• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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Prologue: Exiled


Over One Thousand Years Ago

The thunder boomed in the background, the rain splattered against his cloak and coat, water mixed with sweat as both substances dripped down his forehead. Hoof met ground, splashing the various puddles on the pathway. It's funny in a way, the Everfree Forest never felt so cold before.

It was a new feeling for Starswirl, this sense of dread for what was coming.

The elderly unicorn mage wore a blue cloak with yellow stars stitched onto it with bells on the edges of it. He also wore a blue pointy magicians hat with bells also stitched onto it, with one large bell stitched to the tip of the hat. His most notable feature was his long, white beard. Hence why it was his namesake.

Starswirl panted heavily, he felt so tired from running, but he had no choice. He had to keep moving otherwise the entire realm would be put at risk. If it fell into the wrong hands, then all would be lost. The rain started to become heavier as time went by, making the path ahead all the more slippery and dangerous.

But he would not be deterred, he was Starswirl the Bearded! The greatest unicorn mage Equestria had ever seen, if there was a way to achieve the impossible, then he would be the one to find it. He stumbled slightly as the ground shook from a tremor.

It started out small but then it got worse and worse by the minute. Eventually it got so bad that Starswirl lost his footing and fell face first into a puddle. Groaning as he got back up, he suddenly felt a presence, one that he was familiar with.

The presence of one he used to call friend.

Wiping the mud off of his face, Starswirl moved into a full gallop as all around him, the trees began to fall to the ground. Getting ready, Starswirl ignited his horn and began casting a shield spell as several lanky figures sprung out of the trees, raising their sword like appendages ready for the kill.

These creatures had arms that were disconnected with their entire body, no hands or fingers at all, only sword like arms. Their shoulders were bulky, but their heads pointy like a cone, with a singular red eye in the center of their heads. Their bodies were black, their legs were slim, no feet, just points at the end of their legs.

Starswirl finished casting his shield spell just in time as the creatures swung for his head. Their sword like appendages struck the white shield before the protection spell exploded into a wave of magical feedback, sending the creatures flying through the air and landing on their backs.

The unicorn mage let out a deep exhale before resuming his gallop. He couldn't stop now, he had to keep moving lest he seal the fate of Equestria right then and there. Starswirl kept moving as the presence he felt earlier drew closer to him.

"I have never felt this before. Is this... friendship?"

"This is new to me as well. But I believe that together, there is nothing that can't be achieved."

He felt a twinge of pain as the memories flooded back to him, how far they had come together. How far he had fallen. How Starswirl wished there were some other way to resolve this, but there was little time to think of such things. He had to plant it now.

"I was banished from my home. My ideas and ways of seeing them through were unaccepted by my people. How do I know that this won't end the same way?"

"No matter what, you will always have a home here. You will not be abandoned again."

Starswirl was taken out of his thoughts when he suddenly lost his footing and began falling down a chasm. He grunted as he rolled multiple times before crashing down onto the dirt. Due to the impact, a small, crystalline seed flew out of his cloak and rolled across the dirt before coming to a stop a few meters in front of him.

He slowly got back up to his hooves, dirt and bruises covering his form, and ignited his horn, levitating the seed into the air. He drew it closer and placed it under his cloak before looking around for a place to plant it. Eventually his eyes set forth onto a nearby cave.

Starswirl wasted no time and ran into a gallop once more, making his way into the cave as the presence of his old friend drew closer.

He was close, there was no more time.

Starswirl entered the cave, it was spacious enough so that the seed could grow. Truth was that Starswirl did not know what the seed would grow into, but he had no time to think about that.

It was time.

He moved toward the center of the cave, removing the seed from within his cloak and holding it high in the air. He took in a deep breath before he went to plant it into the ground.

He would have too had it not been for a beam of yellow that struck him in the side, causing the unicorn to cry out in pain. As Starswirl fell to the floor, the seed fell out of his grasp and bounced on the ground a few times before resting where it lay.

Starswirl grit his teeth in pain, yellow electricity crackling around him as something landed just outside of the cave.

He was here.

Metal feet clunked against the ground as the large, imposing figure moved closer toward the downed unicorn. He was seven foot in stature, his armor colored black and grey. His shoulders were bulky, as well as sharp and pointy. Most of his top half was black while his bottom was grey.

At the tip of his hands were glowing, yellow finger nails, crackling with electricity. In the center of his chest was a yellow core, also crackling with yellow electricity. His helmet had three pointy arches on the sides and the middle of the helmet. The front of the helmet was grey while the back half was blacked out. In the center of the helmet was a singular, ocular orb, presumably his eye.

The figure looked down at Starswirl with what could be presumed as malice before he kicked the already wounded unicorn towards the other side of the cave. Starswirl hit the wall of the cave, grunting in pain as small pebbles fell on top of him. Suddenly, a yellow aura surrounded his throat and he was pulled through the air towards the imposing figure.

The figure grabbed Starswirl by the throat and held him close, his singular eye glowing directly in Starswirl's face, "I know you have it, Starswirl. Give it to me. Now." He demanded in a calm and collected tone.

"Nghhh... never!" Starswirl grunted in reply.

The figure didn't say anything, he just sighed before tossing Starswirl across the cave with extreme force. The unicorn tumbled through the air before rolling to a stop just in front of the seed. Thinking quickly, Starswirl tucked the seed under his cloak as the figure walked slowly towards him.

"You know not what you do, Starswirl. The seed is the key to ending my exile. With it, I may finally return home."

Starswirl slowly got back up to his hooves, his horn lighting up with magical power, "Ngh... it is you who does not know what forces you play with, Talos!" He yelled angrily in reply, revealing that the figure's name was Talos. "What you wish to do could very well destroy the entire realm! My home! Your home! I cannot let you do this!"

"Allow me to put things into perspective for you Starswirl. This is not my home, it never was. It was only a means to an end, it was never meant to last. With this seed we can finally accomplish our mission. I can be sent home, I can show you the secrets of the ancients, the weavings of the Multiverse."

Starswirl looked genuinely hurt, he hadn't realized that his friend had fallen so far from grace. "...Talos."

"Talos is no more. You may call me... The Exiled." The newly named Exiled proclaimed before reaching out his large, metal hand, "Come with me, Starswirl. Together we can make things better. We can finally achieve the impossible. Please my friend, consider, see reason."

Much to Exiled's disappointment, Starswirl's gaze hardened, showing that he was not willing to take this opportunity, "If you truly speak of such madness with such conviction... then you truly are lost!"

Exiled lowered his hand before looking away in sadness. His own people had betrayed him when they sent him away, now his one and only friend had turned on him two. His fists tightened as he turned to look at Starswirl with malice and a look of betrayal on his hidden face, "Then let your death be the final word in this world's story."

Quickly casting another shield spell, Starswirl blocked the blast emanating from Exiled's glowing fingertips. The mixture of white and yellow light filled the cave, lighting the darkness brightly. Starswirl struggled to keep the shield up from Exiled's onslaught. He was powerful, but Exiled was an ancient being who was millions of years old, the sheer power that he possessed was hither to undreamt of.

Starswirl's eyes widened in terror as the shield began to crack, "Y-You don't have to do this!"

"If your world must die so that I may return to mine... then so be it."

Exiled increased his power.

The shield shattered.

Starswirl was sent spiraling to the floor.

The unicorn mage coughed heavily as Exiled stood upright and began walking slowly towards him. He knew that Exiled was never going to stop, he was far too deep now. The unicorn sighed, he had prayed that there would be another option. But there seemed to be no other way.

"I'm sorry, my friend." Starswirl thought to himself before slowly getting back up.

Exiled tilted his head in confusion, "What do you hope to accomplish here, sorcerer?"

He didn't respond to the question directed at him, he simply closed his eyes as a scroll suddenly appeared before him. His horn glowed, as did the scroll. There was no turning back now. It was do or die now. Exiled was about to question what his former friend was doing, when a sudden burst appeared behind him.

He turned around and inwardly gasped as a wormhole tore itself into reality. An Interdimensional Breach if you will.

Exiled turned to face the unicorn sorcerer, "Fool, what do you think you're doing?!"

"Sending you to a dead world, the center of the Multiverse. You shall be forever cursed to remain there for the rest of your days, never to leave there, never to return home."

Much to Exiled's horror, the breach began to pull him in. The ancient being planted his feet into the ground, but it didn't do much as he couldn't fight back against the breach's hold over him. He tried moving away from the breach, but it was for naught as he was pulled in.

But he stopped himself by holding onto the edges of the breach, keeping him in this universe. He struggled, but try as he might, he was only delaying the inevitable, "Ngh.... after everything we've been through together.... this is how it ends?"

Starswirl couldn't even look his friend in the eye, instead he just muttered the words, "I'm sorry." before eventually, the interdimensional breach overpowered the ancient being and pulled him through, forever leaving this universe. Once he was pulled through, the portal closed.

The elderly mage exhaled a breath before falling to his back haunches. He let the scroll fall gently to the ground, his magic nearly drained from all the strain it took on his body. He sighed as he said, "I had hoped to avoid this," he looked towards the Seed of Harmony and used what little remained of his magic and levitated it into the air.

On the scroll, it showed certain events that would happen in the future. All of them made no sense to the elderly unicorn, but from what he could make of it, there were destined to be five Guardians of Light that would defend the Multiverse from an overwhelming darkness.

Nopony knew who these 'Guardians' were, but from what could be transcribed, were five symbols relating to the Guardians.

A Starburst.

The Letter 'M'.

The Head of a Hedgehog.

A Glowing Orb.

And lastly A Bat.

Starswirl had a look of determination on his face before raising the seed into the air, "But sometimes... destiny cannot be altered."

He then slammed the Seed of Harmony into the ground.

Through The Multiverse

Written by: Battwell

Author's Note:

Welcome to my passion project. This story has been in the works for a long time. This could very well be as big as Tomorrow War. Maybe even bigger.

I will be incorporating my own artwork into this story, yes I have a Deviantart page, I only use it when I have to.

Anyways, thanks for reading this prologue, enjoy the ride!

The Exiled - made by me.

Starswirl the Bearded - credit goes to AndoAnimalia

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