• Published 28th Sep 2015
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The Twilight Enigma - iisaw

Twilight sets out to learn more of the ways of the world, and soon decides that the whole planet is disorganized, insanely dangerous, and desperately needs to be fixed. And she's just the mare to do it... with a little help from her friends.

  • ...

20 Celebrations

Chapter Twenty

Comprised mainly of pleasures and delights
of the mind and of the flesh.

January, 1013 - March 21st, 1013

I was exhausted. Luna ought to have been exhausted, but no, there she was, Princess Sleep-Through-the-Day, nudging me gently and telling me to wake up.

"I want to stay here with you." I murmured into her mane.

"As dearly as I would love that," she replied, mercilessly pulling the covers off of the bed with her magic, "you will be late for your appointment with your friends at the library."

I rolled over and spooned with her for warmth. "Dancer won't notice. Once she sticks her muzzle in a book, she'll lose all track of time."

"I can see why you two are friends," Luna commented dryly. "Nevertheless…" She prodded my rump with a little bit of magic.

"Mmmm. Do that again!"

"Oh, Twilight, you are impossible! You must get up."

I sighed. "Well, you are the senior princess. I suppose I have to obey your commands." I wiggled toward the foot of the bed and indulged in a long, luxurious stretch, keeping my head pillowed on Luna's side. I gazed up at her through half-lidded eyes, lifted a wing to stroke her cheek, and said, in as sultry a voice as I could manage, "So command me."[1]
[1] I often encouraged Rarity to write down all her romantic tricks and tips, but she insisted that seduction was something that shouldn't be learned from a book. It's a pity, because she would make a fortune in sales.

The look on Luna's face was wonderful… for a moment. Then her expression clouded over and she turned away from me. "You must keep to your appointment, Twilight," she said flatly.

"What's wrong?" I tried to turn her head back to face me with a wingtip, but she pulled away.

"'Tis nothing."

I teleported to her side of the bed, with my muzzle almost touching hers. "Look, I'm an insensitive dummy, and I have no idea what I did wrong, but I'll never know if you don't tell me. Hurting you, even accidentally, is something I can't bear to have on my conscience, so please tell me what it is, or I'll go nuts trying to figure it out, and…"

"Nay, 'tis no fault of thine, my love!" Luna said. "I am the one to blame. Thy gentle teasing deserves not such unseemly thoughts."

"Whoa there! You mean you…" I forced myself not to smile. She was taking the situation very seriously and I was at least socially competent enough to know that making light of her distress would be the worst thing I could do. "Luna, I meant it. If you thought of something you'd like to do with me, I want to hear it."

Luna's coat was so dark it was usually difficult to tell when she was blushing, but at that moment it was foal's play. "I would not have thee think less of me," she said, quietly.

I thought furiously for a moment. I wanted my reply to be perfect. "Luna… no, don't interrupt! I would never presume to judge you for anything you ask of me. Never, understand? I… I might refuse, but I would never think less of you for asking."

She nodded, but still kept her eyes downcast.

"Luna…" I was frantic to get through to her. "I trust you, and I want you to trust me. Tell me. If it's something that you would enjoy, I want to give it to you."

"But if my desire repels you…"

"Then we'll find a work-around!" I said, earnestly. "I'm the best problem-solver in the kingdom! You think I can't do it?"

She finally looked at me. "Truly?"

"Yes," I said. "Thou art my true love, and naught that thou canst conceive will e'er serve to lessen my heart's love one whit. Speakest thou to me of thy desire… uh... of that which thou desirest? Oh, Tartarus!" I shook the tangle of Middle Equuish off my tongue and took Luna's head between my fore hooves. "I can't put it as poetically as you can, so I'm just going to say it straight out. The fact that you want to do kinky stuff with me makes me feel loved and sexy and desirable and proud. So, tell me before I die of anticipation!"

"I… I have thought how it might be enjoyable to… to.." She bit her lower lip and hesitated.

"Go on, lover."

"To make love on the wing… in a violent storm!" She gasped out. "To be buffeted and tumbled by the winds… to be soaked by warm rain and touched by lightning as we… we…" Her eyes were wide and her nostrils flared. "Is that too strange to be thought of?"

I was grinning my head off by that point. "Are you kidding? That sounds like fun!"

I missed the research session entirely.

= = =

I planned to depart for Zebrica sometime after my birthday. It wouldn't be considered an early start for a serious trader, but it fit in perfectly with everything else in my over-full schedule, and our primary goal wasn't making money.

Pirate hunting was going to be dangerous and I was still worried about the safety of my friends and Nebula's crew. I spent a great deal of time working out new protections, as well as improving on old magic like my Fail-Safe spell. I convinced Celestia to let me take the Amulet of Night out of the Deep Vaults with a promise to use it only as a last resort.

That's when I found the old scroll that mentioned the Labyrinthine Stairs and what lay beneath them. I was intrigued and excited. So many wonderful things could be accomplished with a magical engine of such power!

My Fail-Safe spell was designed to restore "normal" conditions to a catastrophically[2] altered system, but it had to be cast directly and needed a template or example to work from. Hardly practical for use on a unique living being. But, if the "template" was constantly being recorded remotely, the spell could capture the essence of a pony and be triggered by an interruption in the flow of information. With the rapid amplitude-deviation interpretive oscillator[3] as a method to carry that flow, I could create a pair of amulets that would...
[2] In the mathematical sense.
[3] Which we'd agreed to call RAPTOR after the first and last three letters of the longer name.

"Twilight, aren't you coming in?" Celestia asked.

I realized I had been standing outside the door to her study for some time, lost in thought.

"Sorry," I said. "Multitasking."

She matched my grin as I trotted into the room. Twilight Sparkle, staring off into space and muttering to herself was not a new experience for her.

I set out my notes on the little table by the fireplace. "I think we can use raptor crystals to control the changeling's anti-friendship amulets if we can tap into a strong, reliable power source."

Celestia nodded. "Good. I've spoken with Cadance and she's confident that she will be able to integrate the control system you've designed with the Crystal Palace. It already spreads magic across Equestria, and a small addition should be easy to implement."

"We still need to alter the changeling amulets to receive the signal," I said. "It won't be easy to get hold of them without blatant use of royal authority."

"I have taken care of that little detail," Luna said, appearing out of the narrow shadow of a tapestry. A shiver of delight ran through me. I loved it when she did stuff like that.

Celestia didn't look up from the paperwork, but a smile spread across her face. "Crystal Star has agreed to allow us access to the amulets she makes for Chrysalis, then? You are amazingly persuasive, sister. Perhaps I should include you in more diplomatic situations."

"She is afraid of ants." Luna said, flatly. "After three nights of dreaming of swarms of them crawling into her ears and nose and…"

"Perhaps not," Celestia interrupted, still smiling.

The corner of Luna's mouth twitched upward a tiny bit. "She will also tell Chrysalis that she needs to service and upgrade the amulets that have already been given out."

"I am very impressed, sister!"

"There were a great many ants."

I hated to interrupt their playful banter, but we were behind schedule. "Shall we decide on what spells we want to be able to induce?"

A tracking spell was reasonable. A thaumo-reactive cantrip to detect high-energy magic was even obvious. But the third spell Celestia wanted… "That would kill them outright!" I gasped.

"Yes, but I can't think of a situation where I would actually use it," she said, shrugging off my concern.

"Then, why include it?"

"Do I really have to trot out the old proverbs, Twilight? Chrysalis might have been truthful when she claimed she only wanted to integrate with Equestrian society." Celestia's ears twitched with a tiny sign of irritation. "But with a significant number of her drones in place, she could just as easily put herself into a position to dictate terms to us. It would be a bloodless coup, but a coup, nonetheless."

"And you'd kill countless changelings to prevent that?" I don't know when I'd become an advocate for the insect-Equestrian citizens, but it just popped out of my mouth. I suppose having Khaatarrekket as a friend and Queen Csharreee as a pen-pal had something to do with it.

She paused for a moment. I'm pretty sure it wasn't because she had any doubts as to the action she proposed. It was because she didn't want to admit it to me. Finally, she lowered her head and looked me in the eye. "If there were no other way, then yes. Without hesitation or remorse, I would, Twilight. Any changeling who went along with her plan would be a traitor to the realm. Any who opposed it, need only remove their amulet to be free of Chrysalis forever and safe from my wrath."

Before I could absorb that, there came a slow clip-clop of applause from where Luna stood. "And here I'd thought that a millennium of unchallenged rule might have softened you, sister. I am glad to see that it did not." I knew her well enough by then to be able to tell that there was no sarcasm whatsoever in her voice. Another shiver ran through me.

"I did not survive a millennium by being soft, dear Luna." Her smile would have made a timberwolf cringe.

I suddenly felt very, very young.

"Okay…" I said, trying to keep my voice light. "Localized Implosion spell it is, then."

= = =

The Tree of Harmony wasn't feeding magic into my castle any longer, but that didn't mean I couldn't. The map table was still useful, even if it wasn't throwing us at friendship problems every other week. A few charges from my horn got all the lights and other housekeeping spells working, and it was almost like normal again.

I had Pinkie Pie organize a huge party for my birthday, inviting all the citizens of Ponyville. It cost me nearly all of my share of the profits from our first voyage, but it was worth every bit. The main hall of the castle was done up in elegant style, with an orchestra and formal dancing for the ponies who liked that sort of thing, and the rest of the grounds were a chaotic carnival of food, music, and games for the majority of the population.

I relied on Pinkie to advise me on the little gifts I wanted to give out to everypony attending. Her files were invaluable. I also prepared quite a number of extra presents in case travellers or relatives of citizens were in town on that day. They were all color-coded by wrapping paper and ribbon to signify what age and gender the gift inside would be appropriate for.[4]
[4] That was my idea. Left to Pinkie, they all would have contained chocolate cupcakes.

It went perfectly, exactly as I had planned, except for the pirate attack.

I was in the castle, talking with Mayor Mare in a quiet corner of the ballroom, when Periwinkle approached and demurely cleared her throat.


"I'm sorry for interrupting, Your Highness, but something's come up which requires your attention."

"I'm sorry, Mayor," I said, putting my drink down on a side table. "Will you please excuse me?"

"Of course, Princess! Thank you again for the beautiful gavel."

Periwinkle walked by my side as I left the room, and motioned to the stairs that led up to the grand balcony. "This is a bit unusual," she began.[5]
[5] That should have tipped me off right there. Periwinkle had been with me since shortly after my castle had sprung out of the ground like a giant, glittering toadstool, and after all the things she'd seen, labeling something "unusual" was a highly significant act.

"Dangerous unusual?" I asked as we climbed the stairs.

"Yyyee… I'm really not sure." She bit her lower lip. "He seemed very polite, but he's got a sword."

"Perhaps you should start at the beginning."

But by then we'd reached the doors to the balcony and they swung open on a suspiciously timed gust of wind, revealing the scene beyond.

"Well! If it isn't Princess Twilight Sparkle!" came a deep, silky-smooth voice. "Or should I say, Captain Blackmane?"

He was a buckskin pegasus stallion who looked like he'd stepped off of the cover of a fantasy romance novel. He wore a red bandanna on his head and had a cutlass hung on a baldric over his muscular shoulders. Behind him a small sleek airship was moored to the balcony railing, and several more piratical types lounged around the balcony, making free with the dessert buffet.

"Should I get the guards?" Periwinkle asked, nervously backing away.

"Oh, no need to be involving them," the handsome stallion said, making a motion with a wing to one of his crewponies. "This is between the captain and me."

The crewpony tossed a cutlass onto the floor near my hooves.

"I'll get the guards," Periwinkle said.

"No, it's alright," I said to her as I levitated the cutlass up and fitted my right fore hoof into its grip. "Just keep the guests off the balcony until this is settled, please."

"Are you sure, princess?"

I nodded and swung the doors shut with my magic.

"Rules?" I asked the stallion. Several of his crewponies laughed at that.

"No magical hanky-panky. Otherwise…" He shrugged.


"I win, and you acknowledge that Dashing Blade is King of the Northern Fleet, and swear never to meddle with me or mine again!"

"And when I win?"

"Oh-ho! Very sure of yourself, aren't you, lass?" He grinned, and I had to admit that it was a charming, if roguish expression. "Name your forfeit if you win. No need to waste breath on fantasies."

I grinned back. "Stop talking and start fighting."

He was strong and fast, but I was a bit quicker. I tried for a bind on his blade and managed to deflect his first cut, but didn't get the disarm I had been going for. Cutlasses are terrible for thrusting, so that's exactly what I did. Four lighting-fast thrusts at his face and neck surprised him enough to get him to back away from the doors, giving me room to maneuver.

He came back with two savage downward chops that I easily dodged. They were slow enough I didn't need to parry, but they were only the setup for his third attack.

He snapped both wings downward and together, flipping himself up and over my back, slashing out as he reached the apex of his leap. I dropped to the floor and snapped my cutlass into a parry septime. The sound of our blades clashing together came an instant before the sounds of his hooves hitting the marble behind me.

"Ooh," he said mockingly as I spun to face him. "Fancy blade-work, that. Bet you learned it in a nice comfy school somewheres."

I had learned it from Maestro Flèche, who, often as not, had Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and I practicing dirty tricks outdoors in all weathers. A master of the sport of fencing, he was also an eminently practical stallion who had a great deal of experience with blades in the real world. And had the lack of scars to prove it.

I struck a perfect en-garde and took three precise steps forward in an advance that would have earned a nod of approval in any salle in Equestria. Then I pretended to stumble, knocked the pirate's blade aside with a savage beat in the instant he was distracted, and hammered my hilt into his belly in a completely non-regulation sucker-punch.

It felt like I'd slammed my hoof into a stone building, but it knocked him back a bit and certainly surprised him.

We traded a flurry of blows, dancing back and forth across the balcony. Sometimes we took to the air, but he didn't seem to care for the additional complications that aerial maneuvers added any more than I did. It was a down-and-dirty fight.

We threw kicks and wing-strikes into the mix and I toppled the cupcake cart into his path just in time to save myself from an unexpected rush. Pretty, it wasn't.

What it was was a whole lot of fun.

I banged my rump into the balcony railing, and Dashing Blade seized the opportunity to force me into a corps-à-corps. His chest pressed against mine and our hilts locked together below our chins. He opened his mouth to deliver some clever quip and I thrust my muzzle forward, mashing my lips against his and sliding my tongue deep into his mouth.

He tensed up for an instant, and then melted into the kiss, his tongue sliding against mine. That's when I hooked a hock around his hind leg and yanked with all of my strength.

He crashed to the floor, his cutlass spinning out of his grip, and I followed him down. He was far too strong to be pinned by my lighter body, but my cutlass laid sideways across his throat made up for that disadvantage.

"Time to name my forfeit, I think," I cooed down at him, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well then…" He thought about it for almost a full second. "Nopony can say Captain Dashing Blade doesn't honor his word. Name your prize, lass."

"You're mine for the night," I told him, getting to my hooves and tossing aside the cutlass. "We'll see if you have other talents beside brawling."

His eyes went wide for a moment, and then a slow smile spread across his face. "This isn't how I thought this would go, Twilight."

"I'm glad I can still surprise you." I smiled, and conjured up a length of soft cotton rope to truss up my prize. "You can wait in my bed until I arrive. If you're lucky, I may bring you some dessert."

I slowly ran a hooftip over his chest and down his taut belly, then teleported him into my private chambers.

The "pirate" crew were grinning their heads off as they got back aboard their airship. I gave them a cake that had survived the mayhem. "It's a long way back to Canterlot," I said. "Scurvy pirates need snacks."

I found Pinkie Pie and got her to break out the emergency backup desserts for my guests, then headed for my rooms. I thought it would heighten the anticipation to keep Luna waiting, but I couldn't resist for long.

It was a memorable birthday.

= = =

I woke some time before dawn and turned to nuzzle against Luna's neck. She made a soft mmmm noise and lifted her chin so I could nibble at the soft skin below her cheek. "How did you know it was me?" she asked quietly. "I made sure to damp all traces of magic, and I'm very good at that."

"Well, it was a rather improbable scenario, but the kiss gave it away." I gave her a peck at the corner of her mouth. "You can't disguise that wonderful technique of yours."

Luna started to smile and then it hit her. "What? Thou didst not know before then? Thou wouldst kiss a strange stallion in such a wanton manner?" She turned her head over her shoulder to stare at me, aghast.

"He was a very handsome stallion! And I hadn't seen you in nearly a week!"

She was so taken aback that she overlooked my terrible acting and began to sputter in outrage.

I turned aside as if unconcerned, and nonchalantly examined the edge of a hoof as if looking for imperfections. "Oh, and the first parry I made, I could tell the edge of your cutlass wasn't sharp, even though it looked like it was. Nice illusion, by the way."

Luna gave a wordless cry of outrage followed by a pillow to the back of my head. "Thou art an impossible rogue, Twilight Sparkle!"

I couldn't help laughing, even under the multiple strikes of both pillows. "Also… hahaha… you shouldn't have… oof… picked your name from one of Rarity's bodice-rippers! Hahahaha…"

She abandoned her physical attack and settled for a Royal Pout. "I should be sore vexed with thee, but thy visage in such disarray couldst charm a manticore!"

A few delightful kisses mended the quarrel.

I sighed as our lips parted and said, "It was a wonderful gift. Even if it turned out I was the one doing the ravaging."

"That was not your birthday gift, lover," she said with a grin. "It was your gift to me."

I chuckled. "That's good, because what I'd planned on giving you was a home-made tea cozy. It has badly cut-out felt moons all over it."

"I would treasure it," she said. "From a great distance."

I gave her a playful swat on the rump with a wingtip. "Okay, maybe there's something else around here… oh yes…"

She was delighted with the little music box that played one of her favorite tunes. "'Tis cunning work. So tiny, yet the sound is full and rich… and no magic in it, for a wonder."

"The artisan is an earth pony from Baltimare. He's making quite a name for himself."

"Well deserved," she said and set the box down on her belly. "Speaking of cunning…"

A wrapped package appeared in a flash, and I caught it in my magic. I didn't even have to unwrap it to know it was a book.

"Fear not, my love. It is a tome that you have not read."

"Okay," I said, grinning at her. "Is it a book about mind-reading?"

Her expression grew serious. "In part. It certainly is a glimpse into the mind of some ponies."

Intrigued, I opened the wrapping. It was old. Very old. I could sense the subtle spells woven into the binding to keep it supple and free from dirt and mold. There was a heraldic sun embossed on the cover, overwritten by the title of the book.

Nicker O. Marechiavelli

"Nay," Luna said, once again anticipating my reaction. "You have not read this book."

I opened the cover and turned past the fly leaf, title page, and dedication. And on the very first page of the text, I saw why the volume was so unique. The familiar text of the book was there, obviously printed with very early movable type. The page layout was the same as the early books that were individually copied in quill and ink, with wide margins, suitable for making notes. And there were notes. Copious notes.

"I know this penwork," I said, softly, my chest tightening.

"Yes," Luna said. "It is a presentation copy of the first edition, given to my sister by Marechiavelli. It is a gift from the both of us."

It took a while for me to control my breathing enough to gasp out, "Thank you."

= = =

Author's Note:

Thanks once more to my most excellent editors, Present Perfect, Jordanis, and statoose, particularly for putting up with things like gratuitous TwiLuna and Nicker O. Marechiavelli. It is one of the unfortunate facts of life, that when one indulges in horsewords, one must be prepared to suffer the occasional egregious equine pun.