• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,488 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Round 4

Augustus winced as he felt himself slam down on hard metal, though the metal seemed to cascade under him as he slid down a slope. It didn't take long for him to realize he'd somehow been blasted onto a large pile of coins - from the sound of it, likely gold - and was sliding down one side. He winced as he hit something harder, plainly some sort of golden artifact rather than more coins. Rolling a bit, he managed to get his feet under him as he reached a floor. Standing up, he unwrapped his coat from over his face and removed the gas mask. Looking around, he found himself in a treasure room of some sort. Seeing a figure waiting for him, he realized this was another Guardian Space...though he wasn't sure what sort.

The figure was roughly humanoid, though incredibly wizened with pale blue skin with a faint hint of green. He had four arms sprouting from his shoulders, bending around each other to demonstrate full rotating articulation. He wore a sleeveless blue vest and black hood, both covered with gold insignia, along with dark blue leggings of some sort. In one of his right hands he clutched what looked like an oddly configured golden lamp on a chain.

"So you are the thorn in the Kahn's side," the figure spoke in a gravelly, almost watery voice, as though he were constantly speaking through half-swallowed blood. One of his hands reached into the pouch barely visible on his back and pulled out a golden scythe that looked much too large to fit inside it. "Let us see what you bring to-" He paused as Augustus threw what looked like a small ball at the opening of the pouch, only for it to bounce off the seeming gap. As it landed, the figure glanced down and examined the unrolled fabric, quickly recognizing it. "A good try," he purred - if one could call the sound his throat made that - as he kicked it aside, "but my pouch is enchanted so only I can put things in or take things out so long as I live."

"So much for the easy way," Augustus allowed as he tracked where the low-level bag of holding he'd thrown had landed. Even if that method for getting past this foe hadn't worked, those weren't exactly cheap. He'd need to retrieve it after the fight.

"I know not how you bested Baraka and D'Vorah if that is the best you can offer," the figure growled out as he bounced the lamp on the chain a bit, letting it sway before coming back to his hand. "Baraka is a fool, but D'Vorah is not. Was it only tricks?"

"Well, I couldn't find any kids or rabbits," Augustus joked as he braced himself, looking over the figure to try and find a weak point he could exploit. He really wasn't cut out for constantly fighting these superhumans, and Fujin's gift wasn't that much of an advantage.

The figure's eyes narrowed beneath his hood, their red, coal-like glow intensifying. "Amusing," he growled out disdainfully. "However, you have trespassed on the Kahn's design. You will pay for that in blood and gold." He swung the scythe menacingly. "And I shall collect that payment in this Kombat."

"So are we just going to keep talking, or are we actually going to fight soon?" Augustus demanded as he slipped a few pads from his sleeves into his hands.

The figure snarled and lunged forward, swinging his scythe viciously even as his two free arms pulled more golden weapons from his satchel, a knife and a mace respectively. Augustus leapt back, trying to stay just out of range as he released the small, barely visible pads into the air. As he'd hoped, they stuck to each of the weapons as they were swung at him, and a brief gap in the assault allowed him to lunge in to slam his fist into his foe's cheek, hiding the pad that he stuck to the gold pendant that held the vest closed. As the mace swung down hard, he threw himself forward feet first to slide between his foe's legs, managing a punch at where he hoped the pudendal nerve was located. While this didn't result in as strong a reaction as he'd hoped, it did hide him sticking another pad there.

"You are...evasive," his foe growled angrily. "But you will tire long before I will if that is your hope." He spun to face Augustus, moving slowly towards him.

"It's not," Augustus allowed as he slipped a device into one hand before lunging in, catching his foe off guard long enough to slam the device into his stomach and flip the switch. The figure arched his back in a scream as electricity arced through him, amplified as the pads on the golden weapons enhanced the circuit as it arced through his body. Augustus held it there for a few moments, then spun and delivered a kick to his foe's temple with the rubber heel of his boot. The impact dropped the badly shocked foe to the ground.

Glancing at the device he'd slipped on his hand before fighting D'Vorah, he saw it registered his foe's magic/biology as a Type 4. Pulling a Type 4 knock out ball from his coat, he stuffed it into the figure's mouth and tied it down, trusting it to keep him out cold until he was done here. Retrieving the bag of holding he'd tried to use to cast his foe into the Astral Plane via Holding-in-Holding reaction, he balled it up and slipped it back into the pocket of his pants.

"That's three down," he grumbled under his breath as he shook himself off. He retrieved the pads from his foe's weapons, checking to make sure the lightning runes sewn into the sticky pads - which called electrical energy to them and amplified their passage - were still intact. It was amazing how effective they could make even a simple taser on foes that normally had too much strength, bulk, or healing factor for the normal low-level shock to affect. Glancing around, he found the exit to the chamber and headed that way. "Wonder how many more there are?"

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