• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 7 - Apology Part 1

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 7

Apology Part 1

After a round of stretching, Pichu stepped from her pillow and started jumping from bed to bed towards the fire-breathing fox. With the bedroom being spacious enough to accommodate many grown humans, each residing pokemon received a bed of their own. And she had to admit, sinking her tiny self into a large pillow was way better than the stack of leaves in a cold cave.

With the human girl still asleep, it seemed like a good time to have a long chat with their silent companion.

<Hey, wake up,> she said, pushing her tiny paws against the large head. The fur itself proved to be fluffy enough to hide most of Pichu’s limbs. <Wake up you lazy piece of fluff!>

<You want to be grilled this much?> Ninetales asked with his eyes still closed.

<Oh, quit it. I know you wouldn’t risk setting fire to all those beds,> Pichu responded, taking a few steps around his large head.

<Wanna bet?>

Pichu frowned and placed her paws on Ninetales’ muzzle. <Listen, I just want to have a chat with you. If we’re stuck with the same pathetic trainer-wannabe, we may as well get to know each other.>

Ninetales chuckled and next yawned, taking a few moments to rub his sleepy eyes, doggystyle. He rolled himself onto the belly, causing Pichu to flinch away. <Pathetic trainer-wannabe, good one.> He displayed an amused smile, now staring down at Pichu while still perched on the soft material. <So, what do you want to talk about, small fry?>

Pichu frowned as being called ‘small fry’ hit her ego, yet her better judgement and fear told her to just accept it and move on. <Alright, here’s what I’m curious about. It’s obvious that you really dislike the human, growling and staring at her in anger from time to time, but if you hate her so much, why are you still protecting her? Why are you even around?> She pointed at the white pillow. <It can’t be just because of comfort.>

Ninetales shook his head. <Comfort? I would leave this bunker and live in the wild without a second thought. The only reason I stick with that brat is because my trainer tasked me with protecting her child.>

<Your trainer’s child?> Pichu asked, climbing onto a pillow and looking at Ninetales with growing curiosity.

<My trainer’s name is Penny… Penny Longshot.> He pointed at the human sleeping on the other side of the room as they kept distance from each other. <Astra Longshot is her daughter.>

<Tell me more, tell me more!> Pichu pleaded while clapping her paws. An opportunity to find out more about Astra and why she ended up on this island was finally in her reach.

Ninetales stretched his long paw and patted Pichu on the head. <Aren’t you a little too enthusiastic, child?> He chuckled at the sight of a grimace on Pichu’s face. <I was actually bored for weeks, so I don’t mind storytelling.> He took a quick breath. <My trainer was a very energetic and enthusiastic human. Her approach as a pokemon trailer was...> He cleared her throat, now speaking girly as if trying to imitate his trainer’s voice, <The more you’re hurt, the tougher you become, the more you run and lift, the faster and stronger you get, and a pokemon trainer needs to be almost as tough as their pokemon to handle the dangerous journey.>

<Meaning?> Pichu asked.

<Long story short, she trained alongside us. She’s proof that with enough training and struggles, humans can keep up with pokemon in terms of strength and endurance. I would say she was skilled enough to not need us to protect her from dangers all the time.> Ninetales smiled cheerfully and looked at the ceiling. <She was also a bit rash and ran into dangers without a second thought, not that I complain. It made our adventures fun.>

<I see. Seems like an interesting human, one worth following,> Pichu said with a glee. <Was Astra trying to follow her mother’s example?>

Ninetales nodded, only for his ears to drop. He looked to the side and said, <Astra admired her mother and wanted to become a great trainer like her, and she would start her journey if not for…>


Ninetales sighed. <The problem was with Astra’s father. Jeremy Longshot was a general and leader of a crime fighting organization called ‘Guardians.’ You could say they were well trained and equipped, fighting side by side with their pokemon against those who would abuse a pokemon’s power for crime in all regions.> He shrugged. <With enough training, our attacks can become extremely powerful. It’s no wonder humans want to abuse it for their own greed.>

<Let me guess. Penny fell in love with the general guy and became a guardian or something,> Pichu said, receiving a solid petting in return.

<You’re not as dumb as I thought,> Ninetales said with an amused smile. <My trainer used her skills to fight crime alongside her loved one. Many criminals we fought didn’t play by the rules, often using sneaky traps or attacking trainers instead of their pokemon. Penny’s skills were good enough though to counter this dirty tactic. Beating those cheating criminals and seeing their enraged faces was so satisfying.> He sighed. <To be honest, we were too good at our job, and we angered a lot of dangerous people.>

Pichu glanced at her trainer, already suspecting the reason behind her arrival at this pokemon-filled human-free island.

<One day, Astra’s parents brought their daughter to this bunker, asking her to stay and wait. This bunker was made in secret by Guardians to be both a shelter and a secret training facility with enough food and water to last for years,” Ninetales explained. “I could see desperation on their faces. When my trainer asked me to stay here and guard her daughter, I feared what would become of Penny.>

Pichu looked down, no longer in a good mood. <Is this why you’re so angry at Astra, for keeping you away from your trainer?>

<That’s half the reason,> Ninetales answered. <During her journey as a trainer, Penny caught a white female Ninetales in the Alola region since she needed an ice and fairy type against dragons, and I…> He paused, hiding a blush behind his paw, <...fell in love…>

“How romantic...” Pichu said, grabbing the edge of the pillow into her embrace before nuzzling it. “I bet her heart melted after experiencing your heated personality.”

Ninetales rolled his eyes at the concept of a fire pokemon falling in love with an ice type, which seemed as likely as a water pokemon falling in love with an electric one. He narrowed his eyes and said in a harsh tone, <I fear my trainer and my love are fighting for their life against assassins, and I can’t protect them… all because I’m stuck with that brat.> He growled. <I know it’s not her fault because she’s a victim as well. That’s why I protect her from dangers, but I’m not going to listen to her.>

<You don’t like babysitting, I get it,> Pichu said, not all that bothered by Astra’s fate. <Still, she can’t hide in this bunker forever. She needs to get ahold of herself and start acting like a real trainer. Go outside and win back her life.> Deep inside, Penny started to remind Pichu of her own parents; soft, careful, too afraid to let their kids spread their wings, and she didn’t like it one bit.

Ninetales nodded. <I do agree. Ever since her parents left her here for her own safety, all she’s done is sleep, eat and read.>

<Read? Is this why she’s trying to teach me how to write?> Pichu asked.

<Yes and no. She inherited her father’s studious nature and her mother’s adventurous spirit, so while she didn’t mind to learn from books, she couldn’t stay in one place and focus on one task for long. Still, being stuck here, too afraid to go outside and with nothing to do, reading was the only option to pass time, and her adventurous spirit burned out as a result.> He shook his paw dismissively. <Not that it was a waste of time or anything. Since this bunker was meant to be a training spot, all the books here are mostly about pokemon types, abilities, weaknesses, strengths, biology, discoveries, skills, combat moves and so on.> He chuckled. <Oh my. It seems Astra’s rich vocabulary is starting to rub off on me.>

Feeling as if the conversation had shifted off topic, Pichu said, <When I first met Astra, she was feeble and desperate, yet she accepted my challenge. She changed a few months later, but lost a lot of enthusiasm after catching me.> She crossed her arms. <I thought we would go on an adventure right away, and instead she’s wasting her time teaching me how to read and write. What’s up with that?>

Ninetales answered, <After spending a year in this bunker, she finally gathered the courage to go outside and catch a pokemon. I believe she was desperate for a companion in her loneliness.> He frowned. <Don’t look at me like that, I just don’t like her. I will honor my trainer’s wish and protect Astra, but I won’t play with her.> He cleared her throat. <Anyway… after a few months, she came up with an idea. If she could become a strong trainer like her mother, she would be able to leave the island on her own and defend herself against whatever dangers awaited her. Maybe even find her parents, and so her adventurous spirit was lit once more.>

<Is this why she started to climb up and train so often, even facing the cold with less clothes protecting her?> Pichu asked.

<Exactly. Nonetheless, humans are still at a big disadvantage in a fight against a pokemon since they can’t use powerful attacks. Luckily, you were a weak enough small fry for Astra to beat fair and square.>

Pichu stomped with her foot, looking to the side in annoyance.

Ninetales lowered his head, perching his chin on his paws. <However, Astra also looked up to her father. He was a feeble officer who wouldn’t take even a weak flame breath without cowering in fear, but he was a brilliant strategist. He taught Astra to plan ahead and prepare for every possibility. He always said that no matter if it should take a month or a year, long term planning is always better than a short term solution.>

Pichu placed her little paws on her hips. <So, in other words, she’s trying to become strong, brave and adventurous like her mother, but also plan and prepare ahead like her father, and it’s hindering her.>

<Not necessarily hindering, just slowing her down. Only time will tell if it will do her harm or good.>

Pichu sighed in defeat. <Great... So because of her father, she’s not going outside and catching more pokemon so she can train us for challenges like a proper trainer should. No, she's just wasting her time by teaching me how to write and keeps reading those stupid books.> She frowned. <Just my luck.>

<Maybe it’s for the best. Penny Longshot was a risk taker. Taking examples from her father will help Astra stay level headed and avoid making mistakes,> Ninetales said.

<This is stupid,> Pichu said. <Once she starts acting like a trainer and proves that she’s capable, I’ll respect her, but until she stop being a softy, I’ll do whatever I want.> It was in a pokemon’s nature to cooperate with humans as long as their teamwork was beneficial, and she had high standards. She wasn’t going to listen to the girl out of pity. Astra needed to earn it.

Pichu smiled, stepped from the pillow and patted Ninetales’ muzzle. <You were very intimidating until now, but now I can see that you’re just a love-missing soft–> She failed to finish and yelped as a few long tails pushed her towards a nearby pillow with great force. Taking the pillow with her, Pichu kept flying towards the wall, bouncing against it with the pillow landing on her tiny body.

<I was in a good mood, but try my patience again, and I’ll burn this room with you inside to a crisp. Do we have an understanding?>

<Y-yes… s-sir…> Pichu murmured with her voice being muffled by the pillow.

Raichu opened her eyes, finding herself perched on Starlight’s back with rays of sunlight assaulting her eyes. After a few blinks, she glanced backward, seeing the castle not far behind.

“You really pushed yourself too hard yesterday. I know you’re trying to get used to your powers, but whenever you were screaming in pain, you almost gave Twilight a heart attack,” Starlight said, looking at her passenger over a saddlebag. “What’s more, you exhausted yourself so much that you slept for more than half a day.”

<S-sorry,> Raichu responded before massaging her head.

“Our initial magical scans detected multiple injuries deep in your body. We were even planning to take you to the veterinarian, but another scan a few hours later changed our mind. Even ponies don’t recover this fast," Starlight complemented.

Raichu ignored her friend’s words, trying to recall her dream. Now it all made sense. Energetic mother and charismatic father being part of a crime-fighting organization. Trying to keep their daughter safe from some sort of threat by hiding her in a camouflaged bunker on an island. Astra’s desperation, determination and struggles to catch a companion as an attempt of dealing with loneliness and realizing her goals.

She frowned, feeling a growing anger towards her past-self.

That human girl couldn’t realize her dreams and was forced to face loneliness. The Ninetales appointed to protect Astra was mean to her for something she had no control over. To make matters worse, my younger self didn’t show any pity or understanding, being mean to the human just because she took a slower and safer path, Raichu thought, considering slapping herself in the face for her past sins.

With one swift motion, she opened Starlight’s saddlebag, digging herself into it and picking up a scroll, ink and quill.

“Careful there,” Starlight said, catching the ink bottle in her magic before it could change the color of her fur into violet-blue.

Once done writing, Raichu climbed up onto Starlight’s head, supporting one paw on her muzzle while presenting the scroll.

“You want… what?” She levitated the scroll, narrowed her eyes and took a closer look. “You want me to take you back in time so you can lecture your younger self and slap your own backside?” Upon receiving odd glances from the nearby ponies, she blushed and returned the scroll into her saddlebag. "No. If anybody needs to have some sense slapped into their past self, it would be me. Time travel is dangerous and generally a bad idea, especially when there isn’t that much at stake.”

Raichu’s ears drooped and she returned to her previous spot, this time using Starlight’s mane as a comfortable support for her chin. What’s the point of a reformed time-traveler if she refuses to go back in time? she thought. On the other side, we don’t know where my home island is, so going back in time wouldn’t help at all. Her ears perked up before she quickly wrote another message and presented it to the unicorn.

Starlight rolled her eyes. “No, we’re not going back in time to stop you from hurting the fillies and colts with electricity. You must accept the consequences of your actions.” She stopped and glanced at her with an encouraging smile. “Remember our agreement? The first stop, Carousel Boutique. Hold on tight.” She gritted her teeth and focused magic into her horn, her face displaying clear focus.

Raichu closed her eyes. She embraced Starlight’s neck lightly, afraid she would choke her friend without restraining her strength. Not that she was super strong or anything, as compared to earth ponies she seemed weak. Even for her size her strength would rival that of a filly. The issue seemed to lie in self-control, as in a moment of fear or excitement she used too much force for her own good.

“We’re here.”

Opening her eyes, Raichu loosened her grip and peeked from behind her friend’s neck, now staring at a decorative towering house with a flag on the top. She was about to step onto the ground, but decided against it. Apparently, one of the fillies she hurt was spending a lot of time with her older sister, and Raichu didn’t feel ready to look into the little scared eyes of that same filly.

Instead, Raichu looked at Starlight’s horn. <Your magic… your teleportation, it’s amazing,> she said, feeling a surge of jealously. <I wish my powers were half as useful.> Her ears drooped and her hands hung low. <All I can do is hurt.>

“I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but it’s too late for excuses. You agreed to apologize and there’s no turning back now,” Starlight said before knocking at the door. “If I’ve learned anything from my reunion with my old friend, it’s to be honest. Just tell… write how you feel and be genuine. And, if things go sour, I’ll back you up.”

“Come in,” a female voice answered from behind the door, which glowed with a blue aura and opened.

The moment Starlight stepped inside, Raichu examined the area, which proved to be quite decorative. The most noticeable were pony-like dummies wearing random dresses and numerous rolled materials spread on the floor, all in various colors. Her attention quickly focused upon a stage-like platform surrounded by three large oval mirrors.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is… Oh, hello, Starlight. What can I do for you?” Rarity asked. “And who’s your little friend?” She rounded the unicorn, now looking directly at the critter.

Raichu took a few steps to the side, trying to hide herself from Rarity’s view by climbing Starlight’s neck. With legs anchored on the unicorn’s chest, she waved hesitantly, blushing.

“Her name’s Raichu, and she’s the one who shock—” Starlight failed to finish as bronze edge of the critter’s paw sealed her mouth. She levitated Raichu onto the floor. “What I meant to say—”

“What’s she doing here?”

All eyes focused on a white unicorn filly entering the room in company of a cat. Recognizing her, Raichu hid behind Starlight’s forelegs.

“I’d recognize those cute ears and cool tail everywhere, there’s no mistaking it,” Sweetie commented before crossing her forelegs. “Sorry to say it, but after what happened, don’t expect hugs from me anytime soon.”

“Sweetie Belle, is this animal the one who hurt you at the school playground?” Rarity asked. Upon receiving a nod of confirmation, she narrowed her eyes and stomped. “Starlight Glimmer, why did you bring this dangerous creature into my home? I expect an explanation and I demand it now!”

Raichu whimpered.

Starlight approached Rarity with her head raised firmly. “First off, I want to clear something up. It’s true that my new friend did hurt many young ponies yesterday, but it’s because she couldn’t control her powers. She’s really sad about what happened and wants to apologize.” Starlight looked down and poked Raichu on her shoulder. “Come on, apologize to Sweetie Belle.”

Raichu looked between both white unicorns, wondering for a moment which one was Sweetie Belle. She took hesitant steps towards the filly. <I’m… s-s…> She stopped as the taller unicorn approached and sat next to Sweetie Belle, and gulped, feeling as if words were stuck in her throat. <I’m… I’m sorry!> She lowered her head and held her forepaws together in an apologetic gesture.

“Well… it didn’t hurt that much,” Sweetie Belle said and forced a smile. She tried to walk forward, but was stopped by Rarity’s foreleg.

“Even if it was an accident, how can I be sure that she will not hurt my poor dear little sister again?” Rarity asked, still wary and not taking her eyes from the critter.

“Hey, I’m not so little,” Sweetie complained.

“Oh, I can give you three reasons,” Starlight said, sitting next to her little friend while looking back at the fashionista with a determined stare. She placed her forehoof on Raichu’s head and said, “First, this poor Raichu is still recovering her memories and doesn’t know how to control her powers, so she asked me and Twilight for help.” She held a forehoof on her chest and lowered her head in shame. “We rushed the collar that was supposed to absorb the electricity, so we share part of the blame.” She lit her horn, opening her saddlebag, levitating over four white gemstones and one blue, each with some miniature inscriptions and star-like marks inscribed on them. “This time we created much stronger runes and used the best materials. I came here hoping you could make a collar out of them that wouldn’t look like…”

“An abomination of nature unfit to be seen by any civilized pony?" Sweetie Belle asked.

“With Prince Blueblood being the only exception,” Rarity added.

“Yes, that.”

Rarity took the gemstones with the help of her magic, examining each with a detailed eye. “Hmmm… sturdy, strong white, rare, high quality. How did you acquire them?”

“With Maud and Spike’s help. Maud’s personal collection had the highest quality gems to choose from, and these four not only had the greatest electrical absorption, but also an affinity for magic. The blue one is especially durable and was found by Spike yesterday,” Starlight explained, satisfied with the weakening tension.

“A proper countermeasure, I absolutely approve,” Rarity said before pointing at the gemstones. “Though I must say that the color choice is not the best. It looks too similar to the fur on… what was her name again?”


Rarity continued, “It does not stand out enough from the fur on Raichu’s stomach right under her neck. Still, recoloring gemstones of such quality would be a crime.”

Starlight shrugged. “Those are the best gemstones for the job, color doesn’t matter.”

“Maybe to you, darling. But even the most dangerous pet will wear a stylish collar as long as I am around.”

Raichu took the opportunity to wave at the filly while looking at her with puppy eyes, which Sweetie Belle responded in kind.

She couldn’t remain calm for long though as her attention focused on a cat who peeked out from behind the filly, licking its lips and staring at her with eyes of a predator. Each of the cat’s steps and its aura left a bad feelings in Raichu’s mind, as if she were being stalked for an attack, even if Raichu was the taller one in this encounter.

“I will think of something,” Rarity said, placing the gemstones onto the nearby table.

“As for the second reason, Raichu feels extremely guilty about what happened. Yesterday she put a lot of pain onto herself, struggling to learn how to keep the electricity from escaping while hurting herself in the process. She deserves a chance,” Starlight commended, catching up a glimpse of Rarity’s shock.

“She… did?”

Sweetie Belle’s ears drooped.

Raichu could feel an aura of sadness and pity. An option to do something silly to cheer the filly crossed her mind. She didn’t get the chance though as the cat started to circle around her. <Do you want to play?> she asked with a nervous smile as her tail started to move left and right, which caught the cat’s full attention.

“And the third reason?” Rarity asked hesitantly, no longer giving the long-tailed creature a suspicious glare.

“We found out what caused her electrical surge,” Starlight said, lowering herself to Raichu’s face level while pointing at her face. “Those two yellow dots on her cheeks seems to be main points where she unleashes electricity, so touching them triggers an instinctive reaction.” She raised to her full height and continued, “Her body also unleashes electricity as a defensive mechanism, so as long as nopony pulls her by her limbs or ears, she should be fine.” She rubbed Raichu’s forehead. “And after her painful workout yesterday, she can handle way more stress than before.”

Raichu blushed and tapped her paws together. She took a step back upon noticing Sweetie Belle only centimetres away.

“I forgive you. And I’m sorry you had to endure so much because of us,” Sweetie Belle said, trying to embrace her.

Raichu stepped backward. <T-thank you… but let’s avoid personal contact for now, okay?> She felt as if part of her broken heart started to heal, and she certainly wasn’t planning to risk a hug to ruin it.

The filly looked up at Starlight and asked, “What did she say?”

Raichu’s attention focused on her own tail, moving it in random direction in an attempt to evade the cat’s claws. The fluffy feline kept jumping towards the yellow edge with low volume ‘meowing.’

“Beats me,” Starlight said. “Someone taught her how to write and that’s how she communicates.” She was about to take the writing equipment out from her saddlebag, but stopped upon seeing Raichu being levitated towards Rarity, surrounded by a pale blue aura.

“While I am not surprised that Twilight would harbor such a dangerous creature, I wish she would have told me sooner,” Rarity said, looking into the pupils of the critter. “You may be just a little... chubby, but you look positively adorable! I just do not see how someone so small and cute as you are could hurt anypony."

<Neither did I,> Raichu responded in a saddened tone. <I wish I was just small and cute… without being dangerous.> She paused as realization struck her. If not for her defensive capabilities, she wouldn’t have escaped the giant beast inside the forest. Being dangerous wouldn’t be an issue if she remembered what she was capable of. Restraining herself now became her top priority.

Starlight spoke up. “It was Applejack who brought Raichu into the castle to ask if we could help with her amnesia, and it turned out that someone sealed Raichu’s memories.” She rubbed the back of her neck nervously. “To be honest, Raichu was having trouble with her own abilities from the start, so Twilight wanted to wait for a bit before introducing her to anypony.”

“You poor dear, I just cannot stay mad at you. If Twilight trusts you, so do I,” Rarity said and smiled warmly.

Raichu bit her lip as she felt desire to release electricity, but suppressed it quickly. Just a moment ago the cat used the opportunity to catch her tail and was now scratching and biting it without mercy.

“Is something wrong?” Rarity asked.

“Opal, stop that!” Sweetie Belle ordered. “Her tail isn’t a plaything.”

Opal released the tail and bent her legs like a tiger, now aiming at the large critter. With one firm jump, she tackled Raichu to the floor, freeing her from Rarity’s levitation. Despite being smaller, she now stood atop the large critter like a queen of the hill. A solid sniffing followed.

Raichu raised her head and stood up, feeling a series of scratches on her back as the cat struck it with full brutality. She rolled her eyes, refusing to electrocute the puffy feline. While the sharp claws and teeth were tickling her at best, this annoying act seemed enough to force her body to respond, something she needed to suppress.

Rarity levitated her cat away, keeping her above the floor. “I apologize for Opalescence’s inexcusable behaviour. Are you alright?” She took a closer look at Raichu’s back, not finding a single scratch on her spotless fur.

<I’m fine,> Raichu said, giving a quick glance to the cat, who growled at her while trying to free herself from her owner’s aura. Luckily, no burns caused by electricity were present on the cat’s fur, proving to Raichu that her training was paying off.

“Excuse me,” Starlight said, getting the others attention. “How long will it take to make the new collar?”

“A few hours. It is a small order, but I want to ensure that it will look fabulous on her,” Rarity responded.

“That’s good. We planned on visiting the school tomorrow so she can apologize to all the colts and fillies she hurt.”

“She wants to apologize to the entire class?” Sweetie Belle asked, now looking at the large critter.

<I... do.> Raichu nodded, hesitation still present in her voice.

Rarity smiled with a glee and tapped her hooves together. “This is just perfect.” She glanced at Sweetie Belle. “Are you thinking what I am thinking, dear sister?”

“I do,” Sweetie responded while displaying a similar smile. “We’ll make you look great for your apology.”

Raichu took a step back, intimidated by the strong auras of excitement she sensed.

“How good are you at standing still?” Rarity asked before levitating Raichu onto the platform surrounded by three mirrors. She raised forehooves up to her cheeks and her eyes sparkled. “Raise your rear leg like this, and you forepaw like that… Hold your paw on the back of your head… Perfect pose!” She squealed. “I have a pink bow with your left ear just begging for it!”

Raichu smiled awkwardly, unsure what to expect. A drop of sweat slid down her forehead. One thing she was certain, she needed to behave herself.

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