• Published 16th Apr 2013
  • 24,382 Views, 1,033 Comments

Dash's New Mom - ABagOVicodin

Rainbow Dash's dad started to date again. However, his marefriend isn't who Rainbow expected.

  • ...


“‘Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a prosperous kingdom upon the mountains of Equestria. Within it, two different souls, a stallion and a mare, were destined to be together. Princess Pure Heart was the daughter of the reigning king, who ruled the nation with a gentle hoof, but unfortunately lacked patience with his ponies. It was as if Pure Heart was born to be Queen, since every citizen never left the castle unhappy if they stumbled upon her. The Princess’ beauty and heart charmed the nation’s ponies, up until it was time for her to be married. The King wanted an heir quickly for the throne, but Princess Pure Heart did not want one, and refused any suitor that was brought forth to her. Rich bourgeoisie and sons from other nations were unfortunately turned down, but Pure Heart offered anything else except the Princess’ hoof in marriage. After all, she was still generous and loving.’

“‘This is where our story begins.’”

Twilight Sparkle inhaled lightly as her horn glowed a light lavender. The page of the book in front of her slowly folded to the side, revealing the next part of the book’s adventure. However, before she started, she leaned back against the stallion that held her in his lap and provided body warmth that was unmatched by any other hug that she was given. She giggled as Blue Streak chuckled and held her close.

Blue Streak’s wings surrounded Twilight, folding below her shoulders and wrapping around her sides to prevent the light draft of the afternoon air from chilling her. He gave a glance to the book, but focused on Twilight as he held his forelegs against her lap, keeping her against him. He closed his eyes and took a small whiff of Twilight’s hair, warming her scalp with his muzzle and breath. The lavender flooded through his senses and he smiled before he leaned back against the stone bench, propping his hind legs up on the nearby table.

The sun completed the perfect sight of the couple as it illuminated the both of them upon the bench. On the ground next to the table was an empty picnic basket, its contents long since used up and eaten. The blue tablecloth with Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark provided any passersby with the answer as to whose basket it was. In the distance was a statue of Starswirl the Bearded, followed by numerous other statues, enemy or ally. Butterflies fluttered through the air while bugs and critters populated the grass below, preoccupied with their simple lives. The Canterlot Gardens was completely silent and in turn, the perfect condition to read a book.

Twilight sighed in relaxation and bit her lip, feeling her face turn crimson as she felt Blue Streak’s heartbeat pounding against her back. It was racing. Just being with him... like this... was quickening his heartbeat. All that blood... pumping... growing. She snapped herself out of her thoughts and continued reading.

“‘A month after the suitors began to show up, the Princess had met somepony else that lightened up her heart and brought a blush to her cheeks. Noble Shield, one of the guards for the castle, a stallion who had just reached of age, had no idea that the Princess had her eyes on him. His body armor glimmered in the moonlight every night as he stood outside her bedroom, polearm at the ready for any possible attacker. Standing on the opposite side of the door with his back against the wall and a slight slouch was a slightly older stallion, who laughed at his fellow guard’s posture. Noble Shield looked uptight, as if a pole was jammed through the center of his body to keep his back perfectly still.’

“‘Settle down, Rookie,’” Blue Streak said, picking up where Twilight left off. “‘There hasn’t been an attack on the King or Princess in over a century. This job is easy bits, just relax and tense up when the King or Princess come down this hallway. Other than that, you’re good.’”

“‘I can’t relax,’” Blue Streak continued, picking up the dialogue of Noble Shield. “‘Inside of that room houses the Princess. She’s probably sleeping away her troubles, completely unaware that my eye has been on her since I was recruited here. She’s beautiful... generous... oh... what I wouldn’t give to spend just one day with her.’”

“‘The accompanying guard merely chuckled and took his helmet off of his head.’”

“‘Don’t count on it, Noble. A guard has never had a chance with a Princess. Mares like that are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and will only accept a stallion if gold runs through his veins.’”

Blue Streak paused and frowned. “This isn’t going to be one of those stories where it’s only two hundred pages because the two characters keep beating around the bush, right?” he asked.

Twilight shook her head and frowned slightly, but it disappeared as quickly as it came, replaced with a light smile. “We don’t have to read this book if you don’t want to, Blue Streak. I brought some other books that we can read, if you are into those.”

Blue Streak quickly shook his head and smiled as well. “No, it’s okay, Twilight.” He kissed Twilight’s neck and ran his hooves up her forelegs until they reached her hooves. He lightly grabbed the book and straightened his neck. “I’ll hold the book for you. Let’s continue.”

Twilight bit her lip, trying to hide the color that permeated her cheeks as her forelegs moved back to her lap. Once she realized that she couldn’t stop her blushing, she inhaled and continued to read.


“‘Princess... I know that I am merely a guard... a replaceable body within this nation... but I have to tell you this.’” Blue Streak paused and smirked. “Here we go. This is where the plot is going to escalate.”

Twilight smiled lightly, “Maybe,” she replied as she looked up at the sky. After 120 pages and four hours of reading, the sky began to radiate golden arcs of light as the sun started to sink from above. Twilight felt Blue Streak start to shake a small amount and she turned her head to look at him, stopping him from reading the next sentence. “Are you okay, Blue?” she asked.

Blue Streak exhaled and smiled as he nodded. “Yeah, just a little nippy out here. Didn’t think that it would get cold so fast,” he replied.

Twilight stood up from the bench and placed a bookmark inside of the book before she closed it with her magic. “We could just come back to this later. Do you want to go out to dinner? I would have us go to my house, but Spike is spending the night with Rarity and I haven’t really... cleaned the library in a while,” Twilight admitted, a blush of embarrassment coming to her cheeks once more.

Blue Streak bit his lip, but masked his feelings with a smile as he stood up as well. He shrugged. “I’m fine with whatever you want to do, Twilight. I’m just glad that I get to spend time with you,” he said.

Twilight’s blush turned into a frown as she levitated her saddlebag onto her back. She packed the book into her bag while she spoke. “So... do you want to go to dinner?” Twilight asked, hesitance lining her voice.

Blue Streak nodded and smiled as he spread his wings. “Y-yeah. Let’s go to dinner. We can talk more about Rainbow’s... birthday when we sit down,” he replied.

Blue Streak motioned to take off into the sky, but when Twilight didn’t follow, he remained grounded. He turned to Twilight and raised an eyebrow before his smile became more sheepish, widening but at the same time, losing the tenacity that Twilight expected in his expression. Her heart skipped a beat as she met his gaze.

“Blue, are you okay?” she asked again.

Blue Streak nodded his head and ran a forehoof through his mane, chuckling slightly as he broke his gaze with her and looked to the ground. “Just thinking of a few days ago... when Rainbow found out about us.”

Now it was Twilight’s turn to look at the ground. She scuffed at the ground with her forehoof and followed a caterpillar on the grass with her eyes, even though she knew that she wasn’t truly paying attention to it.

“Oh... you’re still thinking about that too?”

Blue Streak nodded.

A light breeze passed over the two ponies, accentuating the silence and pause that the two of them partook in. Twilight swore that she was going to split her lip open at this rate if she continued to bite the same spot. Blue Streak on the other hoof, pressed a forehoof to his head as he felt a headache form.

Twilight was the first to break the silence.

“Do you... have a problem with us?”

Blue Streak’s eyes widened and he broke the space between them in an instant, moving faster than Twilight ever remembered. He clenched his forelegs around Twilight’s neck, hugging her while his body shook the both of them. Twilight’s eyes widened before her forelegs slowly rose up to wrap around Blue Streak’s chest. She could feel his heart pounding against her chest, his wings slowly encasing around them both like a cocoon.

“No...” Blue Streak managed to say, barely choking out the words. “I... don’t want you to leave...”

”But... I never said that I would.” Twilight thought.

Twilight smiled lightly and rested her head on Blue Streak’s shoulder. She closed her eyes while Blue Streak squeezed the two of them together, uttering incomprehensible noises as he held his beloved.

“Shh...” Twilight felt droplets of moisture fall into her mane and she merely stood there while Blue Streak hugged out the rest of his anguish. After a few moments, he pulled away and quickly wiped his eyes, as if he was able to hide what Twilight already knew.

“I... sorry,” Blue Streak muttered. “I’m usually able to avoid... that.”

Twilight nodded. “I’m glad that you were able to get out your feelings, Blue,” she said. “Please... if you ever need to talk about anything, I’m here.” She brushed a part of Blue Streak’s mane out of his eyes and smiled. “I... don’t know how you feel about this... about us. Every time we’ve been out... you always seem so happy. But if this is what is boiling down... just below the surface... I want to know.”

Blue Streak broke his gaze with her once more and spread his wings. Cloudsdale was only a few miles away, barely twenty minutes by flight. The day was slowly dissipating into night and it was growing too cold to read. He would love dinner at a restaurant. However, he had something else that he needed to get off his chest, preferably not in a public area. He gulped and inhaled softly.

“Twilight... do you want to spend the night at my house?” he asked.

Twilight’s eyes widened and blushed. “Um... I would... love to, Blue. But...”

“But?” Blue Streak immediately began to retract on his offer. “Never mind. I knew it was a dumb idea. It’s only been a few months and I’m asking you after I cried like a little foal. Just forget it.”

Without another word, Blue Streak turned away and unfurled his wings.

“Wait, Blue!” Twilight outstretched a hoof and stopped Blue Streak before he soared off into the sky. Once he looked back to her, she lightly smiled and rubbed his shoulder. “I just wanted to say that I need to get a few things from my house. Toothbrush, hairbrush, my night time clothes, and a scroll or two just in case we need to send a letter. Relax,” Twilight said with another shoulder rub to accentuate her words, “I’d love to spend the night.”

Blue Streak sighed in relief and softly nodded. “Okay, sorry. I’m just...” Blue Streak paused and raised his forehooves to try and form some sort of hoof sign that would explain his feelings, but he quickly gave up and sank back to his fours. “I’ll tell you later. I’m going to go home and get the house ready for you. Is that... okay?” he asked.

Twilight nodded as well while her light smile widened to relax her coltfriend. “Give me a half hour and I’ll be at your house. Okay?”


“Alright. But... one more thing, Blue.”

Blue Streak turned to meet Twilight’s eyes again. “Hmm?”

His question was rendered speechless as Twilight pressed her lips to his, tilting her head to the side while her forehooves wrapped around his neck. Blue Streak’s eyes widened before they slowly fluttered shut, his heart relaxing along with his mind. Once Twilight broke the kiss, Blue Streak opened his eyes and stared adoringly into her own hues, smiling wider than the persona that he used minutes ago.

“Relax,” Twilight said as she spread her wings and soared into the air. Within a few minutes, she disappeared over the horizon.

Blue Streak sighed and rose up into the air as well.

“I wish it was that easy, Twilight. Tonight... it’s all or nothing.”


The beautiful indicator of night shone down upon a sweaty, damp mane. The nearby front door unceremoniously slammed shut merely feet away as the stallion took a few more steps inside of the moonlight. As if the last step tugged on the choke chain, Blue Streak stopped at the dividing cloud between the dining room and kitchen. He stared at the cloud refrigerator, before he moved his gaze to the left of him. A completely full trash can was waiting to be taken out, its stench wafting into Blue’s nose, but was apparently not bad enough to be addressed.

Uneaten apple cores, frozen dinners, rotting salad, and several water bottles filled the trash can. Blue Streak dropped the picnic basket to his side as he looked towards the empty sink, the dusty counter, and untouched cupboards. A note stuck to the refrigerator, barely hanging by the weakened glue, read:

“I’m feeling better, so I decided to go to work today! I can’t wait for dinner tonight! <3

~Firefly <3 <3”

Blue Streak’s knees failed him and he fell to his haunches in front of the refrigerator. He cried out as he punched the floor beneath him, the clouds soaking up the blows and his tears. His chest spasmed, his back arched, and his head grew hot despite the cold exterior of the floor. His body glowed through the moonlight that shone through the kitchen window, unhindered by potted plants or blinds that would have otherwise shadowed Blue Streak’s shame.

Blue Streak seethed, sputtered, stuttered, did whatever he could in order to avoid disturbing his neighbors again as he sobbed and wiped his face on the floor. He pressed a forehoof to his chest and rubbed the burning pain in his heart. His ministrations were unable to accomplish anything, but as if they could, Blue Streak raised his head from the ground and sniffled a few more times. He rose back to his fours and shuddered, trying to eliminate the last physical signs of his anguish before he walked back to the picnic basket and picked it up. He grabbed the tablecloth inside and held it while the basket was emptied into the full trash can. The hallway and bedrooms became a blur as he threw the tablecloth into his bathroom, right into a wicker clothes hamper.

Blue Streak glanced at the basket and walked back to the kitchen. He placed it atop the dusty counter and dragged his now free hoof across the counter, smothering it within the counter’s filth. His hoof tightened before he rose to stare at the dust.


His body tensed as he turned to look at the note behind him before he quickly turned back to the cupboards. He set his head against the cupboards and closed his eyes.

“Dinner... I have to make dinner for... Twilight,” he muttered.

Blue Streak removed his head from the cupboard and opened it, only to find that there were no cooking utensils that he could use. A few bowls, a plate and a cup occupied the shelves. Blue Streak shifted to the side and opened the next cupboard. Inside was a small cooking pot and a glass. The next cupboard held nothing.

Blue Streak swore loudly and bashed his forehoof on the counter. He winced at the pain that flooded through his foreleg before he quickly opened all the cupboards and retrieved the contents. One by one, he brought the contents to the sink and began to wash them all. His hoof wrenched and arched inside of the glass as he washed all of the dust out of it. He panted and panicked as he scrubbed the insides, only to accidentally wrench too fast and shatter a large fragment out of the now washed cup.

Blue Streak threw the cup down onto the sink, shattering it into more pieces as he buried his face into his wet and soapy forehooves.

“The sink is empty... but I can’t find my cooking utensils... and now I have to make dinner for Twilight. What else is going to go wrong!” he yelled as he picked up the nearby plate and began to wash it. He moved his hooves slowly to avoid shattering anything else, but his nerves couldn’t prevent them from shaking. Once the plate was sparkly clean, Blue Streak focused on another dish and paused once he turned to glance at the stove.

“Please tell me...”

He walked over to the stove and softly shifted one of the dials to the side. In an instant, the stove turned on and he sighed in relief before it was turned back off. He placed his shaking forehooves on both sides of the oven.

“I haven’t cooked in years,” Blue Streak looked up at the ceiling before he laid his head on the stove. “I can’t do it, Firefly. I don’t have the right utensils... and I don’t even know if I have food to cook in my fridge.”

He looked out the window, at the cascade of moonlight that shone down upon his form and shook his head as he closed his eyes and turned back to the stove.

“The market isn’t open at this time of night. Please... Firefly... just for tonight... give me the strength to cook this meal. Like I used to... like I wanted to...”

Blue Streak sobbed and straightened his posture before he walked back to the sink and picked up another dish. The water continued to run as he started to think.

“I can do this. A few bumps in the road is not going to stop me from making this Twilight’s night, our night. I’ve wasted too much time. She’s going to be here in less than 15 minutes. I need to get a move on.”

Blue Streak quickly finished the dishes and the counter before he set the dishes on the newly cleaned counter. He wrenched open the refrigerator door and stared inside, biting his lip as he read off what was inside.

“Apples... vegetable juice... hay cubes... green beans... corn.”

Blue Streak grabbed all the ingredients and placed them on the counter nearby the stove while his hind leg kicked the refrigerator door closed.

“A stew it is.”

He pulled the pot onto the stove and turned a dial upon it. One of the four cloudy circles began to crackle with electricity as it danced along the saucer, heating up the clouds within minutes until it evaporated into vapor and circled around the pot, heating it up. Blue Streak wrenched open the vegetable juice cap and poured it into the pot while he rummaged around the bottom cupboards for any other supplies that he could use. After finding some silverware, he quickly shaved the corn off of the cob and split the hay cubes into smaller chunks. He cut the apples and finally added a healthy serving of the ingredients to the pot, where they began to boil and coalesce into a delicious mix.

Knock knock knock.

Blue Streak jumped where he stood as he watched the ingredients slowly start to boil. He swore under his breath and began to pant. He tried to calm himself by raising his hoof and lowering it to the ground. After a few tries, he managed to calm his nerves and breath normally for the time being.

“It’s fine... it’s fine. Dinner’s going to be ready, just...” Blue Streak stepped away from the kitchen and glanced over at the nearby bedroom before he ran to the door and slowly opened it. He smiled upon seeing Twilight at the door.

“Twilight, there you are. I was beginning to think that you weren’t coming,” Blue Streak said with a forced chuckle. Despite his laugh, there was a part of him that wondered what would happen if she didn’t show up. However, he quickly focused his thoughts on Twilight as he grabbed her saddlebag and placed it near the couch in the living room.

“You’ve never let me spend the night at your house before, Blue,” Twilight replied with a smile. She walked over to him and placed a forehoof on his shoulder as she kissed him on the lips. “I’m glad that you trust me enough to let me spend the night.”

Blue Streak broke the kiss and nodded lightly with a fake smile. He hugged Twilight and looked towards the kitchen.

“I uh... the dinner!”

Blue Streak ran over to the pot and lowered the temperature right as the juice was about to boil over. He sighed in relief and looked towards the dishes. He paced between the table and the counter as he brought the plate, silverware, and cup (hastily-filled with water) onto the table. Once the silverware was all prepared, he sighed in relief again while Twilight came around the corner and frowned.

“Sorry I took a little longer than I said. I wanted to shower and make sure that I looked okay,” Twilight said. Upon realizing Blue Streak’s messy mane, matted fur, slightly bloodshot eyes, and hunched posture, she paused. “I’m... assuming that you didn’t have time to shower?”

Blue Streak shook his head as he walked back to the kitchen. He grabbed a nearby fork and stirred the stew, his heartbeat slowing down once he realized that none of the ingredients were burning.

“I was... cleaning the house for you,” Blue Streak said as he bit back the self-loathing of his half lie.

“Be honest. You’re going to tell her anyway, you idiot. How is she going to trust you if you stretch the truth?”

Twilight’s smile widened. “Oh, you didn’t have to do that for me, Blue!” she said as she walked over to the kitchen and hugged Blue Streak’s side. She looked at the stew and her eyes widened. “Is that what you’re cooking for dinner?” she asked, even though she partially knew the answer.

“Yeah,” Blue Streak replied. “Matter of fact, I think it’s pretty much done.”

Blue Streak turned off the stove and Twilight moved to the side as he brought the pot over to the table. He partially tipped the contents onto the plate and smiled as it all came out in one, fluid sitting. He sighed in relief and motioned towards the plate.

“Dinner is served, Twilight,” Blue Streak said with a smile as Twilight walked over to give him another hug. “Uh, careful, the pot is hot. It’s all probably... still hot,” he added.

Twilight sat down at the table and took a spoonful of the stew. Levitating it with her magic, she sucked the stew into her mouth and sloshed it around on her tongue. There was a pause before she uttered a “mmm” in delight and swallowed.

“Blue Streak, this is very good!” Twilight said as he smiled and took another bite. She turned to Blue Streak and frowned slightly as she gave a glance to the kitchen.

“You’re going to eat some, right?” she asked.

Blue Streak nodded and widened his smile, gulping down his emotions.

“She paused. She’s faking.”

He walked back to the stove and prepared another pot of stew. He gulped down the radiating pain in his chest while Twilight slowly finished her plate. Twilight burped and blushed lightly due to her rudeness. Blue Streak instead chuckled and stirred the ingredients once more.

Twilight stood up from the table and walked over to the sink, where she levitated her plate gently inside. Her eyes widened when she saw the shattered glass.

“Blue, is something the matter?” she asked as she turned to him. “Did you break this glass?”

Blue Streak passed a glance to Twilight and nodded his head with that same refrained smile.

“I... yeah. I was just moving a little too quick and it broke. It happens,” Blue Streak explained. “So... you liked the dinner?”

Twilight nodded and smiled again. “Yes! You are quite the chef!” she replied. “I would love to spend the night more often if it comes with delicious meals like this!”

Blue Streak turned back to the ingredients, his facade slowly crumbling to a real smile as he felt a fluttering feeling flow through his stomach.

“Thank you. I haven’t cooked in a while. I kind of just had to... make something on the spot,” he muttered.

Twilight approached Blue Streak and placed a hoof onto his shoulder as she stared imploringly into his eyes.

“Blue, please tell me what’s wrong,” she said. “I know something’s wrong. You don’t have to hide your feelings from me.”

“Nothing... nothing’s wrong,” Blue Streak replied as he stirred the ingredients once more and shrugged off Twilight’s hoof. He turned to Twilight and plastered another smile on his face, but since he didn’t meet her gaze, she wasn’t being fooled any longer.

Twilight’s forehoof fell back to the ground and she paused. She gave a glance to the ground before she looked back to him. “Please, Blue, look at me?” she asked.

Blue Streak looked up from her hooves to her eyes. He wished that he didn’t. Her lavender hues and coat, combined with the familiar smell that radiated off of her, forced his voice to elude him. He choked and looked away.

“Is it Rainbow? Is that what’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

Blue Streak slowly shook his head as he gripped the countertop, looking down into the boiling stew ingredients.

“It’s nothing,” he merely replied. “And please don’t ask me again.”

Twilight huffed and walked over to the dining room table. She sat down on it, her hind legs dangling off while she crossed her forelegs.

“I’m not going to leave here until you tell me what’s wrong, Blue.”

“Then I guess you’re going to sit there until I go to bed, because I’m not telling you,” Blue Streak replied. He grabbed Twilight’s plate from the sink, rinsed it with water, and then poured his portion of the stew onto it. He walked back to the table and sat down to eat, ignoring the distraction. Twilight turned around and faced him in response, her frown slowly turning into a scowl of irritation.

“Why won’t you tell me?” Twilight asked as she focused magic on her horn. She teleported off of the table and right next to him. Once she closed the distance between herself and Blue Streak, she grabbed the plate and pushed it out of his reach. Blue Streak sighed and dropped his fork.

“Please give me my food back,” he muttered.

“No,” Twilight defiantly replied. “I’m not giving you your food back until you tell me what’s wrong.”

Blue Streak glared at Twilight as she stared back, her wing extending to shield the food from his view. He growled and pushed against her stiff wing.

“I didn’t bring you here to fight with you, Twilight,” Blue Streak said as he stood up from his chair.

“Why did you invite me here, then?” Twilight asked. “Do you just want to feed me and bring me to bed? Is that it?!”

Blue Streak’s eyes widened at the sudden outburst. He gulped and shook his head, his lower lip quivering. His voice lost tenacity as he whispered, “N... no... you don’t need to know.”

“No! No, I do need to know, Blue!” Twilight yelled. “I’ve done everything that you wanted in this relationship! I defended us against my best friend. I told you everything that you wanted to know about me, and I didn’t ask about anything that made you uncomfortable!”

Twilight seethed and flared her wings out. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to see Rainbow run off while I pretended that she was just going to get over it?! When we started going out, I thought you would be willing to open up to me. What’s the point of a book if you can’t open it up and read it!?”

Blue Streak’s eyes began to water. “Please, stop,” he begged. However, Twilight didn’t hear him.

“Do you know the trouble that I went through just so that our relationship could work? I had to lie to you about Rainbow, so that you wouldn’t talk to her when she was emotional and hurt. I know her... if you tried to comfort her while she was still angry, she would have blown everything out of proportion. So, I gave Rainbow a day to think about us, but after that day, I couldn’t find her to try and explain. She’s hurt, Blue, because of us. This isn’t something that just happens to anypony. I’m dating you. Rainbow Dash is my best friend, and I’m dating you.” Now Twilight’s eyes began to water. “I hurt Rainbow because of what we did, and now I’m hurt because I hurt her. Do you even care that...” Twilight sobbed, “I’m hurt? I told you everything... I opened up to you because I love and trust you... but you haven’t even told me when your birthday is.”

Twilight fell to her haunches as she began to cry. She placed her forehooves over her eyes and sobbed while Blue Streak sank down to his haunches to try and hug Twilight. She instead pushed him away and lowered her forehooves.

“I’m sorry, please don’t cry,” Blue Streak replied, his voice choked by his own sobbing. However, he couldn’t form any other words as he looked at Twilight’s bent head.

Twilight continued to cry as she covered her eyes once more. Blue Streak pulled her head into his chest and closed his eyes while Twilight sobbed and tried to calm herself. “I didn’t want to tell you because... it’s not your problem. It’s mine... and mine alone.”

Twilight shook her head as she lowered her forehooves. She gasped a few times from her crying and looked up into Blue Streak’s eyes. “If something is hurting you... Blue... I want to know what it is. That’s part of being in a relationship. If I can help you... I want to.”

Blue Streak sighed and looked away. “Do you remember what Rainbow said about you replacing her mom?”

Twilight softly nodded and sniffed.

“Well... her mom... and my wife... passed away seven years ago.”

Twilight’s expression molded to a more somber tone, as if she regretted what she said. “Oh... I see. If you wanted to keep something like this from me for so long, then you must still have feelings for her.” She looked down at the ground and traced her hoof along the carpet. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, Blue.”

Blue Streak shook his head. “No... I do want to. I need to tell somepony... and it’s the least I can do after you’ve bent over backwards just to satisfy my... rampant paranoia.” Blue Streak cleared his throat as he laid back, pulling Twilight with him until she was resting atop him, head on his chest.

“My wife... Firefly... was the best thing that ever happened to me. Have you ever heard of her?”

Twilight placed a hoof underneath her chin. “The name sounds familiar...”

Blue Streak smiled lightly as he ran a hoof through Twilight’s mane. “She was quite the flier. She was featured in the Cloudsdale magazine from time to time.” Blue Streak cleared his throat again and paused. His stomach felt like a bucket of ice was being poured into it. “She... was Dashie’s favorite role model. Dashie always looked up to her... because she was so cool... and awesome. And I looked up to her because she was so... strong. I never saw her cry, and on the rare times that I did cry around her, all it would take is a hug and my sadness would melt away. She was smart, strong... it was like she was a better version of me. She completed me.

“I cooked for her, massaged her, and raised Rainbow with her. Rainbow loved her more than anything... and when Firefly passed... it was as if everything was taken away from me. I took care of Rainbow... but anything that reminded me of her... hurt. I break down crying... and still do... if I think of her too much. I tried to hide it from Rainbow, but she’s not stupid... she has her mother’s brain. She could tell that I was depressed. Even though I please told her not to, she tried her hardest to try and cheer me up. But... you can’t. Nopony can cheer me up.”

Blue Streak sighed as Twilight placed a forehoof over her heart, as if this sudden fact hurt her. “I love you, Twilight. You’re one of the best things that ever happened to me. But I’m not Rainbow. I can’t... move on like she can. When we’re out on a date... I feel happy again. I feel like I can just be in your hooves and be happy. But when I come home... I come back to a kitchen that I haven’t used since Firefly passed away... or our bedroom... that I haven’t touched either. You make me happy... Twilight... happier than I’ve been in years... but I’m just... too weak to move on. I love Firefly too much. That’s what I wanted to keep from you.”

Twilight bit her lip. “But... why keep us a secret, Blue? Why couldn’t you be honest with me when we first started dating and at least tell me that Rainbow was your daughter?”

Now it was Blue Streak’s turn to cover his eyes with his forehooves. “I... didn’t think we would last as long as we did. I thought that we would go out on a few dates, and you would get bored of me. I mean... just look at me. I’m a forty-one year old librarian with a dead wife on his mind at all times. Who the hell wants to go out with that?”

Twilight winced at Blue Streak’s words and frowned, but he continued with a sigh before she could say anything.

“The only other pony that I ever dated was Firefly. I loved her more than anything. I gave her my all, I treated her like a goddess. I thought I was doing it all right... but when she passed away... I was proven wrong. I couldn’t date the same way that I used to because I have Rainbow now. If Rainbow yelled at us and ran off when we’ve been dating for a few months, I shudder to think what her reaction would be if I told her that I was dating you at the start of our relationship.”

Twilight paused. “Wait... you knew that I was her best friend?” She growled. “Why didn’t you say anything?!”

Blue Streak lowered his forehooves, unable to hide his shame any longer. “I had a feeling you would react the same way that Rainbow did when we first talked to her. Our first date was wonderful. I was happy. I felt needed and desired, even though I never told you anything about myself. I didn’t have to, you loved me for what you saw, or what you could see in the future, even though you were completely blind. You told me about yourself, and I learned that you are a smart, beautiful, and amazing mare. You told me about your adventures, and it was only due to a stroke of luck that you didn’t connect Rainbow to me. If you did, I would have caved, but since you didn’t ask,” Blue Streak paused and sighed. “I didn’t want to risk what we could be. I didn’t say anything for selfish reasons, no matter what way you look at it.”

Twilight sighed. “I’m sorry, Blue, but you kept something from me and Rainbow that could have made all of this,” she motioned back and forth between them, “a whole lot easier.” Twilight stopped for a moment and raised her hoof slowly up to chin length with an inhale before she brought it back down with an exhale. Her tone became more cold and icy once her hoof returned to the carpet. “Rainbow thinks that I betrayed her by dating you behind her back. She’s mad at us, and that is all because you wanted to keep things from me.”

“Hey... I’m not going to be taking all of the blame here.” Blue Streak said as he sat up and raised a hoof to point at his hair. “How could you miss this? Who else in Equestria has a rainbow mane? I was waiting for you to say something about it, but what am I supposed to do if you don’t?”

Twilight frowned and raised a hoof once more. “I’m not getting into this with you, Blue, and that’s not the point. You could have told me, at any time, that Rainbow was your daughter. You knew that I was her best friend. I didn’t know anything until you decided to tell me, and if I knew sooner, we could have avoided Rainbow’s outburst. Firefly is important to both to you, but in different ways. Because of the way we handled Rainbow, we are going to look like the bad ponies because she thinks that we’re heartlessly replacing her mother, even though you’re trying your hardest to move on and I’m dating you because I love being around you and spending time with you. With all of these misunderstandings, it’s no wonder Rainbow got angry.”

Blue Streak sighed as well and nodded. “I know. If I was in her or your horseshoes, I’d be mad at me too. It’s all my fault...”

Twilight ran a forehoof through her mane and slid it down one eye before it dropped back to the ground. “It’s not completely your fault, Blue,” Twilight said. “We all make mistakes. It’s just... really frustrating to know that all of this... Rainbow’s fighting, this conversation... could have been avoided if you were a little more honest than me.” She sighed. “But I know we can’t change the past. We’re in the here and now, and it’s time to move on.”

Twilight bit her lip as she tried to soak in all the information. After a few painful and silent moments, she exhaled once more and nodded again. “I understand,” she said, eliminating the irritation from her tone as she sat up and smiled. “Thank you, Blue, for telling me the truth. I’m sorry about your wife... about everything.” Her smile turned into a small frown. “I’m a little angry that you had to basically keep me in the dark and manipulate my trust, and I will continue to be angry about that for a while... but at least I know that there is a reason behind it.” Twilight paused and softened her tone, choosing her words carefully. “I wish... I could say that I understand what you are going through... but I don’t. I only understand the fear of hiding something from someone that you love, and what could happen if you let it out.”

Blue Streak tried to fish for some words that could bring him out of his rut. He wanted some sort of confirmation on Twilight’s understanding, but words failed him as Twilight stood up and helped him back to his hooves.

“I forgive you for keeping everything from me. I can only imagine how much your wife means to you. And... I love you, Blue, but we need to be honest with each other. A relationship can’t be built on lies. One of my friends told me that. And... I know I can never replace your wife, but if I can make you happy, even if just for a split second... then I’ll do whatever I can.”

Blue Streak smiled and kissed Twilight on the lips, holding it for moments as his forelegs rested on her shoulders. Once he pulled back, he lightly pressed his forehead against hers. Twilight’s cheeks reddened as Blue Streak found his tongue.

“I... want to make you happy too, Twilight.” Blue Streak sighed. “I don’t want to be the bad guy. I didn’t mean to cause all of this trouble. I was just... scared. I want us to be happy together, and I don’t want you to be the one that is doing everything for this relationship. I’ll work on that.”

“Promise?” Twilight asked.

“Promise,” Blue Streak replied with a smile. “I’m forty-one, and it’s damn time I started acting like it. I’m not going to be scared anymore. I’m going to confront any problems we have and I’m not going to let anything else try to drive a wedge between us.”

Blue Streak began to lightly pull Twilight in the direction of the hallway.

“I love you, Twilight, and I want to show you,” he muttered.

Twilight’s eyes widened and her blush intensified as she covered her face with a forehoof. She merely nodded.

Blue Streak smiled and lead Twilight to the closest bedroom. He laid her down on the bed, ignoring the dusty bookshelf and lamp as he closed the bedroom door behind him.

“Rest right there... one sec’,” Blue Streak said as he walked over to the nearby windowsill and closed the blinds. He removed the three lavender candles from the windowsill and placed them on the bookshelf against the wall. He grabbed a box of matches from a drawer in the nearby end table and lit the matches. Blue gulped as he stared at the flickering flame, and then at the candles. There was no going back.

“I love you... Firefly... you were the best thing that ever happened to me... but you would want me to move on... would you?”

As the candle’s aroma began to waft throughout the room, Blue Streak walked back to Twilight, pressed his forehooves against her shoulders, and kissed her. His smile looked to be a little more sheepish than certain. “If you love me as much as I love you... then I’m ready to move on. Twilight... do you want to make love... again?”

Twilight nodded again, her face mimicking a cherry in color. “I love you too, Blue Streak. Please... make love to me,” Twilight asked while her leaky lavender hues stared up into Blue Streak’s golden eyes.

However, as the couple moved in for another kiss, it was drawn to a halt as Rainbow opened the bedroom door and stood on the threshold. A cold draft stirred through the room as Rainbow froze up, all three ponies lost for words.

Author's Note:

My apologies for the cliffhanger.

In other news, I am currently doing a story swap with those who wish to partake. It's simple, I write a story that you want and you write a story that I want. The details are here.

Have a good day, all of you, and my apologies once again if the jimmies have been rustled beyond repair.