• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 11 - Raichu Rai and Fluttershy

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 11

Raichu Rai and Fluttershy

“Nica, just follow the plan and the victory will be ours,” Astra commanded as she now stood on the sand while wearing only a green shirt and green undershirt with the ocean before her. Her heavy boots rested under a tree in order to not get sand into them. The weather was cloudless and waves on the ocean were very weak.

Being trapped on an island meant that there were plenty of water pokemon to choose from, and ever easier to catch with the help of Pichu. Electricity had an advantage in this scenario after all. What’s more, adding the power of water into their arsenal would let them deal with ground, fire, and rock type pokemon. It was an essential element for their future victories.

Of course, a pokemon that looked like a bronze-gold starfish with a ruby at its core wasn’t exactly intimidating. Being small herself though, Nica knew better than anyone that pokemon’s size is very deceiving when it came to their true power, and her trainer knew that as well.

Staryu lowered one of its five limbs and shot a stream of water towards Nica who awaited this moment, jumping to the side.

“Perfect, now counterattack with a ‘Thundershock’!”

Pichu did as she was told, sending electricity towards Staryu as it was still busy with its own attack. The starfish tanked the hit and responded with ‘Bubble’.

“Nica, keep running,” Astra commanded.

Nica nodded and began running on her four tiny legs as bubbles splashed behind her. Keeping a good distance to better evade this move was part of the plan. An unexperienced trainer or pokemon would probably be fooled by the innocence of the attack. After all, who wouldn't laugh at the idea of being hit by a bubble. Yet experienced ones knew that being hit by them hurt like a rain of needles.

“Now use ‘Nasty Plot’!”

Pichu nodded, allowing her move to boost her special attack temporarily as a visible dark aura formed around Nica’s head. The moment another stream of water was sent towards Pichu’s face, she braced herself for the impact, and her small body was pushed a distance away as her little paws left two tiny trails on the sand.

“We have an opening, go!”

Nica ran towards Staryu in a straight line, reducing their distance, but kept her guard up. She didn’t need to be told to dodge as her trainer explained her plan in advance. Instead of attacking, she was supposed to wait for an attack, evade, and counter when there was another opening.

Rolling to the side, she evaded more bubbles before unleashing the boosted electricity, this time causing way more damage than before.

Covered by small burns, Staryu flew at Pichu as if becoming a thrown shuriken, hitting the tiny pokemon with all of its limbs… as planned. Nica grabbed Staryu’s limb with her paws and unleashed electricity upon contact, paralyzing her foe.

Paralyzed, Staryu couldn’t evade the white-red ball thrown by the trainer and was unable to resist.

Pichu started hopping in place in enthusiasm before jumping onto her trainer’s shoulder. It took a long time, but Astra had finally started showing her skills and cunning. What she found interesting about the trainer was how she predicted how the battle would go in advance, telling what to do step by step before the battle even began.

A few days passed since Nica’s trainer redirected her attention towards the mountain she climbed so often in the past, searching for a specific creature that Astra once encountered in search for a partner. It took a few weeks of searching and training before they found their target.

Nica blinked in confusion, staring at an egg-shaped creature. It was small and pink, yet half of it was red as if it was wearing trousers or pants, which she found creepy.

Other features standing out? Certainly something like a mix between hair and a limb was standing up on the top of its head.

At least two strong-pink cheeks on the egg-shaped pokemon looked cute.

“Excuse me, Happiny, do you remember me?”

The pokemon nodded while stepping forward, her small body nearly sinking half-way into the snow.

“I wish to once again ask you to join my side, but this time I challenge you as a trainer,” Astra said while awaiting the response expectantly. Confidence clear in her voice.

Nica looked at her trainer as a weak blizzard started to cover them with snowflakes, but Astra didn’t seem to mind. Adapted to the cold environment, she didn’t need warm clothing to endure it.

Happiny hopped in place in excitement before nodding, which only encouraged Astra to send her water pokemon into battle.

Nica kept observing the confrontation between Staryu and Happiny from her spot on her trainer’s shoulder. At the moment she knew only ‘Nasty Plot’, ‘Charm’ and ‘Thundershock’, and against Happiny special attacks were practically useless.

Staryu started the battle by testing Happiny’s special defenses, using ‘Water Gun’ and ‘Bubble’ as the egg-shaped pokemon didn’t bother to dodge. Being small, Happiny was pushed and bounced against a stone wall, but shrugged off both attacks without a care in the world.

Pichu gasped the moment an ‘Ice Beam’ was unleashed against Staryu, who struggled to tank such a powerful hit. While Happiny was weak in terms of offensive and water pokemon were resistant to ice, ‘Ice Beam’ was still extremely powerful. Did this pokemon learn such a powerful attack while living in cold environment all this time? She gave her trainer a surprised glance who kept smirking. Now she understood why Astra was so determined to find this specific pokemon among the two hundred residents of this mountain.

Happiny lost very quickly to a few tackles. Powerful special defenses came at the cost of normal defenses, which was a big weakness others could exploit.

The adventure continued as Astra took her team into the jungle, one she didn’t explore yet. The high number of poison, bug and grass pokemon proved to be a great challenge. While searching for another team member, Astra used this opportunity to strengthen her team.

Fighting against grass types proved difficult for Nica as her electricity did very little damage, making every encounter extremely challenging. It was one thing to be weaker than others because of her feeble body, but for opponents to be resistant to her attacks was on another level. Still, at the very least she could handle grass attacks fairly well, a luxury that a water type pokemon like Staryu didn’t have. Astra explained that if a pokemon is being hit by their weakness, they become less weak to it, but in the end reaching a point where grass attacks wouldn’t be so devastating was a great struggle.

Finally, their exploration led them to finding a Bulbasaur, a grass/poison type that Astra wanted on her team, and Happiny’s ice attack made their fight one sided.

Pichu gave Astra one more glance, once again surprised. Her trainer caught Happiny with the jungle in mind as their next destination, which gave her a big advantage when facing its residents. Yet she still kept sending pokemon that had disadvantages to toughen them up.

As time passed Nica started feeling like a pawn of a chessboard, and her trainer’s every move seemed well calculated with a long-term solution in mind.

Nica yawned and blinked away sleepiness from her eyes, her vision still blurry.

What was important though was that she still remembered her dream, and this one proved very informative. Apparently, weaknesses and strengths were very important where she came from. Knowing that she had an advantage against water pokemon while being at a disadvantage against grass type was something worth remembering. Not to mention that one of the members of the team she was part of, Happiny was it, could tank her electricity and then some.

“You sure took your time.”

Raichu glanced to the side, seeing a violet blur that slowly sharpened into the pony she knew as Starlight Glimmer, who was sitting next to her bed, yet something seemed wrong…

“How long are you still going to stand on just one paw? I feel my legs tiring by just staring at you.”

Nica blinked in confusion before looking down, and then gasped as she was still balanced on just one of her paws, which raised three simple questions:

Why didn’t she even notice she was standing on just one paw?

How long had she been she doing it?

And most importantly, why was she still doing it?

Thinking back to yesterday’s events, she quickly remembered her attempt to learn about her limits. Apparently, she didn’t take a single break from her unique exercise, falling asleep after a few hours. Did she maintain the same stance for the whole night?

Nica had to admit, what she did was… incredible… breathtaking… and painful.

Out of words and still in shock, Raichu descended onto her other paws, now standing on all four, and the paw she stood on all this time was now hurting, like... a lot. Her attempt to walk towards the edge of the bed forced her to grit her teeth and her ears to drop with each step, and she couldn’t help herself but to massage her arm.

“Wait… don’t tell me you… really did a paw-stand for the entire night…” Seeing a nod of confirmation, Starlight’s eyes became wide as plates. She took a few slow calming breaths and massaged her forehead.

<I know how you feel, I still can’t believe what I did myself,> Nica said, feeling as if ants had invaded the insides of her left arm and were biting it mercilessly from within. The bronze edge was both numb and floppy.

“Twilight tasked me with escorting you to her friend, Fluttershy, but before we go, I’m sure you’re hungry.” She pointed at an elegant tray covered by a rounded shining dome, before levitating the dome to reveal a large rich cake. At least ten strawberries formed a circle on the top, perched in the soft cream. Under the white cream was chocolate icing.

Raichu rubbed her eyes with one paw, wondering if it was just her imagination. She glanced between Starlight and the delicious dish as the unicorn kept smiling at her, though the aura she sensed from Starlight displayed some hidden motive. Was there a catch?

“Go on and eat up, you love sweets after all.”

Nica massaged her belly and gulped as saliva was dripping from her closed mouth. She had to admit that she loved sweets, and this was like a dream come true, but just yesterday she participated in a festival with so many delicacies left and right. As much as her belly begged her for more, she couldn’t eat delicious desserts without a break, it would spoil her. Not to mention that after eating cakes over and over they would lose their charm.

Using her tail, she carefully cut off a very small slice of the cake before pointing at the bigger part and next at Starlight.

“W-what… You don’t need to share, this whole cake is for you,” Starlight said, caught off guard.

Raichu shook her head and repeated her previous gesture. Every part of her being was rebelling for refusing to devour the whole creamy chocolate goodness, but she wasn’t going to give in.

“Alright…” Starlight said with a sigh of defeat, eating alongside her little companion. She murmured to herself, “I don’t know what’s weirder. The fact that you stood on just one paw for several hours, or the fact that you decided to eat only a tenth of this delicious cake.”

<That’s a good question. If I had to choose, I would go with the cake.>

Once done eating, Starlight cleaned both of their faces with two napkins, wiping away the cream. “Let’s go.” She levitated Raichu onto her back and went for the exit, leaving the empty plate in the room.

Starlight stopped herself in front of the large door leading outside and levitated Nica onto the floor, who looked up at her in confusion.

“I know you’re familiar with teleportation and levitation by now, but I haven't even begun to scratch at the surface of what magic can really do. Do you want to see some really cool spells?”

Raichu nodded. It seemed weird that Starlight was delaying Twilight’s order just to show her a few tricks, not to mention the odd aura she sensed from the unicorn, but curiosity got the better of her.

“Just watch.” Focusing a powerful spell, Starlight summoned a bright light from her horn.

Nica covered her eyes with her right paw, only to blink in confusion. Did Starlight just summon her identical twin-sister? Or was her imagination playing tricks on her.

“Two Starlights for the price of one,” both Starlights spoke in unison. “What do you think? Impressed?”

Raichu nodded, not daring to take her eyes away from the ponies before her.

Starlight cast another spell as both unicorns vanished in an instant.

Nica looked around in confusion for a moment and next rubbed her chin. While she couldn’t see the ponies before her, she still sensed their aura. She closed her eyes and concentrated, turning towards the invisible pony.

“Wait… can you see me?”

Nica shook her head.

“Do you sense my presence?”

Raichu nodded before opening her eyes, now staring at a wall. She pointed slightly to her left, and next slightly to her right, and a moment later both Starlights became visible. She would point with both paws, if her left paw didn’t still felt numb.

Both Starlights merged into one before approaching Raichu and rubbing top of her head. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”

Nica lowered her head and her ears drooped. It was true that she had many talents, but they mostly served only her. Electricity was for self-defense, jumping thus far was mostly destructive, and her ability to sense the aura of living creatures also seemed as an important element to warn her about approaching danger by sensing hostility. There wasn’t anything useful she could do for others. Levitating, teleporting and making copies of themselves seemed to have a lot more potential to help others.

Starlight looked down at Raichu in disappointment before opening a door to the exit.

“We're almost there,” Starlight said as she pointed at the cottage ahead, and her passenger stepped from her back onto the solid ground.

Nica tried to trot next to Starlight and ended up limping as her left forepaw was still hurting a bit. She switched to walking on her two legs along the path while looking to her sides, admiring the view.

On the ground she noticed several dens among the grass field, or rather the eyes of many heads emerging from them as several rabbits, moles, snakes and various rodents gave her curious glances. While passing over a small wooden bridge, she glanced at several trees surrounding the area, noticing holes in the trees for squirrels to live in, nests on the branches that housed various birds, and even an eagle on top of the roof. Each animal reminded her of smaller versions of pokemon as her mind provided her with images of Pachirisu, Buneary, Ekans and Pidgeotto being the first to come to her mind. Not that those memories helped much as they seemed to be images and names without any context. When and how she met these pokemon and what were they capaible off was still a mystery

Nica narrowed her eyes, now paying closer attention to the numerous auras, sensing a lot of happiness. There were also auras filled with affection, most likely directed for their caretaker.

She glanced to her left and up at Starlight, who kept smiling awkwardly in return. The smile itself seemed forced and she could sense faint bits of sadness coming from her friend.

Nica looked at the door ahead of her, sensing an aura of affection behind it which grew in strength with each of her steps. Taking a moment to analyze her situation, she came to a few conclusions:

First, she was going to meet another of Twilight’s friends, and till now every friend of the princess left a good impression. Rarity was passionate and determined, Pinkie was extremely cheerful, enthusiastic and generous with sweets, Applejack was hardworking and dependable, and Spike was just a sweetheart in his determined never ending quest to be of assistance whenever possible. So in the end, she expected only the best from Fluttershy.

Second, this Fluttershy was living away from the town and near the dangerous forest while surrounding herself with animals and nature. There was also something pleasant in the atmosphere of this place.

Third, and most problematic was that Starlight didn’t seem happy for some reason, and she couldn’t tell what the cause was.

Nica stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. Her paws trembled as the aura coming from the other side became overwhelming. This ability of mine is starting to feel really uncomfortable.

“Are you… going to knock?” Starlight asked, “Or should I?”

Raichu narrowed her eyes and knocked with the tip her own tail. There was just a large quantity of affection and love behind this door, so why was she even hesitating?

“I’m coming,” replied a calm voice.

Raichu froze in place as the aura became unbearable. Her eyes were on the opening door, which revealed a yellow pegasus with long pink tail and mane.

“Hello Fluttershy, you wouldn't happen to be busy right now, would you?” Starlight asked hastily and stared expectantly, as if hoping for a positive answer.

“Oh... of course not. I always have time for a friendly visit.” She gestured with her foreleg, inviting Starlight inside. “Would you like some tea?”

Starlight shook her forehoof and chuckled nervously. “Maybe later, for now I have someone to introduce you to,” she said before rubbing the top of Raichu’s head. “Fluttershy, meet Nica, and she’s a Raichu. Twilight asked me to introduce you both to each other.”

Nica kept staring at Fluttershy as her heart-beat increased in speed. The pupils in her little oval eyes widened while her tail now lied flat on the grass.

“H-hello, little one… have we meet before?” Fluttershy asked, looking down with curious eyes.

Starlight withdrew her forehoof and spoke up, “Applejack brought her into the castle one day so we could help her deal with the amnesia. You could say she’s a very cute guest that we started taking care of over a week ago.”

Raichu felt as if her heart started melting at a mere look at the warm smile that appeared on the pegasus’s face.

“My name’s Fluttershy, nice to meet you Nica. I must say, you have a very nice name,” Fluttershy said in a gentle tone before leveling herself to Raichu’s face. “Are you the terrified creature that ran out from the Everfree Forest?” Her face now filled with worry. “When I talked with the Manticore, he told me about failing to hunt small prey with a very long tail, who shocked him with electricity like a stormcloud would.” She glanced at the long tail behind Raichu. “It is you!”

Nica nodded, only to be pulled into Fluttershy’s chest by her wing as tears started to fall onto the top of her head.

“Oh you poor, poor, thing. It must’ve been horrible.” Fluttershy’s stroke Nica’s forehead. “There, there, you’re safe with me.”

Nica savored the moment as the atmosphere became hearth warming. Fluttershy’s calm voice alone was pleasant to listen and her wing was even softer and more gentle than Twilight’s. In fact, this was the warmest and softest hug she had experienced thus far, while the aura of compassion and worry turned from a simple rain into a waterfall. She felt her muscles relaxing as her body sank into the soft fur.

After half a minute, Fluttershy finally released her captive and wiped her own tears.

Nica held her paws under her neck as if a puppy asking for a snack, staring at Fluttershy with full attention. The wing-hug was so pleasant, so warm, and she wanted more…

“Aren’t you just the cutest little thing?” Fluttershy asked, sounding more like she was just stating an obvious fact.

<I’m the cutest? There are so many ponies cuter than me,> Nica said before pointing up at Fluttershy. <If anything, you’re the cutest. Your charm is radiating like the brightest star in the entire night sky!>

“My charm… radiating like a star?” Fluttershy asked before chuckling. “T-thank you.”

<W-wait… you can understand me?> Raichu asked and took a step back, caught off guard. For the first time she could communicate with ease with no need for body gestures or scrolls and quills. She displayed her teeth in a wide smile before grabbing Fluttershy’s long mane between her paws. She stroked it affectionately. <You’re such a beautiful pony, and your mane is softer and more delicate than any material in Rarity’s shop.>

“My mane is soft… but not that soft.” Fluttershy responded with a blush. “I’m sure your fur must be just as soft, and your ears are very unique.” She lowered herself to Raichu’s level once more and poked Nica’s ears before rubbing behind them.

Raichu’s left rear paw started to stomp repeatedly against the floor upon feeling the pleasant rubbing. She returned the gesture by standing on the tips of her feet and nuzzling Fluttershy’s cheek. <Your aura of compassion is…so pleasant… so overwhelming.>

“Aura of compassion? I try to show kindness to all animals, so I suppose that’s one way to put it.” The moment Fluttershy raised her head, Raichu’s right paw bumped her nose and next Nica’s head pressed into the fur on her chest. Noticing that until now this critter didn’t move her left forepaw, she poked it, making Raichu withdraw from nuzzling her chest. “Is your arm hurting?”

“It is,” Starlight spoke up, breaking her own silence. “Nica is… an athlete. Yes, an athlete who is still recovering her memories. Yesterday she tried to learn how long she can stand on one paw and overstrained it.”

“Oh, I see, maybe a massage will help.” Fluttershy sat and picked up Raichu before placing her on her knees. With a gentle touch, she raised Raichu’s left paw and started massaging it.

Nica didn’t resist and instead observed Fluttershy’s face. There was something pleasant about this pony. Her very presence just… made her happy.

“How’s it now? Better?” Fluttershy asked as she released the paw.

Raichu made a few movements with her paw. The pain was weaker than before while the bronze edge was no longer as numb. She smiled warmly at the caring mare. <Thank you.>

“You’re very welcome.”

Nica took a deep breath, gathering courage to ask an important question. <Um… excuse me, Miss Fluttershy…>


<H-hug?> She held her paws together in a pleading gesture. <Pretty please.>

“A hug? Of course, I would love to,” Fluttershy responded as the little pokemon spread her forepaws in Fluttershy’s direction. She spread her forelegs as well, ready to pick up Raichu into her embrace.

<Thank you!> Nica shouted as her smile became even wider than before, her teeth visible and shining, the pupils in her eyes grew and sparkled as if filled with tiny stars. <Here I come!> She jumped towards Fluttershy, knocking her off balance. Like a king of the hill, she now stood on the pony’s belly with paws wrapped around her neck while licking her muzzle. The overwhelming aura of Fluttershy acting like an overdose of catnip for a cat, and she couldn’t resist it a second longer.

The animals gathered around the spectacle, wondering who the new animal was that was now interacting with their caretaker in such a way. Meanwhile, Angel Bunny rolled around in his comfortable basket before waking up due to the commotion.

Starlight tried and failed to look away. If not for the fact that very soon she was going to lose the company of her fluffy friend, she would’ve held her forehooves on her cheeks while letting a “D’awww” escape her mouth.

Nuzzling and hugging was nice, but it wasn’t enough for Raichu, she wanted to go further than that. Suddenly an idea was born in her mind. <Belly rubs!?>

“Belly rubs, of course I can–” Before Fluttershy could finish her sentence, she felt Raichu’s paw rub against her belly. “I t-thought… it was sup-p-p-posed to b-be… the other w-way around? It t-tickles.” She sat and grabbed Raichu into her embrace, as if holding a baby, and she gently rubbed the white fat belly.

A long-lasting “Raaaiiii…” escaped Nica’s mouth in growing satisfaction as her own tail moved towards Fluttershy’s belly and rubbed it in return.

The moment Fluttershy’s wing tickled Raichu behind her ear, she stood on her rear paws and tickled Fluttershy behind her ear with a forepaw.

Was that Fluttershy’s tail tickling the bottom of her foot? Not a problem, she just returned the favour by rubbing a soft part of Fluttershy’s rear hoof with the tip of her tail. Each pleasant experience was returned in kind.

“Starlight, what are you doing here?” Spike asked as he entered the cottage through the open door.

“Introducing our guest to Fluttershy, and you?” Starlight asked as drops of sweat started to fall down her forehead. She didn’t look at Spike as she couldn’t take her attention from Fluttershy and Raichu even for a moment.

“I wanted to ask Fluttershy for help with… wait… what are they doing?”

“Nuzzling, cuddling, snuggling, tickling each other and so much more,” Starlight answered as Spike sat next to her to observe the spectacle.

Half a minute later, Spike commented, “You know Starlight, I often wondered how Fluttershy cuddled with her animals like if she just petted them for a moment or just a little belly rub, but seeing this really puts the love and kindness she has for all her animal friends into perspective.” He chuckled. “And the weirdest part is that Nica return every bit of affection in kind. Never before I have seen any other animals rub Fluttershy’s ears, hooves and belly.”

“Tell me about it,” Pinkie said, causing both Starlight and Spike to flinch. “Actually… there was that one time with Harry the bear.”

“Pinkie, what are you doing here?” Spike and Starlight asked in unison.

“My Pinkie sense told me something extreme was about to happen, so I came as fast as I could.” She pulled three bags filled with popcorn form her tail and shared with her friends.

Starlight hesitated and looked for fragments of Pinkie’s mane among the popcorn while Spike pushed a clawful into his mouth.

After a few minutes of pleasant experiences, the pokemon and the pegasus lied next and across each other.

Nica had to admit, Fluttershy’s wing was the best pillow, and sinking the back of her head between the warm feathers felt great. But the good news didn’t end there. She held Fluttershy’s tail between her paws and pressed it against her left cheek, while her right cheek was pressed into Fluttershy’s fur as she nuzzled it from time to time. No bed could ever rival the accommodation provided by this caring pony. Her long tail rested on Fluttershy’s belly while rubbing it occasionally.

Of course there were some small downsides, like Fluttershy’s foreleg and cheek that pressed against Nica’s white belly, or Fluttershy’s warm mane that covered her rabbit-like legs. No… wait… those were upsides as well. In fact she wouldn’t mind serving as a pillow and allowing Fluttershy to nest her adorable head on her entire body to return the favor.

They both laughed without a care for the world, enjoying each other’s care and compassion.

Spike pointed out, “I think we lost them,” as most animals nodded in agreement, though one particular bunny kept staring at Raichu with rage and jealousy in his eyes.

Angel’s rear paw was hitting the floor at high speed, his arms were crossed and his long ears were flattened against his head. Under normal circumstances the appearance of a new animal wouldn’t be much of a problem, but this one crossed the line.

Starlight’s ears drooped and she finally looked away from the spectacle. After what just happened, it was as good as decided that Raichu would stay with Fluttershy. How could her magical might rival such overwhelming cuteness and affection? More than once she learned not to use her magic to affect other’s mind, and she wouldn’t dare to do it to this critter.

Author's Note:

When two powerful forces of pure cuteness colide... this happens.

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