• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH9: Revelations

“Well, the crying rainbow can’t be me, I never cry,” bragged Dash as she leaned back in a chair.

It took some searching, but Twilight finally found the last one of their group hiding in a small corner talking to some local animals. She brought them all back to a slightly longish tent that they had been allowed to use. Currently they were all sitting around a round table, not unlike the one that Yukalai had.

“Lies! I remember you cryin' plenty!”

“Yea remember that one time when you accidentally broke you're favorite game? You looked like you were about to burst into tears until we got a you a new one,” exclaimed Pinkie.

Dash could only blush, and turn away from the group as the other two laughed violently at their shared past.

“Well, what about the part about two in hand? What does that mean?” asked Rarity.

“I don’t know, Rarity, I can make a few assumptions on a few lines, but nothing concrete.”

“Well, I for one don’t think we should worry about that right now. We have Dark Lord butt to kick.”

“I have to agree with her, we can’t be wracking our pretty little heads over a puzzle when we could be devising a strategy to defeat this so called, ‘Dark Lord’ character.” said Rarity.

“I guess so, I just wish I had asked about Spike first, we might have gotten at least something useful from that one.”

“Well, we could always ask about it tomorrow!” exclaimed the ever optimistic Pinkie.

“After we take down this dark king guy,” said AJ.

“Oh, are we doing that tomorrow?” said Shia.

“Yeah, girl, I wanna get this done fast so we can move on!” exclaimed Dash as she punched the air. This got a giggle out of a few of them as the all nodded in agreement.

“Alright then, in order to save this world, we storm the castle tomorrow!” declared Twilight.

Everyone cheered in agreement, even the very reluctant Avian girl gave a small yay.

After announcing their decision to the rest of the people, the celebration got it’s second wind, and began anew. For hours, everyone danced, had fun, and fooled around. That was, until Twilight ordered all of the girls to get some sleep, ruining most of the fun like she always did.

They were thankful the next morning, however, when they all woke up bright and early for their mission.

“Are you all ready?” asked Twilight

“Yup/Yeah/Of course/Yes/Yuppers!”

“Are you all sure? You all went to the bathroom, right? ....Pinkie?”

“It was that one time!”

“Let’s go already!” groaned Dash.

“Can we please not go back through that dreadful forest.”

Twilight briefly remembered back to the first time that they went through it. Keeping up a sound barrier for that long had been really tiring. “No, I have a map from Yukalai, I know where the castle is so I can probably just teleport us there.”

“But, wouldn't that tire you out?” asked Shia with some concern.

“Normally, yes, but he also gave me this,” said Twilight as she held up a small vial of green liquid. “He calls it an ether, it’s supposed to cure magical fatigue. He only had the one, but he trusted us to use it well. It’s better than wearing all of us out trying to make our way up there.”

“That was very generous of him. We should thank him when we return.”

“It’s also a little too convenient…..are we sure that it’s gonna work?” asked Dash, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“Rachelle, please!” exclaimed Rarity. “He came to us, begging for help, why would he deceive us?”

Dash could only shrug, eliciting facepalms and eye rolls from just about everyone.

“Everyone gather around me,” ordered Twilight.

Everyone did and when they gathered close enough, Twilight summoned Magical Element, and began to channel her energy. In a flash of light, all six girls disappeared, leaving only a blank patch of earth behind, surrounded by the tents of the still sleeping refugees.


In with a flash, and a pop, 6 figures stood at the entrance to a large castle, surrounded by dark forests. They all looked up and took in the full sight of a dimly lit castle, standing at least 3 stories tall. The panting mage quickly took a swig of the ether, and perked up almost immediately, validating Yukalai’s claims.

“Not very imaginative, is it?” remarked Rarity.

“Kinda cliche if ya asked me,” said Dash.

“Kinda looks like something out of a book,” observed Twilight.

Shia’s eyes widened as she looked up at the foreboding, and frankly extremely terrifying black castle, she found herself quite literally attached to Dash’s waist, vibrating in fear.

“I..d-d-d-don't w-w-want to g-go in there…” said Shia, shivering, eyes clenched in fear.

Dash only deadpanned, having done this countless times, she knew that it was futile to try and convince the taller girl. She decided to simply fly straight into the open entrance, pulling her along as she went. The others followed suit, also used to the tall girls reluctance.


“Anyone else wonder why the front doors were open,” asked AJ as they walked/flew down the castle corridor.

“Plot convenience?” asked Pinkie as she bounced down the hallway.

‘’I have a better question…..why haven't we been attacked yet? Black said that their were, like, several more divisions of-”

Dash couldn't finish, because at that moment, several shadow soldiers emerged from the ground and walls. No longer did they stand like men, now they squirmed and twitched in odd stances and movements, similar to insects having a seizure.

“Oop! Spoke too soon,” said Dash as she summoned Rainbow Thunder, dislodged Shia from her waist, and quickly went on the attack. This went on for some time. As they traveled through the corridors, and through different rooms, they would meet various enemies, all made of shadow. By the time they reached the throne room, they hadn't even broke a sweat, and half of them didn't even have to bring out their weapons. They also found some useful things, though Twilight wouldn't let them take them, as that would be stealing…...the killjoy.

As they stood at the entrance to the throne room they took a moment to compose themselves. “Are you all ready?” asked Twilight.

Dash sent her a deadpan glare. before answering. “Twilight, you've said that at least 3 times so far. Let’s go!”

“Well excuse me for wanting to be prepared,” said a slightly blushing Twilight.

“Whatever!” said Dash as she impatiently pushed open the door.

“Dash wai-” Twilight couldn't finish, because as soon as she pushed the door open a dark beam of some sort struck out, nearly running Dash through. It was only thanks to Rarity’s quick telekinesis that Dash got out of the way in time.

“Teh...I missed…” said a deep bellowing voice. The girls looked inside to see a regal looking, admittedly huge room. At the far end of it, sat a lone man, lazily sitting on his throne, his right hand smoking lightly. He wore a regal looking, silver suit of armor that came up to his neck. From the symbol on his forehead, Twilight could tell that he was a mage, and from what she was sensing, a powerful one. His head rested on his hand in a universal sign of boredom as he regarded the six girls in front of him with utter disinterest.

“Hey! You almost hit me!” exclaimed the irritated rainbow haired girl.

The man rolled is deep red eyes. “Yes, girl, that was the point, apparently I have to kill you, I was trying to end it quickly.”

“I take it that you’re the Dark Lord? My, I must say, you're very handsome," said Rarity as she fanned herself, trying not to swoon at the sight of his alluring tan skin, and silky flowing jet black hair,

He sighed in exasperation. “Thank you, but I have no idea why they call me that. I prefer Sombra.”

“You don’t seem very bad,” said Shia as she peaked out from behind her friends.

“He almost killed me!!”

Twilight looked at him with a mixture of confusion and irritation. “Yes, about that, Why do you have to kill us?” asked Twilight, getting irritated at the fact that she had asked this question several times, but had not yet gotten a real answer. She hated not knowing something.

Sombra shrugged “No clue, I was sent here, someone told us to wait here until you show up, and to capture and/or kill you all. Very roundabout in my opinion, he could have got you himself.

“Who was this man!”

“Hell if I know,” Sombra paused as he gained a sly grin, showing off his sharp teeth, “but he was really interested in you, Twilight Sparkle.” he said as he pointed directly at the girl in question.

Said girl’s eyes went wide at the mention of her name “How, do you know my name?” she ordered.

Sombra smile got only wider. “I don’t know, but he seemed really adamant on getting rid of you. So, enough talk!” Sombra raised his hand and in an instant, a huge number of shadows appeared in just about every direction.

This out everyone on alert as they raised their blades in defense. AJ leaned over and spoke to her friend. “We’ll take on these guys, you go fight Sombra, Twilight”

“What?” exclaimed both Twilight and Dash.

“I agree, he does seem to know you by name, and he knows other things that we don’t. Someone is obviously out to get us, and we have to find out who,” agreed Rarity.

“Fiiiinnnneee,” groaned Dash. “More punching bags for me anyway.”

“We’ll clear y'all a path then.”

“Thank you girls.”

With that, all of the girls jumped into action, using their unique skills, they quickly decimated many of the closer shadow soldiers. But, by working together, they created a path that Twilight quickly ran through, straight toward Sombra himself. She leaped into the air to deliver a strong swing from her side.

“You know, I summoned those constructs so I wouldn't have to fight you directly.” said Sombra as he erected a barrier to block her attack.

“Too bad! I want answers,” yelled Twilight as she jumped backwards, her attack bouncing right off of his shield.

“Fine, If you want to fight me that badly,” said Sombra as he lethargically stood up from his throne. He stood only a few feet taller than Twilight. “then you will die by my hands instead.”

Thundaga! With a wave of his arm he summoned hundreds of lightning bolts that rained down around Twilight. Reacting quickly she called out Reflect, effectively raising a barrier that sent most of the bolts rocketing back towards Sombra.

Using the Thunder as a distraction, Sombra took the opportunity to teleport directly behind Twilight a deliver a strong kick to her back, sending her crashing hard against the throne.

“Twilight!” the other 5 called out as they rushed towards her, only to be stopped by rows of soldiers.

Sombra walked over to the fallen girl and raised his arm, his clenched fist crackling with dark energy. “Sorry about this, that dragon is a real slave driver, ya know.” He took another step forward, only for the floor under him to light up dangerously.

“Wha-” was all Sombra could get out before he was caught in the large explosion created by Twilight’s expertly placed explosives.

Acting quickly, Dash zoomed over to grab Twilight so she wouldn't get caught in her own attack. She flew back to her friends, who had just defeated the last of the soldiers. Shia immediately began to heal the arm that had gotten injured after bashing against the throne.

The other 5 covered her when they saw a form rise from the ground inside the smoke.

“You placed a Double Mine Shield around yourself the moment you hit the ground, ….. very clever Twilight Sparkle.” From out of the smoke, came a slightly injured Sombra, his armor dented, and blood leaking from his lip, but otherwise unfazed. He looked over the six girls, all ready to strike at a moments notice, and sighed.

“I really don’t want to fight you all,” he said exasperatedly as he rubbed the back of his head, “Look, if it’ll get me out of this fight I’ll tell you the name of the ones who sent me.”

“Ooooh, that would be helpful,” beamed Pinkie.

“I guess so,” said Twilight

“Alright then, first of all there are two of them, they want to bring someone back, I don’t know who, though. All I know is that they need you all out of they way, but don’t ask me why.”

Outside, Twilight remained stoic, but inside she was jumping in glee for having finally gotten some answers. However, everything came to a halt, when one specific memory came to the forefront of her mind.

‘Sorry about this, that dragon is a real slave driver, ya know’

“You said dragon, was one of your masters a tall half dragon!” she blurted out, gaining surprised glances from her friends.

“I don’t know about half dragon, but he was tall. about as tall as I am. There was also a strange women with a really weird name.”

“What was the dragon’s name!” screamed Twilight, causing sombra to flinch back.

“It was-”

“That’s enough!” interrupted a feminine voice from nowhere.

“Wha-” was all Sombra could say once more, before he was caught in a violent pillar of black flames.

“AGGGHHHGHHHH” screamed Sombra as he screamed in agony. Each girl flinched back in fear and horror, Shy covered her eyes and began to cry a little. After a few moments, the fire began to dissipate, and the charred body of Sombra fell to the ground unconscious. Healer’s instinct must have taken over, because Shia almost immediately rushed over to heal him, only to be knocked back by a black boot that had appeared from a ripple in the air. Attached to it was a half visible man wearing a jet black robe, a hood covering his face.

She did not fly far as Dash quickly caught her from the air, and gently lowered to the ground. Glaring daggers the entire time at the man currently bringing the rest of himself from the ripple. Behind him, came an equally tall women with dark green hair that made Rarity gag. She wore a similar coat to the man but with the hood down, revealing a face that made Twilight squirm uncomfortably.

She had extremely dark skin and wore dark purple lipstick and eyeshadow. Long story short, she looked absolutely stunning. He moved her emerald eyes down to the burnt body of Sombra, and tsked.

“What an absolute failure, looks like we do need them afterall.” she muttered.

“He was lazy, unmotivated, and weak. What did we need him for again?” the man asked.

“Don’t worry about that, my dear, I’ll take him back with me, you play with your little friends.”

“Don’t call them that, they are not my friends,” he replied as he turned back to her, everyone could hear the anger and resentment in his voice, and it made them all slightly nervous.

“Who the hell are you two!” screamed Dash.

This brought the two’s gaze back to them. The women answered first. “Why, me? Well, children, my name is Crysalis, my friend here, well he’s a complicated case.”

“Those impostors don’t deserve to know who I am,” replied the man, anger evident in his voice.

“Suit yourself,” she shrugged as she proceeded to bend down, and effortlessly lift the unconscious body of Sombra. She turned and winked back to the girls before walking back through the ripple, disappearing from sight.

“Hey, Get back here!” yelled Dash as she flew forward to stop her from leaving. She tried to strike out with a downward swing of her keyblade, but she was instantly blocked by the mysterious figure. Dash’s eyes grew wide in surprise, when she realized that this man had used only his arm to block her.

“Dash, move!”

Without thinking, she quickly did as she was told when AJ followed in her path, falling from the air in a downward swing. When her strike connected the very ground caved in and broke under the strength of her attack. Everyone stood, frozen in disbelief at the impossible sight before them. While the ground gave in, the man didn't even flinch or move a muscle, looking exactly the same as when he blocked Dash.

Taking advantage of her shock, the figure quickly summoned his weapon in his other hand, grabbed her by her neck, and raised it to strike her down.

“Applejack/Jackie!!” screamed the group. Panicking, Pinkie brought her keyblade up, and transported AJ back to them. Luckily, she was none worse for wear, Earthans were very resilient after all.

“Mah attack didn't even faze ‘im,” observed AJ. The others, however, were observing something else. AJ realized that they were staring at his weapon. It was a keyblade, and it was obviously centered around the concept of fire, but what caught their attention, however, was the fact that it was completely black. Twilight would later compare it to a keyblade that she had read about in a book, called Oblivion, except with billowing flames at the end as teeth.

“He has a keyblade….” Rarity pointed out.

“Yes, we can see that,” grumbled Dash.

“Is he one of Celestia’s students?” asked Pinkie. "Master Luna said that she had a sister that also taught keyblade masters. Do you think he's one of them?"

Twilight shook her head. “No, if she's anything like Master Luna, her students certainly wouldn't set a man on fire. He must be a rogue.”

“How’d he block AJ’s attack, she hits like a friggin tank!” exclaimed Dash.

“It must be his power, when you attacked him, I saw a black shimmer surround his arm right before you hit. He must be immune to physical attacks.”

“Very observant, you’re right, I am immune to your attacks. What will you do now, you can't hurt me at all.

“I'll just attack with magic of course!” yelled Twilight as she immediately stood to her full height, and raised Magical Element even higher. “Fission Firaga!!” she screamed as she generated a large fireball at the tip of her keyblade before tossing it at the mysterious man. The moment it struck a large explosion rang out, encompassing the entire space around him.

Eventually, the man became visible through the smoke, a white shimmer surrounding his body. “I told you, i’m immune to you’re att-” he paused when the smoke cleared, and what lie through it became visible.

“Oh, I knew that. I just wanted to distract you while we got this ready,” called Twilight as she stood next to Rarity. Both pointing their keyblades directly at the man, and both hovering slightly in the air, charging a large ball of swirling energy beams. “Let’s see you stop both magic and physical attacks at the same time!”

Limit: Keys of Ragnarok yelled both of them simultaneously as they released the blast. Hundreds of beams rocketed through their air towards their target, each one of them holding one of Rarity’s keyblades, making them increasingly dangerous.

Taken by surprise, the mysterious man attempted to dodge and block the hail of attacks, only to find that it was as futile as dodging rain when he was quickly consumed in the resulting explosions that rang out as the attacks struck home.

Rarity and Twilight fell back to the ground in exhaustion when the attack finally ended.

“That was…..so awesome!” squee’d Dash as she looked on at what her two friends had just done.

“Woowee, that was some fancy light show,” said AJ as she tipped her hat up in amazement.

“I hope that Mister Black Robe isn't hurt though,” said a slightly concerned Pinkie.

“I don’t, he knocked out Shia!” said Dash as she pointed to the still unconscious girl.

“He probably blocked either the magic behind the attack, or the attack itself, but either way, he should not be seriously hurt,” theorized Twilight.

“Even, so. That was incredible, Twi! You have got to show me that!” exclaimed Dash.

“Yes, that was rather impressive…..for a fake anyway.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to pinpricks as they slowly turned back to see the dark robed man standing directly behind them. He was covered in a shimmering gray field that quickly faded. What’s worse was that he now held two keyblades in his hands. The new one looked nearly identical to the second one, the only difference was that it was almost entirely white.

“What part of, ‘I’m immune to your attacks’, don’t you idiots understand!” No one could react in time before the man somehow managed to knock all of them halfway across the room, even Dash ended up sliding across the ground with the rest of them.

“I’m impressed,” the man began, “you put up slightly more of a fight then I thought, but I’m leaving now, and I’ll be taking this one with me.”

Groaning, Twilight struggled to lift her head but when she did her eyes shot open at what she saw. In his arms lay an unconscious girl with light pink hair.

“SHIA!” the group screamed. Twilight tried to throw her keyblade, only for it to bounce harmlessly off of him due to his power.

“Give her back you meanie!” yelled Pinkie.

Her words fell on deaf ears as he simply turned around and began to walk into a new ripple in space.

Moving at speeds that cracked the sound barrier, Dash appeared directly behind him and punched with all of her strength. “Give her back you bastard!!” she yelled.

Moving at equal speeds he turned around, blocked her with only a single palm. The force of the attack, however, was enough to generate shock wave that blow back the mans hood, revealing a face that none of them expected.

Time seemed to move in slow motion as Dash's eyes shrank to dots, and her brain tried to deny what they saw. She looked into his dull emerald eyes and violet skin, and immediately imagined the face of her best friend, smiling his usual, dumb, fanged smile. Hundreds of memories passed through her head in an instant, as she began to recognize the man before her.


The man gave no answer as time moved back at normal speeds. He swiftly slammed her back against a nearby wall, and continued to make his way through the ripple only to be stopped once more by another voice.

“Wait!” cried Twilight. “Spike….is that you?”

The man slowly turned back and glared at her with all the anger in the world, his draconic eyes only adding to the effect. His voice even sounded as if he wanted to murder all of them right then and there. In all, he was the personification of hatred, staring her in the eye.

“Don’t you dare call me that!” he spat, causing Twilight and the others to scoot back in fear. “You don’t have the right, not after what you've done, I should kill you where you sit. The only reason I’m leaving you alive, is because she wants me to for some reason. I will see you again, and I will kill you,” he said as he looked directly into her eyes, “Do you hear me, Twilight Sparkle.”

Without another word Spike disappeared into the void, leaving the others by themselves in the large, empty throne room. Two friends short.

Author's Note:

Well that was fun......guess I have to rate this as teen now don't I?
So the first major conflict comes to an end, the next one wont come for a while so I have some time to flesh it out, this one took me nearly two days to get juuuusstt right. Let me know how I did.

Criticisms concerns complaints? Please direct them to Dragonpony please.

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