• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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2. The Speed of Sound

Earth 1991


(Play until 0:33)

Mobius, a peaceful little planet, filled to the brim with springs, loopdey loops, and golden rings. The inhabitants of the planet have known peace for quite some time. That is when a nefarious egg shaped mad man isn't trying to take over the planet.

And wouldn't you know it, said mad man was already plotting his next plot for world domination.

Just outside the planets atmosphere, was a moon, specifically a very large moon. Only upon closer inspection, it wasn't a moon at all. It was a space station. This space station was silver in color, and roughly the size of the moon currently orbiting Mobius.

But it's most distinguished feature, was the face of a man with a comically long moustache plastered on the face of the station.

Behold, the Death Egg!

Inside the sinister space station, were multiple robots roaming around, performing various tasks to ensure that the Death Egg was up to their masters standards. But past all of the sinister weapons and robots, was the command station that was located above the launch bay.

Inside the command station was the man with the master plan. A fairly rounded bald man with skinny legs wearing a red jumpsuit sat comfortably in his command chair with an evil grin plastered across his face. He wore blue glasses with goggles on top of his head. He had white gloves and yellow buttons on his vest. The villain stroked his extremely large moustache with his fingers as he chuckled to himself.

Doctor Ivo Robotnik, but the planet Mobius knows him better as the evil Dr. Eggman!

Eggman chuckled to himself before bursting into a full on maniacal laughter, jumping up from his chair as his laughter echoed throughout the Death Egg. The man with the master plan placed his hands behind his back as his laughter ceased.

He just couldn't keep the grin off of his face, this plan was going to make sure that nothing would stop him from conquering the planet. Not even that bothersome hedgehog he had grown to loathe so much would get in his way this time.

His plan was fool proof, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

Eggman heard the door leading into his command station slide open, prompting him to turn around to see who had entered. Surely enough, it was his two robotic lackeys that he had created to assist him.

But of course they ended up doing more harm than good. Lucky him.

The first robot was orb shaped and red in color, he had two skinny arms with slightly larger hands and hovered up from the ground. The second robot had the same design except with a few key differences. The differences being that he was cubed shaped and was colored yellow.

Orbot and Cubot, Eggman's two incompetent henchbots.

Eggman's face fell when he set his sights on the two robots, "Oh, it's just you. What is it? Can't you see I'm in the middle of important work here?!" He shouted at the two robots angrily.

"Sure, if you can call practicing your "evil laugh" important work." Orbot muttered to himself.

Unfortunately, the orbed shaped robot wasn't quiet enough, as Eggman heard him mutter it, "What was that?" He asked, challenging the robot to say it again.

Realizing his mistake, Orbot quickly corrected himself, "N-Nothing boss! W-We just came to inform you that the strange artifact you uncovered from the Ancient City has been fully analyzed."

The frown that was on Eggman's face was soon replaced with a sinister grin, "Excellent! I knew that venture into the Ancient City would prove fruitful. And wouldn't you know it, I was right... again." The mad scientist boasted before proceeding to walk out of the command station with Orbot and Cubot following close behind.

As the mad genius walked down the hallway towards the artifact that he had stolen, he and his lackeys passed by several robots, each with different designs.

Some were small rounded orange robots with long noses.

These Egg Pawns also had a blue variant that the doctor had walked past as well.

Eggman had paid them no mind however, since the very thing he desired was in the room to his left. Entering the darkly lit room, he set his sights on the computer monitor showing various amounts of data. He leaned forward to get a closer look at the data analysis of the mysterious artifact.

His curious expression turned into one of shock, then it morphed into a smile that spread across his face.

"Hehehehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Eggman laughed loudly before turning to Orbot and Cubot, "Do you have any idea what this is?!"

Cubot, confused by the question, tilted his head to the side, "A rock?"

"No you dumbbot!!! This Keystone device has properties that tap into the fabric of dimensional space! The power it has is nothing close to what we've encountered before. The closest thing to compare it to would be the Chaos Emeralds, and even with their limitless amount of power, they come nowhere as close to this... Keystone."

"Soooo... how does it work?"

"I don't know yet, but combined with the power of the Chaos Emeralds, the Eggman Empire would be unstoppable!!! When that blue menace tries to foil my plans, I'll call upon the power of the ancients and conquer the world!!! OH HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!"

Eggman's chortle of laughter was cut off by the sudden blaring of the alarm, red lights flashing on and off throughout the Death Egg.

Orbot looked up to his creator with his arms folded, "You were saying?"


Turns out that the main reason for the Death Egg's alarms going off was the presence of an unknown aircraft. Said aircraft was known as a Bi-Plane. It was red in color with yellow stripes on the ends of the planes wings.

The plane was piloted by a yellow fox Mobian with a set of twin tails. He wore white gloves and a pair of red and white shoes on his feet. He was yellow in color, except for the fur covering his chest, mouth and belly. He also had three bangs on his forehead.

Miles "Tails" Prower was a genius level intellect, which was surprising considering he was 8 years old. As he navigated the Tornado towards the Death Egg, he saw out of the corner of his eye one of his friends hanging onto the wing of the plane.

He was a red echidna wearing white boxing gloves with spikes on the knuckles. He had a white stripe across his chest and wore red and yellow shoes with green socks on his ankles.

Knuckles the Echidna scowled at the approaching Death Egg as he rolled his shoulder back.

On the other wing was a pink hedgehog wearing a red dress with a pink headband in her hair. She two wore white gloves with golden bracelets on both of her wrists. She also held a giant red and yellow hammer in her right hand as she clutched the wing with her left hand.

Amy Rose held her Piko Piko Hammer close as the threat loomed closer.

And standing on the back of the plane with his hands on the handlebars was their team leader. The Blue Blur. A blue hedgehog wearing red sneakers with a white strap going across his shoes, laced together with a gold buckle. His arms were tan as was his stomach. His muzzle was also tanned, and he wore white gloves.

Sonic the Hedgehog smirked his signature smile as the anticipation grew inside of him. He couldn't wait for this!

He looked down at his best friend and asked, "You sure the Emeralds are in there, bud?"

Tails looked back at the blue hedgehog and smirked, "You question my deduction skills?" He asked before feigning shock, "Oh how you wound me Sonic."

The hedgehog laughed at his friend's antics, "Yeah yeah, stupid question, I know." He then pulled out the Chaos Emerald he had in his possession and looked intently at it, "He needs all seven Emeralds to pull off whatever world domination scheme he has this time. I ain't gonna let him poach this Emerald off of me if I can help it."

Knuckles, who had been listening in this whole time chuckled, "Come on, Sonic! We're gonna smash his plan to pieces before he can even lay a hand on that Emerald."

"You got that right, Knucklehead." Sonic replied with a smirk on his face.

Amy then decided to roll her eyes, "Boys will be boys." She muttered with a smile on her face.

As they all laughed, Sonic took notice of a few robots that were coming their way. They were round shaped, Egg shaped in fact with skinny arms holding a laser pistol in their hands. They had a red torso with two yellow stripes flowing down from their collar. Their heads were silver with two big red eyes, along with a jetpack so they could fly towards their targets.

Sonic smirked at the incoming Egg Robos before nodding to Tails, "Looks like Egghead sent out the welcoming committee."

Tails took the hint and boosted forward towards the incoming forces of the Eggman Empire as Sonic leapt off of the Tornado-1. The hedgehog tucked himself into a ball and began to spin around at super speed. He then shot forward, hitting each of the Egg Robos with his signature Homing Attack.

As Sonic untucked himself, Tails boosted forward and flew under him as he fell so he could land back onto the plane.

"Thanks for the save, Tails!" Sonic thanked his two tailed pal with a thumbs up.

Tails returned the gesture before boosting towards the Death Egg, ready to take on any enemy forces that would get in their way.

Meanwhile, inside the sinister Death Egg, Dr. Eggman was watching the now active security footage being projected from Cubot's optics agape in shock, which slowly but surely turned into pure rage as his face formed into a deadly scowl.

Cubot then raised a finger in question, "Um, should we add this to the tally?"

"Wait... what tally?" Eggman asked curiously.

Orbot practically begged for his companion not to answer, not that the clueless bot took notice, "Oh! The tally of how many wins either you or Sonic have."

Curious, Eggman dared ask, "How many is the blue rat on?"

"Ummmmm..." Both Orbot and Cubot answered, poking their index fingers together nervously.

"Well how many do I have?!" Eggman asked, growing angrier by the minute.


Eggman stood there for a moment before stomping over and punting Cubot across the room. As the cube shaped robot landed on the other side of the room, the egg shaped doctor turned his sights to Orbot, "Once that idiot has gotten back up, do me a favor and get him online."

The Tornado soared across the vastness of space, flying around the various explosions around the Death Egg. While Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy were fending off the forces targeting the Tornado, Tails, while flying, glanced down at his radar to get a location on the Emeralds' Chaos signature.

His eyes brightened up when the radar beeped, having got a location on the Chaos Emeralds.

"Guys! I found the Emeralds! Hang on!" Tails shouted as he turned the Tornado and flew at an upward incline towards the top of the space station. Once he flew to the correct level, Tails opened fire upon the Death Egg, breaking a hole into the space station just wide enough for the plane to land.

But he had limited time as the hole began to seal itself. Eggman must've planned for this eventuality, not that it would do him any good. Pushing down on the wheel, Tails boosted the Tornado into the Death Egg just a moment before the hole sealed itself.

"O-OH HO!!! Nice timing, Tails!" Sonic congratulated as the Tornado began to land inside the giant room, "I knew you could do it."

Once the Tornado came to a complete stop, Team Sonic exited the vehicle and gathered around Tails.

Knuckles was the first to speak, "Alright Tails, we're in." The echidna then looked around the very much empty room, "Soooo... where are the Emeralds?"

"According to my radar we should be right on top of them."

Now Amy was confused, "How can we be on top of them? There's nothing here."

Tails tapped his chin in thought before snapping his fingers, "They're not here because," he started before trailing off as he looked to the floor, "the Chaos Emeralds are beneath us!"

But before anyone could do anything about that, eight long capsules suddenly began emerging from the floor, surrounding Team Sonic. In six of the capsules were mystical gems, each varying in color, but looking very much the same.

"The Chaos Emeralds!" Amy exclaimed happily, "We found them!"

But something caught Sonic's eye, one of the capsules were empty, obviously meant for the Emerald he had in his possession. But the other capsule had a strange stone levitating within it.

The Keystone.

He shook away his thoughts before taking out his Chaos Emerald, "Okay, did that seem really well timed for anyone else?"

But before anyone could answer, the Chaos Emerald was suddenly pulled out of Sonic's hand. Startled in surprise, he didn't even think before the Emerald was placed in the final capsule. The blue hedgehog bolted towards the capsule, but as it closed, an electrified barrier shocked him back.

Skidding across the floor, Sonic grit his teeth as a familiar chortle of laughter played over the speakers inside the massive Chaos Emerald Chamber.


It was then that a holographic screen displaying Dr. Eggman appeared before Team Sonic.

"This time, I'm one step ahead."

"EGGMAN!" Team Sonic shouted in unison.

The mad doctor grinned madly as he gestured down towards the now captured Chaos Emeralds, "A perfect addition to my collection."

Sonic smirked cockily before folding his arms over his chest, "What makes you think we won't take them back, Baldy McNosehair?"

"Oh I don't know. This newly discovered Keystone device would certainly put a damper on that plan."

"Keystone device?" Tails asked confusedly, wanting to know what this device was.

"A little souvenir from my raid upon the Ancient City. It was hard to find, let me tell you, the Ancients didn't want to be found, but they couldn't keep their little hidey hole from me! Once I controlled Time using the Emeralds alone... Now with the device, their combined power will allow me to control the Dimensions for generations to come!"

As Eggman grinned like a kid inside of a candy store, Sonic turned to his friends and rolled his eyes, "If only your plan was as flawless as your mustache, Egghead!" He sarcastically complimented before darting off towards the capsules.

Eggman however, was actually flattered, "Why, thank you Sonic! You know, I think after so many years of being arch-enemies we've really grown a soft-spot for one another and... HEY!"

Unfortunately for Sonic, the doctor noticed his dash towards the capsules and decided that enough was enough. It was time to play.

Sonic grinned as he tucked himself into a Spin Dash and shot forward towards the capsules. But even if he could get through the electrified barrier, he wouldn't get past him. Suddenly, Sonic was shoulder charged away from the capsules by a mysterious figure.

The hedgehog untucked mid air and landed on the cold steel floor on both of his feet. As Team Sonic gasped at the figure, Sonic just chuckled as he wiped underneath his nose with his index finger.

The mysterious figure was covered in a fiery red aura, his eyes were as black as night, save for the blood red optics. His form was eerily similar to the blue hedgehog, it was downright imitation. His claws were sharper than knives, his strength was near unmatched. His rocket booster charged, his core humming with power, his soulless eyes set upon Sonic with pure, utter malice.

There were two things that Metal Sonic was known for, his close resemblance to his organic counterpart, and his presence whenever he entered a battleground.

Sonic chuckled humorously, "How's it goin' scrap metal? Still taking your looks after yours truly?"

The sinister glow in Metal Sonic's eyes grew immensely.

It was then that Eggman decided to butt in, "As you can see, I've decided to bring Metal back online. He's faster, stronger, smarter! He's been upgraded from all of the data he's collected from your previous encounters. And not just yours either, rodent! But your friends' as well. He can predict any move you make before you even make it!"

While everyone else looked a little uncertain, Sonic wasn't fazed in the slightest, "You talk a big game, Eggman, but let's see if that actually changes anything this time around. Time to put your money where your mouth is!"

"I couldn't agree more, rat! Metal Sonic.... ATTACK!!!"

Metal didn't even have to ask as he charged forward towards Sonic at high speeds. Sonic laughed joyously as he too sped off towards his metallic rival. The two opposing forces met in the middle of the Chaos Emerald Chamber, interlocking hands as they struggled to overpower one another.

Eventually, they both sped apart and boosted around the room. As Sonic ran around on the walls, Metal followed closely behind with murder evident in his eyes. Once he was close enough, Metal slashed at Sonic's head, only for the hedgehog to duck underneath the attack and boost away from him.

Sonic skidded to the middle of the chamber as Metal charged right towards him. He ducked under one of Metal's swiped, breakdancing underneath the robot before kicking Metal upwards with both of his feet. Curling up into a ball, Sonic bounced upward and hit Metal straight in the chest, sending him crashing into the ceiling.

Sonic untucked mid fall and placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed position. But much to his shock, Metal released a burst of power that caused the ceiling to break even more. Through the smoke, Metal could be seen, but only for a second as he teleported away.

Recoiling in shock, Sonic didn't have time to react as Metal appeared beneath him and delivered a swift kick to his back. He was sent flying across the room, tumbling across the floor before planting his feet onto the floor to cease his movement. But Metal didn't give him the chance to breathe as he appeared in front of him and threw a punch.

Sonic quickly caught the punch in his hand and gave Metal a hard head butt, causing the robot to stumble back before Sonic charged up a Homing Attack and shot directly into Metal Sonic's chest. The robotic hedgehog flew across the room, but once he activated his rocket booster, he simply hovered in the air.

As he glared at Sonic, he didn't even notice the red echidna that charged up beside him and punched him in the side of the head. Knuckles turned to Sonic as Metal soared through the air, "Don't think you can hog all the action!"

Sonic simply shrugged, "Then go ahead and tag in, Knucklehead!"

The rest of Team Sonic took that as their cue to enter the fight, seeing as both Tails and Amy all charged forward towards the malicious robotic counterpart of their leader. Whirling his tails together like helicopter blades, Tails took to the air and activated his Mega Buster, which appeared on his left hand.

Tails opened fire on Metal as Sonic, Amy, and Knuckles all charged towards their enemy. Metal gave them all a look that screamed "That's all you got?" before dashing past all of the blasts and charging into both Knuckles and Amy, elbowing them both in the chest as he zoomed by.

He then locked onto Sonic and grabbed him by the throat before he could even react. Metal then hurled the blue hero at the young fox, sending them both crashing down onto the ground. Metal folded his arms over his chest as Knuckles got back up and started charging towards him.

Metal saw this coming, however, he wanted to toy with them before finishing them off.

The robot swerved right to avoid Knuckles' attack, he then delivered a smashing palm to the echidna's chest, sending him flying through the air and crashing into the wall. If Metal had the ability to laugh, he probably would have at that moment.

Sonic groaned as he got back to his feet, his eyes only focused on Metal.

Metal turned to Sonic as the Blue Blur dashed forward and kicked him in the chest, sending him skidding back across the chamber. He was about to retaliate, but then suddenly heard Amy behind him, aiming her hammer directly at his head. Smirking in his head, Metal turned and grabbed Amy's hammer, snatching it off her, and spun around at super speed, hitting both hedgehogs with the hammer.

As both hedgehogs fell to the floor, Tails flew into the air and zoomed down to try and strike Metal while he was distracted. But that unfortunately failed as Metal teleported behind the young fox and grabbed both of his tails. He then spun the poor kid around in circles before releasing him, sending the young cub crashing against the steel floor.

Team Sonic were struggling. Metal had never been this strong before, they had to step up their game. They all slowly got back up to their feet and circled around Metal, who looked as calm as a sadistic robot could look.

Sonic looked to his best friend and smirked, "Hey Tails, how about we hit ole bucket head here with a "Knuckle Sandwich"?" Everyone on the team knew what the blue hero was getting at, so they all nodded, it was time to end this.

Amy picked up her hammer and charged forward to distract Metal while both Sonic and Tails curled up into balls, speeding forward towards Knuckles. As Amy fended off Metal, Knuckles picked up the curled forms of both Sonic and Tails and dashed forward towards the distracted robot.

"HEY BUCKET HEAD!!!" Knuckles shouted, gaining Metal's attention.

Metal turned around and before he could act, Knuckles tossed Sonic and Tails at him. The two Homing Attacks collided against Metal's chest, scraping against him before launching the robot into the wall. As Metal began falling to the floor, Knuckles dashed over and delivered a nasty uppercut to the robot's chin, sending him up into the air.

Metal was stunned, time to move.

Amy jumped up behind Metal in mid air and slammed his back with her Piko Piko Hammer. As Metal descended towards the floor, Sonic jumped up and spun around screaming, "YOU'RE FINISHED!!!" He then kicked Metal so hard in the face that his visor cracked.

Metal Sonic crashed into the wall as Sonic landed on the floor. Dusting off his hands, Sonic didn't even watch as his robotic copy fell to the floor and went offline.

"So much for your upgrades. Maybe next time Metal, but don't count on it."

Sonic turned to his friends with a smile on his face, sure the fight had been challenging, but at least his friends were all okay.

"Maaan he was tough." Knuckles groaned as he rubbed his shoulder.

Sonic smirked as he leaned back, "But it's like I've always said about copy cats, 'nothing's better than the original.'" At his friends' agreeing nods, Sonic turned to face the holographic projection of Dr. Eggman, "Yo Eggy! I couldn't help but notice that you've been a little quiet."

He expected to see Eggman throwing a tantrum about losing, but to his surprise, the holographic screen was gone.

The hedgehog tilted his head in confusion, "Huh? Where did he--?"

Suddenly, a giant metal arm shot up from the floor and grabbed Sonic when he was least expecting it. The metallic grip of the robot squeezing the life out of the hedgehog as all of his friends called out for him. Sonic took notice of the robot, more specifically, the man piloting it.

The mech had two arms with razor claws, with spiked bracelets on each wrist. On the bottom of the mech were two Gatling guns, along with a jet engine to keep the mech afloat. The mech also had broad shoulders with Eggman's face on it. It was red, white and yellow in color, except for the arms which were a metallic silver.

Eggman grinned madly as he continued to squeeze the blue hedgehog with his metallic grip, "Right where I want you! Mwahahahahaha!!! Behold my latest creation, I call it the um... uh, well.... I'll come up with the name later."

Suddenly, both Orbot and Cubot popped up behind him.

"Oh, I got a name! How about the Egg Coloss--" Orbot suggested but was cut off by his creator.

"COLOSSUS!!! The Egg Colossus!!! Original name, do not steal!" Eggman shouted, ignoring the now pouting Orbot beside him, completely focusing his attention on Sonic, "Now Sonic, here's how I'd assess the situation. You're friends are in no condition to help you, and I now have you in my grasp!"

Sonic grunted in pain, but still maintained his iconic smirk, "So, is this a part of you master plan?"

"No, that starts after I destroy you."

"So, never then?"

"You cocky needlemouse! YOU'LL EAT THOSE WORDS!!!"

Eggman then threw Sonic across the room, much to Team Sonic's horror. The mad doctor then hovered the Egg Colossus towards the Keystone and smashed the capsule before taking it in his grip. The chest of the mech suddenly opened up. allowing Eggman to place the Keystone inside. Once the chest closed up, the arms of the mech were suddenly inflamed in a blue aura.

"OH HO HO HO HO HO HO!!! It appears I still have full control over the device, with or without the Emeralds! Once I get rid of you hedgehog, the Eggman Empire will expand across an infinite amount of dimensions!"

Eggman then hovered over the wounded form of Sonic the Hedgehog and raised the mechs hand, ready to strike the final blow. He then made the mech back hand Sonic away, but much to his chagrin, the attack also destroyed the capsules containing the Chaos Emeralds.

But Eggman paid it no mind, he was so close to winning after all.

He was about to deliver the final blow when suddenly, the seven Chaos Emeralds appeared around Sonic.

"W-What?" Eggman stuttered as the Emeralds lifted Sonic into the air, circling him at a fast pace.

It was then that Sonic's eyes shot open, glowing a beautiful red before the seven Emeralds shot right into him, engulfing the room in a bright, yellow light. Eggman shielded his eyes before the light dissipated. To his shock, what hovered before him was Sonic the Hedgehog, but he wasn't blue.

He was gold.

Super Sonic smirked down at Eggman as he folded his arms over his chest, that smug look on his face sent Eggman into a fit of rage. Wasting no time, Eggman boosted forward inside of his Egg Colossus and threw a punch at the golden hedgehog.

Super Sonic boosted forward and met the attack with a punch of his own, the resulting impact creating a shockwave that knocked the other members of Team Sonic to the ground. Once the shockwave ended, Sonic boosted forward and tried striking the Egg Colossus with a flurry of Spin Attacks, but Eggman raised the arms of the mech, crossing them over to block the attack.

Eggman chuckled before activating the power of the Keystone, creating a burst of energy that sent Sonic flying across the room. He then slammed his fist onto one of the multiple buttons on his center console, aiming the mech's Gatling guns directly at the hedgehog.

As the Egg Colossus fired, Super Sonic quickly boosted forward, avoiding the bullets before performing his Sonic Boom technique. Pure yellow slashes of speed erupted from the golden hero's hands, aimed directly at the mech. Eggman ceased firing before activating the mech's shield, blocking the slashes of speed.

Eggman grinned as the attacks stopped, only to gasp in shock as Super Sonic appeared right in front of him and kicked his machine directly in the chest, sending it flying across the room. Recovering quickly, Eggman activated the Keystone once more as the mech's hands were engulfed in blue fire.


Eggman pushed the Egg Colossus' hands forward, firing blue fire balls at the golden hero. Sonic smirked as he flew around the room, with Eggman following his every move as he continued to fire at his enemy. The hedgehog chuckled as he increased his speed, zooming around in multiple directions before speeding in front of Eggman and punching the mech 50 times at super speed, damaging the Egg Colossus in the process.

"Too slow!" Sonic shouted before releasing a burst of power that sent the mech backward away from him.

Shaking his head, Eggman regained control over the Egg Colossus as he denied Sonic's claim, "No! I made you do that on purpose! It's uh... it's part of my plan."

Sonic barked a laugh, "Yeah right, your plan is as fake as your moustache!"

Robotnik went from angry to livid in an instant, "WHO TOLD YOU THAT!!!" He screamed before regaining his composure, "...Because that's a lie!"

The two enemies then charged towards one another, resulting in another explosion of power. In the ensuing chaos, Eggman threw a right hook at his foe, to which Sonic ducked under the attack and boosted forward, shoulder charging the Egg Colossus.

Seeing that he was going in for another attack, Eggman waited a few seconds until Sonic was in just the right spot.


Before Sonic knew it, he was once again in Eggman's grasp.

But the hedgehog wasn't fazed at all. Instead he just said, "I wonder if there are any egg puns I haven't used yet?"

"Do you ever shut up!"

"No wait, I got another one! You seem to be struggling, do you need me to egg you on? BOOM!!!" He exclaimed as he freed himself from Eggman's grasp, the blast sending the mad doctor spinning around in circles.

As Robotnik spun around in circles, Super Sonic curled up and spun before shooting forward, hitting the Egg Colossus directly in the back, further damaging Eggman's machine. Sonic then flew higher up into the air and began moving so fast that he created Speed Mirages of himself, after images of where he had been.

All of Sonic's after images shot downward and delivered swift kicks to Eggman's "Masterpiece", much to Robotnik's displeasure. All of the Speed Mirages faded away as Sonic flew circles around the Egg Colossus, hitting the mech from multiple angles to further damage the robot.

Having had enough of this, Eggman released a burst of power from the Keystone, knocking Sonic back as he charged forward and backhanded the dazed hero into the wall.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I finally have you right where I want you, rodent!"

He then boosted forward, reeling the mech's arm back as he closed in on the dazed hero. But much to Robotnik's shock, Sonic suddenly disappeared in a flash of golden light. Looking around for his arch nemesis, Eggman failed to notice how the golden hedgehog appeared right behind him.

Wasting no time, Sonic curled up into a ball and shot forward, striking Eggman's mech right in the back. As the Egg Colossus flew across the room, Sonic boosted in front of him and struck the machine with an upward kick, sending Eggman upwards screaming like a little girl.

Sonic then shouted, "CHAOS CONTROL!" and time paused, quite literally, everything was still. He flew up to Eggman and struck the Egg Colossus from multiple angles, flying around the frozen machine as he punched, kicked, and spun, severely damaging the Egg Colossus.

Once time resumed, Eggman was sent flying across the room due to the impact of Sonic's attacks. The Egg Colossus was damaged beyond repair, sparks of electricity flying off of the mech as fires began sprouting all around the mech, much to Eggman's chagrin.

Tried as he might, and he did try, Eggman just couldn't repair the mech, it was too badly damaged. Even with the added help of the Keystone, there was nothing he could do. Once he glanced up and saw Sonic's smug expression, he just lost it.


"YEAH?!" Sonic shouted in response before engulfing himself in a fiery, golden aura.

He then boosted forward, ready to finish this. Eggman screamed in pure rage as he raised the Egg Colossus' arms, hoping to block the incoming hedgehog. But it was for naught as Super Sonic just charged right through the mech's torso, bursting through the back of it.

Turning around to see his handy work, Sonic smiled as the Egg Colossus began to explode in a blaze of glory.

Eggman turned to face his enemy, gritting his teeth, "Curse you Sonic!!! You'll pay for this!!!" He screamed before the mech exploded, falling from the air and crashing down onto the floor in a blazing heap.

Sonic landed in front of the destroyed Egg Colossus, breakdancing on the floor before flying upwards and striking a relaxed pose. His arms resting behind his head with one leg resting over his knee.

"Eggman Empire? Yeah right!" Sonic exclaimed sarcastically before floating back down onto the floor.

"SONIC!!!" Team Sonic yelled as they rushed over towards their leader and friend.

Sonic turned and gave them a thumbs up, "Did you guys enjoy the show?"

"Are you kidding?! You were amazing..." Amy gushed.

Knuckles however, simply waved his hand dismissively, "I could've beaten Eggman twice as quickly. But you still did good."

Sonic rolled his eyes at the comment before feeling something collide with him. He looked down to see Tails hugging him. He chuckled before wrapping his arms around his adoptive brother, not wanting to let go. But unfortunately, he had to, as something, or rather someone sturred beneath the wreckage of the Egg Colossus.

Surely enough, it was Eggman, Orbot and Cubot,

Robotnik climbed out of the wreckage with his two lackeys doing the same. Glaring hatefully at his enemy, Eggman said, "This isn't over, hedgehog. Don't forget that you and your friends are inside my space station. My stronghold! My army of Badniks will be here any minute now, and you'll finally--"

But whatever Eggman was going to say would never be said, as he was cut off by the sudden appearance of an Interdimensional Breach, which opened up just behind the wreckage of Eggman's destroyed creation.

Before anyone could question where the Breach came from, a yellow laser beam suddenly struck Sonic in the chest. As the hedgehog fell to the floor, the seven Chaos Emeralds shot out of him and began flowing towards the portal. Once the Emeralds entered the rift, the wreckage Eggman and his lackeys were sitting in began to flow towards the rift as well.

"WH-WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Eggman shouted before screaming as he, Orbot and Cubot were sucked into the portal.

Then, before anyone could react, Amy was pulled in as well, her screams echoing throughout the chamber. Once she disappeared, Tails began screaming as he was also being pulled in. Knuckles grabbed onto his hand, but it would be for nothing as they were inevitably pulled into the rift.

Eyes wide in shock, Sonic sprung up onto his feet and boosted towards the closing portal. Quick on his feet, Sonic managed to jump into the rift before it closed, leaving this universe behind him as he followed his friends into wherever the portal wound up taking them.

Author's Note:

Egg Colossus - Credit goes to me.

Dr. Eggman - JaysonJeanChannel



Metal Sonic

Amy Rose


Orbot and Cubot

All credit goes to Nibroc - Rock

Super Sonic - JaysonJeanChannel

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