• Published 16th Apr 2013
  • 24,374 Views, 1,033 Comments

Dash's New Mom - ABagOVicodin

Rainbow Dash's dad started to date again. However, his marefriend isn't who Rainbow expected.

  • ...


Her life couldn’t get any better.

Rainbow Dash soared through the night-time skies of Ponyville, eyes focused on her rapidly approaching house. She relaxed her wings and landed softly upon the cloudy welcome mat before she began to rummage through her saddlebag for her keys.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow’s ears perked up at her name as she turned around to face the noise. She hovered up in the air and looked over the edge of her house. Her eyes widened at the orange speck down on the ground, standing on her scooter as she waved up. Rainbow soared down onto the ground and gave a glance towards her house before she bit her lip and looked around.

“Scoots, are you okay?!” Rainbow asked, almost in a panic as she embraced the filly in a hug that would impress any chiropractor. Once she let go of the hug, she frowned. “You know that I can’t be caught with you. What if your dad catches us? My house is the first place that he’ll check if you’ve gone missing! And now that I think about it, how did you even get to the party in the first place without your parents knowing?”

Scootaloo jumped, but bit her lip as she took a step back from Rainbow. The saddlebag on her back was awkwardly leaning to one side, weighed down by something white that Rainbow couldn’t manage to make out.

“I don’t care about what they think anymore, Rainbow. I just left and went to the party. I know that Fix says that he will try and find me if I run away, but I know he won’t. If he was serious, he would have looked for me the first time I tried it,” Scootaloo mumbled as she dropped her rump to the floor. “My parents are controlling everything about my life now. They won’t even let me go on the next field trip to the Crystal Empire because they know that Apple Bloom is going too.”

Rainbow growled, her wings flaring in irritation, but she sighed upon realizing that there wasn’t anything she could do about it. “I’m sorry, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo smiled lightly as she unclipped her saddlebag. “It’s okay, Rainbow Dash. I was upset about it, until my teacher told me that anypony could go with me if we both agreed that they were my guardian.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “What are you saying?”

Scootaloo’s smile turned into a beam as she pulled out a packet of papers, around three pages in length and folded them over her scooter. “This is the permission slip for the field trip. All you have to do is sign,” Scootaloo flipped the packet to the back and folded it until the dotted line was the only visible part, “right here.”

Rainbow smiled and looked at Scootaloo’s saddlebag. “You got a quill?”

Scootaloo’s eyes widened, her beam intensifying to the point where Rainbow thought that she was going to explode from happiness. “Really?!”

“Uh.. yeah sure. I’d love to go to the Crystal Empire again,” Rainbow chuckled. “Calm down, Scoots. We gotta do this quick, remember? I don’t want to take any chances.”

Scootaloo shook herself out of her enamored glance and rummaged in her saddlebag with one hoof, the other holding up the paper. “Oh, yeah. Wait one sec’.” After she opened another pocket, Scootaloo smiled and held up the quill.

Rainbow signed the dotted line and gave the quill back to Scootaloo. Scootaloo’s eyes widened as she looked down at the paper and folded it back into her saddlebag. She smiled and hugged Rainbow one more time before she pulled back.

“Thank you, Rainbow,” Scootaloo choked out as she sniffled and blinked back tears.

Rainbow’s eyebrows raised in worry as she frowned again. “Are you gonna be okay, Scoots?” she asked.

Scootaloo nodded and packed the scroll and quill into her saddlebag, before she hopped back on her scooter and smiled, tears still leaking down her cheeks.

“I’ll be fine, Rainbow. I’m just… so happy that you would do this for me.”

“Scoots, look at me.”

Scootaloo’s hesitant hues met Rainbow’s as she walked over to her and wiped her eyes. “I’ll do anything for you, if it makes you happy. I know I can’t do anything about your parents, but if you ever need a sister to talk to… I’ll be right up there.”

Rainbow pointed up at her house and smiled as one of her wings brushed up against Scootaloo’s back. Scootaloo sniffed and nodded as she turned her back to Rainbow.

“Thank you… Rainbow. I’ll let you know what day the field trip will be.”

Rainbow waved away Scootaloo’s thanks as she rose up into the air. “Anytime! The sooner you let me know, the better, since I can talk to my boss about getting that day off!”

Scootaloo waved and nodded before she sped away on her scooter.

Rainbow chuckled as she watched Scootaloo disappear into the night. She landed back on the threshold of her house and unlocked the door, sighing as she shut it behind her.

“She’s a good filly. I’d do anything for her.”

Author's Note:

And thus ends the tale of Dash's New Mom. For the last time (at least for this story), I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading my story. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see another favorite, comment, follow, or thumbs up on a story that I'm sure has tugged heartstrings, frustrated readers, and possibly caused many ragequits due to the way in which it was conveyed. Thank you for staying with me, you all have my eternal gratitude.

Once I have the energy, I am going to post a new page in my blog with information on what I am planning on working on next. For those of you that wish to see a story like this continue, I would love if you were to check it out. I have the bulletpoints of that post down below.

1. Unfortunately, due to the new rules that were put into place for chapters, if I were to write a sequel or side story that is in the same "universe" as this one, I cannot post it as an additional chapter to this story. For that reason, if you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate if you followed me so that you are the first to be updated of my future stories, two of which will be in the same "universe" as Dash's New Mom. Of course, don't feel obligated to if you didn't think this story was worth it. I can't trust the featured box or myself to get the word out to all 1500ish of you that still kept this story favorited and might be curious of another story. I did try to thank you all individually when I first got this story off the ground, but the favorites was skyrocketing and I simply couldn't keep up. Also, more fans is nice too :twilightsmile:

2. I plan on writing two additional stories in this same kind of "universe". One is going to be a sequel in the eyes of Rainbow while the other will be a side story in the point of view of Blue Streak and Twilight as she brings him to visit her parents. The second story will be a lighthearted comedy while the first will be less depressing than Dash's New Mom, but will still focus on the emotional turmoils that I hope were significantly conveyed in this piece.

3. I will be focusing on other stories apart from those two as well, such as another Therapist Visit and an epic adventure fic starring the mane 6 and a special character that we all know and love.

4. I will also be writing a story based on Pegasus Rescue Brigade's Shipping and Handling, under the point of view of Kilowatt Hour, Pinkie Pie's coltfriend. That will be fun, especially with the story that I have in mind..

5. And that's only the beginning. I have so many stories in mind, to the point where I doubt I'll even be able to finish them all by the time season 4 will be done. Not to mention the fact that season 4 will probably pump me full of stories again. We'll see.

Well, that's all I have for now. I'm going to take a long nap, since I'm exhausted. Have a good day, all of you. I'll talk to you guys later.


Comments ( 49 )

This story is a masterpeice in so many ways. I really loved this story and I'll be watching you in the future. This is one of those fics that really almost made me cry. Such a thing hasn't happen since I read Bittersweet. Just. Damn.

I'm hoping to see more of what's going on with Scootaloo. Specifically, I want to see that situation resolved, and Scoot taken out of it. I hope it happens in one of those side stories to this one.

Yeah, this story was always on the edge with me. You decision in the last chapter made it easy. Thumb down and unfav.

EDIT: If anyone wants to know why, look through the comments for my part in the discussion. I don't care if you disagree with me, I earned the right to have my opinion.

I am still on edge about this fic. Glad to hear everyone's happy, but the outcome still strikes me as awkward when I really think about it...

That being said, your writing skills are very good. Story telling needs a bit of work (That big and very crucial argument was basically swept right under the rug... I thought it was the climax of the story.) but overall, a pretty darn good fic. I give you a 10 for effort, a 10 for creativity, a 6 for story structure, and an 8 for satisfying your audience.

oh, and a 10 for the epilogue. FEELS MAN, FEELS!

Like the prior two posters, I find myself on unable to decide how to look at this story. If this story suffered from anything in particular, it's that a lot of the time you seemed to take unnecessary detours that never really prove fruitful. Like the Discord chapters. While, as readers, we might wonder if Discord's was influencing the strange turn of events, It always struck me as something of a derailment of the plot because a) we know he's not just from the premise of the story, and b) if every story paused to do a spot check on Discord, they'd be rather tiring.

And this problem continues throughout the story: I can't help but feel, looking back, that this story would have been significantly more interesting if you had dropped (or attempted to compromise) a solution around Rainbow, her father, and Twilight, and then proceeded to explore the relationship, and the difficulties in such. In essence, by continually revisiting the same issue over and over again, and making random roadblocks, the story never really seemed to get going.

Which is part of the reason I find this epilogue so annoying. While it's true I'm not a particular fan of Scootabuse, the bigger elephant in the room is why you felt the need to bring it into the plot at all, especially when it's apparently unimportant to the story and doesn't actually motivate Dash to do anything helpful towards the main thrust of the plot. It is, in essence, another Discord moment and one that feels particularly out of place. Why choose to elaborate on something that is apparently irrelevant to the plot, in the epilogue, rather than trying to provide an end cap to the whole Twilight-dating-Rainbow's-dad?

3349542 See, I have to disagree with you a bit. Not about not being sure what to think of this story. I'm right there with you on that. But... The detours? They're the only things that almost save it for me.

Dash pissed me off throughout the entire story. And Blue Streak? Blue Streak is a mewling jackass. I hate Blue Streak.

The Discord bit? The Scootaloo bits? Those are the parts I care about. I wanted MORE of those. Sucks that Discord didn't have a real part to play. I was waiting for it.

So... Yeah. I can't say I really liked this. I liked it at first but... Eh. I won't thumb it down, because it doesn't really inspire the loathing in me that a thumb-down deserves but... yeah, I don't think I'll be re-reading this.

That said, I can't say as I'd mind reading about how Scootaloo's life improves. That's actually compelling. Though hopefully there's a minimum of Blue Streak. I really, really don't like Blue Streak.

3349256 Why is there three thumbs down on that comment? Hmm...

I'm conflicted. This story had a pretty interesting premise and a lot of genuine heartfelt moments. On the other hand, it had too many distractions (the Discord chapter, the Scootaloo mini-arc, etc.) and the story didn't progress so much as it stagnated until the last 3 chapters where everything got resolved. Admittedly, I thought the last chapter was decent. And then there's Blue Streak, and, I know you were going for a meek and mild character, but in this story he was just obnoxious with how spineless he was. C'mon dude, you have to have some balls.

Still, I don't want to make it seem like the story was terrible or had no redeeming value. It was an interesting story, and I kept reading it all the way through, which means at the very least I definitely didn't hate it. I just feel it could have been better.

All's well that ends well.

I, for one, would love to see a sequel to this.

~Skeeter The Lurker

oh the feels!!:raritycry::raritycry: but i will be watching YOU:twilightsmile:

Nice wrap-up, Top grade if I do say so.

preferably one in the semi future where rainbow becomes a half sister?


Or near the wedding.

Whichever works.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Thank you so much for making this, Vicodin!

Honestly wouldn't have read this story back on Mother's Day if I hadn't seen Bronystories name stapled on it and thought it was a comedy he had somehow convinced someone else to write. Instead I got myself on an emotional roller coaster. It was a pleasant surprise.

This was my first time reading a story with a main plot point such as this. I found it insightful. Before this, I wouldn't have considered reading about widowers and their distraught children to be my cup of tea at all. Well, it still isn't, but I'm much more convinced to read such a story in the future than pass it up.

I found myself actually liking Blue a lot. Too much was relatable about him. I've left out info in fear of what someone would think immediately after, only for that person to come back prolly 10 times more pissed than they would've been when they eventually found out. As annoying a personality quirk as it is, I found it quite realistic. I empathized with Blue. I think that's about the point when I knew I was reading this story to the end. Same thing with his clingyness.

With Blue being so relatable, it made his moments of despair that much more emotional for me. I loved it.

Who came up with the master baker line anyway? You or Bronystories? That had me crack up each time from how ridiculous it is.

I would have to agree that some of the plot elements seemed really unnessasry (Discord, that whole chapter with Pinkie, Scootaloo's sudden homosexuality) and ultimately only served to bloat the plot out. This, combined with how utterly unlikeable Rainbow "They shouldn’t be happy" Dash was really dragged down the story.

And then there was the whole "Dash really was right" thing that was >implied in the comments. I'm not sure if that was aborted or my subconscious choose to block that part of the story out to avoid a jimmy rustling. It's been a wild ride and I considered more than once to simply downvote it, cut it, and move on but ultimately it had a satisfactory ending and, really, getting pissed off by a story is admittedly more entertaining. It gives you that "pit of the stomach" feeling when you see it updated and just know you're gonna be angry by the time you finish reading the hugbox comments.


3349542 Agreed.

If I may add my own two cents, I feel like the final chapter and epilogue are forced, and seem to bring the whole thing to a hasty conclusion. I am not sure what exactly these new rules about chapters are, but I can agree that Discord and Scootaloo deserve separate stories instead of subplots. I very much would have preferred that the "Scootabuse" had been a loose end to lead to a sequel, if it was included at all. The epilogue just ties it up too neatly, and assuming that Fix is serious about keeping Scootaloo away from Rainbow Dash, a teacher's permission slip isn't going to solve anything (if Equestrian law is anything like US law, that IS foalnapping).

And I am going to have to be the one poo in the sandbox regarding the tearful reconciliation at the birthday party. I felt rather uncomfortable that such an emotional and personal subject be brought up in front of 64 other ponies. And the whole "Hollywood" feel I got from it just didn't sit right, either.

Calling it now, sequel is about Scootaloo and her parents.

That situation doesn't feel like it's resolved yet. Not even close.

Is there any way to add one more small chapter to the story?
RD really really owes Discord a heartfelt apology.
To be bluntly honest he should have been invited to the birthday party so RD could make amends to him at the same time as the others. Amends not just for things that happened in the story but for things that happened Before the story started (RD's refusal to accept Discord as a potential friend).
just my 2c I still loved the story :heart:

I expect a sequel addressing Scootaloo and her family's problems. Do not fail me.

Aye, me too
not that I don't want to see more of Blue's relationship with Twi, but this ending.... let's just say that it perked my curiosity and interest int scoots story regarding her parents :scootangel:
oh yeah, and a good scootsbloom romance as well xD

I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting this story to have that amount of engrossment in it but god dammit was there so much emotion in this, I'm so glad I decided to read it because this was just a fantastic story. I look forward to whatever you do next with this universe.:twilightsmile:

This arc ends.

It seems all but the familial despairing of Scootaloo have been vanquished.:raritydespair:
Still, acceptance and union is achieved. Respite.:ajsleepy:

Excellent work, dear Author!:pinkiehappy:

GIVE ME M0_AR :scootangel::flutterrage:

If you hadn't put in the Scootaloo story that didn't get a conclusion, it would have been great. :\


You aren't obliged to. I'm thankful that you even made one in the first place!


You really should. Even if just for perspective. I'm sure that they would love to see you again, even if it's just for a fleeting moment.


Bronystories. That has him written all over it.


You're pretty much on the money. I didn't want to say anything until the end to avoid spoiling the story c:

Can you write a stoy about Scootaloo's family of this universe?

Well... that was both a bit tacked on and a bit open-ended... but in the words of Marge Simpson, "It's an ending, that's enough!":applejackunsure:
(BTW, Fluttershy talking about color combos was suprisingly awesome.:raritywink:)

D48 #32 · Oct 17th, 2013 · · 5 ·

Sigh, I was hoping you would actually turn this mess around, but this ending has me thumbs downing and unfavoriting this story. Really all you did here is spend the whole story abusing Rainbow Dash and then try to pass it off as a good thing at the end which is absolutely unforgivable as far as I am concerned. My only hope is that future readers see this comment and decide not to read this, but I doubt it will happen.


As for my own opinion... let me put it this way:

I remember taking a look at that title Dash's New Mom and thinking, "meh, another comedy one-shot. Those're getting old." But I checked it out just to see who it was, and I got roped in like a guppy. Concerning all the shenanigans with the readers and content, I appreciate how it was all handled and how it all worked out. It's how you prove you're a good writer: You keep the gears turning and let readers do more than just read. That takes talent.

As the masses before me said, there are obviously flaws in this story. But, for me at least, the entertainment drowned out the flaws (The Discord bit being the main culprit). Then again, no story is perfect. It's how you handle it and how you learn from your mistakes.

Props to you, bro, for creating a good piece that was fun to read. I eagerly await the next story in hopes that you'll resolve the issues brought up. :raritywink:

And so ends the tale of Rainbow Dash the Loyal and her emotional turmoil.
Watching this story grow into the piece of literature it is now was fun.
I wish you the best, Vicodin, in your literary adventures.
This work deserves the upvote and favorite I have blessed it with.

For some reason, THIS is what started to play in my head as I read the epilogue:

Marathoned most of it and I liked it.
Lots of fun "OOOOOOOOOH SHIT!!!" moments when somepony said or saw some bad things, but in the end the reconciliation between the three was great.
Also, the masterbaker jokes!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
Rock on!

While there were a few problems in this story, mostly how Dash was acting in a few chapters, I at least see where she is coming from. I know what it's like for one of your parents remarrying but during certain scenes I just wanted to reach into the story and give Dash a good slap. Now for her Dad and I still don't get why he felt like he had to hide things from Twi, thats one of the few things you DONT do when looking for someone new. All that aside this was a good story and I would like to see more, so keep writing :D

3479785 You know what...I had the same thought...Scootaloo is smarter than what everypony gives her credit for...

This was amazingly powerful and emotional. I'm looking forward to more stories in this universe, especially if you explore what's going on with Scootaloo further. And I'm hoping there's something there with Pinkie, as well. You've built quite the world, and I'd love to see more of it.

4772391 Because this really isn't one.:ajbemused:

Because any amount of C4 can turn any day, into a fun day :trollestia:

This story is brilliant, I wonder if one day should have a sequel ; w;

Ya know, I ship TwiDash but decided I'd give this one a read and it was amazing. There were some really good laughs (especially Discord and masterbaking) and some sad moments that almost made my eyes water. I'm also going to go ahead and give you a follow because I hope to see some good stories from you in the future.

Huh, the story has a sad tag, Rainbow got sick at some points (headaches, nausea), I was expecting her to get cancer at the end.

2437018 I wish I had that kind of power man.



*Secretly put this story in read later list and run back to the safety of Equestria Daily

This story had an interesting premise and raised a lot of good emotional questions. But there was a ton of unnecessary and rather nasty stuff (Pinkinnuendo, unaddressed May-December, Discord, Scootabuse) and some rather dubious reactions (Dash caved way too quickly when yelled at by Discord and after the breakup).

It manages to hit the two crucial qualities of a modern story, though — sentimentality and obscenity, per Flannery O’Connor's analysis — so it has many avid fans. (For example: 3349256 and 3454410.)

One specific point in the epilogue, though:

“It’s okay, Rainbow Dash. I was upset about it, until my teacher told me that anypony could go with me if we both agreed that they were my guardian.”

And only 3350260 pointed out how absurdly prone to all kinds of abuse that idea is? That should be ridiculously illegal anywhere you care to mention! You can't just say "Oh, hey, I got a new set of parents because reasons" and have that be totally fine! And school permission papers are kind of slightly intended to give parents the opportunity to protect their children from whatever threats there might be. You know, the way things are supposed to be?

I mean, OK, great, rampant Scootabuse means her parents are terrible ponies who should have been strangled at birth. Fine. Whatever. Doesn't mean the school system should be skipping the step of actually legally verifying that they are unfit to take care of their foal anymore. Dash should be prosecuted for foalnapping. Because that's what that is! And Cheerilee an accessory.

Unless, of course, as some have suggested, those are adoption papers. Somehow, I don't think much of a system that allows an adoption to go through without interviewing the prospective new guardian, or, at the very least, making sure the signature is witnessed by someone other than, y'know, the foal in question.

(OK, I get it. Bronies know nothing about the law, and I shouldn't sweat it. But these are not complicated arcane legal principles! Basic stuff here folks! These shenanigans have been around for centuries! Relevant XKCD is relevant.)

This story was nice. I was honestly cringing at the thought of Twi and RD's dad in a relationship and when RD burst in I was thankful because personally I see it as a relationship doomed to fail and take them all apart, regardless of the end.

But, still,I liked the story. :)

Yes...? I mean that was 7 years ago, but yes.

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