• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,409 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 23

I sighed, “I'm just glad you are okay.” and smiled up at the Princess.

She nodded with a small smile, letting go of the hug to drop back down on all four as I did the same, “I was worried about you as well, Page. Discord caused chaos all across Equestria and likely most of the rest of the world. Even so, most of his attention was focused on the Element Bearers as they were the only real threat. How did you fare during the time of chaos?”

Sitting down, I shrugged slightly, “I was out at the time. I spent most of the time cowering in a corner, being laughed at by a houseplant.” I admitted, “Not the bravest thing in the world.”

Luna smiled and put her hoof on my shoulder, “But the wise thing to do. There was nothing you could have done.”

“I hated it. I felt so... powerless.”

She sighed, “As did I. The Elements are the only way to keep Discord under control and... it was a close thing. We were lucky.”

I really didn't like that idea, “What happened to him?”

“Turned back to stone. We considered your words when you saw his statue before and he is now in a much safer location.” Luna said and lowered her hoof again, “Where he will remain.”

“Good to hear.” I said before giving her a curious look, “...What was he like?”

Luna shook her head, “Mad. Completely crazy and full of power unbound.”

Laying down in the grass, I watched a tree walk by, “Honestly, his effects seemed to remind me of my stranger dreams.”

Luna smiled at that, shifting to lay down next to me, “They do have a similar quality to them at times.” she admitted, running her hoof along the grass, “First time I entered your dreams, it was what they reminded me of. Humans are very... chaotic beings. Pony dreams are usually more ordered.”

“We can be.” I admitted, “A wise man once said that there is a thin line between genius and madness. Humanity's ability to think is what made it possible for us to conquer our world. Sometimes I think... all humans might be sitting on that line, carefully keeping our balance. A small push and you might fall down. But who would know what side you end up on?”

Luna frowned, “If that is true, it is a wonder you managed to remain sane through all that happened to you.”

I shook my head in amusement, “Who said I did? Because I'm pretty sure a sane human would not be able to accept being a pony.”

That earned me a ear bite.


“You are not insane. We know insane and you are not it.” Luna stated firmly before letting go and looking thoughtful, “For a human, anyway I assume. For a pony, your mind is a bit unusual and strange. Even beneath your lighter dreams, I can feel a dangerous current under the surface. It somewhat remind me of the times when I touched the dreams of gryphons and dragons.”

I hmmed at that, “Might be the predator thing.”

“That is quite possible.”

I relaxed on the grass before I raised my head again, “...can you show me Discord? I want to see it.”

Luna looked slightly concerned before she nodded, “I can show you a dream image of the creature. It will not be real.”

“Please. I just want to hit it in the face for what it did and it's not like I will be able to do it to the real one.”

That brought a chuckle from the Princess before her horn flashed, causing a dragon like being with the limbs of different creatures to pop into existence. No two limbs were from the same species, even it's eyes and horns were mismatched.

“Ah Loony! There you are!” It chortled, flowing over to us before disappearing in a flash of light, reappearing curling around Lunas horn, “I am so sorry I didn't have much time for you.”

I just gaped at it, my brain coming to a screeching halt. That voice. That flash when he used his powers.

Surging to my hooves I glared at the being as it slid off of Lunas horn like it was melting before poofing out of existence again, only to reform on my back, wearing a cowboy outfit.

“Q! You motherfucker!” I yelled and threw it off. The dream answered to my call and a anvil slammed into him from above, smashing him to bits that faded away.

“Page?” Luna asked carefully, “What are you doing?”

“Q! I know that voice anywhere!”

Luna frowned as she sat up, “You have met Discord?”

I let out a breath and shook my head, “...No. But that voice, it can't be a coincidence.” I said before I sat down, “There is a fictional being on one of my favorite shows. That flash of magic, that voice... they are identical. Even their personalities seem similar. There is no way that is a coincidence.”

The Princess was now sitting up and paying close attention, “Are you certain?”

“I... No.” I finally said and shook my head, “But they seem so similar. But the Q from the show didn't do things just to cause chaos. He always wanted something or to teach a lesson. It was never... chaos for chaos's sake.”

She slowly nodded, “Can you show me?”

I nodded and closed my eyes, focusing to give us a couch to lay on. Day switched to night, and a big screen TV, a large bowl of popcorn and a couple soda bottles appeared nearby,.

“How about we just watch some Star Trek? That way we will see Q as well?”

“What is this 'Star Trek'?” Luna asked and reached for the popcorn, putting it between us as we jumped onto the couch.

“One of my favorite TV shows from back home. Hopefully my memory managed to save all of it, even if I don't remember the details on my own.” I explained and reached for the remote with my magic, “Some of the fans back home would likely try to skin me alive for this, but we are skipping the Original series for now. You wanted to see Q, so how about we start with Star Trek: The Next Generation. Encounter at Farpoint. It is both the first episode of the series and the first one featuring Q.”

Luna nodded and settled down again, smiling, “Very well. You are the expert.”


Day 253... I think.

It's a while since I last wrote, mainly because the book had escaped from me. I finally found it hiding in the back of my cupboard behind a sack of hay. Thought I had lost it.

As to why it was missing... Well, there will be better historical records by the time this is read, I suppose, so I'll just keep things short.

There was a... containment loss... of a chaos spirit, Discord. It was a rather uncomfortable experience, but at least for now he has been turned back to stone by the element bearers.

That's two monsters they have defeated now. Nightmare Moon and Discord.

At least Luna has it stuffed away deep down in a dungeon or something this time instead of being displayed in the garden. Who the hell thought that was a good idea in the first place!? His magic caused all kinds of problems, among others apparently causing this journal to grow legs and run and hide.

I could at least understand that sentiment. That's what I did.

Anyway, now that Discord is back to being stoned, Equestria is once again safe. He reminded me a lot of Q actually, Luna showed him to me in a dream.

If he had not been in stone and Q not being real(in my home universe at least), I might have suspected he was behind me ending up here. It seemed like something he would have done.

Besides, there is no way I could see him not showing up to gloat when he had the opportunity, so he likely didn't have anything to do with it.

On a more personal note, I have been busy as all hell since my last entry. My book sold like crazy and I have been working on Empire, but it's slow work. At this rate, it will be over a year until I'm ready to send it to be edited.

Fucking hell, I didn't want fame!

Swift finds it amusing as hell and is more than happy to play it up when I'm accosted by a couple of cute mares.

At least one of us finds it fun.

Okay... accosted is stretching it quite a bit and I'm exaggerating. It only happened once. People have just started recognizing my name from time to time. I'm just not used to this kind of attention. I'm not sure I like it.

The rumors about me and Luna were bad enough but at least those are slowly dying down. She was right about that, ignore it and it will go away.

But I feel like I'm complaining a lot here considering how much I'm being paid for the whole thing.

Page, signing off.