• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,709 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 12: Confidences, Confessions, and Admissions

It was later the same day, and Discord was resting on a pink cotton candy cloud above the cottage home of a familiar yellow pegasus friend of his. The chaos master looked up at the blue sky overhead lit by the bright sun (which his gaze both tried to avoid and yet couldn’t stop being drawn toward.) And he thought to himself very deeply until he finally couldn’t help lightly mumbling the words of what was on his mind. “I should not have felt the way I felt when we were dancing and she fell onto me.” A deep sigh left him, and Discord could already feel the familiar blush from the Canterlot castle ballroom returning to his features. “She’s just so nice to me, and she tries so hard to be my friend…. And then to feel her so close after our dance. It’s been so long since I was that close to anybody. I remember—I like being close. And I still like her.” He closed his eyes, recalling the moment again of their crash to the ground. So much sweet, perfect, lovely warmth hugging him completely…like a friend but more. He sighed deeply. ‘Oh yes, Discord, go dance with Celestia—nothing romantically awkward could possibly happen. I’m such an idiot.’

“Um…excuse me, Discord? Are you okay? You haven’t said anything or even come back down to the ground in a while—not since you made my garden flowers start dancing and turned the vegetable patch into a candy and pastries patch. I just want to make sure you’re all right.” This message was delivered in a very soft and timid voice by Fluttershy who had just flown up towards Discord’s cloud, her eyes and the top of her head peeking above the edge of the cotton candy mass to look up at her friend.

Discord blinked and sat up. He did his best to smile normally as he looked down at her. “Oh, yes, yes, I’m fine, Fluttershy.” He nodded and then glanced down. “I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind today. And I’m not feeling as magical as I could be, I guess.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy frowned a little as she flew up to hover in the air at eye level with him. “I’m sorry to hear that. Does it have anything to do with that thought you had the other day—the one that made you feel really good and made you want to be magical?”

Discord blinked and then glanced to her and shrugged. “Well… sort of, yes, but at the same time no.” He rubbed the back of his neck, his brow furrowing. “It’s complicated.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Fluttershy smiled as sincerely as ever and gently touched a hoof to his shoulder.

All Discord could do in response though was blush and look down, shaking his head. “I can’t. It’s far too embarrassing, Fluttershy, far too surreal, even for me. But I do appreciate the offer.” He managed another smile to her.

Peaceful Fluttershy nodded, still smiling kindly as ever as she removed her hoof from him. “I understand, Discord. But I’m here if you do need me for anything. And I promise never to judge you or to tell anyone anything you might share with me in private.”

Discord smiled more and nodded to her in return. “Thank you, Fluttershy. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Fluttershy smiled more back at him. “Well then, I’ll just fly down and enjoy the new temporary chaotic garden some more. You can come down whenever you’re ready and practice more helpful and fun chaotic magic, and then we can start our tea party.” And with a nod, she started to descend to the ground below.

Discord, however, suddenly found himself moving forward on his cloud and holding out a hand, his eyes a little wide. “Fluttershy wait!” he called out.

Fluttershy flew up again to be eye level with him. “Yes, Discord?”

Discord hesitated for just a moment longer, biting his lip slightly. And then he finally took a breath. His eyes met hers. “You’d…really never ever tell a soul what I might tell you?”

Fluttershy shook her head, smiling more. “Oh never, Discord. You have my word as your friend. I’d never tell a secret unless I thought you were in danger or something and I couldn’t think of anything else to do. But if it’s just a personal thought of yours, then of course I’ll keep it to myself forever. I Pinkie promise.” She winked and held up her hoof.

Discord considered very deeply for a moment longer. Then he snapped his fingers, making a little pink cotton candy cloud appear in front of him for her to sit on.

Fluttershy took her seat and smiled up at her friend kindly.

The draconequus let out a deep breath and then rested back on his cloud to gaze up at the sky (and sun) again as he spoke, his voice as calm and even as he could manage. “Fluttershy, all rumors aside, all jokes aside, all of this Gala stuff aside…suppose the thought that had crossed my mind lately, the good and magical one, is that now that I seem capable of making friends, I might like to look into making ‘more than friends’ with someone one day. I-I mean, not definitely but just as a possibility now that I’m in such a better place in my life. If the right person came along, I might not mind attempting to court that person in a very sincere way. Just as a thought. Do you think that’s weird—I mean too weird even for me?” Very hesitantly, Discord let his gaze meet Fluttershy’s again.

Fluttershy was just smiling in warmth and understanding back at him. She shook her head. “I don’t think that’s weird at all, Discord. I promise you. You’re a grown person—every grown person wonders at some point about having a special somepony. Please don’t feel embarrassed.” She blushed slightly for him. “You’re an excellent friend, Discord. And I’m sure you’d make an excellent ‘more than friend’ too. And I think it’s a lovely thought for you to have. No wonder you were feeling so magical when you came up with it.”

Such a smile of relief came over Discord’s features, and he even let out a deep tension-relieving sigh. “So then I haven’t gone so sane lately that I’m actually insane twice as badly as I ever was?”

Fluttershy smiled a little more and shook her head. “Not at all. I promise.”

Discord glanced down for a moment and then glanced up at her. “Thank you, Fluttershy.”

The two friends shared a warm smile for a moment.

Then Fluttershy flew up a little from her cloud. “Are you feeling better now Discord? Would you like to come down and practice some more magic for the Gala or start our tea party?”

Discord returned her smile at first but then glanced to the side and shrugged with a sigh. “Um…I don’t know. I do feel better, but there’s still a lot on my mind today, Fluttershy. I think I have to think some more.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, taking her seat again on her cloud. “Did something sad happen with your happy thought about finding a special somepony? Is that what’s bothering you?”

Discord shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck with his paw. “No, no…well…No. I’m just…hypothetically confused about a hypothetical new friend. And it’s sort of related to my happy ‘special somepony’ thought. That’s all.” He started to blush, unable to help it.

Fluttershy only nodded, her gaze full of sincerity. “Would you like to talk about that too?”

Discord took a very deep breath and made eye contact with her again. “Actually, yes, I’d truly love to talk to somebody besides myself about that, Fluttershy. But it’s impossible. I’d have to trust another person completely to talk about it, and…I’m not sure I’m there yet. Not even with you.” He looked into her eyes, frowning. “I’m sorry.”

Fluttershy frowned a little, considered for a moment, but then smiled again. “Don’t be sorry, Discord. You never had a friend before me, after all. So if it takes a while for you to get used to sharing some things as part of our friendship, that’s fine. At least you’re recognizing what makes you comfortable and what you have to work on, and that’s a big step toward ‘getting there.’” She smiled more. “But I just want you to know, if it helps, I trust you completely Discord. And I trust that one day you’ll trust me that much too.”

Discord’s eyes grew a little wider. ‘Even after the Tirek thing, she still trusts me so much…’ He looked down and then looked back up at her. A clear spark of determination came to his features. “Maybe I already do trust you that much, Fluttershy. Maybe I just get so caught up in myself that I forget sometimes.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side.

Discord considered deeply, let out a breath, swallowed, crossed his arms over his chest…and then he confessed the true nature of his problem to his best friend. “Fluttershy…Princess Celestia and I have been getting very close lately. And now…along with thinking about special someponies, I’ve been thinking about her a lot too. It’s just the idea that she and I could…I mean, I know it would never actually happen. I think Luna would actually destroy me if I made a pass at her sister—turns out she’s very protective. Not to mention in popular opinion in general I know I’d never be considered good enough for her. And I know Celestia and I are such opposites and have so much bad history…the villainous draconequus and the perfect princess of the sun. But, still…I think about her a lot now…and I like spending time with her more than I can say. And I think I…I think I could find myself with a teeny tiny crush on her one day if I’m not very, very careful.” He was blushing so thoroughly now, and a half laugh escaped him. “I’m becoming attracted to the woman I spent a thousand years swearing in my stone head that I would take my revenge upon at all costs. I don’t know whether to hate myself for it or laugh with wild abandon at the grand joke.” He had started playing mercilessly with a little fluff of cotton candy in his talon and paw, his eyes far down below Fluttershy’s. “So…yes. That’s all. And just this afternoon, Celestia and I had a dance lesson together in the ballroom on top of everything else and…how it ended confused me a lot, to say the least. That’s why I’m a little out of sorts right now. I’ve just discovered so many new emotions inside of myself ever since being reformed—it’s hard to sort them out a lot of the time. And especially ones about her, it seems.”

There was quiet which Discord felt far too flustered to break.

“I see.” These words came to him from Fluttershy, causing Discord to look up. She was just sitting on her cloud and smiling. She leaned in closer now, her voice soft. “Princess Celestia is very lucky to have you as such an admirer, Discord.”

Discord blinked and glanced away, blushing more. “Heh, no she’s not. I’ve got the most conceited opinion of myself around, and even I have to admit I’m ridiculously high maintenance and obnoxious as a friend let alone as…as a more than friend.” He swallowed and a distressed smile came to his features.

Fluttershy’s gaze softened. “But that’s just part of your personality, Discord. Being friends with you is complicated…but in a way that makes being close to you a richer and more unforgettable experience. Anypony can just be pleasing to make others like them….” Fluttershy glanced to the side. “Actually, for a long time in my life, that was a big problem of mine. I used to just be however it seemed easiest to other ponies for me to be so that I wouldn’t bother them. But I’ve gotten better at being myself and standing up for myself, even if it means challenging others a little.” She looked up. “Your problem was the opposite—you were so used to getting your way that you never learned to cooperate and compromise with other people. But you’ve gotten much better at those things, Discord. And you’re a very nice person with a lot of good qualities. I think it’s sweet that you’ve taken such a shine to Celestia, and even that you care enough to dream about her. You don’t deserve to feel embarrassed by that at all or like you’re not good enough for her. And I think that if Princess Celestia ever found out how you’re feeling, she would be very flattered.”

Discord looked back at his little friend with such a mix of appreciation and hesitation. “I, well…I…one would hope, but…I don’t know if that would be her first reaction at least. But maybe she wouldn’t be too put off by the whole thing.” Then his eyes went a little wide as something processed, causing Discord to blush again. “Fluttershy, how did you know I’ve been dreaming about Princess Celestia?”

Fluttershy blinked and then looked down very shyly, frowning a little. “Oh, I’m sorry, Discord. I didn’t mean to find out. That day when you came by here and made Angel Bunny and me breakfast and wanted to take a nap…well, while you were on the couch and I was cleaning, you were mumbling in your sleep and you said Princess Celestia’s name. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overhear.” She hid behind her hair, her voice barely a whisper now.

Discord sat up more on his cloud, looking at her. “You knew all this time, and you didn’t say anything to me or anybody else about it?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Of course not. If you wanted to tell me about it, I knew you would on your own. And I’d never ever mention something that private to anyone else without your permission. But I am sorry if me knowing makes you uncomfortable. Oh!” Fluttershy gasped a little. Discord had suddenly come forward and was now hugging her tightly.

As Discord pulled back with a chuckle, Fluttershy smiled up at him in relief. “So, you’re not mad at me?”

Discord just sat back on his cloud again and laughed more and shook his head, his gaze warm. “Mad at you? Why in the world would I be mad at you? You knew something so private and so potentially humiliating about me, and you kept it all to yourself for the sake of our friendship and my comfort. And here I am siting on a cotton candy cloud wondering about trusting you or not with my secrets when you’ve been proving yourself trustworthy as can be all along.” His whole smile brightened and he came forward to rest on his stomach on the cloud. “You never cease to amaze me Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy’s smile brightened too, and she even made a little ‘squee’ sound.

Discord’s grin picked up on one side. “You know what this means, of course…”

“Uh,” Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin, “You want to start our best friends tea party now?”

Discord chuckled. “Yes, that, but also, if I ever do decide to take over Equestria again, you have officially earned yourself a primo place in the new world order.” He pointed at her and winked. “I’m thinking Queen of all Fields, Forests, Flora and Fauna—I’ll take the cities, I like a little nightlife anyway.”

“Discord…” Fluttershy tried to say in a chastising tone, though she couldn’t help laughing a little at his joke and smiling more.

Discord smiled more too. “Just kidding, Fluttershy, just kidding…. I already told you, I think the title of ‘Princess’ suits you best of all. The ‘Queen’ suggestion was just off the top of my head. You’ll still get any territory you choose though, of course.” He laughed again and now finally left his cloud to fly up into the air. “In the meantime though, yes, let’s get to that tea party.” He snapped his fingers and made a platter of food appear. “I’ve got the cucumber sandwiches, and I made them just how you like them….” Discord held them out toward Fluttershy, his face full of happiness as he tried not to remember how he had cruelly thrown such a platter of sandwiches several weeks ago just before allowing Tirek to capture Fluttershy and the rest of their friends.

Fluttershy’s face lit up with happiness at his gesture, not a trace of unease in her features or tone. “Oh thank you, Discord. You do make the best cucumber sandwiches, after all. Come on, I’ll put on the tea, and then I made us some carrot cake to share together along with Angel Bunny.” Fluttershy started flying down toward the ground.

Discord followed after her contently, the sandwich platter following after him. “Right behind you, Fluttershy, right behind you.”

The two friends landed and then went about having their tea party together in Fluttershy’s still chaotically enchanted garden.

“Okay, open your eyes! I, um…I made them all for you. Surprise.” Discord took his hands away from blocking Celestia’s gaze, and the sun princess did indeed open her eyes now. She blinked at first at the sight before her and then smiled so brightly.

“Oh Discord, they’re beautiful.”

Celestia found herself standing amongst a large garden of flowers in every color and design, each blossom waving beautifully in the light spring wind and the buttery, almost pinkish summer sunshine. She glanced behind her to Discord again, raising an eyebrow. “You really made them all for me.”

Discord grinned in pride and nodded. “Yes. I liked making that flower bouquet for you that one time. And I’ve been feeling a little creative lately, so I thought I’d make you these. And besides, erm…they’re pretty…and you’re pretty…so you should go really well together.” He tried to smirk, but it came off as much more of a shy smile than anything else, which he covered up by shrugging and stretching out his arm to admire his paw a bit.

Celestia giggled. “I’m pretty?” She turned to him, approaching him, a distinct smile upon her lips. “Why Discord I didn’t know you cared so much.”

Discord blushed a little, then blinked a few times and smiled all the more. “Oh, like anyone’s going to deny that the sun goddess is cute.” He waved her off.

“So you think I’m cute then?” Celestia paused before the chaos master and leaned in very close to him, letting her eyes go hazed in playfulness.

Discord leaned back a little and shrugged, barely keeping himself together, his eyes a little wide and his smile wobbling. “I-I think that…I think that I thought you were much more modest than this, Celestia. But, well…if you must know, I actually think you’re quite dazzling at times.”

That comment made Celestia’s violet eyes go a little wide. Then she shifted back and blushed, glancing to the side. “Coming from a charming and handsome gentleman, I’ll take that as a compliment.” She brought her gaze up to his again and couldn’t help giggling and winking at him.

Discord blushed quite a bit but just smirked and rolled his eyes. “Don’t kiss up, Celestia, it’s beneath you.”

Celestia only smiled more and shook her head. Then she turned away from him coyly. “I think I’ll go for a nice trot through my flowers.” And thus she began to head off through the lovely field, laughing as she went along and admiring all of the nice designs and scents and colors of Discord’s work.

Discord watched her go, an eyebrow raised. And then an impulse he couldn’t help led him to fly off after her, following close behind the sun princess. She seemed to be glancing over her shoulder here and there secretly as she went along (always with that coy little smile still on her face), but a grinning Discord managed to avoid her gaze until he got as close as possible, and then…

Discord tapped Celestia’s right shoulder with his tail, causing her to turn in that direction, and then he came up to her left shoulder and announced smugly, “Boo!”

Celestia jumped but laughed, and Discord laughed. And then Celestia nudged Discord in play, and Discord nudged her back as he landed, and back and forth they went until somehow they ended up falling into the flowers laughing. And then Discord turned a little just as Celestia moved forward, and they both fell forward deeper into the flowers. In the end, Discord found himself on the ground on his back while Celestia lay atop him while they finished sharing a warm laugh. Celestia gazed down into his eyes, her front hooves propping her up above him while the flowers still swayed around them both.

The sun princess smiled down at the draconequus.

Discord smiled back up at Celestia. “We have to stop meeting like this…” he managed with a grin, his eyes looking dazed (and his heart pounding more than he might have wanted to admit).

Celestia’s smile grew. Her voice was soft and low. “Is that really what you want, Discord?”

Discord’s smile became sheepish, and he blushed. “No, not at all, actually.” He sighed.

She leaned down a little closer to him. “Okay then. What do you want, Discord?” Her eyes hazed so much.

Discord felt like that newly discovered little heart of his flutter until it felt like it was going to pound out of his chest. He smiled all the more and then reached up, hesitated, but finally gently touched the side of Celestia’s head and her mane. A finger of his paw found that one curl of hair she always kept hanging in front of her ear, and he took it up and twirled it so gently. “Oh Princess…you wouldn’t believe what I want even if I told you…”

Celestia just smiled. And then Discord watched as her violet eyes began to close and she leaned in closer. Discord closed his own eyes, anticipating a perfect kiss.

However, the moment was short lived.

In reality…

“Hmm?!” Discord’s eyes suddenly popped open wide. He sat up and glanced around, trying to catch his breath from his latest dream. It took a few seconds for his vision to adjust (mostly because he was still wearing a pair of reading glasses just for show), but then he recognized the familiar interior of Twilight’s castle library and looked down at the surface of the table at which he was sitting to see Celestia’s familiar copy of Starswirl’s Guide to Nightly Musings lying open before him, which he recalled he had been rereading ever since coming here this afternoon after his tea party with Fluttershy. Discord blinked a few more times and then put a hand to his head and let out a deep breath. “I have really got to get dreams like that under control…Really.” He mumbled to himself, trying not to blush. “Stupid ballroom dancing…”

“Uh, Discord?”

Discord practically jumped out of his chair at hearing another voice. But then he let out a deep sigh of relief as he realized that it was just a very hesitant-looking Spike standing in the library doorway who had addressed him.

“Spike.” Discord raised an eyebrow. “What in the world are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be off helping Twilight organize something? Or letting Rarity use you for fashion?”

Spike shrugged, entering the room and approaching Discord (a scroll in his claw). “Twilight’s off in town getting supplies for some big princess night meeting that’s going to happen at the Canterlot castle in a couple of days, and Rarity is working on some super secret design for Twilight’s Gala outfit that she doesn’t want to reveal to anyone until it’s absolutely done, so I have the whole rest of the day to myself.” He smiled but then frowned again, rubbing the back of his neck as he stopped beside Discord’s seat. “I’m sorry I woke you up though. I didn’t mean to.” He blinked, raising an eyebrow. “What were you doing in here anyway?”

Discord shrugged as casually as possible. “Oh, just catching up on some reading.” He closed the dream book (which, he had suddenly realized, happened to be open to a page covering the topic of romantic desires expressed in sleeping thought). “You see, everyone’ll stare at me if I go to the Canterlot castle library to read—the guards are still a little on edge about me having too much of a presence around the home of the two princess sisters. And there’s really no other private, quiet place in Ponyville but this one to settle in with a good book.” He grinned a little, almost chuckling. “Plus I like to annoy Twilight by shuffling around some of her perfectly ordered books every time I come and go from here and adding bookmarks to them with my face on them. It amuses me, and cleaning up my small chaos gives her something to do—keeps her on the toes of her hooves, you know?” He yawned a little and added, “Oh but don’t worry about waking me up—I think I needed it actually. There’s something to be said for too much beauty sleep, after all…” Discord fought back a blush as his casual smile continued.

Spike just rolled his eyes at Discord’s jokes but did smile. “Well, anyway, I’m glad I found you. I’ve been looking for you for a while. Princess Celestia sent this through me half an hour ago, but it’s got your name on it.” He held up the scroll in his claw, smiling. “Here you go, Discord.”

Discord blinked and snapped, making the scroll magically rise up and unfurl before him. “A letter from Celestia for me through you?” He raised an eyebrow. “Okay, I’m officially spending too much time moping around this friendship castle. I must be becoming more of a fixture here than I was in the Canterlot statue garden for that pesky thousand years. Hmm…now let’s see…” He snapped away his fake reading glasses and read aloud softly to himself.

Dear Discord,

I hope this letter finds you well. My guards informed me you weren’t in the statue garden, so I thought Spike might have some luck finding you in Ponyville. If you wouldn’t mind, I would like you to come by the castle late this evening just after moonrise. I would appreciate your opinion on something. There is no need to make an announcement of your arrival, just bring yourself directly to my room. I promise this will not take long.

Your dearest friend,

Princess Celestia

“Wow, another personal invitation from Princess Celestia.” Spike smiled in interest. “You’re lucky, Discord. When Twilight first came to Ponyville, she only got one of those every few months. But you’ve gotten two in barely a couple of weeks. You and Celestia really must be getting close as friends.”

Discord did his best to smile and casually shrug off the whole thing as he snapped away the letter. “Well, I think Celestia just realizes that I’m a very interesting and important figure in Equestria to have around, and so of course she’s going to request my presence whenever possible now that I’m fully reformed. But yes, on a side note,” his smile took on a slightly awkward tension (that, luckily, was barely noticeable) as he went on, “we have been hitting it off as friends.”

“That’s great.” Spike smiled more and then glanced to the side, looking a touch sheepish. “I mean…it’s great that you’ve been hitting it off with everyone as friends, Discord, but especially her.” He held up his claws, looking to the chaos master again (his sheepishness only growing). “I mean, not that there’s anything special about you hitting it off with her in particular, it’s just…whoa!” Spike’s exclamation was due to suddenly being raised off of the ground by Discord’s tail which was now wrapped around one of his legs.

Discord observed Spike closely, trying to keep his features bland though he had his mouth set in a slight, tight frown. A touch of exasperation had entered his tone. “Spike, I have to say, if whatever it is you’re trying to say has anything to do with those ridiculous rumors about Celestia and I being caught up in some silly romantic affair, I am really not in the mood, my little dragon.”

Spike instantly shook his head. “No, no, it’s not about that at all, Discord, I promise! It’s just…” the baby dragon sighed, looking to Discord with a slight frown, “I know some people have been bothering you about getting close to her, and I know it might have seemed like a weird thing for you to do at first, but…I just want you to know that I’m really glad you and Celestia like each other so much and especially that you’re escorting Celestia to the Gala. In fact, I’m more than glad—I’m actually really grateful.” He smiled a little.

Discord had to raise an eyebrow at this information. “Grateful?” He moved his tail to place Spike down on the table so that now the baby dragon stood before him. “Why?”

Spike smiled more, looking up at him with a shrug. “Well, you agreeing to go with Celestia to the Gala sort of opened some doors for me. I mean, if Celestia takes a date, other ponies are more likely to take a date, so I think that’s part of why Rarity agreed to let me be her escort. But also, well…” Looking a little sheepish, he rubbed the back of his neck, “Celestia’s taking you to the Gala, and you’re not a pony…and Rarity’s taking me to the Gala, and I’m not a pony too. Normally I’d be really self-conscious about going with her, especially with all of that pony royalty there who she’d probably look a lot more natural with. But just knowing that you and Celestia are going to be there together as kind of an example I can look up to…well, it makes me a lot less nervous. It even makes me almost wonder if Rarity and I could go to enough Galas as we get older to maybe get close enough to be more than friends one day.” He cleared his throat and shrugged, blushing slightly, his claws clasped together in front of himself. “Anyway, that’s why I’m grateful. So thank you Discord.” He gave a little nod of his head.

“Oh.” Discord blinked. “Um, well…you’re welcome then I guess, Spike.” The chaos master considered for a moment and then smiled a little again. “And hey, listen, if you do get nervous being with Rarity at the Gala, um…feel free to find me and say hello. I don’t have much experience with pep talks, but I’m sure I could whip something up in a pinch, or at least paraphrase one Celestia or one of the girls has given to me.”

“Really?” Spike blinked.

Discord nodded, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair a little with an assured grin. “Of course. If I’m going to be a ‘role model’ of sorts for you, I might as well do it right. And besides, you and I are the only two guys in this whole collection of princesses and powerful pony mares that we’re friends with, and I am still sort of part dragon. I think that means we should stick together or something sappy like that.” He shrugged, smiling more.

Spike smiled more too. “Wow, thanks, Discord. I’d like that…especially after helping Rarity pick out ribbons and lace and sew glittery silk for the last few days.” He shrugged and pouted a little, glancing away. “Not that I don’t love spending the time with her, but things like that just start to get to a guy after a while.” His eyes lit up a little and went back to Discord again. “Hey, sometime after the Gala, Apple Jack’s brother and I were going to get together on a weekend to watch some hoofball at the Apple family farm. He brings the cider, I bring and roast the marshmallows or any other snacks we have. You should come too.”

Discord blinked. “Really? You want me?

Spike nodded. “Yeah sure. Why not?”

Discord’s eyes remained a little wide. “I…well…” But then he finally blinked a few times and smiled. “Well…yes, why not? Okay then.” His grin picked up on one side. “A whole afternoon without mares…” Discord chuckled. “Spike, that just what I need in so many ways. I owe you for this.”

“Aw, don’t mention it.” Spike just waved him off and started to climb down from the table. “Anyway, I’m going to head over to Sugar Cube Corner now. Pinkie Pie said she made a batch of sapphire cupcakes just for me.” He licked his lips and rubbed his hands together. Then he dashed off to the library exit, waving to Discord over his shoulder. “Have fun with Celestia!”

Discord nodded and gave him a little wave in return. “I’ll try. Ta ta, Spike. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure the castle doesn’t burn down or anything while everyone’s out—or at least that the throne room doesn’t get too charred.” He chuckled to himself as Spike went on his way.

Left alone in silence again, Discord let out a sigh and turned his attention back to his book, flipping it open once more. “Hmm…” he thought aloud to himself, “traitorous me just got invited to a special friends event. That’s...actually quite nice.” He cleared his throat. “And then of course there’s my special evening invitation from Celestia for this evening…. She tells me to sneak in secretly after dark, go to her directly…we’re meeting in her private room.” He blushed a little then sighed. “After all of these mixed signals and my dreams and the Gala too, a weekend of watching pony sports on a sofa and eating junk food snacks and snapping up chaos with ‘the guys’ is going to be more than necessary.” He started reading the book again (turning it vertically for lack of any other method of reading it to try at this point). “Help me out here, Starswirl. These dreams of mine are already way past out of hand. Am I just nervous about the Gala, guilty about the past, confused about wanting love or confused about Celestia…? How can I tell which one it is? There must be something I’m missing in here…”

Discord continued his studying. And he really did manage to keep the castle from burning down while everyone was out…though before he left for the evening he also specifically made sure to enchant one of the books he knew Twilight was in the middle of reading to shoot disappearing (and then reappearing again when a pony would least expect it) ink at her when she opened it. He knew she wouldn’t have expected anything less from him.

Several hours later, just after sunset…

Moonrise had come, and Discord now appeared in the familiar hallway housing Princess Luna and Princess Celestia’s private rooms.

He couldn’t help stealthily tiptoeing past Luna’s door. He knew she wasn’t in there since her duty shift had just started, he knew he had a perfectly reasonable and innocent reason for visiting, and he knew Luna wasn’t actually going to send him to the sun (probably), but he still felt a compulsion to sneak by nonetheless.

Discord arrived at Celestia’s bedroom door and paused for just a moment. Then he took a deep breath and knocked lightly, causing the not entirely closed door to swing open just a little. Discord glanced away in a touch of polite modesty and then cleared his throat. “Erm…hello, Princess? It’s me, Discord. Can I come in? I mean, are you ready for me to, or…” ‘Stop acting so formal. It really doesn’t work well on you at all,’ he instantly chided himself.

From inside, Celestia’s voice sounded. “Oh, hello, Discord! Yes, of course. Please come in.” Some of Celestia’s magic surrounded the door and caused it to open more.

Discord took his queue and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him.

The room looked much the same as the last time he had been in here, only more well lit now. But otherwise there was the same fine wood furniture, the same tall windows surrounded by silk curtains, the same large and neatly made bed full of pillows…the same vase of rainbow flowers right on Celestia’s nightstand.

Discord glanced away from those flowers, upon which his eyes found Celestia. She was standing across the room in front of her vanity, looking in her mirror and magically brushing her hair. She glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled. “Hello, Discord. Thank you for coming to see me on such short notice.” She raised an eyebrow at him, smiling more. “And since when do you call me just ‘princess’?”

Discord blinked as he realized she was right, and then rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, er…long day, Celestia.” He smiled normally now as he closed the door behind himself and approached her. “And don’t worry about the short notice. It’s not like I have an orderly schedule to keep or something.” He chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, pausing between Celestia and one side of her bed. “So, what pressing matter did you need to see me about? Pony social policy, advanced magical issues, diplomatic relations…lose a few guards in that hair of yours?” He raised an eyebrow, and his grin grew.

Celestia laughed softly, setting down her brush and turning to him. “No, no, I’m afraid it’s a little more minor than that, Discord, but still a matter of urgency.” She smiled. “First though, before I forget, I just wanted to let you know that Luna, Twilight and I have officially worked out a final schedule for the greetings at the Gala. I’ll be taking the first hoofshake shift. And I was hoping you’d join me. I promise it won’t take too long. But of course if you’d rather explore the Gala on your own or with your friends during that time instead, I’d understand.” She shrugged, her smile as accepting and inviting as ever.

Discord blinked, and some thoughts raced quickly through his mind. ‘She’s offering to let me off the hook about the hoofshakes…. Why? Because as my friend she wants me to have fun at the Gala…or because she has feelings for me and she’s trying to please me? Still though, every possibility aside, I want to show Celestia that I can be a part of the order of her party, and those hoofshakes are probably twice as boring to do alone, and she did say other ponies wanted to greet me in person…and I will be her escort. Okay.’ Discord nodded to her and grinned. “Oh, no, no, it’s fine, Celestia, I’ll do the greetings with you. No problem. Whatever you need.” He gave a deep mental sigh. ‘Rope it in, Discord. You’re starting to read way too much into everything, and that much introspection can’t be good for a chaotic mind.’

Celestia, meanwhile, just smiled more as his choice and nodded. “Very well. I’ll be glad to have you with me, Discord. Besides, it’ll make greeting the guests less boring if I have someone to talk to.” Celestia turned from him now and went over to her armoire (which had several ornate looking trunks surrounding it). “Last year I had Twilight by my side, and even though we didn’t get to do quite as much talking as I would have liked, it was just nice having a friend there to stand with me and to share the experience with.”

Discord raised an eyebrow at that comment. ‘Wow, if even she admits those hoofshakes boring, they must really, really be boring.’ He couldn’t help speaking up. “Celestia, maybe I’m missing something, but—“ Discord paused. He had found himself right in the middle of being about to sit down on the edge of her bed, and…right in the middle of feeling somehow awkward about it. He cleared his throat. “Uh, may I?” he interjected, gesturing down to the bed with his paw.

Celestia glanced over her shoulder and nodded. “Of course. Make yourself comfortable, Discord.” She went back to magically raising a trunk or two to inspect them. “Now what were you saying?”

Discord sat upon the bed, tried not to give in to the annoying urge to blush, and then went on. “Well, Celestia, maybe I’m missing something, but you’re the high leader of the free pony world—practically immortal, eternally youthful, incredibly powerful, and everyone pretty much does everything you say and gladly, present company sometimes excluded of course.” He gestured to himself with an extra smile and then went on. “So if you find something boring, like these formal Gala greetings, and especially if they’re going to be part of a party that’s at your own house, why don’t you just not do them yourself at all? Or put an end to the practice entirely?”

Celestia turned and walked back over near him, the three ornate trunks following in her magical aura and lining up in a row behind her on the floor. She smiled at his observation. “Discord, being a leader isn’t just about having fun. If all I ever did were things that interested me, I would end up neglecting the needs of the other ponies, and it would hurt their lives in Equestria.”

Discord nodded. “Okay, fair enough.” He shrugged. “But we’re not talking about you not judging their disputes anymore or not getting up obscenely early to raise the sun for them every single day or not protecting them from dangers. It’s just hoofshakes at a party, right?” He grinned and shrugged.

Celestia smiled in her normal, poised way, but lightly shook her head in response. She sat down on the floor in front of Discord. “But those hoofshakes, Discord, however simple, mean something much larger to the ponies. While they may seem small, they let every guest know that they are each special to me on a personal level and that I care enough about them to take the time to welcome them personally into my home. Not to mention, the princess formally greeting the guests at the Gala is a tradition, and traditions, however small, always bring comfort to people. I may find the hoofshakes boring, Discord, but for the good and happiness they give my people, I love doing them deep down.” Her smile grew. “Do you understand?”

Discord’s eyes were a little wide, and he was looking at Celestia with a great amount of interest now. “I…okay, but…then…this year you’re giving up some of those hoofshakes to Luna and Twilight. If the hoofshakes are so important to you, why do that?” He raised an eyebrow.

Celestia just sighed softly. “Because I can’t keep doing everything all by myself anymore, Discord. But ever since I knew Luna’s return was imminent, I’ve been training first Cadance and then Twilight as leaders. And now all four of us can share in the rule of Equestria.” She smiled in a sort of faraway way. “I’ve been at this job for a very long time, Discord, and at it alone for the last thousand years. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help from friends when you need it. And besides, it’s important for a princess to be close to her people, and that is something the hoofshakes give a chance for as well.” Her gaze focused on him again, and she smiled more. ”I’ve had a long time to get close to the other ponies, and now Luna will have a chance to do so and Twilight too.” A touch of pride came to her features.

Discord just continued to look at her in a sort of perplexed fascination. “So…you need help. I mean, no, you don’t need help but you want help anyway. You could rule all of Equestria by yourself, you have ruled it by yourself…but you want to share all of that power instead of keeping it all for yourself?”

Celestia nodded. “You ruled Equestria once all by yourself, Discord. Don’t you find it lonely? The idea of ruling all alone forever?” Something very sincere (and perhaps, deep down, a touch pained) came to her gaze.

Discord blinked several times, his eyes unable to look away from hers. “I…I was too full of hatred to really think about being lonely back then, but…” He thought about it for a moment longer, and then had to nod and agree, “Yes…I think I would find that lonely.”

Celestia smiled a little more, her gaze returning to normal, and shrugged. “So then what’s so bad about sharing your power with friends and family?”

“Nothing.” The truth of the matter had come to Discord so suddenly, and yet it seemed so clear that he couldn’t understand how he had never realized until now the simple, undeniable fact that there was nothing wrong with wanting to share power. “Nothing at all.” Discord frowned as he suddenly realized another truth…perhaps one of those ‘burdens’ Luna had mentioned that Celestia had to bear. “I’m sorry if you’ve been lonely, Celestia,” left him softly.

Celestia blinked and looked at him in surprise for a moment. But then she smiled softly. “That’s kind of you to say, Discord. Thank you.” She gave a small bow of her head.

“You’re welcome.” Discord looked into her eyes and couldn’t help giving a small bow of his head as well. He knew he could possibly pursue this topic with her a little, but now (and so suddenly) didn’t seem like the right time. Besides which, Discord’s head was still realizing new thoughts, and he wanted to go with them a little to see where they led and what else he might learn or suddenly stumble upon. “So then, until Luna came back and you found Cadance and Twilight, you helped yourself feel less lonely by getting closer to the other ponies with things like the hoofshakes at the Gala. But I thought you had always been close to the ponies.” He scratched his head. “When I met you and Luna, you both seemed…well, not as close as you are now to everyone but still close to them. And I read your two sisters journal when I was in the forest castle highlighting passages Twilight’s friendship journal, and you were close to the ponies in that too.”

Celestia smiled more. “You actually took the time to read mine and Luna’s journal while you were helping the girls?”

Discord blinked but then quickly rolled his eyes. “Well, if it makes it seem any more in character for me, at the time I wasn’t exactly reading your journal with perfectly pure intentions. I was curious to know more about my new princess friends, but let’s just say I was also open to stumbling across a weakness or two of you and your sister’s as well. Or at least I was hoping for some fun, embarrassing moments that I could tease you both about.” He chuckled and grinned at her a little.

Celestia tried not to laugh herself, and raised an eyebrow at him. “I see. So it was only with helping the girls that you had ‘perfectly pure intentions’, hmm?” Her smile grew. “It really was a very friendly and considerate thing you did, creating a guide to their keys for them.”

Discord closed his eyes and grinned proudly. “Yes, well…” Then he blinked and looked at Celestia to see her smiling all the more at him. “Oh don’t look at me like that, Celestia. It was much more a matter of practicality than sentimentality at the time, I assure you. I started off highlighting for the sake of helping Fluttershy find her key, and then it just grew into helping everyone find their keys. The whole thing was very clever of me, I suppose. Though, honestly, I can’t take too much credit.” He shrugged. “I mean, the keys thing was so obvious, after all—anyone could have picked up on the pattern and pointed it out. But the girls were always so caught up in their own pony affairs that they never had time to notice. I figured the least I could do was give them a big, vague hint. Besides, I really wanted to know what was in that chest myself.” Discord crossed his arms over his chest and sighed, shaking his head. “Although I really am embarrassed I couldn’t figure out my own role in everything until it was staring me right in the face.”

“You’re not alone with that, Discord,” Celestia added, her smile still warm and full of interest. “I knew befriending you would be a good part of Twilight’s lessons for growth as a princess, but even I didn’t realize how crucial a role you would come to play in all of our lives.”

Discord smiled a little and chuckled. “Well, at least I wasn’t the only one in the dark then.” He cleared his throat. “But anyway, moving away from my friendship exploits…yes, I did read your old journal too. And from what I recall, you and Luna were close to the ponies in your journal when you started reigning, and also a thousand years ago when I first came along, and now you’re especially close to them. And you said that’s important. So…was there ever a time when you and Luna weren’t close to the ponies?” He raised an eyebrow.

Celestia blinked at the question. Then she sighed and nodded. “There was a brief period of time after our journal was written and after Starswirl the Bearded was no longer our mentor but before you came along when Luna and I got a little…carried away with our titles.” She looked down a little sheepishly. “Without the other alicorns around... Let’s just say it’s hard to live as ‘immortal, all powerful goddesses’ among normal ponies without letting things go to your head a little.” She shrugged, her gaze meeting his again. “In our defense, Luna and I were still relatively young, even by alicorn terms. Barely more than teenagers really. It was a phase of ‘distinction’ for us, but our subjects deserved better. Why do you think Luna still has trouble not using the Royal Canterlot voice, Discord? Even up until when you came along we still used it regularly for our affairs. Before then, in our aristocratic phase, we would only address other ponies (when we even deigned to address them) with the Canterlot voice. We were a little selfish unfortunately.” She smiled. “But now we have a firmer grasp of the magic of friendship, and we’re better—better leaders and better friends to those around us.”

Discord just looked back at her with wide eyes.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Discord?”

Discord blinked. “Oh, um…sorry, I just…I just never realized that you had a past.” He blinked again and sighed. “Ugh, that sounded stupid, didn’t it? You know what I mean…”

Celestia smiled again and couldn’t help adding with a warm laugh, “Oh yes, quite a past. I could tell you such stories about Equestria. And about myself.”

An intrigued smile crossed Discord’s features. “I wouldn’t mind hearing about that.” He quickly cleared his throat, folding his hands in his lap. “I mean, maybe I’ll pop by for breakfast or something and both you and Luna and regale me with tales of yore, heh…. Anyway, what were we talking about?” He tried to look casual again.

“Originally?” Celestia glanced up, considering. “Oh…something about the hoofshakes, I think. You’re very easy to talk to, Discord. Anyway, thank you for agreeing to help me with them.” She smiled at him again. “I think you’ll enjoy the experience more than you’ll find it boring.”

Discord just shrugged and smiled back at her. “Well, we’ll see. And um…you’re very easy to talk to too.” He rubbed the back of his neck, moving things right along. “So…is that all then for tonight?”

Celestia shook her head. “I’m sorry, Discord, I guess we got a little off topic. But at least we’re getting much better at conversation together for the Gala.” She laughed warmly and then added, looking down a little, “Actually the reason I needed you to come here might seem a little silly…”

Discord’s grin picked up on one side. “Silly is my middle name, Celestia. Go on…”

Celestia smiled more, nodded, and finished, “The reason I needed you to come here tonight is because of Rarity.”

“Rarity?” Discord raised an eyebrow.

Celestia nodded. “Yes. You see, she’s been working very hard trying to design for you and I and Twilight and now even Luna for the Gala. And I think she’s very close to being in the final stages of her work, but there really isn’t much time before the main event, and she still has to have all of us in for a final fitting so she can make any last minute adjustments. And I want to give her plenty of time for all of that, but unfortunately I really can’t make it over to Ponyville for an extended period at the moment to go over my preferences for my Gala outfit design with her.” Celestia stood and stepped aside, allowing the three ornate trunks to come into view and gesturing toward them with her hoof. “So Rarity sent these over to me this afternoon—samples she had on hoof for me to look at and choose from for my Gala regalia. New yokes, new shoes, some headpieces…. Luckily, she seems to have agreed with me that a full dress would be too much. I want to be able to send my preferences back to her tonight, but…” something a touch sheepish came to Celestia’s features, “Rarity does lovely work, really, but…her style can involve a lot of flair sometimes, and I just want to make sure that whatever I pick will look good on me without being over the top. I already stand out a lot. I don’t want to stand out too much more.” She smiled up at Discord hopefully. “If I try on a few things quickly now, would you mind just letting me know if you think I look silly or not, Discord? I don’t want to bother Luna to do it—she’s been tired enough lately, and the beginning of the night can be very busy for her.”

Discord blinked as Celestia’s request of him sunk in. “Uh…well, I suppose I could do that for you. I-I’m not really a fashionista though…” He swallowed, hesitation apparent in his features.

“But you are my escort and my friend. And I value your opinion.” Celestia smiled encouragingly at him, then added with a small grin, “And besides, you’re one of the only people I know who’ll be completely bluntly honest with me and not just tell me I look ‘perfect’ no matter what I’m wearing.”

“Yes, well,” Discord grinned a little again too, “Bluntness is my other middle name.” He sighed, moving back on the bed a little and snapping himself up a mug of coffee to sip from. “Very well, I’ll do my best. Go for it, Celestia.” He held up his hand again. “Shall I snap you up a runway and some spotlights before we began though, and maybe a few pony paparazzi?”

Celestia smiled appreciatively but shook her head. “No thank you, Discord. And thank you for agreeing to help me.” She glanced at his cup and sniffed the air. “Coffee?” Her smile brightened. “Are your dreams better now, Discord?”

“Hmm…” Discord did his best not to chuckle (and of course not to blush). “Worse actually. But I think I’ve finally just decided to let the insanity play out, see where it all leads. I’ve been rereading Starswirl’s book again, and I talked to Luna a little. I told her she can use her dream powers to help me in a pinch if she wants to. The coffee should keep me awake and away from dreams altogether though for a bit anyway. But enough worrying about me.” He shooed her off with his hand, smiling more. “Come on, let’s see what Rarity’s cooked up for you. Maybe it’ll be a little preview of whatever sequin-filled monkey suit she’s got in store for me.”

Celestia did continue to look at him with a touch of compassion for a moment, but then she smiled and nodded. “Very well, Discord.” Celestia used her magic to remove her golden horseshoes, lying each of the four neatly aside before turning her attention (and magic) to one of the ornate trunks.

‘Huh, she has…almost ridiculously long legs, doesn’t she?’ Discord honestly couldn’t help himself—it was a thought, and it came into his mind automatically at the sight of Celestia standing barehooved before him, using her magic to make several shelves rise out of the trunk, each bearing several different looking fancy horseshoes. Had this moment been occurring some time ago, Discord would have followed up his observation of Celestia’s legs with a few smug little jokes directed at her regarding her excessive height. Now, however, such an observation on his part was only followed by a warmth building in Discord’s features and his eyes suddenly being unable to blink as they considered the truly interesting effect that the loss of shoes had on Celestia’s appearance. ‘Funny, I never considered myself a ‘legs man’, heh.’ He swallowed, doing his best to keep up a smile and relax with the joke, though doing so was difficult for him, to say the least.

Meanwhile, now finally done setting up Rarity’s display of sample shoes, Celestia took a step back and sighed as she observed all of the various styles. “So I was thinking of eliminating right away anything with more than a six inch heel and any shoe that would go so high up my leg that it wouldn’t allow me to bend my knees.” She smiled a little to herself, and then turned to prompt an opinion from her still silent companion. “Discord, I don’t want to influence your opinion on anything, but I hope you agree with me on at least that much.”

Discord was smiling normally now (if gripping the covers of the edge of Celestia’s bed a little with his free hand), and he nodded and cleared his throat (and kept his eyes up at her eyes). “Oh, uh, no huge heels or knee high horseshoes? A sensible choice, Celestia, and one for once that I agree with. I’d hate to be escorting someone I had to cart around all night because she couldn’t walk, after all.” He laughed softly. ‘She took off her shoes. Her SHOES. Just shoes! Get a GRIP, Discord! Really!’ And with another breath (and another sip of his coffee), he managed to get himself back to his normal internal chaotically mellow state once more.

Celestia smiled at him and then magically made the shelf of the most shoes disappear back into the trunk. “Then that just leaves these more moderate designs for us to look at. Hmm…” She examined the shoes closely. “The bronze pair is sort of nice, but I am partial to gold. Oh, and this pair is pure amber crystal. Still, that might be a little rough on my hooves all night long….”

“I like the gold ones with the diamonds on them.” Discord cleared his throat and observed, gesturing with his paw to the pair in question.

Celestia blinked and looked to his suggestion. “Really? Hmm…” she magically raised one of the gold horseshoes with diamonds up into the air, bringing it closer. “You know, I sort of like them too. Very well…I’ll mark them down…” She made a scroll and quill magically appear and then started writing something down as she magically set the horseshoe back into the case. “You see, I told you that you’d be a help to me, Discord.”

Discord just shrugged with a sheepish grin. “Hey, I just like them because diamonds reflect like prisms—they turn ordered white light into the chaos of a rainbow.”

Setting aside the scroll and quill, Celestia turned to look back at Discord with an eyebrow raised and a warm smile. “I never thought about diamonds or rainbows like that at all. What a beautiful way of looking at things, Discord.”

Discord blinked a few times and raised an eyebrow. ‘No one ever told me I had a beautiful way of looking at things. Beautiful? Ugh, I should be insulted…but I’m not. Why??’ He cleared his throat and shrugged casually. “Erm…yes, well…just trying to show my support for team ‘rainbow power’ since, you know, Twilight’s castle didn’t see fit to make me a place to support it on location.” He rolled his eyes, smiling more on the joke.

Celestia just laughed softly and then turned back to the trunks once more. “Anyway, that settles the shoes problem.” She magically closed up the shoe trunk and set it aside. Then she brought another trunk in front of her and opened it. “Now for the yokes.” Celestia used her magic to open her familiar golden yoke with the purple gem at the center and then removed it and set it aside.

Discord blushed fully at the sight that met his eyes of her perfectly white and soft-looking neck exposed in the warm lamplight of the room. He sighed and looked away as Celestia turned toward the trunk again. ‘Think about other things—chocolate rain, inverted color spectrums, a ground of clouds and a sky of grass. No, no, more chaotic…. Butterflies the size of houses, beds of mattresses filled with chocolate pudding and fireworks, the cosmos spinning in its eternal anarchy, violins made of cheese…. Okay, starting to feel better…Good.’ A relaxed smile returned to Discord’s features. ‘Dessert for breakfast…rainbows that actually tie into bows…Ethereal hair that’s a chaotic mess of eternally flowing color the likes of which I could never design even in my wildest dreams.’ And of course that thought set him to blushing once again. He finally settled on pouting slightly, looking down, and trying not to think of anything at all.

Luckily, Celestia noticed none of these responses as she was facing away from him while she allowed several yoke samples to rise out of the large trunk. “Hmm…I’m afraid I can’t use any of the ones with large ornaments or attachments. They’d get tangled in my hair right away no matter how Rarity styles it.” She set these styles back into the trunk.

Discord cleared his throat, clinging to a new topic to distract his thoughts. “Rarity is going to style your hair?”

“Hmm?” Celestia glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled and nodded. “Oh yes. Rarity did Cadance’s hair when the Crystal Empire was getting judged to host the Equestria Games. She managed to recreate the traditional crystal princess braid. It’s a very impressive feat. Don’t worry though, you’ll still be able to recognize me at the Gala. I told Rarity nothing fancy.” Celestia laughed softly and then turned to a new yoke sample. “Hmm…a pink one…” She magically raised her hair a little and fastened it around her neck. Then she looked to her vanity mirror but frowned. “No, I really haven’t cared for pink since I was a filly.” She unclasped it and went to another yoke, which she put on and also observed in the mirror. “This one’s gold, but there are a lot of gem stones in it.” She turned to face Discord. “Do you think it’s too much?

“I-I think you look perf—…” Discord paused in mid-sentence and discovered something unsettling. He had just had the compulsion to tell Celestia, no matter what she looked like right now, that she looked ‘perfect’ as usual. Like he was just another one of her many admirers or one of her little ponies trying to be polite and adoring as ever for the sake of her approval. ‘This is stupid. Discord, you’re getting yourself all worked up over nothing. At worst, this is probably just you being shy around mares like Luna suggested because of the thousand years in stone, case closed…and at the very worst it’s just a very deep crush, like you told Fluttershy. Now stop whining and just tell her the truth and be yourself.’ Taking a deep breath, Discord resumed his grin and gave her his honest (somewhat cheeky, as per usual) opinion. “No, it’s not too much, Celestia…not if you want to look like a dragon buffet at the Gala, I mean.” He chuckled.

Celestia couldn’t help chuckling too, glancing down at the jewel-encrusted yoke again. “Point taken.” She unclasped the yoke and set it back in the trunk too. “Hmm…” She looked to the trunk and raised another yoke up in the air. “This one’s gold with an amber crystal at the center. It’s very sunny, don’t you think, Discord?” She turned to him, holding the yoke up beside her neck.

“Always obsessed with the sun, aren’t we, Celestia?” Discord had to reply back, smiling more.

Celestia shrugged, her smile warming. “Maybe a little. But I do think this design would go nice with the shoes. How about you?” She magically held it up next to her bare neck.

Discord nodded, his grin still casual (if his eyes had become a little hazed). “You’ll look just fancy schmancy enough that it’ll be like you’re dressing up but not fancy schmancy enough to make anypony even more jealous of you than they already are, oh wise and wondrous Celestia.” A chuckle left him, and he took another deep sip of his coffee.

Celestia laughed too and shook her head. “Very funny, Discord.” She put away the yoke, and then made the scroll and quill appear again to mark down her preference. “And now for the head dresses.” Celestia magically removed her crown and set it upon her vanity table.

Discord couldn’t help letting himself really look at her for a moment like this. None of the royal trappings, none of the stately finery—just a pretty white pony with a mane and tail of colorful hair. ‘She looks so young.’ It reminded Discord of the dream he’d had not too long ago of the girls as fillies and the princesses as fillies and himself as a very young little draconequus all playing together. He smiled a little more to himself. ‘If we really had known each other when we were little and been friends from the start…I wonder how we might have ended up being now?’ He remembered again his most recent dream—falling into the flowers with Celestia amid play and giggles, and awaiting (and wanting) a kiss. Discord let out a deep breath, took a final swig of his coffee before snapping away the mug, and just tried to look at Celestia again as a simple friend in need of his advice. And he was very glad as he (barely) managed to get his head above the romantic waters once more.

Celestia, meanwhile, was now using her magic to make the third trunk open. “Now, let’s see what Rarity had in mind for head pieces…” The first thing the sun princess made levitate out of the trunk was four feet long with feathers and shimmering sequins and blinking lights.

Celestia’s eyes went very wide, and then she took a step back, carefully lowered the ornate creation back into the trunk and magically closed the trunk tightly. “Erm…” she turned toward Discord with a sheepish smile, “you know, as for head dresses, maybe I’ll just tell Rarity that some ribbons in my hair would be nice instead. She’s going to have enough trouble trying to style my mane all things considered, I don’t want to put her out too much with having to do anything else for it.” Celestia magically marked down this final preference on the scroll.

Discord had to chuckle (and especially at how much the head piece had screamed ‘Rarity trying to design for royalty’). “Yes, well, at least you’re finally admitting how much of a piece of work that hair of yours is, Celestia. I mean, forget a brush—for that flowing manticore mane Rarity’s going to need at least a small stool and a whip.” Discord snapped his fingers, making each object appear in either of his hands and a safari outfit appear on himself. He grinned smugly.

Celestia finished writing and looked at him with a dry smile. “Very funny.” She sealed the scroll and placed it on top of one of the trunks. “You should hope she’s successful though—otherwise every time we get close at the Gala you’ll end up getting tickled nearly to death again by my mane.” Her grin picked up a little on one side.

Discord shrugged. “Hey if it keeps a smile on my face at this quite potentially stuffy and boring little shindig of yours, I’m game.” He snapped his fingers, making the lion tamer stuff disappear.

“The Gala won’t be boring at all now that you’re going to be there this year, Discord. Trust me.” Celestia smiled to herself, shaking her head as she glanced at the trunks and then magically made them all disappear.

Discord just shrugged and smiled in a touch of pride. “Well…I can’t work chaos miracles, but I’ll do my best to make sure we have a good time.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Discord. I’ll do my best too.” She headed over to her vanity again. “And I suppose I’ll see you at the fitting at Rarity’s as soon as she’s ready to have us in. I think she wants both of us to be there at once so she can make sure we look nice together in our new outfits.” She magically brushed her mane a little.

Discord nodded, trying not to get distracted by the chaos of that hair of hers again. “ Yeah, I suppose we’ll have to get that embarrassing ordeal over with sooner or later. Getting all dolled up, the girls poking and prodding us, Rarity acting like we’re the cutest couple ever.”

“I’m looking forward to it myself.” Celestia shrugged, still smiling, and using her mirror to look behind herself at him. “I think the fitting will be fun. And thank you so much again for helping me pick out some designs for my outfit, Discord. I appreciate it.”

Discord gave her a little nod back. “No problem, Celestia.” He stood up from her bed now. “Well, I guess I should get going now that we’re done. You probably had a busy day and you’re probably pretty tired.”

Celestia glanced out her window at the position of the moon. “Yes, I suppose it is getting a little late. And I am a little tired.” She couldn’t help yawning as she put down her brush and turned to him once more, smiling warmly. “Thank you again for coming by on such short notice, Discord. I hope you have a good, peaceful night, Discord.”

Discord smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Celestia. And if you need me for anything else before the Gala, just let me know. If I’m not in the statue garden, you can send another message through Spike—I’m sure I’ll get it. I could even help you set up a bit that night before the Gala,” he offered, then quickly crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes to the side. “Not that I’m trying to be too helpful, but I figure after all the planning you’re doing you should get to relax as much as possible before the big event, and also I think technically I’ll be responsible for seeing to your needs as your escort for the full day and night of the Gala so…if you need someone for some last minute setting up, I’m your draconequus.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Thank you for the offer, Discord. I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to pop by sometime before the Gala to offer some decorating advice. But as for the day of the Gala, I appreciate it your offer, but I won’t need any help. Everything should be all set up by that morning. And I’ll need quite a few hours in the afternoon to myself to get ready for that night anyway.”

Discord blinked. “Hours?”

Celestia nodded again. “Of course. I want to look my best after all, for my subjects and for you. This is the first year that I’m really going to get to mingle among the ponies. I want it to be special.” She shrugged. “And who knows, maybe they’ll all become comfortable enough around me that night to treat me a bit more normally like you and Luna and Twilight and her friends do.”

Discord couldn’t help but grin at her sweet hope. “And on top of wanting to share your power, you specifically don’t want to be treated like royalty if you can help it. Truly you are the most selfless among us, Celestia.” He shook his head and then couldn’t help grinning a little more and adding, “I take it this means no Royal Canterlot voice at this royal Canterlot affair?”

Celestia chuckled and shook her head. “Not from me.” She sighed. “Though if Luna loses her temper at all, I can’t make any promises.” She smiled to herself and then walked over to her armoire, magically opening a drawer.

“Point taken.” Discord rolled his eyes and laughed to himself. Then he stretched and took a few steps away. “Well, I’ll be on my way then. I’m getting a little sleepy. Have a good night.” He paused for just a moment though and looked back to Celestia who had just removed something from a drawer. He hesitated, almost stopped himself, but then made himself ask as part of a compulsion he just couldn’t help…. “Um…Celestia? Just out of complete curiosity…I’ve heard Luna’s, but what does your Royal Canterlot voice sound like exactly?”

Celestia (now finished draping a large white towel over her back) glanced over at Discord, a smile on her face that couldn’t help but grow into a playful smirk. “You read our journal Discord…it can bring dragons to their knees.” A touch of pride came to her features as she walked toward her bathroom door, her head held high.

Discord just watched her with wide eyes and that pesky blush peeking back into his features again. “Huh…oh…” was all that left him.

Celestia gave a warm laugh as she magically opened the bathroom door. She paused and glanced at him one more time over her shoulder. “Goodnight, Discord.”

Discord just shuffled backward a little toward her bedroom door. “Er…goodnight, Princess… I mean, Celestia, good night Celestia!” He cleared his throat, and tried to resume his normal confident tone and stance. “Sorry—the coffee’s got me a little on edge. I do better with sugar rushes than caffeine rushes. I’ll just snap up a pot of Fluttershy’s herbal tea before bed, that’ll level out my chaos again.” He shrugged and waved. “Pleasant dreams, Celestia.”

“Pleasant dreams, Discord,” Celestia returned with a nod of her head.

Discord then snapped to make the bedroom door open up and stepped out of it, closing the door behind him.

Celestia smiled to herself, turning toward the bathroom and continuing forward. “My royal Canterlot voice…Oh Discord.” She shook her head and smiled more as she entered her bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Meanwhile, out in the hall…

Finally out of sight of Celestia, Discord let out a very deep sigh and leaned back against a wall for a moment, a paw on his face. “I’m going to have to go to my thinking tree for this one, aren’t I?” He sighed again, mumbling to himself. “You practically fell all over yourself because of a lack of horseshoes, a tossed aside yoke, and a removed crown. And you bonded with her…shared your opinions…took an unspeakable amount of pleasure in her conversation…and I think you’ve suddenly decided that you find the idea of her Royal Canterlot voice a turn on.” Discord nodded firmly to himself. “Oh, yes. Thinking tree it is. Because either I really really am rusty with dealing with women…or I officially have a ‘thing’ for Celestia—a heart pounding, thought numbing, grin-inducing, ‘no sense’ making, utterly mortifying, deeply romantic thing for her.”

Discord grimaced and almost shuddered (or did he tremble?) before snapping his fingers to make himself disappear. And he had a final thought as he went along his way. ‘That is it—once this Gala is over and this ridiculous crush on Celestia is out of my system, I am taking a long, long vacation from this place and all of its princesses. Nothing but blue skies, warm nights, fruity drinks and Discord getting back to focusing on what really matters—himself.’ Discord took comfort from the plan, though something inside of him had to realize that his nature might no longer have the carefree selfishness necessary to pull off such an intention for very long…and that assistance with doubts about friendship (and even love) could rarely be found by running off alone.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, and thank you for reading another update to this fic! I hope you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Next time...the princess sleepover/night meeting finally gets underway :pinkiehappy: And perhaps Luna will be called upon to assist with another nightmare from a certain slumberer... :33 It's all coming up in the next chapter (or two)!

Chapter 13: A Night(mare) Meeting, Part 1

On a side note, I know, I know...we just had an episode featuring the Gala which sort of put a big dent in this fic's ability to follow show canon. :twilightsheepish: I've written a brief note at the end of the first chapter addressing this fact for first time readers of this story. The basic gist of the note is that this fic was set to take place between seasons 4 and 5, and still kind of works if you imagine this fic is about a general large dance/ball event instead of the Gala (or that "Make New Friends and Keep the Discord" is about a general large dance/ball event instead of the Gala, though of course clearly what happens in the show takes precedence over what happens in my random writings lol). Regardless though, the Gala itself really isn't important for this fic--what is important is Discord growing into the magic of friendship and strengthening his relationships with the people around him via new social situations :) So even if there are canon issues, I hope you'll all still continue to enjoy the story ^_^ Thank you all!

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