• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 34,797 Views, 1,466 Comments

Twilight's Twinlight - Autum Breeze

After his sudden death on his way to school due to an idiot driver, Ken Williams wakes up to find himself as a strange quadruped with wings and a horn.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


I groan, flopping down on the bed of the guest room Twilight and I have been staying in while we’re in Canterlot.

Finally, took us over a week, but the princesses at last have said I’m up to date on what I need to know... yet I feel that is not the case at all.

This was like cramming overnight for a final exam. I barely understood less than half of what I was being taught and can guarantee I’ve already forgotten more than half of that in itself.

Thankfully they’ve told me I won’t be expected to handle anything big. In fact, I’ll be allowed to pretty much do what I want with Twilight guiding me in a few things here and there and only be expected to take part in things in my role as royalty every so often. One major thing is something called the Trade Exchange next year. Dunno what it is, but I’m curious to see it.

Spike’s been back in Ponyville the last two days. Something about helping Rarity with finding gems. Which just left Twilight and myself and without Spike around, I didn’t have anyone to really bounce my thoughts off of... which just makes this more draining.

I sigh, pushing myself up. “Why do Celestia and Luna honestly think I know what the hell I’d be doing? Twilight had years to learn all this crap, and I’m being crash coursed it in a matter of days!”

I mean, just because I’m a princess now doesn’t mean I have to do stuff like they do. Back home, sure, lower royalty would learn a few things about this stuff, but they’d be given time to do it, as well as be free to do whatever they wanted within reason. We’ve still no idea what my real place is here, since I’m an exact double of Purple Smart, so why push this on me. Sooner we can get back to Ponyville and some minor semblance of normal, the better.

As I’m going of these thoughts, the door opens and my twin walks in, a cheery smile on her face.

“And how’re we doing?” she asks in a way too cheery voice.

I grumble an incoherent response into the cushions.

“What was that?” Twilight cocks her head slightly. “I couldn’t quite get that, Ken.”

“Why are we going to this Gala thing, again?” I ask, bothering to lift my head only enough to look at her.

During the last two days, I’ve been informed that some party is being held here in Canterlot and, as a princess, I’m invited to join, not to mention that both Celestia and Luna think it would be a great idea for me to attend. Thankfully, I was able to get Rarity to pop over to help me with an outfit. No way was I going in some fluffy dress.

Thankfully, Rarity and I were able to figure something out. My outfit for this gala is a dark-purple silk shirt-like thing (kind of like a leotard, but only the top half) that sparkles, stopping at my waist and front knees (now there’s an odd turn of phrasing I never thought could be used) and a small translucent yellow skirt that stops just below my Cutie Mark.

Yes, one could argue having a skirt is girly, but Rarity did it in a way I feel comfortable with. One could also say my outfit is a bit too simple for such a fancy event, especially for royalty to wear.

But you know what I say to those who say those things? I say fuck them. I’m bloody royalty and if I wanna wear something simple, I damn well will! If they’ve got a problem with it, they can go suck my dead human balls!

Rarity being here is actually why Spike went back. Before she left, she asked if it would be alright if Spike went back to help her with the whole gems thing and Twilight and Spike were perfectly fine with that, Spike more so than Twilight.

Twilight shakes her head. “One, it’s because the Grand Galloping Gala is the biggest event of the year. Two, I agree with the princesses, Ken. This is a great opportunity for you to interact with more ponies and get used to them and they you.”

I sigh. “At least the others will be here. Why was it Applejack could’ve missed this again?”

“She was in Appleloosa for a rodeo since her cousin Braeburn hurt his leg and couldn’t compete,” she replies casually, walking over to a bookshelf.

Does Appleloosa count as a pony pun to something? Maybe. I dunno, my brain doesn’t wanna think about that right now. Probably why I’m not even trying to figure out how ponies can have rodeos when they’re equines. Or whether or not, since he’s related to Applejack’s family, if this Braeburn’s name is connected to the fruit in anyway.

“At least I’m done with all these princess lessons,” I flop back down on the bed. “Gives me a little bit of rest before this gala.” I lazily look up at her as she continues to search through some books. “What’re your plans til tonight?”

“Oh, I’m helping Princess Celestia with the getting the gala ready,” she replies, seeming to find the book she was looking for and turns to head out. “Trust me, Ken. This night will be a lot more fun than you think.”

“I sincerely doubt it,” I grumble, returning to head to the pillow and closing my eyes. Whatever, the gala will be Future Ken’s problem. For now, I need some well earned shut-eye.


“I cannot believe I agreed to be here,” I grumble as I follow Twilight to meet with Celestia. I’m wearing the outfit Rarity made me and my hair has been styled so it’s a little sleeker, but still holds the stuff about my DBZ hairstyle that I don’t mind it.

Twilight gives me a small smile. “Don’t worry. Things will go fine. I’m the one who’ll be joining Celestia to welcome the guests, not you. You’re free to roam around the part at your leisure.”

That’s not too much more enjoyable a prospect, but it is better than being stuck at the top of some stairs, spending the majority of the night just greeting ponies I don’t even know, so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much.

We meet with Celestia at the top of the stairs and I part ways to head into the fancy decorated hall. It’s empty for the moment, save the castle staff and the band hired to play during the gala, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Twilight did get us here early so she could greet the guests with Celestia.

Glancing around, I can’t help cocking an eyebrow. Where’s Luna? I’d have thought, this being a big event, Celestia’s younger sister and co-ruler would be here. Weird.

After a couple minutes guests start arriving. I make a point to avoid being noticed while I wait for the room to fill up. More ponies in here, the less likely I’ll be spotted, despite being the only other pony save Twilight and Celestia with both wings and a horn.

As I look around, I can’t help noticing that it seems I’m not the only pony who doesn’t seem to want to be here. There are several ponies wearing expression of annoyance or disinterest.

Then again, these could be more of those stuck up nobles I’ve learned about. There do at least seem to be some people who want to be here though. I think those are the kinds I’ll be more likely to interact with tonight.

As I move over to the food table to see if there’s anything I’ll wanna eat, I hear the sound of trumpets. I ignore it, probably just some ego-indulgent guy who feels they need to announce their arrival.

“We’re here! We’re here! We made it to the Gala!” three young voices I wasn’t expecting to hear chant and I turn to find Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, all dressed up in outfits that aren’t too fancy and seem to match them pretty well, being led by the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Following them is Pinkie Pie and a pony I don’t recognise. She’s an Earth Pony with a grey coat, purple mane and blue eyes, wearing a long-sleeved blue dress with white dots that kinda look like rock minerals patterns that hugs her frame similar to mine, only really seeming like a dress around the area of her legs, and has the most deadpan expression I’ve ever seen.

I move over and the group notice me.

“Well, howdy there, Ken,” Applejack starts off, nodding. “Been a while now, ain’t it?”

I groan, letting myself sag. “Tell me about it. I can’t wait for this night to be over so I can go back to Ponyville already. Rarity, is that offer for a spa day still open?”

The white unicorn smiles. “Why, of course, darling. Tomorrow at ten?”

“Can we make it eleven?” I ask a little pleadingly. “I really think I need a long sleep.”

She nods, her smile never wavering. “Of course, darling. I completely understand.”

“Hey, Ken!” Pinkie is just somehow right in my face and I yelp, back peddling to get some space. “I’ve missed you. I wanna introduce you to my big sister, Maud.” She finishes her sentence by putting the grey Earth Pony in front of me.

Wait. Big sister? Glancing between the two... you really wouldn’t know it.

“Hello there,” Pinkie’s sister says in the most monotone voice I’ve ever heard. “My name is Maud. Nice to meet you.”

Huh. I scratch my head. Not sure why, but she reminds me of someone else, but, for the life of me, I can’t remember who or why.

Wait. Her name’s Maud? That sounds more like a human name than a pony’s, considering what I’ve been learning since I got here. Man, could this world get any more confusing?

“Oh, um, hi,” I hold out a hoof on reflex and we shake hooves. “I’m Ken. I never expected Pinkie had a sister.”

“She has three,” Maud replies, still in that same monotone. Her expression hasn’t even changed. Why does my brain keep nagging that she seems familiar?

I blink at the new information, glancing to the pink pony. I’m going to have to ask about this later.

“I like your outfit,” the mare says, pulling me back to the conversation. “Simple, but nice. It suits you.”

“Um, thanks?” I say, not really sure how else to reply to that.

“Indeed,” Rarity agrees, smiling at me. “Simple yet refined. A very fitting look for you, Ken.”

“Thanks. Well, I hope you all can enjoy this thing,” I wave a hoof to indicate the room. “I doubt I am, unless something big and unexpected happens.”

I walk off and glance around, noticing Discord wearing an orange tuxedo of some kind with an orange top hat, hurrying off in the direction off... a giant green blob?

I deadpan. Why am I surprised by this? Honestly, why?

Actually, I think this is the first I’ve seen the mishmash of animals creature since arriving in Ponyville.

At least with him here, whatever that blob is shouldn’t be able to cause any trouble. I’ve seen what living blobs can do in TV shows and movies and since, from what I’ve learned of him from the princesses, Discord can pretty much warp all of reality with a snap of his fingers, that blob wouldn’t be able to stop him even if it tried.

Looking in the direction of where Discord had been coming from, I see Fluttershy in a dress that seems themed after a peacock and a hair style that kind of reminds me of Princess Leia from Star Wars, at a table with another pony I don’t recognize.

She’s a green Earth Pony with her two-toned red mane done in dreadlocks. Huh. Interesting choice of hairstyle. Her outfit seems sort of like what you’d expect olden time women to wear; it’s a simple pinkish-white and she’s wearing a crown of flowers.

I shrug. Well, if Fluttershy is friends with her, she must be already enough to meet.

I move over, Fluttershy noticing me. “Oh, hello, Ken. It’s good to see you again.”

I smile. “Yeah. It’s good to see you too, Fluttershy. I can’t wait to get back to Ponyville.” I nod my head to the Earth Pony. “Who’s your friend?”

“Oh,” Fluttershy’s smile brightens a bit and she indicates to the other mare. “This is my friend, Tree Hugger. We met during my trip to see the Breezies. Tree Hugger, this is Ken, the newest princess.”

Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Tree Hugger? Well, isn’t that a name that, back home, would’ve led to a lot of comments? And what the heck are Breezies?

Looking to the mare, I smile. “Hi.”

“Radical to meet you, princess,” Tree Hugger says in a way that, if this were the real world, I’d swear made it sound like she was high on something.

“Just Ken will be fine, Tree Hugger,” I say politely, before giving a small frown as I look away. “I’m not really a fan of the “princess” thing.”

The other mare gives a... I wanna say understanding nod. “Totally get yer meaning. Why need a title when everypony is just a pony? The universe’s flow moves no matter where you stand in society.”

I blink, before raising an eyebrow. Okay, is Tree Hugger... a hippie? I wasn’t going to say anything before regarding her name sounding like something a hippie would name their child, but, with the way she’s talking, her look and name all together... I’m really starting to think I’ve come across my first Equestrian hippie.

“Well, it was nice seeing you again, Fluttershy and meeting you, Tree Hugger,” I say, turning to leave, “but I think I’ll go mingle now.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy smiles. “See you later.”

“Righteous,” Tree Hugger says, nodding.

I move off, a little unsure how I feel. “What else could possibly happen tonight?”


“Princess Celestia expected something like that to happen tonight?!” Twilight asks exasperated as we sit in the train cart heading for Ponyville.

To say the night was boring... would be a complete lie.

Turns out Discord was the reason that big green blob was at the gala. It was his plus one. It’s called The Smooze, which really is nagging at my brain. I can swear I’ve heard that somewhere before, but, for the life of me, I can’t remember where.

The Smooze sure made the night interesting. At one point Discord had started doing what I want to call a stand up comedy routine, but it felt really forced, like he was trying really hard to get everypony laughing at his jokes.

I did cock my eye at the references he was somehow making despite this being a world unlike Earth. He was at one point wearing a red leather jacket that looked very similar to one Eddie Murphy wore in his early days as a comedian and also made a reference to the comedian Leo Anthony Gallagher, Jr., a guy known for smashing watermelons with a mallet, which is just what Discord did after a knock knock joke failed miserably.

However, his jokes didn’t last long before The Smooze livened things up, somehow having grown huge and flooding the entire room.

I managed to avoid getting stuck by leaping into the air and, with a bit of difficulty, keeping myself aloft with my wings. Twilight and Celestia were unable to do anything as, apparently, The Smooze is resistant to magic. Go figure.

Then Tree Hugger did this weird thing that sounded like the sound stereotypically made when someone meditates combined with neighing. It was really weird.

But, it did manage to calm The Smooze down and it came back together again.

Then Discord lost his shit and almost sent the poor mare into another dimension. Turns out he didn’t quite understand that Fluttershy being friends with Tree Hugger didn’t mean that weren’t still friends and that one can have different friends for different things.

Weird that he didn’t know that before, but whatever it. It made the night more interesting, that’s for sure and now he and Tree Hugger are friends... I think?

Thankfully Discord and The Smooze’s antics also meant I didn’t have to try and avoid running into that damn ass, Blueblood. I’d seen him trying to get near enough to talk every now and then, but thanks to Discord and Smoozy, he never got the chance.

I even figured out why Maud seemed so familiar to me. She reminds me of Raven from Teen Titans. Speaks in a monotone, doesn’t show much, if any, emotion. Heck, she even has purple hair, blue eyes and her coat is grey like Raven’s skin. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was a pony version of Raven. Which is really weird considering, whenever Twilight or I speak in a deadpan voice, we sound just like Raven too. And here I’d thought Equestria couldn't get any weirder.

I pat Twilight on the back as Spike sits on her other side, eating some leftover cake from the gala. “Something tells me I’m no longer the only pony who wants to just get back to Ponyville and relax.”

She gives me a small frown as I was agreeing with Celestia about the night being way more fun thanks to Discord and The Smooze, before she sighs and lowers her head, closing her eyes. “Yeah. You’re right. a nice relaxing time at home sounds really good right now.”

Author's Note:

FINALLY! Took me several damn weeks but i at last got another chapter of this out.

though i feel it is a lackluster victory as this chapter could probably have been funnier and longer. I just wanna get to the season 6 finale and how Ken will interact during that already.


But, i must be patient. Besides, i've got a certain scene involving Ken confronting a certain stuck up pink mare I can look forward to writing, even though that might not be for a long while yet.

still, at least with the Gala out of the way, i can finally move on with Ken being back in Ponyville.

Let me know how much of a disappointment this chapter was and look forward to getting back to Ponyville shenanigans.

Til next time, later everypony

Bloody hell, about time i put that at the end of a chapter instead of blogs or threads in groups. GARGH!