• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Tired always.


What doesn't kill me...
Had better start running.

It takes a lot to kill the dragonborn. A lot a lot. Especially when she has something to fight for, something to live for, family to die for, or any permutation thereof. And she'll need every ounce of endurance she can muster to stand against the foes that will seek to do her harm. Even in such a peaceful land as Equestria.

Skyrim Crossover.

Chapters (5)

One thousand years ago, Nightmare Moon overpowered Celestia and banished her to the sun. As dictator of Equestria she's come to a slow eventual conclusion. She needs someone in charge of relations. And, like any good dictator would do with a undesirable job, she outsourced it.

Chapters (15)

There's no cohesion to these chapters, just random story bits that I've written and then lost the desire to finish or continue.

Honestly, There are several separately published stories that should be in here, but from now on expect random writing crap in here.

Also, due to the nature of this story it also means that there WILL be grammar errors, because I'm simply too lazy to edit them so I can post them in a scrap dump that no one will care about.

Chapters (4)

It's not about the money.

Not all the time.

Sometimes it's about the ponies.

The drastically rich often forget this, as do those who are barely managing to scrap by.

Two such ponies meet and they come to realize that the world isn't as bad and bloodthirsty as they thought, sometimes you just need someone else to help you see things through rose colored glasses.

Chapters (1)

When stranded in an unknown world with naught but the clothes on your back, one might wish for many things, one of those things probably ISN'T a drunken care taker, but hey, you take what you can get, right?

Who knows, things might just work out for the dear lost mare, confused and alone.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie goes to buy a pineapple.


I would use multiple slice of life tags if it let me.

Chapters (1)

Bon Bon is attracted to mares. She isn't sure why, she just knows that, out of all the ponies she could flirt with, she would choose Lyra.

Chapters (2)

Complications exist.

Celestia finds that she must overcome these in order to achieve her goal.

But discovers, perhaps, that she wants to go a little bit further.

Chapters (6)

So basically the story is about [Redacted] where [Redacted] has to [Redact] a [Redaction]. All while [REEEEEDAAAAAACTEEEEED]

Chapters (1)