looking at me. This made me wary of floating objects, some of which were floating to me right now. “Um, what’s going on?” I asked, uneasy at the sight. “Oh that’s right, you don’t know about magic.” Twilight said, a small smirk on her face, clearly this made her happier now that she knew something I did not. “Unicorns, and Alicorns, can use magic, to lift things, to make things, in Rarity’s case she can use magic to help her find gems and jewels. They can also use it to teleport, and if they are powerful enough, to go back in time.”
I blinked, something I've been doing very often when I heard something I didn't understand. They can teleport, and go back in time, and find ores. Damn this magic sounds cool. “So, you’re doing this?” I asked, pointing to the floating diamonds. She nodded. I grabbed the diamonds out of the air and looked at them. They had a different shape to the diamonds I had found. These appeared to have a more spherical element to them, whereas the ones I had found were egg shaped.
“Ok, seeing as I have one of the most sought after ores in all of Craftia at my disposal, I shall show you what to do with them.” I looked at the eight diamonds, and figured I would show them armour. “You can make protection from certain materials,” I said, filling the crafting bench with diamond except for the top centre square. A small image of a tunic popped up. “This is a chestplate, its size and shape changes depending on the creature that makes it.” I stood up to my full height “If I were to make it, it would go from here,” I pointed to my shoulders “To here.” I pointed just below my stomach.
“They can also make leggings,” I took the bottom centre and middle diamonds out and placed one in the top square. “Shoes.” I left only the middle and bottom left as well as the middle and bottom right diamonds in their place. “and helmets.” I placed a diamond in the centre of the table. I looked at the spinning blue helmet in the air. “Do you mind if I make this?” I turned to Rarity. “Oh not at all.” I smiled and plucked it from the air.
I placed it in the bag, and the placed on my head, where it fit snugly leaving a small gap allowing me to see. “How do I look?” I asked. They all nodded in approval. Ok, so I have three diamonds left now. That means I can make a spade, and axe, a sword, a hoe, a diamond hoe? No way I’m making that. I don’t have any obsidian, or a book for that matter, although I have the feeling Twilight brought one. I think I’ll make a spade so I can get to the stone.
“Ok, I’m going to make a spade so I can dig until I get to the stone.” I placed two sticks in the middle and bottom centre, and placed a diamond on top. I grabbed the spinning tool out of the air and placed it in the bag. “Hopefully this works.” I took the spade out and slammed it into the ground beside the crafting bench. To my surprise, a square hole took its place and left a spinning dirt block in its place.
“Now we’re talking.” I smiled as I continued to dig away at the dirt, the blocks zooming up into my bag without having to tell them to. I heard a chink and realised that I had hit stone. I smiled at the faint grey surface that I could see. I decided to dig straight up to check how far I was from the surface. I ended up to the left and a bit away from them. “Hey!” I shouted, waving them over. I was half way out of the hole when I saw white hooves approach me. I was surprised to see it was Shining Armour standing in front of me rather than Rarity or Celestia.
“Yes?” I asked. “I think you should know there’s a distinct possibility you’ll be digging into Diamond Dog territory.” What? Are they dogs made of diamonds, like that one that lit me on fire, he was probably a fire dog or something. “I think I’ll be fine, but if you’re really worried I could make a sword.” I got out of the hole and was talking to him. “Wait, you make weapons?” I shook my head. “I don’t professionally, I just can.” I told him, routing through the bag for the two diamonds I had left. “So if you make weapons, that means you have something to use them on.” I sighed.
“It’s true that I am not the only sentient species in Craftia, but we do contain our violence and rage better than others, provided no one looks at us the wrong way.” I mumbled the last bit. “So what do you fight against?” “In Craftia? There are many a beast who turns violent in the presence of others, Zombies, Skeletons, Spiders and Creepers. Those are the base four.” I held up four fingers, walking back to the crafting bench where the others were waiting. “Zombies? I thought those were just a myth.” His voice shuddered. “And how do the Skeletons work?” I approached the waiting Ponies. “I’ll tell you later.” I said, jabbing a thumb in their direction. He understood.
“Ok, so now that I've hit stone, I'm going to need this.” I fished for the pickaxe to take it out of the bag. “Dammit, all this dirt is in here.” I said, placing the rather immense amount of dirt blocks on the ground, piling it up until I couldn't place another block on it. I started to place it across instead, and then back down to the ground. I now stood in a dirt arch, or doorway if you will. It looked like that was the end of the dirt so I could easily get the pickaxe out of the bag now.
“Can you do this with all blocks?” I looked up to see Celestia asking me the question. She hadn't really said much through the entire thing, so I assumed she was just trying to remember everything. “Except obsidian.” I said pointing a finger at her. She nodded. “But, would you be willing to say, do this on a much larger scale, say houses?” I chuckled. “I build houses all the time, granted their usually made of dirt, but.”
“I would like to send you somewhere after you’re done with all of this if you don’t mind.” I waved a hand at her. “Of course, of course, but for now,” I held up the pickaxe “We mine.” I ran down the hole and struck the pickaxe against the stone. It made a pleasant pop as the stone crumbled away and turned itself into a small floating block of cobblestone. I made my way back up, and noticed that it would be very difficult to fit all the Ponies down there. I took the cobblestone out of the bag and placed it on the grass. “And that’s just the beginning.” I said smiling.

“You’re under arrest!” Twilight yelled. I looked to Sweetie Belle, and we held the same idea. “NOPE!” We shouted. "Hit it!" Sweetie Belle shouted. With that, we ran leaping over all the Ponies, causing them to give chase to us. I noticed a small yellow tail hiding behind a corner. I smiled and grabbed it, hearing a pleasant yelp from a not so pleasant Pony. I whirled him over my head until he was about to do to me what I had done to him last night. I released him, sending his body, and what was coming out of his body in the direction of the Ponies. I heard screaming and smiled high fiving Sweetie Belle. “TO MILKSHAKES!” We shouted together.