• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 6,111 Views, 472 Comments

Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH24: Meet and Greet

It took Dash less than ten seconds to find the gym that Celestia directed her to. In her typical showboating fashion, she slammed open the double doors, instantly gaining the attention of the four girls already inside. The first girl simply deadpanned at her entrance. “And… you are?”

Dash gave her a cocky grin as she stepped into the room. She took a quick second to examine each of the figures in front of her. One girl, the one who had addressed her, had long, silky looking, pitch black hair. She wore what looked like a marching bands uniform with yellow and brown epaulettes on her shoulders as well as a bright pink bow tie. Like Rarity, she also wore an elegant combat skirt secured by a black sash that was tied around her waist.

The second girl wore something much simpler by contrast. She had mid length mint green hair with white highlights and bright golden eyes. And she wore a simple mint colored hoodie that matched her hair, brown cargo shorts and dark green boots.

The third girl was by far the shortest of the group, nearly child size. Dash, who was the shortest of her own group, was only slightly taller than her. She had rather pale skin, and short greyish purple hair that looked like it was cut without looking in a mirror. Dash regrettably looked into her eyes, and found that they were almost disturbingly white. Her first guess was that she was blind. However, when her eyes moved to connect with the girl’s, they instantly widened before glancing away shyly.

Her choice of attire is a simple white shirt under a pair of blue denim overalls, a red scarf around her neck, and brown steel toed boots. She pretty much looked like she should be working on a train.

The fourth and final girl turned to Dash with misaligned golden eyes and blond hair. She wore a cute grey sweater with detached sleeves that left her shoulders bare. She also wore a skirt, but unlike the other girl she had on dark frilly thigh length socks, as well as grey boots that matched the rest of her cloathing. Around her waist hung a small round bag with a picture of a muffin on it.

After giving each of them the once over, Dash summoned her Keyblade, causing each of them to reel back in surprise. “Yup. I’m one of Master Luna’s students,” she bragged.

The girl with mind hair tilted her head in confusion. “Master Luna?”

The blond haired girl also looked confused for a second before her misaligned eyes lit up in realization. “Oh yea,” she exclaimed. “Master Celestia said that her sister and her students were coming today!”

The girl with black hair turned to her with a shocked and surprised look. “Wait what?” Her eyes then narrowed as she rigidly walked up to the girl and grabbed her by the shoulders. “When did she say this?”

The blond haired girl continued to smile blissfully as she answered the question. “Yesterday!”

“Wha… you… yesterday?!” Not knowing what else to do, the black haired girl simply muttered a few frustrations before simply giving up and sighing deeply. “Oh Ditzy, you forgot to tell us again.”

The mint haired girl walked up to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “It’s fine, Tavi.”

“I tell her all the time, I tell Master Celestia to tell me the important things,” the girl grumbled. “I swear that she tells Ditzy on purpose just to spite me.”

“Sorry!” the blond haired girl said cheerfully. She rubbed that back of her hair, embarrassed. “ I thought I told you guys.”

“What? When?” the dark haired girl asked before suddenly recalling the event in question. She promptly slammed her palm to her face. “Ditzy,” she whined, “saying that we’re going to have visitors today doesn't count. We always have visitors.”

The girl, apparently named Ditzy, raised a finger, still smiling cheerfully. “But these are special visitors!”

“Then say that next time!”

Dash simply stood back at the door, still holding her Keyblade out. She promptly realized that she had been completely forgotten the moment she entered. This was something that she could not stand for. “Hey!” she yelled.

Attention now focused back on her, the four girls turned back to face their special visitor. The black haired girl seemed to realize what had happened first, and at least had the decency to look momentarily ashamed. “Oh. Sorry. Hello. My name is Octavia Melody, and I take it that you are one of Master Luna’s visiting students?”

“Hey,” shouted the mint haired girl stepping up in front of Octavia. “Don’t forget to introduce us!” She turned to Dash and gestured proudly to herself. “I’m Lyra Heartstrings.”

The blond haired girl hopped up in between the other two, hugging them both in the process. Her senselessly cheery attitude and never ending smile immediately reminded Dash of Pinkie Pie. “My name’s Ditzy Do! What’s your’s!” she asked. Before Dash could answer, Ditzy oh’d and reached over to grab the small girl and pulled her over into the hug. “And this is Whitney, she’s shy around new people, but isn't she just the cutest!?”

“Umm,” Dash muttered. Something about the small girl was putting her off. Though she couldn't figure out what it was. Shrugging it off, she continued to introduce herself. “Sure, whatever. My name’s Rachelle, but you can call me Dash. Master Celestia said that you guys love to fight, so I thought that I’d come see how good you guys were.”

Octavia detached herself from Ditzy’s hug and took a step forward. Obviously, she was the leader of the group and stood about a head taller than Dash. “We enjoy a good spar every now and then. Interesting Keyblade you have there. What’s it’s name?” she asked.

Dash opened her mouth to say Rainbow Thunder, but recent memories resurfaced, telling her otherwise. Frowning, she shook them off before continuing. “Rainbow Thunder,” she said proudly.

“Interesting,” Octavia breathed. “Well then, I suppose that I should introduce mine.” Moving her hand in front of her stomach, Octavia summoned her Keyblade. It surprised Dash in that it was probably the longest, and thinnest, Keyblade that she had seen so far. The handle guard consisted of two separate grey pieces that were separated in the middle, and topped by a musical note and a bow tie similar to the one Octavia herself wore. Rising from the bowtie was what seemed to be a cello bow that acted as the shaft, and a treble clef that sat as the teeth. Hanging from the end of the Keyblade by a short brown string, was a small cello keychain. “Please, say hello to Bow Light,” said Octavia. “She and I will be your first opponents.”

“Wait wait wait!” yelled Lyra, stepping in between them. “Why can’t I fight her?”

Derpy held Whitney close to her and pouted. “What about Whitey? I think she should get a chance to fight for once.”

Whitney held her palms out and waved them. “Oh no, please. I don’t mind going last.” She looked up at Ditzy with a small smile, “I’d actually prefer to see you fight again, Ditzy. It’s always so interesting to watch.”

“Awww thanks,” Ditzy gushed.

“Guys,” Dash yelled, once again grabbing their attention. “I can fight each of you one at a time.” Hell, I could take you all on at once.”

All four girls merely glanced at one another with blank looks before turning back to Dash. “We doubt that,” they all said. Octavia continued alone, saying, “But you can fight us one at a time,” she pointed to a corner of the gym where some magical looking equipment sat. “You can heal after each battle over there.”

Dash face palmed, even their healing station was cooler than Luna’s. Back on the mountains, the only way to heal after a fight was to have either the Master or Shia heal them, or just rest it off. With what these girls had they would never have to stop training. Nevertheless, at least this meant that Dash didn't have to go easy on them.

“Fine, I’ll fight Octavia first since she has her Keyblade out already,” Dash announced.

Octavia smirked over at Lyra, who slouched in disappointment. “A wise decision.”

Dash and Octavia met in the middle of the room and crossed Keyblades in typical respectful fashion. One smirking at the other, it was difficult to tell which one was more confident. Though Octavia had a calm exterior, it was also notable that she was just as excited as Dash was.

Turning simultaneously and walking to either end of the gym, both girls turned and, once again, show each other respect by bowing. Raising themselves up, Octavia raised an eyebrow before looking over at Ditzy, who was sitting with Whitney and Lyra over on the bleachers. “Before we start, you’re not an avian are you?”

Dash cocked her head before summoning her wings behind her. “Yeah, what’s up?”

“I see, would it be too much trouble to fight while on the ground?” Octavia smiled awkwardly. “I’m a normal human, and I’m still learning how to fight aerial enemies.” Octavia blushed slightly when Dash started chuckling.

Ending with a smile, Dash waved it off and dismissed her wings. “Yeah sure, no problem.”

Octavia smiled thankfully at her. “Thank you.” Donning a serious face, Octavia took her stance. Seeing Octavia take her’s knocked the rest of the laughter out of Dash as she took her own wide stance. Taking a small second, she analyzed Octavia’s stance. She stood with her body facing the side, with one hand behind her back and one foot forward. It was definitely a stance that none of her friends used. Her Keyblade was held from where she had summoned it originally, straight up in front of her face.

“Lyra, would you like to do the honors?” she asked, not taking her eyes off of Dash.

Lyra stood up and groaned in boredom. “Yeah sure. Keyblade spar number 1: Octavia vs Rachelle. Magic is allowed, flight is not.” Octavia readied herself by moving the Keyblades handle so that it was right next to the side of her face, then tilting it so that the tip of the Keyblade faced Dash. Lyra continued. “Let’s have a clean battle, blah blah blah, first to give up or land three hits wins. Begin!”

"En guard!" In an instant, Octavia flew from her starting position, stabbing her Keyblade directly towards her opponent. In less than a second Octavia was in Dash’s face, her Keyblade just barely deflected by Dash’s lightning fast reflexes.

“Wait, what the hell just happened?” Dash nearly yelled, not even realizing that she had blocked Octavias initial strike.

Ditzy and Lyra looked on impressed. “Wow, never seen anyone block Octi’s first strike like that,” Lyra whistled. “This might be an interesting match after all.”

Grunting, Octavia took a small leap back and rushed Dash with dozens of lightning fast blade thrusts. Each one, to her frustration, either missed, were parried, or only barely scratched her target.

Dash, however was barely aware of the situation. All that she knew was that she had to keep dodging. Her natural speed and reflexes were the only reason that she hadn't been stabbed shanked or pierced through. “Damn,” she thought, I can’t even fight back. What’s with her attacks, is she trying to poke my eye out? I need to get some distance, and fast!”

Acting on her thoughts, Dash jumped into the air and flipped around Octavia. Landing behind her and turning quickly, Dash unleashed a fast paced combo of swings, most of which were parried by Octavia’s thrusts. Now that she didn't have the first strike, Octavia and Dash were fighting on equal speeds. Both of them were able to attack, then block or dodge, then counterattack in what seemed to be a shared rhythm with the other.

This surprised Dash because she had rarely ever fought anyone who’s sword strikes were as fast as her’s. Normally, with her friends they would try and and get close to her only to swing a few times and back off, usually to cast magic or outmaneuver her. However, with Octavia it was just a straight up sword dance with neither one of them giving an inch. It was an exhilarating thing to experience.

From Lyra and the other girls point of view, Octavia and Dash were a blur of sword swings in the center of the gym. The individual strikes were almost too fast for any of them to see. “Woah,” gasped Lyra. “This kids got some serious speed to keep up with her attacks for this long. I can’t even keep up with her this long!”

“You gettin nervous Lyra,” Ditzy teased.

“Hell no! I’m getting excited!” Lyra cheered, standing up in her seat. “Go new kid!”

Octavia grinned, every bit as exhilarated as Dash was about her opponent. “Looks like you’ve made a fan.”

Dash returned her grin, “Yeah, better give her what she wants.” In a sudden move in between Octavia’s thrusts, Dash moved at even faster speeds and pushed herself closer to swing her Keyblade against Octavia’s stomach. Unable to react in time, Octavia braced herself and flew halfway across the gym.

“That’s one hit!” Lyra cheered.

Regaining her balance, Octavia landed and resumed her stance. “I suppose warm up is over then.” Not wasting any time, she once again sped back towards Dash in a forward thrust. “Phantom Thrust!

Recognizing her attack, and this time, anticipating where it would land, Dash moved to the left so she could counter. To her surprise, however, even when she saw the girls Keyblade whiz my her, she still found herself being jabbed in the chest by Octavia’s attack. The following shock wave through her directly against the wall.

One hit for Octavia!” Lyra yelled.

Dash quickly picked herself up. “What the hell, I saw it this time,” she muttered angrily. Deciding that it was time to use magic, Dash began to channel lightning through her Keyblade, knowing full will that contact then would cause Octavia to become electrocuted. However, when she tried to channel the magic, her vision went blurry and she had to steady herself from falling over. Confused, she barely had time to register and block when Octavia came at her again.

Quinstrike!” With Octavia’s Keyblade glowing, she stopped just one step short of Dash and struck her in five places simultaneously, once again slamming Dash against the wall. Lyra called that out as the second hit. Just as Octavia was about to deliver the final blow, Dash raised her defense and they locked blades.

While Octavia still had on her confident grin, Dash now had on a frustrated and confused frown. “Ready to admit defeat?” Octavia asked, pushing Dash back.

“In your dreams.” Switching up her tactics, Dash took her other hand and punched Octavia in her gut, knocking her back somewhat. Normally, Dash would then knock her into the air and call down a bolt of lightning, but since her magic wasn't working, she simply opted to spin around and kick her. Unfortunately, Octavia recovered and blocked her kick with her Keyblade.

“I’m fairly sure that we were supposed to be fighting with Keyblades,” grunted Octavia. For once her other hand was away from her back, bracing her Keyblade against Dash’s foot.

Dash smirked. “Hah, I was taught not to rely on weapons. And since you went took my magic somehow, I really don’t even need it,” she bragged.

“Master Luna must have an interesting training style then if she taught you not to rely on your own Keyblade.”

Dash’s smile only grew wider as she dismissed her Keyblade and took Octavia by surprise by lowering her body and leg sweeping her. Standing over Octavia, Dash re-summoned her Keyblade and put it to her neck. “I never said that Master Luna taught me that.”

“And that’s three hits! Dash wins!”

Octavia, seeing that she was clearly defeated, banished her Keyblade and relaxed on the ground. “Well then, you win I guess. Good show.” Octavia chuckled good naturedly and lifted her hand for help.

Being that graceful winner that she was, Dash gladly helped her up. “Yeah, I’m awesome!”

Lyra hopped over and brought Octavia into a one armed hug. “I told you that you need to do something with that other hand of yours. You got two of them for a reason!”

Octavia rolled her eyes. “Yes, Lyra, I know. Although, we can’t all be as dexterous with their hands as you are.”

“Anyway, my turn! My turn!” Lyra pushed Octavia over to the bleachers. “You wanna heal up real quick,” she asked Dash. “You look like crap right now.”

Dash looked over herself. It was true, she definitely looked beat up. She had multiple injuries from where some of Octavia’s strikes barely missed, and full on bruises where her attacks had actually landed. Not to mention, she still thought that what ever strange effect Octavia’s Keyblade had was still causing her to feel slightly woozy and weak. “Yeah, I’m gonna go check out that healing booth.”


“Hmm, now this is terrifying…” Luna muttered.

She had brought Pinkie aside for a private meeting, and the first thing that she asked of her was to show off her new time slowing abilities. As it was currently, Pinkie was everywhere. She would appear in front of her, then less than a second later, she was somewhere else. In fact, Pinkie was moving from place to place so fast, it seemed like there were multiple copies of her, all chirping the same ‘Here I am!” when they appeared.

By this point the entire room that they were in was a chorus of high pitched call outs and giggles, and frankly, it was even starting to wear on Master Luna’s patience. With a final “Stop!” all movement ceased, and the number of Pinkie Pies returned to one. Luna rubbed her temple, praying that a headache did not form. “Thank you, Pinkie, for your demonstration. Have you learned anything else?”

“Nope?” Pinkie chirped happily.

Luna looked at her suspiciously. “Nothing? None at all. No lost ShotLock or transformation techniques.”

“Nope. Nuh-uh. Nopperooni! I was able to lock my ship like you said though. Does that count?”

Luna shook her head. “How is Pinkamena faring?”

Pinkie rattled her head back and forth playfully. “Oh she’s rattling around in there somewhere.”

“If it’s alright, may we speak to her?” Luna asked.

Pinkie Pie beamed and nodded excitedly. “It’s alright, she loves you!” Reaching up to her hair, she grabbed the hook of the front of her hair and pulled outward, stretching it like rubber. Letting go, it snapped back, slammed her forhead and threw her head back. Pinkie stayed like that for a seconds before slowly bringing her head forward.

Rubbing the sore spot on her forehead where her hair slapped, Pinkie began groaning in pain. “Damn, that hurt like a bitch!” she cursed. Now, her hair was entirely flat and her eyes had lost all light. Pinkie had completely switched over to her other self.

“Pinkamena, what have we told you about language!” Luna chided. To emphasize her point, Luna reached over and plucked the sore spot. Causing the girl to hiss in pain.

“Aghhh, bitch!”


“Fuck you!”


“Ow! Fine! God. I hate you both!” Pinkamena groaned, now hunched over in agony. “What do you want anyway?”

“We see that you still lack restraint as usual,” Luna observed, lowering her hand.

Pinkamena rolled her eyes and scowled. “Yeah, yeah, and you’re still brimming with light. Now what do you want?”

“We just wanted to know whether or not you have recovered any new lost abilities yet. As you know, you are the--”

“Yeah, yeah. I know,” Pinkamena groaned loudly. “Pinkie and I are one of the only remaining blah blah blahs and it’s our duty to blah-blah-blah. Shut the hell up about it. When I remember something new, I’ll tell you.”

“Pinkamena, this is an important responsibility,” Luna said, frustrated. “Those skills have been lost for centuries. They are very powerful, and very dangerous, both to those used on, and to those used by. We just want to make sure that you’re safe, and that you aren't just trying out anything that comes to your head.”

“I feel so protected,” Pinkamena droned sarcastically. “Anything else?”

Master Luna’s face turned into one of concern, as she asked, “Have you shown yourself to the others yet?”

Pinkamena crossed her arms and turned her head away. “Hell no. Plus, it’s not my decision anyway, it’s her’s.”

“So you’re fine with it then?” Luna asked.

Pinka went silent for a few seconds before answering in a low, almost apathetic tone. “It’s fine.”

Luna reached over and brought Pinkamena’s eyes to meet her own. “Pinkamena, since no one has asked you; what are your thoughts about the situation?”

“What? Spike? Whatever, my opinion doesn't matter.”

“Of course it does. From what Pinkie’s told me, he was as much your friend as he was to the others, perhaps more so.”

Pinkamena bared her teeth and growled. “Doesn't matter to me what he does. If he hurts Pinkie, or any of her friends, I’ll kill him. Same as always.”

Luna looked deep into the girl’s steely dark blue eyes. They were so unlike Pinkie’s, whose eyes were always bright and brimming with light and cheer. An uninformed person would never even consider the possibilities of those eyes willingly letting themselves be filled with such deep darkness. Yet, as Luna knew, even the deepest darkness held some form of light within them, and she knew full well where Pinkamena’s lie. “Would you though? We shall ask again. Be honest, what do you really think about Spike’s situation?”

Pinkamena said nothing, merely continuing to look into her Master’s eyes.

Author's Note:

Few thanks going out before I start the actual A/N. First I would love to thank the artists who inspired the designs of Derpy, Lyra and, Octavia. I'd also like to thank Whiteeyes for the use of their OC Whitney. I'd also love to thank myself for coming up with these rocking keyblade designs. Check em out. Please excuse my lazy drawings and lack of labels though, as I drew these on a whim. I'm sure you can still figure out which is which. I'll explain their powers later at some point.

Lastly, I want to thank the guys who sent me their OC's, both in the comments and PM. I can assure you that they'll be used and you will receive credit for them when they show up in the story. As of right now, I'm still taking any OC who wants to show up, though they may or may not be be changed slightly to fit the story. Keep it simple but be creative. See ya next chapter.

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