• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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11. Springfield (Part 2)

Earth 1989


Springfield Town Hall was normally filled with people, most of the time concerned people. How was this any different from normal?

This time the people were being held at gunpoint.

All throughout the Town Hall were armed A.I.M. Agents and A.I.M. M.E.C.H.A.'s, training their guns and rifles at the understandably scared people. The majority of the civilians were horded in the middle of the building, huddled together in fear for their lives.

In front of the group was a family of four.

The mother was a skinny yellow woman. She wore a green dress with red shoes and red pearls. But her most notable feature was her large, blue hair that shot straight upwards.

Marge Simpson held her baby girl close to her chest, gasping when the armed A.I.M. Agent took a step closer, practically shoving her with the barrel of the rifle.

The baby in Marge's arms was also yellow skinned with blonde, spikey, starfish hair. She wore a blue onesie with a blue bow in her hair. She also was currently sucking on a pacifier like it was a drug.

When the agent took another step forward, a little boy with spikey hair, wearing a red shirt with blue shorts and shoes stood in front of his mother to protect her from harm.

"Hey! Back off, man!" Bart Simpson demanded, not wanting any harm to come to his mother.

But his sister, who was beyond terrified, quickly rushed over and grasped his shoulders in worry. She had starfish hair, much like her baby sister, wore white pearls and a red dress with red shoes.

"Bart! What're you doing?!" Lisa Simpson asked fearfully, her entire form shaking due to the fear she was currently experiencing.

Bart turned his head to his little sister and slapper her hands off of his shoulders, frustrated that nobody was doing anything while these creeps were terrorizing their hometown. "We can't just do nothing, Lis!" The young boy berated his sister. "These guys can't just come into our town and start blowing the place up! We've gotta do something!"

Marge, hearing her children argue, bent down and pleaded with them to be quiet. "Please, please, please, please stop arguing!" She begged, making the both of them look down in shame for arguing in such a desperate time. "Just sit quietly and maybe they'll let us all go."

"Hey!" The A.I.M. Agent shouted as he aimed the rifle to Marge's head. "Move back! Now!"

The Simpsons complied as they all backed up with their friends and neighbors.

Among them was the friendliest neighbor anyone could ever ask for. He had brown hair with a brown moustache to go along with it. He wore glasses for his sight, he had a green sweater over his shirt, with grey jeans over his legs.

Ned Flanders was muttering a silent prayer, but it wasn't for him. No. It was for his friends and neighbors. He was praying that everyone got out of this alive, even if he didn't. That's just the kind of man he is.

Behind him was the incompetent chief of police. He wore a standard police uniform, he was large in figure, and had blue hair.

People were wondering why Chief Clancy Wiggum wasn't aiming his gun back at the armed forces. There were two distinct reasons. The first was he was severely outgunned. He wouldn't stand a chance in hell. And the second reason was the fact that he threw it at a swan that had stolen his donut.

A round of applause for the chief of police.

But there was one man who was separated from the other civilians.

The Mayor.

He was rather large in his body weight. He had brown hair, spoke with a stutter, wore a purple suit with a purple tie, had a sash over his chest that had the word mayor written on it.

Joe Quimby shook in terror as an A.I.M. M.E.C.H.A. stomped towards him, with a troop of Soulless Ones standing right behind him. "Err ahh, what do you guys want?" He stuttered out as the war suit wearing agent loomed over his shivering form.

"Just shut up and sit there!" The A.I.M. M.E.C.H.A. ordered, with little complaint from the mayor of Springfield. He turned around to see the Soulless Commander suddenly teleport on stage with the Keystone in its possession. He shook his head and turned to his fellow agents. "Listen up! Our orders are clear! We're to keep the civilians in check while M.O.D.O.K. and the Scientist Supreme find whatever it is they're looking for! If any of these people make a run for it, shoot them on sight! Are we clear?!"


They kept their guns trained on the citizens of Springfield, when all of a sudden the lights went out.

And then a scream followed.

A few minutes earlier

Iron Man flew above the city of Springfield, keeping his eye out for the Soulless Commander that took the Keystone. Tony Stark didn't like losing, that's why he rarely did so. He wasn't going to start now, not when there was so much on the line.

"Y'know, I always wanted to know what it was like to fly... But not like this."

Looking down slightly, Tony was reminded that he was currently holding Twilight Sparkle by her forelegs so that she could fly with him. She wasn't as fast as the others, so there needed to be a way for her to keep up with them all. Sonic was faster than the speed of sound, Mario could leap buildings in a single bound, Tony could fly, and Batman... Was Batman.

The Dark Knight had no super powers whatsoever, he was just a guy in a costume. He would somehow end up beating them all there, and that agitated the billionaire to no end.

How did he do it?

He smiled under his face plate, "I could always give you to Sonic and let you vomit everywhere. Wait, can you even vomit?"

Twilight looked confused for a moment, "Yes? Why wouldn't I?"

"Well it's just that horses can't vomit back home."

"You also said that equines weren't sentient back in your world."


They were coming up on the Town Hall. Boy it wasn't a sight to behold. Cars were flipped over, the statue of Jebediah Springfield was missing it's arm and head.

Although it wouldn't be the first time the head of the statue had gone missing.

Looking down, Tony and Twilight saw that Batman and Sonic were already there, standing on the rooftop of the Town Hall. They both flew downward as Mario leapt onto the roof to meet them. Placing Twilight down on her hooves, the Armored Avenger quickly scanned the building for the Keystone, and sure enough, it was in there.

"The Keystone is definitely in there." He informed the group.

Sonic rubbed his index finger under his nose, "Then what're we waiting for? Let's get in there and get that Keystone back."

As the hedgehog was talking, Batman knelt down on one knee and activated his Detective Vision to peer inside the building. It appeared that he was correct in making that move as he saw that several armed gunmen were holding the civilians of Springfield hostage.

Deactivating his Detective Vision, Bruce turned to Twilight and the others and relayed the information he had just gathered. "There are hostages inside, a swarm of armed gunmen from every direction. We won't be getting the Keystone unless we take out those gunmen and free those hostages."

"So what's our game plan?" Mario asked.

Batman simply turned around and walked away from the group. "I'll deal with the guards. When I give you the signal, you all jump in and free those hostages."

Twilight asked, "What's the signal?"

"You'll know." Was all he said before walking away from the group.

Present time

A scream followed the sudden darkness, putting all of the A.I.M. Agents on high alert. They activated the flashlights on their rifles and looked around, the captured citizens of Springfield doing the same. "Switch to Night Vision!" the A.I.M. M.E.C.H.A. ordered. Once the agents did just that, they looked to the center of the room.

Only to find Batman standing right there.

"Oh crap!" One of the agents shouted before Batman dashed right towards him.

Batman grabbed the back of his head and slammed it to the ground, knocking him out before throwing five Batarangs at five A.I.M. Agents, the projectiles exploding on impact. He was already on the move before the agents hit the ground, dodging the flying bullets as he hurdled over one agent and kicked the face of another, before turning around and throwing the agent he hurdled over to the ground.

Throwing down his Smoke Pellet, he was completely concealed as he used his Grappling Hook to zip up to a vantage point, letting the agents fire at nothing but smoke. As they were distracted, Batman glided over the top of them and glide kicked the A.I.M. M.E.C.H.A. to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, he took out his Sonic Batarang from a pouch in his Utility Belt and threw it to the middle of the assembled A.I.M. Agents. The result was the agents holding their ears as the Sonic Batarang let out a sound that messed with their communication systems, resulting in the agents dropping their guns and holding the sides of their heads in pain.

"NOW!!!" Batman shouted. There was the signal.

As the lights turned back on, Iron Man and Sonic burst into the Town hall with Mario and Twilight coming in after them. Having their sight returned to them, the Simpsons and the other citizens of Springfield looked on in shock. Not only was Batman standing there, but Iron Man was flying around the room, firing Repulsor Rays at the various A.I.M. Agents.

A certain Comic Book Guy let out a squeal before fainting to the floor.

Twilight and Mario began leading people out of the building, wanting them to get out so that they were no longer in danger. While they were doing that, Batman, Sonic, and Iron Man were dealing with the forces of A.I.M.. The blue hedgehog curled into a ball and bounced off of the A.I.M. Agents and Soulless Ones, knocking them all to the ground with his various Homing Attacks.

Iron Man flew close to the ground, dozing down all enemy forces that stood in his path. Of course the A.I.M. Agents were bombarding him with plasma blasts from their rifles, but with his evasive maneuvers he was able to evade the projectiles and shoulder charge them to the ground before landing and launching multiple tiny missiles from his shoulders.

The Soulless Ones charging at the Armored Avenger were quickly dealt with by Tony's missiles.

He turned around and saw the Soulless Commander flying right towards him. Thinking quick on his feet, Iron Man held up his arms and activated his Holo-Shield, blocking the slash from the commander. Activating his thrusters, he boosted backwards to gain some distance from his opponent before raising his hands and firing two Repulsor Blasts.

The Soulless Commander boosted forward, dodging the projectiles as Batman glided over it, making his way back to the stage to take on the A.I.M. M.E.C.H.A.. The mechanized agent fired his guns, hoping to kill the Dark Knight, but it was to no avail as he quickly took out his Grappling Hook and fired it at the agent.

The hook attached to the agent's body, tugging him slightly as Batman used his gadget to pull himself down and kick the agent in the face, cracking his visor greatly. The A.I.M. M.E.C.H.A. fell to the ground in an unconscious state as Batman landed on the stage next to him. He turned towards the door to see that Twilight and Mario had gotten everyone to safety.

Now they could join the fight too.

Sonic untucked and sped towards Iron Man, who was struggling to deal with the Soulless Commander. He curled into a ball and boosted forward, striking the commander in the back, causing it to stagger a bit. When it recovered and looked around, it saw that it was surrounded from all sides. With all of the hostages secured and A.I.M. no longer a threat at this time, all the focus was on the Soulless Commander.

Tony aimed his hands at it, his palms humming, ready to fire. "Alright, nowhere to run."

"Just give up the Keystone." Twilight pleaded, not wanting to inflict anymore violence. "Please, there's been enough destruction. You don't have to do this!"

"Hate to break it to ya, Twi. But it's a robot, it doesn't have emotions." Sonic said as a matter of factly before crouching down, ready to fight. "It only follows what its creator wants it to."

Mario cracked his knuckles, "So let's break-a this thing apart and get that Keystone."

But before anyone could react, the Soulless Commander shot up into the air, crashing through the roof to make its escape.

Twilight pointed to the new hole in the ceiling, "It's getting away!" She cried out, not wanting the Keystone to be lost forever.

Batman took out his Grappling Hook and fired at the ceiling as he shouted, "After it!" With that, he zipped up through the ceiling as Iron Man grabbed Twilight and flew after him. Mario jumped through the hole in the ceiling while Sonic parkoured up the falling rubble and jumped to the roof to join the others in pursuit of the Soulless Commander.

The Soulless Commander was leaping from rooftop to rooftop, not bothered by any distractions on the way to its destination. Ignoring all the 'awes' and 'Oohs' from the civilians below, the commander continued on its course. To its destination.

Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

Turning its head, the commander saw that Twilight Sparkle and her allies were right on its tail. No matter, it would complete its objective without delay.

Meanwhile on the streets in front of the statue of Jebediah Springfield, Bart looked up to the sky to see Iron Man and the other heroes pursuing the Soulless Commander. This had to be the coolest thing he had ever seen. He didn't know how it was possible, but he didn't care.

All he could mutter was, "Cool."

The Soulless Commander was relentless in getting to the Power Plant, and Twilight could tell that what Sonic had said earlier was indeed fact. This automaton was only going to follow its prime directive, and it wouldn't let anyone get in its way. That's why it had to be stopped, so that it couldn't use the Keystone for nefarious purposes.

Her attention was then caught by Sonic, who shouted, "Hey! It looks like it's slowing down!"

"Woah, listen to this." Iron Man started before saying, "The amount of radiation I'm picking up from this Nuclear Plant is insane! Seriously, how is this place still running?"

Looking down, Twilight Sparkle saw that the Soulless Commander nose dived down towards the Nuclear Plant, specifically Sector-7G. The android pushed its blade like arms over its head and begun spinning around in a drill like motion until it tore through the roof of the plant.

"It went in there!" Twilight informed the others.

Nodding, Iron Man nose dived down with the others following behind closely, ready to take back the Keystone and stop A.I.M. from doing whatever it was that they were doing here in Springfield.

Tony landed in the plant with a heavy thud, gently placing Twilight on the metal floor as Batman glided in and landed next to them. Looking upwards, the Armored Avenger saw both Mario and Sonic jump into the Nuclear Power Plant to join them.

Once they had regrouped, Twilight looked around, seeing the destruction A.I.M. was causing this entire facility. Several workers wearing hazmat suits were running in fear while being pursued by the A.I.M. Agents relentlessly. She was worried, what if someone got hurt? Well, people were going to get hurt if they didn't do something.

She looked up to Tony and inquired, "What do you suppose these... People as you call them, would want with this place?"

Shrugging, Iron Man replied casually, "It's a Nuclear Power Plant, they could do all sorts of things with the amount of nuclear waste or, in fact, with the nuclear reactor itself."

"What kind of things?" Twilight once again inquired, unaware of the dangers nuclear power could do in the wrong hands.

"Dangerous things." Tony replied sternly, taking this very seriously. "Which is why we need to stop A.I.M. and get that Keystone back as quickly as possible."

"Is J.A.R.V.I.S. picking up any signs of the Keystone at all?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, at the other end of the plant."

Batman stood to the front of the group, standing in front of a metal bridge leading to a sliding door with a nuclear symbol painted onto it. "Then that's where we are going. Come on!" He said, leading the group to the other side of the bridge, ready to get the Keystone back for good.


M.O.D.O.K. was less than pleased. In fact, he was agitated. He had sent troops upon troops of his elite A.I.M. Agents to try and subdue that buffoon, Homer Simpson, but it appeared that he was a more formidable foe than he originally hypothesized.

It seemed that he was not very good at his job as Safety Inspector, as the more he tried to help, the more damage he caused. In fact, he accidentally sent a squadron of A.I.M. Agents plundering to their demise in a vat of radioactive waste... Because he pressed the wrong button.

But that was the least of his problems, as he was just informed by the Scientist Supreme that Tony Stark of all people had been spotted fighting his forces in Springfield. What was he even doing here? It didn't compute! He never once thought of a scenario like this, and he thought of everything, even down to Homer Simpson's buffoonery. But this was something he never accounted for.

M.O.D.O.K.'s attention was brought back to Mr. Burns, who asked his assistant as he pointed to the screens, "Smithers, who is that young 'go-getter?'"

Looking at the screen, Smithers saw that his boss was referring to Homer, who he forgot about on a regular basis. "Uh sir, that's Homer Simpson, the Safety Inspector in Sector-7G."

The Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing frowned as he hovered toward Mr. Burns' desk. "You don't even know the name of the buffoon hindering my plans?" Burns shrugged nonchalantly, causing M.O.D.O.K. to shout in annoyance and slam his fist onto the arm of his chair. "Not only are my plans being halted due to the incompetence of that mindless moron, but I have also learnt that Tony Stark of all people is running amok in this incessant dimension!" He turned his attention to Burns and said, "And to top it all off, you don't even know who you are hiring?! Did he even meet any of the qualifications required for a job of this magnitude?! Of course not, but you hired him anyway! It does not compute! It is madness, I tell you! It is absolutely crazy!!!"

And just like that, the doors leading into Burns' office were kicked open, enticing everyone to turn around to see who was there.

"And what's wrong with that?"

There, standing at the door was a clown with a white face, green hair, wearing a purple suit over a yellow vest and green shirt. He wore white gloves with black shoes, he had a flower on the left of his jacket collar. But his most defining feature was his smile. That terrible, horrific smile.

"It's done wonders for me." The Joker said as he walked into the office with two of his goons in toe. They wore clown masks to show their allegiance to the Clown Prince of Crime.

"And who is this?!" Mr. Burns demanded to know as Joker waltzed into the room with a smile on his face.

M.O.D.O.K. smirked, "That's my asset." He then hovered over to Joker and asked, "Were you successful in the retrieval of the Power Unit?"

"Hehehehe. You betcha, Bobblehead!" Joker replied enthusiastically before snapping his fingers, signaling for his goons to bring in the Power Unit. Turning to face the door, everyone saw a dozen or so A.I.M. Agents and Joker Goons hefting in the mysterious object. It was cylinder in shape, with pointed edges at the end of each side. It was engraved in runes, but they were dim, not glowing at all. In the middle of the Unit, was a slot of sorts that only a Keystone could fit into.

M.O.D.O.K. chuckled with anticipation as the Power Unit was set down onto the carpet. Turning to his accomplice, he congratulated the Harlequin of Hate for his efforts. "Well done, Joker. Now we are one step closer to moving on to the second phase of the plan. All that is needed is the Foundation Element and a Keystone to activate the Power Unit." Suddenly, the Soulless Commander teleported into the room with the Keystone in its grasp. The big headed villain turned to the automaton and smiled, "Ah, a Soulless Commander. With a Keystone no less, what an excellent development. Now there is nothing that can halt our progress any longer!"

"I hate to break it to you," Joker interrupted gleefully before reaching into his back pocket to pull something out to show M.O.D.O.K.. "But we may have a small problem. Or should I say," he then pulled out a Batarang from his back pocket, holding it up for M.O.D.O.K. to see, "a bat problem."

A.I.M.'s leader snarled before hovering past Joker. "We have no time for such things!" He was about to leave the office through the door, but not before turning around to face Joker. "Stay here and activate the Power Unit once I have the Foundation Element in my possession. Once I have it, then you get to have your fun."

"And where are you going?" Joker asked.

"It's like the old saying. 'If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself'." And with that, M.O.D.O.K. hovered out of the office, leaving Joker and Scientist Supreme to prepare the Power Unit for the second phase of the plan.

Joker looked to Burns and Smithers before turning and asking Monica, "What about them? Ooh, can I kill them, and carve smiles into their corpses?"

Monica looked disgusted before motioning her A.I.M. Agents to take Mr. Burns and Mr. Smithers out of the office. Although they struggled, they were removed from the office with no problem.

Joker frowned, "You're no fun."

The metal doors blasted open with an explosion, allowing Iron Man to lead Twilight and the others into the heart of Sector-7G. Inside the room was a metal bridge that lead from one end of the room to the other, with a pool of radioactive waste right below them. Away from the bridge, on the other side of the room was Homer's office, where he would normally sleep on the job instead of working.

Twilight panted, she was tired, she really needed to start running with Applejack and Rainbow Dash to keep herself fit. Another thing to add once this whole ordeal was dealt with. "Are we close to the Keystone?" She asked Iron Man, who landed right beside her.

Looking around the room for a moment, Tony eventually looked up, confirming his suspicions. "It's above us."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Mario asked. "Let's get up there and grab that Keystone!"

"I'm afraid that your plan will not be realized!"

Out of nowhere, a red beam shot down towards the bridge, with an intent of killing them all. Luckily, Twilight protected them with a shield spell in the nick of time. Once the beam ceased firing, she lowered the shield and looked upwards to see M.O.D.O.K. hovering downwards from the ceiling.

"I don't know how you came to be here, Anthony Stark, but let me assure you that you won't be leaving here alive!" M.O.D.O.K. threatened as he hovered at level with the heroes.

"M.O.D.O.K.!" Iron Man stated, aiming his Repulsor Rays at his enemy.

Twilight recoiled in disgust and horror. "Ew! What is that thing?"

Sonic, who was just as equally disturbed by the sight of A.I.M.'s leader, tried explaining it to Twilight. "Well you see that's!... Uh, well the thing is.... That's... Uh... Y'know what, I'm just gonna say it how it is. That is a very large head."

"Mama mia..." Mario muttered to himself.

M.O.D.O.K. slammed the arm of his chair in anger. "Fools! Do you have any idea to whom you speak?! I am the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing! The leader of A.I.M.! And your intellectual superior!"

"He also thinks he's smarter than he actually is." Tony added, making M.O.D.O.K. growl in frustration. "How'd you even get here, M.O.D.O.K.? Hell, why would be the better question."

M.O.D.O.K. scoffed, "I don't have to relay that information to you, cretin! I have something to collect, and I cannot have you standing in my way!"

Suddenly, a girlish scream was heard by all until the wall suddenly exploded, revealing the Soulless Commander with Homer Simpson wrapped under its arm. The yellow man screamed as the robot carried him to a smiling M.O.D.O.K..

"I'm not normally a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!" Homer begged loudly. Although nobody saw it, Batman rolled his eyes underneath his cowl. Homer looked up and saw M.O.D.O.K. smiling down at him. "Oh my gosh, space aliens! Don't eat me! I have a wife and kids. Eat them!"

A.I.M.'s leader rolled his eyes and waved his hand, telling the Soulless Commander to take him away and grab the element. The robot nodded and leapt into the air, crashing into Homer's office through the window with Homer in its grasp.

"Now that that's been dealt with, what was the other thing?" M.O.D.O.K. turned to face the heroes with a sinister smile on his face. "Oh yes, your complete destruction!" He announced as two laser cannons and two arms with buzz saws attached to the end of them emerged from the back of his Doomsday Chair.

M.O.D.O.K. laughed before launching his buzz saw arms forward towards the bridge. Sonic and Mario flipped over the arms as Iron Man took off into the air, firing a Unibeam at the large headed villain. M.O.D.O.K., anticipating this, pressed a button on the arm of his chair and activated an energy shield, blocking the attack.

He then fired a beam of his own from his forehead, phasing through the shield and hitting Iron Man in the chest, sending him flying straight into a wall, indenting it with his body. M.O.D.O.K. laughed before turning slightly to see Batman running along the smaller bridge leading to Homer's office. Smiling, M.O.D.O.K. aimed one of his laser cannons at the Dark Knight and fired as he laughed.

Batman quickly came to a stop and grappled himself into the air to avoid the devastating blast. He let go of his Grappling Hook and hurled a dozen Batarangs at M.O.D.O.K.'s shield, but they had no effect on his energy shield, turning to dust on impact. The Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing pressed another button, sending him and his chair boosting towards Batman, charging right into him.

As Batman fell back onto the bridge, Twilight teleported herself next to Batman's fallen form and fired a magic blast from her horn in hopes of damaging M.O.D.O.K. somehow. But before she could, he brought down a buzz saw to strike her from above. Thinking quickly, Twilight lit up her horn and teleported both her and Batman back onto the main bridge.

Sonic boosted forward as Mario jumped into the air, dodging the laser blasts and the buzz saws as they flew through the air. M.O.D.O.K. anticipated this and released a burst of energy from his Doomsday Chair, which sent both Mario and Sonic back, but also deactivated his shield temporarily.

Iron Man, who boosted himself out of the dent in the wall, pointed to the now vulnerable M.O.D.O.K.. "There! His shield is down!"

"Take him!" Sonic shouted as he and Iron Man boosted to M.O.D.O.K..

The villain laughed humorously at their pitiful attempts to stop him. "Fools! You think you can stop me! I am the Mental Organism Designed Only for-."

"Oh, M.O.D.O.K.! It's an acronym." Sonic vocalized in realization before he curled into a ball to strike M.O.D.O.K..

Iron Man fired two Repulsor Blasts as Sonic hit M.O.D.O.K. with multiple Homing Attacks. The villain grunted in pain from the attacks, hopelessly firing blasts from his laser cannons and forehead. Twilight fired a magical blast from her horn, which struck M.O.D.O.K. right in the face, stunning him as Mario leapt into the air and stomped on his head, spinning the villain around in circles.

Batman grappled over to him and kicked him square in the nose, sending M.O.D.O.K. flying backwards. Shaking his head, he pressed a button that reactivated his shield.

"You fools actually believe that you can best me?! HAH! My sheer intellect is more than enough to deal with canon fodder such as yourselves!" M.O.D.O.K. declared boastfully as two more arms emerged from behind his Doomsday Chair. These arms had claws at the end of them in contrast to the laser cannons and buzz saws.

Twilight stomped her hoof onto the metal floor she stood upon. "You may fight back, but we won't stop fighting! We'll overcome anything you throw at us by working together!" M.O.D.O.K. quirked an eyebrow during Twilight's speech, curious as to where she was going with this. "With the Magic of Friendship there isn't a thing we can't do!"

M.O.D.O.K. then proceeded to laugh in her face.

He was in hysterics, he had tears falling from his eyes. That had to be the funniest thing he had ever heard. "Insignificant horse! There is no such thing as magic, only science! Allow me to show you the Power of Science!!!"

He then fired a beam from his forehead, giving the heroes a reason to scatter apart. Twilight stayed in the middle and matched his beam with her own, allowing the others to flank the villain. Mario and Batman took the left bridge, Sonic and Iron Man took the right.

One of M.O.D.O.K.'s arms tried grabbing Mario while another tried slicing Batman in two with a buzz saw. Mario jumped over the claw while Batman slid under the buzz saw. The laser cannon was about to fire but Batman threw three pellets at the barrel of the cannon. When they exploded, the cannon was blocked by some sort of clay like material, preventing it from being used.

Meanwhile on the other bridge, Tony flew alongside the bridge while Sonic ran on it.

Iron Man fired multiple missiles at M.O.D.O.K.'s shield, but they did no damage whatsoever. As he flew over towards the villain, dodging the buzz saw and claw like arms, Sonic curled into a ball and launched himself forward, bouncing off of the wall at the end of the bridge. As he ricocheted off of the walls in the room, Sonic dodged the various laser blasts aimed right at him.

He then bounced off of the walls once more before directing his attacks at M.O.D.O.K.'s shield, bouncing off of it in multiple directions, annoying the A.I.M. leader. Having had enough of these annoyances, M.O.D.O.K. released another burst from his Doomsday Chair, sending all of the heroes flying back into the walls. Twilight stopped firing her beam of magic and fell to the floor, panting heavily as that took a massive drain on her magic.

Mario got to his feet and shouted, "Now's our chance! His shield's down!" He jumped into the air, dodging the various arms of M.O.D.O.K.'s chair, and struck his enemy in the side of the face.

Stunned, M.O.D.O.K. couldn't anticipate the attacks that were headed his away. After he was hit by Mario, he was then slammed in the side by Sonic's Homing Attack. After that, Batman hurled three explosive Batarangs at his face, sending him spinning around in circles.

"I do not understand! I am a superior form of life! I am M.O.D.O.K.!!!" He bellowed as both Iron Man and Twilight charged up their respective beams.

"Hey Twi? You see that giant floating head there?" Iron Man asked, although he although he already knew the answer. When Twilight nodded with a sly smirk on her face, the Invincible Iron Man said, "Blast it."

Iron Man fired a Unibeam Blast.

Twilight Sparkle fired a magic blast.

Both blasts combined into a mega violet blast that hit M.O.D.O.K. in his giant face. The blast sent the villain crashing into the other side of the room, the jet engine under his Doomsday Chair sputtering for a moment before turning off completely, sending the villain crashing down onto the floor.

The heroes glared down at the defeated villain as he pressed multiple buttons to try and get his chair back online. Eventually, he did just that. Hovering into the air, M.O.D.O.K. turned around to see the Soulless Commander kick Homer away, which in turn sent the Plutonium Rod spinning into the air.

M.O.D.O.K. grinned as he sent one of his arms forward to grab the Plutonium Rod. Once it was in his possession, he brought it back so he could hold onto it with his actual hand. He turned around and laughed at Iron Man and the others. "You believe that you have won? Fools! I have what I came for, now you shall all meet your doom!" He pressed a button on the arm of his chair and said, "It's showtime!"

The Soulless Commander leapt out of the office and landed next to M.O.D.O.K..

"You may have won the battle, Stark! But you won't win the war!" M.O.D.O.K.'s forehead gem then turned blue before it fired a blast at the feet of the heroes. Before any of them knew it, a blue dome formed around them, trapping them inside of it.

Without warning, they all suddenly disappeared.

M.O.D.O.K. laughed as a portal opened behind him and the Soulless Commander. With the Foundation Element in their possession, they had no reason to remain in Springfield. So with a villainous cackle, M.O.D.O.K. left this dimension for good with the robot stepping through right behind him.

It was so weird. One moment they were in Sector-7G, the next they appeared in Mr. Burns' office. M.O.D.O.K. must've teleported them there, but for what, they all didn't know.

Sonic frowned and folded his arms over his chest, "Y'know, for someone who got their butt handed to them, that guy seemed awfully happy."

"I agree. Something isn't right." Batman concurred.

Twilight was about to say something, but turned her attention to Mr. Burns' desk... Where the Power Unit was displayed. Upon further observation, it looked to be as the same technology they found on Vorton. But what was it doing here?

"Hey guys? What's that?" She asked as she pointed to the Power Unit.

But as everyone turned to face the Power Unit, a voice suddenly made himself known. "Roll up, roll up and witness the hysterically hilarious, the riotously ridiculous, the marvelously mirthful..." Then out of nowhere, The Joker reveals himself to be sitting in Mr. Burns' chair as he spun around to greet his adversaries. "Me!"

Batman's eyes widened in shock and horror. He was here! Why was Joker here? This situation just went from bad to worse!

Joker laughed menacingly, "Well, if it isn't my old pal Batsy! Hehahahahaha!!!"

"Joker..." Batman growled menacingly.

Joker laughed again, sending a chill down Sonic, Mario, and Twilight's spines. "Ding-ding-ding! One point to the Dork Knight! Haha! But, can you tell me what this is?" He asked as he stood up and motioned to the Power Unit. Twilight was about to take a guess but Joker cut her off. "Too late! My experts say it's a Power Unit. Ancient tech that you can't even get off of the black market! Let me tell you, it's the good stuff! Haha!"

He then took out the Keystone from his jacket pocket, shocking all of the heroes. He then walked to the front of the Unit, but not before addressing Sonic for some reason.

"So blue boy, let's see if it's got enough juice to wake up an old friend of yours!" He then laughed as he inserted the Keystone into the Power Unit. Once it was inserted, it began to hum as the runes glowed yellow and the Power Unit came to life. He turned around and smiled, "Ooh, I think it does."

"Joker, what are you doing?!" Batman asked as he took a step forward.

Without warning, Joker hurdled over the desk and jumped out of the window, enticing Twilight to let out a scream of terror. But that terror soon turned into shock as something hovered to the window. Something somewhat familiar to a certain blue hedgehog.

It had an egg shaped cockpit and body, with spikes on the top of it. It had two giant arms attached to it for maximum damage. Except this time, it had been... Jokerized. The spikes colored green, the color scheme green and purple instead of red and black, it had a flower in the middle of the mech, and the visor protecting the cockpit glowed a menacing red.

The Jokerized Big Arms smashed its left arm through the window, breaking apart the wall, and grabbed the Power Unit to make itself more powerful. Then without warning, Joker brought the mech's arm back before backhanding the roof off of the building, leaving it completely exposed.

Sonic's eyes shot wide open while everyone else got ready for another fight.

"So how about it kids? Ready for the next round?"

Things just went from worse to catastrophic.

Author's Note:

Jokerized Big Arms - Belongs to me

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