• Published 28th Sep 2015
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The Twilight Enigma - iisaw

Twilight sets out to learn more of the ways of the world, and soon decides that the whole planet is disorganized, insanely dangerous, and desperately needs to be fixed. And she's just the mare to do it... with a little help from her friends.

  • ...

4 Into the Unknown

Chapter Four
Into the Unknown

Wherein an airship is launched,
Pinkie Pie reveals to Twilight her true position in the nature of things,
and the Bearers of Harmony rudely ignore Twilight's wishes.

Early June, 1012
Canterlot, Ponyville, and onboard Nebula, on course for Zebrica

Sooner than I expected, Gudgeon pronounced my ship finished and well-appointed. I managed to reign in Rarity, and the paint job on the envelope and hull were within the range one might expect... if at the very edge of a theoretical bell curve delineating stylishness of merchant vessels.

All that was left was to give her a name.

"Shooting Star?" suggested Luna, as she carefully examined the ship's lines.

"Hmn... some clever double meanings possible with that one, but no, I think I've decided," I replied. "I'm going to name her after you."

Luna smiled but then raised an eyebrow. "Will that not compromise the anonymity you seek?"

"Oh, I won't call her My Darling Luna, if that's what you're thinking." I grinned at her and moved my wing, gently lifting my primary feathers through her cool, ethereal mane. "I was thinking that 'Nebula' would be nice."

Luna laughed. "Thou art naming thy craft in honor of my hair?"

"Dark, sleek, and beautiful... with constellations, you'll note," I said, pointing out the decorative stars painted on the envelope. "I think it's appropriate."

"I'sooth, 'tis a blue not unlike my own." She was trying to sound casual, but her eyes sparkled in the torchlight.

Luna broke the bottle of sparkling cider across Nebula's bow at her launching; a perfectly acceptable gesture from one princess to another, signifying nothing else... as far as the general populace was concerned.

I had my ship, I had my plan, and I had a tough choice to make. Up until then, I had to be available whenever the map table called. I hadn't thought about it much because I rather enjoyed being given missions of importance at a moment's notice, and every task had worked out pretty well. On the evidence, the map knew what it was doing. But the maiden voyage I was contemplating would take at least a month, and maybe more.

I have to admit that I was moping around the castle in a pensive mood, considering what I would do if I was halfway to Zebrica and my cutie mark lit up, when Pinkie Pie made up my mind for me.

"Hiya Queenie!" Pinkie called, as she bounced into the throne room.

I chuckled. "Did I get a promotion?"

Pinkie snorted and rolled her eyes. "Silly Twilight! I was talking to the table!"

"The table."


"Do I really want to know?"

"Well," she said, ticking off the points on her hoof, "you're a princess, and the table bosses you around, so that means it outranks you, and that means it's a queen." She paused to rub her chin. "Or maybe an empress... but definitely not a marchioness!"

It actually made sense in a twisted, Pinkie sort of way.


"Don't worry, Twilight! Just because you're the lackey of a piece of furniture, doesn't mean you aren't super-duper spiffy!"



"Of a table."

"A maaagical table!"

I was told that ponies heard me shouting as far away as Town Hall.

= = =

"I'm leaving Monday morning," I told the girls as we enjoyed a light lunch together on the grand balcony of the castle. "I've got an itinerary set, and Spike will be along to send messages. I'll write letters to you all at each port, and Luna has arranged to forward them. I'll be so far away that shared dreams would be impractical, but you can ask Celestia or Luna to send a letter if I'm needed back here. I think that covers everything."

They all looked at each other.

"Yeah, everything except who's going to take over our jobs while we come along with you," Rainbow Dash said, scowling at me. "I can ask Spitfire to assign me to your guard again, but that means somepony else will have to take over at the castle."

"Well, I reckon I can hire Caramel for the hayin' and maybe Noteworthy to help take care of the stock. He ain't much for heavy labor, but he's good with critters," Applejack said.

"I could finish up my outstanding orders in a week. Sassy and Coco should be able to take care of any emergencies. Could you put off the departure for a few days, darling?"

"I suppose I could..." Fluttershy began.

"Wait, wait!" I interrupted. "I'm not going to upset your schedules for this! It's just a trial run, and if the table comes up with a..."

"Cloud Kicker!" Dash said suddenly. "Yeah, I'll put her in charge and then everypony will be extra glad to get me back!"

"Maybe Noteworthy could stop by my cottage for the evening feeding? Then I could..."

It was obvious that they were going to ignore me. Some leader of ponies I was. "Listen!" I half-shouted. "This isn't a pleasure cruise and I don't want to be recognized! I'm going in disguise and..." I really should have known better.

"Oooooo! Secret stuff!" Pinkie Pie clopped her fore hooves together. "I'm in!"

"Some sort of nom de guerre would be in order, wouldn't it? 'Dashing Blade' sounds nice! He was the hero of a fabulous romance novel I read last month."

"I'm the one who dashes around here!" Rainbow objected. "Hmn... I've got a Daring Do costume..."

"I s'pose I could put a colored hatband on one o' my spare hats."

I don't know why I even pretend to have any control over my life.

= = =

I shifted my scheduled departure to Monday the week after and managed to keep the girls from making it look like I was exporting fancy costume parties. I worked up some charmed jewelry to alter their appearances, though Rarity insisted on making her own setting for her gem, trying very hard not to let on that she thought my simple bezel and gold chain was an affront to fashion through the ages. It didn't really matter, because I layered a charm on top of the jewels to make them unnoticeable,[1] but Rarity insisted that she would know, so I gave in to her whim. Rarity was right about something else: We needed cover names. But I didn't think we could manage to consistently use the pseudonyms without slipping up, so I developed a clever little spell to alter how other ponies heard what we called each other. The six of us could use any of our names or nicknames, and others would only hear our chosen aliases.[2]
[1] Merchant crewponies didn't wear much in the way of accessories.
[2] Spike made an adorable little colt, and was very eager to play cabin boy even before Rarity squealed with delight on seeing his disguise and gave him a big, nuzzle-y hug.

Aside from Rainbow Dash snapping welts on her own ears and rump while practicing with her Official Daring Do Action Bullwhip, preparations went smoothly.

Celestia had her staff prepare and expedite all the paperwork that was necessary, including, interestingly enough, foreign health certificates and licenses. She gave me the final bundle, all tied up with a neat red ribbon and a sheet listing all the contents, and my last excuse for not leaving vanished.

I spent the last night before we left in Canterlot with Luna. She even canceled Night Court so that we would have more time together.

"Thou hast the charms and philters I prepared?" she asked me as I prepared to fly back to Ponyville early Monday morning.

"All properly stowed away," I confirmed.

"And a goodly store of enchanted paper for messages?"

"I will write you even when I have nothing of interest to say. I promise!"

"Nay, thy slightest thoughts are of great import to me!" She lowered her head until her muzzle was only a hoof width from mine.

"You're making it very hard for me to go," I said, moving my own nose closer until it almost touched hers.

"Would if be so horrible if thou wert ever so slightly behind thy time? There are not sufficient hours in a day to properly show my affection, but perhaps a turn of the glass to hint at how grievously the hours apart will wound me?" Like we hadn't spent most of the previous night doing just that.

I kissed her for the space of ten heartbeats and then broke away. "I'm the captain, and duty calls."

She smiled wickedly as she backed away. "Then fly to thy duty, but let it not weigh heavily upon thee, for thou shalt need all of thy strength to bear the welcome I will tender upon thy return!"

"So the trip won't be a total loss, no matter how it goes." I attempted a leer in return, but am fairly certain I didn't pull it off. Fortunately, Luna is very understanding.

= = =

"Grass?" Rainbow Dash peered through the hatch into Nebula's main hold. "We're hauling grass? That's so lame! We should have a cargo of exotic silks and spices! Maybe mysterious locked chests that make eerie sounds at night!"

"Canter Valley Bluegrass hay is worth a great deal in Zebrica," I told her. "They consider it a rare delicacy. And spices and silk come from across the ocean, so why in the world would we be exporting them there?"

"Lame," Dash muttered and she turned and clomped off toward the fo'c'sle. We were barely a day out of Ponyville and she was bored already. She'd been on self-imposed pirate-watch for most of the morning and we hadn't even crossed the Equestrian coast yet.

But it wasn't just her. Crewing aboard an airship freighter took a certain kind of temperament, and I was beginning to suspect it was one that none of my friends shared. I tried to interest Dash in learning to steer the ship, but she was completely disdainful of a craft that could only manage a tiny fraction of her flying speed. But to my surprise, Fluttershy seemed intrigued by the idea.

"It's really like some big animal, isn't it?" she said, looking out over the main deck. "All the crew need to work together, like muscle and nerves and lungs."

"I suppose," I admitted. "Ponies who work aboard airships and boats are always careful to call them by name and often claim each vessel has its own quirks and personality, though there's probably a lot of superstition in that."

"Well—" Fluttershy paused for several moments, but I knew she just needed time to work up to whatever was coming next and waited patiently. "Maybe I could get to know Nebula. I've watched how the crew ponies handle the lines, and I don't know if I'm strong enough for that, but—" She ducked her head and let a long lock of her pink mane fall across her face. "Maybe—sometime—I could try steering. If it's okay with you and it isn't too hard, I mean."

I introduced her to Acorn, the unicorn helmspony on watch, and ran her through Driving a Balloon 101.[3] She listened attentively and even summoned up enough courage to ask a couple of good questions.
[3] That's a joke, by the way. One pilots, sails, or steers an aircraft. Aeronauts cringe when ponies speak of driving a craft that flies.

"Okay," I said when I was confident she had grasped all the basics, "take the wheel, Ms. Fluttershy!"

"What? Now?" Her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, I don't know—maybe I should just watch for a little—"

"No time like the present!" I said cheerfully. I lifted her in my magic and plunked her down in front of the big wooden wheel. "Acorn and I will be right here if you need us!"

She immediately froze up. But since we were holding to a straight, level course, that was perfectly acceptable.

After about five minutes had passed, when most of the tension had left Fluttershy's shoulders and forelegs, I said to her, "That's really good! You've held a good steady line, no sudden or wasted motions. Right Mr. Acorn?"

"Yes, cap'n," he replied, solemnly. "As sure a hoof on the wheel as any I've seen."[4]
[4] My crew had been hoof-picked, not only for their aeronautical capabilities, but for a certain phlegmatic outlook towards what might best be termed peculiarities.

"Oh," Fluttershy said, softly smiling. "Really?"

"So let's try a slow easy turn," I said.

"I don't know if I'm ready for—"

"Turn the top of the wheel to the left until the second spoke from the top is straight up," I told her. I had to give her a little magical nudge to get her started, but she did it.

"Nothing is happening," she said after a moment. "Did I do it wrong?"

"It takes a little while for Nebula to respond," Acorn said. "And it's hard to tell when she starts to turn unless you watch the compass. There! You see the card moving?"

"Oh, yes!" Fluttershy smiled, proud of her achievement.

"Good," Acorn said. "Now, let's try to straighten her out heading Southwest by West. That's the mark on the compass card, there. The spoke with the fancy bit of ropework on it will be back at the top of the wheel when the rudder is amidships."

"Yes, I see it."

"Good! Now, it took Nebula about five seconds to start her turn, so figure how fast the compass is moving and try to turn the wheel back five seconds before the mark I showed you reaches the index line."

Acorn was being very kind and careful with Fluttershy, so I left them to the flying lesson and went in search of the rest of my friends.

Within a couple of days, everypony had gotten interested in some aspect of shipboard life and settled into a regular routine. Even if I thought some of the exercises that they went through were a little impractical, they were all happy, and that's what mattered. Fluttershy had gotten so interested in piloting that I could barely convince her to let go of the wheel long enough to eat. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash spent the afternoons whacking at each other with wooden cutlasses and boarding axes that Rarity had put together for them.

The only thing that didn't work out was one of Rarity's ideas; she just couldn't interest anypony else in playing shuffleboard.

I had assumed, with her martial arts background, that Rarity would join Dash and Pinkie, but she had gotten interested in fancy knot work and spent her free time with Halter Hitch, learning all sorts of ridiculously complicated ways to use up a lot of rope.

Oddly enough, Halter Hitch was an earth pony, but he could tie complicated knots faster than any of the unicorns aboard. Soon, we had "fancy work" covering railings, belaying pins, and anything else that afforded a decent place for Rarity to practice. She even wove a very luxurious-looking hammock that Dash commandeered for her mid-morning and late-afternoon naps, and a smaller version for Spike.

The crew didn't seem to mind all the unusual activity, and were positively delighted by the cooking skills of Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

I had packed two chests full of books and magical equipment, and spent most of my time reading or working on creating the Talisman of Night.

The Talisman had been another excuse I had used to delay my departure. I felt it was an unfinished piece of business that I ought to resolve before leaving Ponyville for any extended period. Unfortunately, the work had not gone well, and it was still far from complete.

The whole horrible affair with Luna's corrupted other half had left me in possession of another alicorn's twisted magical power. The Nightmare was no more, but she had left her indelible mark on the raw mana I had absorbed from her, and it made things difficult for me when using it to amplify my own magic. Like a filly who had become a good dancer and then undergone puberty, I found that things no longer functioned in the ways I had become accustomed to. A young mare stumbling over her own hooves posed little threat to the ponies around her, but the energies I commanded were of an entirely different magnitude, and potentially very dangerous.

It wasn't just the extra power within me that was the main problem; I had learned how to deal with that sort of situation when Tirek had escaped Tartarus. No, it was that the magic itself had been twisted somehow and preferred certain spell forms. It's hard to describe, and I don't want to ponify the magic; I am certain that there was no sentience to it at all. But the problem remained and I didn't want to keep playing host to the uncomfortable energy. It needed a safe place to reside.

My solution was to bind the Nightmare's magic into an artifact, much like the Alicorn Amulet. In fact, I had recovered the Amulet from its secure location in order to study it in preparation for my attempt. I took it to an underground workroom beneath my tower in Canterlot, and that's when I got a rather nasty surprise.

I recognized the magic bound into the Alicorn Amulet.

I never had any intention of putting it on, of course. I was confident that I had sufficient strength of will to resist its corrupting influence, but there was no sense in taking chances, and I didn't need to channel its magic to investigate the matrix that kept it bound into the jeweled necklace. But as soon as I opened the protective box that held it, my experience while escaping the Wheel of the World told me precisely what its source of power was.

The gem held a tiny fraction of the magic of the Red Queen. The power within the Amulet was a mote of the magical essence of the mother of Celestia and Luna; the amoral and merciless creator of our universe.

I shut and locked the box.

= = =

Author's Note:

Thanks to PresentPerfect, Princess Woona, and statoose for editing and pre-reading!