• Member Since 15th May, 2013
  • offline last seen May 1st

Shadow of the Night

Just a big, tall dumbass that is trying to write words as soon as possible... And loves games. A lot. Also, I enjoy Roleplay. Feel free to PM me about it.


Malumpere, you out there homie? Remember all those Teenage Robot RPs? · 3:52am Apr 17th, 2022

Hoo boy, this is me casting the holy mother of wide nets, but fuck it. I remember a guy from here named Malumpere, at least that's the name I remember. I did a fucking huge amount of roleplays with him involving My Life As A Teenage Robot, and while I was certainly a much poorer writer back then, it's still something I remember fondly because we just had so much FUN. A really genuine, peaceful period that went on for a few years. It was a blast.

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About this user

Good day, everybody.

I'm just some guy. I enjoy gaming, reading, writing, roleplaying, eating, watching videos, learning, listening to music, relaxing, helping people, and occasionally working on things I have to work on.

My theme:

That's all I'm gonna say for now; have a good day!

Comments ( 1495 )
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No problem. You did a good job with it! Solid handling of the prose and subject, and the sad points stood out wonderfully.

:pinkiehappy:Thanks for Favoriting “A Moment of Truth”!

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Malumpere, you out there homie? Remember all those Teenage Robot RPs? · 3:52am Apr 17th, 2022

Hoo boy, this is me casting the holy mother of wide nets, but fuck it. I remember a guy from here named Malumpere, at least that's the name I remember. I did a fucking huge amount of roleplays with him involving My Life As A Teenage Robot, and while I was certainly a much poorer writer back then, it's still something I remember fondly because we just had so much FUN. A really genuine, peaceful period that went on for a few years. It was a blast.

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