• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,487 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Augustus smiled as he got back to work, waving idly to several agents of Section 13 as he made his way towards his office. The trip back from the island had been relaxing and uneventful. Valmont, Bai Tza, Po Kong, and Hsi Wu had all known what had happened with him, but had said nothing about it. Only Bai Tza and Po Kong had changed behavior at all, with Bai Tza observing him with an amused expression on occasion in a way that set Valmont to chuckling the first time, and Po Kong was surprisingly tender when it came to his recovery, while making sure others on the plane didn't realize he was in recovery. Hsi Wu had sent him one smug smirk with a thumbs up that he refused to explain to Jade where others would overhear, and then had acted like he always had.

Valmont had acted like nothing whatsoever had changed, and wasn't even surprised by what he'd pulled off. In a private moment, Augustus had actually asked him about it, and while he hadn't been surprised that Valmont had been completely aware of the events - even if the nature of the Labyrinth and the spells on the island prevented him from interfering in any way that could be considered constructive - he had been surprised by his response.

"My good Captain, even before I began...investing...in magic, you were a worthy opponent in the game of Crime and Law. I never had any doubts about your capabilities, and knew that short of someone higher up the threat level than a Guardian Warlord sticking their oar in, you would handle it. Honestly, the only thing surprising about it was how bad your injuries were. Were you sandbagging them because you're still put out you won't get to put me behind bars? That would be terribly disappointing."

...he was glad that conversation had ended soon after.

Once he'd made it home, he'd slept for most of the weekend, stopping only to eat the highly nutritious, high energy, tasty but easily digestible dishes that Po Kong had prepared specifically to help speed his recovery. As a result, he was now fully recovered, full of energy, and ready to get to work. There were problems that needed solving, and he had promises to keep, and Realms to cross before he slept.

He paused briefly as that thought crossed his mind to glance at the pendant he now wore, the one Fujin gave him that granted him the wind empowered form. Ever since he'd gotten back from Outworld, he'd noticed his thoughts sometimes taking a more lyrical, epic tone whether they needed them or not. Maybe it was killing a god, maybe it was feeling divine power...or maybe he needed a psych eval or vacation. Putting it from his mind, he swung open his office door and went to his In Tray.

As he'd expected, there was a device with Raiden's symbol on it, plainly the promised beacon. Under it were two files, one on the Netherrealm and the other on the Kyttin. He quickly opened them both, flipping through the papers within as he began to look for information that could give him somewhere to begin.

"Were it anyone else, I might be offended that you didn't even notice me as you went for those papers, especially when one of those files is for helping another woman," a familiar voice spoke up far closer than was to be expected.

Augustus' eyes jerked back from the files. "Sheeva?" he asked in surprise as he turned towards the source of the voice. "I wasn't expecting..." His voice trailed off as he actually caught sight of her and his breath left him completely.

Sheeva lounged across the second desk in his office - the one he normally used for setting up presentations for planned operations - and was looking across at him with a smirk and a smoldering gaze. She was dressed - generously speaking, if you could call it that - in what looked like a red cross between a slingkini and leotard, one that looked like it was on the verge of falling open and letting her bust spill out if not for the golden chain that held it more tightly closed at her waist. She was propped up on one arm, another hand at her hip, with her lower set of arms crossed under her bust only enhancing the way they were presented. Her smirk widened as she saw him lose nearly all control and discipline at the sight she was presenting. "Then again," she continued in a throaty purr, "your dedication to duty is one of many things that led me to choosing to be here like this, so instead I suppose I'm more worried about your sense of your surroundings that you missed me here." Her voice had a hint of concern, but the vast majority of the tone was playful.

Augustus chuckled awkwardly. "I guess I just didn't sense any danger?" he offered nervously. "Though I'm no longer so certain about that..."

Sheeva laughed indulgently as she luxuriously shifted to her feet, stretching in a most suggestive manner as she slowly walked towards him. "I do hope you can take some time away from your duties, though," she commented somewhat dryly, a light that was more than just amusement in her eyes.

Augustus swallowed nervously. He wasn't entirely certain where this was going, but he knew he was way out of his depth. "Uhh..." he managed to get out before swallowing convulsively, trying to get his mouth clear...and not drool despite what was now at eye level as she leaned towards him, one arm on each side against two walls of his office as she somehow managed to back him into the corner without him being aware of it, her other two arms still crossed under her bust and pushing it up suggestively. "Does...does ritual combat play some role in Shokan courtship I'm unaware of?" he finally managed to ask awkwardly.

Sheeva chuckled a trifle wickedly. "It can...Augustus Kahn," she purred eagerly.

Augustus' blood went cold for a completely different reason than what had been making it uncomfortably hot until now. "My family name is Black," he pointed out, somewhere between hopefully and defensively.

"Your title...is Kahn," Sheeva corrected comfortingly.

Despite the situation, Augustus felt his heart sinking. "I was afraid of that..." he muttered under his breath. "Bad day..."

"Cheer up, my Kahn," Sheeva purred comfortingly. "It means you have all of Outworld at your disposal to keep your promises. And there are...other perks..." She sent a suggestive shake down her body.

"I'm not interested in getting that from a title anymore than I have been in any of the offers I've gotten as 'thanks' for protecting the Realm," Augustus grumbled irritably, his eyes briefly glancing to a different sort of file by his In Tray, containing all sorts of invitations to properly 'thank' him and 'reward' his efforts, from the politely worded to the far more blatant...some including pictures. That had honestly been more embarrassing than titillating for him, though.

"I am pleased to hear it," Sheeva offered warmly, her tone now more serious than playful despite the warmth. "Though Kahn or not, Augustus, I would be here for you like this either way..." Her grin widened to an almost but not quite predatory level.

Augustus swallowed nervously, despite his body deciding it quite liked the way this was going. "Are...are you sure this is the...best time for this?" he managed to ask.

"Does the door lock?" Sheeva asked playfully.


"Then any time is a good time," she whispered, the purr of her voice shifting towards an eager growl as she reached over to lock the door.

Augustus swallowed audibly, his eyes far wider than he anticipated they could manage. "A...aiyah..."

Sheeva let off a playfully wicked chuckle in response.

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