• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH50: The Uprising

Hovering on screen above the cockpit in the Gummy Ship, Luna nodded and looked directly at Pinkie. “And she’s in the zero room I assume?” she asked, referring to her injured student.

Pinkie nodded happily. “Yes ma’am! I put her in there myself!”

Twilight, standing next to the girl tilted her head in confusion, a look that was shared by the other three members in line. “What’s the zero room?” Twilight asked.

“I thought she was in her room,” AJ added, putting a hand to her hip.

As Pinkie took a deep breath, preparing to go into a tangent, Luna held up her hand and spoke first. “I think I shall explain.”

Pinkie quickly deflated and turned with the rest of the girls to face their master. Once she confirmed that she had everyone’s attention, Luna began. “When we first heard of Pinkie’s plan to create a Gummi ship, we left the design and layout of the ship entirely up to her while offering help with construction. However, we did put forth a few requirements.” Luna smirked. “The first one was to not install any navigation gummis that she found.” Twilight frowned. “The second was to install something specific. The Zero gummi, which was created by our sister, is a marvelous room dedicated solely to healing the wounded.”

Pinkie quickly rose up a hand. “Hey, Maud can you show the camera from the Zero Room, pretty please?!”

Luna’s screen shrank and moved to the side as a second screen appeared next to her. The image immediately brightened to reveal a square all white room. In the middle of it was Dash, floating freely while suspended in zero gravity. Her bloodied clothes had been removed, leaving her wearing normal black shorts and grey bandages that were wrapped around her chest and left shoulder. In addition to that her hair band had been removed, leaving her naturally long hair to float with equal suspension. Every so often the room’s wall would glow a faint cerulean hue.

Luna nodded. “Thank you. As you can see the room is a blank zero gravity expanse that periodically casts small healing spells on the one inside. The room is mainly used to accelerate the healing process in cases of serious or nearly lethal injuries.”

Twilight stared up at the screen, her eyes wide and focused in fascination. However, after a second a dark thought occurred and her head snapped back to Luna’s screen. “Wait, does that mean her injuries were worse than we thought?! Were they so bad that she needs that room?”

Luna shook her head and smiled softly. “Nay, Twilight. From what you’ve told us her injuries weren’t very harsh and most of it had been healed by the efforts of yourself and Rarity. Putting her in the Zero room was just a safety precaution. Personally, we would like for you all to come back to Radiant Garden for-oof”

Suddenly, Luna found herself being shoved out of the way by none other than Celestia herself. A cheshire grin on her face, she addressed the students. “Now Luna don’t be such a worry wort. I, for one, am proud that this is the only injury they suffered. Let them continue their adventure!”

“M-Master Celestia?!” stammered Twilight.

Celestia waved as Luna shoved her way back on screen. “Ve-very well!” she huffed. “We shall look into this mysterious world young Kirito spoke of while we continue our investigations on this Chrysalis woman and her relationship with Spike. Please worry not, Twilight and have fun on your travels.”

Twilight blushed and nodded. “Thank you Master Luna, Master Celestia. I really hope you two find out something.”

Pinkie blew a loud raspberry and waved them off. “Of course they will!”

“We wish you well,” said Celestia.

Before the screen could close Rarity stepped forward, a determined look in her eye. “Excuse me, Master… but I simply must ask you, how do you explain our Keyblades actions in the previous world?”

Master’s Luna and Celestia each shared a look before Luna decided to answer. “That is… fairly complicated to discuss now. All I can say is that you would do well to reflect upon your time in the previous world and learn from what your Keyblades have told you. And do not mistake, those were the spirits of your weapons. Kayaba Akihiko’s actions have caused effects that he could never have foreseen, However, through them he has progressed all of you further towards true Mastery.”

Celestia nodded, her jovial look now a bit more subdued. “Thus proving that this journey is essential to your growth. Keep searching, but please, be careful.”

With her farewell both screens closed and the cockpit went silent as everyone made their way to their respective positions.

Falling back into her seat and crossing one leg over the other, AJ let out a loud sigh. “So what do we do now? Do we wait for Rainbow to recover or head on to the next world?”

Rarity daintily sat in her own seat. “I propose that we take some time to relax first. While I feel infinitely better after my shower and breakfast, I do still wish to take a bit more time to reflect.”

Twilight hummed in thought for a few seconds before putting forth her thoughts. “I agree. I would feel much better about going to the next world if we were all at one hundred percent.” Twilight smiled and summoned her Keyblade. Holding it up, she let the small brown book dangle in front of her face.

“Plus, I would like to take this time to update my journal.”

Immediately, everyone’s head snapped towards Pinkie in her captain's chair. All of their daggering glares froze the girl in place.

Pinkie glanced around the room, shrinking back into her seat before letting out a loud groan. “Fine! I won’t touch the controls. But can we at least plan where we’re going next first?”

The other girls each looked towards another and shared nods. Twilight stood up and moved closer to Pinkie. “I suppose that’s fine, as long as you don’t send us barrelling over to it.”

Throwing her hands up Pinkie cheered. “Yay! Now what’s it gonna be?”

With the press of a button, a large familiar hologram expanded above the. While the same worlds were shown, the one with two swords crossed above it had been greyed out, signifying its completion.

Twilight and the other three examined the worlds carefully, this time making sure to keep Pinkie away from the random button. Twilight pressed a switch and immediately, small square boxes appeared under each respective world.

Twilight smiled. “Alright then. Thanks to Master Celestia we can now tell what world we’re headed to beforehand. So what do you all think?”

Rarity glanced over the three current choices with a critical eye before stopping on the centermost one. “This looks extravagant,” she muttered, examining the twin golden statues. Leaning close she read out the details. “‘Olympus Colosseum The world of immortals. Run by the great hero Hercules, this colosseum hosts periodic ancient tournaments in order to find and train new heros.’ Controlled battles and a very low threat level.”

Rarity turned to Twilight whom had come closer to read alongside her. ”If I remember correctly, Rachelle wanted to come here before did she not? Perhaps we should reward her for her hard work?”

Twilight put a finger to her chin and lowered her head in thought. “Hmm. I don’t know. I really don’t want to reward her with more danger. Plus, fighting while she’s only just recovered could be more harmful than good.” Twilight turned to AJ. “What do you think?"

AJ, still reclining in her seat, shrugged. “I’m pretty alright with whichever world you guys choose.

“I think this one is still interesting because there’s nothing here!” Pinkie exclaimed, pointing to a particular world.

Twilight, eyes wide, ran over to the world and frantically examined it. It appeared to be the interesting world from before. It was a large charred looking world with a bright green flame billowing from the top. The detail box, like Pinkie said, was empty. There wasn’t even a name.

However, despite all of that, Twilight could only stare at it with her mouth agape. She couldn’t tell what it was, but a feeling began to bloom in her chest. It was a strange, tight feeling, almost akin to looming dread and curiosity combined. But deep within she also felt longing. Slowly, Twilight reached a hand out towards the image of the world, specifically the flame above it.

She quickly pulled her hand away. “I… I want to go here,” she muttered, her voice low.

As Twilight continued to stare hypnotically at the world. Rarity and the other two gathered around her.

Rarity tilted her head and raised a brow in curiosity. “Really, darling? This world?”

AJ leaned in closer towards the hologram. “Hmm I dunno, I’m gettin’ a bad feeling from it… but… I think I can see why Twi wants to go there. Just somethin’ about it, ya know?”

Rarity pursed her lips and hummed in thought. Her eyes trailed up and down the world, then up and down the other worlds before shaking her head. “I simply don’t see the appeal. How about you Pinkie,” she asked.

Pinkie blinked and gave the world a once over. Immediately upon looking at it she flinched violently before bending over and clutching her stomach. Afterwords, her hair flung out and spiked in all directions before flattening completely. However, when everyone turned to look at her she stood back up, her hair poofing out again as if nothing happened.

“So… I got a sorta kinda weird Pinkie Sense just now,” she said plainly, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head and averting her eyes. “We.. I... I think we should listen to Twilight.”

Putting a hand to her cheek, Rarity couldn’t help but grin and sigh. “Alright then, I can tell when I’m outvoted. Horrid… burning world it is. Oh dear I should pick out an outfit that won’t absorb the smell of smoke before we-”

Just then the ship violently rocked before jerking forward rapidly. Immediately, Twilight tried her best to send a glare towards Pinkie. Interestingly enough she found it to be fairly hard with her head pressed hard against the back wall.

“Pinkie!” she yelled, her voice warbling and vibrating. “What did you do?!”

Pinkie, her hair splayed all over the wall, yelled back. “I didn’t! I Pinkie promise it wasn’t me!”

AJ, frantically pushing against the forces, tried to reach out to the faraway controls. Her hand fell back against the wall, proving how fruitless her attempt was. “Then what ‘n tarnation is happening?!”

“Someone’s hijacked the ship!” Twilight observed!

Suddenly a feminine disembodied voice echoed throughout the heads of each of the girls.

“Celestia? Thank the gods you’re here! Please I need your help!”

It was then that the ship came to a smooth halt. Once paused, the group all slid down the walls and onto the ground. After a second, the voice echoed once more.

“Hurry! Pit’s in danger! His flight has run out and he’s tumbling through the void! You have to catch him before he dies! Celestia!”

Twilight, hearing the name, hurriedly struggled to stand. Wobbling, she put a hand to her head and shook it to clear the haze away. “Is… is that telepathy? Who are you?”

“Wait? You aren't Celestia? You don’t sound like Luna or Discord either… No matter. Please, open your hatch and catch my friend before he crashes!”

“Wait! How do you know--”

AJ also shaking her head, quickly cut off her friend. “Questions later, Twilight! Whoever this is she knows the Master and needs our help!”

Pinkie, already recovered, ran up to the controls and let her hands fly across them.

Directly above Twilight, a large door slid open, revealing a purple grey void of the outside. High above the door a bright star fell through the sky, barreling towards them.

“He’s coming in too hot!” the voice said, her semi-calm tone beginning to give way to panic. “Do any of you have a way to slow his descent?”

Pinkie grinned and saluted. “We sure do, mysterious voice!” Rushing over to the hatch, Pinkie shoved Rarity right next to Twilight. “Rarity can use her telekinesis to slow him down!”

Rarity fidgeted slightly. “Wait! Hold on, I don’t know if I--”


Groaning, Rarity closed her eyes and concentrated for a few seconds. Opening them with a bright azure glow, her head snapped up and she threw her also glowing hands into the air.

The falling red star became engulfed in a blue glow turning it into a purplish red comet. Rarity groaned of exertion as she spread her legs to brace herself. As her magic took hold of the falling object she pushed upwards, her glowing hands increased in brightness and intensity.

From what Twilight could see, Rarity had at the very least managed to stop the person from tumbling. It was now falling downwards normally.

Looking over at Rarity, Twilight could see that the girl was clenching her teeth, struggling in slowing her target down. While it didn’t seem like it was overwhelming her, it was clear she wasn’t going to be able to stop him from crashing directly into the ship.

Twilight lowered her head and frantically dove through her mental spellbook. Finally finding a relevant spell, she summoned her Keyblade and raised it into the air.

“Zero Gravira!” she yelled!

Suddenly, in addition to Rarity’s aura a black orb appeared around the falling boy. While his falling speed negated the majority of the spell’s effect, it still managed to do it’s job somewhat. One look upwards told her that the object was getting very near the ship. To the point where she could see what looked like a boy’s face through the effects of their spells.

“It’s working! His descent has slowed significantly! Now we just have to catch him safely!”

Now it was Jackie’s turn to step up in between the two other girls. “I got it,” she said, holding out her arms just as the boy crashed into the ship.

All three slammed to the ground. Even Pinkie was forced to brace herself on her seat when the ship tilted from the impact.

The dust cleared and Pinkie managed to pick herself back up. What she saw immediately put a grin on her face... not that it wasn't hard to do.

Groaning the boy flinched and groggily pushed himself up. Shaking his brown haired head to clear away the haze, his grey blue eyes fluttered open. “Wha… where am I? Where’s the Aurum?!” he yelled, his eyes narrowing in anger.

Easy, Pit. Before all that you should probably stop groping your saviours,” the voice giggled.

Pit looked up in confusion before slowly looking down. His face immediately flushed a bright red as he noticed both of his hands gripping two different breasts.

Pinkie merely stood by, giggling at the entire site. Pit, a young boy wearing angelic looking white robes and sandals, complete with a golden laurel crown upon his head, had found himself laying across three of her friends, one hand pressed against Twilight’s breast and the other on AJ’s.

While Twilight was blushing profusely, AJ had more of an annoyed glare. However, Pinkie seemed to take the most enjoyment out of seeing Rarity gape in horror from the boy’s feet pressed against her cheek.

The room froze, the boy stammering to make a sound even resembling an apology. Eventually, Rarity ran out of patience and the boy found himself face planting the side of the ship.

Both Pinkie and the echoing voice burst out in righteous laughter, especially as Rarity immediately stood up, her face still flushed, and stormed out of the cockpit.

AJ and Twilight stood up as well, Twilight struggling to regain her composure by coughing into her fist.

“A-anyway! So, who are you two?” asked Twilight, looking upwards before glaring at the boy.

I don’t know,” the voice giggled. “I think apologies and thanks are in order. Pit?”

At the woman's command, Pit stood to attention. “I-I I’m sorry! I really didn’t mean to do that. Thank you for catching me!”

AJ continued to glare at him before letting her expression soften into a small grin. Walking over to him, the taller girl chuckled and gripped the boy in a tight headlock. “Nah no harm done. I’m just glad you’re alright. Gotta admit that was one hell of a fall though.”

Feeling the boy struggle, AJ’s arm brushed up against something soft and feathery. Leaning the boy over, the three girls marveled at his pure white feathered wings sticking right out of his back. “What the? Are you an Avian?” asked AJ.

Pushing himself away, Pit looked up at them curiously while reaffixing his crown. “What’s that? Is it a kind of human?” Smirking, Pit stood tall and spread his wings proudly. “I’m much more than that. I’m the angel, Pit, servant of the Goddess of Light.”

Before the group could say anything, the voice from before echoed out once again. This time, however, an astral projection of a tall regally dressed woman with long emerald hair, appeared next to Pit. The projection walked forward and bowed slightly to Twilight.

“I suppose then I’m next. I am the Goddess of Light, Palutena. I apologize for taking control of your ship. I felt the magic of an old friend of mine and panicked.”

“And by that you mean Master Celestia?” asked Twilight.

Palutena's eyes opened wide and she clapped her hands jovially. “Oh, Master is it? Then I’m right. You all are students of Celestia, that makes you Keyblade wielders!” Her expression flattened immediately. “Wait… that makes me a grandmaster… I don’t know how I feel about that.”

Pinkie began giggling into her palms. “Well if it makes you feel better, we aren’t Master Celestia’s students. We’re her sister’s students.”

“Wait! Wait!” Twilight yelled, crossing her arms.”By grandmaster do you mean that--”

“That’s right! I used to be Celestia’s master!” Palutena said cheerfully.


Everyone’s head snapped towards the cockpit just as the door slammed open, revealing a frazzled looking Rachelle glaring at the people inside. “People are trying to sleep! What’s with all this noise and telepathy!”

However, instead of getting an explanation, all Dash received were wide eyed looks and stunned expressions.

“What?” she asked. Finally, her eyes found their way over to Pit who had become completely red. “Who the hell are you?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him. Feeling something touch her leg, she glanced down to see the rest of bandages that had been wrapped around her chest fall to the ground.

Palutena simply grinned on her end. “Well Pit, look’s like you’re one step closer to becoming a man.

And then Pit fainted.

Author's Note:

Yeaya! Next world! Skyworld! I really loved Kid Icarus and I was trying to think of something that resembled a typical side mission in KH then I remembered that KI goes through dimensions anyway. So, why not.
You can get a good sense of Pit and Palutena's personalities as well as Varidi's and Pitoo's personalities from their Smash4 dialogue. Also don't worry this section wont be anywhere near as long os the other worlds. Three or four chapters at most. But we do need this world to happen because it's important later on.

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