• Published 14th Apr 2013
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Enderquestria - Friday Knight

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Their reaction had been less than pleasing. Two screamed, two jumped towards me and the other two, well thankfully they did nothing but merely observe. The two that jumped towards me were the two I had previous encounters with, I quickly rolled to the side to avoid being flattened by two Ponies. They landed with an “oof” and crashed into each other. I turned to the other four, to see that a white Unicorn had fainted, and a purple one was looking upon me with great fear. I was confused by this one, Sweetie Belle had said there was only three types of Ponies, but this one had both wings and a horn, was she perhaps somekind of hybrid. Seeing as I spoke earlier, my mouth would not close for some time, so I decided to make the most of it. I cleared my throat and spoke slowly.

“Excuse me but what are you?” I directed my speech towards the purple one, and she wore the same look of amazement that I wore when I first heard the red Native speak, now that I look back on it I was not aware of which species he was, pherhaps the darkness shad hidden his wings from view, or perhaps, I took a look back at the orange Earth Pony groaning on the floor, he was the same species as her. I turned back to the purple one, seeing as she had grasped a sense of composure and began to talk.

“M-my name is Twilight Sparkle, I am a pony.” She spoke with a somewhat regal accent, similar to the sound of my tribe elders, but she carried an air of compassion in her voice, most definitely not similar to my elders. But it was what she said that threw me. She said she was a Pony, but the only Ponies here where the orange one and, I turned to my right to see a very, unstable, would be the best word to describe, her? She was a pink Earth Pony, and her hair was extremely large and, similar to that of an unwashed sheep. It was matted in places with knots everywhere. Sitting next to her was a yellow Pegasus with hair similar to that of the skin of her neighbour.
“No you’re not, they are.” I said pointing towards the pink and orange Ponies. Now she was the one wearing a frown.

“In case you haven’t noticed we’re all ponies.” Her voice had risen in volume, was her mind being pumped with adrenaline, making her unable to form correct thoughts.
“No you’re not!” I exclaimed, making her take a step back, perhaps raising my voice was not the best move. I brought my voice back down to a more conversational tone. “You are not all Ponies, she is a Unicorn,” I pointed to the white Unicorn on the floor “the blue and yellow ones are Pegasus, and the pink and orange are Ponies, I do not know what you are.” I made an emphasis on you and pointed a finger at her. After I finished an odd look appeared on her face, one of, recognition, understanding possibly?
“Oh, I get it now.” Yep, understanding. “I’m an Alicorn.” She stated. What’s an Alicorn, I thought to myself, then decided to express my curiosity out loud.
“What’s an Alicorn?” I question the apparent purple Alicorn
“An Alicorn is a Unicorn with Pegasus wings.” What made her so special? Why was she allowed to have both?
“Isn’t that a bit unfair?” I questioned. She was clearly taken aback by the question.
“W-what? How is it unfair?” she stammered. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the orange and blue Ponies begin to get up, along with the white Unicorn currently by this purple ones side.
“Why do you have both a horn and wings?” The blue and orange one were fully up now, but they were not attacking, they were, watching, with, interest? The white one was doing the same?
“Because I’m a Princess.” She stated. My eye twitched a little. Although there was no such thing as a Princess in my tribe, I was aware of what the term was. When I was a mere Enderling, myself, along with all the other Enderlings were told stories to keep us occupied. We were told of a great behemoth of a spider known as the Spider Queen. It was a spider, only a bit larger than the regular variety, but it held to ability to control other spiders, even ones of a colossal size. During the story, one of the Enderlings asked what would happen if the Spider Queen had a baby, and that was when I learnt of the terms Prince and Princess.
I knew that the term meant that she was the daughter of a Queen, and therefore, granted power over others. I was angered at this, she believed that because she was better , she was allowed more power. I cleared my throat.
“And, eh, how would you describe these Ponies.” I said gesturing to the room around me, hoping she understood the meaning.
“Well, they’re my friends I suppose.” I nodded in a sarcastically understanding manner.
“And, if these Ponies are your friends, why are they not the same as you? Do you not think you should share your power with those of whom you are close?” there was a slight annoyance in my voice, which she picked up on.
“How would you know what it means to have friends, who could you be close to?” There was anger in her voice, and it was noticed by each person in the room. “How could a monster like you have someone to care about!” My mind flashed to my sister dying in my arms, I snapped.
“DON’T YOU DARE TELL ME I DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE!” I shouted, the very sound shook the foundations of the building, and the two that were looking upon me with interest now showed fear, I could feel the anger rising in my chest but I forced it back down, and took a deep breath. I decided now would be a good time to make my leave. Behind the Alicorn was rows of books, all different colours. I reached towards a particularly large and dusty one, and prised it from the shelf.
I then turned to the door, which I had noticed earlier, and walked towards it. “Hey!”
What is it with Ponies stopping me from leaving. I sighed an turned to face the six. “Yes.” I asked sarcastically.
“Give that back.” It was the Alicorn. I took it she was talking about the book.
“No.” I told her. “I’m allowed take it.” She was clearly expecting the first part, but the second part, not so much.
“What the hay do you mean you’re allowed take it!” I could see a small crackle form around the base of her horn. Did she not know this was a library, I took it she was well aware considering she was looking me up in books.
“This is a library, is it not.” I questioned, perhaps I was just misinformed. The crackling around her horn died instantly.
“How did you know this was a library?” she sounded more concerned that curious. She more than likely thought I had been here for longer than the one day I have actually been so. But what she said made me remember something extremely important. The book fell to the ground with a thud as I began searching frantically. How could I have forgotten about Sweetie Belle. I would like to blame the Alicorn for distracting me, but I doubt it would be true. The others were watching me as if I was a wolf who had lost it’s favourite bone.
I let out a sigh of relief as I discovered an unconscious silver body lying under a table.
“There you are.” I reached under that table and picked up Sweetie Belle by her torso, seeing as my hand was large enough to wrap around her. I brought her out from under the table which allowed the Ponies to see. I had only placed her upon my shoulder and turned to the door when I was blasted off my feet and sent crashing into a book case. Whatever hit me was extremely powerful. A book fell off a shelf and landed on my head. The jolt was enough for me to remember what was going on. I looked up and my eyes fell upon a certain purple Alicorn. I glared at her and she wore a scared face, but shook her head slowly and pointed a hoof to her left.
It was the white Unicorn. Her horn was practically smoking and her eyes, I blinked to make sure I was seeing correctly. Her light blue eyes held the same gaze of fury that mine held whenever someone tried to injure Bronagh. I was confused, but the thought of Bronagh made be think of someone else. I looked at my shoulder to find that Sweetie Belle was no longer there. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed a small something in the air. The blast sent at me must have knocked Sweetie Belle skyward. My mind was clouded over, when I pictured her falling, in a similar fashion of one that I had seen too many times.
I didn’t know what to do, but I felt my self preforming the same actions that were preformed on that faithful day. I leaped forwards in an attempt to catch the currently falling Sweetie Belle. It did not go as expected. It is extremely difficult to leap while sitting down, so I made a sort of, odd tumble, and landed with a THUD on a very sensitive part of my body. Another THUD and a lump landed on my stomach, causing me to let out a gasp of breath. Knowing Sweetie Belle was safe, I closed my eyes and let my head hit the floor.

When I opened them, around a second later, there was a very angry white Unicorn standing over, and every other Pony standing away from her, looking upon her with, fear? It was a very odd kind of fear. Anyway, the kind of fear that you have when knowing you’re friend is going to make a big mistake. Back to the situation at hand, I was now looking upon a Unicorn who I would assume very much wanted to kill me. I didn’t know how to get out of this situation, so I did possibly the strangest thing I had ever done.
“Boop.” I squeezed her nose. She let out a “Gah.” and reared back from shock. I took the opportunity to stand up, clutching Sweetie Belle close to my shoulder, her head drooping over the back. After she regained her composure, her horn began crackling a light blue similar to her eyes.
“Put her down.” She said in a warning tone. She had a lot of nerve I’ll give her that.
“Are you going to hurt her?” I asked warily. She looked, offended.
“Of course I’m not going to hurt her!” She shouted at me. Her tone was like that of a protective parent.
“Then what was that little stunt back there!” I shouted matching her in scale. “If she had of landed on the floor instead of me she could have been seriously hurt.”
“Why do you even care for her!” Her tone was no curious and less seeping with poison.
“Because she’s the only one here who’s been nice to me, well except for that red guy.” I replied, recalling the night before I was chased away from “Sweet Apple Acres.” Before she could have a rebuttal, and orange hoof met her chest, signaling for her to stop.
“Now how do you know about Big Mac?” She spoke to me as if asking a youngling where they found something that didn’t belong to them.
“He was kind enough not to kick me the moment he saw me.” I let it out in a short burst. I had been wanting to do that for a while. The orange one looked as though she was about to apologise, but stopped before she could say anything.
“Well,” she let out in a drawl “I wouldn’t have kicked you, if you hadn’t done anything ta AppleBloom.” AppleBloom? Who’s AppleBloom again.
“Applebloom, Applebloom,” I murmured trying to recall where the name came from. My mind had a sudden burst of memory “Oh I know this one,” I said as though I was playing a game “She’s eh, she’s small, yellow, and em, uh, has a bow?” I asked hoping my description fit the picture. The orange one looked at me with anger, but it wasn’t the same “I will kill you”anger the white one had, it was more of a “you had better have an explanation for this” kind of anger.
“And why, did you have her bow?” she questioned, I could see her holding back the same sentence but with much larger volume.
“She dropped it.” I said simply, shrugging my shoulders, inadvertently causing Sweetie Belle to moan.I decided it would be best if I let the white one have her. I picked her up off my shoulder and placed her upon the white ones torso, she gave me a silent thank you with a nod of her head and stepped back from the orange one.
“What do ya mean she dropped it?” she asked, clearly not believing my story. I sighed and said again
“She dropped it, or it fell off maybe, so I went to give it back to her, and then you,” I pointed at her spinning my finger “thought it would be good fun to kick me.” I gave her a condescending look. It appeared she was actually going to say sorry this time.
“Alright I’m so-” “HOLD IT!” “OH COME ON!” I shouted the last bit, the bit before was said by the multicoloured Pegasus.
“What about in town? When you scared Roseluck and I had to send you on your way.” The blue one questioned. I face palmed and dragged my hand down slowly. It was causing a bit of discomfort around the room but I really couldn’t care.
“Is you’re ego always this big?” I muttered, when my hand finally left my face.
“HEY!” she shouted, “My ego isn’t big, my ego is a perfectly normal size.” She finished the last sentence by sticking her tongue out.
“You don’t even know what ego means!” I yelled, I wasn’t aware if this was true or not but I was willing to take my chances.
"S-so what if I don't know what it means, if I don't know what it means then it means it isn't worth my time knowing." I so desperately wished to place my hands upon her throat and allow her see the price of a large ego, but I abstained as it would not be a good impression on the other Ponies.
"Which one of you here is the most educated?" I said tiredly "Cause I really do not have the energy to educate her extremely tiny mind." It caused a snicker from the orange and pink Ponies. I didn't imply it to be funny, but I was hoping to get a reaction from the blue one, which I succeeded in doing. She growled at me, which I thought was extremely unusual as I had only known wolves to growl. I wasn't paying attention as these thoughts came across my mind, so I didn't notice her leaping towards me, when I did it was too late to dodge out of the way, I yelled and my instincts kicked in. I teleported away, I didn't know to where but it was in the immediate vicinity.
"Aaah!" was the first thing I heard when I finished teleporting, the first thing I saw was inky blackness. I didn't know who or what made the noise but I was fully aware of what happened next. A bright green light appeared from the darkness and it enveloped itself around me. I looked down and noticed that this green light was fire. So I did what any rational being would do if they were on fire, I screamed.
"Gaaaaah!" I shouted, my mouth was once fully open again. It is a peculiar thing how an Enders mouth works, but considering I am on fire now is not the best time. I teleported once more and found myself back in the presence of six Ponies. They screamed almost as loud as I did when they saw me on fire, the Alicorn however, shouted something along the lines of "Spike, what did you do!" A dog did this? What the Nether is wrong with this world? I fell to the ground, as it would appear the flame was eating away at my legs. It traveled faster up my body, catching around my groin area giving it an unpleasing sensation. With the flame getting closer to my head I shouted my last words at the Ponies who were watching me, to the idiotic dog who set my on fire, to Notch and Herobrine themselves..

"FORCE UPDATE!" and with that, I accepted my demise, and was completely enveloped by the flame.

THUMP I landed on a hard surface, and felt as though my stomach had done several flips, and could feel a surge of internal fluids rushing up my throat, unfortunately, I had felt the sensation several times before. I groaned as I got up and searched for somewhere to expell my bile, and found myself in a room that appeared to be made out of a more recent discovery that was found in the Nether, marble. I was aware of how fond Craftians were of this stone as they said it had nice "aesthetic" purposes. I noticed a hole in the room and ran towards it, barely keeping my fluids down, when i got to the hole I thanked Notch and apologised for my previous language. I didn't have time to look down as the bile evacuated my body. There was a surprisingly large amount considering the only thing I ate recently was an apple.
When I had finished throwing up, I had a look as to where I was, I appeared to be in some form of castle, it looked as though it was made entirely out of marble. I would have continued my admiration had I not heard an extremely girly scream. It appeared to have come from below me.
I was extremely high up but I could make out thanks to light spilling out of a nearby window that there appeared to be a a white Unicorn, with green hair, oh, wait.
The Unicorn looked for the culprit, when he looked up he saw me gazing out of the window and shouted
"I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS!" It sounded male and desperately serious, I hope he has no great power. I didn't think my voice would reach down if I talked normally so I shouted.
"IF IT IS ANY CONSOLATION I AM EXTREMELY SORRY!" I hoped he would forgive me, but if it was me, I probably wouldn't.
"THERE IS NO CONSOLATION HERE!" He shouted before running towards the light. I sighed realising this probably won't end well, like most of my encounters. I sighed and stepped away from the window. "Why can't I ever make a good impression." I sighed "Damn thee Herobrine, you sadistic bastard." I sighed and slumped to the floor, thinking of jumping out that window, but my thoughts were interrupted by a small cough.I turned and found myself in the presence of two Unicorns and a, a, I have no idea what the third being was, It looked like a various mismatch of animals, several of which I do not know. The only things I could recognise were a Pegasus wing, and an over sized bat wing. I noticed it appeared to be bathing in something, it looked like it had a similar texture to milk, but was brown. I also noticed that the two Unicorns were bathing in water, and suddenly realised I interrupted their bathing time. It is extremely awkward to interrupt something as private as bathing. I had the unfortunate realisation of this when I was exploring a cave I heard the sound of running water. Now, the thing about water is, it burns us, if left untreated. Some of the smartest Elders developed a kind of powder that allowed us to nullify the effects of water on our skin. It burns us enough so that it's not painful but it destroys any dirt on our skin. As I approached the running water I wondered what I would find there, I was young so I did not know about the location of ores, so naturally I was excited. I ran towards the source but as soon as I got to a small pool of water, being fueled by a nearby source block coming from a crack in the cave, I tripped and came face to face with one of the, ehem, more attractive females of my tribe. She screamed I screamed we all scream for Magma Cream.
Back to the situation at hand I could tell that these three didn't exactly know how to deal with me, and with the depletion of energy given to me from that oh so wonderful experience of the taste of bile in my mouth, I didn't think I could do much. I sighed and hoped these Ponies weren't like the orange and blue Ponies with my first encounters.
"Please tell me you're not going to attack me," I sighed "Cause I really am too tired to fight." The two Unicorns shared a glance, and the mismatched creature simply watched with interest.Before either could say anything, the door to this, bathing room I suppose, was thrust open, and a white Unicorn with a dripping green mane walked in. I tugged at my neck as I realised this was the same Unicorn whom I accidentally threw upon. Thankfully, he didn't notice me, and walked straight towards the white Unicorn.
"Aunty I need you to find whoever did this to me!" he said, with the same air of royalty that the purple Alicorn had, but he sounded much more, snobby, and an "I'm better than you." attitude.
"I think it suits you." The creature in milk chuckled, obviously enjoying this beings uncomfortable situation.
"Shut it you demon out of Tartus," and suddenly so was I. "No, wait, I can use you, you're good at getting revenge on people." He said, rubbing his hooves together in a devious fashion. The creature put a, paw, to what I assumed to be it's chin.
"Hmm, let me think about that, nope." with that he sunk back into his milky bath. The Unicorn was clearly furious at this, his face turning a bright shade of red.
"I don't care what you say I am a Prince and you will obey me!" He shouted getting ever closer to the creature, but he said the magic word. The moment the words prince and obey left his obnoxious mouth I decided to teach him a lesson. Thankfully, he was still angrily unaware of my presence, so my best tactic was to simply walk up behind him, and do whatever comes to mind. As I made my way towards the white Unicorn, I could see the other cast an unsure glance at the Blue one, but the Blue simply shook it's head. I stood behind the obnoxious Unicorn who was huffing at the mismatched creature, who appeared to be giving me a sly smile.
"And, what if he doesn't want to obey you?" I spoke behind the Unicorn. He did not jump, much to my disappointment, he did however, tense up, it wasn't out of fear, but out of anger.
"Who," He began to turn "In the name of Tartus, dares to talk to me like-" His eyes met my legs "that." he said with a whimper. Slowly his eyes traveled up my legs, up my chest, and came to a rest on my head. I could see his current thoughts in his eyes, and thought I would have a little fun.
"Boo." I said. He ran through my legs screaming like a tiny female, leaving a streak of yellow liquid in his wake.
You could hear him screaming no matter how far he went, the same, continuous feminine scream could be heard even when he was, what I would assume, twenty floors down. I bet that all those in Ponyville could hear it. Even Notch himself could probably hear it. The screaming had finally stopped and a loud clanging could be heard, I would assume he locked himself inside a room with an iron door. After the bang of the door, I turned to look at the three beings in their respective baths. The milk creature and the blue Unicorn burst out laughing, and the white Unicorn was trying with great difficulty to hold back a great bout of laughter.
"I have to say my good fellow you put on quite a show." It was the mismatched creature, he hopped out his bath, and it was a most disturbing site. this creature, he had more than two different wings. his arms were different his legs were different, my head seemed ready to explode, it could not have gotten worse.
"Yes, we are most humbled by your exploits." I turned to see the blue Unicorn giving me a friendly smile, but I was too focused above her head. Her hair appeared to be the embodiment of the night sky. There was a small hissing sound going on in my head, a creeper ready to blow, not out of anger though, out of confusion.
"Although I am not fond of such actions I must admit it was rather funny." A voice behind me said. I turned slowly, and hoped there was no creation created by Herobrine. The creeper exploded. Her hair was like that of the blue Pegasus, but it was flowing, with no clear wind blowing it.
"My name is Celestia, pleased to meet you." She said extending a hoof.
"As much as I would love to shake your hoof," I began, "Celestia" looked somewhat upset "I think, I am going to faint." and with that I hit the marble floor with a thud.

Author's Note:

So he meets a few interesting deities, whatever will happen next *evil grin* I hope some of you caught the reference