• Published 16th Apr 2013
  • 24,381 Views, 1,033 Comments

Dash's New Mom - ABagOVicodin

Rainbow Dash's dad started to date again. However, his marefriend isn't who Rainbow expected.

  • ...


Her life just couldn’t get any better.

Rainbow Dash soared through the Ponyville skies, her eyes focused on Cloudsdale. As the pegasus city expanded in her vision, the mare checked off the numerous things that made her current life debatably one of the best in Equestria. She was best lead pony in the Wonderbolt Academy and previously broke an academy record for flying speed. She was a member of the Elements of Harmony and the other five members were her best friends. She had a stable job, pun not intended, that was easy to do and paid enough to keep her within comfortable means. Last but not least, she had a loving father who supported her every step of the way.

Once she reached Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash stopped flying and relaxed her wings, allowing her hooves to meet the soft texture of the clouds that formed the city.

“Good thing Dad’s house isn’t that far away,” Rainbow muttered as she turned a corner and walked down the sidewalk. As a red blur moved past her peripheral vision, she paused and backed up to focus on a red building. The building had the words “Quills and Sofas” emblazoned in the center of it.

“Isn’t that where Little Celestia’s Pizzeria used to be?” Rainbow muttered.

A chipper stallion outside the new building apparently heard her and he smirked as he zoomed up to Rainbow. “Why, yes, this is where it used to be! But the owner of that place shut down a while ago. Owner said something about retirement.” The stallion took a step back from Rainbow, that plastered smirk still on his face. “I’m sure an athlete such as yourself knows the importance of a good sofa. Would you like to buy one? I’m having a sale! Everything must go!”

Rainbow shook her head. “No thanks.”

The salespony remained vigilant as he stepped in front of Rainbow and brandished a feather in his hoof. “What about a quill? Everypony needs a quill!”

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed. She unfurled her wings, giving the salespony an eyeful of cyan-colored feathers. “I can make my own quills, why would I buy one from you?” she asked, annoyance lining every word.

The stallion looked left and right before he laughed nervously. “Uhh... we have different color quills! Black and white and rainbow colors! I bet you can’t get that from your wings!”

Rainbow sighed and shook her head again. “No thanks.” She continued down the sidewalk, passing familiar buildings that sparked happy childhood memories. She thought back to when she was a little filly and was learning how to use her wings for the first time, walking to flight school, and coming to Little Celestia’s for a nice slice of pep-hay-roni pizza. The memories warmed Rainbow from head to hoof. She smiled as she spaced out, allowing her hooves to take her where she needed to be while she thought about the hot delight that she loved to wolf down as a filly.

When Rainbow reached the threshold to her father’s house, she snapped back to reality. She bit her lip as she looked down at the clear welcome mat below her hooves. She felt a new feeling which she hadn't experienced since the last time she visited him: dread.

It had been months since she had seen her father. The last time she visited him was after Cadence’s wedding and since then, life had moved by so fast. The Crystal Empire, The Wonderbolt Academy, Twilight’s transformation and coronation. It had really been almost a year since all of that. What was her father going to say? Would he blame her for not visiting in a while? Would he blame himself?

The door slowly opened and a light blue stallion moved out from behind the door and into Rainbow’s vision. Rainbow smiled, making sure to show some teeth in order to accentuate the happiness he should be feeling due to the sight of his daughter.

“Hey, Dad!” Rainbow moved forward and hugged the stallion.

Blue Streak smiled and released his daughter after a few moments. He moved to the side so that Rainbow could enter.

“Hey, Rainbow. How are you doing today?” he asked, lacking the emptiness that Rainbow feared. If anything, he sounded energized and ready for the day.

As Rainbow walked into the living room, Blue Streak moved to the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator. He tossed a water bottle in Rainbow Dash’s general direction, which required her to quickly shift to the side in order to catch it. Blue Streak winced at his poorly-aimed throw.

“Sorry.” Blue Streak frowned and walked over to the living room couch to sit down. “I never was any good at sports. That was always more your mother’s area of expertise.”

“It’s all good, Dad. I caught it.” Rainbow smiled to emphasize her understanding. While Blue Streak walked back to the couch, Rainbow took a few moments to survey the room.

Any other pony that entered the house would immediately think that athleticism was in the family blood. Across from the couch that sat against the west side of the house, an entire wall was dedicated to Firefly’s athletic accomplishments. The golden trophies and plaques shone in the minimal amount of sunlight that filtered through the cyan curtains behind Rainbow. Each trophy and plague had Firefly’s name emblazoned on them. Most were from flying accomplishments, although there was one particular trophy that was awarded to her from a karate championship. As Blue Streak liked to put it, Firefly kicked flank.

Rainbow looked back to her dad and smiled upon realizing that he was leaning back against the couch. Either he was going to passive-aggressively berate her for not visiting him in months, or getting himself comfortable for their conversation. She prayed to Celestia it was the latter.

Ever since Firefly died, Blue Streak’s self-esteem slowly dissipated. He had the unfortunate predicament of not having a whole lot of it to begin with, but Firefly always found ways to cheer him up. She always told him that it was his entire being that brightened up her day and made her want to come home after eight hours of clearing clouds. When that input was taken away, Blue Streak couldn’t hold back the self-degrading thoughts. Why couldn’t he help her? Why couldn’t he save her? Why did he have to be the useless stallion that he was?

These thoughts continued for years and Rainbow was completely aware of it. Whenever she was around, she tried her best to lift Blue Streak’s spirits. She tried everything that she could think of. She invited him to a Wonderbolt’s show and he feigned a smile as he cheered with her, partaking in the mood. But when Rainbow walked Blue back to his house and stayed the night on the couch, he returned to his depressed disposition in the morning. She invited him to one of Pinkie’s parties, but he declined with the reason that he had to work an evening shift at the Cloudsdale library; alone with his books.

Rainbow remembered talking to Pinkie Pie about her father, asking her if there was anything the mare could think of to help out Rainbow with her dad’s self-esteem. Pinkie wanted to go up to Cloudsdale and cheer him up, but Sugarcube Corner had the biggest influx of orders around that time and she could not get any time off, as much as she wanted to help. Rainbow understood and continued her efforts, only to be met with constant disappointment. Her father was lonely, plagued by a void that Rainbow Dash could not fill. Firefly was his everything, both his life and now his torment. Because of this, Rainbow grew increasingly more frustrated and depressed that she couldn’t help out her father, but she didn’t give up. She merely... ran out of ideas.

During Rainbow’s teenage years, the death of her mother weighed heavily on her heart, but it did not affect her as much as her father. While the loss was tragic, it only made Rainbow more tenacious. To cope with the pain of her loss, she devoted herself to be the best at everything; just like her mother. Rainbow ran more laps, flew more circles around the school, and beat any pony that challenged her to a race. She stayed strong, remained vigilant, and eventually, the fruits of her labor began to show. She became the Element of Loyalty, helped coach Ponyville when it was their turn for Tornado Duty, was the lead pony at the Wonderbolt Academy, and would soon join Spitfire and Soarin as one of the best elite fliers in Equestria. She remained loyal to her father and to her mother’s memory.

“How is my awesome daughter doing?” Blue Streak asked as he sipped his drink.

With his focus now on Rainbow, she shrugged as she placed the water bottle between her hind legs, allowing her wings to relax after the long journey to Blue’s home.

“Same old, same old, Dad,” she responded, “nothing really new to talk about.”

”I hope,” Rainbow Dash thought.

“Oh, don’t give me that.” Blue smirked as he walked over to the kitchen counter and raised a scroll. From the looks of it, the scroll was flattened to the point where the paper didn’t even try to roll back, probably from the innumerable amount of times that Blue Streak opened it.

“You got accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy, Rainbow! That’s not nothing!”

Rainbow’s cheeks started to turn red and she nodded as a foreleg moved behind her head.

“Oh, yeah.”

She wanted to lead into one of the reasons why she came to visit, but it seemed she was already going to talk about it.

Blue Streak walked back over to his daughter and placed the scroll on the end table in front of the couch before he ruffled Rainbow Dash’s mane.

“I knew that they were going to take you. Who else were they going to accept, me?” Blue Streak let out a small laugh as he moved back onto the couch, facing his daughter.

Rainbow laughed with her father, but her tension did not disappear. Something just felt... off. She couldn’t put her hoof on it, but there was something different about him. Why was he so happy? It had been months since her last visit. Back then, it seemed like no matter what she did, she couldn’t rouse her father from his chronic depression. Now, he was all smiles. Perhaps it would just be best to continue with the conversation for the time being and not look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Yeah... I kind of wanted that to be a surprise for you,” she said as she downed half of the water bottle in one gulp. Blue Streak’s smile only widened.

“You can’t keep any secrets from me Rainbow. You have no idea how much bragging I’m going to do at work tomorrow.” Blue Streak's expression became a cocky smile. He rehearsed how he would speak to his fellow librarians.

“Oh, your daughter won a spelling bee? That’s nice. Mine, eh, she’s nothing special. She only helped save Equestria countless times, is a member of the Elements of Harmony, the only one who can do a Sonic Rainboom, and is going to be a freakin’ Wonderbolt!” He laughed and drained the rest of his water bottle before he tossed it into the kitchen, aiming for the recycling bin and missing by a few feet.

“Ponyfeathers,” he muttered as he got up from the couch and went to correct his 'shot'.

Rainbow laughed at her father’s antics as she looked back to the Wall of Accomplishment. As she focused more on the trophies, she noticed a square of empty space that was not previously there. She noticed a wooden frame next to the acceptance letter sitting on an end table near the wall. She felt her whole body warm from head to hoof as Blue Streak picked up the scroll, the frame, and walked over to the wall.

“Heh,” Blue Streak turned to Rainbow. “I’d say this deserves a spot on the Wall of Accomplishment, don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash replied. As her father opened the frame and placed the scroll inside it, she outstretched her hoof.


Blue Streak turned to Rainbow. “Hmm?”

“Can I... do it?”

Blue Streak nodded his head and held out the scroll. Rainbow walked over to him, gently took the scroll, and pinned it to the wall, cementing her accomplishment adjacent to all of her mother’s. Her eyes grew misty as Blue Streak let out a sigh.

"I wish your mother could've lived to see the day when her baby became a Wonderbolt."

Rainbow Dash nodded once more as the fountain in her eyes threatened to overflow. As the acceptance letter bridged the gap between Firefly’s Flight School first place trophy and karate first place ribbon, she could say without a doubt that her mother would be proud.

“Me too...”

It had been seven years since that day; the day when Rainbow’s life completely changed, and she began to establish herself as the Element that destiny had given her. It was the day Rainbow Dash went to school with a mother and came home without one.

Blue Streak followed his daughter’s gaze to the Wall and sighed once more. As much as he loved to boast about Rainbow's accomplishments, Blue Streak knew too well that no trophy was worth losing the ones you loved.

“You’re just like your mother, my little daredevil,” Blue Streak said, a small nostalgic smile on his face, “you always loved to challenge yourself. Why couldn’t you pick something a little more safe, like reading?” He ruffled Rainbow’s mane once more.

Rainbow chuckled and lightly smacked her father’s hoof away. “Well sorry that I can’t be as bold a book reader as you. I wouldn’t want to strain my eye muscles.”

Blue Streak scoffed. “Now, I’ll have you know that being a librarian is one of the most physically-taxing jobs in Cloudsdale. Why, just last week, I got a papercut on my hoof and I only cried for fifteen minutes. Beat that.”

Rainbow laughed. “I gotta admit, reading is pretty cool. I mean, I had to have a busted wing in order to pick up a book, but it’s not bad.”

Blue Streak’s eyes lit up at the mention of his daughter reading. “What book did you read?”

“Uhh... Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone,” Rainbow replied as she looked back to the Wall of Accomplishment.

Blue Streak nodded with a smile, ignoring the fact that the Daring Do series has always been written at an elementary reading level.

“I’m just glad that you now know the joys of reading.” He moved a little closer to Rainbow and inspected her right wing, since it was closer to him. He frowned slightly. “You said that you hurt your wing. What happened?”

Rainbow allowed her father to grasp her wing since the injury had long since healed. “Nothing much. I was practicing some new tricks and crashed. It happens.”

“I know, but you have to be more careful.” Blue Streak let go of Rainbow’s wing. “You’re a smart mare. I’m sure you know how to fly, but if Firefly has taught me anything, it’s that you can get really hurt from a crash.”

“I’ll be fine Dad.” Rainbow rolled her eyes, but kept her smirk on to show that she was joking. “Maybe I should just fly at 2.3 wing power. It would take me hours to get anywhere, but at least I’m safe, right?”

Rainbow Dash burst out laughing while Blue Streak hesitantly joined in. His ears flopped down onto his head due to the quick dismissal of his warning. However, right when Rainbow looked up to notice it, he quickly lightened up and laughed again.

“Heh, I can’t blame you. Being adventurous has been in the family blood,” Blue Streak said, “heck, a dare is the only reason why I asked out your mother in the first place, other than the fact that she was the sexiest mare at Flight Camp.”

Rainbow smirked. She remembered this story from a long time ago, but she never got tired of hearing it. After all, it was one of the few moments where her father ever took a risk instead of playing it safe.

“It was our senior year at Flight Camp. My buddies and I were just messing around, daring each other to do 200 wing-ups or something dumb like that. When it came time for my dare, they didn’t tell me to flop onto the floor or anything. They told me to ask out your mother, who was busy knocking out all the leftover clouds that were previously used for flight drills. I almost chickened out right there. She was so beautiful... so fast... and definitely out of my league. Yet, when I asked her out,” Blue Streak laughed and held his stomach with one hoof before he continued.

“I asked her out to the movies, you see. Right afterwards, she looks at the time and says, ‘I’m up for a movie right now’. She grabs me and zooms out of Flight Camp. I’m going faster than my wings could keep up and I almost spin and crash into a building because she is going so fast. We ended up at the theater a minute later and I’m about ready to throw up right there. Didn’t help that she wanted to see a scary movie. I probably set a record for the amount of times that I jumped in my seat.”

Rainbow smirked. “That’s Mom alright.”

Blue Streak sighed, allowing silence to pass over the room while he mulled over the past. Firefly loved his intellect, his chipper attitude, and his golden eyes that seemed to shimmer whenever they looked into the hues of his beloved.

When she got sick, Blue Streak took time off of work so that he could try to nurse her back to health. After the second day, he quickly got her into a hospital, despite the fact that they didn’t have health insurance. While the cost for a bed visit was not draconian, it quickly added up as his special somepony grew more and more sick.

On the seventh day, once Rainbow Dash went to school, Firefly went into shock and started to seize. Blue Streak immediately yelled out for help and after three doctors attended to Firefly, security came up behind Blue Streak and escorted him out of the room. He struggled, fought, bit, and tried to slip underneath the security to be with his beloved, but the two stallions had just gotten on the clock, so they could have kept him away for eight hours if they needed to.

“Time of death... 10:57 AM.”


Rainbow Dash and Blue Streak were stirred from their memories as a small letter materialized behind them on Blue Streak’s end table. Blue Streak dashed over to the table and picked up the scroll. His eyes darted nervously towards his daughter, as though he was checking to make sure she wasn’t watching him.

Blue Streak’s apprehensions soon dissipated, as it became clear that Rainbow Dash’s attention was focused elsewhere. She turned her head towards the hallway that lead to the other two rooms of the house. “Do you mind if I... go look at Mom’s room?” she asked.

Blue Streak looked up from the letter, a new smile of anticipation on his face. “Y-yeah. The door’s unlocked.”

Rainbow nodded, the emotional cue lost on her as she ascended one step into the hallway. She reached her mother’s room and placed her hoof on the knob. The metal’s texture sparked familiar memories as she opened the door and allowed it to glide slowly onto the wall to the left of it. Pink walls and a blue ceiling stared back at the mare as the smell of lavender met her nose.

She took a few steps inside the room and let out a deep exhale as the lavender cleared her thoughts of the pain inside her heart. Her muscles all seemed to relax at once from the aroma as she moved over to the bed in the middle of the room and laid down upon it. Even the sheets smelled like lavender.

It was her parent’s favorite smell. Rainbow remembered passing this room every day as a filly, hearing the soft clops of her mother’s hooves as she ran across her treadmill while Blue Streak relaxed on the bed with a book. A lavender incense always burned in the windowsill, which allowed the smell to collect in the room and relax the two of them, or spread to the outside and relax other ponies who were enduring their daily commute.

Rainbow sat up against the headboard of the bed and she looked towards the windowsill, where the lavender incense was burning out the last few inches. The daylight shone through the closed curtains, illuminating the dust particles in the air. Rainbow looked towards the left wall and noticed a bookshelf crammed with numerous magazines and books of all kinds. A thin layer of dust covered the top of the bookshelf, along with any empty spaces in the shelves. Rainbow turned to the treadmill and noticed the same pattern. The entire thing was covered in a thin layer of dust, reflecting the neglect of everything else in the room. The only two things that did not collect dust was the incense and the bed.

Rainbow frowned as she got off of the bed and exited, closing the door behind her. She walked towards the nearby guest room and opened the door. Peeking inside, Rainbow noticed her old foal-sized bed that she used to sleep in when she was a filly. Blue Streak had bought her another bed when Rainbow was old enough to move out, and apparently decided to sleep in her old bed when he decided against using his own. Her bed was small, with only enough room for one pony. Rainbow sighed, as if disappointed that this bed was still in Blue Streak’s room. He couldn’t even sleep in the same bed that he used to share with Firefly. Rainbow closed the door behind her, covering her face with her hoof. She couldn’t watch this anymore. She had to find a way to make her father happy. Her childhood dream was fulfilled; she was going to be a Wonderbolt if she played her cards right. But now it was time for her to fulfill another goal, one that she should have focused on back when she was a filly. She had to make her father happy again.

Rainbow sat up and walked out into the living room, allowing the relaxing aroma to spread throughout the house. Blue Streak’s head jerked towards his daughter and he placed the scroll on the kitchen table before he met her at the Wall of Accomplishment once more. He was smiling and there was a certain twinkle in his eyes that Rainbow Dash remembered. Her father seemed nervous despite his smile. His hind legs were shuffling back and forth against the cloudy floor.

“Rainbow, I’ve got something to tell you.”

“Hmm? What is it, Dad?” Rainbow asked, excitement lining her words. If he was smiling this widely, it had to be something good.

“I’ve started dating again.”

Rainbow’s smile turned into a smirk as she inched closer to her dad. She nudged him a few times with her forelegs and raised her eyebrows.

“That’s the Dad that I know. Getting right back on that horse... so to speak." She chuckled.

“It may have taken him seven years... but he’s finally doing it.”

At first, Rainbow’s double entendre was lost on Blue Streak, until he started to blush very brightly, as if previous memories were reminding him. Rainbow’s eyes widened.

“No way! Already? You sly dog!” Rainbow laughed as she walked over to the refrigerator to get another water bottle. “I turn my back for a little bit, and you’re already hitting bases with her?”

"Heh... well... we just sort of, ‘clicked’. You know?” Blue Streak’s forehead started to warm up, and he ran a forehoof through his mane while Rainbow walked back to the couch.

“Oh, I know what you mean.” Rainbow’s smirk widened. “So, tell me about her.”

Blue Streak’s eyes widened. “Um... I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said with a nervous chuckle as he looked towards the open letter.

“Oh, come on, Dad!” Rainbow whined. She followed Blue Streak’s gaze to the letter and her frown turned into that trademark smirk again. “Maybe I just need to do a little research,” she added, but her target was immediately blocked as Blue Streak jumped from the couch and grabbed the letter.

Blue Streak held the letter behind his back and emitted another nervous laugh. “I uh... what do you want to know?”

“What’s she like? Does she kick flank?!” Rainbow Dash did a few karate moves in midair while Blue Streak’s nervousness seemed to melt away under Rainbow’s distraction.

“Well... you could say that.”

“Does she fly?”

“Yeah. Although... kind of like me. Not like you or Mom, that’s for sure. She’s different from Mom, in a lot of ways. She’s smart, funny, and... not that Firefly wasn’t smart or funny. I mean... I loved her a lot, and sometimes... I just... I mean... what I’m trying to say is—”

“Dad, relax.”

Rainbow walked over to Blue Streak and placed a hoof on his shoulder. As their eyes met, he sighed and allowed the letter to fall to the floor. Rainbow continued.

“Whoever it is that you decided to go out with, I want you to know that I support you. One hundred and twenty percent. Alright?”

Blue Streak sighed in relief and nodded. “Thank you, Rainbow. I’m glad that you feel that way, because... I’m dating someone that you know.”

Rainbow gasped in surprise. The wheels in her head began to turn as she tried to think of who it could be.

“Hmm? Who is it? Blossomforth? Raindrops?” Rainbow trotted over to her father and spread her wings with another smirk. “Didja meet another mare that I’m gonna have to beat in a race?”

The front door echoed the few knocks that was placed against it. Rainbow turned towards Blue Streak, who hesitated before he placed his forehoof onto the door.

“Please promise you won’t be mad?” he asked, his forehooves shaking upon the wood of the door.

Rainbow nodded.

“I haven’t seen Dad smile like that after Mom died. Whoever this is, she must be very special.”

Indeed she was, as the door opened to reveal Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Rainbow’s jaw would have hit the floor, if she had remembered how Pinkie did it.

Twilight Sparkle smiled in adoration as Blue Streak took her in his forelegs and the two shared a kiss that was far beyond romantic.

Rainbow watched as the silence of the room was only broken by the light squelching of her father’s and best friend’s lips for moments until the kiss stopped. Twilight noticed Rainbow out of the corner of her eye as Blue Streak released the hug and her eyes widened.

“Rainbow!?” Twilight exclaimed, surprised. “You’re here?”

Rainbow’s chest coiled up in a myriad of feelings that she couldn’t explain. How did she not know this? Her best friend was dating her father! How was she in the dark about this fact for months!? Rainbow’s hooves would have formed indents in the floor if it wasn’t made from clouds. She supposed that it was a good thing, because she could convey all of her anger on the floor without having to yell.

“I... uh... yeah,” Rainbow replied when she finally realized that the room was getting quieter and more uncomfortable each second due to her silence. “I just came to catch up with my dad about what I do in Ponyville now. I also wanted to know what he’s been doing, and I guess I’m looking right at her.”

Blue Streak winced at the caustic response, but it all seemed to be lost on Twilight. The alicorn smiled.

“Ooh, did you tell him about the Wonderbolt Academy?” she asked as she turned to Blue Streak.

Rainbow nodded as her forelegs grew sore from pushing against the floor. “Yeah.”

Her short answer was due to her mind still trying to smack her out of whatever reality this was. Apparently it was the right one, since Rainbow didn’t wake up.

“I’m so proud of you, Rainbow.” Blue Streak wrapped a foreleg around Twilight and brought her close. “And I’m so glad that you approve of Twilight. I was worried that you would be angry with me for dating one of your friends.” He turned a little red and straightened his back as he felt Twilight’s wings move under his own and tickle him.

Rainbow’s teeth gnashed together as she looked at Twilight, then Blue Streak. Firefly used to be the one at his side. Firefly used to be the one that tickled her father. She couldn’t take it anymore.

“Twilight! What are you doing with my dad!?”

Rainbow’s wings flared up as she took a step towards her friend.

“Aren’t there any repressed, nerdy unicorns in Canterlot you can hook up with!?”

“Hey,” Blue Streak muttered, slightly insulted. Before he could say anything else, Twilight let go of Blue Streak and closed the distance between herself and Rainbow.

“When Blue Streak and I first met, I didn’t know that he was your father, Rainbow,” Twilight replied, her words as defensive as the spells she knew.

Rainbow Dash growled and scoffed. “Right. You just assumed his blue coat and rainbow mane had nothing to do with my blue coat and rainbow mane?”

Twilight’s face turned red as she sucked in her lips. She avoided Rainbow’s gaze as her words started to lose some of its vigor.

“Maybe I should have asked if he had kids?” Twilight asked sheepishly.

“That would have been a good idea!” Rainbow adopted a tone of cold malice. “Hey, Blue Streak, before we sleep together, did any of my best friends spring from your fertile loins? Particularly one with a blue coat and rainbow mane!?”

Twilight frowned. “Now, Rainbow, you shouldn’t be talking to me like that.” She pointed over at Blue Streak. “Is this really what he needs right now? You acting out?”

“What the buck do you know!? You aren’t my mom!” Rainbow’s eye twitched. “You’re not my mom and you never will be! You’re also too young for him!” she yelled, accentuating her words with hard pokes to Twilight’s chest.

Twilight took a few steps back from Rainbow’s prods. “I’ve always been attracted to older stallions, Rainbow. Your father is smart, funny, and very romantic.” Twilight smiled and she placed a foreleg around her father, who avoided the gaze of both Twilight and Rainbow.

“Don’t you want us to be happy?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow merely looked back and forth between the couple. Blue Streak decided to chime in, although he was hesitant at best.

“You said you were fine with me dating somepony again,” Blue Streak said, “what happened to that?”

“That was before I realized it was a mare half your age!” Rainbow exclaimed, the anger blinding her from the fact that she was now yelling at her passive father. “Not to mention she’s one of my best friends and a freakin’ alicorn princess!”

“Are you saying that I'm out of her league?” Blue Streak muttered, although he made sure that Rainbow could hear him. “Just like I was out of Firefly's league?”

Rainbow paused.

“I... no... that’s not what I’m saying!”

Rainbow’s eyes started to water. Twilight smiled in consolation.

“Your dad and I have a lot in common Rainbow. We both love to read, and we both love you.” Twilight walked over to Rainbow and placed her hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. Her hoof smelled like lavender...

“No!” Rainbow shouted, “this is all wrong!”

Rainbow ran over to the front door. She let out one final sob before she opened and slammed the door behind her. She flew off, not caring where she went, as long as it was away from her dad’s house.

Blue Streak ran over to the door once Rainbow slammed it shut. “Rainbow!” He sighed as he turned to Twilight and grabbed the door. “Come on Twilight, we have to talk to her.”

“Let her go. She needs time to be alone and brood.” Twilight walked over to Blue Streak and placed her hoof on his.

Blue Streak sighed and shook his head. “I’m not going to convince her about us.” He let out a small laugh. “She’s just like her mother.”

Blue Streak looked towards Firefly’s old room and let go of the door. “I’m going to get a blanket, just... give me a moment.”

Twilight nodded and levitated her saddlebag over to the couch while Blue Streak walked to the guest room. As he gazed around his messy bedroom, he chuckled. “Oh ponyfeathers, where did I put that thing?” Blue Streak said as he dropped to his haunches to check underneath the small bed. “No... nothing there.” He opened the drawer to his dresser and paused. His chest clenched up and he bent his head down as he pulled out a small black box. He opened it, allowing a pink sapphire ring to scintillate in the small amount of light that shined through the bedroom curtains.

Blue Streak’s eyes watered. “Firefly... please forgive me,” he whispered as he closed the box and pressed it to his chest.

“Blue Streak, are you okay in there?”

Blue Streak quickly wiped his eyes and placed the box back into his dresser. He closed the dresser before he grabbed the blanket off of his bed and threw it around himself. He trotted back to the living room. “I got the blanket! I was just trying to see if I could find another one. This one is big enough though, so we’ll be fine.”

Twilight smiled as Blue Streak sat on the couch and she snuggled up against him, her head underneath his chin. “I love you, Blue Streak,” Twilight said as one of her many books opened to the first page.

“I love you too, Twilight.”

Author's Note:

Story idea by Bronystories. Conveyed by myself, with help and editing from him.

Make sure to provide Bronystories with all the love for this silly idea.

Edit 1: April 24th, 2013.