• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,707 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 4: Secrets Among Friends

In the early morning light, Fluttershy descended the stairs of her cottage and proceeded toward her kitchen, giving a small yawn as she went on her way. “Oh what a lovely day,” she cooed to herself with a smile. “I can’t wait to wish good morning to all of my animal friends.”

Fluttershy entered her kitchen now and paused.

There, crammed into a chair at her little breakfast table, sat Discord. He had a tea try and a platter of many colored pastries set before him along with two place settings. “Good morning, Fluttershy.” He gave a small smile and waved. “I made breakfast…and tea if you’d like any.” He lifted up the teapot with his tail.

Fluttershy looked at him with interest and then smiled and nodded, approaching. “Oh, um…yes, please. And thank you. And good morning to you too, Discord.” She took a seat and glanced up at him. “I’m really happy to see you,” she offered softly, remembering how their last time together hadn’t ended on the best of terms.

Discord smiled back at her, finishing pouring the tea for them both. “I’m happy to see you too.”

Fluttershy took up her cup and sipped her tea. Then she looked up at him, her voice soft and sincere. “Discord, I wanted to say again that the other girls and I are so sorry for letting things get out of hand about the Gala. We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” She frowned, her eyes shining a little as she put down her teacup.

Unable to handle that level of cuteness from her in large quantities, Discord immediately held up a hand. “Fluttershy, it’s all right,” he assured, smiling warmly. “I’m…sorry I overreacted a little.” He sighed, rolling his eyes to the side. “Whether or not everypony heard anything from you girls, the fact that Celestia asked me to be her escort to the Gala was going to become public knowledge pretty quickly anyway, and rumors and speculations were going to start spreading. It couldn’t be helped.” He finished sipping some of his tea, then hesitated a little and asked, “Did I upset the other girls too much by storming off like I did?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “They understood, Discord. And I know, the rumors might have happened anyway, but we’re all still really sorry, especially Twilight. Your friendship is very important to her. I’m sure she’s thinking about how to help you ever since yesterday,” she assured, her smile brightening. She even took a pastry now.

Discord nodded. “I see. I’ll have to go see her next then. Her friendship is very important to me too.” He took a pastry as well and was quiet for a moment. Then he glanced to his friend once more. “Fluttershy, could I ask you to help me with something? But I’d like it to stay between us…”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “Of course, Discord. What is it?”

“I want to do some very particular practicing with my magic for the Gala,” he explained with a grin and a shrug. “I want to see just how…enjoyable, I guess, I can make my chaos for others besides myself, particularly for ponies.” He put a hand to his chin in thought. “Of course, I’m not really an expert on what ponies like though. Actually, I’m just a touch inconsiderate, so I’m not really an expert on what anybody likes but myself.” He rolled his eyes and smiled more. “Anyway, my point is, could I try some chaotic things out on you, Fluttershy, and get your opinion on what might amuse others just as much as it amuses me?” He looked to her hopefully.

Fluttershy nodded, smiling very much. “Oh yes, I’d be happy to help you with that, Discord. I think it’s a great idea. But are you sure you don’t want to at least include Twilight in this? She’s the expert at magic, she might have some good pointers.” She sipped more of her tea.

Discord shook his head though. “No, I’d rather not. I don’t think I’d make the best ‘faithful student’ for our dear new princess.” He chuckled and took another sip of tea as well. “But thanks, Fluttershy. I’ll appreciate your help. I just want to be capable of putting on a good show at the Gala. It seems I’ll be a central focus of the night, and I want to let others see that my chaos is good for things besides evil.” He looked down, trying to seem casual but his tone full of sincerity. “It’s important to me.”

“Discord,” Fluttershy put down pastry and spoke to him very sincerely, “Of course people will see that your chaos is good for things besides evil. You always make the parties we have together very lively and enjoyable by using your magic. People can like chaos when it’s being used to make them happy like that. A little chaos can make the Gala fun. And I don’t think Princess Celestia would mind at all if you added some. Just be yourself.” She smiled more. “I’m just glad to hear you’re still going to the Gala with her and that you’re looking forward to it. I know it’ll be a special night.”

Discord sighed and nodded. “Yes, well, I decided not to let other people’s rumors spoil the Princess’s plans or mine.” He grinned more at Fluttershy’s words of encouragement and raised an eyebrow. “And you really think I can find a way to be chaotic and a good party guest? Or at least chaotic and not the source of the party’s complete destruction?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Absolutely. And if you ever feel not confident or unsure of yourself at the Gala, just come find me and I’ll help you any way I can. That’s what friends are for.” She leaned out of her chair and gave him a small hug from the side.

Discord’s smile grew. And then he chuckled and his gaze went warm as he looked down at his sweet little pegasus friend, always there for him and liking him for himself no matter what. “Dear Fluttershy, I honestly don’t know why Celestia hasn’t made you a princess yet. You’re the best pony I know.”

Fluttershy pulled back, blushing and smiling a lot. She hid behind her mane a little as she spoke. “Oh I could never be a princess, I…oh no, not me.” Her voice was so quiet.

Discord smirked just a little and leaned down toward her. “Well, you’ll always be one to me.”

The smile on Fluttershy’s face was so great, she looked to Discord like she might actually burst from happiness. “Thank you, Discord,” left her in barely a whisper.

Discord just chuckled. “You’re welcome, Fluttershy.” He straightened up. “Oh and speaking of those lively parties I always make sure we have…” He snapped his fingers. “I just enchanted the cutlery and dishes to dance for us for the rest of our breakfast and then to hop into the sink and clean themselves—though your guess is as good as mine regarding where they’ll end up when they chaotically put themselves away. What do you think?” He crossed his arms over his chest, grinning in a touch of pride.

The sight of the forks and spoons and knives Discord had set out all dancing around the table caught Fluttershy’s interest and made her forget her shyness for the moment. She pushed her mane back away from her face and watched everything with delight. “Oh Discord, that’s very considerate of you.” She giggled. “And it’s very entertaining and chaotic. And it’s all right if things get a little disorganized when they put themselves away—it’ll be fun trying to put everything back to normal.”

“Glad to hear it.” Discord smiled triumphantly, managing to take a pastry despite all of the movement on the table, which he swallowed in one proud bite. “Who knows, maybe I’ll actually have a knack for being chaotically helpful.”

“I think so,” Fluttershy agreed with a nod. Then she looked to her friend again, stepping toward the kitchen counter for a moment. “Please keep eating, Discord. I’ll join you again in a few minutes. I just have to make sure to give the animals their breakfast before it gets too late.”

Discord was about to nod to her request, but then considered and looked to her as she walked around the breakfast table to the cupboard. “Could I help?” he suddenly asked.

Fluttershy blinked and looked back at him with a smile. “Really? Of course. I’d love that, Discord. Thank you.”

“No problem!” Discord stood up and snapped his fingers. Everything on the table froze in mid movement. “I’ll just put everything on pause until we’re ready to finish our breakfast tea party.”

“Thank you.” Fluttershy nodded and then opened a cabinet and grabbed a bowl. “We’ll start with Angel Bunny—he likes carrot pancakes for breakfast. It’ll just take me a little time to whip them up. You can help me measure if you’d like, Discord. This is the most complicated feeding, but everyone else after this is very easy.”

“Then how about I make this one very easy for you too, Fluttershy,” Discord offered with a grin, approaching her. “Just as a special thing, and because you’ve so kindly agreed to help me with my preparations for the Gala.” Discord snapped his fingers and made a chef’s hat and apron appear on himself. Then he snapped again, and instantly in his hands was a platter of fluffy carrot pancakes complete with maple syrup and powdered sugar on top. “No need to dirty the whole kitchen, however pretty the chaos would be.” He held up a bell with his tail and rang it. “Oh Angel Bunny, come and get it!”

Angel Bunny hopped into the kitchen, took one look at Discord with pancakes, and then a suspicious glare came to his features. He came forward, tapping his foot.

Fluttershy frowned. “Oh Discord, that’s very kind of you, but Angel Bunny can be very particular about his pancakes.”

Discord just grinned more and leaned down toward the picky bunny in question with the platter. “And I can be a very, very excellent cook when I want to be.” He held out the pancakes. “Do your worst, Angel Bunny.”

Angel Bunny looked back at him, eyes narrowed. He sniffed the platter…there was a dead silent stand off for just a moment…but then his lip quivered and he lunged forward to take a bite. Angel chewed and swallowed, his eyes went wide…and then a big grin came to his face! He dove on the pancakes and started eating them eagerly, giving Fluttershy a big, satisfied thumbs up.

“Wow!” Fluttershy’s smile brightened. “I knew you were a good cook, Discord, but I didn’t know you were that good. Angel Bunny is the pickiest eater ever. Thank you so much.” She approached Angel, who was still gobbling away at his pancakes. “Angel, what do we say…?” She looked down at him meaningfully.

Angel came up for air for a moment, let out a sheepish sigh, wiped his mouth and then gave Discord a small, appreciative bow.

Discord chuckled smugly. “You’re welcome.” He snapped his fingers to make all of the chef’s stuff disappear and crossed his arms over his chest. “And don’t worry—this is a favor for your ‘momma’ so I didn’t use the flour that tickles you from the inside or the carrots that turn you blue or the sugar that makes you compulsively bow down every time you hear my name or see my face for a solid week.”

Angel looked up from the pancake stack for a moment, glared at Discord, made a motion with one of his hands like he had his eye on him, then went right back to gorging himself on pancakes.

Fluttershy giggled and then headed over to her back door. “Come on, Discord, let’s go feed the chickens now.”

Discord nodded, heading after her. “Of course, my dear Fluttershy.” He sighed, mumbling to himself as she got a little ahead of him. “I suppose this is kind of like work, but it’s also just nice to feel needed, even if only for a little while.” Heading outside with her, he spoke up again. “ Erm, Fluttershy—after this, would you mind if I took a little nap on your sofa?” He yawned. “I didn’t get much sleep last night. Too much chaos, forgot all about bedtime, heh….” He shrugged.

Fluttershy nodded over her shoulder as they neared the chicken coop. “Of course, Discord. I’ll make you some extra tea, and you rest for as long as you need to.”

Discord smiled appreciatively. “Thank you.”

And with that the two proceeded with feeding the animals until they could finish up their own breakfast and Discord could commence his nap.

In a dreamy land glowing an almost eerie pink, there was a throne room, and in that throne room were two thrones. Discord, covered in a purple ermine cloak and wearing a large gaudy gold crown and holding a glittering scepter featuring his head on the top of it, sat upon one throne. And right at his side, wearing her normal tiara and yoke and shoes but with a smaller purple ermine cloak of her own, sat Celestia.

The two said no words—they merely resided side by side, smiling at each other, eyes hazed, and occasionally magically feeding each other chocolate bonbons and giggling about little secrets they seemed able to share without even saying a word.

Discord sighed dreamily. ‘Her violet eyes are so intriguing. How nice to finally not see them scowling at me after all of these years.’

Meanwhile, in reality (as opposed to Discord’s dreams), Discord was still sleeping away on Fluttershy’s couch as he had been for the last couple of hours, twitching and smiling and chuckling as he did so.

Fluttershy, unable to help passing through her living room from time to time as she went about her chores, couldn’t help but notice his rather animated sleeping with interest. And though she tried to refrain because of impoliteness, she also couldn’t help almost catching one or two of the more frequently mumbled words that left his mouth (which, naturally, only caught her interest even more).

She paused in the middle of filling a vase with fresh flowers from her garden now as suddenly her houseguest gasped in his sleep and then sat up awake, eyes wide, breathing a little heavily. “Oh for the love of…” Discord mumbled to himself before sighing deeply and rubbing his temple. “So help me, if Luna’s pulling secret day shifts and this is a trick of hers…”

Fluttershy bit her lip but then approached and cleared her throat lightly. “Erm…Discord? I’m sorry to bother you. Did you have a good sleep?” She smiled at him.

Discord blinked, turning his head and finally noticing her now. “Fluttershy! Oh, erm…yes, yes, for the most part.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just seem to be a little restless lately.”

Fluttershy’s face took on a look of concern. “Did you have a bad dream?”

Discord blushed just a little and hated himself for it. “Well…not exactly. I mean, yes, but….” He sighed. “It’s complicated. I think I’m just under stress.” He relaxed back against the arm of the couch a little. “No one really has any idea how trying it is to manage the epic power that is chaos, you know.”

Fluttershy came forward and touched her hoof to his arm, seeing right through his joke. “I’m sorry you’re feeling stressed, Discord. Do you want to talk about your dream…or anything else?” Her look of concern deepened. “I know everything that happened with Tirek was very stressful for you.”

“No, no!” Discord quickly replied, holding up his hands and shifting away. “I don’t want to talk about my dream…or anything with Tirek!”

Fluttershy pulled back her hoof and frowned a little. “Oh, okay…” she said softly, looking down and hiding in her hair a little. “I’m sorry.”

Discord blinked and looked at her, then he frowned at the response he had caused. He moved closer to her again. “Fluttershy, you don’t have to be sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to keep secrets.” He sighed. “I’m a little confused about what’s bothering me right now, that’s all. I promise.” He smiled a little.

Fluttershy looked up again and smiled. “It’s okay. I understand Discord. And I’m here for you whenever you need me if there’s anything you want to talk about.”

Discord smiled more and nodded. “Thank you, dear Fluttershy. I’ll keep that in mind.” Then he sat up entirely, stretching and yawning. “Fluttershy, I feel well rested enough, so I think I might pop over to Twilight’s now. We have some business to discuss.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Okay, Discord. I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”

Discord grinned and floated up. “Who wouldn’t be happy to see me? I’m, well...me, after all.” He winked. “Ta ta, Fluttershy!” And then with a snap of his fingers he disappeared.

“Bye, Discord!” Fluttershy called out to him with a wave as he took his leave. Alone now, she smiled to herself and shook her head, preparing to head back outside to finish more of her chores. “Come on, Angel Bunny, I need your help with the gardening.”

Angel Bunny hopped out of his basket of toys and came alongside her.

Fluttershy smiled a little more and glanced at Angel. She lowered her voice to a private tone. “I think Discord was dreaming about Princess Celestia. I heard him say her name twice in his sleep. Don’t you think that’s so sweet, Angel Bunny?”

Angel just scowled and made a gagging motion, hopping on Fluttershy’s back.

Fluttershy just giggled and shook her head. “Well I think it’s very nice. But we’ll be sure to respect his privacy and keep that a secret for him. Now come on, let’s go pick carrots for your carrot cake tonight.” She headed outside with him to continue her tasks for the day.

Discord appeared before the front lawn of Twilight’s friendship castle. He gazed up at the structure with a look of indifference, arms crossed over his chest. “Hello, Harmony Tree, my old foe. We meet again.” He rolled his eyes and then approached the front door. “I did sort of leave dramatically last time. Better I’m announced properly this time around than that I just appear in her throne room. I hate awkward moments unless they’re fully in my favor.” He gave a few knocks to the large crystal door. “Oh Princess Twilight Sparkle! If you’re in, the back-up member of your royal court is here to see you!”

There was no reply though.

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Twilight!” He called out. Then he sighed, pouting a little. “Oh poo, where could she have gone if she’s not home? She’s been so worked up about this castle ever since it appeared that she’s barely left it.” He put a hand to his chin. “Maybe I’ll just pop into the throne room anyway and wait for her there.” He held up his fingers to snap.

Just then Twilight’s head appeared leaning down over the balcony of the largest tower of her castle. “Discord!” she called out with a touch of clear desperation, breathing heavily. “Um…hi! I wasn’t expecting you. Er…would you like to meet me up here in the library?”

Discord blinked, raising an eyebrow. “You’re home…and you’re actually inviting me into your precious new library?” His grin picked up on one side. “The being who once ate all of the reform spell pages out of your spell books?”

Twilight scowled a little but then let out a breath and called back down to him, trying to smile normally again. “Heh, well, sure! Besides, it’s a big castle—it’ll get kind of boring if we just spend all of our time in the throne room. Come on up!”

Discord raised an eyebrow but then just shrugged. “Oh, all right, I suppose. Besides,” he grinned, flying up, “I can’t wait to see how gaudily huge this thing is—we really must find you a less boring hobby than reading, dear Twilight. You’re not Celestia’s precious student anymore. The studying can be toned down.” He landed now on the balcony and walked into the library, which was indeed rather stately even if most of the shelves were bare as Twilight slowly worked her way to restoring her old book collection. The room was crystal, like the rest of the castle, and had many large windows to let light in for reading.

Twilight just rolled her eyes at him but smiled. “Are you sure reading’s boring, Discord? You seemed to have a lot of fun reading our friendship journal.” Her eyes hazed in just a touch of smugness.

Discord rolled his eyes. “Well, what can I say—your misadventures never fail to amuse me.” He grinned and then glanced around the library, walking farther inward, past empty shelves, past full shelves, past some tables, past some chairs… “Yes, yes, it’s just as I feared. You and the harmony tree both have an unhealthy obsession with libraries.” Past a smiling Princess Celestia now…

Discord blinked about two steps beyond her and then jumped in such surprise that he almost fell to the floor. She had just been standing off to the side, totally out of his main line of sight in this university-caliber library until just this moment. “Celestia, sheesh, don’t DO that!” He turned to her, catching his breath and composing himself. “Say hi or something next time, don’t just lurk among the non-fiction! Unfortunately, I have a heart now, and if you insist on surprising me like that you’re liable to give it an attack of some kind.” He made a fainting couch appear underneath himself and put a large fan in one of his hands which he fluttered before his face.

Celestia gave a small chuckle. “I’m sorry, Discord. I was about to say hello. Actually, though, I’m just leaving.” She glanced at Twilight, her smile growing. “You have my full support, Twilight.” She winked and then added, “And also thank you for taking the time to draw up that schedule for you and Luna and I. And I can’t wait to see you in Canterlot soon for us to do some more party planning.” She gave her a small bow. “Princess.”

Twilight blinked and then blushed, glancing away hesitantly. “Princess Celestia…please don’t do that.”

Celestia rose to her full height again, smiling warmly. “I’m bidding you farewell in your own castle. It’s just a gesture of politeness, Twilight. We’re both the same now, just as Luna and I are the same and Cadance too.”

Twilight smiled a little. “I know. But it’s not that.” She moved closer to her mentor. “You’re one of my best friends. And I’ve already told my other friends I don’t want to be treated too much like a princess by them, in my home or anywhere else. And that includes you. I just want to be treated like I’m no better than anypony else because I’m really not better than anypony else.” Her smiled picked up a little on one side. “Discord helps me remember that lesson a lot actually.”

Celestia laughed, glancing at Discord for a moment. “And a wise lesson it is to keep in mind. Very well, Twilight.” She put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, giving her a little hug. “Goodbye for now. Have a pleasant day.” She let her go and then turned to Discord. Her smile grew. “It was nice bumping into you, Discord.”

Discord made his fan disappear, stood up normally and nodded. “Yes, yes, nice to see you too, Celestia.” He felt a natural inclination to hold out his paw and shake her hoof in farewell. But suddenly something about making the gesture felt awkward to him, and so he just crossed his arms over his chest and gave a slight bow of his head while trying to negotiate between making too much eye contact with Celestia and not enough eye contact with her.

Celestia gave him a nod in return and bowed her head slightly. “Have a good day, Discord. Bye for now.” Her horn glowed, and then she teleported away.

“Probably off to help the needy, right all wrongs, make every dawn a perfectly beautiful day in Equestria…” Discord remarked dryly, looking after the last spot she had been. Then he sighed and added, “And I don’t even have it in me to be disgusted by all of that flawlessness and order anymore.” A grin picked up on one side of his mouth and he held up his fingers. “Still though, don’t you think it would be much more interesting if she had to do all of those perfect things while…wearing enchanted roller skates or having two heads or being covered with rainbow polka dots that dance?” His grin grew.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, approaching Discord. “I haven’t seen you personally play a prank on Princess Celestia since I had that vision of the past from Zecora’s alicorn magic potion and saw her and Princess Luna use the Elements of Harmony against you a thousand years ago. I think you stole her tail for a minute.” She almost smiled a little. “And, no, you shouldn’t do any of those things, Discord. She won’t be happy if it interferes with her work, and she’s really been very busy lately. And…why would you even want to bother her?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. Discord (for Discord) had been very, very well-behaved ever since the Tirek incident after all. ‘Why rock the boat, and with Princess Celestia, no less?’ Twilight thought to herself curiously.

Discord blinked and then looked to Twilight, lowering his paw with a grin. “Oh I don’t want to bother her, Twilight, it’s just my endless compulsion for chaos.” He stepped away and collapsed back onto his fainting couch once more, holding an arm over his forehead dramatically. “You have no idea the personal sacrifice it is for me to keep myself under control around all of you ponies almost all of the time now. I just want to be a good guy, yet I also want to turn the grass into frosting and the seas into soda pop and the sun itself into a disco ball! I’m torn!” He snapped and made the upper portion of his body split in half directly down the center. “Oh shall I ever find my place in this orderly little world?” He popped up and mashed himself back together again, looking to Twilight and adding, “And I mean ‘place’ both figuratively and literally—as in will I ever find my purpose in Equestria, and also will I find a physical place to call my own since the harmony tree decided to play musical chairs when it was making your castle and to leave me out.” He gave her a dry look.

Twilight just smiled more at him and shook her head. “Oh Discord. You’ll find both places, I’m sure of it. And you don’t have to be orderly to make anyone happy. Just…be yourself.” A dry look came to her own features now. “Minus anything dangerous…or irreversible…and if you could leave gravity and the basic biology and environment of Equestria relatively in tact, that would be helpful too.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh, well, gee, take all the fun out of chaos, why don’t you, bookish Princess Twilight.” He snapped, making his couch disappear and standing now once more. “And speaking of books,” he glanced around at all of the bare shelves, “I’m very disappointed you don’t already have this room bursting with pages and pages of obscure knowledge.”

Twilight shrugged, glancing around as well and using her magic to adjust a few of the books on one of the shelves. “This place is big, like you said, Discord. It’ll take me a while to fill it up. It’ll take me a while just to restore the collection I had before…back in my library.” She frowned, stopping her magic and looking down a little.

Discord observed her closely, unable to help a small frown as well.

But then Twilight took a breath and looked up once more. She tried to smile again. “But Princess Celestia said I could start by bringing all of the old books that are still in decent shape from the Castle of the Two Sisters here. That should fill in quite a lot of this place, and I’d love the chance for some new reading material.” Twilight’s smile became as bright ever now, and she went on, “Anyway, is there something you needed help with, Discord? I’m happy to see you again. I know you were upset before….” She looked at him uneasily, approaching.

Discord sighed and rolled his eyes to the side, floating up to rest on his stomach in the air. “I just wanted to say, I suppose, that I’m…I’m sorry for storming out like I did yesterday.” He shrugged, keeping his tone as casual as could be. “I have a bit of a bad temper, especially when a joke or a misunderstanding happens at my expense.”

Twilight smiled in understanding. “It’s all right, Discord. I’m just sorry again that the girls and I let you down so much. Have you found a way to fix things? If you need any help, we’re all here for you,” she offered sincerely.

Discord smiled but shook his head. “Unnecessary, Twilight, but thank you. I’ve actually discussed the situation with Princess Luna who will be discussing it with Celestia. Just let the aged, near-immortals handle things, my newest little pony princess.” He leaned down and patted her on the head. “We have everything under control.”

Twilight scowled a little at being patronized but then let out a deep breath and smiled again. “Well, that’s great then, Discord. I’m happy the three of you have worked something out. “

“Yes, yes, ‘balance is restored’ in Equestria once again.” Discord shuddered a little at the idea, though his smile remained. “But speaking of aged, near-immortals, what was our Princess of the Sun doing here again? More last minute invitations?” He reclined on his back now in the air, filing his nails a little.

Twilight blinked and then grinned a touch nervously. “Oh, well…I’ve just decided to start really redecorating this place now that it’s mine, and Celestia was just giving me a few magical pointers on things—furniture moving spells and tips for what alicorn princesses usually put in their castles. And I was able to give her a copy of the schedule I made for her and Princess Luna and myself about performing the hoofshakes for the guests at the Gala.” Twilight, a proud grin upon her features, used her magic to make a piece of paper appear in the air beside herself. “See, I have it all worked out neatly with pie charts and diagrams.”

“Pie charts, diagrams, schedules, neatly…” Discord let out a sigh, snapping away his nail file and looking to her. “Twilight, in the interest of our friendship, please put that thing away. I’m about two seconds away from snapping my fingers and turning it into a string of dancing paper dolls of myself.” He grinned.

Twilight blinked but then smiled and rolled her eyes, making the schedule scroll disappear. “Anyway, that was all I asked Princess Celestia to come by for. Really.” Twilight grimaced a little and cleared her throat, glancing to the side as nonchalantly as possible. “Incidentally, considering the redecorating, um…it might be best if most people stayed out of most of the castle for a few days…just while I’m getting everything set up. I’m sort of going for an effect. I should be done before the Gala though.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “But certainly the throne room at least must remain open? You and the girls have to keep studying friendship and learning more about your rainbow power. And I have several dozen excellent gags and puns and practical jokes planned regarding your thrones that simply have to be made good use of.” He made this remark as though the situation were a very serious one. “And besides,” Discord went on, gesturing toward the open balcony, “aren’t all those ponies out there expecting you to start…holding court or whatever it is Celestia wastes her time with all day? I mean, you did make an obscenely large castle appear right on top of their town—I think you at least owe them the right to gawk at it from the inside, Twilight.”

“Heh,” Twilight just shrugged, letting all of his jokes pass by without a comment or a look, “I-I suppose we’ll just cross the bridge about ‘holding court’ when we get to it. If anyone wants to see me, I can just visit with them in the front courtyard, and as for our friendship and rainbow power studies, we’ll only be without the throne room for a week or so, Discord. It’s fine. I promise. Maybe we’ll all just meet up here in the library since I’m going to be spending so much time in here anyway restoring books and restocking shelves, like I said. But we definitely can’t meet in the throne room. That’s where I’m doing most of the redecorating work.” She grinned up at him in a way she hoped appeared innocent.

Discord raised both of his eyebrows now and just looked at her.

There was a momentary silent stand off.

Then Discord’s gaze fell to something suspicious, and he said simply, “What’s in the throne room that you don’t want me to see, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight blinked, her eyes going wide. “Nothing!”

“Oh please,” he rolled his eyes and waved her off, landing on his feet before her, “You’re worse at lying than Apple Jack. And you’re talking to me!” He gestured to himself with his paw. “I cultivated lying into an art form over the course of a few millennia. So give me one good reason not to snap my fingers and teleport myself right to that throne room to see whatever secret you’re trying to keep from me?” He held up his paw to snap, looking down at her with even greater suspicion and also with a touch of curiosity. After all, what could perfect Twilight ever have to lie about, even to him?

Twilight hesitated for just a moment at this threat, frowning. But then she walked over to Discord and put her hoof on his arm. Her tone was soft, and she looked with full sincerity into his eyes. “Because I’m asking you as a friend. Please, for now, leave the throne room alone, Discord. Please.”

Discord’s eyes went a little wide for a moment. Then a deep sigh left him, and he finally nodded in defeat. “Oh…oh all right, Twilight. For our friendship then. If you absolutely insist.” He lowered his paw. “But can I still come visit here in the library at least?”

“Absolutely.” Twilight smiled and nodded, removing her hoof from his arm and holding it up to gesture around. “Besides, there’s a lot more room in the library for all of us to sit and talk.” Her smile grew and warmed. “But when the throne room is reopened, Discord, you’ll be the first person invited to see it. I promise.”

Discord’s whole face brightened. “Really? Me especially—like a royal presentation all for me or something?”

Twilight nodded, something special coming into her gaze. “You could say that.”

“Ooo, how thrilling!” Discord flew up in excitement. “First I get invited to Luna and Celestia’s fancy schmancy ball, then Celestia asks me to be her escort, now you’re letting me be an exclusive guest at the unveiling of your newly redecorated throne room! For a former ne’er-do-well, I certainly seem to hobnob with a lot of royalty. I wonder when Princess Cadance and Shining Armor will have me over to the Crystal Empire…?” He considered, a hand on his chin, his grin growing.

Twilight just smiled to herself and shook her head. “Anyway, was there anything else you needed, Discord? I want to get back to the redecorating as soon as possible. It’s going to be a big job, I think.”

Discord shrugged. “Well, now that you mention it, there is one thing more I wanted from you…though I’m not sure if you’ll be able to help me considering the loss of your library.” As Discord landed back on the ground in front of her, he couldn’t help a slight frown returning to his features. He cleared his throat though and went on. “Though if you could point me in the right direction, I’d appreciate it. I’m afraid the issue’s a bit pressing to me.” He put his arms behind his back, glancing off to the side now both innocently and suspiciously.

“What is it, Discord?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow and bracing herself for anything.

Discord looked to her and sighed, now trying very, very hard to resist a very, very annoying urge to blush (though he swore he could feel a tinge of color coming to his features regardless of his efforts). “You couldn’t recommend or let me borrow any good books on dream interpretation, could you?”

Twilight blinked and then smiled. “Of course, Discord. Here….” she approached the large crystal table at the center of the library and magically took up a quill and parchment, which she then proceeded to write upon. “I don’t have much here about that topic, but I’ll make a list of some useful references for you.” She glanced at him as her horn continued making the quill write. “You know, if you really wanted to talk to an expert on dream interpretation, it’s Luna. She visits dreams.”

Discord just rolled his eyes and mumbled, definitely growing just a touch warmer in his face, “Don’t remind me.” He cleared is throat and said aloud to her, “I-I mean, true, that’s an excellent point, Twilight, but I’d just rather study the subject myself. I really am getting bored lately now that the dust has settled on my reform, after all.” He grinned and gave a shrug.

Twilight nodded, looking back to the scroll before her and still happily writing away. “Well, I think that’s a great way to spend your time, Discord. Research is always a healthy activity for occupying yourself.” She added a final title to the list, and then turned and floated the parchment over to him. “If you need any help getting organized, just let me know. I have flash cards and plenty of blank scrolls lying around. And lots of highlighters.” She made a few of those things appear in the air above her with a big smile.

Discord took possession of the parchment, but gave Twilight and the rest of her accessories a dry look. “Organized? Flash cards? Lists? Highlighters?” He raised an eyebrow. “Okay, now you’re just giving me some kind of chaos temptation test, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled more and shook her head, making the scrolls and flash cards and highlighters all disappear. “Sorry.” She approached him, gesturing to the parchment in his paw with her hoof. “Anyway, those first two titles on the list can give you a general overview of dream studies and the magic behind dreams. Most of the other books are individual case studies of different ponies whose magic had a strong connection to dreams. But if you want something really explaining symbolism and dream meaning and the magical effects dreams can have on sleepers, the best book I can recommend is Starswirl the Bearded’s Guide to Nightly Musings. That’s at the top of the list. It’s rare though—there are only a few copies still in existence. But Princess Celestia keeps one in the library at Canterlot Castle. I’m sure if you asked, she wouldn’t mind if you borrowed it.” She smiled up at him.

Discord just stood there with wide eyes for a moment. Then he sighed deeply. “Princess Celestia keeps a copy in Canterlot Castle, and I have to ask her for it.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his claw, almost trying not to laugh. “Of course, why not? That’s just peachy.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Is something wrong, Discord?”

Discord lowered his claw and shook his head. “No, no, nothing at all, dear Twilight. Just…another incident of being friendly complicating my life.” He cleared his throat and snapped his fingers, making the parchment disappear for now. “Visiting Celestia’s library will work out fine. Spending time around the castle is actually probably the best way for me to get used to the place before the Gala anyway.”

Twilight smiled more. “I think Princess Celestia also just wouldn’t mind a visit from you in general, Discord. I think she’s really happy you’re starting to become close friends now.”

Discord sighed and rolled his eyes, floating up and looking toward the view from the balcony in some thought. “I suppose so.” He was quiet for a moment.

Twilight noticed how he suddenly seemed to be lost in thought. “And…are you happy about becoming close friends with her too, Discord?” she asked curiously, approaching him.

Discord blinked, then he seemed to consider more. “Well…yes. I mean, I think I am. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.” He shrugged. “All of these new positive feelings and emotional nuances I have to deal with now can be very confusing, Twilight. Just an annoying side effect of my reform, I suppose.” He tried to keep his tone lighthearted, but there was clearly something serious there too.

Twilight stopped beside him and raised an eyebrow, looking up at him with interest.

Discord just sighed and smiled again now though, turning to look at her. “But I sort of like being confused. At least it’s not boring. And it keeps my insane mind occupied, right?” He chuckled.

Twilight smiled warmly. “I know a lot of things must be hard for you right now, but you’ll figure it out, Discord. You’ve come very far, and we’re all proud of you. Princess Celestia too.”

Discord just grinned a little more, shaking his head. “And on that sappy note, I suppose I should take my leave. Thank you again for the reading recommendations, Twilight. I’ll see you again soon enough, I’m sure. Try not to miss me too much.” He gave her a cheeky wave.

Twilight smiled. “You’re welcome, Discord.” She waved in return. “Goodbye.”

Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Twilight smiled to herself and then teleported out of the library and into her throne room.

Once there, she raised the lights of some of the lamps along the edge of the room and looked over at the far wall behind the circle of thrones—a large space with a window set into it. She smiled at the progress she had managed to make so far in the alteration of this space (with the help of some of Princess Celestia’s staff earlier). “You are important to Equestria, Discord, and to Princess Celestia, and to me even if you doubt it sometimes. And I’ll prove it to you.” She proceeded to do a little more work on some final designs for her project (and to do a little book restoration on the side for a few old volumes which Celestia had dropped off from the Canterlot castle library during her visit) until Spike finally came home from Rarity’s for dinner.

And speaking of dinnertime…and the Canterlot castle….

“So you see, sister, the common ponies are starting to get a little carried away by your recent decision to be escorted to the Gala by Discord.” Luna was doing her best to be tactful and supportive as she delicately explained to Celestia some of the recent ideas floating around concerning Celestia and Discord and certain romantic suspicions. The pony sisters were sharing an early evening meal at the moment, Celestia seated at one head of the table and Luna at the other. ‘My only concern is that I have been too subtle,’ Luna thought to herself unsurely as she awaited her sister’s response.

Yet Celestia, calm and poised as ever, merely smiled as she finished a sip of soup from a bowl before her. Then she looked across the table to her sister. “Oh Luna, everyone gossips, especially about well-known people. It might not be the best hobby, but it’s just something ponies do, even about us.” She smiled more, magically setting down her soupspoon. “I’m just glad to know I don’t have to make a formal announcement about my plans to attend the Gala with Discord—it’s one less thing on my list of tasks to complete before the Gala.” She dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. “Actually, I thought any idle talk about my decision would be about other ponies suspecting Discord might attempt an evil plan at the Gala and with you and I and Twilight all gathered together. I’m glad to hear it’s just innocent talk about him and I going on a ‘date’.” She chuckled warmly, shaking her head and magically taking up her utensils to cut some vegetables on her plate. “A date—Discord must have laughed when he heard that, I just know it.”

Luna’s eyes went a little wide. “But sister…I mean…the ponies! I don’t want to overwhelm you, but the ponies are concerned that you extended such a rare invitation to Discord because you might genuinely care for him in a special way, and that Discord may take advantage of such a situation to cause you distress of a personal nature! Aren’t you concerned by all of these speculations?”

Celestia sighed, still smiling. “Luna, even if there was a chance that any of that was true, I could certainly handle the situation myself without issue. But really, I know Discord, and he would never try anything out of line like that. He may be a former villain, but I’ve never known him not to be a gentleman.” She smiled a little more to herself. “As you said, even he was put off by hearing about these rumors. And I’m certain it’s never even crossed Discord’s mind to have feelings like that for me, false or real—after all, what could he possibly see in me? He’s chaotic, and I’m very orderly. He needs more of a free spirit.” She took a remaining bite of hay brisket from her fork, chewed and swallowed, considered, then added with a little extra smile, “You should try dating him. You’re a free spirit, Luna.”

Luna blinked and actually fell out of her chair.

“Luna, are you all right?” Celestia leaned out of her seat a little to catch sight of her sister on the floor, her smile growing.

Luna just sat up, trying to dust herself off, her eyes wide and gleaming a little. “Me? The Princess of the Night? We would never date the chaotic Discord! He is irresponsible, and his amusement lacks refinement. We would rather thee took him and with our blessing!” She got back into her chair, pouting and letting out a frustrated little sigh as she turned her attention to cutting up and eating a bite of the last of her own hay brisket.

Celestia laughed, unable to help herself. “Well, perhaps you two do have different ideas of what it means to be free-spirited. Maybe you should just stay friends.” She dabbed at her mouth with her napkin again, and then magically pushed away her now mostly plates. “Luna, my point is, I don’t mind if ponies gossip, even about my love life. I like Discord very much—he’s funny and creative and passionate and very friendly. And he is my first and only choice to be my escort.” She sat up a little straighter. Then she magically sipped her water and added, “We go back very far, almost as far as you and I do. And I value and care for his friendship very much.”

Luna listened to her sister with interest and then looked down at her own nearly empty plates. “I’m sorry, sister. I don’t mean to question your judgment about this. And I do trust Discord now. I just…don’t want to see you get hurt.” Her eyes came up. “Not just by Discord potentially, but by the talk of our subjects. And I don’t want to see Discord hurt by such idle gossip either.”

Celestia smiled in understanding. “I know you want to keep us safe, Luna. But trust me, we’ll all be fine. And if there are rumors, I will correct them if presented with them. For now though, I agree with your and Discord’s strategy—the best thing is to ignore them and wait for them to die down on their own.”

“And…those rumors…they really would be untrue in every way, yes?” Luna asked now, an eyebrow raised (if hesitantly).

Celestia raised an eyebrow as well. She paused in magically raising her water cup again. “What do you mean?”

Luna cleared her throat and finally just asked. “You don’t really have any sort of crush on Discord…do you?”

“Luna!” Celestia smiled and blinked and blushed all at once.

Luna’s eyes went a little wide. She had never seen her sister blush like that, at least not for a very long time.

Celestia sipped some more water and then cleared her throat as she regained her composure. “Luna, he’s just a friend. We wouldn’t seriously…I mean—”

Just then one of the royal guards knocked on the door and entered the dining room. “Your majesties, pardon the intrusion.” He bowed low.

Celestia let out a sigh of relief at the interruption and turned to the guard. “It’s fine.” She smiled normally as she spoke with him. “Is there something wrong?”

The guard straightened up, rubbing the back of his neck in a touch of nervousness. “Well…there seems to be a situation out on the castle grounds. You see, some of the other guards were making their patrol and…a sort of intruder was discovered in an area.”

“What do you mean ‘a sort of’ intruder?” Luna asked, raising an eyebrow.

The guard looked to her. “An official friend to the crown, but one with a reputation for mischief.” He glanced at Celestia, hesitated, but then added, “Discord, your highness.”

“Discord?” Luna blinked.

The guard nodded. “Yes, sleeping in the statue garden.”

“The statue garden.” Anything Celestia had magically been controlling fell to the table, her eyes going wide. “I see. Please,” she did her best to smile normally at the guard once more, “Tell the guards not to trouble themselves about this. My sister and I will handle the situation.”

The guard still looked uneasy but nodded to Celestia. “As you wish, Princess. I’ll let the other guards know at once.” He bowed to both sisters. “Your highnesses.” Then he straightened up to attention, turned and left the room.

“Luna, please come with me.” A great deal of worry spread over Celestia’s face once she and her sister were alone again. She stood up and started to approach the dining room door. “We should check on him.”

“Sister, are you all right?” Luna stood and came by her side, heading in the direction of the doorway as well. “You heard the guard—he is causing no problems and appears to be in no pain, he is just sleeping.”

“It’s where he’s sleeping that bothers me, Luna.” Celestia glanced at her sister, a touch of sadness in her features. “If you had to choose a place for a nap…would the moon be at the top of your list?”

Luna’s eyes went a little wide and a touch of sadness came to her own features. She looked forward and gave a single nod. “I understand, sister. Come, we’ll see if something is amiss.”

The two sisters went onward.

They were out on the castle grounds soon enough, through the flower gardens, alongside the castle labyrinth, down past the badminton courts. And then came the statue garden.

Celestia and Luna separated and moved around, looking here and there. Then Celestia came to the top of a small grassy knoll leading down to a little valley below bordered by the hedges of the labyrinth and shaded slightly by the bows of a tree. And there, in that large space, lay Discord, curled up in a ball and sleeping away in the light of the evening sun.

Celestia observed him hesitantly, but then she caught sight of a small smile on his lips and smiled herself. “Luna!” she called out lightly to her sister, waving a hoof to get her attention.

Luna came down from the sky and landed beside Celestia, looking down into the little valley area too. “Good, you’ve found him.” The clear peacefulness of his slumber made her smile as well. “He seems all right, sister. He is even smiling in his sleep.”

“I know.” Celestia let out a deep sigh. “And it’s a relief to me.”

Luna nodded. “Still, do you want me to make sure all is well with him, sister? I happen to be awake now, and it’s close enough to moonrise—I could visit his dreams.”

Celestia considered but shook her head. “No. That’s all right, Luna. Besides, I’m not sure what you’d find in that chaotic subconscious of his.” She almost laughed a little. “Maybe I was just overreacting a little about him being in this particular place.”

Luna moved closer to her sister. “I don’t think you were, Celestia. This is a traumatic place for him. Yet…perhaps it is also comforting in its familiarity and its privacy.” She glanced up—the moon shone palely on the horizon, waiting to be risen entirely by her very soon. “I may retain anxiety about being upon the moon. But I still love my moon and take great personal comfort in her. It is part of who I am.” She smiled. “Maybe, in a similar way, Discord takes some comfort from being here.”

Celestia was quiet for a moment. Then she spoke softly. “We should leave him to his rest. He’s been through a lot lately.”

Luna looked away from her moon to nod and smile at her sister…only to see Celestia smiling softly down at Discord, a warm gaze in her eyes. Luna blinked. She glanced from a slumbering Discord to a smiling Celestia and back again several times…and then a warm smile couldn’t help but come to her own features. “Is there something else on your mind, sister?” she finally asked.

Celestia blinked and then shook her head. “No, nothing, Luna. It’s just that I’ve never seen him so peaceful.” Just then Discord yawned and his back hoof started to kick a little in a dream. She smiled more. “It’s…sweet.” She sighed and turned toward the castle again. “But we really should go now. There’s still dessert to have before we finish our tasks with the sun and moon after all.” Her eyes brightened a little as she headed forward.

Luna’s grin picked up on one side as she followed after her sister. “Cake again?”

“What…?” Celestia just smiled more and nudged her sister. “I like cake.”

“And are you sure you don’t like Discord too?” Luna asked, something just a touch smug coming to her smile as she raised an eyebrow and glance her sister.

Celestia blinked but then laughed softly and shook her head. “No more than he likes me, Luna, I’m certain.” She rolled her eyes away at the notion.

Luna just shook her head, trying not to laugh as well. “If you smile and look away and say it like that, then perhaps it really is best just to ignore the rumors going around instead of outright denying them. I’m afraid your response would only make them worse.”

Celestia smirked just a little at her sister. Suddenly she raised her wings. “Come on, let’s race back to the dining hall. Wings only, no magic. First one there gets first choice of all the dessert.”

Luna’s eyes went wide and her smile brightened. “Yes, let’s race!” She raised her wings and licked her lips. “Perhaps I shall finally have the best cake all to myself!”

“We’ll see about that! Go!” Celestia yelled. And then both sisters took off, laughing as they flew back toward their home.

Luna won the race. Celestia spent just a few seconds too long at one point gazing behind herself back to the statue garden, wondering after her dear friend who was out there.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for your reviews so far and for your patience about updates. I'm working on several projects at once at the moment, but I will try to keep posting regularly. :twilightsmile:

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