• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,487 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Augustus groaned as he slowly began to regain consciousness. He wasn't sure what had happened. He knew he'd pushed himself to present himself as strong all the way until he left Outworld and made it through the portal...but he had no actual memory of anything after he entered the portal. Did he make it all the way through? Was he lost somewhere between Realms? Did something go wrong on the return trip?

...or judging by the headache in the center of his forehead which was presently the worst pain in his body, did he faint from exhaustion the moment it closed behind him?

As his eyes opened, he saw the pagoda-like roof of the chamber where the dimensional weft ritual had been performed. He felt a soft bed beneath him, and two sets of hands on him. Glancing down, he saw one set was Fujin's, and another set was exceptionally similar...though the energy surrounding that second hand sparked rather than swirled as the energy around Fujin's hands did. "Hello, Raiden," he managed to say barely. "Does this mean we're safe?"

"Indeed," a firm, strong voice spoke in an exceptionally humble tone. "Due to your efforts, Earthrealm has been made inviolate to the Mortal Kombat tournament once again, preserving both the Realm and the Veil."

"Your efforts took a lot out of you, however," Fujin continued as they moved their hands up and down his body. "We are currently doing the best we can to restore you...but we can only do so much without either burning your mortal life force or infusing you with divine energy, neither would we do without your permission."

"And...the pain in my head?" Augustus managed to ask. "I...don't remember taking any injuries on my forehead..."

"You stepped forth from the portal as it closed behind you, your coat billowing dramatically around you in the fullness of your victory...and fell flat on your face," Fujin explained, his tone an obvious war between concern and amusement.

"I'm afraid we were both so stunned at your success that we were not quite fast enough to catch you," Raiden apologized. "Though we were quick to shift you to a more comfortable position so we could work to restore you." As he finished speaking, they both removed their hands. "And that is all we can do without burning your life force or infusing you further."

"I'll heal from here on my own, then," Augustus said as he pushed himself up to face them. "It's not as bad as it was." He glanced at the hand that had wielded Balance Breaker, pleased to see the burns were gone...although the entire arm still felt stiff and tense as though the muscles and bones didn't want to flex. Looking at the two, he saw that Raiden - at least in his present form - greatly resembled Fujin, though he dressed in white and gold as opposed to Fujin's blue, lacked the braided ponytail, and wore a conical pyramid-shaped hat...though that he was now taking off to hold in front of him.

"You are the greatest Champion Earthrealm has ever produced," Raiden began, his voice in tones between respect and awe. "You have struck down Shao Kahn forever, permanently ending the threat he presented to all Realms, and forever secured Earthrealm's protection from others who might do the same by Denying the Invitation. I...all of Earthrealm is in your debt-"

"Cut that out," Augustus interrupted as he rubbed his forehead. "This is the job I was hired for, what did you expect me to do?"

Raiden's white eyes widened in surprise. "But...your deeds far exceed what anyone could reasonably expect. Surely, as Guardian of Earthrealm, there is something I can offer to express proper gratitude for your deeds-"

"What, exactly?" Augustus interrupted again, putting his hands to his head to try and massage away the headache. "I'm literally at the highest rank in Veil Law Enforcement I can get on the Mundane side without having a Destiny, which I don't need or want. I already make more money than I know what to do with because of how high I've gotten promoted." He shook his head ruefully. "Seriously, I paid off all my debts and bought a house without a mortgage in San Francisco with my last paycheck, I don't know what I'm going to do with the next one..." He rubbed his brow to scatter those thoughts. "I don't want fame and glory, since having everyone know who I was would just get in the way of doing my job, and the rank I currently hold opens the investigative doors I'd need without being famous." He looked up to meet Raiden's eyes. "So...no, I don't think there's anything you could offer that I'd actually want. I was just doing my job."

Raiden stared at Augustus for a time, plainly completely flummoxed. He then noticed the glance Fujin was directing his way, filled with teasing amusement, and sent an irritated glower in return. Augustus could tell there was silent communication there...but it was that of brothers, not that of gods. Finally, Raiden turned back to Augustus and bowed. "If that is what you desire, then so it shall be. Only those who were already aware of what happened here will be informed of the result, and otherwise these events will be kept silent. However, know that I personally am in your debt, as are many of the Jade Council, and you may call on us at need."

"When I'm 100%, I could use a gate to the Netherrealm," Augustus muttered as he rubbed his head. "Not about to leave Bi Han down there if I can do anything about it."

Raiden and Fujin visibly flinched when he spoke that name. "Bi Han?" Raiden finally managed to say. "But he..."

"He asked me to give a message to you, Raiden...and to someone named Hanzo," Augustus continued. "He wanted me to tell you both that...what happened wasn't your fault, and that he forgives you both."

Raiden closed his eyes, biting his lower lip as his hands clenched around the edges of his hat he still held. "I...thank you for the message," he finally managed to say. "I will be certain Hanzo hears it...and we will go with you when you are ready to assist him."

"And I could use the files on the Kytinn, if you have any," Augustus continued as he managed to get his feet under him. "I told D'Vorah I'd look into fixing her land so her race could recover after I'd dealt with Shao Kahn."

Raiden stared at Augustus for a time, only to shake his head. "You have done such great service...and all you ask in return is aid to do even more service..." Noticing the look Fujin was sending his way, Raiden returned a glower before turning back to Augustus with a bow. "I will see to it all the information you require is in your office when you are able to return, along with a beacon to reach me. Simply speak my name to it when you are ready, and I will gladly aid you in these quests." He slowly stood up. "For now, I will take my leave...and depart where my teleportation will not disturb your headache." With that and one last bow, he donned his hat once more and walked out towards the balcony.

"The Tournament outside?" Augustus asked of Fujin as Raiden left.

"Resolving itself," Fujin explained calmly. "I will see to it Bartholomew Chang's 'death' is discovered in a way that is not too disruptive. Some of those out there will know what happened, but I will be able to keep most of them from getting too upset, or from learning too much."

"Well that's something," Augustus managed as he pushed himself to his feet, Fujin steadying him as he started to sway.

"Though I don't think you were completely honest with my brother," Fujin observed with a playful smirk. "There is one thing you want that we could offer." He shook his head, causing his hair to move in the wind as his long, braided ponytail swung back and forth pointedly.

Augustus snorted a trifle derisively. "I don't care how good that dream of an alternate timeline made having all that hair feel, I'm not using a divine favor just to cure early baldness."

Fujin chuckled happily. "True enough. But let this be my personal thanks to you." Focusing, he gathered his winds between his hands until they crystallized into a silver pendant with a sapphire stone as blue as the sky with what looked like a white cloud within it. He then hung it around Augustus' neck. "Much like your other trinkets and tricks, this will in no way alter you permanently...but will enable you to take on an empowered form for short periods of time, deriving strength from my magic in much the same way the young Pegasus does from my brother, but without altering your life force." He placed his hand on the gem, and it blazed with light.

When the light faded, Augustus had changed. His musculature was more well defined, wind swept around him of its own accord, and swirls of green covered his skin in patterns symbolizing the Four Winds. His eyes held a white glow to them...and long, silver hair sprang from his entire crown to hang loosely all the way down to his back.

"This is my gift to you," Fujin explained calmly as Augustus looked down at himself, realizing he was hovering slightly off the floor. "Use it as you see fit. I know you will use it well."

Augustus stared at himself in amazement for a time, briefly reaching back to brush his hand through his hair. The energy flowing through him made him feel at full strength and beyond, but he could tell it was only borrowed strength, and he would be in the same state he was before when he deactivated the gem, plus whatever further injuries he might take. "I...thank you," he managed to say. "I won't abuse this gift. I'll be sure only to use it when necessary..." He hesitated, his eyes briefly flicking skyward as an old boyhood fantasy flicked through his mind.

Fujin grinned warmly. "As I said, Augustus, it is yours to use as you see fit...and even the most dedicated must take time to enjoy themselves."

A brief, childish smirk - like that of a boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar only to be told he can have two cookies since he's been good - crossed Augustus' face. Thrusting his arms out in front of him with clenched fists, he guided the winds to propel him forward in the only manner truly appropriate.

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