• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,339 Views, 2,283 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 53

Luna was not happy with me.

“What in the world were you thinking!?” she asked, glaring down at me, her wings raised in annoyance as she moved back and forth across her balcony, the moon lightning the scene from far above.

Celestia had filled her in on what happened and she had just returned to her quarters from the meeting on what to do with the changelings.

Sitting down, I looked away. “I'm sorry, but I thought it was the only way to get her to agree. If her minions didn't stand down there would have been a lot of ponies getting hurt.”

That earned me a surprised look. “What!? No! I don't care about that.” Luna sighed and moved up to nuzzle me softly. “What was you thinking attacking her? You could have been hurt.”

“Somepony had to do something.”

Shifting next to me, Luna put her wing across my back and pulled me close as she sat down, nuzzling at my ear. “...Thank you for saving my sister.” she whispered softly.

Leaning against her side, I tried not to blush. “I didn't do much. I just distracted Chrysalis. Celestia did everything else.”

Luna smiled and shifted her weight against me, forcing me to lay down as she moved down next to me. “Braver than intelligent.” she murmured softly and rested her cheek against the top of my head, her nose just barely avoiding my horn before she grinned and asked me; “...did you really tell 'Tia to 'Fuck Off'?”

“...Might have?”

The Princess of the Moon broke down into giggles.

Blushing, I leaned against her in turn, closing my eyes.

Today had been exhausting even if my involvement in it was basically over after casting one spell and having one conversation.

The changelings were now currently housed/contained in the guest wing of the castle. Under heavy guard, of course, and with suppression rings on their horns. Hourly headcounts and no guard patrols of less than three guards. Passwords at every checkpoint and such things.

Nobody really knew what to do with them, but it was not going to be figured out tonight anyway. That work would start tomorrow.

Right now, everyone was just glad to have survived, I think. Including the changelings.

Chrysalis was not happy with the arrangement, but it was temporary and even she knew that. They couldn't keep that many changelings in the castle. I didn't think she would cause any trouble. Not now. Her only chance to win would have been with surprise... and that was without a suppression ring.

With that gone, she was boned in a fight and she knew it.

“You are getting a medal for this, you know.” Lunas said, her voice soft and her muzzle against my ear, bringing me up to full consciousness again, blinking my eyes open.


“A medal.” Luna said again. “And most likely part of a stained-glass window in the hall of stories.”

“No... I don't want any of that!” I answered, shifting to look at her.

Luna smiled and bumped her nose against mine. “As you say, deal with it. And that's simply for saving my sister. If we actually manage peace with the Changelings... something I still think both you and 'Tia are fools for trying... then you will likely get a noble title out of it as well.”

I just stared at her in horror.

She giggled and nuzzled me. “That's what you get. Perhaps next time, you'll learn to stay safe instead of doing something brave.”

Snorting in annoyance, I rolled onto my back to look up at her, her mane visible against the night sky only by being slightly bluer and moving. “So what was I supposed to do? Sit there like a cactus and watch a supercharged bug creature overpower your sister?”

Luna sighed and shook her head. “No. But...” she frowned and shifted, putting her front leg across my chest as she looked down at me, almost nose to nose. “I just don't want to lose you.”

Sighing, I bumped my nose against hers. “Fine. I promise that next time I won't save Equestria from giant pony-eating bugs.”

That got a giggle from her and she nuzzled me again. “My Page, we both know that you would break that promise. Perhaps I should assign you more guards.”

“Don't you dare, one is annoying enough. Speaking of which, the threat is over. He can go back to his normal duties.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “The guard stays.” she ordered in a tone that told me that it was best not to argue.

Oh well, at least he was good at keeping out of the way. Even if it was mostly for Luna's peace of mind.

Sighing, I relaxed back against the stone of the balcony. “Can we at least skip the entire 'noble' thing? I can handle the rest, but I don't want ponies going around and 'Lord' me all the time.”

That got a grin from the Princess. “No. Ponies have gotten titles for less in the past.” she answered, giving her wings a flap before folding them again. “And if you are going to keep getting in trouble, I'm going to start training you in combat, personally.”

Damn. Something tells me that will be rough.

“So... what is going to be done with the Changelings?” I asked after a moment.

Luna frowned in thought. “...I don't know. We don't know enough about how they feed on love yet to be able to make a decision. I do hope that it can be solved in some simple manner, like your suggestion of dogs. But reality is rarely so accommodating.”

I nodded. “Chrysalis did say they could get by by 'nibbling' on love. They don't need to drain ponies to live. It should be possible to come up with a compromise.”

Luna looked unhappy at the prospect but nodded. “Perhaps.”

“Speaking of love...” I continued and gave her a small, soft kiss. “I love you.”

She smiled down at me. “...That's the first time you said it.”

“I know. But we have already confirmed I'm not that smart sometimes. I love you, Luna.”

Shifting down, she kissed me softly. “I love you too, My Page.” before she relaxed with her head against my chest, her nose against my neck.

We stayed like that for a long time as I held her before Luna shifted to look down at me again. “Stay with me tonight?” she whispered softly.

I smiled and nuzzled. “I want nothing more.”

Luna smiled softly before she bumped her nose against mine again, shifting further onto me, spreading her wings as she looked down at me, her blue-green eyes smoldering hot. “No... I mean stay with me tonight.

“So did I.”

Comments ( 364 )


It can't end here.

There's still season three onwards to get through.

It can't be done now.

I really liked this because it updated so frequently.

Fifty three is not a good number to end at.

6394260 That's how Hiver does things. You'd know if you had ever been to Spacebattles. Hiver will come back at some point in the future and write more in a sequel. Count on it.

Chapter 54:

Chapter 55:

I don't want this to be over. I dare say almost desperately so. Though I understand that this is a perfect place to end, hasn't gone stale and all that. I will say that having only found this a couple days ago, I've enjoyed the ride the whole time. Fantastic work.

I thank you for writing such an enjoyable story.

Good story.

He didn't even finish his book series!

6394268 To quote Apple Bloom:

But Ah want it nooow!!!

The whole "why don't changelings simply feed on puppies" I have read in this and others fics still sounds stupid. if changelings are that old, they would have surely tried alternative, less risky ways of feeding if they could. Maybe animals' "love " is less complex and intense than sapient beings' thus not worthy of the effort.

6392480 Somepony's "horny". Pfffthahahahaha:rainbowlaugh:

Worth it!

Luna's gonna personally train him? She's gonna get him riled up. I bet she likes angry sex.

First Changelings were born around 1000 years ago. Their race is young.

6394396 People or "Ponies" in this case are far more likely to form an emotional attachment then say a wild puppy or even another persons puppy, It's probably never occurred to a changeling because of the time and effort needed to properly raise a dog, especially when they may need to run at a moments notice of being discovered.

6394395 ditto. Moar, NOW!!!
Loved it, following and fave'd.

One typo that stood out.

“What was you thinking attacking her? You could have been hurt.”

Should be 'were'

Overall, this ending is vastly superior to the first one on SB. This one actually feels like it was planned from the beginning. Way to go Hiver.


Which is why I changed it in the first place. It didn't feel right.

Love the story, love the fast updates, love the star wars pony, simply wonderful :moustache:

"Noble title". Pick up that phone, I called it!!!

Love these kinda chapters!

Awww, 'young' wuv going full tilt and into the bling.

Loved it. Can't wait for the sequel. :yay:

6393791 I was inspired. Gonna paint it when I get a chance.

Nice story, you get a like and a follow, I will keep watch for a sequel is you plan on doing one. Great job for you first story, keep it up. Also, I think it was a good choice to keep the story more lighthearted with your changes to the changeling arch. The original version would have been a big departure from the tone of the rest of the story.

Something about that last line...

Tells me it should be

"So I did."

You did a fantastic job with this one, Hiver. Well done!

Awesome story! The dialog felt natural, the unique point of view of having the protagonist not end up living in ponyvile was a re freshening change and the impact his presence had on the story was just the right amount (as in he didn't do anything over the top just a small nudge to turn the tide of the invasion a bit sooner.)
Definitely one of the best executed ponyfied HIEs I have come across and I cant wait for the sequel!

And then clop happened.

more please i loved this to much for it end her

First comment, before even reading story....
your description is extremely .... sparse. You really should add more to it.

Finished the story.

Absolutely wonderful! :twilightsmile:


Sequel? :applecry:

You be already seen this,pre15.deviantart.net/b156/th/pre/i/2015/250/e/6/luna_and_page_fin_by_sipioc-d98t8se.jpg . But I give it to the people, cause I am shameless

I just started reading this yesterday and now I'm at the end. please make more.

this was a grate story and im looking forward to more, hint hint :pinkiehappy:
you get a nose boop


“...did you really tell 'Tia to 'Fuck Off'?”
“...Might have?”
The Princess of the Moon broke down into giggles.

Wonder if anyone, save Discord, ever said that before... :pinkiehappy:

6503041 lol, not really. I do leave comments on the story like I am, but no, the author doesn't talk to me about it. If you look at the comments though, you'll likely see a few of me being silly, though.

6503797 cooling. Damon otter cucumber.damn.auto.correct. I meant coolio.

Why i can't click next chapter button?

Just found this yesterday, perfect timing for a nice and very entertaining read-through.
Good work. Oh and a very well chosen point for an ending.
Have a follow.

Comment posted by Wind of the Skies deleted Oct 18th, 2015

6538700 the situation is legit but it is not mine. It happens more often than you would think sorry for all the bullshitting you about it being me but I do these things sometimes. But yeah it is a legit thing. I did almost die at birth though. Maybe I should have.. as there are some things that say shut up and die. Like being two weeks late,almost strangled to death by the cord and being around two or five pounds. The gap is because I know I was real light but not a feather of a baby corpse. Once again sorry but my conscience caught up.

no its done

also did this in one sitting

Was a fun ride! Would have loved to read more but I guess this was a pretty good place to end it.

Sequel! Now! He still hasn't written "Return of the Jedi"! And you're just gonna end his and Luna's budding relationship THERE?!?!

I AGREE SEQUEL NOW:flutterrage:

Read through this whole thing in a day. Very good. I look forward to the sequel. :)

6658958 I saw it.

6394260 good thing I have found the sequel.


Oh, heavens no. I don't think humans are better, I mean the ignorance and blissful reality they know could easily leave them at too many strategic disadvantages. Celestia leaves or anything and boom, they're subjugated.

I love your story! Totes want sequel, but I'll read when it's several chapters in cuz by Luna I'm gonna get into it!

6759898 Personally I detest the damn thing and refuse to read anything with it in it. It just show a complete lack of creativity.

6759905 Personally I don't like it either but it is possible for it to be done right.

Small typo in your short description.

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