• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,339 Views, 2,283 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 33

My pulse pounded in my ears as I ran through the shadowy corridor, the rasp of claws against stone behind me barely audible over the sound of my breath and heart.

Turning the corner, I ducked through a open door and closed it behind me, finding myself in another corridor, the windows to one side showing the rest of the castle far below, lit up by the moon.

Taking a second to catch my breath, I slowly started to walk, every time my hooves hit the floor, the sound seemed to echo forever through the entire castle.

Have to be quiet. Have to escape.

They would hear me. Find me.

The door behind me shook from a heavy impact and I froze, staring at it before ducking into one of the side rooms, closing that door behind me as well, then pushing the bookcase in front of it.

Suddenly, I was no longer alone in the dark room.

“Your dreams are troubled, dear Page.” Luna said as I tried to get my breathing under control as my brain processed what was going on.

“...This is a dream. Yes... of course it is.” I whispered, my back pressed against the bookcase. This was not the first time I had this dream.

I had been having this dream at least once a year for the last fifteen years. This was a variation though, I had never been in a castle before.

Looking up, I met Lunas worried eyes, “Luna... You shouldn't be here. You should leave.”

She frowned, “But you are in distress. Page... you are terrified.”

“Please. It's... it's a bad dream. I have had it before. But I have no idea how it can affect you. I don't want you to even see it. Please, Luna.”

She smiled softly and leaned down to give my right ear a nuzzle, “Calm, Page. Dreams are my realm, Nothing here can threaten me. You are safe, whatever it is, it can not hurt you.”

A hiss on the other side of the door made me fold my ears back and I trembled.

Luna gently guided me away from the bookshelf with her wing before floating it to the side with her magic.

No. Don't do it.

“Luna... no. Don't. It's not worth it.”

She gave me a calming smile and then opened the door, finding herself nose to nose with a pack of xenomorphs.

Luna took a step back in surprise and they hissed before pouncing and the princess screamed as they tore into her.


The window shattered behind me, exploding outwards into nothing but sparks of light as Luna floated to the ground behind me. Light was flaring from her horn and the light and shadows around faded to day, the grizzly sight before me turning to dust and blowing away into nothing.

The hissing, clicking and screams faded away to be replaced with soft gusts of wind and the chirping of birds.

Luna folded her wings and approached me carefully, “Page?”

I stared at her in horror, trying my best not to collapse.

Her eyes flicked over at where she had been torn to pieces and shook her head, approaching to lay down next to me, covering my back with her wing as my legs folded beneath me, “It was not real, Dear Page. A dream image, nothing more. It was not me.”

Shivering, I leaned against her side, “I... I saw...”

“Easy.” Luna whispered, “You are safe. I am sorry I didn't interrupt earlier.”

Closing my eyes, I forced myself to take a slow, deep breath.

“What were those creatures?” Luna asked after a moment.

I swallowed, “They... they are called Xenomorphs. They are not real, a made up monster for a story. I... I first saw it when I was a kid. They hunt you down. They take you... implant a egg in your chest that hatches and bursts out through your rib cage. This... is a nightmare I have had before with variations. A couple of times a year for a long time.”

Luna frowned again and looked over at the patch of marble where they had ripped her dream copy apart, “Horrible creatures. For somebody to come up with a creature such as that takes a dark mind. And to inflict them on foals... even in our time such a thing would have been unthinkable.”

I couldn't help but snort a little at that, “...I'm afraid that was my own fault. There was a warning that the movie was for adults only. I hated those things.”

The Princess nodded, “Even so.”

“Trust me... they are not the worst things created by human imagination.” I sighed and lowered my head onto my frontlegs, “Just the one I find personally terrifying.”

At least they don't exist in reality.

“You have nightmares often.” Luna said softly, “Or at least, your dreams are often darker than those of regular ponies. Almost every night there is something minor, even if you do not remember it.”


Luna chuckled softly and held me softly against her side with her wing, “I only interfere when things become especially bad, such as now. And usually only to end the dream and not interfere. It is rare that I enter somepony's dream to assist and even rarer that I make myself known.”

“...Thank you, Luna.”

She smiled and slid her wing up along my back, curling it around to cover my eyes, “Now sleep, my friend. And dream of nicer things.” she whispered, giving my ear a small nuzzle.

The world faded away to black before returning around me and now I was alone, laying in what seemed to be soft grey sand.

I frowned in thought and looked around. No sign of Luna.

My gaze turned to the skies and I gasped as I saw the blue and green orb of Equestria hovering far above.