• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,698 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 29 (Epilogue): Discord and Celestia, Sitting Under a Tree...

“Okay, just try not to think so much, Tia.”

“Discord, I really hope that’s not a regular piece of advice you’re going to give your students.”

“Oh ha ha, Celestia, very funny. You know what I mean.”

Discord leaned back against his blue thinking tree in a clearing of the Everfree Forest and grinned at his first ‘student’ following her latest attempt to work chaos magic (she’d been making valiant efforts for the better part of the morning). “You’re approaching this like it’s a new spell you have to memorize or a new body of knowledge you have to absorb. But it’s a feeling, Celestia, a different perspective. It’s not a building up of something new—it’s an unraveling of what’s already there, at least in this orderly world you ponies have created.”

Celestia put a hoof to her chin. “So then in your chaos dimension, it would just be an expansion of what’s already there…”

“Exactly.” Discord nodded. “Which is why we’re here in the Everfree Forest. It’s like a border between my chaotic world and your orderly world. Here you can expand and unravel. But let’s start with unraveling—that’s what’s hardest for orderly little ponies like you, after all, princess. Two weeks and no breakthroughs: I think you’re holding back on me, Tia.” Discord held back a chuckle.

Celestia rolled her eyes, trying not to recall her somewhat lackluster attempts so far today at chaos (the results of which had just been her using her usual alicorn magic to make a tree crooked or to turn a patch of red flowers blue or to create a few more piles of rainbow-colored popcorn). However, she had yet to summon magic like Discord’s despite his best efforts to teach her…but she wasn’t about to give up now.

“Okay, Discord…. Let’s try one more time.” Celestia sighed and powered up her horn once more.

“Celestia…” Discord smiled more, “you’re doing it again…”

Celestia blinked, and her horn stopped glowing. “Oh, right…” She smiled sheepishly. “The chaos has to come as a burst.”

Discord nodded. “Exactly. Like one of my ‘snaps’ but with a horn. It’s not enough to do orderly magic to make something chaotic—we’re trying to work chaos in its purest form.” He moved closer to her. “And try not to feel nervous. We might not get it to work today; we might not get it to work ever actually. And it’s probably more my fault than yours. I never realized how hard explaining chaos could be.” He frowned a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “But at least we’ll know sooner or later whether me being a teacher would work.”

“We’ll make it work, Discord.” Celestia smiled softly at him. “And you’re better at teaching than you realize. If this doesn’t work, it won’t be because of you.”

Discord’s smile returned.

Celestia winked at him and then looked forward at a large toadstool. She closed her eyes, and suddenly a flash of yellow magic left her horn. Then she opened her eyes and looked forward with a hopeful smile…only to have her smile fall. The toadstool had purple polka dots on it now, which was great…but they were in orderly lines on its surface. And she had still used pony magic even if the burst of it had been a little chaotic. She sighed again, and her look grew dull. “Maybe I’m just too old for this. Too set in my ways.”

“You’re not old, Tia. You’re just the most stubborn lady on the planet.” Discord chuckled.

Celestia rolled her eyes and glanced at him with a smirk.

The chaos master smirked at her in return and crossed his arms over his chest. “You know it’s true. You have a way of doing things; a way of running Equestria; a way of using your magic. So you follow the patterns, and it’s great for everyone. But you get so on edge about loosening up that you limit yourself sometimes. You’re capable of chaos; you’re capable of anything! You raise the sun each day! You put me on the path to getting reformed, you trained the princess of friendship, you even manage to get up at dawn each morning for work. You can do this—just let yourself do it.” His smile softened. “Even if things get a little out of control, no one’s around to get hurt, and I’m here to help. Chaos master, remember?” He brushed his paw against his chest and held his head high.

Celestia finally laughed. “Okay, Discord. Getting that comfortable might take me a few more sessions though.” Then she raised an eyebrow at him. “Discord?”

He was glancing around in thought, twirling his beard in his fingers (Celestia blushed and looked away for a moment). She looked back over when he suddenly snapped. “Got it! Oh!” His snap accidentally made a butterfly with a stick of butter for a body appear in the air. He chuckled and then snapped it away and looked to Celestia again. “We just need to make this a more casual atmosphere. Forcing chaos never works—it just has to flow.”

“Okay, Discord.” Celestia nodded. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well, let’s get a nice blanket to relax on, and maybe some pillows….” He snapped up a chequered pink and blue blanket and bunch of purple and yellow plaid throw pillows in different shapes. “And now we can just kick back and relax a little instead of ‘standing at attention’ while we do this.” He threw himself back onto some of the pillows, facing up at the sky overhead. “Now you, Tia. Come on, we’ll try something simple—making regular white clouds into chaotic ones.”

Celestia hesitated. “I…all right, Discord. I’ll try.” She walked onto the blanket but then paused. Turned once, a second time, then paused again. Finally she sighed and lay on her stomach.

“Celestia,” Discord raised an eyebrow, “you don’t get a good view of the clouds lying like that—you’ll have to angle your head so much just to see past the tree branches.”

“I know.” Celestia blushed a little and glanced. “Discord, you’re going to think it’s silly, but…I’m not very good at lying on my back. I think it’s my size and my hair. And I always feel like I’m going to fall when I try to drop down like that. And then once I’m down there I feel like I can’t get up. I’m willing to try, but you can’t laugh.”

Discord tilted his head with a big grin. “Are you serious?”

Celestia rolled her eyes but nodded. “Yes, Discord.”

“Oh, this I have to see…” He sat up and snapped himself up a small bowl of popcorn. “And I promise, I won’t laugh.” He held up his hand then went back to eating.

Celestia smiled more. Then she stood, turned a little, and sat with her hips to the side. She attempted to lie back, but then came forward again. Then she took a deep breath and moved onto her stomach to try and roll onto her back but sat up again with a pout. She shifted half to the side but gave up once more. “Now, wait, I can just…” She almost just threw herself backwards but hesitated at the last second.

“Oh Celestia, honestly—here, let me.” Discord rolled his eyes and snapped. Celestia floated up (with wide eyes); his magic then turned her over, there was a flash, and now she was lying on her back on the blanket with pillows propping her up.

Discord snapped away his popcorn and lay back down too. “So now I know your great weakness—clearly I’m going to have to share with all of the other villains that if they want to defeat you, they just have to make it so that you can’t reach whatever you need in order to win unless you’re on your back.” He chuckled.

Celestia shook her head but smiled more as she settled in. “You said you wouldn’t laugh, Discord.”

“I said I wouldn’t laugh while you were lying down—didn’t say anything about laughing once you were down here.” He winked.

She smiled more. “Thanks for your help…turning me over and everything.” She blushed a little.

He blinked a few times then blushed and nodded. “Oh, um…you’re welcome.” He looked to the sky.

Celestia glanced at him for a moment longer, then looked up too and sighed. “Discord, once this lesson is over, can we talk about something?”

Discord nodded. “Of course.” He took a breath. “Now, um, where were we? Ah, yes…Okay. Close your eyes, Tia.”

Celestia closed her eyes.

Discord spoke, and she listened.

“Now, don’t think of chaos, don’t think of order, don’t think of spells or even exactly what you want to happen or what you think chaos should be. Just remember the clouds…and think of something fun. Think of moments in your life that have made forget your cares; think about the most creative you’ve ever felt; think about beautiful accidents; think about something in yourself relaxing; think about whatever makes you laugh most.”

Though Celestia smiled as memories of adventures with Starswirl and filly Twilight’s shenanigans and romping with Luna in her youth and her first time raising the sun went through her mind, she also blushed faintly—after all, what made her laugh the most was the creature beside her right now.

And he kept speaking in that soothing, charming voice of his.

“Chaos is recognizing that everything around you has infinite possibilities. Show me one of those possibilities, Tia. There isn’t a right answer, and there won’t ever be. And the answers can change. Let one of those shifting possibilities free. Let yourself be free too…just like you let me be free.”

The Everfree Forest had always been an amazing place to her. That was part of why she and Luna had chosen to build their first castle at its heart. There was something beautiful and mysterious and enchanting here, and that magic would always be part of her, and she would always be part of it.

Discord’s words continued.

“Creation is change; chaos is change. So chaos is everywhere. Find its magic inside of you.”

“Oh…” Something warm and wild and beautiful escaped from Celestia then—perhaps it had been centered in her horn, but part of her felt like it had come from all over herself in a quick ‘pop’. It was the strangest magical sensation she had ever known, and yet it felt…right somehow. It made her smile as her eyes opened in a peaceful haze. And then those eyes went wide as her gaze came to the clouds overhead.

They had been white and wispy before; now they were splotched with neon sunset colors, and as they passed overhead they drizzled blueberries onto Celestia and Discord. Celestia laughed, and then she gasped as Discord suddenly appeared floating above her with a big grin and wide eyes. “Tia, you did it!!!” He laughed and twirled in the air, catching blueberries in his mouth.

Celestia laughed more and ate some blueberries too as she managed to roll on her side a little against the pillows. “I did! Oh!”

Discord instantly came beside her and picked up the rest of the way by her shoulders until she was sitting too. “Tia, it worked! That wasn’t pony magic, that was chaos through and through!” He was beaming. “This means I can teach at your school, I can spread chaos in a new way, I can finally not be the only one doing chaos magic!”

Celestia nodded. “I’m so happy for you, Discord! I knew you could do it.”

“I knew we could do it.” Discord chuckled more and clapped his hands together. “I did something, and you did something, and then something even bigger happened! No wonder you love to teach little ponies! Is this why you kept Twilight by your side as your faithful student as long as you could until you sent her to Ponyville?”

Celestia’s smile grew. “Something like that. And yes, teaching is wonderful, isn’t it?” Her eyes sparkled a little. “I’ve never seen anyone as enthusiastic about it as I am until now. I’m glad I could give you such a special feeling.”

Discord remained smiling but then blushed a little and glanced to the side.

Celestia blinked then blushed too (but likewise kept smiling). She spoke, more softly this time. “You know, you gave me a special feeling too. I haven’t had the chance to really learn something new—to practice, try, fail, practice more and finally succeed—in centuries. For years I’ve only ever been able to watch my students have that feeling.”

Discord’s eyes came back to hers as his blushing subsided. “Happy to help.” He looked up to her clouds once more as the blueberry shower tapered off. “I’m not alone anymore with my chaos.”

“No one’s ever alone who has friends, Discord,” Celestia added softly.

His eyes came to hers again, and his grin grew. “You’re getting sappy again, Celestia.”

She grinned back. “Or maybe I’m just being teacher’s pet.”

They shared a soft laugh together.

Celestia’s smile warmed. “So then, shall I start the paperwork to have you begin teaching next term at the Unicorn Academy?”

Discord rolled his eyes to the side. “Uh, first, please don’t dampen the chaotic glory of this moment by mentioning paperwork. And second, let’s just give it a little more time. I’d like to practice teaching more with you and maybe the girls and even Spike too—I really want to make sure I can teach chaos to everyone, not just unicorns. And I…also might like to write that book you suggested once that I write—the textbook on chaos. I’ve already been taking notes.” He gave a sheepish shrug.

Celestia nodded. “That sounds like a great plan, Discord. And I’d love to read your book one day.”

Discord chuckled. “Twilight’s going to be my editor even if she doesn’t realize it yet. But you can read the first draft as soon as we have it done.” He winked.

Celestia smiled more. “I’d like that.”

Discord popped another blueberry into his mouth with his tail. “By the way, I like the blueberry option for the clouds; it’s sort of like chaotic hale.”

“Thanks.” Celestia ate one too. “Blueberries are my favorite fruit. They always come in right at the start of summer when the days are long and we have so much sunshine.”

“See—it was your own perspective on chaos you made, and nobody else’s. You did a great job.” He smirked. “A+ for the day.” He snapped up scroll with a big A+ on it.

Celestia’s eyes hazed. “Thank you, Professor Discord.”

“You’re welcome, Grand Poobah Celestia, or whatever it is they call you at that school.” He chuckled as he snapped the scroll away.

Celestia smiled sheepishly. “Technically I think my title is Royal Headmistress, but everyone just calls me Princess like usual. Present company excluded of course.”

“Very well.” Discord nodded. “And you don’t have to call me professor unless you really want to.”

Celestia laughed softly.

Discord stretched a little and stood. “Well, I think that’s quite a lot to have accomplished for today. We can leave your clouds here—the Everfree Forest will take care of them soon enough, and until then they’ll give the animals a nice snack. Why don’t we head back to the castle for some celebratory cake?”

The sun princess didn’t stand up though. “Discord…I still need to talk to you about something, remember?”

Discord blinked then nodded and sat down again. “Oh right.” He smiled. “What’s on your mind, Tia?”

Celestia smiled a little as she used her magic to make a rolled up scroll appear. “This…”

He raised an eyebrow.

Celestia explained. “It’s a letter Cadance gave me before she went back to the Crystal Empire a couple weeks ago. It’s, um…her advisements to me about our relationship.”

“Oh.” The chaos master blushed, his eyes a little wide (and his gaze unable to help remaining on the scroll for a moment before he looked back to Celestia). “Um…anything I should know about?”

Celestia smiled softly. “She starts out innocently enough with advice about friendship and courtship and you and I having such a special bond. Then she writes about the benefits and obstacles she sees for us trying to be a couple, which is fine too. But, um…then she offers to let us use her chalet in the Crystal Mountains for private romantic weekends, and she discusses intimate matters ranging from matrimony to other personal things. And of course she finishes up by offering to foalsit for us anytime should we need her services.” Despite her deep blushing, Celestia’s smile remained.

She looked up to see Discord blushing as well. “Yikes.” He smiled sheepishly. “She’s certainly ambitious, isn’t she?”

Celestia made the scroll disappear. “I can’t decide if I want to have a long talk with her about her ‘colorful’ understanding of the realm of love or if I never want to look her in the eye again.”

Discord chuckled a little. “Well, you wanted to be able to talk more freely about the romantic part of your life, and it looks like cheeky Cadance made that happen as thoroughly as possible. Mountain chalets and matrimony…” Despite his attempt to keep up the smile, he looked down and turned almost pink. “…Foals…”

Celestia blushed too. “She did have one very interesting piece of advice about something though…” She glanced up to see Discord looking at her with wide eyes.

Yes?” His voice cracked slightly, and he cleared his throat. “I mean, uh…yes, what?”

She used her hoof to play with the edge of the picnic blanket. “She had advice on how to stop the awkward moments that still come up between us now and again—like the one during Luna’s slumber party when we were out in the hall…or like the one right now as we’re sitting here trying to talk about a letter full of advice on how the two of us could live out the ‘greatest passionate affair in Equestrian history’—that’s a direct quote by the way.” Her look went a little dry.

Discord chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, I am going to get Cadance the next time I see her…unless of course her advice on how to stop the ‘moments’ really is good.” His smile fell a little. “They might go away on their own, but who knows how long that’ll take? And I don’t want them to hurt our friendship. I like how we are these days, Tia.” He moved closer. “We’re like…childhood friends or something, but we just didn’t realize it until now.” He swallowed. “Except every once in a while I feel like I can’t look you in the eye…or like I can’t stop looking away from your eyes. And I still can’t go in your room. And it really is weird trying to talk about this letter. It’d be nice if all that could change.”

Celestia swallowed too. “Cadance says her advice is full proof.”

Discord smiled. “Well, that’s great then.”

“But it’s a little…strange, her idea.” She sighed.

“Okay, well, now I have to know.” His grin picked up on one side.

She smiled a little too as she explained. “Cadance says those moments come up because there’s romantic tension between us. We’re curious now that we’re so aware of the idea of being more than friends. So Cadance said the way to end the curiosity is simple…” She took a deep breath. “She said we should kiss.”

Discord looked back to her with wide eyes and his jaw a little open. “I…” He glanced around then furrowed his brow, “I’m not sure I understand.”

Celestia went on. “Cadance says that if we sit down as friends and share a kiss, it’ll end the awkwardness. We won’t always be wondering ‘what would more than friendship be like for us’ because we’ll have faced it and we’ll know. Then we can move forward. And if we kiss on purpose instead of because we’re caught up in one of those sudden moments, we can keep it simple and not let it overwhelm us.” She looked down. “I know…it’s an odd idea. I wouldn’t have mentioned it, but I just thought she had some good insight about the problem. It’s something to think about the next time we end up in a strange moment. Maybe it’ll help?” She shrugged then blinked and looked over at the chaos master as a distinct chuckle escaped him. “Discord?”

Discord’s smile grew. “Sorry, it’s just…I have to give Cadance credit: there’s a certain ‘illogical logic’ behind her suggestion. She’s quite the princess to be reckoned with.” He sighed. “And she does make a good point about the tension and curiosity. In a way it’s not even the ‘moments’ that strain our friendship as much as worrying about them coming up and where they might accidentally go.”

“So you think her plan would work then?”

The chaos master’s eyes widened a little. “Do you?”

“I think it would depend…”

“On what?”

“On…how we went about it.”

Discord was silent at first. Then he blinked a few times. “Celestia…what are saying?”

The sun princess sighed. “I’m saying I don’t want little things like falling against each other and talking about how complicated our relationship really is and being alone at certain times to be hard either. I want to be able to talk about whatever we want and to do anything together, Discord, and just feel happy.” She began to blush. “And Cadance thinks a kiss would give us that freedom.”

The chaos master blushed as well now. He just sat there silently, looking down in thought.

Celestia swallowed and went on. “It’s just one option. Letting time pass and take care of things is another option, and it might be better for us. Besides…like I said, a kiss would have to be done right or it might make things even worse. It couldn’t be just a peck, but it couldn’t be too intimate. We’d have to find a balance and do this calmly as two friends.” She cleared her throat. “It’s a small thing, but a big decision. It’s not something I’d normally consider doing.”

Discord let out a breath. Then, after a pause, he spoke again. “You know…if we…really went insane enough to do this…we could keep it brief, and I’d never tell another soul about it, not even Fluttershy. And I’d never make a joke about it. And I’d never bring it up again at all if you didn’t want me to.”

Celestia nodded. “If we did…I’d like for it to remain a private thing, Discord, yes. And it’s something I’d want to do sooner rather than later.” She barely glanced at him.

The chaos master swallowed. “Yes, well…why wait for closure?” He cleared his throat. “And we could have privacy. Here.” He snapped.

Instantly, the blanket and pillows disappeared, and behind them Discord’s thinking tree grew tall and changed so that the branches were long and hung down full of leaves like a willow. An opening in the center framed Discord and Celestia.

The sun princess looked down, smiling softly. “I suppose we’ve made our decision then.” Her eyes drifted to Discord.

Discord’s eyes drifted to hers as well. “Yes, I suppose we have.”

“I won’t tell anyone either, not even Luna,” she added in a whisper.

“And we can keep this as gentle and simple as you’d like—no pressure at all,” he whispered back. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you, Discord; I think something a straightforward as possible is best for helping our friendship.”

Discord nodded. “So just one kiss then…unless of course you beg for more, Tia.” He gave her a teasing wink then snapped up a perfume-like bottle, opened his mouth, and spritzed the back of his throat with something bright and minty (and maybe also smelling a little of cotton candy).

“Just one unless Cadance orders us to have more.” Celestia laughed softly and brushed her hoof through her mane a few times and gently pushed back the piece of hair on one side around her horn so that both of her eyes could be seen.

Discord’s tail snapped to close the curtain of willows in front of them.

Within the confines of the tree’s boughs, Celestia and Discord sat shrouded in pale blue light. They were safe in their own little piece of the world with no one to see them, no responsibilities to distract them, no expectations that could complicate their time together, and no obligation to take the consequences of whatever would happen here back out into the larger world.

Discord took a breath, and though he tried to maintain a casual smile, there was a light tremor underlying his tone that only someone who knew him well and who was listening closely might detect. “Tia, are you sure you want to do this?”

Celestia looked down slightly, blushing more. “Yes; as long as you want to do it too. Do you?” Her eyes met his.

Discord pouted. “Not if you’re just doing it because you feel bad for me—throwing a small favor to the old spirit of mischief who still finds himself attracted to you even if all you’ll ever be together is friends.”

She looked into his eyes. “Discord, you have to know I respect you more than that.”

His eyes widened.

Celestia took a breath. “And do you respect me more than to do something like this not because you genuinely think it might help our friendship but just so you could have a kiss with a mare you find attractive?” Her blush darkened, but her poise remained.

Discord blinked. His tone held a rare sincerity (like when he had thanked Twilight for saving him from Tirek and apologized to Fluttershy after his betrayal). “I’d never do something so insensitive to you, not for anything in the world. If I thought a kiss would hurt our friendship in any way, I…”

Celestia smiled. “Then there’s nothing to be worried about for either one of us, is there, Discord? You and I both know this is right, and so it could never hurt our friendship.”

Discord smiled again. “You’re so clever. I mentioned that’s one of the reasons I’m attracted to you, right? Sometimes I think you’re the smartest mare in Equestria. But don’t tell Twilight—I don’t want to give her an intelligence complex.”

Her smile grew. “Thank you, Discord. And sometimes I think you’re the most creative being in Equestria.” She glanced up to admire the lovely place he had made for them. “Your tree’s so beautiful like this—I’ve never seen anything like it. If you decided to try dating anyone else, this would certainly be a lovely place to take her.”

“I’d rather just focus on you right now, my darling Celestia.” A soft chuckle left the chaos master.

Her eyes went a little wide. “Darling?” The sun princess glanced at the chaos master and swallowed to see that he had shifted closer now.

He grinned at her, his eyes hazed. “That’s what I call you in my head—Darling Celestia. ‘Tia’s’ for when we’re having a fun moment together, but ‘Darling Celestia’s’ usually just for me.” He sighed. “I just figured since whatever happens under this tree is probably going to stay under this tree, I’d share.”

Celestia couldn’t help a light giggle. “How romantic.”

Discord nodded. “Just trying to give us some atmosphere. You deserve the best after all.” He snapped again.

Celestia watching in amazement as the willows grew thicker and shimmered with touches of light, and pale blue flowers grew to dot the boughs of the tree. The atmosphere became a shade dimmer; the effect was like being surrounded by a glowing, bright night.

A light sigh left her, and she spoke without realizing it as a memory returned to her. “Is this where you would have brought us?”

Discord raised an eyebrow.

Celestia blinked, then blushed a little and explained as she looked to him again. “At the Gala, when we danced…the second time…and we almost…and you thought I was just shy, so you offered to take us somewhere private.”

“Oh.” Discord’s eyes widened a little. “Actually, I would have brought us to my valley in the statue garden.” He shrugged. “I thought it would have been a nice and also slightly ironic place to end the night.”

“…The whole night?” She barely looked at him.

Discord turned a shade of red that looked purple in the blue glow of the tree. He hesitated, then… “If you felt about me the way I feel about you, even a whole night wouldn’t be enough to express it all.”

Celestia couldn’t help smiling more. “Discord…all these weeks, feeling this way…I wish you had told me sooner.”

“I almost did, so many times. But it’s not an easy thing to say…those words…even to somepony as special as you.” He smiled a little again.

Celestia’s blushing burned rosy. “I think we were right to decide that what happens under here stays under here. I’d like this memory to be something special between you and I, as part of our friendship.”

Discord nodded. “Yes, I’d prefer this didn’t end up splashed over the tabloids or as something the girls rib us about in the future. Everything we do seems connected with all of our other friends, and I do love that connection. But just this once, let’s make a moment only about the connection between you and I...whatever the nature of that connection is or ends up being.”

She nodded in return. “Okay, Discord.”

And then slowly the couple turned to face each other.

Discord swallowed, still smiling a little. “It’s been ages since I’ve…”

“I know what you mean.” Celestia sighed. “So we’re both a little rusty. No pressure then.” Her smile grew.

Discord’s smile grew as well. “I love when you read my mind.” Then he swallowed. “Holding you while we did this would probably be too much, right?”

Celestia’s eyes went a little wide. She took a breath. “I think it might complicate things.”

Discord nodded. “I understand.”

Celestia smiled softly and blushed as she added, “But…I think what’s happened with our tails is acceptable.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. Celestia gestured to the side with her head, and he looked over to see that somehow their tails had drifted together on the soft grass. “Oh.” He smiled again and turned back to her. “I can live with that.” He let the end of his tail swirl a little more into hers. And then he couldn’t help adding in a singsong whisper… “Discord and Celestia, sitting under a tree…

“Very funny.” Celestia laughed softly. “I think we’re both finally relaxed now, master of chaos. And I’m still waiting for a kiss.”

Discord chuckled. “Well, you made me wait a thousand years in stone to be friends with you, sun princess, but I guess I can’t keep you waiting a few extra seconds for a kiss.”

Their eyes met. Discord’s head tilted down; Celestia’s head tilted up.

The end of Discord’s tail snapped. The willows thickened again; the lighting got one shade dimmer.

They didn’t need to speak anymore. Their eyes and the subtle movements of their bodies told them everything they needed to know to come together for their single friendly kiss in this small bit of space and time set aside just for them.

The kiss they shared really was brief: more than a peck yet not the intimate embrace of two people in love. Just a single moment—the meeting of chaos and order; a memory to be cherished.

Now, Discord and Celestia sat side-by-side looking forward and down, blushing a little. Discord has snapped away the willow branches and leaves, leaving the pair sitting beneath his normal thinking tree…their tails still entwined.

They hadn’t said anything for a little while; they had just been smiling softly, enjoying the peace of the late afternoon in a perfectly comfortable silence.

Eventually Discord let out a breath. “So…do you think that did it, that it cut through all the romantic tension between us?”

Celestia’s smile grew a little. She nodded. “Yes. There was something very peaceful about sharing that together. I was starting to forget how nice a kiss could be.”

“Me too.” Discord nodded as well. “And ‘peaceful’ is a good word to describe it. I think it was good for us to do that.” He laughed softly. “Hmm, it made me feel young.”

“It made me feel like before I was a princess.” Celestia laughed softly too.

Discord raised an eyebrow and glanced at her.

Celestia glanced back at him and explained. “A simpler time in my life that I sometimes wish I had back.”

Discord’s smile softened. “Well, maybe that’s why our friendship is so good for us. You get to have someone who doesn’t treat you like some goddess, and I get to have a part of my past help me feel like I’m doing things right this time.”

“We relate to each other in a special way.” Celestia lowered her voice. “And we seem more comfortable now. It’ll be interesting to see how we handle the next ‘moment’ between us.”

Discord shrugged. “Well, we could always force a ‘moment’ just to check.” He looked up as he counted potential scenarios on his fingers. “You could throw yourself on top of me for—I guess it would be the third time in our friendship—or we could go to your room, or we could try going over some details of Cadance’s letter together—Oh!”

Discord blinked a few times and opened his eyes—he found himself on his back with a smiling Celestia on top of him. “Did you just push me to the ground?” The chaos master smirked up at her.

The sun princess laughed. “Believe me, after all the headaches you gave Luna and I in the past, pushing you to the ground was not hard to muster. Also this seemed like the quickest way to test things.”

He rolled his eyes. “You are so much less mature than you let everyone else think, princess.”

“I learned from the best, chaos master.” She smirked.

The two shared a laugh.

Then Celestia took a breath. “So, um…is this okay?”

Discord considered and then nodded, still smiling. “I think so. I mean, my heart’s still racing a little, but I don’t feel paralyzed with doubt and wonder anymore. It’s just…nice. You and I playing…pouncing each other to the ground.” His eyes narrowed.

Celestia smiled (at first). “Good, I’m glad you…” and then the smile fell as she realized something about his words… “Discord, I told you I’m not good at being on my back—don’t you—oh!”

Celestia’s eyes flew open. With a quick turn, Discord had her on her back. He leaned over her, pinning her by her shoulders. “This is for not laughing at half the jokes of mine you know you wanted to laugh at in the past. Also, just to confirm that we’re both doing all right, is this okay?” He chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

Celestia’s eyes widened, but her smile grew. “I…of course, Discord, it’s fine.” She blushed a bit. “But, um…let’s just not make a habit of this in the middle of the castle hallways or anything.”

He laughed more. “Fair enough, my princess—the staff doesn’t need any more excuses to think we’re secretly mad about each other anyway.” And then with a snap of his tail and a burst of light they both appeared standing upright. He looked down a little. “You know, Tia, that kiss taught me something else too…”

Celestia blinked a few times as she got her bearings again and nodded. “Yes?”

“I think from now on, I only want to kiss ladies I care about very much.” Discord rolled his eyes to the side. “Thanks for bringing my swinging bachelor days to an end, by the way. Now I’m going to be all mushy and expecting commitment and substance and deep emotional connection for that part of my life.”

Celestia moved closer. “You deserve that and so much more, Discord.”

His smile grew. “Still…that kiss…” he swallowed, “part of me hoped that maybe we’d both feel some kind of spark…. But I know you said you don’t feel that way about me and you’re not even sure if you could. I’m just glad we’re finally all settled as friends.” He floated up. “Now come on, Tia, lets have a nice trip out of the woods and on toward cake at the castle!” He snapped away his tree and headed forward with his usual cheeky grin.

Celestia remained still though. She was looking down, her brow furrowed gently. And as he moved away, her gaze went to him…. She opened her mouth but hesitated. Then she blinked a few times, let out a breath, and finally followed her friend.

Discord just floated along, admiring the scenery and occasionally turning in the air to get a better view of everything. “I feel so much better about us, Celestia; like how I felt with the girls once the Tirek thing was over. Like we’re finally ready to be okay together, no going back.”

Celestia nodded as she came to walk beside him, looking forward now with a small smile. “I feel good about us too, Discord.” She blushed more. “Discord…can I ask you something? As a friend?”

“Anything and everything.” He grinned over his shoulder.

Celestia nodded. “How does someone know when they’re in love?”

Discord’s eyes widened.

Celestia went on. “I’ve just been wondering lately. In her letter, Cadance says you ‘just know’, but…I don’t really understand what she means. I used to think I’d been in love before.” She smiled slightly. “I used to have young stallions and dignitaries court me when I first became a princess. And I cared for some of them, so I thought I must have loved them. But…now I’m not sure. I’ve definitely never felt like you do about anypony before. So I’m just curious about how you think you know when you’re in love. But I’ll understand if you don’t want to talk about this.” Her voice lowered. “No matter how okay we are, I remember on Gala night you said you’d rather not talk to me about romantic problems, and I respect that.”

“Well…” Discord raised an eyebrow and took a deep breath, “I don’t quite think this counts, so I don’t mind talking about it a little, Celestia.” He considered. “Cadance is sort of right, but I’d put it a different way. I think when you’re in love, you don’t ‘just know’—you can’t help but know. It’s big and complete, and you only doubt it until you look closely and realize there’s nothing to doubt. And then you say the words, and they feel right. It’s kind of like how you ‘just knew’ one day that you were meant to raise the sun. And when you know you’re in love, you’re happier letting your feelings take their course than denying them no matter where they lead.”

“I see.” Celestia nodded and raised her head a little. “Thank you, Discord.”

“Never a problem.” He winked. “You’re a smart lady, Tia—you’ll know if you’re ever in love. Just don’t overthink it. That’s been the problem with our friendship for a while, and it’s really put us through a lot of unnecessary drama. We’re just friends…with any number of possibilities for our future.” He snapped and made a pale blue blossom from his tree appear in his paw. He held it out to her.

Celestia’s gaze softened; she used her magic to set the blossom into her hair behind her ear. “It’ll certainly be an interesting friendship.”

“Well, who would want a boring one?” He chuckled and arched over her to float along her other side with a teasing grin. “But on the off chance you and I do get together, take my advice: have Cadance plan the wedding, make Twilight officiate the ceremony, and let Luna throw you the bachelorette party. I think that’s the way you’d have the most fun.”

Celestia’s eyes widened; her smile grew considerably. “If you and I decided to be together, we’d get married?

It could have been a strange moment or an awkward one, but instead it was just funny—they shared a laugh and let themselves keep going, no tension and no hesitation.

Discord rolled his eyes as he waved her off. “Oh, come on, Tia, I was just speaking in hilarious hypotheticals. Besides, I know you’ve got your rebellious heart set on a consort, but I think anyone courting a mare would be willing to consider the matrimonial possibility down the line. Nothing for you and your ego to read too much into.” He smirked at her a little. “There are worse titles, after all, than ‘Mr. Celestia, Princess of the Sun’.”

Celestia held back more laughter. “Well then,” she smirked in return, “if you and I did decide to be together and if we did decide to get married, I’d love to hear more of your ideas for how we should go about it.”

Discord turned on his back in the air. “Well, like I said—Cadance should plan the wedding because she’s good at making a romantic atmosphere, Twilight should officiate because she’s good at speeches and she’ll need something to distract her from worrying about every little detail, and Luna should do the bachelorette party because she’s good at a night life.” He smirked again. “Though maybe Cadance should assist her considering some of those colorful things in her letter.” He turned back over and crossed his arms. “Oh and Fluttershy is my best mare—no question.”

Celestia nodded. “I’m assuming you’ll want to throw your own bachelor party; just try not to violate too many laws of space-time or to create another chaos capital of the world or to consume all of the fermented cider in Equestria…and don’t get yourself arrested. I couldn’t imagine what the ponies would say if their sun princess had to fly down to a jail and bail out her fiancée and their future prince.”

Discord stopped moving forward.

Celestia stopped too. She looked over her shoulder. “Discord?”

He just stared straight ahead, his brow furrowed pensively.

“Discord?” Celestia turned more toward him. “What is it?”

“Wow…I really must like you terribly.” He almost chuckled.

Celestia tilted her head to the side.

Discord’s eyes met hers. “This entire time, it never once occurred to me that if I was with you, I could finally become a leader of Equestria.”

Celestia’s smile grew so much. “That’s because you’re not nearly as selfish as you’ve always let yourself think you are. You’re kind and caring and sincere deep down. And any princess would be honored to have you by her side as her prince.”

Discord waved her off. “Oh, I…I’d take the title, I guess, but you’re the one who knows how to run a nation. What could I ever be right to rule over?”

Celestia’s eyes went down as her smile grew. “Just my heart, I suppose….”

Discord blinked and eyed her closely. He raised an eyebrow. “You’re not just teasing. You’re doing that thing again, aren’t you? That thing you felt bad about on Gala night. You’re truly enjoying having a guy flirt with you.” He grinned completely.

Celestia’s eyes widened as her smile fell. “Discord, I’m sorry, I…I didn’t mean to…” She went quiet as he placed a finger over her lips.

“It’s okay.” His eyes narrowed playfully. “So you like being flirted with for real…and flirting back for real; so does every other mare in Equestria. And it’s not hurting me, I promise. If anything, I think it’s giving both of us more confidence.” He removed his finger. “Now then, back to finishing our trip to your castle for cake?”

Celestia nodded. “All right, Discord. But I might like to stop by my room first to put away my new flower.” She glanced up at the flower near her ear then to Discord again. “Would you be comfortable stepping in there with me for a minute?”

Discord nodded. “Yes, yes, I can handle myself.” He shrugged. “And, as long as I’m doing that, we might as well take a crack at that third potential awkward obstacle I mentioned just to make sure our kiss really worked for ending the ‘moments’ between us: is there any final particularly embarrassing detail of Cadance’s relationship letter you want to share?”

Celestia sighed but smiled more. “She took into account the issues that someone on four legs and someone on two legs might have embracing and…sketched diagrams to demonstrate the best ways for us to hold each other.” She cleared her throat. “She’s quite the creative mare apparently.”

“Hmm…lucky Shining Armor then, huh?”

“Discord!” Celestia blushed and laughed all at once as she nudged him.

“Oh lighten up, Celestia, it was a joke.” He chuckled. “But see, I’m not tripping over my own hoof and claw in shock or getting tongue-tied or fainting from embarrassment. Actually I almost think it’s sweet of her to care so much about things working out between us.” He smirked. “Of course, that’s not going to save her from a sound revenge the next time she’s in town. Want to help out? I say we modify Luna’s slumber party spell and turn that cheeky love princess every color I am for two weeks.”

Celestia smirked back at him. “Sounds like fun, Discord.”

“Love to have you has a partner in crime, Celestia.” Discord chuckled as he flew forward.

Celestia followed after him with a warm smile. “Discord, would you like to come over for dinner tonight? It’d be nice for you and Luna and I all to have a chance to catch up.”

“Oh, I can’t.” Discord shrugged. “I promised Fluttershy we would have a dinner party. Do you have any free time this afternoon though? We could go on a little adventure of some kind. Or we could even just explore Canterlot together.”

“I’m sorry, Discord.” Celestia shrugged. “I’m afraid after our cake I have an appointment in Ponyville to meet up with a new friend.”

“Oh.” Discord tilted his head to the side and couldn’t help himself. “Hot date?”

Celestia blinked then shook her head, trying not to laugh. “More like my annual post Gala spa appointment. And my friend is a happily married mare, actually.” She stretched her neck to one side. “I’m really not as young as I used to be, Discord; I could use a few hours of steam and mineral baths and massaging and a nice hooficure after all the stress of the Gala. And the spa in Ponyville is never crowded like the Canterlot ones are. Plus it’ll be nice to have a little girl talk if I can manage it.” She held her head high.

Discord nodded. “Well, you have fun at your well-deserved afternoon of girly pampering. Maybe I’ll go take a little nap before I head to Fluttershy’s. You’re not the only one who’s not so young anymore; I’m getting pretty tired these days too, Celestia.” He raised an eyebrow. “Hmm, say, maybe that kiss’ll help make my dreams more normal again too.”

Celestia blinked a few times and nodded to him with a small smile. “Oh…maybe. But then again it’s not like anypony can help what they dream, right? Dreams are just a place to try new things without consequence” She swallowed (but managed not to blush) as she cleared her throat and changed the subject. “Discord, we’re both busy today, but…maybe next week after Luna’s had time to catch up on her sleep, you and I could sneak off for an adventure. You could meet me at the castle at sunrise, and once I’m done we could go from there. What do you say?”

Discord’s smile brightened. “I say I’ll bring the chaos magic if you’ll bring the cake-related snacks and blueberry clouds, Tia—and of course some coffee considering the early hour you’ll be dragging me out of bed. You’re on!”

“Good.” Celestia nodded with a warm chuckle. “It’s been so long; I’d love a nice adventure, Discord. I can’t think of a friendship experience more fun.”

“That’s because I’m so very good at friendship, Celestia—and specifically at making friendship fun.” Discord held his head high. “I always knew I’d be, by the way. But then again, didn’t we all?”

They shared a warm laugh.

Side by side the two beings moved forward toward the castle and their cake, talking and laughing with an absolutely perfect ease that felt without end for the first time since their friendship had begun.

Later that day in Ponyville, a customer entered the spa holding an unfurled scroll that bore the seal of the sun princess. The blue mare glanced around as the bell over the shop door dinged.

“Welcome!” Aloe, one of the spa ponies, smiled from behind the counter and waved her over. “Mrs. Cake, what a treat! We so rarely see you here ever since the birth of your dear children.”

“Yes. It’s been too long, Mrs. Cake.” Lotus, her partner, nodded as she came forward from the back. “Would you like to book an appointment?”

Mrs. Cake smiled as she approached the counter with her scroll. “Actually, I’m, um…here by special request of one of your guests—the ‘very special guest’ who requested privacy. But she wrote that both of you know she’s expecting a friend.” Mrs. Cake showed them the scroll written in Princess Celestia’s own magical hoofwriting requesting Mrs. Cake’s presence at the spa that afternoon and asking that she tell no one outside of her family that the princess was there and assuring Mrs. Cake that all spa treatments would be on the royal tab for the afternoon.

Aloe and Lotus read the scroll and then looked up. “Ah, yes!” Aloe began. “The princess did mention.”

Lotus nodded. “Come along then, Mrs. Cake.” She walked around to the door leading to the spa rooms and waved her forward. “The ‘very special guest’ is in the private suite having a mineral bath. We shall set you up one as well.”

“Yes, and we shall take care of anything else you like,” Aloe added as she came from behind the counter to join Lotus.

Mrs. Cake smiled shyly and nodded as she followed after them. “That will be very nice, dearies. Thank you.”

The spa ponies lead her to the back.

Mrs. Cake had been somewhat confused, to say the least, upon receiving Celestia’s secret invitation yesterday. And she remained confused now as she entered the private spa suite only to see Celestia resting in a small circular tub, her eyes closed, and lacking her regalia. But, as Mrs. Cake removed her apron and sunk into her own small heated pool next to her, the soothing water and the calming mineral scents soon worked their special magic and left her without a worry about the unusual experience she found herself having today.

When Celestia heard a deep sigh of relaxation escape the blue mare, the sun princess finally opened her eyes and spoke to her. “Thank you very much for meeting me here, Mrs. Cake. But I suppose you’re wondering why I invited you.”

“A little.” Mrs. Cake nodded. “And Princess Celestia, please just call me Cupcake.” She settled more into the water, and her smile grew.

Celestia giggled. “You really must be relaxed. Very well, Cupcake. And you can just call me Celestia.”

Mrs. Cake’s eyes popped open. “I…I could try, dearie, but I really don’t think…” She considered and finally glanced at her with a sheepish smile. “Maybe I could just call you ‘dearie’?”

Celestia nodded. “All right, Cupcake. Whatever makes you comfortable.”

“Oh, Princ—er…dearie, you don’t have to worry about my comfort. After all, this is the most comfortable afternoon I’ve had in ages.” Mrs. Cake smiled softly. “It’s been so long since I’ve been to the spa. I just haven’t taken the time for myself ever since the twins were born.” She sighed. “But…you’re right, I am still curious about why you asked me here. Is everything all right?” She frowned slightly.

Celestia couldn’t help smiling more at the motherly affection in Mrs. Cake’s tone. “Yes, everything’s fine. I just wanted to spend time with a close friend, and I was going to be in Ponyville—and so I thought of you.”

Mrs. Cake blinked and blushed a little. “You think of me as a close friend?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes. Or, I’d like to start. And I’d like you to start too. And I’d like our friendship to grow. What do you say?” She lifted a hoof from the water and held it out.

Mrs. Cake looked at her with wonder for a moment and then lifted her hoof and touched Celestia’s. “Of course, dearie. Who could ask for a better friend than Princess Celestia?”

Celestia laughed softly and lowered her hoof again. “I’m afraid one thing you’re going to learn being my friend is that I’m not exactly perfect, Cupcake. But I’ll do my best to be a good friend to you just like you’ve always been a kind subject to me.”

“Oh, I’ve just done my best to show how much we all care about you.” Mrs. Cake gave a sheepish shrug as she added, “Of course, between the bakery and the twins and finding time to spend with Mr. Cake and training Pinkie, my days are hardly my own anymore, but I promise I’ll do my best to be able to see you like this when you’re in Ponyville or when I’m in Canterlot.”

Celestia nodded. “I know what that’s like—having your days be all for others. My schedule is pretty full from sun up to sundown too, and it’s only going to get busier for a while with all of the changes there have been in Equestria lately. So any time you can spare for me is fine, Cupcake, and I’ll do my best to set aside time for you too.”

Mrs. Cake tired to smile but couldn’t help a note of motherly concern coming through again. “Now, Celestia, you shouldn’t overwork yourself. You’ve been our princess for so long—even you deserve breaks, no matter how important your work is.”

“Thank you.” Celestia’s look softened. “And thank you for calling me Celestia.”

Mrs. Cake blushed but then smiled again. “It’s easier than I realized. And you’re welcome.”

Celestia sighed. “Even if we could just have short chats or write letters, that would be nice. I’m sure we could find a lot to talk about.” She cleared her throat.

Mrs. Cake nodded. “Yes, of course we could.” She considered the princess before her and raised an eyebrow. “Is there something you wanted to talk about right now?”

Celestia blinked a few times. “What makes you say that?”

“I know ponies, dearie. And I know when ponies are trying not to tell me something but also need to tell me something.” Mrs. Cake smiled more. “I’ve got a husband who’s been known to burn the occasional cake order by accident, two rambunctious children who are always playing with something they shouldn’t, and an assistant baker who’s always involved in some shenanigan or other.” Her tone softened. “If there’s something specific you want to talk with me about, Celestia, you can. And it would just stay between us, dearie. I promise. Mare to mare.”

Celestia’s smile grew. “That’s exactly what I was hoping for.” She cleared her throat. “I was hoping you could give me some advice about…modern romance.”

Mrs. Cake blushed lightly but then considered for a moment and replied, “Dearie…pardon me asking, but is this about Discord?”

The sun princess blushed lightly but smiled and shook her head. “No, not exactly. It’s more about…me.” She explained as Mrs. Cake raised an eyebrow. “I haven’t courted in quite a few centuries. And I’m afraid I don’t socialize personally much—the ponies I’ve been closest to for a while are Twilight and her friends, but they’re all so young. Princess Cadance is older, but she’s better at giving advice on ‘advanced romance.’ And then there’s my sister who understands even less than I do about socializing in this era for obvious reasons…though I’ll admit she’s been doing a very good job of talking me through some personal matters lately. But still…I don’t have anyone who can give me a simple, sincere perspective about relationships.” She swallowed. “I want to learn what I’d like for the romantic part of my life by learning more about how the romantic experience really is, and I think talking with a friend who has a committed relationship would help.”

Mrs. Cake smiled up at her, her gaze warm. “Dearie, if you think I could be a help to you understanding more about love these days, then I’d be happy to try.”

“You would be a help, really.” Celestia nodded, her smile bright. “I don’t think I can go forward with that part of my life without understanding all of the possibilities.” She considered. “…Cupcake…dating today is a very casual thing, right?”

Mrs. Cake nodded. “Yes, I suppose. It can be as simple as taking walks together and as complicated as having photos in the society column, so I guess it varies.”

Celestia smiled a little. “I wish I could have the simpler version for myself—just taking a walk, laughing together, holding han—er, hooves.” She sighed. “But I worry sometimes that it would have to be a formal affair for me: pictures in the society column, official announcements, grand displays…everypony giving their opinion on me and my choices.” She frowned. “That happened to me once already, at the Gala, and I don’t want to be part of so much judgment and gossip in the future. I never want to feel that disappointed in any of my subjects again.”

“Celestia…” Mrs. Cake sighed, “I’m afraid if you did try to date, there might be opinions and they might end up a bit public. But I also know that for every pony who would question you, there are at least a dozen who would be happy for you and who would have the decency to leave you to your own happiness. Don’t let selfish ponies take away your choices.” She smiled a little. “It might be hard sometimes, but you’re strong. I know you can have a relationship or do anything else you set your mind to.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. She smiled so much. “Thank you. You’re very encouraging, Cupcake. Truly. You must be a wonderful mother.”

Mrs. Cake instantly blushed and looked down with a big smile. “Oh, well, I…I try.”

Celestia laughed softly. “And I suppose that after everything with Discord lately, the ponies might have gotten their desire for rumors and gossip out of their systems, at least for now.”

“Hopefully.” Mrs. Cake glanced up at her again. “And as long as you had a nice time with Discord at the Gala, that’s what matters most. Pinkie said you both were the life of the party.”

“Yes.” Celestia blushed a little again. “I’ve already asked him to escort me next year. I never had such a fun night with anypony actually.”

Mrs. Cake nodded. “I’m happy to hear you’ve hit it off so well. You two seem nice together.”

“I think we are too. I never knew he could be such a gentlepony.” Celestia’s voice softened. “He’s given me something very special that I haven’t had in my life for a while.”

“The feeling of being admired as a mare?”

Celestia’s eyes went a little wide. “How did you—”

“Celestia, dearie, it’s all over your face.” Mrs. Cake held back a gentle laugh. “He must be even more charming in private than he is in public. And besides, that day when he watched the twins, he really seemed practically smitten when he talked to you. I’m not surprised he was able to make you feel so special during your night out.”

Celestia let out a breath and smiled softly. “He really is a very good…very caring friend.”

Mrs. Cake smiled a little more. “Before I met my husband, I spent all of my time at my parent’s bakery covered in flour and working in the kitchen. But he would deliver ingredients to us, and we talked…and soon we went out most nights. And sometimes he would say things to me that made me feel so special or look at me like I was the most wonderful pony in the whole world. And he would hold me and tell me I was brilliant and beautiful all at the same time, just like the decorated cupcakes I liked to make…” She giggled softly to herself then looked over and raised an eyebrow.

Celestia was sitting there looking down into the water, her eyes hazed in thought, a faint smile and blush still on her features.

“It really is a nice feeling, isn’t it, Celestia?” Mrs. Cake gave her a gentle touch with her hoof.

Celestia blinked. “I…” She sighed and looked to Mrs. Cake again. “Yes, it is. And I think that’s why I’ve become curious about the possibility of…sharing that feeling with someone all of the time.”

Mrs. Cake nodded, her gaze warm.

Celestia cleared her throat and smiled normally again. “Cupcake, I’d also like to know more about what it’s like to share your life with somepony. You and Mr. Cake run your shop together and take care of your foals together. You’re partners; you support each other and help each other. And you’re there for each other at the end of each day. And at the same time you’re doing what you love, and bringing out the best in each other, right?”

“Yes.” Mrs. nodded. “We’re like best friends—we help make each other’s dreams come true.”

“Do you think that’s possible even for ponies who don’t have similar dreams?”

Mrs. Cake raised an eyebrow.

Celestia sighed. “I don’t think I’d like to court a prince. I don’t want more royalty, more duties, more subjects in my life. But at the same time, being a princess is a large part of who I am. Do you think it’s possible for me and somepony else to be happy together even if our callings didn’t compliment each other?”

“Celestia,” Mrs. Cake smiled softly, “just because two ponies’ callings aren’t the same doesn’t mean they can’t compliment each other. Maybe what you need to rule best is someone who can give you an escape from the pressures of being a princess. Or maybe how good of a leader you are could help somepony else with his special talent. Or maybe you both wouldn’t want a relationship based on your talents—maybe you’d want one that’s just about your feelings. People’s lives can compliment each other in the strangest ways, dearie.” She put a hoof to her chin. “I suppose it’s like friendship—how Pinkie and all of her friends or so different yet they bring out the best in each other.” She turned to see that Celestia’s smile had grown considerably.

“I see.” The sun princess nodded. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Mrs. Cake’s smile picked up a little on one side. “After all, take Discord for example. He seems to be the only chaos being: if he was only allowed to date other chaos beings, where would that leave him?”

“True.” Celestia laughed softly.

“Try not to worry so much about this, dearie. You’ll know what’s right when the time comes, and you’ll know what the right thing to do about it is. That’s how it was for me and Mr. Cake—we worked out things as we went along, and I’ve loved my time with him and especially our marriage.” She looked into the Princess’s eyes. “Romance deserves to be a fun, relaxing part of everypony’s life. It’s not about pressure—it’s about time and wanting to spend it together.”

“Yes…time. I think that’s beautiful.” Celestia gaze warmed. “I’m very happy for all of your happiness, Cupcake.”

Mrs. Cake smiled a little more. “It might be forward of me to say, but you’d make a lovely bride, Celestia.”

For the first time she could recall, Mrs. Cake suddenly saw Celestia’s usual poise waver: her eyes went wide, her gaze went down, and a distinct blush flowered on her white cheeks.

Finally though, the sun princess swallowed and smiled. “Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. But I’m not sure if I want to date, let alone to be a wife. And even if I was ready for a gentlepony companion, I can’t say I’m certain about who would be best to fill that role.” She sighed as she smiled more. “I’m afraid love is going to be quite the learning process for me.”

Mrs. Cake put a hoof to her chin. “You know, it’s strange Celestia: I know you’ve lived so much longer than I have, but in some ways you remind me of a slightly younger mare. I know it’s not fair of me to think like that, but still…”

“In some ways I am though,” Celestia replied. “You’ve had life experiences that I haven’t had. You know what it’s like to reach a point in life that I haven’t reached yet because the alicorn aging process is so gradual.” She laughed softly. “Just because a few centuries passed after I started my rule didn’t mean I wasn’t still barely more than a teenager for those few centuries. I honestly don’t know how Starswirl put up with Luna and I back then.”

Mrs. Cake chuckled. “I guess I never thought about it like that. It’s like you do have a normal life like the rest of us, just stretched out.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, something like that.”

“…And Discord has a life like that too.”

Celestia’s eyes widened slightly, but then she nodded once more. “That’s part of why I’m glad he and I are friends now…and why I’m glad Luna’s back. It’s lonely without someone to share that experience with; and I think that’s part of why it’s hard for me to seem approachable to ponies…or to stallions.”

Mrs. Cake shifted closer and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Celestia, you’re a very nice, smart, caring, special young lady. And Discord or anyone else would be lucky to have you as a friend or anything else no matter what.”

Celestia’s gaze warmed. “Thank you, Cupcake. And I feel lucky to have you as a friend too. It’s one more good change in my life lately.” As Mrs. Cake nodded and removed her hoof, Celestia settled more into the tub. “I hope you have a bit of time to stay here, by the way. I have facials scheduled next followed by hooficures and a lovely massage. It’d be a shame not to share all of that with a friend.”

Mrs. Cake chuckled. “When I got a special invitation to see you at the spa, I asked Pinkie to watch the children straight through until dinnertime, and I made sure to get as many cakes in the oven and decorated as possible so that Mr. Cake can just worry about taking care of the customers. I’m all yours for the rest of the afternoon.”

Celestia smiled more. “I’m glad. And if we did something like this again, maybe Discord could help at Sugar Cube Corner too if he’s free. I’m not sure if he should be in the back baking of course—you’d probably end up with spring-loaded apple pies and cakes with frosting on the inside. But I know he’d love to help with the children. Or you and I could even spend an afternoon taking care of the twins together. I’d like to visit them again myself.”

“The twins have missed you and Discord.” Mrs. Cake smiled. “I think Pound Cake’s decided his first full word should be ‘chaos’, and Pumpkin Cake hasn’t let that stuffed crown you gave her out of her sight.” She giggled. “I’d love to look after them with you or to have Discord watch them again.” Her look softened. “Are foals another issue you’re hoping to gain some perspective on?”

Celestia blushed, but her easy smile remained. “Not quite. You might think it’s silly but all of my subjects have been like children to me, and I’ve loved caring for them. It’s…being cared for myself and caring in a special way for someone else that’s been difficult for me to think about, I’m afraid.”

Mrs. Cake nodded in understanding.

Celestia sighed as the steam from the baths grew. “By the way, speaking of the bakery, I hope my cake order for tomorrow afternoon wasn’t too much trouble.”

“Not at all.” Mrs. Cake shook her head, taking a deep inhale of the fragrant steam. “Though it was a unique flavor combination: chocolate cake filled with cherries and marshmallows and covered with lemon coconut frosting?”

“An invention of Discord’s,” Celestia explained. “It’s sort of grown on me.”

Mrs. Cake gave her a warm smile.

Celestia shrugged with a sheepish grin. “He’s a good cook.”

Mrs. Cake smiled more. “Well, take it from me, Princess Celestia: if you do ever decide to look for a special somepony, a stallion who can cook and bake is a very, very nice thing to have.”

“His talent in that department definitely isn’t hurting Discord’s chances.” Celestia chuckled.

“I’m sure he’d be happy to know that.” Mrs. Cake chuckled too.

Celestia’s smile grew. “Cupcake, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship for you and I.”

“And a very relaxing one too,” Mrs. Cake added with a nod.

“And, Cupcake, I think I should have said this long ago but…thank you for being as supportive as you are of Pinkie as an element bearer.” The princess smiled a little sheepishly. “You seem to like leading a nice, quiet life, and I’m know managing her adventures must be stressful.”

Mrs. Cake sighed, smiling more. “Oh, we’ve worried sometimes. But there are more normal days than adventurous ones. And we’ve been proud to see Pinkie do miraculous things. Thank you for making her life so special and for making Equestria so safe, Celestia. You and Princess Luna are the best rulers anypony could ask for.”

Celestia blushed lightly. “All of us make Equestria safe together with our friendship and love for each other. But if my overseeing it has helped, then of course you’re very welcome, Cupcake, and I’m sure Luna would say the same.”

“It feels nice having Discord around now too,” Mrs. Cake added. “We know you can take care of yourself, Celestia, but we all do worry about you being safe whenever anything bad comes along. Discord’s powerful though, and I think he would make sure you’re okay. And I think he would make sure we’re all okay if he could, just like you do all of the time.”

“I suppose caring that much is something he and I have in common then.” Her smile softened. “And I think he would make sure I’m okay too.”

Mrs. Cake’s gaze grew warm. “You two really would be sweet together, dearie. Oh I’d love to make that wedding cake—combining the sun and chaos in one dessert: I’d need all of my expertise, my husband’s, and Pinkie Pie’s.”

“Very funny.” Celestia laughed then used her magic to surround a tassel hanging down the wall in her aura. “Speaking of cake though, I’m a little hungry—shall I ring Aloe and Lotus and have them bring in the fresh chocolate covered strawberries and sparkling lemonade now?”

Mrs. Cake’s eyes lit up. “Strawberries and lemonade…Yes, please! Oh, I haven’t been pampered like this in ages.”

Celestia pulled the tassel. “It’s been far too long for me too, Cupcake. We both deserve a peaceful mares afternoon.”

The two friends nodded and then closed their eyes and settled even more into their hot mineral baths as they awaited their delicious snack and the rest of their lovely afternoon together.

In a familiar cottage near the edge of Ponyville, Fluttershy turned around to put a fresh pot of tea on her kitchen table when, in a flash, a smirking Discord appeared with his face right in front of hers.

Fluttershy started back a little but then put down the teapot and smiled. “Oh, hello, Discord. I wasn’t expecting you until dinner tonight.”

“I know, isn’t it fun when I pop by unannounced?” The chaos master chuckled and flew up over her. “After all, who’s better at suddenly filling your life with mirth and good jokes, hmm? And let’s not forget chocolate milk filled clouds and pies that rain up from the floor.” He snapped, and suddenly the air had his signature clouds, and quite a few pies flew up from the floor only to land as soon as they smacked against the ceiling.

Fluttershy smiled more. “It’s always nice when you stop by, Discord. And I haven’t seen you this enthusiastic about chaos in a while.”

“Yes.” Discord chuckled as he floated in a loop around her. “I’m feeling as random and ridiculous and roguish as ever!” He flopped into one of her chairs. “Really, Fluttershy, as though there was any doubt I’d be back to my old self soon enough after all of the ‘incidents’ lately.” He rolled his eyes.

Fluttershy poured herself a cup of tea and sipped. “Well, I’m glad you’re feeling so much better, Discord. I was actually starting to miss you coming by like this. Being the best friend of chaos was a little strange for me at first, but I’ve come to appreciate you and your unique way of looking at things a lot.”

Discord chuckled. “I know.” He snapped; lumps of rainbow colored sugar dropped into her tea. “You’re the only one who got me completely from the start, Fluttershy—the first friend who let me have fun and never made me feel bad about doing things differently from everypony else. And you’ve let me make your life ‘lively’ to the point of near ever since then.” He used the tuft of his tail to pour himself a cup of tea. “And how do I repay you? Why, for weeks now I’ve been slaking off on my chaos, barely causing any mischief around here, letting you be bored, and quite frankly neglecting how important our time together is all because I went all gaga for a girl.” He took a sip of tea and smirked. “Well, that is ending right now, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? And you haven’t been neglecting me, Discord—really, I understand.”

“You are too understanding.” He rolled his eyes. “And second, what I mean is I’m not going to be distracted anymore or spend our tea parties just talking about our sun princess or knock on your door at midnight for emotional outbursts. You and I are going back to having fun starting right now. And we have some time before dinner, so…” he held up his fingers to snap, “it’s your choice: you tell me what you want us to do—anything, chaotic or orderly—and I’ll make it happen. I want us to have a best friends afternoon, Fluttershy…I insist. As long as you want to too…” His smirk softened just a little.

Fluttershy smiled very much. “I’d like that, Discord. You can always come to me if you’re sad or worried about something, but if you’d like to just have fun right now then that’s great too.” She put a hoof to her chin. “And we can really do anything?”

The chaos master nodded. “Anything and everything. The cosmos is at your disposal.”

Fluttershy nodded in return. “Well…what I’d like most is to see your chaos dimension and to hear all about your plans for your new cottage. I’m sure it’ll be the liveliest house there ever was. I’ll miss you when you leave Twilight’s castle, but I’ll feel much better knowing you have a home of your own somewhere that makes you happy.

“Really?” Discord’s smile brightened.

“Really.” Fluttershy’s smile brightened too.

His look softened. “Dear Fluttershy, I’d love to show you and tell you all about my plans for my new home. And I’d love to have you over as soon as it’s done. In fact, come by whenever you like…please.” He snapped to make a small, swirling portal appear beside him in the air. “I’ll leave the portal open for you.”

“I’d like that, Discord.” She sipped her tea.

“And…maybe while we’re discussing cottages, we could also discuss classes as well? I’d like to run some ideas by you for my chaos lessons at the Unicorn Academy…” His smile picked up on one side. “Guess who finally taught Celestia some chaos this morning?”

Fluttershy’s eyes lit up. “Really? Discord, that’s great!” She actually flew up and clapped her front hooves together softly before blinking at her enthusiastic response and sitting back down with a sheepish smile.

Discord chuckled. “Yes, yes—it was…quite the morning for us…” He gazed into his tea for a moment, a light blush on his features and his smile small and strange.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “Did you two do anything else after the chaos lesson?”

Discord blinked. “We…” he sighed and smiled normally at Fluttershy, “…we talked and worked out some little things. We’re at a very good place now as friends—I think we can actually move forward.”

Fluttershy’s gaze warmed.

Discord cleared his throat. “Anyway, I told you, enough about my emotional problems and enough about mares who aren’t my best friend. Let’s finish our tea and head to the chaos dimension to see about my cottage. And then maybe I’ll even give you a little demonstration of my chaos teaching methods and we can come up with wacky names for my class.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’d love to, Discord. I’m looking forward to everything.” She finished her tea.

“Hmm…me too, Fluttershy, me too.” He chuckled lightly as he finished his tea as well. “And there’s really just so much to look forward to these days after all. What a magical time to have friends and to care and to be alive—and, you know, not stone.”

Fluttershy stood up from the table. “I’m ready, Discord.”

Discord floated up. “Then let’s go, my dear friend.” Discord took her hoof and dashed them through the portal which quickly disappeared in a burst of light.

The cotton candy clouds fell to the floor to join and pie remains of Discord’s chaos. And then a little scroll suddenly appeared bearing the words, ‘Enjoy, Angel!’

A few seconds later, Angel Bunny hopped into the quiet room. He read the scroll. Then he looked around, cocked an ear, and finally smiled as he turned and gave a loud whistle.

Instantly, a bunch of little animals scampered into the room. Angel hopped over to the phonograph in the living room, put on a record, then came back into the kitchen and proceeded to party with his friends as long as Fluttershy was gone again and Discord had left them some snacks. Of course, Angel would have the place cleaned up by the time she got back (and if Discord was with Fluttershy, he was fully prepared to give him a good razzing about Celestia along with a thank you for the snacks).

So for now all of the trials of love had been passed through, and all involved could feel settled and move forward with their lives. And with how unexpected the events of the last few years and especially the last few months had been, everyone could only imagine what fantastic changes the future would hold thanks to the magic of friendship.

Author's Note:

Whew--I can't believe the Epilogue's finally posted! Usually I only do three edit/rewrite read-throughs of each chapter, but this one I did five plus some spot checking--I wanted to get it just right. And I hope you guys liked it! :twilightsmile: As Celestia's starting to realize, this isn't really the end of something so much as the beginning :yay: And also, after nearly 30 chapters, I'd never end things without at least one kiss :raritywink: (Though more may be on the way.... ^_^). I think my favorite part of this one though was writing Mrs. Cake and Celestia talking--they're both affectionate and motherly in their own ways, and I think they'd have a fun time hanging out.

Next chapter (the final chapter before the still untitled mini sequel story)...

Chapter 30: Bonus Story--(Subtitle to be determined)
A few months have passed--it's Hearthswarming Eve now, actually. Discord, his chaos cottage all built, decides to have a party to celebrate the holiday with all of his friends. The girls come, Luna comes, Celestia comes of course, and it's a great evening! In fact, everyone's having such fun that they all end up spending the night sleeping over in Discord's living room. Celestia wakes up in the middle of the night though to a surprising situation--one that makes her go into the kitchen for a large glass of eggnog and a moment to think. Luna joins her, and the two sisters begin to talk about certain matters. And Celestia explains this moment from the epilogue:

His smile grew. “Still…that kiss…” he swallowed, “part of me hoped that maybe we’d both feel some kind of spark…. But I know you said you don’t feel that way about me and you’re not even sure if you could. I’m just glad we’re finally all settled as friends.” He floated up. “Now come on, Tia, lets have a nice trip out of the woods and on toward cake at the castle!” He snapped away his tree and headed forward with his usual cheeky grin.

Celestia remained still though. She was looking down, her brow furrowed gently. And as he moved away, her gaze went to him…. She opened her mouth but hesitated. Then she blinked a few times, let out a breath, and finally followed her friend.

I'm working on drafting some things for Halloween-ish fics that'll need to be posted in October, and I'm also working six days a week for the next couple of months, so I can't give you guys a clear date on when the bonus story will be posted. But even if there's a bit of a gap between then and now, I'll be filling it by posting various one shots/sequels to things. Thanks for your patience! And thanks to all of you for reading! :twilightsmile:


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