• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 660 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures of Dreamwire and Green Dragoon - TheGreenDragoon

This one's gonna get weird. You have a half dragon, half pony; and a unicorn with a broken horn.

  • ...

The First Adventure!(or: slightly less talking, a thouroughly disgruntled pink dragoon, a couple more explosives, and being two steps behind all the time) Part 2

After what was about five minutes for Dream, and two days for Dragoon, Dragoon finally managed to throw himself out a window, ignoring the white unicorns cries as he did so. However, her mission was not entirely unsuccessful. For the Green Dragoon had become the Pink Dragoon. Dream swore that the pony was already scrubbing at his scales as he fell.

“Alright, we HAVE to leave, before she gets downstairs,” Dragoon said as he took off, at full speed. Dream struggled to keep up. Man, this pony was fast if he wanted to be. Finally, when Dragoon felt they were at a safe distance, they finally stopped running.

Surprisingly, Dragoon laughed as he scrubbed his scales. “I might not like her, but she’s easily one of the only ponies that I’m scared of. No easy feat, that,” as he stared, somewhat happy, somewhat irritated back in the direction of the boutique, “She has issues with the color green, for some reason. But why she painted me pink… ugh,” Dragoon froze a moment, “Say, have you met Pinkie Pie yet?” with a large grin on his face.

“Um, no I… haven’t. What’s with that grin? It’s… kinda creeping me out,” Dream said, slowly backing away from Dragoon.

But it was too late. Dragoon draped a wing over Dream, cutting off his escape, and dragged him towards Sugarcube Corner. Within five minutes, Dream found himself, thoroughly confused, in the middle of a massive party thrown just for him.

“Surprise!” The mare known as Pinkie cried, while bouncing around Dream, “Well, it’s not really a surprise, because you came here, and watched me set up, but it was a surprise to ME! I know EVERYpony, and I mean EVERYpony in Ponyville, so how you…” Dream couldn’t keep up. The words just came out of this hyper pony’s mouth way too fast. And to top it all off, Dragoon just stood in the corner, grinning like a madpony.

Dragoon still remembered his Pinkie Pie party. At his “Welcome New Pony!” party, he had eaten about 20 pounds of cake, and had to help drag all of the passed out ponies to their respective homes. And when he finally got back to his small, cozy hut, he found Pinkie inside, throwing a “Welcome New Dragon!” party as well. He laughed fondly. Even when drop dead tired, you never missed a Pinkie party aimed at you.

Dream finally got away from Pinkie, by distracting her with a handful of cupcakes, and ran over to Dragoon. “Okay, I have officially met Pinkie. Unfortunately, I’m too worried about Twilight to really en-“

“OH!” A pink shape bounded into view, “You know Twilight? I know Twilight too! She was by here earlier, asking if I needed any help with anything! But…” Pinkie tapped her chin thoughtfully, “That’s right! I didn’t really need any help at the time!”

Hmm. Perhaps that was why she seemed so off. It had looked like a similar situation over at Apple Jack’s farm. Dragoon thought hard. Why would friends not needing help cause a pony to nearly have a breakdown? He turned to ask Pinkie, but found her gone.

Dream turned to Dragoon, a cupcake almost fully in his mouth, “Pinkie lef. Sai somfin bou a picnic.”

That was odd. The picnic must have been pretty important. Dragoon had never seen Pinkie leave a party in the middle before. It was even odder that the way that Twilight was acting.

"All right, change of plans. We need to track down Pinkie. I've never seen her leave a room mid party before. Whatever that picnic is, it must be important." The pair once again headed off, with Dragoons concentration on catching Pinkie left him not noticing the fact that Dream had used his spines to hold extra cupcakes, which he was slowly eating one at a time.

"Mmm, these are the best cupcakes I have EVER had! I've got to get this recipe," Dream said outloud as he finished of a razzleberry nut crunch. "Mmmmmmm...."

Somehow, Dragoon had not noticed any of this, so intent was he on his prey... um, person he was looking for. Stupid dragon brain always trying to take over. It was just plain tough having two brains sometimes. However, his dragon side seemed to be trying to warn him of something... what was it?

At that moment, Dream (somewhere around cupcake 17) said, "Wait, that voice... That's Princess Celestia!" Dragoon stopped, and finally listened to his dragon side. Yeah, that was her alright, and she seemed... angry? Dragoon shook his head. Princess Celestia couldn't get angry! That had only happened twice, long before his time...

"We need to hurry. I don't know what's going on, but it sounds bi... What the... Why am I covered in cupcakes?!?" Dragoon spun wildly in a circle, trying to loosen the many cupcakes adorned to his back, "Rarity, or Pinkie Pie, whichever one of you is responsible for this..." he finally said, after realizing the the cakes were going to stay on for now.

Dream stood nearby, and stayed quiet. Best not to ruin the moment.

When they finally caught up to where they had heard the voice, they found it empty, except for... Rarity, who was cleaning up after a apparent disaster. Dream didn't even have to turn to see that Dragoon was either invisible, or possibly flying.

"Um, excuse me, Ms... Rarity? What happened here?"

Rarity stared at Dream, with what appeared to be shock in her eyes, "You... Your HORN!" Dream lowered his head. he had hoped that he could make it a day without someone treating him badly because of it, "Why, that's just isn't right at all. With a horn like THAT, you need... A hat like this!" and threw an amazing, red hat with blue feathers sticking out of it onto his head.

"Much better. You look quite the gentle-pony in that. Now, what were you saying again?"

Dream was dumbfounded. Instead of treating him differently, she had merely taken it as a fashion choice... and included a free hat into the mix! "Oh, right, um, what happened here? It looks like a tornado ripped through here!"


Dragoon took to the skies, as Dream chatted with Rarity below. It was a good thing he was distracting her, or else she might look up. He had to think. Celestia was irritated, Twilight was upset, and they seemed to both have been to the same area at the same time. Obviously, the two were linked. Now, if only Dragoon knew where Twilight lived...

Well, actually, Dragoon wouldn't know, but he knew some-dragon who might. He took off as quickly as he could toward the town library.


"...and that was the absolute worst thing that could happen!" Rarity finished, leaving Dream almost filled with awe, at her accidentally amazing acting skills.

"Oh, um, thanks! So, she's at the library, then? Um, I'm going to head that way now. Oh, and Rarity?" Rarity stopped walking away and turned back, "Thanks for the great hat!" and he took off at a full gallop.


Dream finally found himself at the library, where he found Dragoon talking with spike, Twilight's number one assistant. He moved closer to hear the conversation...

"Aw, come ON, Dragoon! How can you say an Emerald is better than Amethyst! I love the delicious Grapey flavour of the amethyst!"

"But... Emerald are just the epitome of perfection. Sweet and sour, Crunchy yet moist. You can't get much better than... Oh! Hey! Dream! come over here and tell this dragon which gem is better!"

"Ummm, I... like... Rubies?" Having no experience eating gems, he really didn't know how to respond to that question.
Dragoon and Spike stared at him for a moment, confusion evident on both faces.

"Well, I hate that Twi was a bother tonight. She's doing better now. A bit confused, was all. I gotta go in and try to take care of some chores. See you later, Greenie!"

"You too, squirt," Spike went back into the house, whistling a tune to himself as he did so, "He's a good kid, always makes sure Twilights safe. But anyway, turns out it was a simple misunderstanding on our part and... OOO, nice hat! Where'd you get it?"

"Um, actually, Rarity gave it to me! I kind of like it!"

"What! Rarity gave you something other than a mane dying? That's just not fair!" Dragoon sniffed at the hat somewhat sullenly, when he suddenly recognized a pair of ponies across the plaza... and perhaps a chance to get Dream back...

"HEY! HEY! OCTAVIA!" At this, Dreams ears twitched, and his face turned as red as the hat, "VINYL! OVER HERE! I WANT TO ASK YOU SOMETHING!"

"Dragoon, what are you doing!" Dream hissed. But it was too late. Both Octavia and Vinyl were right there.

"It's been a while. I and my friend here were hoping that we could get an autograph, for a... sick friend back home." Dragoon let a subtle wink out to Octavia, a a quick nod in Dreams direction. Dream, of course, was too busy trying to bury his head through solid rock to notice. Octavia nodded back, and signed her name, and phone number onto a card, and slipped it under Dreams foot. She gave him a wink, and she and Vinyl wandered off.

"Wha... how... did th-that really just happen?" Dream looked lost in a, well, dream.

"That it did buddy, that it OOOOF!" These would be Dragoons last words for the night, because the amount of pressure applied to his already bruised head was enough to knock both his brains out. A cyan colored pony with a rainbow mane stood up, brushed herself off, and quickly checked Dragoon, who was laying on the ground and bubbling.

"Well, that trick didn't work out too well either. Is he okay?" She asked, directing the question at Dream.

"Uh, yeah, he should be. He's pretty tough. Um, I didn't catch your name, miss."

"Oh, yeah, my names Rainbow Dash, Fastest Flyer in Equestria! Even won the Junior fliers award last year! Heh, heh, this year I get to be a judge along with... The Wonderbolts! It'll be sooo awesommme! Hey, I have an idea! I'll get my egghead friend to cast a spell on you, it'll let you come up and see how awesome everything is in Cloudsdale! I'm trying to invite EVERYONE in town, but it's pretty difficult. Well, anyways, nice to meet you, gotta go, Bye!"

Dream stood there, confused. He hadn't said his name, had he? ow did he know if she would make good on her promise? Well, right now, Green Dragoon needed a place to rest. Dream picked him up, slowly (Dragoons are HEAVY) and began the long walk back to the hut. He had a good feeling about this town. He couldn't wait for the next adventure!

(Next Episode: The Doctor. A large quantity of unicorns so close to the atmosphere... not a good idea. You thought ONE weeping pegasus was bad? Wait until you have to deal with TEN! With special guest stars Doctor Whooves, and Derpy!)