• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 662 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures of Dreamwire and Green Dragoon - TheGreenDragoon

This one's gonna get weird. You have a half dragon, half pony; and a unicorn with a broken horn.

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The Doctor (or: Fleeing, Flailing, Failing, Finally Finishing) Part 4

-T-Minus 2 ½ hours-

“RUUUNNN!!!” Dream shouted as he and Derpy barreled down the thin hallway. If only it didn’t twist so much! Each time they turned around, they could see the hooves and heads of the statues going around the corner. Dream was getting tired, and Derpy really wasn’t looking too good. She was panting for breath, and her unfocused eyes were half closed.

“Come on, Derpy, We’re almost there! We’ll run into Dragoon, or Doctor, or somepony soon enough!” If they didn’t, they might be in some deep trouble. Dream forced himself to ignore the pain in his legs and keep running. He smiled encouragingly at Derpy. Come on, come on, he thought to himself.

Right then, Derpy stumbled and tripped. Dream did something that even he was surprised by. The surge of adrenaline coursing through him gave him a little extra strength, and he threw Derpy onto his back.

Well, at least only one of them was running now, right?

-T-Minus 2 hours-

Dragoon sniffed the air. He recognized the scent of one who had been running for far too long, yet was still continuing on. “This way!” he cried as he took off down the hallway. They were close, but he was worried that it might still be too late to catch them.

Justice quietly turned to Doctor, “I have to ask, why does he lead us on by scent? I can see the trail of sweat clearly!”

Doctor stared back, then sighed. “Dragoon is… well, you haven’t guessed yet? Dragoon is completely, totally, utterly blind. Happened to him at a young age. He accidentally looked directly into a supernova.” Doctor looked at Dragoon, with pride in his eyes, “However, instead of breaking, like most ponies would have, he trained. He trained until he could smell colors, hear shapes. He’s just as able as any other pony, just blind.”

Dragoon, though frantic to find his friend, still smiled to himself. Not many people got a compliment from the Doctor. He only knew of two others who had gotten a compliment, Zecura and some mysterious pony named Rose. Dragoon shook his head. He couldn’t continue thinking of that. He HAD to find his friend. They were so close…

-T-Minus 1 ½ hours-

Derpy and Dream huddled miserably in a closet, the beating on the outside of the door the only connection to the Pegasi they had. They had somehow been flanked, and only could run in one direction, and that was the closet. Both of them were about to collapse, they had been running so long. And to top it all off, the door was maybe a minute from breaking.

Dream turned to Derpy, “Well, this might be it. I wanted to say it was nice meeting you.”

Derpy replied, “It was nice to meet you too. I wanted to apologize about knocking you out, though. I hope you are feeling better. Also, I wanted to include that The Doctor is the greatest pony in the world AND modest too! Plus, he’s a great ventriloquist!”

Dream stared. What had just happened? That entire sentence had made no sense. And for some odd reason, Derpy looked just as confused as Dream.

“Alright, you lovebirds, it’s time to get out of here.” The Doctor stood in the doorway, surrounded by the Pegasi. “And don’t worry about them, we’ve got someone working on that right now.”

Outside the closet, a group of guards were turning the statues until they were staring at one another. Justice looked at Doctor, “I believe that I owe you an apology. It seems you were right about these ‘Weeping Pegasi.’ There’s no way that these two had managed to beat in the front of the door while locked inside it.”

Dragoon was a little distance away, talking to a group of guards. “Alright, it’s a statue, looks a lot like these ones. I’m not sure where it is, but it’s going to be headed for the strongest concentration of magic in Cloudsdale. We have to stop it before it takes anyone.” The guard unit saluted Dragoon, and ran off. Dragoon turned to Dream, grinned, and said, “Hey Dream! Guess what? I’m an honorary guard captain!”

Dream smiled weakly, “Congratu-” He was cut off by a wave of tiredness, and passed out on the floor.

-T-Minus 1 hour-

Zecura slowly moved down the hallway. While the others were looking for the main group, she had gone off to search for the missing statue. Since there were many statues in the royal landing area, she began her search there. Unfortunately, there was only one way to find the Pegasi in this group. Zecura sighed, “I am a foolish mare, to try this scary dare,” and closed her eyes.

She twitched her ears at every slightest sound, listening for the one reminiscent of the Pegasi. No one else was in the area, but she knew the princess would be coming soon. None of the others were even near the landing area, and were probably at least 30 minutes away. Stopping the last Pegasi was up to her.

A sudden sound of grinding stone from right behind her threw her into action, and she propelled herself forward. She whipped around and opened her eyes to nothing. The statue was clever. It knew that if it was seen, that it would all be over; it was resorting to hit and run attacks. Zecura carefully backed up until she felt her flank resting against the wall, then closed her eyes once more.

She could hear the grinding, but it was staying away. The statue knew that she wanted it to come into view, so it was trying to find an angle to get at her from. However, with her backed into a wall, the only way it could attack would be from the front, and that was a fool’s move. So the standoff continued, both sides knowing that one slip would end everything.

-T-Minus 45 minutes-

Princess Celestia headed out to the royal carriage. Princess Luna was already there waiting. Celestia had expected Luna to take longer than that. Well, royalty could always show up early, right?

Time Change
-T-Minus 10 minutes-