• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 34,877 Views, 1,466 Comments

Twilight's Twinlight - Autum Breeze

After his sudden death on his way to school due to an idiot driver, Ken Williams wakes up to find himself as a strange quadruped with wings and a horn.

  • ...

Chapter 16

Chapter 16


Twilight paces back and forth as she remembers all the places we’d just visited around Ponyville.

We’re currently in Sugar Cube Corner, where Cadance and Shining Armour have a big surprise for us all.

Well, it is meant to be a surprise, but I can tell Pinkie clearly already knows, especially judging by how she keeps showing Twilight baby related things, even holding up Pound and Pumpkin Cake up, causing the two to giggle and it was pretty easy for me to figure out anyway.

It’s been two months since Hearth’s Warming. I’d been in the hospital for three weeks after that night, too exhausted to even do anything myself.

We still don’t know what spell I’d apparently cast that took so much out of me. The princesses had had to quell a lot of fears, as it was so powerful; almost every unicorn across Equestria had felt it.

The doctors say it’s a good thing I’m an Alicorn or else I very likely would’ve burned out my magic permanently, something that apparently did happen to unicorns in ancient times and that’s a scary thought.

Twilight had wondered if the spell had something to do with that book I’d read from in Luna’s study, but I don’t see how those words could’ve caused me to unintentionally cast such a powerful spell that it leaves me bedridden for so long. It had honestly just sounded like ramblings written down.

Once I’d regained enough strength, I returned to Ponyville. It’ll still be a day or two before I should try casting spells again, doctor’s orders, but I’m doing fine now.

Twilight pauses in her pacing, rubbing her chin. “Hmmm... School... foal... birth certificate... and crib...” She gasps, turning to the couple, her eyes wide with excitement. “Can it be? Are you two...?!

Cadance and Shining Armor split apart, revealing a white cake with baby item patterns, topped with a frosting pram. “We’re having a baby!”

Pinkie Pie leaps into the air… explosions coming from behind her from nowhere. You’d think I’d stop questioning the pink mare, but things like that do still make me pause.

Pinkie zooms around the room, bouncing off the walls like she’s made of rubber. “A baby, Twilight! It’s a baby! Woo-hoo!”

Twilight holds a hoof to her head, before looking to the couple. “You mean... I’m going to be an aunt?!” They indicate to the pram atop the cake and her eyes light up. “This is the best prize ever!”

Cadance and Shining Armor laugh happily at Twilight’s joy, which I find myself smiling to as well.

Twilight runs forward and gives them both a big hug. “Oh, I love you guys! And I can’t wait to meet your little foal!”

Shining Armor is glowing with pride. “Neither can we.”

“I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it!” Pinkie cheers, before freezing in place and LITERALLY FALLING TO PIECES?! She holds a hoof in the air. “Go, Pinkie.”

I find my brain fighting between abject horror at seeing one of my friends in pieces and confusion as to how the flaming firehydrants she’s still ALIVE after such a thing.

Dash grabs me by the shoulder and pats my back reassuringly, just saying, “It’s Pinkie, Ken. Don’t question it.”

I… but… WAH?!

The Cakes come out as Pinkie somehow starts putting herself back together and we all have a celebration regarding the soon to come newest member to our family, myself using the celebration as a good way of keeping my brain from shutting down as my previous sense of reality has been shattered by Pinkie Pie’s latest defiance’s of logic.

I’m chatting with Rainbow Dash at one of the tables, the Pegasus wondering why I didn’t join in with the big family hug upon the revelation.

I sigh, shaking my head. “Shining and I still aren’t there yet, Dash. He’s made it quite clear he doesn’t want me as part of the family.”

“Um… about that.”

The Pegasus and I turn to see the stallion standing there, looking sheepish.

He looks to Rainbow. “Hey, Rainbow, mind if I talk with her alone for a moment?”

Rainbow looks from him to me, before getting a firm expression and nods, shrugs and walks off to talk with Applejack.

“So…” Shining says after she’s left, scratching behind his neck.

“Um…” I say, fiddling with my hooves on the table.

Shining sighs. “Mind if I take a seat?”

I shrug, not meeting his gaze.

He sits down where Dash had been, before we lapse into silence for a few moments, after which he sighs and looks to me. “Ken… I wanna say I’m sorry.”

I blink, glancing at him. “Huh?”

He looks down, sighing again. “I realize I’ve been a real jerk to you. I just felt like you’d waltzed into my family, as if you’d already been in it, when you hadn’t. But, not being able to be with my family during Hearth’s Warming… it gave me some perspective.”

I turn to look more fully at him. “Hmm?”

He looks to me. “As I felt bad for not being able to be with Twily or my parents, it made me realize how you must’ve been feeling at the time, only far worse because… well…”

I look down at the table. “Yeah.”

“And… well, after talking it over with Cadance, I realized just how much you needed to become part of our family,” he reaches a hoof out, putting it over mine. “We’re all you have. Refusing you that would be just downright cruel.”

“So, what does this mean?” I ask, looking back to him.

He gives me a warm smile. “It means I’m proud to call you my sister and that my foal is going to have two amazing aunts to help raise her.”

I blink, before that thought actually clicks, followed by the relief of knowing Shining accepts me as part of the family and we hug.

Man, I’m going to be an aunt?! I’m actually gonna have a niece or nephew? That’s insane.

Giggles make us both look around to see Twilight and Cadance smiling at us.

We separate, giving firm playful smiles to them.

The four of us laugh, before I blink, noticing Cadance’s midsection.

“Wait a minute,” I point to her belly. “I had five siblings back in the human world, so I know the progrecion of pregnancies. Ponies may be different from other mammals when it comes to how long a pregnancy last, but that is clearly a fair way into the pregnancy, Cadance. How long ago did you guys find out?”

The two suddenly blush.

“In all honesty?” Shining rubs the back of his next, smiling sheepishly.

“Only a month ago,” Cadance finishes, looking just as embarrassed.

Now Twilight is joining me in the confused scepticism. “Only last month? But, look at you, Cadance! I mean, I was confused why you’d have put on weight myself and chalk up my not being able to figure it out because I was so worried for Ken over the last couple months, but how could you not have known you were pregnant for all that time, especially as you were getting bigger due to being a month into the pregnancy?”

The two somehow blush harder.

“Actually… she’s farther than that,” Shining tries not to meet our eyes.

I cock an eyebrow. “Just how far, big brother?”

He mumbles.

“Say again?” I tilt my head. “Didn’t quite catch that?”

“Four… months,” he finally manages. “Cadance is four months into her pregnancy.”

Twilight and I just stare, before looking to Cadance, who tries not to meet our eyes out of embarrassment. We look to each other, before facehoofing.

Good grief, I hope they’re not this clueless when the baby actually arrives.


“Congratulations,” Sunset says as the two of as sit in the food court of the local Canterlot mall. “I’m sure you’ll both be great aunts.”

It’s been a few days since Cadance and Shining Armour told us the news about their baby.

Twilight and Fluttershy are off on a Friendship Mission that The Map sent them on, so I didn’t really have much else to do today after doing some apple bucking at AJ’s farm, so I came here to Sunset’s world to hang out and tell her the news.

“Thanks,” I smile, sipping my strawberry smoothie. “Anything exciting happen in this world since we last visited?”

Sunset waves a hand. “The Rainboom’s have done a few performances, but nothing major’s happened.” She then gets a more serious look. “So, have you figured out why Celestia and Luna seemed so happy to be around you?”

I frown, putting my smoothie down, folding my arms. “The opposite, actually.”

She cocks an eyebrow and I explain to her what happened on Hearth’s Warming.

“That is pretty odd,” she nods once I’ve finished.

I sigh. “Something must be really bothering them. I mean, when they saw me after I cast that unknown spell, they’re faces were ghostly white. It was as if the sight of me had terrified them to their core… and I still don’t understand why. They haven’t answered any of our letters.”

“You’re sure you’ve tried everything?” she asks, leaning against the table.

I hold my arms in the air. “We even tried sending them Formal Royal Requests. You can’t turn those down without a good reason and it still didn’t work.”

We remain silent for a few moments.

“What about those dreams you said you’ve been having?” Sunset asks, trying to change the subject.

I pout, flopping my head on the table. “Still no clearer on that matter, either.”

Ever since that night I cast the spell, I’ve been having some pretty vivid dreams since every couple nights or so, though they’re also hazy. They fade away almost as soon as I’ve woken up.

Only thing I can remember is two fillies. The youngest is blue, with a slightly lighter blue mane and tail. The older white with a pink mane and tail.

Fat lot of good those few details are gonna do.

“It’s just so frustrating!” I run my hands through my hair. “I have this nagging feeling Celestia and Luna might be able to explain something about these dreams, but, despite how much they wanted to spend time around me before, since Hearth’s Warming, it’s like they’ve been doing everything they can to avoid me! Heck, there was even one time I can vaguely remember Luna was watching me in one of those dreams, but when I called out to her, she just left and it’s not like I can follow her in the Dream Realm!”

“It is odd, that’s for sure,” Sunset says, tapping her chin. “On a lighter note, what’s this about a Music Festival in Ponyville.”

I smile. “It’s a charity event called The Helping Hooves Music Festival, where the Ponypalooza Rock Concert is going to finish the event. Pinkie and Applejack are doing most of the work. It’s pretty interesting.” I smirk. “May I ask if The Rainbooms might attend?”

Sunset smirks. “Yeah, because a band comprised of doubles of the Element Bearers won’t be suspicious at all.”

I snicker. “yeah. Everypony would probably assume it was a band comprised of Changelings or something.”

We both have a good laugh at that idea, as well as the mental image of the Changelings pretending to be a band just to steal some extra love.


“Excuse me, sir,” I say firmly.

The stallion turns away from Pinkie Pie, a glare on his face, but it melts away into nervousness upon seeing me.

“Oh, uh, Princess Ken. What an honour to meet you?” he bows, before standing back up, turning to glare at Pinkie. “Well, what’re you waiting for? Bow to her!”

“My friend does not to do that, sir,” I say sternly, my tone clearly indicating to him he is walking on thin ice and he gulps.

“H-how-how may I be of assistance, Your Highness?” he asks, visibly sweating.

I cock an eyebrow at him. “You can start by explaining to me exactly why you were just downright demanding things from my personal friend as if she’s your indentured servant.”

It’s been about a month since Cadance and Shining informed us that Twilight and I will soon be aunts and I made up with Shining Armour.

Today, we’re finishing preparations for The Helping Hooves Music Festival.

One of the singers for the concert, it turns out, was an old friend of Applejack’s from when they were fillies… though when I first saw her, I honestly thought I was seeing the pony version of Lady Gaga.

Despite being so bombastic on the stage, Countess Coloratura, or Rara, as AJ had nicknamed her years ago, she was a kind mare, who was so excited to speak with the foals, whom she was holding a contest, the winners of whom, would get to sing a song with her on stage during the concert.

Her manager, however, I noticed, was not so kind. He never complimented Coloratura’s practice performance itself, only the things he added to them, none of which were really needed, if you asked me, so long as Coloratura was singing from her heart.

Not only that, he was very curt around everypony and just now, I’d witnessed him demanding things from Pinkie Pie as if her only purpose in life was to give him whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it.

“Oh, uh, just a joke, you know?” he says, giving a very unconvincing grin. “I-I do it all the time.”

My eyebrow does not change its position. “And what about those demands for apples from Applejack’s orchard? Did you even ask permission for so many apples to be taken?” my eyes narrow. “I find that highly unlikely.”

“Um, well, you see, I…” he stutters, backing away slightly.

A crowd has no started forming. Ponies who were working on finishes a few things in preparation for the concert have taken notice, and it’s clear Svengallop has realized this and want to end this before I say anything else and he know what I’m going to say next.

“And I want an answer as to why you threatened to take Coloratura out of the festival simply because Pinkie was saying it was impossible to fulfil your outrageous demands?!” I finish, stomping a hoof. “I mean five hundred pre-peeled, pre-cored apples in twenty four hours?! How in Celestia’s name do you expect her to pull that off?! And where do you get off demanding she bring you oats from all the way in Appleloosa when we’re here in Ponyville?!”


Svengallop’s eyes widen and he looks to my left. I look over my shoulder and see Applejack and Coloratura nearby, the latter looking stunned and confused.

“Svengallop,” she says, stepping forward, “is this true? Are you honestly demanding impossible things from Miss Pinkie Pie under the threat of pulling me out of the concert?”

“I… um… she doesn’t understand, Countess,” he says, indicating to me, doing a bad job at hiding his frustrations in his tone. “I actually asked for those things before we arrived. Miss Pinkie Pie had plenty of time to get everything I asked for.”

“Ya literally demanded she give ya five hundred o’ mah apples just a minute ago!” Applejack corrects him sternly. “Ya didn’t even ask me, let alone give her the time t’ prep an’ ask me herself. And five hundred? Are ya’ll insane?!”

Coloratura steps forward, her face stern. “So that’s how you’ve been managing things?”

Svengallop looks from her to everypony, before shrugging. “Yeah, so? What’s the problem?”

Coloratura glares. “The problem is, is you’ve been using my name to intimidate ponies to get what you want!”

Svengallop glares back at her. “But I work incredibly hard for you! I deserve everything I get!”

Coloratura shakes her head firmly. “But not because you scare ponies into thinking I won’t perform for their charities otherwise! I would never do that to my fans! That’s just wrong and makes me seem like a horrible pony by proxy!”

Svengallop huffs. “All this charity and schoolpony contest nonsense is just remnants of that boring little Rara I met back in Manehattan!”

Coloratura snorts. “You clearly don’t understand the real me!”

Svengallop gives a cold laugh, pointing at her. “That’s a joke! I made you somepony! What can you even do without me? Good luck, Countess Coloratura! Good luck.

He walks off, pushing past other ponies, even knocking Derpy right out of the way.

I glare after him as I hurry over and help the Pegasus up.

“I can’t believe he would do such cruel things while using Countess Coloratura as his cover,” Twilight says, coming next to me.

“He and Spoiled Rich would be perfect for each other,” I nod, scowling. “Both are heartless beings who only like using others to get what they want, with no care to the harm that befalls others in their way.”

“Should we do something about it?” she asks, looking to me.

I shake my head. “I may have used my being a princess to call him out on it in a way he couldn’t just shoot me down, as he likely would’ve if somepony else had tried, but we can’t just go around slandering others. Even if they deserve it.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” we both turn to see Coloratura with her dark veil covering her face. “I’ll be spreading the word myself, so no other upcoming ponies looking for fame fall into his hooves again.”

“Will you still be okay to perform tonight, though, without his help?” I ask earnestly.

She nods firmly, a slightly nervous smile on her face. “Of course. After all, the show must go on!”

And so it does. Rara truly has an amazing singing voice and, like Applejack told us, at one point, Rara’s Cutie Mark literally shines as she’s singing.

Her voice is so strong and the words of her songs so full of emotion, I’m glad we could truly bring this version of her back out. I can tell she’s going to go very far.

As I listen to her though, I can’t help wondering about Celestia and Luna. They really have been very distant since Hearth’s Warming. I really want to know why. Do they think they can’t confide in us?

We’re all just ponies, we need to look out for one another and we can’t do that if we distance ourselves from each other.

I sigh, deciding to put it out of my mind for now. I should just enjoy the concert. It’s not like any catastrophic event is going to happen any time soon.

Author's Note:

I dunno about this chapter.

last one, i had a great thing to work off of, but here, i was just trying to get through the last couple episodes so i can move onto the finale.

anyway, time's short. less than three minutes before my computer time runs out.

Secrets will unveil and truths told soon. look forward to that.

hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, later everybody