• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 26 - Dark Confession

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 26

Dark Confession

Nica sat inside a pyramid next to a pool of black substance with rubble and a dark creature keeping her company. Rays of the sun peeked inside through a hole in the ceiling. Saying that her mind was filled with questions and hungry for answers would have been an understatement.

Only a few weeks prior she had woken up inside a dangerous forest, covered with bruises without a single memory of her past. Worse, she didn't have even a single memory of herself. Her skills, power, abilities, all forgotten while a hungry beast with a lion’s head and a poisonous tail decided to eat her for dinner.

Ever since then, ponies accepted her and damaged the seal on her memories, and as a result she had been recovering her memories bit by bit. At the same time, she learned about ponies and their culture, all the while regaining memories about herself and reclaiming her skills.

All the pain she accidentally caused ponies, all her training to get a better grasp of her abilities, and all the attempts of being useful to her new friends: All caused by the creature before her.

I suppose it’s only fair to start negotiations with an introduction. My name is Darkrai, also known as King of Nightmares, the voice of Darkrai spoke in her mind.

Nica narrowed her eyes, once again studying the features of the monster. Darkrai was a legless, black, irregular shape floating in mid-air. A long white hood atop its head and what seemed like a thick red collar on its neck stood out the most. Apart from its pair of claw-ended arms, the creature boasted two additional spectral black tatters and a tail, all three billowing as if they were caught in an invisible storm.

<My name’s Nica, but I assume you knew that already,> she said, raising her tail threateningly. Answers to the mystery behind her appearance in Equestria and behind her missing memories were within her reach. She pointed accusingly with her forepaw. <First, I want to know why you sealed away my memories.>

Isn’t that obvious? Darkrai shrugged. I told you already. I don’t wish to harm you. When I traveled through the Everfree Forest towards the cottage of a pony named Fluttershy to put a curse on her, suddenly a portal appeared in the sky and a crashing noise followed. I thought I sensed the power of Dialga and Palkia coming from the shrinking portal, only to find you inside the crater.

<Palkia? Dialga?> Nica asked, blinking in confusion.

They are the rulers of time and space. I suspected that they sent you to stop me. I just laughed. Why would they send a Raichu against me instead of committing themselves? Of course, I couldn’t let you warn the ponies or try to stop me, but I also didn’t want to take your life. Then a thought crossed me: As a pokemon without any magic, your mind was defenseless. What if I sealed away your memories so you would forget about your mission?

Nica stood up, waved her forepaws in aggravation and shouted, <If you wanted to let me live, why did you leave me in a forest filled with predators? I was hurt, tired and hungry. If not for my speed, endurance and my body’s defensive reaction with electricity, I would have been eaten!>

Oh, but I wanted to take you with me and leave you at the cottage. From what I heard about Fluttershy, she would no doubt let you live an easy life. However, a mere moment after I finished sealing away your memories, you started moving and pushing yourself against the ground. I even considered recruiting you, turning who was sent against me into my asset, but I wasn’t certain if your guilt and conscience would disapprove of my actions or not, so I simply decided to carry on with my objective. He mentally sighed. Now, I regret that decision. If only I took your abilities more seriously.

Nica sat and massaged her arm with a saddened expression on her face. Her ears drooped. In the end, this creature wasn’t completely without mercy. She was a potential threat to Darkrai’s ambitions, yet he spared her. Still, Darkrai didn’t seem to show as much mercy to Daring Do and Rainbow Dash, ready to take their lives. There was still more she needed to learn about him.

Everything was working out. You forgot your mission, and instead had a pleasant life among ponies, while I spread my curse undetected and harvested their magic for myself. At least, until now.

Nica looked up, glaring into Darkrai’s blue eye. <Why? Why are you doing this? I mean, you weren’t causing any harm until now, and I can tell that it isn’t going to be the case for long. What is that you seek?>

Nica heard a playful chuckle echoing in her mind. As a pokemon, you should know the answer, but I shall enlighten you. You see, I was summoned into this world by a vengeful being, a queen who was betrayed by her subjects. She was desperate for a powerful ally, using ancient knowledge beyond her understanding. She took the risk, hoping she could control who she summoned. She was wrong.

<And?> Nica asked, staring back with full curiosity, only for her eyes to widen at realization. Wait… Did he say ‘this world?’ Isn’t the place I come from over the ocean or something?

Darkrai turned to the side, now staring at the black substance inside the pool in the middle of the chamber. I was intrigued. A new, mysterious world was open for me to explore, and a powerful being with centuries of experience I could learn from stood before me, so I played along. I played the role of her loyal ally, telling the arrogant queen that I could help her achieve her vengeance. In return, she taught me about this world and its magic, introducing me to ancient tomes and abandoned libraries. He chuckled. She tried to use me, but in the end, I was the one using her. Thanks to her teachings, I discovered this wonderful dark magic.

<Dark magic? Wasn’t Sombra a dark magic user?> Nica asked, thinking back to Rainbow Dash’s story how Cadence, Twilight and Spike saved the Empire from an evil king.

Oh yes, Sombra. I heard about him from my new mentor. A powerful pony who embraced dark magic, or rather, allowed dark magic to take control of him. He tried to control a dangerous force that led him into madness. Darkrai glanced at her and shook his head. But, in my case, it was different. Learning how to use dark magic came with such incredible ease. I didn’t struggle to control it, and it didn’t try to control me. I felt as if we were one and the same.

He chuckled. I’m a dark-type pokemon, immune to psychic-type attacks and powerful against psychic-type pokemon. When I tested my powers against a few unsuspecting ponies, I found out that my attacks are extremely dangerous against them. You saw for yourself what happened when I used ‘Dark Pulse’ against everyone in this chamber. If not for you protecting them all with ‘Light Screen,’ they would now all be at my mercy… or worse.

Nica grit her teeth before releasing her frustration as a small bolt of electricity, aiming next to Darkrai’s head.

Delicate topic? I’ll get to the point then. As a dark-type pokemon, I’m immune to spells, meanwhile my power is extremely dangerous against magical creatures. Dark magic is similar. It can prevent unicorns from teleporting, seal away their magic, make them weak, and in the case of my curse, allow me to harvest magic of living creatures whenever I wish. I felt as if dark magic was destined to be wielded by a dark-type pokemon—by me.

<I still don’t understand. Even if you can use dark magic, why are you spreading your curses on ponies and erasing their memories?> Nica stood up and approached on her hind feet.

As a pokemon, you should know the answer. We are beings who evolve, change, adapt, compete, fight and improve. We have reached great heights of power thanks to our struggles and perseverance. However, there’s limit to everything. Darkrai raised his hand towards the pool of black substance as green/dark aura started to return to him. A few seconds later the liquid in the pool was once again illuminating and green.

I’m one of rare pokemon who lives for millenia. Do you know how it feels to become this powerful over centuries, only to reach my limit? I have been spreading and feeding on nightmares over the land for ages. I was bored of my routine and of my limitations. He turned around and spread his arms. His voice in Nica’s mind now filled with excitement. But this land is filled with new places to explore, mysteries to solve, powerful artifacts to find, and most importantly, magic. Ever since I arrived here, I found so many new ways to improve myself and break my limits. The magic of this world makes me stronger and opens so many possibilities.

Nica stomped and clenched tip of her forepaws as more bolts escaped the yellow dots on her cheeks. <So, in other words, instead of allowing your body to gain magic on its own, you decided to speed up the process by cursing ponies and taking their magic whenever you want.>

It’s in our nature, this desire to improve as much as possible, and the cunning queen just pointed out the most efficient way to do it. Why should I give up on an unlimited supply of magic? Whenever I want to experiment, create or practice a spell, I just need to borrow bits of magic from ponies or other creatures. I can satisfy my endless curiosity and desire for power for millenia to come. A sinister laughter echoed in Nica’s mind. At least this is what I thought at first before I realized something. A bigger picture formed in my mind. Harvesting so much magic all at once… on second thought, I think I’ll keep it to myself. Wouldn’t want to spoil the big surprise.

<And then, you decided to kill whoever gets in your way?> Nica asked, pointing accusingly at Darkrai.

To be honest, while I didn’t care for the ponies, I thought I could realize my goal without killing, maybe even without me coming out from the shadows, but it changed. Darkrai’s tone grew in volume, now filled with determination. What I’m planning to accomplish is no longer just for my sake, nor it is for Chrysalis and her stupid revenge any longer, but she demanded a proof of loyalty from me. Removing a pony capable of using powerful artifact in order for me keep appearances seemed like a low price to pay. He frowned. As for Daring Do, killing her was my decision the moment I witnessed her skills. Letting live a combat-experienced adventurer like her seemed most unwise.

Nica took a few calming breaths before sitting on the dusty stone. <So, you’re driven by more than just greed. If you were planning to curse all ponies and creatures with strong magic, why haven’t you targeted Starlight or Twilight yet? They are powerful.>

My mentor warned me about those two, saying that ponies with such a strong connection to magic would no doubt fully resist my mind-affecting spells. Even when I sealed away memories of common ponies, how much I can make them forget depends on their mental resistance. Shining Armor was an exception, though. My arrogant mentor already brainwashed him before, and she was more than happy to assist me in dealing with his mental defenses.

Nica grinned. Darkrai couldn’t erase the memories of Twilight, Starlight, or any of the princesses. He probably wasn’t even aware that his curses and mental seals were no longer a secret. It gave Twilight and Starlight extra time to discover the cure and remove the curses and mental seals.

But, rest assured. With my curse spreading all over Equestria and even in the Griffon Kingdom, I can borrow magic whenever I want. I can weaken entire nations with a simple spell, and what’s most important, the rulers of this land don’t know about it. Though after your… intervention… I’ll need to speed up my plan.

<What plan? Are you going to take over Equestria by force to help Chrysalis have her revenge?> Nica asked.

I don’t care about what that wretched queen wants! She summoned me to use me like a tool, so I’m using her in return! I’ve already planned countermeasures against her! I’m tired of us pokemon being expl... He paused as dead silence lasted for a few seconds. Apologies for my outburst. Let’s just say that what I intend to do is much more noble, even though my methods of achieving it aren’t to par.

Nica raised an eyebrow before crossing her arms. <You don’t deny nor confirm that you want to take over Equestria. Let’s assume that you’ll take over. What will prevent ponies from removing your curse secretly and rebelling against you anyway? Your magic seems to have limitations after all. You can’t control an entire nation on your own.>

This, I am afraid, will remain as my little secret. Darkrai placed his hands on his hips and narrowed his eye. Now, my little friend, since I satisfied your curiosity, it is time for you to hear my offer and make a choice.

<Fair enough.> Nica stood up, looking back with an even stare. <Don’t expect much though. I plan on protecting ponies from the likes of you!> Her tone of voice became calm. <Though, if you agree to remove the curses and live with ponies peacefully, I’m sure they’ll show you understanding and mercy. More than once I learned that ponies are too forgiving for their own good.>

I have a better idea. You can leave the ponies and join me instead. We aren’t less intelligent than those ponies, and we surpass them in combat and power. We could become the masters, rather than servants.

<Join you?> Nica pointed at Darkrai. <Why do you think I would help you? Especially after what you tried to do to Daring Do and Rainbow Dash!>

Because if you do, I will help you gain magic and become even stronger. Nica yelped as Darkrai grabbed her with one of his large hands, his other hand spinning dark-green energy into an orb in front of her face. A similar aura started escaping from his newly green eye. For a Raichu to be able to stand up against my power, you must’ve endured many years of painful and harsh training and won thousands of battles. Maybe you even managed to break your own limits. Don’t you want to go even further than that?

Nica shook her head and pushed herself from Darkrai’s hand, landing on the tip of her left foot before taking a fighting stance. <It’s true that I started putting my own life in danger during my training, but I did it to not fail those I care about, not because I wanted more power!>

Putting your life in danger while training? That’s something even the bravest pokemon don’t dare to do. Interesting… You don’t happen to be a partner of the Sinnoh champion by any chance? Darkrai asked, his tone betraying his growing curiosity.

Nica lowered her guard and blinked before rubbing her chin. <Well… my memories are still incomplete thanks to… your merciful approach… but I think that’s a possibility. Together with my trainer, Astra, we won the tournament in the Sinnoh region, gaining the privilege to challenge the Elite Four and the champion. A few months before that, Brandom himself told us that we are skilled enough to defeat the Elite Four and maybe even the champion, and my trainer was more keen on earning the champion title more than ever before.

I see. That would explain so much. I was a fool not to make the connection when it was before my very eyes. His chuckle echoed in Nica’s mind. Tell me, how does it feel to suffer unimaginable self-inflicted pain day after day, enduring a training regime no pokemon would dare to put themselves through? Darkrai’s tone increased in volume. How does it feel to be unable to improve even further, no matter how hard you train, only to be forced to end up in a Pokemon Center a few times a day just to maintain your skills and power? How does it feel to fear that taking a break from training even for a few days will cause your skills and powers to wane?

Nica stepped backward. The sudden shift of Darkrai’s attitude was certainly not what she expected.

If you join me, I will help you use magic to become stronger. No more suffering, no more struggles. You would overcome your own limits.

<I will not let you hurt or kill ponies for your ambitions! I don’t care about getting more power!” She pressed her right forepaw against her chest. “I just care about being able to use the power I possess for the good of others!>

Oh, so this is where your hesitation lies. How about this then: If you join my side, I shall not take a single life, nor unnecessarily hurt the ponies you care so much about. You’ll become my enforcer. I would be able to dispose of Chrysalis much easier with someone as competent as you by my side. He shrugged. And who knows, maybe if the princesses will swear their loyalty to me, I’ll let them keep bits of their leadership power. As long as they can keep ponies in check, I don’t mind allowing them to have a word or two.

<W-what?> Nica asked, confusion clear on her face.

With someone as skilled as you by my side, I will have no need for killing. You’ll just peacefully pacify any resident of Equestria who would rebel against me. Ponies will keep their lives as long as you can keep them obedient. Not that you’ll need to perform such a role alone. I’ll ensure you’ll have competent assistants at your command.

Nica grit her teeth and shook her head. <You try to make it sound like a peaceful takeover, but I don’t trust you. Do you think ponies will just let you take their freedom and magic and be okay with it?>

Pokemon didn’t mind allowing humans to take away their freedom and use them as tools. I don’t see why ponies, griffons and the changelings wouldn't learn the same. I’m sure sooner or later they’ll learn to appreciate servitude and humility.

Nica stomped. <You’re wrong! Pokemon follow humans for many reasons. Some want to improve and humans are clever enough to help with that. Some just like to cooperate with them or enjoy their companionship. However, this is what we choose for ourselves.> She swung her forepaw swiftly. <Ponies would never be happy living like this!>

Darkrai frowned and turned around, now floating back to the long-tailed critter. And what of the pokemon who weren’t allowed to chose and those who were forced to serve against their will? A long sigh of disappointment echoed in Nica’s mind. And here I thought you would see things my way. Such a disappointment. If you won’t join me, I wish to negotiate for your neutrality.

<Neutrality? Do you expect me to stay on the sidelines and let you enslave ponies? There’s no way–>

I can send you back home to your world and your trainer.

Nica’s mouth closed as she stood up on her rear legs and stared in silence.

I see I caught your interest. Good. Not long after Chrysalis summoned me into this world, I looked into the spell she used, and over time discovered the means I could use to return home. With some... time consuming preparations, I can cast a spell that will send you back home and reunite you with your trainer and friends.

<N-no way… I…>

And before you refuse, know that those magically talented friends of yours will never find a way to send you home. It is like searching for a needle in a haystack. If you know which haystack has the needle, you’ll find it sooner or later, but if there are billions of haystacks and only one has the needle, it is another story. Without the proper books as reference, which are well hidden and under my possession, your talented friends will have no idea where to even begin.

Nica looked at the floor and rubbed her paws, her ears drooping.

If you agree to never return into this world, I’ll send you back home. If you refuse, you’ll be stuck here forever. What say you?

<I say…> Nica’s eyes narrowed as she clenched bronze tips of her forepaws. <I refuse!>

Excuse me?

She approached with firm steps as her tail raised up threateningly. <I regained enough memories to know that my trainer put me through hardship so I could be strong and skilled enough to help those in need. If I’ll be stuck in this world forever, so be it, but I won’t allow you to get your way!>

Darkrai roared in anger in her mind. I showed you mercy and spared your life again and again, despite knowing that you were sent here to stop me, and this is how you repay me? Fine, here’s your last choice. He turned around as dark energy started to form in his hand. Nica took a fighting stance in response. If you refuse to join me or remain neutral—if you’ll interrupt my plans one more time—I will use all the power at my disposal and every means available to me to turn your life into hell! I will keep breaking you until you either join me or agree to return back to your world. He clenched his hand, attacking with ‘Dark Pulse.’

Nica jumped backward to distance herself from Darkrai. While still in mid-air, she raised her forepaw, summoning a ‘Light Screen’ while charging bits of power into her tail. The moment her feet pressed against the stone, she raised her tail defensively in front of her face. Her legs sank into the rocky ground, refusing to bend despite the powerful pressure. The moment the attack stopped, she lowered her burned tail and looked around, yet Darkrai was nowhere to be seen.

She turned towards the tunnel, running inside as she followed Darkrai’s aura, still sensing his anger and disappointment. She wasn’t planning on letting him get away.

If you assist me in taking over Equestria, I shall not kill a single pony, I will get rid of Chrysalis and give you power beyond your imagination. If you agree to remain neutral, I shall send you back to your home world. If you get in my way one more time, I’ll break you with any means necessary. Those are your three choices. The next time we see each other, I will expect your answer. Choose wisely.

Nica’s ears perked upward and she flipped backward. Several dark crystals grew from the floor and ceiling in front of her, blocking her way. She surrounded herself with electricity while repeating ‘Rai’ over and over, piercing the dark crystals with her ’Volt Tackle,’ but the aura she sensed was no longer there.

With a firm stare still present on her face, she returned to the chamber where Somnambula faced the Sphinx, picking up her trusty blue collar and attaching it on her neck. Four white gems and one blue gem shined in the sunlight, while small lightning bolts decorated the collar in between.

With her magical language-translating, electricity-absorbing collar present on her neck, she went outside and next back to the city. It was obvious that Darkrai was no longer planning to lay low, and regrouping with Twilight’s friends seemed like the best course of action.

As she felt the hot sand cover her feet with each step and raised her forepaw protectively over her eyes, she thought about Darkrai’s words. He seems to think of ponies as a resource for him to use, and he certainly hates humanity, yet he showed me mercy. I don’t think he’s cruel or enjoys hurting others, but he believes that pokemon are being used as tools. What if some criminals tried to use him against his will?

She dropped her forepaws, lowered her head and sighed. Even if somewhat merciful, Darkrai still ended up in bad company, guided by a selfish queen who tried to use him. If only he’d interacted with ponies and experienced kindness like I did, he would see them for more than just source of magic.

Nica raised her head and glanced over her shoulder at the pyramid in pity. He was ready to help me gain greater power and share Equestria with me if I joined him, and was ready to send me back home if I agreed to stay away from him. I fear that he won’t hesitate to break me. The moment she noticed Rainbow Dash, Daring Do, Pinkie Pie and Quibble run in her direction, she waved at them.

As she felt two pairs of hooves and one pair of wings envelope her in a hug. She nuzzled each pony in return. I endured battles against legendary pokemon and nearly died during my training several times. Pain isn’t new to me. If I have to endure more pain and never see home ever again to protect ponies who showered me with kindness and affection, so be it. This is my choice, and I don’t fear the consequences.

Author's Note:

From now on, this part of the story will take a more "Dark" and "Adventurous" aproach as Nica will face her greatest adversary and endure a lot of hardship.

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