• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,487 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Blast From The Past

Jackie sighed as he leaned back, watching over Section 13 for Augustus while he took care of...other business. His friend wasn't telling him what all he'd gotten involved in - as he'd pointed out a while ago, things didn't revolve around what Jackie and his family got up to - and he really didn't want to know, especially not when it involved him being able to call on a member of the Jade Council at a moment's notice. That had been just unnerving.

Still, it was only one night. What was the-

"No, don't you dare!" Tiger snapped from Jackie's shoulder. "Don't you dare even think it!"

"Too late," Kitten groaned as he pointed to a coruscating flare of light taking shape near the Vault.

Gripping the railing of the catwalk he was on, Jackie flung himself over to land between the light and the Vault...just as the light faded to reveal Finn, Ratso, and Chao. Finn had an empty bag, and Ratso and Chao each carried full bags. "Yo, Jackie!" Finn called out, giving a relaxed wave.

"Oh, it's you three," Jackie observed as he relaxed. The other agents nearby also relaxed, going back to their duties save those nearest who stayed alert but at rest. "What brings you here tonight? Does Valmont need something?"

Chao rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Yeah...see...the Boss wants us to steal the Talismans." He shrugged helplessly. "No hard feelings?"

Jackie stared at him for a time before finally asking, "...really? And you're just...saying that?"

"Well," Ratso spoke up as he reached into his bag, "we've got Jump Runes that can get us in and out without leaving a trace, an Anti-Scry Circuit so we can't be detected by magical or mundane security, a Befuddle Bundle so no one can be certain of what they remember, a potent enough Nip Mix to make you loopy for a day, a Phase Shifter for the Vault door, and an iron clad alibi elsewhere once all is said and done." He shrugged after displaying each such item before putting it back in the bag. "So...it's not like you could stop us."

"And you think just telling us that's what you're doing will mean us just letting you do it?" Jackie demanded in frustration. "Why are you even doing this?"

"Big V heard Dao Long Wong is targeting the Talismans," Finn explained readily. "Since one of the only things known to be an effective deterrent for him is Light Magic, which makes the boss the best one to keep them safe from him."

"Especially since Captain Black won't be on this job at all times anymore," Chao continued easily. "That was specifically one of V's concerns, and why he sent us in rather than making contact."

"And...what? You thought that because we're on more or less good terms, you could prove you could take them and instead just ask for them?" Jackie pressed in disbelief.

"Well, that way there's no bad feeling, right?" Ratso offered earnestly without a trace of sarcasm or irony.

Jackie sighed ruefully before turning to Finn and Chao. "His idea?" he asked, gesturing at Ratso. He sighed as that got two nods in return. Jackie groaned as he rubbed his forehead. "...look, I'm just supposed to be watching the base until Augustus gets back. I don't want to tell him I just let you walk out with the artifacts...and I don't want the kind of damage an actual fight would cause. Could...could you maybe just wait until he gets back and ask him about it?"

"Don't see why not," Finn allowed easily. "Only time limit on this job we got is 'before Wong steals them', so as long as Black gets back before Wong gets here, that works for us."

"And we're on salary, so it's not like a fast job gets us paid better than a slow one," Chao agreed.

"And Chao's got the anti-Dark Wizard gear in case Wong gets here first," Ratso added before pulling out a deck of cards. "You play rummy?"

"...seriously?" Augustus demanded as Jackie got his injuries treated. "They come to rob us and you ask them to wait until I get back, and then play cards with them?"

"Well...they did ask nicely..." Jackie pointed out ruefully. "It seemed like the best idea at the time. At least then I'd have them as extra backup if Wong showed up before you did..." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Which was better in my head than what actually happened..."

Augustus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "So Wong showed up," he allowed ruefully. "Which led to the three of them trying to get the Talismans before Wong did, which turned it into a three-way magical brawl over the Talismans?"

"More or less," Jackie allowed apologetically. "Though Wong was rather quickly limited in what he could bring when Chao pulled out the Urn of Wei Cheing, already primed to entrap his Dark Warriors. Apparently Valmont had located and secreted it back when he was still utilizing Wong as a resource, and gave it to Chao to even the odds if Wong showed up."

"So he's without his Dark Warriors, that's a relief," Augustus allowed. "And the Talismans?" He frowned as he saw one of his agents looking sheepish.

"A...mixture of magic and a high powered laser blast resulted in...catastrophic integrity failure..." Jackie allowed evasively.

"Somebody green tried to fight a mage with a laser weapon, and things exploded," Augustus translated. "Somehow I doubt that destroying the Talismans destroyed their powers, that would be far too simple..."

"Hey Jackie?" Jade called out as Hsi Wu swooped in carrying her and a rather scruffy looking mutt. "Any idea how this guy wound up with Dog Talisman power inside him? Found him while we were looking at a dog show trying to decide whether or not to attend. He walked right up to me, and my magic - and Sweetie's, for some reason - resonated with his and made the Talisman symbol appear in his eyes." As Hsi Wu set her down, she stared around at the mess of the base. "What the heck happened here-" Her words cut off as she caught sight of Augustus. "We didn't do it!" she cried out guiltily.

Augustus buried his face in his hands. "...and here we go again..."

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