• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 34,872 Views, 1,466 Comments

Twilight's Twinlight - Autum Breeze

After his sudden death on his way to school due to an idiot driver, Ken Williams wakes up to find himself as a strange quadruped with wings and a horn.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


I yawn as I stretch, sitting up in bed, glancing over my shoulder and smiling as I see my wings not stretched out.

I crick my neck, before hopping down from my bed and exiting, heading for the dinning room.

As I walk in, I see Spike setting down some bowls with a box of cereal.

I smile. I’ve no problem with cereal... before that smile turns into a frown. I’ve still yet to get the hang of my magic, so either Spike or Twilight will have to feed me, or I’m going to have to eat like an...

I inwardly groan. I am an animal, but of course, humans never having existed in Equestria and ponies being one of the dominate species, they didn’t see themselves that way.

Sighing, I move over to sit at my spot to eat breakfast, when a sudden banging sound happens behind me.

I leap into the air, grabbing onto the chandelier and holding on tight, Spike holding onto my barrel.

Twilight hurries in, before stopping and looking around in confusion. “Ken? Spike?”

“Up here, Twilight,” I roll my eyes, letting go of the chandelier and kicking off, stretching out my wings. The wind catches in them and I glide down with Spike.

“Oh,” Twilight says, looking confused for a moment, before her face lights up and she moves right up into my face. “We’re going to Canterlot!”

“Huh?” Spike and I ask, both understandably confused.

“Well, I just got a letter from Princess Celestia saying she wants to meet you.”

“Uh, you want Ken to go to Canterlot?” Spike asks, sounding as uncertain as I feel about that suggestion. “Don’t you think that might cause some problems?”

“Yeah,” I nod, continuing for the dragon. “The ponies here may have taken to me right off the bat... but I’m gonna chalk that up to Pinkie Pie and her... whatever it is she has. Since Canterlot is the capital this kingdom... I doubt the ponies there would react well to seeing two ponies that look like Princess Twilight.” Then I frown. Wait. How can Princess Celestia even know about me, yet?

Spike nods. “It’s not like it wouldn’t be hard for them to get the wrong idea and think either one of you or both of you were Changelings.”

Twilight just continues to smile. “The princess already thought of that. It’s why she’s sending a coach for us. Nopony will know what’s going on unless they have really good eyesight and the two of us are somehow visible over the edges.”

Oh, great. Thanks for calling on Murphy there, O smart Princess of Friendship. Now I’ll have to make sure not to be near the edges at all. Talk about a kick up the flank. I would get to see Canterlot, and from above and now I’ll have to restrain myself to avoid a panic.

Twilight blinks, before her eye widen, her grin getting a bit too wide than I’m comfortable with. “Oh Celestia, I just realize how great an opportunity this is!”

Before either Spike or myself can ask just what she’s talking about, she teleports away, leaving us glancing at each other in confusion.

After we’ve finished breakfast, I take a concerned note that Twilight didn’t return to join us, we cleaned up and headed into the hall, only to find Twilight waiting for us, a saddlebag so full I swear, if this were Earth, logic would have make it explode long ago.

She’s hopping from one hoof to the other with excitement. “Come on, come on, you two. This is so great.”

I glance down at Spike, an eyebrow raised.

He just shrugs and starts forward. After a sigh, I follow. Exiting the castle, I see a large carriage of gold that reminds me of Disney’s Cinderella’s carriage created by her fairy godmother made for her, only gold, with more gems encrusted around it and with a more squared design. I can see four largely built white pegasi wearing golden armour hitched to the front of it.

Twilight practically bounds inside it, Spike and myself following at a much more even pace. The moment the door closes I feel my stomach drop as the carriage lurches forward and few seconds after that uneasy feeling of being in the air without any control.

Now, I have tried to practice flying a little, mostly gliding, but this makes me very uncomfortable. I understand the logistics of a plane and how it flies such a have weight, but I still don’t understand how for creatures barely tall enough to reach maybe above a full grown human’s chest is able to easily carry this much weight through the air without it falling. I’m sorry, but even after everything else that doesn’t make sense in this world that is what is worrying the most right now.

“Alright, we can get started,” Twilight’s voice pulls me from my worried thoughts about the logistics of our transportation and its risks of our deaths and I turn to see her pulling out a large scroll from her over-stuffed saddlebags.

I blink, all other thoughts replaced with confusion as I raise an eyebrow at my Alicorn double. “Um... we can get what started, exactly?”

She just grins. “You’ve been here for only a few days, but I haven’t learned anything about the culture of the race you used to be. You have to tell me everything!”

I feel my eyebrow raise a little bit higher. I know she has access to a world nearly exactly the same as my own, if only a weird human reflection of this world, yet she wants to ask me instead of finding it out first hand, erm, hoof? No, wait, in that world she’d apparently be turned into a human upon entry, so wouldn’t that be hands on? Urg! I think I just gave myself a headache.

A tap on my legs causes me to shake my mind from its previous thoughts and look down to Spike, who nods his head towards Twilight, who’s looking at me with more excitement than I’ve ever seen anyone express before.

I sigh, slumping a little and leaning onto the wall on my side of the carriage. “Alright, Twilight. Where do you want me to start?”

We spend the entire trip with me answering any and all of Twilight’s questions that I could, how our government worked, my people’s culture, the fact that nudity is not viewed well in public, basically anything that could differ from Equestrian life.

While she was shocked alone when I told her we don’t have just one kingdom for our whole race, she was gobsmacked when she asked, if none of my kind have magic, who moves the sun and moon and I told her we don’t have anyone doing that because they do it all by themselves.

I made the mistake, however, of suggesting maybe it was the same here and Celestia and Luna don’t really move the sun and moon but just say it to assure their subjects.

Turns out, no, I was wrong. They do move the celestial bodies, and she knew it personally because, apparently, at one point to save their magic from being taken away, they gave their magic to Twilight and that she herself had needed to move the sun and moon, so she knew damn well that they did do that.

I make a mental note not to just say something so blatantly in the future if I could help it.

As I finally reach a point where I think I’ll explode if Twilight asks me one more thing, I praise the lord for I feel the carriage descending.

Hurrying over to the window, I look at and find myself caught in surprise. Canterlot reminds me of ancient Greece, but with a more modern design. I mean, they even have traffic lights. Why? In a world without cars, just, why?

The castle is huge, it overshadows Twilight’s easily. It’s wall shine with a white so bright; you’d think the sun was coming out of the very paint, the spires reaching high into the sky.

As we fly closer to the castle, I notice movement from down in the streets and notice many ponies are looking up and, if my eyes aren’t deceiving me, waving up at us.

I give an uneasy smile and wave, realizing they think they're seeing Princess Twilight Sparkle.

A short while later, the carriage has stopped, hovering in front of a balcony. I’m puzzled as to why we’ve stopped here, before hesitantly following after Twilight and Spike as they step out and hop down onto the marble stone balcony.

At once the carriage flies off, causing a breeze that blows my mane and feathers, causing the latter to flinch and the weirdest feeling of freedom mixed with longing to come over me.

I blink, shaking my head and fluffing my wings a few times, trying to shake the oddness of it off, before I see Twilight standing in front of what looks like balcony doors into someone’s room.

I hesitate, what with the idea of just entering someone’s room unannounced ringing in my mind, but decide, if Spike and Twilight and perfectly fine with just walking into the room, I guess it’s okay.

I walk in and glance around. The room is a lot like the one Twilight’s letting me stay in back in the castle, along more lavish and without a crystalline motif.

“Welcome, my little ponies... and dragon,” a calm sounding voice, like that of a caring mother says.

I turn, before my eyes widen. A pony far taller than myself and Twilight is walking towards us from a nearby fire place. I’d say she’s more the size of a regular horse. Her coat is pure white and her mane and tail, which are coloured pink, green, white and light-blue (if not for Rainbow Dash, I would seriously suspect a dye job) which is literally moving in a wind that isn’t even there. Her eyes, however, are the most striking thing. Just looking into them, you see on the surface compassion and caring the likes of which you probably would never find on Earth, but, when you look beyond that, it’s like seeing something beyond what you can see. These are the eyes of one who has seen millennia pass, countless generations come and go.

Glancing towards her flank to get an idea from her Cutie Mark, though everything else is making it pretty obvious anyway, I see a clear picture of a majestic sun, confirming beyond a doubt who this tall mare is; Princess Celestia.

Twilight and other ponies in Ponyville may have told me about her, but their words don’t even do this mare justice. Just being in her presence, it’s like I can feel the weight of her years and power emanating from her.

As if that weren’t enough, there is another mare with her. While she isn’t quite as tall as the tallest pony, she is still taller than either Twilight or myself. This mare is very different from Celestia. Her coat is a deep dark-blue and, whilst her mane and tail move just like the taller princess’s does, hers looks as if someone just took two chucks of the night sky and slapped them onto her body.

She also seems to emanate the same kind of power I can sense from Celestia and her eyes are just the same; behind their kindness and caring, you see the years that they have witnessed.

Twilight gives a light bow, before looking towards me. “Princesses, this is Ken. Ken, these are the co-rulers of all Equestria and guardians of the day and night, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

Both Alicorns look to me and I feel myself wilt a little under their caring, yet calculating gazes.

“Twilight Sparkle has told us of you, Ken,” Princess Luna says, her voice having a commanding tone that makes me have to stop my body from doing a salute. “It is true, you come from another world?”

I gulp, nodding. Okay, way more intimidated by these two ponies than I had honestly given myself credit for. I feel like I’m a little kid again and my parents just found out I broke a rule at school or something. The fact that they control celestial bodies isn’t escaping me either.

The tallest pony in the room steps forward, her expression showing sympathy and sadness. “I am very sorry you lost your world, my little pony. I also cannot say I understand why you have come to our world as a double of my former student.” Her expression softens and she smiles. “However, be assured you are more than welcome.”

“And your place among us will not be ignored, either,” Princess Luna interjects, causing me head to turn in her direction. “Whilst it is odd you become Twilight Sparkle’s exact double, you will be given all rights any pony deserves in our lands. Your stature will also not be overlooked.”

“My... place?” I cock an eyebrow, temporarily forgetting my anxiety and glancing down and behind myself at my body, wondering what the darker pony means.

“You are an Alicorn,” Princess Celestia’s voice catching my attention, pulling me away from my bodily observations. “Alicorns are the highest of royal authority in our lands. As such, you have a right to such as well.”

I blink, before it clicks and my eyes widen, before I shake my head and wave a hoof before me. “No, no, no, Your Highness...es,” I add, glancing at Princess Luna. “Y-you don’t need to do that.”

Princess Luna shakes her head. “You are an Alicorn, young Ken. As such, you are royalty.”

“Fear not,” Princess Celestia says, her tone gentle and caring. “We shall handle all the arrangements. We have actually been working on them since Twilight informed us of your arrival.”

I blink, before glancing at Twilight, confused. “When the heck did you do that? Last I checked, til yesterday, you were helping out everypony in town to the point of it pretty much being the next day. When’d you have time to tell your rulers about me?”

Twilight, for her part, has the courtesy to blush. “It was... right after I got back from helping Applejack.”

I cock an eyebrow skeptically at her. “And you just... forgot about it the next day?”

She giggles nervously.

A light chuckle from the white Alicorn pulls my attention back to the taller royals in the room. “My former student has a way of... dealing with things, shall we say.”

“Celestia,” Twilight whines, her cheeks reddening further.

I can’t help chuckling myself at that, before I take a deep breath and look to the rulers of Equestria, whilst trying not to shit myself with nervousness at the same time.

“S-so, how will this work?”

Princess Luna decides to answer. “We will announce you as the newest princess of Equestria in a few days, after you have grown more accustomed to the castle.”

I frown slightly at that. “You make it sound like I’m moving in here.”

“Only for those few days,” Princess Celestia joins in the conversation again. “Whilst I will not place too heavy a burden upon you, similar to my former student, you are a member of royalty now. As such, there are things you will need to learn.”

“So, I’m going to be spending a few days here in Princess School?” I ask, before giving a sigh and using as much sarcasm as I dare around the two beings able to move the freaking sun and moon and grumble, “Oh, joy.”

The Night Princess gives me a surprising look of sympathy. “Believe me; we know how little joy it is to learn the small ins and outs of ruling the kingdom. I myself had one thousand years to catch up on when I returned”

Yeah, but at least you were born into this. I’ve pretty much just had it thrust upon me after less than two decades of living life as a common person and now I’m royalty? Wait. A thousand years to catch up on? Okay, Twilight clearly still needs to inform me of a few matters.

“I believe it would also be better if you go by a new name,” the Sun Goddess says, looking to me with a bit of sadness. “While I understand you would likely want to hold onto your name, it being the last thing you have of your world, it would draw too much attention.”

I give her a deadpan look, pulling off a good Raven from Teen Titans impersonation. “You mean aside from there now being two Alicorns who look exactly alike aside from their mane styles.”

The tiniest of blushes forms on Princess Celestia’s face, though, against her pure white fur, it stands out like a sore thumb. “Well, yes.”

The Lunar Princess suddenly is giving her sister a stern frown. “Sister, I must disagree. Ken’s name is fine as it is. Having a name that means knowledge, understanding, cognizance gives no reason for her to change it.”

I blink. Wait, my name actually means that? Huh. You learn something new every day.

“How exactly are you planning on explaining that, by the way, princess?” Twilight looks to her mentor, curiosity in her eyes.

The white Alicorn glances at the blue one and they both share a smirk, Princess Luna answering Twilight’s question. “We have agreed that it will be revealed that young Ken is your long lost sister, whom was lost during your infant years and recently found.”

I blink, before my deadpan returns. “Really? That’s your best plan?” I demand, suddenly forgetting I’m talking to royalty and, honestly, not giving a shit. “You honestly expect your subjects to just accept that Twilight had a secret sister, whom nopony has ever heard of, just appearing out of nowhere?! One who’s an Alicorn at that?!”

“It worked for me,” Princess Luna smirks.

I blink, before frowning. “Come again?”

Princess Luna closes her eyes, a mournful expression appear on her face. “A little over a thousand years ago, I allowed myself to give in to jealousy and nearly doomed Equestria. As punishment, I was bound to the moon for a thousand years.”

I cock an eyebrow. “Um... aren’t you already bond to the moon? Since you control it, I mean?”

Celestia shakes her head, looking just as mournful as her sister. “This was not like our connection to the sun and moon, Ken. Luna was banished to the moon, not able to leave for all those years.”

I blink, before my eyes widen in horror. I... Jeez, I can’t even imagine how horrible that must have been for the both of them. this isn’t just moving to another country or something like that, Luna was literally trapped on a celestial body circling the planet. How did either of them manage to bear the pain of being separated for a thousand...?

I blink again, before narrowing my eyes slightly. “Wait. A thousand years? You’re both over a thousand years old?”

They both seem to hide the sadness of remembering their horrible ordeal and just smile, nodding.

I just remain still and silent for several moments, before I sigh, letting my body sag and my ears flop forward. “Why am I surprised by this point? Honestly, why?”

The princesses glance at each other in confusion, whilst Twilight gives a nervous laugh. “She finds our world very... different from her own.”

“That’s putting it bluntly,” Spike mutters as I have the same thought.

I hold up a hoof and take a few deep breaths. After a minute or so, I sigh and bow my head to the princesses. “I will do my best.”

They both smile, before turning and indicating for the three us to follow.

We walk a little behind them out the doors into a large white marble hall. Standing either side of the doors are a pair of guards like the ones that brought us, only these two or unicorns.

The moment I walk out after Twilight, I see confusion play across their faces, before their eyes widen.

Seeing that look, I get a sudden flashback to my fist meeting with Twilight and Applejack and cry out, feeling my horn warm up and the sound of several magic auras, before I feel a brief compression and suddenly find myself standing in front of the princesses and Spike.

They all pause, glancing over their shoulders to see the two unicorns, who’d banged their heads together when charging me only for me to no longer be there.

Luna and Celestia both give stern expression. “She is not a Changeling.”

“But, Your Highness—” the one on the left says, glaring to me, his horn glowing.

He doesn’t get to finish before a feel a wave of magic pass over me in a way that feels familiar, a second later recognizing it as the spell Twilight had cast upon me back when she’d thought I was a Changeling, like these guards do.

“There,” Twilight says in an annoyed tone, giving her own glares to the unicorns. “You know that spell was the one that breaks illusions, including Changeling disguises. Happy, now?”

The guards look uncertainly to each other, before giving submissive nods and return to their posts on either side of the door.

“My apologies, Ken,” Princess Celestia says as we begin walking again, myself now having to ease my pace to fall back in line with them. “I had thought we had spread the word enough among the guards so that they would all know. It would seem some are still misinformed.”

“Though your ability to teleport already is impressive,” Princess Luna comments.

I blink, before shaking my head, frowning. “Wait. I thought you said you were keeping me a secret until tomorrow. Why would you tell all your guards? How do you know one of them won’t slip up? Also,” I glance to Princess Luna, “that was pure accident. I didn’t even mean to teleport, I just wanted to get away from those guards before a repeat of my first encounter with Twilight happened.”

They pause for a moment, before Celestia chuckles. “Well, in answer to your questions, we informed the guards for just such a reason as we just saw, so none simply mistake you for a Changeling on sight.”

“And, as for whether we can trust the guards,” Princess Luna continues, “or any of the castle staff, for that matter, to remain silent about you until tomorrow, all those employed here in the castle can be well trusted. My sister has had a thousand years to be able to tell whom she can trust on our staff and those she cannot.”

“Plus, the guards are bound by a vow to serve the princesses,” Spike pipes up, walking alongside me as I fall a little behind. “They know how to keep a secret.”

“I guess I’ll trust all your word on that,” I say quietly.

“So, Twilight Sparkle,” Princess Luna says, turning to the other purple Alicorn, “we are very interested to learn about Ken’s culture. Have you gained much since she began living with you?”

At once, Twilight teleports a large number of scrolls (I notice they’re the ones we left in Celestia’s room) and begins talking excitedly with the princesses about what I told her about my culture.

Seeing the conversation has somewhat moved away from me, I pull back a little more, keeping to myself. This is all just so bizarre. Just a few days ago I was a high school kid and now I’m supposed to be a ruler of a whole kingdom? Even if I’m put in the same type of position as Twilight, that’s still way more responsibility than I ever expected to be given in my lifetime.

“Ah, Princess Twilight. So glad I found you.” the smooth voice pulls me from my internal thoughts and I stop just before I’d have bumped into a stallion.

His coat is pure white and his mane and tail are blonde and look very well-groomed. He’s wearing what I would call a suit, except it’s more like the collar and shirt part of a suit only.

He has a stature a bit similar to Applejack’s big brother, Big Macintosh, whom I met the day Spike took me on a tour of Ponyville, though he is a bit leaner than Mac.

“You need not worry, Twilight,” he says, giving me a... smile I find myself not liking, “I have made the arrangements. Our weddings will be in but a few days.”

I’m move to correct him in that I’m not Twilight— Wait a minute. Did he just say wedding?!

Okay, I may not have been living with Twilight for long, but I’m pretty sure either she or Spike would’ve mentioned that she was getting married in a few days, at some point at least mentioning just who the hell this stallion is.

“You also, need not fear,” he says in a tone I’m recognizing as really arrogant, yet with the self-assurance that what they say matters, “I have taken the care to arrange for you to live here, in the castle, instead of that one in that mud pit, Ponyville.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Mud pit? Just who the hell does this guy think he is? Ponyville’s a lovely place from what I’ve experienced over the last couple days. How dare he insult it like that!

“Oh, it will be wonderful,” this arrogant ass continues, moving closer and putting a foreleg around me, making me very uncomfortable. “You will raise our foals whilst I take over your royal duties and start leading Equestria into a true golden age, where the filth know their place and we, the elite are seen as the shining lights we are.”

Hang on one fucking minute! Foals? Him taking over the royal duties? Where the filth know their place?! I briefly forget he’s talking about Twilight and start feeling like he’s talking about me.

He thinks he can just waltz over, claim I’m going to marry him, force me to give him children and raise them on my own whilst he uses me to push himself higher? Not on my fucking watch, he doesn’t!

“And, once we’re wedded and I have the power, I’ll finally punish that Rarity mare for not knowing her place beneath my hoof and daring to think she was better than—”

He doesn’t get to finish, getting cut off by my hoof flying up to his jaw, knocking him back. He stumbles and I whirl around, rearing on my forelegs and bucking him, hard!

He goes flying, crashing into one of the walls and tumbles down. When he looks up, his eyes watering from pain, fear enters his eyes as I stand over his, glaring down, snarling.


He just whimpers in response.

“Just what is going on here?” I turn at the sound of Luna’s voice to see the other three Alicorns, dragon, and several guards coming over.

Seeing them, I’m able to calm down and remember the situation as it really was, as well as not use the RCV again. Doesn’t stop me being angry, though. I thrust a hoof at the stallion. “This misogynistic bastard thought I was Twilight and dared to just tell me he plans on marrying her in a few days, when Twilight’s never mentioned anything about a fiancée, and talked like she was going to give him all her power whist she stayed home caring for his offspring and even dared to threaten punishing Rarity for something! What, I don’t know, but I doubt it would be legal for him to punish her for it!”

There’s several moments of quiet, before Celestia and Luna both give the stallion a cold look.

Twilight glares at him, along with Spike. “I already told you, Blueblood, I have no wish to marry you. The fact you think I would even consider it after I made it clear I have no intention of marrying you...” Then her eyes narrow. “And you’re still holding onto the grudge about when Rarity got cake on you at the gala, when your attitude to her gave her full right?!”

“Guards,” Celestia says, her voice holding no emotion, “take Blueblood to the infirmary to get his injuries cared for and also keep him there. We shall be speaking with him later.”

The guards nod, before moving over and helping the jerk up and leading him down a different corridor.

After a few moments, the princesses sigh and we continue on our own original path.

“I am sorry you had to experience that, Ken,” Celestia says, looking to her left, where I am now walking alongside Twilight. “I had hoped my nephew would have learned by now. It seems he is still far for understanding.”

I blink, before looking to the Sun Princess aghast. “He’s your nephew?” I glance at Luna, silently asking just how she could have spawned such a pony... before I inwardly frown. Wait. He can’t be Luna’s son. If she was gone for a thousand years and he was hers, he’d barely be that old at all. Heck, he’d probably still be a toddler at best.

Celestia shakes her head. “When the three tribes came together and Luna and myself began their rulers, the royals of all three tribes were somewhat adopted as our nieces and nephews. It is a bit complicated to fully explain without going over the history of how it all happened.”

I hold up a hoof. “Okay, then, never mind. Never was a fan of history back in school and I doubt this subject would improve that view.” I frown, realizing something, before looking to the taller princess again. “Where exactly are we going and why, again?”

Her reply is a smile that I can swear is sly as we reach a pair of HUGE golden double doors with carving all over them, two guards stationed either side. “Why, to meet your family, of course.”



The doors open and inside I see two ponies who look like they’ve been waiting for us.

The first is a stallion with a blue coat and a dark-blue mane and tail, yellow eyes and a Cutie Mark of a yellow crescent moon with a smaller white crescent moon in the empty space facing in the opposite direction.

The other is a mare, her coat being alabaster, with a purple and white mane and tail, blue eyes and three purple stars for a Cutie Mark.

“Mom! Dad!” Twilight cheers, rushing forward.

“Twilight,” her mother calls out and pulls the Alicorn into a hug.

I glance at Celestia with a glare. “I thought you said we were meeting my family,” I growl through gritted teeth. “That wasn’t a funny joke, Celestia!”

She just keeps smiling. “I wasn’t lying or joking in any way, Ken. You and Twilight are both the same physically in every way, right? Wouldn’t that then mean you’re biologically related to her? In other words, wouldn’t that make her parents your parents?”

My brain literally blanks.

Author's Note:

Okay, this took a little longer to finish than i thought it would (though that is likely due to my having to do a long catch up with stuff online and still being bumed out by Trump becoming president) and i feel it might be a little different than i originally wanted it to be in regards to the interactions with blueblood. I blame that on how long it took to get around to writing it down from when i first thought of it, when back when i first published chapter 6.

Also, just realized it's almost been a whole year since my last official chapter. :rainbowderp:

Anyway, so, Ken is now going to be meeting Twilight's parents. wonder when she'll meet Shining and Cadance. and how will all four react to her?

You'll have to wait and see.

also, some people have been wondering in the comments about just who the romance tag is for. Well, i'm not telling:trollestia: but this chapter does give a little foreshadow of something in regards to it that will blow ken's mind.

Hope you liked this chapter and look forward to the next one, though i can't say when though because, as promised, i'm going to be trying to work on that spinoff for the original chapter 7 and beyond that was based around Clover the Clever, so look forward to that too. can't promise if i'll have it out any time too soon, though i'll try my best.

Edit 11/11/2016: If you're wondering what is happening with the time travel arc, go read THIS BLOG. it explains my plans and i hope answers any questions you might have

Anyway, with that all said and done, til next time, later everypony