• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 660 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures of Dreamwire and Green Dragoon - TheGreenDragoon

This one's gonna get weird. You have a half dragon, half pony; and a unicorn with a broken horn.

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The Doctor (or: Derpy Ditzily Destroys Dreamwires Dome) Part 2

The entire group was ready to go, except for Dragoon, and Derpy, who had yet to return with Twilight.

“I do wish the brain of that mare was not always so full of air. If we continue at this rate, we will certainly be late!” Zecura had been pacing back and forth for several minutes. Though she tried to hide it, she was obviously nervous.

The Doctor, on the other hand, seemed fascinated with Dream, “A unicorn with a broken horn! This is fascinating! The sheer power needed for this… Have you ever had a run-in with the pony mafia?”

Dream gulped nervously, “Um, the pony mafia? I thought they were made up?”

Doctor, not missing a beat, replied, “Of course they are, I made them up just to test you. Where is Dragoon, I wonder?”

At that moment, Dragoon entered the main room. All eyes stared. He had gone a complete transformation. His normally green face had been half covered in blue paint, and he had a HUGE sword strapped to his back. He stopped, and nervously asked, “What? Did I forget something?”

Zecura said, “You have left us all quite floored, because of that enormous sword. And is there a sickness within you, for your face has turned half blue!”

“What? This is all traditional from Scoltland. The Claymore on my back, handcrafted with dragon fire, is the weapon of the proud Scolts! And the war paint on me face is to inspire fear in my enemies!” Dragoon stared at the group with pride in his face. The pride fell away when the entire group burst out laughing, “What? What?!? I don’t get it!”

Doctor finally convinced Dragoon to ditch the sword, though he couldn’t get him to abandon the “war paint.” They now had to wait on just Derpy.

The last entrance to the building, a window in the kitchen, exploded inwards as Derpy hurtled through. “Hey, I found her, she’ll be here in a second!”

Dragoon, Doctor, and Zecura all sighed simultaneously. Dream just couldn’t fight it, she was just soooooo cute!

Twilight, looking as if she was suffering from sleep deprivation, came in, said, “Alright, Here is spell,” threw a spell over them, and left just as quickly. Spike came in right after, and informed the group of the fact that she had been up all night, working on a new spell. Dragoon threw Spike a ruby, and the contented young dragon left the house, licking his lips happily.

“Alright, gang! We’re ready to go! Well, except for the problem of transportation…” Doctor said out loud.

“What about the TARDIS? Isn’t that a space ship?” Dragoon asked Doctor, curiously. His adventures with the Doctor had never left the planet, so he wasn’t entirely sure.

“Well, yes, but it’s charging at the moment. Should be ready to go in, say, 10 hours. This, unfortunately, will be too late. The Princesses both arrive in six hours, and that’s when the Weeping Pegasi will certainly make their move.” Doctor explained, “Derpy and yourself can fly, but the rest of us might have some trouble”

Dragoon sighed, and sniffed around the room, “Derpy, do you think you could carry Dream? He’s the lightest of the group, and that would leave me free to carry Doctor and Zecura.”

Derpy smiled, and tried to make eye contact with Dream, “Sure! It would be no problem at all! Hop on!” Dream, somewhat uncomfortably, got onto Derpy’s back. She took off immediately through the window. The resounding crack of forehead meeting window pane echoed around the room, and from Dreams sudden slumping as they took off, one could assume the blow had knocked him out.

Dragoon winced, and said out loud, “Might be better that way. I think that if he was conscious, he might throw up. Does she still fly like a parasprite in a tornado?”

“Yes, but with a lot less coordination.” Doctor replied, “So, are we off?” Dragoon nodded, and leaned low. Both Doctor and Zecura got on, and as one, the three looked at each other and smiled.

“ALLONS Y!” they cried simultaneously, “All the way!” Zecura finished, and they took off, using the wide open door this time, to avoid any chance of unconsciousness.

They flew through the air, knowing that yet another adventure had started.

-T-minus 5 ½ hours until arrival of Princesses-

Cloudsdale was already in sight. They had made extremely good time, helped because of Cloudsdale currently drifting close to Ponyville. Dragoon couldn’t see Derpy or Dream near the landing area, which, while making him nervous, wasn’t too surprising. Doctor piped up, “Hey, did you realize that FOUR of us have a D as the first letter in our name? Doctor, Dragoon, Derpy, and Dream. I think that’s a good sign, don’t you?”

Dragoon stared backwards at his teacher as he came in for the landing. One minute, the most serious, brilliant mind of our time. The next minute, however… Zecura and Dragoon smiled and shook their heads. Both had accompanied the Doctor at some point in time, and really weren’t surprised by everything he said anymore.

“Crap. Dream and Derpy aren’t at the landing. We might need them before the day is over. Zecura, do you know where landing B is located?” Zecura nodded, “Alright, do you think you could go and check if they are there. Whether you find them or not, meet us by the original Weeping Pegasi in… one hour. We can’t delay more than that.” Zecura took off.

“Alrighty then, knowing Derpy, she either crashed at the lowest level of the city, or somehow missed the city entirely. If Dream had regained consciousness, they would have hopefully landed at landing pad B. Nonetheless, we should go and check the storage and maintenance tunnels. Allons Y!” Doctor exclaimed, and the duo took off into the underbelly of the city.

-T-minus 5 hours until arrival of Princesses-

“So, uh, Derpy? What do these Weeping Pegasi look like?” Dream asked nervously. They had crashed straight through a cloud, and were in a blank room, with a door at the far end.

“Huh? Oh, they look like stone statues of a Pegasus, but they are either shielding their eyes, or reaching toward you and looking really mad! Does that help?” Derpy replied, smiling goofily.

Dream gulped, “Yup. It helps a lot.” The info would help him identify the Pegasi. And from the way all of those statues in front of the door were looking at him, it looked like the knowledge had already been useful.