• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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15. Galaxy Toys (Part 3)

Earth 1995

Galaxy Toys

"This is Babies and Toddlers." Woody announced as he and the rest of the group exited the air duct. The room itself was full of dolls and was pink in color. It was quite the sight to behold. Approaching the edge of the ledge, Woody then asked, "Where do you guys think we should start?"

Iron Man, who had been stroking his chin in thought, then suddenly noticed the Sarge stamping right next to him. He bent down and asked, "Sarge, didn't you mention music?"

The Sarge then hopped to face him, nodding in affirmation. "Affirmative, Tony."

Twilight then smiled to the small army man, "Hmm... All right. Why don't we look for things that make noise?"

"That's a great idea, Twilight!" Mario complimented with a thumbs up.

The unicorn blushed at the praise. Even though she was Princess Celestia's star pupil, she still wasn't used to being the center of attention. Her blush deepened when Sonic walked over and patted her on the back, also congratulating her on that sound idea.

Observing the heart warming scene before them, both Woody and Buzz smiled to themselves. "I think they really are good guys." The cowboy said to himself and Buzz, knowing that he was listening.

Buzz continued watching the sight before him, "Well, you wouldn't have trusted them otherwise." He commented before turning to face his best friend. "And I know that your trust is a hard-earned treasure." He then began walking away, saying, "Well...for all our sakes, let's hope you're right, cowboy. I'm willing to give 'em a chance at least for a little while longer. Especially if it means getting Andy and our friends back." He finished as he tightened his fist. Even though he was starting to see Woody's point of view, he still didn't trust the Caped Crusader.

There was something he just didn't like about him.

Woody, seemingly having gotten through to Buzz, nodded. "Agreed."

While all of this was happening, Batman was perched on the ledge of where the group was standing, keeping a lookout for anything amiss. When the subject of music came about he took out his binoculars and began searching for anything that could help them. And wouldn't you know it, on the other side of the store, was a large gramophone in the corner at a display labeled 'Musical Toads'.

"There!" Batman announced, getting everyone's attention. When they all began walking towards him, he stood upright and turned to them. "I believe that we'll find a clue to where your missing friends are over there." He revealed, pointing to the large gramophone with his finger.

Woody nodded and smiled, "Then what're we waiting for?"

With that, the group began to make their way towards the gramophone at the Musical Toads display. But unbeknownst to them, there were two figures watching them from the shadows. Stalking them, awaiting their next move. They had their orders from Lex, and they were going to follow them.

To the letter.

"Well, this is it." Sonic commented as they all arrived at the gramophone, hoping to get any sort of clue as to where Woody and Buzz's friends were located. The blue hedgehog than bounced off of the ground and landed on the record player. Once he landed, he tapped his foot on it a few times before he began running on it at high speeds.

As he ran, the symphony of toads began to stir and light up, each of them playing their own respective instruments in the orchestra.

Twilight beamed at the hedgehog, "It's working!"

But suddenly, one of the instruments played a false tune. It was barely noticeable, but once could tell that it was slightly off tune if someone listened hard enough. And luckily, both Batman and Buzz picked up on it.

"Wait, did that sound off to you?" Buzz asked the Dark Knight.

Batman nodded and immediately activated his Detective Vision to locate the source of the disturbance. Mario, having heard this exchange, turned upwards to face Sonic and shouted, "Sonic! There's some kind of strange noise coming from the orchestra!"

Sonic, having already picked up on what the plumber was implying, gave him a thumbs up. "Got it! I'll keep the record playing and you guys find out what's going on down there!" He then darted forward, picking up the pace as he was suddenly engulfed in a blue, windy aura.

Twilight then looked away from the hedgehog and addressed her friends. "All right, time to get to work! Spread out and see if you can find the source of the false note. Maybe it'll lead us to a clue!"

"Fan out! See what you can find!" Iron Man added as he took off into the air and began searching.

While Tony took to the upper levels of the symphony, everyone else split up to search all of the toads for the source of the false note being played. Twilight trotted alongside Woody, listening closely to every instrument being played for any signs of an off note.

However, as soon as she stumbled upon a toad playing a tuba in the second row, she heard it! The false note!

"Guys!" She shouted to gain everyone's attention, "I think I found something!" She looked closer at the tuba as everyone rushed over. Sonic continued to run to keep the band playing so that his friends could continue their investigation.

Batman scanned the tuba with his Detective Vision and saw that there was something stuck inside the tuba. "There appears to be something stuck inside the tuba."

Twilight lit up her horn and aimed it inside the musical instrument, "Not to worry!" She beamed as she began to focus her magic on pulling the mysterious item out of the tuba, "I'll get it out!" Twilight then stuck her tongue out of her mouth, concentrating on the task at hoof.

She fiddled with the object for a few moments, trying hard to get the thing out of there.

"Alllmoost..." She strained to herself before giving one final tug on the object with her magic. "Got it!" She declared triumphantly as she pulled out the object from the tuba. And to everyone's surprise, the object was none other than the Corporal Army Man that the Sarge had lost contact with.

As Sonic began to slow down, Twilight used her magic to set the toy down on the ground gently.

"Corporal!" Sarge shouted in surprise before hopping down a level and stamping over to check on him. Once he knelt down by his side, he asked, "You all right, son?"

The Corporal nodded weakly, "Yes, sir!"

As Sonic jumped down from the record player and walked over to rejoin the others, Buzz commented, "That's the soldier Sarge lost contact with."

"So, did you find Hamm?" Twilight asked as the Sarge got the Corporal up to his feet, placing an arm around his shoulders and hoisting him up.

The Corporal nodded, "Yes. But...while I was radioing in, I was blindsided by... something. Then the next thing I knew, a giant hand grabbed me, and it stuffed me in there." He recounted the events of what happened, pointing towards the tuba that held him captive not a mere moment ago. "They must have taken Hamm to another location. We have to hurry!" He declared as he tried to walk, but failed as he fell to his knees due to his weakened state.

"Wait, Corporal. You're not fit for action." The Sarge proclaimed as he walked over and helped the Corporal to his feet.

Looking over weakly, the Corporal tried to persuade his commanding officer, "But Sarge..."

"Your tour is over, son. And it's all right. Our trusted allies will take over."

When he looked over to Twilight, Mario, and Sonic, they all gave the injured Corporal a salute, while Batman and Iron Man simply nodded, assuring him that they would get the job done.

Sarge then looked over to Woody and addressed him directly, "I will move the corporal to a safer location."

"Good luck, gentlemen." The Corporal saluted as they both walked off, presumably to meet up with Rex at the main entrance.

After watching them walk off, Buzz turned to the others and declared, "Well, there's no rest for the weary! Hamm needs us!"

"Any idea where he could be?" Woody asked Twilight in hopes that she might have an idea as to where to start looking.

The unicorn sighed dejectedly, her ears falling to the sides of her head. "No, he could be anywhere inside this place."

Hearing this, Iron Man decided to fly up into the air and began searching for anything strange. Anything that could help them find Hamm. He looked around in circles for a few moments before stopping suddenly, setting his gaze on a doll house that was shaking unnaturally.

Frowning, the armored hero landed down next to the group harshly and turned to face them. "I might have an idea to where to start looking." He declared before pointing to the doll house with his finger, "See that doll house over there? Now I don't know about you guys, but something tells me that it's not meant to be shaking like that."

Woody, upon hearing this, walked over to stand beside Iron Man and set his sights on the moving doll house. His eyes widened when he saw it moving in an unnatural manner. "Hey, he's right guys!" He declared as he turned around to face the group. "It's as good a place to start as any! C'mon, we've got a friend to save!"

Twilight and the others nodded as they jumped down of the edge of the orchestra ledge, making their way across Babies and Toddlers to reach the doll house.

"Alright, heave on three!" A certain plumber called out to the group currently standing behind him.

They had reached the doll house on the other side of the store, in hopes of finding a certain piggy bank. But when they made it over there, they found it to be shut tight. So, coming up with the idea, Mario decided that together, they could pull the doll house open.

Mario stood at the front, Sonic behind him, Woody and Buzz behind the hedgehog, Twilight, Iron Man, and Batman all standing at the back of the group. Together, with their combined strength, they were sure to get that doll house open.

"One. Two. Three. Heave!!!" Mario shouted as he began pulling the front of the doll house.

Everyone else began pulling as well, straining against the hold of the front of the doll house. But unsurprisingly, with one final tug, the front of the house split open, unlatching as they all fell to the floor in a pileup.

Woody rubbed his head and looked up to see a familiar pig trot out of the doll house with a grateful smile on his face. "Talk about cabin fever. Thanks for the save."

Woody smiled at the piggy bank and crawled over to see if he was okay, "You okay, Hamm?"

"Yeah, aside from being locked in, the accommodations were fine." Hamm replied, nodding over to the quaint little house behind him.

Getting up to her hooves, Twilight walked over inside the doll house, taking it in with a small smile. It reminded her of the times she used to play with her Smarty-pants doll as a little filly. Which reminded her, that she still had to get her back from Big Mac when she inevitably returned home.

"Aww. What a tiny little house." She commented with a giggle as everyone else got back up to their feet.

But what she didn't notice however, was the giant doll peeking inside the window to her left. When she turned around, Twilight gasped at the sight of the doll. She wore a black dress with bunny ears on the top of her head. She had blue hair and yellow eyes.

Twilight yelped and quickly teleported out of the house, reappearing next to the Dark Knight as the Angelic Amber doll stomped to the front of the doll house, looming over them menacingly. It was then that Batman noticed a mind control disc was attached to the doll's chest.

"Another toy's being controlled!" Batman revealed as he removed another Batarang from his Utility Belt.

Hamm shook fearfully, standing behind Woody and Buzz. "She's back! That's the doll that pig-penned me!"

"Hamm, take cover!" Woody ordered.

"Uh, copy that. One stay in the dread-and-breakfast was enough for me!" The piggy bank replied as he scurried away to safety.

Buzz slowly aimed his laser at the toy with a mournful look on his face. "Not another possessed toy..."

Sonic then crouched down into a running start, ready to fight. "Guys! Look alive!" He was about to take off, but when his ears heard the sounds of what sounded like a jet engine, he turned around and gasped as something smashed right through the window behind the group and tackled right into him.

The robot flew the hedgehog into the air and threw him directly into the doll house, the resulting impact sending splinters of wood everywhere.

Sonic groaned and rubbed his head, looking up to see who had blindsided him. He scowled at the familiar robot hovering above him.

He looked exactly like him, except he was more bulky than Metal Sonic, had only three fingers on each hand, a red highlight going across his chest, and a single ocular visor on his face.

"Mecha Sonic." Sonic growled as he got back to his feet, swiping the dust particles off of him.

Woody and Buzz looked at their new foe in surprise. "Sonic, he looks exactly like you." The Cowboy commented as he took in the sight of Mecha Sonic for the first time.

Sonic shrugged, "Yeah, but he isn't the first metal knock-off I've fought, and he sure as heck isn't gonna be the last." The blue hedgehog tapped the foot of his shoe against the ground before turning to face the others. "I'm gonna hold off bolt for brains here! You guys get to work on freeing that toy!" Before anyone could object, Sonic spread his arms out wide and began taunting his robotic copy. "Yo, metal face! You want me? Come and get me!"

Mecha's visor glowed a menacing red as he tightened his fists. "PRIORITY ONE TARGET IN SIGHT: COMMENCING MISSION!!!" The robot declared coldly before dashing forward, hoping to catch his enemy by surprise.

But as predicted, Sonic simply dashed away from the others, leading Mecha Sonic away from the group to fight him Mano a Mano.

Surprisingly, Iron Man began hovering in the air, looking ready to take off at high speeds. He looked down to Twilight and the others, "I'm gonna go help our speedy friend deal with his robotic twin! You guys think you can hold this doll off for now?"

Twilight nodded firmly, "You can count on us! Go and help Sonic before he gets himself hurt... Or worse." With that, Iron Man nodded and boosted after the two figures currently running around the store. Twilight and the others looked at the possessed Angelic Amber as she loomed over them. Twilight lit up her horn, ready to let the magic fly.

Sonic dashed forward after Mecha Sonic, eyes determined and ready for action. But he looked to his left in surprise when he saw the Invincible Iron Man pull up to his right. "What? You didn't think I was gonna let you have all the fun, right?"

The Blue Blur chuckled at that and nodded affirmatively. "No complaints from me, Tony!" He then looked forward, seeing Mecha Sonic fly in front of them menacingly, "Let's take this cheap knock-off down!"

And with that, it was on!

Mecha Sonic let loose a surge of yellow electricity that sent forth a shockwave down to the two heroes. Sonic curled into a ball and jumped over the attack while Iron Man flew overhead, readying his shoulder missiles and opening fire. The missiles flew towards the robotic hedgehog, but missed their mark as a yellow shield suddenly appeared around the villain.

The missiles exploded on the shield, protecting Mecha Sonic from the attack.

Sonic dashed forward and leapt into the air, rearing back a fist to try and knock the robot down. But Mecha had already anticipated this and caught the punch. He then gripped Sonic's arm and spun him around in circles before letting him go, sending the hedgehog crashing into a display of dolls on a nearby shelf.

As Sonic got back up, Iron Man flew past him and fired multiple Repulsor Blasts at the metallic hedgehog. Mecha Sonic swayed left and right, avoiding the projectiles and turning around to boost forward to try and get some more ground between him and the two heroes.

Sonic boosted forward, now rejoining the chase.

Mecha turned around and fired four missiles from his back. The projectiles soared through the air and aimed in directly on the Blue Blur and the Armored Avenger. Sonic jumped over one missile and kicked the other one directly back in Mecha's face, hitting his shield and disabling it. Iron Man used his Holo-Shield to defend himself from one of the missiles and blasted the other one apart with a Repulsor Blast.

With his shield now disabled, Mecha Sonic was vulnerable.

Taking this opportunity to strike, Sonic curled into a ball and struck his metallic duplicate in the chest with a Homing Attack. Mecha bounced off of the floor a few times as Sonic slowed down to allow Iron Man to boost ahead of him. Tony aimed his hand at the robot as a small rocket ejected itself out of his wrist.

"Boom!" Tony muttered as he fired the rocket.

The projectile struck Mecha Sonic in the chest, sending him flying into a shelf full of dolls.

Coming to a stop, Sonic and Iron Man looked at one another before giving each other a fist bump in victory. But that feeling was short lived as Mecha Sonic burst through the pile of dolls and hovered above the two heroes. Iron Man flew upwards, wanting to take the machine head on.

Mecha flew downward, meeting the Armored Avenger head on.

They both interlocked hands, struggling to overcome one another as Sonic ran around the store to get to a secure vantage point. The two opponents split apart and fired their own respective beams from their chests. The beams collided, sending them both flying in the opposite directions.

They both recovered in the air and boosted to one another once more.

Tony threw a punch, but the robot ducked under it and delivered an uppercut to his chin. While he was dazed, Mecha Sonic grabbed Tony's arm and swung him down to the ground. Mecha Sonic aimed his palm down towards Iron Man, a red orb crackling with black electricity slowly forming in the palm of his hand.

"I'LL CRUSH YOU!!!" Mecha bellowed as he prepared to fire.

But before he could get the shot off, he was struck in the back by another Homing Attack from Sonic, which sent him flying through the air until he landed on the ground in a crumpled heap. Sonic uncurled and aimed his hand towards the robot.


Suddenly, multiple cyclones formed around Mecha Sonic, levitating him into the air.

Iron Man got back up as Sonic landed beside him. He looked to the hedgehog and nodded, "Time for the big finish!"

"Took the words right out of my mouth."

It was then that they both boosted forward as the cyclones disappeared, allowing the robot to fall through the air once more. As they rushed forward, Sonic curled into a ball and bounced directly into Tony's hands. He reared his arms back as Sonic continued to spin in his hand.

He then hurled the hedgehog at such high speeds that Sonic broke the sound barrier.

Mecha's visor widened as his nemesis drew closer and closer until...


Sonic tore right through Mecha's chest, emerging from his back in a spinning ball of speed. As the hedgehog uncurled, Mecha Sonic's body began to explode. Beams of light emerging from his body until he finally blew up, right as Sonic landed on his two feet in a crouched position.

This fight was over.

Iron Man slowed down and landed right next to his friend. "You good?"

"Heh. Never better!" Sonic chuckled in response before punching Tony's leg in a playful manner.

Tony laughed at that before once again hovering in the air, "Come on. We'd better get back to the others. Don't wanna miss out on all the fun, now do we?"

"Wouldn't dream of it!"

Angelic Amber stomped her foot down onto the ground, attempting to crush Woody under her heel. Luckily, the cowboy rolled out of the way and avoided being crushed. The possessed doll turned and tried attacking once more, but she was suddenly blasted to the floor by Twilight, who struck her in the face with a magical blast.

She held her head up triumphantly before lighting up her horn and flinging Mario into the air.

The plumber rolled in the air a few times before stomping downward, landing directly on the toy's chest, damaging the mind control disc attached to her. Once he jumped off of her, Mario turned and saw that the doll was getting back up onto her feet.

Buzz charged forward, but his heart wasn't in it, he still felt bad for attacking this toy. She didn't know what she was doing. These weren't her actions. She was being manipulated. That brief moment of doubt would cost the Space Ranger, as Angelic Amber used this chance to punt the toy right through the smashed window behind them.

"BUZZ!!!" The toys cried out collectively as they witnessed their friend fly out of the store.

The toy flew through the air and approached the ledge of the second floor, where he would fall off of the third floor of the toy store and break. He closed his eyes, knowing that this was it. The end of the road. But suddenly, he felt someone grab onto his hand and swing him away from the edge.

Buzz opened his eyes, wanting to see who his savior was.

His eyes shot open.

Batman wouldn't let go.

The Dark Knight, holding on firmly to the Space Ranger, clung onto his rope, and swung the both of them to safety.

Once Batman let go of the rope, they both rolled to a stop on the floor. Buzz rolled over onto his stomach as Batman got to his feet. He watched as the dark creature of the night darted forward, intending on getting back into the fight. Buzz was confused. Why would Batman of all people save his life? He had done nothing to warrant such an act of kindness from the hero.

He looked down to the floor, maybe he had misjudged him?

Shaking his head, the Space Ranger got back up to his feet and ran back into Babies and Toddlers.

Hurdling over the shattered window, Buzz came to a stop and aimed his laser at the device on Angelic Amber's chest. He breathed in and out, closing one eye and using the other to aim at his target.

He took aim.

And fired.

The laser soared through the air just as Angelic Amber turned around to face Buzz. The projectile struck the disc, causing it to short circuit. As electricity surrounded the device and the toy, both Sonic and Iron Man had arrived to rejoin the group.

Woody, now noticing their arrival, turned and asked, "Are you guys okay?"

Sonic gave the cowboy a thumbs up, "We're all good here, Woody!" He replied to his friend, who nodded in return with a smile of relief on his face. Their attention was brought back to the doll as the mind control disc fell from her chest and shattered on the floor.

The Angelic Amber doll slumped forward and fell back, hitting the doll house and sliding down to lay on the floor. It looked lifeless. Once the fight was over, Hamm breathed a sigh of relief and came out of his hiding place. Once he rejoined the group he said, "I don't know about you guys, but I've had my fill with this place. Let's get outta here, huh?"

Once everyone nodded in agreement, they all began walking away from the lifeless toy... except for Buzz.

He continued staring at the toy they had just defeated mournfully. He looked at the toy for a few moments before speaking up, "Wait... What if we end up just like her? Forgetting ourselves and...attacking each other?"

This caught everyone by surprise.

Turning around, Twilight said, "No way, Buzz. That won't happen." She then gestured to Woody and the other toys with her hoof, "You guys are too strong."

It was then that Buzz snapped around and began marching towards the group. "You can't be sure! What if I get taken over, then attack you?" He said hotly, clearly worried about that possibility. If it could happen to those other toys, what's to stop it from happening to them?

Woody placed a hand on his shoulder, "Buzz, you're overthinking it."

"He's right," Twilight added, "As long as you keep the Magic of Friendship within you, then nothing can come between you and your friends. Together, we all wield the most powerful magic of all. As long as we still have hope within us, there is nothing that can't be overcome."

"And as long as those discs don't touch you, you're good." Tony added helpfully.

Woody nodded gratefully, "Well, that's good. Because I know you, Buzz. You'll never lose hope when it comes to your friends."

Buzz looked to his friend and smiled, he was right! As long as he never lost sight of what truly matters, then there was nothing that they can't achieve together. "True enough, cowboy." He said to Woody with a smile before turning to face everyone else, "Sorry to have worried you all."

Sonic waves him off with a smirk, "No problem. Now, let's go find the others."

With that, they all make their way towards the now shattered window leading into that section of Babies and Toddlers. But as they were walking, Buzz couldn't help but wonder why Batman had saved him. It was pretty obvious that they didn't really like each other, so the question was...


Hearing this, Batman turned around to see Buzz standing there with a peculiar look on his face. "Why what?" Batman asked, wanting to know what the Space Ranger meant.

Looking into his eyes, Buzz asked, "Why did you save me?" When Batman arched an eyebrow, he elaborated, "I thought you didn't like to work with me."

"I don't."

"Then why did you save me?"

Batman answered without any hesitation. "You needed help."

Buzz was stunned, so stunned that he actually took a step back. Was it as simple as that? Despite their feelings of amnesty toward one another, could he really have put all of that aside just because he saw someone in need of aid?

"As long as I'm there to do something about it, I won't let anyone die if I can help it." Batman declared before turning around and walking away to join up with the others. But not before adding, "Whether they be friend or foe."

Buzz just stood there, mouth agape as he tried to process this. It seems that there was more to Batman than he initially thought. He had saved him, even though he didn't like him. He would save the life of an enemy.

He had a new found respect for the Dark Knight. Not wanting to be left behind, the Space Ranger rushed forward to rejoin the group in their mission.

Once the two had caught up, they all spot a UFO with a crane claw sailing past the window. Making its way to another part of Babies and Toddlers. Woody adjusted his hat and said to the group, "I think I know who that might lead us to. C'mon, guys!" He waved them all through, letting them know that the coast was clear.

But before he could join them, Hamm walked up and said, "Hey, Woody. I'd just slow you down, with all the loose change I'm carrying. I'll hang by the entrance."

"No problem. Be safe, Hamm."

The piggy bank chuckled at that, "Hey, thanks, buddy. You just take care of your old self."

With that, Woody leapt out of the window and joined up with the others. Standing next to Buzz and Twilight, Woody shouted, "Now, let's follow that UFO!"

"Right!" Twilight responded with a nod.

Together the group marched forward, determined to find that UFO.

It turns out that following the UFO proved fruitful, as once the group had entered the Outdoor Playplace of Babies & Toddlers, the first thing they saw was the Three Little Green Men moving towards the UFO with happiness in their eyes.

"They have come for us."

"The mystic portal awaits."

The UFO stopped over the three aliens and began lowering it crane claw to try and pick them up. Upon further inspection, the group finally noticed another mind control disc attached to the face of the ship.

Rushing forward, Buzz, Twilight, and Woody all shouted.

"Oh no!"



But it was for naught, as the claw snatched the three of them up.

"Farewell." They all said collectively.

The UFO began to fly away, much to the toy's dismay. "It's getting away!" Buzz cried out in fear of losing his friends.

But luckily, they had the Invincible Iron Man on their team. "Oh, no it's not." He declared as he aimed his fist directly at the UFO. A small missile launcher ejected itself on Tony's wrist, ready to be fired. Without warning, he fired the missile at the UFO.

And blew it up.

The ship flew around in circles as sparks erupted around it. As it flew, the ship dropped the Little Green Men, the three of them landing with a squeak. Once the lights on the ship flickered off, it crashed down onto the ground, the mind control disc falling to the floor in a blazing heap as well before blowing up.

Twilight and the other all hurried over to see if the Little Green Men were harmed in any way. But to their relief, they were perfectly fine.

"We are back!"

"Our ship is no more."

"Nirvana will not be reached."

Sort of...

Mario walked over and crouched down to meet the aliens at eye level. "Sorry we trashed your ride." He apologized with a sad smile.

"Fear not." One of them said with a smile.

Another one then added, "We still have our new home."

Then they all said together, "The Chamber of Andy."

Buzz contemplated for a moment before vocalizing, "They're right. This isn't where we belong. We've been in this toy store long enough. It's time for us to go home to Andy's room."

"Um, did you not hear the part where we said that this," Sonic gestured all around him, "isn't even your real world? I think that also applies to Andy's room."

Buzz turned to the hedgehog and asked, "Can you prove that any of that nonsense is true?"

Sonic sighed and looked down, he got him there.

"And even if that Andy's room is fake, it doesn't mean he's not somewhere in this world with us. I'm going home to wait for him. No more debate." Buzz declared before turning to Woody, "You with me, Woody?"

Woody looked down in thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. "You're right, Buzz. Now that we're all accounted for, we should meet up at the entrance and go home."

Twilight looked sad for a moment before sighing. They did have a point, their mission was complete, they found all of their friends. But her and the others, they still had to find that Keystone and stop Lex from doing whatever it was that he was doing here.

"Okay," Twilight said, "It was nice that we could all go on this adventure together. But you're right. Your friends have been found, and that's all that matters."

Sonic nodded in agreement, placing a hand on his hip and turning to face their new friends, "But our mission isn't over. We still got a Keystone to find and a bad guy to stop."

"Can we at least see you off?" Twilight asked with a smile.

Woody smiled and tipped his hat to the group. Truth is, that the Cowboy was going to miss these strange lot. Sure they might be a little strange to him, but they had good hearts and always did what was right. Heck, if it came to it, he would invite them to live with them in Andy's room. But that's something that cannot happen unfortunately.

With that thought in mind, Woody tipped his hat to the group and smiled, "That would be great."

Author's Note:

Mecha Sonic - Nibroc - Rock

Miss me? I'm back from my break, the extraction went well and I'm perfectly healthy. Now it's back to writing this... and back to work (yay.) :ajbemused:

Only one more chapter to go and then we say goodbye to this dimension.

Til then, see you guys next chapter.

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