• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,448 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Guardian Rangers, Victory is Ours

In the city of Canterlot, it's populous was fighting against the invading monsters. Everyone was fighting off the Shade army, while the Zords continued to defeat the Shadzillas.

Twilight dodged a Shades dagger before hitting it over the head with a pipe.

Rainbow kicked a Shade in the chest, knocking it back into another bunch of them.

Applejack body slammed another, tackling it to the ground before hitting it with her fists.

"Missed me," Pinkie said as she dodged a Shade's dagger and appeared behind it. Another tried to stab her, but she once again dodged it and caused the first to be hit. "Ooh, that had to hurt."

Fluttershy was running away from a whole bunch, or at least it looked like she was as she then ducked down and allowed Rarity to attack with the chain Micro had been using. She swung it around and hit them all, enjoying doing that. Once they were taken down, she helped Fluttershy up and they high fived before fighting more Shades.

Celestia, Luna and Cadance were also fighting, remaining back to back as it seemed to be doing the trick.

Starswirl was using his staff to knock the Shades back, spinning it around him to fight them. Once he took all the ones around him down, he walked off to another group. A Shade had remained alive behind him and was picking itself up before charging at him, only to be hit in the head by a fist while the wizard was not even looking.

Others were fighting as well, some being students from both Canterlot High and even Crystal Prep. Others were just normal citizens, whose courage had been ignited they the efforts of the Power Rangers

Nine of those Power Rangers were fighting against the three general monsters of Legion. Doom swinging his sword at Sandal, Soarin and Dusk, while Heart tried to use her hook to beat Lyra, Sweetie and Sunset. Finally Cogs waved his axe wildly at Micro, Trail and Shining.

Doom let out a war cry as he tried to slash at Soarin, only for Sandal and Dusk to use their swords to block him before pushing his sword up. This allowed Soarin to slash the monster in the chest.

Heart swung her hook down at Sunset, but Sweetie leapt infront and used her shield to block. This allowed Lyra to use her staff to grab the hook and pull it away from Heart, who was then bombarded by Sunset's laser blasts.

"Magi-Drill Blade!" Micro cried as he summoned the drills gauntlet before he, Trail and Shining charged at Cogs, the three attacking at once as the armoured monster could only block one of them.

The three staggered back, but did not let this stop them. "You cannot beat us," Doom said.

"Even if you destroy us it won't be the end," Heart continued.

"Master Legion will reanimate us," Cogs finished. "Face it, you're fighting an immortal army."

"I wouldn't say that," Lyra said as the team regrouped.

Trail nodded. "Flash'll take him down before he can revive you."

Doom laughed. "You're precious leader can't beat ours. He's outmatched."

This time it was the Rangers who laughed. "Don't underestimate him," Shining explained.

"My son doesn't know the meaning of the word quit," Trail told them.

Sweetie nodded. "He won't stop until Legion's toast."

On the bridge of the Dark Fortress, Flash and Legion fought.

Flash fired his blasters at the monster, but Legion countered by creating a small but strong force field that blocked them before disappearing. The Red Ranger then tried to deal a kick to the monster, but Legion blocked it with his staff before spinning around and kicking Flash away.

"Why do you fight so hard?" Legion asked as he watched Flash pick himself up. "You know you can't win, so stop trying already."

"Never!" Flash said once he stood tall. "If I give up now, then I'll be letting everyone down." He once again rushed forwards, "I won't let that happen!" He tried to punch Legion, but the monster actually grabbed his fist.

Applying pressure to it, Legion began to crush his hand and cause Flash to cry out. He then thrusted it up, exposing Flash chest in doing so and allowing him to strike him with the top of his staff. The entire staff then surged with energy, which shot straight into Flash and electrocuted him before sending him flying back.

"AUGH!" Flash yelled as he landed on the ground, demorphing as he did so.

Legion laughed. "See, you don't stand a chance."

But Flash refused to accept that and slowly picked him up, glaring at Legion as he did. "I told you...that's not happening!" He once again started firing, but Legion created another force field that blocked the lasers. "My friends are counting on me, so I won't let them down!"

Back on earth, the Shades and Shadzillas were getting low in their numbers.

Twilight looked up and saw the Alicorn and Phoenix unleash an attack, which struck one of the giants and destroyed it. She then looked over at the remaining Shades and realised they were in the home stretch, as she knocked another one down. "We're almost there guys!"

Starswirl also saw this and had an idea. "Everyone, try and group the remaining ones together!"

The people did not know why he wanted them to do that, but decided to do as he said and began pushing the Shades into groups that slowly merged together. Eventually the last two groups became one, allowing Starswirl to do what he wanted.

"Now!" He raised his staff as it glowed, "lend my your power." He and the others people began to glow, the light floating into his staff and causing it to glow. He began to swing the staff around, "Final...STRIKE!" He pointed it at the Shades, the light shooting off it and flying toward the Shades. Starswirl felt himself be pushed back by the power, but suddenly he stopped and looked back to see his friends holding him in place.

"We gotcha!" Pinkie told him.

Starswirl nodded and turned back to the blast, as it flew at the Shades and struck them. There was a great explosion of light, which engulfed the Shades and caused each and every one of them to be disintegrated.

Everyone cheered at this, as the sounds of a roar made them look up at the Zords.

In that moment the Basilisk fired its eye beams, which struck every single one of the remaining Shadzillas and turned them to stone. The Rest of the Zords used this opening to attack, the Sea-Serpent, Sphinx, Fenrir, Manticore and Minotaur smashing into theirs while the Griffon, Thunderbird, Phoenix and Alicorn fired at theirs.

The attacks struck the petrified monsters, reducing them all to dust.

The monsters saw this and were all horrified.

"Our army!" Cogs yelled.

"This can't be happening!" Heart cried.

"Oh it's happening." They turned to see the Rangers, all standing together and preparing to finally end this.

"This isn't over," Doom told them.

"It's about to be," Lyra cried as she, Sandal, Soarin and Dusk charged forwards. Sunset, Micro, Sweetie, Shining and Trail remained behind in a line.

Lyra lead the charge, rushing passed them as she slashed all three of them with her staffs blade. She was quickly followed by the boys, who also slashed the three before leaping back. This allowed the others to prepare their blasters, all but one of them spinning the barrel on it. Sunset meanwhile, placed her Magi-Charger in the Duel Morphin Blaster.

"Power Blast!" The four called out as they fired.

"Phoenix Flame Burst!" Sunset cried as she did the same, her blast combining with the other four into an even larger firebird.

It flew at the generals and exploded, sending the three of them flying back.

They landed on the ground, the three of them smoking as they tried to pick themselves up.

Doom stared at the Rangers as they once again lined up. "You think...you're puny attacks...will beat us?"

"Yes we do," Sunset replied as she pulled out a Magi-Charger. "And this will be the final nail," she clicked it on. "Guardian Buster," she threw the Charger in the air, "activate!" In a flash of light the Guardian Buster appeared, allowing the Gold Ranger to catch it and pull the forend.

"Magi-Chargers," Lyra, Micro, Sweetie and Sandal said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded." Sunset placed hers into the main compartment and shut it, the white streaks changing to gold.


As the five got into position, Soarin, Trail, Shining and Dusk prepared their own finishing attacks.

"Thunder Sabre Slash!"

"Manticore Tail Whip!"

Ultimate Justice Punch!"

"Full-Moon Slicer!"

"Guardian Buster, Phoenix Blast!"

The five attacks charged up, but the generals were not going down that easily.

Doom raised is sword. "You're not the only ones with a trump card!" He and his comrades began to glow, the light flying off their bodies and spiralling around the blade. Doom began to swing the sword around, the energy building. "Apocalyptic...DOOM!" He slashed it at the Ranger, a giant energy blade firing at them.

The attack struck the area around them and exploded, but the Rangers held there ground with all their determination. Finally as the explosion faded, they were revealed to have been completely unphased by it.

"WHAT!?" The three monsters cried.

"And you said our attacks were puny," Soarin joked. "That was nothing."

Micro nodded. "Even combined, you three will never be able to beat us."

"Because you have nothing worth winning for," Sandal said.

"No," Doom said. Suddenly the three of them felt their bodies freezing up, exhausted after their battle and then combining their powers.

The nine Rangers each glowed their respective colours, the light blinding the monsters. "THIS IS THE POWER WE HAVE, BECAUSE WE HAVE SOMETHING WORTH WINNING FOR!" The nine Rangers unleashed their attacks, "FIRE!"

The five attacks flew at the monsters, colliding and merging together into one super powered attack.

Doom, Heart and Cogs watched as the attack flew towards them, but their last attack had drained them to much to try and counter.

"This is it," Heart said in fear. But in that moment, she felt someone take her hand.

She looked around and saw it was Doom, who nodded at her. "Together."

Heart smiled at this and clutched his hand, as Cogs and Doom held onto each others shoulders.

"We may fall," Cogs said, "but master Legion will still remain victorious."

Doom nodded. "You've won this battle Rangers, but the war will be ours."

With that, the three monsters were struck by the combined force of the five attacks.


They were engulfed by an explosion, the flames consuming them as they were destroyed together. Finally the flames faded, revealing the three were gone.

The nine Rangers fell to their knees, the lot of them demorphing due to exhaustion.

Everyone who had been watching cheered seeing the monsters destroyed, but Twilight rushed over to the Rangers. "This isn't over yet."

They all nodded in agreement, as they looked up at the Dark Fortress.

"We have to do something to help?" Lyra said.

"But what?" Rarity asked as she and the others moved over to them. "I doubt Legion will have made it easy to get in there."

Starswirl stared up at the Dark Fortress, as an idea formed in his head. "I think I might have a plan, but it'll be difficult."

"Doesn't matter," Soarin said. "As long as we can help Flash."

Starswirl nodded. "Then the nine of you need to stand around me and hold up your Elements."

The nodded and did as they were told.

"Flash," Trail whispered, "stay strong."

Flash and Legion continued their fight.

Flash tried to swing a punch at him, only for Legion to dodge it before grabbing his wrist. He then held it up to expose his body, which he punched to make Flash stagger back. Flash winced in pain but ignored it, as he tried to thrust his Morphin Blaster into him and fire. But Legion counter by hitting it away with his staff.

The monster then swung his staff and struck Flash face, making the Red Ranger fly upwards and spin in the air. Flash managed to land on his feet before falling to one knee, only to push himself back up and rush at Legion while firing his blasters.

Legion counted with another force field, which blocked the attack and disappeared as Flash swung a roundhouse at him. The monster blocked it with his arm and then spun around to dodge a second, using this to sweep Flash's other leg out from under him.

"Augh!" Flash cried as he smashed into the ground, only to see a boot coming towards his head. Acting fast he managed to roll away from it and get back onto his knees, only for Legion to swing his staff and hit him in the face. He cried out as he was thrown through the air by the force, once again hitting the floor with a painful thud.

"Give up!" Legion cried, as he lifted himself to full height. "I am the most powerful being in the multiverse, even without the Elements. A puny human such as yourself could never defeat me alone."

Flash groaned as he picked himself up, but that groan was quickly replaced by a chuckle. "You sure like to hear yourself talk, don't ya?"

Legion released a low growl, which just made Flash smirk.

"How long have you been trying to get the Elements, a thousand years? All wasted time. The Elements will never be yours, even if you managed to get your hands on them." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the Victory and Maximum Chargers, knowing they were the only things that could take Legion down. He held them to his heart and closed his eyes. "Courage, trust, knowledge, love, will, selflessness, adventure, justice, forgiveness, darkness." He opened his eyes and glared at Legion. "You don't understand the first thing about any of them, so you'll never have the Element's power!"

Legion's growls intensified as he raised his staff. "I don't need to understand them!" The staff sparked as he swung it around. "All that matters is power alone. NOW DISAPPEAR!" He pointed the staff at him and unleashed a powerful lightning bolt, which struck Flash and sent him flying back and hitting the wall with enough force that he shattered the whole thing.

"AAARRR!" Flash cried as he landed face down on the ground, pain filly his entire body.

Legion laughed at this before turning back to the console. Maybe he could still get the weapons to fire.

Flash tried to pick himself up, but his body refused to move. Slowly, he felt his consciousness begin to slip away. Drago cried out to him so he would stay awake, but Flash could not stop himself as his eyes closed.

Was this it, how everything ends?


The Red Ranger's eyes shot open at the sound of the voice. With great difficulty, he raised his head and called out. "Twilight?"

"Don't give up Flash.

"You can do it son."


"We're here for you."

"Lyra? How am I hearing you?"

Down on earth, Starswirl stood in the middle of a circle made of the nine other Rangers. Twilight and the rest of their friends were holding onto the Ranger's shoulders.

The Rangers were holding up their Elements as Starswirl held his staff, which was unleashing a clear light that was connecting all nine Elements to it.

"I'm using the bond you all share to communicate through the Elements," Starswirl explained. "Through this we can speak."

"I had no idea the Elements had that kind of power."

Starswirl chuckled. "It's something that can only be done because you have forged such a strong bond with the rest of your team."

"You can't quit yet Flash," Soarin told him.

"Kick his butt," Rainbow told him.

"I can't. I can barely move."

"It's not like you to give up man," Sandal said.

"Please stay strong," Fluttershy pleaded.

"You're our last hope Flash," Shining said.

"Don't let him beat you," Applejack said.

Rarity nodded. "If you don't win, who knows what Legion will try and do."

"Get up Flash!" Pinkie cried. "Get up and FIGHT!"

"But...I've got no strength left."

"You've got plenty," Micro told him.

Sunset nodded. "If you're out of your power, then take some of ours."

"Use it to beat Legion," Sweetie said. "Once and for all."

"We believe in you Flash," Dusk said.

"We always have," Celestia finished.

One by one the Rangers began to glow their colours, that light flowing into Starswirl's staff.

"Take our power to," Twilight said as she and the rest of the team began to glow and do the same. They each dug deep to find any amount of power they could give to Flash, hoping it would be enough.

In that moment, Lyra felt someone grab her shoulder. She looked around to see Trixie smiling at her, as she herself began to glow. Heath grabbed Soarin's shoulder, doing the same.

One by one, the people of Canterlot linked with one another and began to glow. The light flew down the line into Starswirl's staff, being sent to the Red Ranger.

"Flash," Starswirl said, "remember one thing. Though you are fighting on your own, you are not alone."

Back on the Dark Fortress, Legion was still trying to find a way to fire when he noticed something. A brilliant light coming from behind him, causing him to spin back around and see it's source.

Flash was now stood up, as a brilliant spectrum of different lights shone off his body.

"How?" He asked, but shook his head before raising his staff. Once again he unleashed a powerful lightning, but this time it had no effect of the Red Ranger as the light acted light a force field and blocked it from touching him. "WHAT!? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?"

Flash just smiled. "Legion, this is where it ends. I'M TAKING YOU DOWN!"

Legion growled. "Don't be ridicules. What hope do you have against me on your own?"

"Except I'm not on my own," Flash explained. "I've got all my friends with me!" With that the light started to take the form of all of Flash's friends, causing Legion's eyes to go wide. "They're all here, lending me their strength. That's the power that friendship brings."

"It...it matters not. A bunch of weaklings share their power, is still no match for me."

Flash just laughed. "You don't get it. It's not just my friends that are lending me their power, but all their friends too." More and more people began to appear from the light, some Flash had never even met. "Every single one of my friends has formed a bond of friendship with many people I've never met, which links us all. And all those people have bonds of friendship, and so on and so on." More and more people began to appear. "Friendship is a bond that links every single person on the planet, and even more then that." From the light now appeared appeared the images of Princess Twilight, followed by all her friends and so on.

Legion was horrified at what he was seeing.

Flash smiled as he raised Victory and Maximum. "It doesn't matter how strong you are. Against this many of us...YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE!" With that the people returned to light, which flew into Flash's body as he began to walk towards Legion.

He held up Victory and Maximum before activating them. He then tossed them in the air before raising his blasters, allowing them to slip into place. "Energise," he said as he crossed the two blasters before pulling the trigger, "UNLEASH THE POWER!" A pair of red lights shot out of them, morphing into Drago's head as they flew around the Rangers before biting down on him. In two flashes of light, the Red Legend Ranger was suited up and ready to end this.

Flash charged forwards at such a speed, that Legion did not have time to react as the Red Ranger kicked him in the stomach.

Legion tried to swipe at him with his staff, but Flash used his Drago Blaster to block and push it away before thrusting his Morphin Blaster into his chest. He pulled the trigger and unleashed a flurry of laser fire, hitting Legion and making him cry out in pain.

Legion quickly recovered and tried to punch him, but Flash ducked under the fist before elbowing him in the stomach and knocking the wind out of him. As he recovered, Flash grabbed him by the shoulder and leapt over him. Landing behind him, Flash then dealt a knee to his side before jumping around and kicking him in the chest. He then grabbed the monster by the arm and spun him around, letting go and tossing him into his throne.

Legion cried out as he felt the chair be crushed upon his landing on it, but quickly got over it and picked himself up.

He unleashed a bolt of lightning at Flash, but the Red Ranger extended his wings and used them to shield himself from the attack. He then leapt into the air and flew at Legion, spinning around to deal several powerful kicks to his chest. He then leapt into a back flip, landing on his feet before thrusting his Drago Blaster into Legion's shoulder and firing off several more shots.

Legion cried out, his rage growing stronger, as he tried to impale Flash with his staff. Flash managed to dodge the attack and grab it, the two locked in a tug of war.

"How? Where is all this power coming from?"

"I told you," Flash replied. "It's coming from my friends, who are all lending me just a little bit of their power. But combined it's enough to take you down." He spun on his heel, dragging Legion around before he let go of the staff.

Legion was sent flying, landing infront of one of the last remaining consoles. A cracking sound caught his attention, making look to see his staff had a large crack running down it.

"What?" He asked in horror, but had bigger things to worry about.

Flash had linked up his weapons and aimed them at Legion, ready to put an end to this.

Thinking fast, Legion picked himself and started typing away at the computer until he hit a big button. "HA!" He spun back around at Flash, "now you can't destroy me!"

Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "And why not?"

"I've just activated the ship's self destruct. As soon as it stops reading my life signs, the entire station will blow. You destroy me, and you destroy yourself.

In response to this, Flash just laughed. "So tell me, what's stopping me from destroying you?"

Legion's eyes went wide. "What?"

"As long as my friends are safe, I don't care what happens to me. If taking you down means I go down to, then so be it!" His blasters charged up, sending all the power Flash had gotten from his friends into Victory and Maximum. "Victory-Maximum...ULTIMATE...FINAL...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and unleashed the ten multicoloured energy blasts, which flew at Legion as the morphed into the heads of all ten Zords.

"NO!" Legion cried as he raised his staff and created yet another force field, which Flash's attack struck.

They remained locked for several seconds, but as it did Legion heard more cracking and looked down at his staff and saw the crack growing. This seemed to weaken his shield, allowing Flash's attack to create cracks in it. Both and shield and the staff shattered, allowing Flash's attack to finally strike him.

Legion cried out as he watched his staff shatter, making him mortal once again while the energy of the blast surged through his body.

"This can't be happening!" He yelled. "I CAN NOT BE BEATEN!" But it seems his claim was false, as he was consumed by an explosion that filled the whole bridge.

Flash, who had demorphed after firing, covered his eyes as he watched the explosion. Soon enough the smoke faded and Flash looked over at where Legion had been standing, seeing no one there.

"ALRIGHT!" Flash cried as Drago leapt into his arms. Before he could celebrate however, a large rumble shook the station. It was then he remembered what Legion had said about the self-destruct. On the plus side it meant Legion really was gone, but on the negative side Flash and Drago were trapped.

But even as the explosions grew louder and closer, Flash smiled as he fell onto his butt from exhaustion. He had no regrets.

The cry of the little robotic dragon made him look down at Drago, who was staring up at him. "I'm glad you're the one I get to spend my last few moments with, bud." Drago roared in agreement, as Flash sat back and closed his eyes. "Everyone, thank you for lending me your strength."

An explosion appeared behind him, as the bridge began to detonate. The room filled with fire, causing Flash to begin to sweat.

As the flames spread around the room, getting closer to him, Flash picked himself back up. "Sorry Twilight, but I won't be able to make it to the Fall Formal. Your brothers probably gonna kill me for standing you up, but it was worth it."

Taking one last deep breath, Flash said the only thing he needed to say. "Guardian Rangers...VICTORY IS OURS!"





Everyone watched in horror as they saw the Dark Fortress be consumed in a cloud of smoke, as the entire thing was reduced to dust the filled the sky.

The Rangers and their friends were the ones shocked the most, knowing their leader was in that thing when it exploded.

"Flash," Starswirl said in horror. He tried to contact the Red Ranger again, but got no response.

"No," Trail whispered as he fell to his knees. Celestia placed her hands on his shoulders, unsure how else to comfort him.

"I'm...I'm sorry," she said.

"This can't be happening," Sandal said.

Fluttershy's eyes filled with tears as she to fell to her knees and started crying. The rest of the people all began to morn in their own way, some beginning to cry while over simply stared at the dust cloud in silence. Cadance buried herself into Shining's chest, Rainbow had become as white as a ghost. Even Luna had dropped her usual stoic expression and began to cry.

Twilight meanwhile, felt like her heart had been ripped to pieces. Slowly she stepped out from her friends while staring up at the cloud, as tears began to cloud her vision. Finally her legs gave out and she fell to her knees, her tears now fully breaking into sobs she cried out. "FLAAAAAASH!"

Sunset rushed over to her, kneeling down and throwing her arms around Twilight as the girl turned into her and cried into her chest.

This victory felt truly hollow. Though they had stopped the monsters, they had lost someone truly dear to them. Even the Zords let out cries of anguish, seeing the loss of not only a fellow Zord, but a great Ranger.

But then the cloud of smoke began to clear, allowing the few who were still watching it to see something.

"Look!" Soarin cried, making everyone look back up and see what he had seen.

As the last of the smoke cleared, it revealed a large red mass that shot out of it and was heading towards the ground. It crashed into the earth with such force, that the shockwave kicked up another cloud of dust that forced everyone to shield their eyes.

Twilight was the first to uncover her eyes, trying to see through the dust.

Finally the dust began to fade, allowing her to identify the red mass and in doing so, her eyes went wide. "Drago."

The Dragon Zord let out a happy roar, completely unhurt from the explosion. Twilight then watched as it lowered one of its hands to the ground, the still upturned dust blocking it from sight. But the cloud was slowly thinning, allowing her and the others to see a figure walking towards them.

Twilight's eyes slowly grew wide as she picked herself up and slowly walked towards the figure, hoping beyond hope that she was not imagining this.

Finally, the figure exited the dust cloud and revealed himself as Flash. His clothes were a wreck, while he was dusty and battered but alive.

Flash stopped and smirked at his friends. "Hey guys," he said with a wave.

Everyone smiled seeing him, but no one's smile was as big as Twilight's. She shot towards him and threw her arms around him, as a fresh set of tears broke out and she cried into his chest. "You idiot! I thought we lost you."

Flash smiled as he hugged her back. "I'm sorry."

As Twilight pulled away from him, the rest of his friends quickly rushed towards him and gathered around him while talking a mile a minute. Each one calling him an idiot, reckless or some other kind of insult."

"Okay," Flash told them, "okay. I get it. Sorry."

"You better be," Sweetie said.

Trail pushed everyone aside and pulled his son into his own hug, as tears streamed down his eyes. "I thought I'd lost you."

Flash smiled as he hugged his father back.

His other friends pulled him into a hug, enjoying the fact they had finally defeated Legion and all his monsters. Once everyone pulled away, they turned to look at the damage done to the city.

"Man," Shining said. "This place is a mess."

"What do we do now?" Micro asked.

Flash smiled as he turned to them all. "We rebuild."

<One week later>

The sun was beginning to set over the city.

All over Canterlot, construction workers had been busy repairing the damage done by the monsters. Many buildings were on their way to being completely restored, while the populous helped in any way they could.

Companies like Buffalo Labs and other surrounding cities had helped with the efforts, by donating money and resources to help. Many people who had been made homeless, would soon have a place they could call home again.

But tonight the rebuild was being put on hold, because tonight was the Fall Formal.

Many of the adults wanted to postpone the event, if not cancel it all together. But many of the students, a pink one in particular, demanded that the dance go ahead. If not for anything, but to be a celebration of the Ranger's victory and saving of the city.

Now Canterlot High, which had been fully repaired, was going to host that victory party.

The entire city had been invited, The question of how Pinkie manged that many invites decided to be left unasked, and the sports field had been decorated to accommodate them all.

Some people had chosen not to come, but many more had and were now arriving. Celestia and Luna were outside the main entrance, welcoming the people as they walked up to the school.

"Welcome," Celestia said.

"We hope you enjoy yourselves," Luna continued.

As the people stepped inside, Dusk and Trail came from around the building while each wearing a suit. They then walked over to the principles while Dusk tried to to adjust his tie, causing Luna to roll her eyes before moving over to him and straightening it.

Dusk smiled at her. "Thanks. A thousand years of experience and you'd think I'd learn to tie a tie."

"Shouldn't you two already be inside?" Luna asked them.

Trail shrugged. "I figured this was gonna be something the whole team should do together, considering the reception we're likely going to get."

That was true. Over the last week, every single Power Ranger had been hounded by both fans, supporters, and news reporters looking for a scoop. The Rangers had all agreed not to go anywhere alone for a while, at least until the hype died down.

In that moment a large limo arrived, coming to a stop right infront of the school.

It opened and seven of the ten Rangers stepped out, along with Cadance and five of the Mane Six. They were each dressed in either a spectacular suit or a beautiful dress, all compliments of Rarity, and each of them had a smile on their faces.

Micro, Sandal and Soarin helped their dates out of the limo, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow taking the boys by the arm before directing them towards the school. Shining was next, Cadance also on his arm and rubbing her cheek into his. Lyra, Sweetie and Applejack were next to exit the limo, Lyra and Sweetie holding each others arms.

Finally, Sunset stepped out alone. She seemed to have a forced smile on her lips, something everyone could see but knew not to mention.

The thirteen of them walked over to the door, seeing the others smiling at them. "Well don't you all look amazing," Celestia said.

Luna nodded but looked around. "Aren't we missing a couple?"

Everyone smiled hearing that, sharing a glance with each other.

Shining then turned to them. "They decided to come on their own."

In that moment, the engine of a familiar sports car could be heard. They all looked around and saw it drive up to them before stopping, the driver side door opening and allowing Flash to step out. His outfit was the same as it was last year, except in place of blue he had red.

They watched as he walked around the car and opened the passenger door before offering his hand, a familiar purple hand taking it and allowing him to help her out. Twilight stepped out of the car, revealing she was wearing the same dress she had worn to the Baltimare Gala.

Twilight held onto Flash's arm as they moved over to their friends, the group smiling at them as they did.

"Well don't you two look lovely together," Cadance said once they were in earshot.

Both Flash and Twilight blushed at this, smiles appearing on their faces. "Thanks," Twilight said.

"Well," Trail said as he stepped infront of the doors. "Shall we?"

Everyone nodded and as a group they walked into the school, making their way over to the gym. And as they opened the doors and stepped inside, the entire gym fell silent as everyone watched them step inside.

To say it was an awkward silence would be an understatement, as the Rangers and their friends felt like animals at the zoo.

But soon the silence was broken, as someone started clapping.

Someone else soon did the same, followed by another and another until soon the whole gym was filled with applause.

They could not help but smile as they walked into the centre of the room, the others pushing Flash forwards to address everyone.

Soon the applause stopped and everyone stared at him expectantly.

"Hello," Flash said awkwardly, "thanks for coming. I just want to say, that what's happened over the last few months...it could not have been done without the help of all you guys." He looked around at everyone, who smiled at him in return. "All your support. All of you believing in us. And all of you helping us last week. Without you, the Power Rangers would have lost this battle a long time ago. So even if this party is suppose to celebrate us, really it should be to celebrate all of you."

Everyone began cheering at that, as Flash's band mates moved over to him and presented his guitar.

"Come on Red Ranger," Ringo said.

"We've still got a few songs to play," Brawly finished.

Flash smirked as he took his guitar before turning to Twilight, the girl smiling at him with a nod. That was all Flash needed to hear, as he put his guitar strap around him before jumping up on stage.

Everyone watched as they prepared the play, until finally Brawly started tapping his drumsticks together. "A one, two, a one two three four!"

The Flash Drivers started playing a certain song everyone had started hearing after the Ranger's first few appearances.

Everyone started dancing to the song, some doing so side by side. Lyra and Sweetie, Micro and Rarity, Sandal and Fluttershy, Soarin and Rainbow, Shining and Cadance, Applejack and Pinkie. Even Trail and Dusk were bobbing their head to it.

Twilight enjoyed it from infront of the stage, smiling as she watched Flash play and sing with all his heart.

Eventually the song came to an end and the band got off stage to enjoy the rest of the night, Flash jumping down next to Twilight. She smiled and pulled him into a hug. "You were great."

"Thanks," he said before pulling her towards the centre of the dance floor. Vinyl Scratch was now providing the music, allowing the two of them to dance together to a fast beat song.

But as this was going on, people from Canterlot came up to them and the other Rangers to give their thanks for saving them or people they care about.

The Rangers all smiled and welcomed the thanks, hoping that would not get to annoying.

"Hey," Sweet Leaf asked as she passed by. "Where's Sunset? I wanted to thank her for saving me from weather monster."

The rest of the Rangers looked around, but saw no sign of their Gold Ranger.

Sunset was outside, having left the dance as soon as Flash's song had ended.

She was staring at the portal to Equestria, remembering the last time she was here and who she was with. She sighed and placed her hand on the portal, wondering what might have happened if she had not shown Havoc it. Would he have still done what he did, not that it mattered now.

She sighed and placed her head on it.

"You okay?"

Sunset did not look up at the source of the voice, as she had heard many people ask her that question over the last week. Despite this however, that voice sounded familiar.

"I'm fine," she told them. "I'm just...missing someone who's gone now."

"Close friend?"

Sunset laughed, unsure of what her relationship with Havoc had been. "In a way. We weren't on the best of terms when we last talked. But now that he's gone...I don't know."

"Sound's complicated. Well, whoever they were, I'm sure they wouldn't want you to be crying over them. If it was me, I'd want you to get on with your life. I wouldn't want you to forget about me, but...move on you know."

Sunset was not sure that's what Havoc would want, but to be honest she did not know him enough to know for sure. She finally picked her head up and turned towards the voice, only for her eyes to widen at the sight before her.

The owner of the voice was a teen, whose skin was light grey and his hair was a spiky black. He was wearing a black jacket over a grey shirt and brown pants.

Sunset's breath became haggard. This teen looked exactly like the one she had seen turn to dust after helping save the world, the only difference being his cloths and lack of a scar on his face.

The teen gave her an odd look. "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Sunset did not respond for a few seconds, but eventually managed to get over herself. "I'm fine. Um...what's your name?"

The teen smiled. "I'm Havoc. I just moved to Canterlot last week." He laughed a familiar laugh. "Great timing huh." Suddenly a beeping could be heard from his jacket, making him reach into it and pull out his phone. "Oh, gotta go, My mom and dad's waiting for me." He turned and began to walk away. "Hope you feel better. See you around!"

And with that he rushed off into the night, leaving a shocked Sunset staring at where he had disappeared.

Had she just met Havoc's counterpart from this universe? That was the only possible explanation.

Sunset's heart was beating a mile a minute, but even so she could not help but smile. If this Havoc told her he would want her to not cry over him, then she now knew that's what the other one would have wanted as well.


She turned to see the rest of the friends walking up to her.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

Sunset replied with a big smile surprising everyone. "Yes Twilight, I'm fine. For real."

Everyone believed her and smiled back at her before turning back towards the school, but before they went in they heard a loud popping sound.

Looking around, they saw a puff of smoke appear. It quickly faded to reveal Starswirl, standing by the portal to Equestria.

"Rangers," Starswirl called out to them, "please step forth."

The ones called shared a look, every single one of them knowing what was happening, and then stepped forth and got in a line a few meters away from Starswirl.

The wizard beamed a smile to them all. "As Rangers, you have all protected not only this world, but Equestria and many other worlds in the multiverse. But now your journey has come to an end." He waved his staff and conjured a cloud of smoke infront of him, which faded to reveal a table with the Element's case on it. He opened the case and looked back at the Rangers. "It is time."

The Rangers all frown, sad that they would be saying goodbye to their powers.

Eventually one of the Rangers, Dusk, stepped forth and took out his Element. He arrived at the table and then looked down at his Element, before he placed it inside the case and walked back to the group.

Sweetie was next to step out, Lyra following after her. They got to the table and took out their Elements, Sweetie giving her a kiss, and placed them into the case. Lyra placed her arm around Sweetie as they returned to the group, while Shining and Trail stepped out.

They also placed their Elements into the case and both shared a nod with Starswirl, as they to returned to the rest of the group.

Micro and Sandal were next, stepping up to the table and taking out their Elements. They had became Rangers together, it only made sense that they would stop being Rangers together.

They both placed theirs in the case at the same time, sharing a smile before returning to the group.

Soarin was next, moving over to the table as he took his Element out. He smiled at it before flipping it like a coin, catching it before placing it in the case and returning to the group.

Sunset stepped out, placing her Element into the case while glancing back at Twilight and the rest of her friends. She smiled as she returned to the group.

Every eye then fell on Flash, as they waited for him to do what they had all done.

Finally, the Red Ranger stepped forwards and reached the table. He pulled out his Element, staring down at it as the memory of how he got it flowed through his head. That was followed by other memories.

The first time he morphed and fought a monster, along with meeting Drago for the first time. The first time he and his team fought together. The first time they formed a Megazord. Facing all those monsters. Going to the Baltimare Gala with Twilight. Meeting Soarin and Shining. Going to New York and meeting Grand. Fighting against Darklight. Meeting the Revolution Rangers and defeating Mechano. Meeting Havoc and returning to Ranger duties. Finding his father. Saving Dusk from his evil side. And so much more.

But despite all those amazing memories, Flash knew Starswirl was right. It was time for this journey to end, and a new one to begin.

With one final smile, he placed the Element into the case and returned to the others.

Once Flash was back in line, Starswirl stepped up to the case and closed it as the table disappeared. He looked up at the Rangers. "Never forget the lessons you have learned from your experiences and from each other, as they will help you live your lives to the fullest."

The others nodded.

Starswirl then turned back to the portal. "And now, after a thousand years, it is time for me and the Elements to return to Equestria." He raised his staff and activated the portal, then turned back to them. "Dusk?"

Everyone turned to Dusk, wondering what he was going to do.

The Black Ranger smiled. "To be honest Starswirl. After a thousand years, I think Equestria will have changed to much for me to live their forever." He turned to the others and smiled. "I think I'd prefer to stay here, at least for now."

Starswirl smiled at Dusk before nodding. "If that is your choice, then I will respect it." He looked at the others. "I am proud to say, that no other Guardians have been anything like you. I will be sure to let your story be known throughout all of Equestria, making it grow until it becomes legend. For you are all truly...Legendary Guardians."

Everyone smiled hearing that, as they watched Starswirl turn back to the portal before stepping into it. In a brilliant flash of light, he disappeared and the portal deactivated.

As the light of the portal disappeared, everyone simply looked at each other with no idea what to do now.

Finally Pinkie broke the silence. "Sooooo. What now?"

Everyone turned to Flash, force of habit, who smiled. "Well we are at a party, so let's get back to that."

Everyone smiled hearing that before cheering, and then headed inside to rejoin the Fall Formal. There they enjoyed themselves, Vinyl blasting a bunch of different songs that they all enjoyed.

Eventually, she put on a slow song and many of the people on the dance floor left. The only ones still on it were couples, who held each other close as they swayed to the music.

"I thought you didn't do slow dancing?" Soarin joked as he held Rainbow close to him.

"Shut up," she replied before resting her head on his shoulder.

Micro and Rarity were also dancing together, the former Yellow Ranger having a massive smile on his face. "I can't believe I'm dancing with the prettiest girl at the dance."

Rarity laughed. "You charmer. Flattery will get you everywhere."

Fluttershy and Sandal were dancing off to the side. "You okay?" Sandal asked her. "We don't have to dance, if you feel nervous."

"I'm not nervous," Fluttershy replied with a smile. "After fighting off a bunch of monsters, what do I have to worry about from a dance."

Sandal smiled back at her as they continued to dance.

Lyra and Sweetie were one the sidelines, waiting for a faster song to start playing for them.

Lyra turned to Sweetie. "It must be weird for you. Out of all of us, you've consciously had your powers the longest."

Sweetie smiled and shook her head. "Not really. I've lived for over a hundred years, but now I can finally start living my own life. My days as a Ranger might be over, but my days as a normal teenage girl can finally start again. Plus, I get to live a life with a century of experience."

Lyra smiled back at her, as she put her arm around the girl's neck. "And now you won't have to live your life alone. We'll be together for as long as you want me around."

Sweetie's smiled increased as tears filled her eyes. She placed her head on her shoulder, allowing Lyra to hold her tighter.

Shining and Cadance were also dancing, Cadance resting her head on his shoulder. It was then the Shining heard her giggling, making him look down at her. "What's so funny?"

Cadance looked up at him and smiled. "The irony. When he were in high school, girls were always saying how much they wanted to go to the dance with jocks and guys who'd become rich and famous. Me, I always wanted to go to one with a super hero."

Shining's eyes went wide. "Really."

"Geeky childhood fantasy," Cadance told him. "Never thought that fantasy would come true."

Shining smiled at this as they continued to dance.

Of to the side, Celestia, Luna, Dusk and Trail were watching the fun as they talked amongst themselves.

"So will you stay?" Luna asked Dusk, making him turn to look at her. "You said you would stay here, so will you be staying at Canterlot High?"

Dusk smiled at her. "Trying to get rid of me?"

Luna just rolled her eyes. "I just need to know if I should be looking for a new science teacher."

"Well don't worry. I like it here, so I think I'll stick around for a while. Need to find an actually place to live though, considering I can't live in the base the whole time."

"We can help you with that," Celestia said before turning to Trail. "What about you?"

Trail shrugged. "Might head back to the museum, or see if I can find something I can use everything I learned over the last ten years." He looked back over at the dance floor, his eyes focused on one teen in particular. "As long as I get to be with my son, I don't really care."

Said son was enjoying his own slow dance with Twilight, the two staring into each others eyes.

"So," she said, "what the plan now?"

Flash smirked. "I'm just looking forward to enjoying the rest of my senior year, without having to be on guard. After that...entering the police academy seems to be right up my alley."

Twilight smiled hearing that. "Still want to protect people?"

Flash simply nodded. "Now more then ever. After everything I've been through to keep everyone I care about safe, I refuse to let anything bad happen to them now."

It was in that moment that Twilight was compelled to do something, something that she had never felt the urge to do until hearing him say that. As the music of the song stopped, Twilight pushed herself up onto her tip toes and planted her lips onto Flash's.

To say Flash was surprised would be an understatement, but he quickly recovered and kissed her back. They continued doing this for a long time, until an eerie silence caught their attention and made them pull back. They looked around to see everyone in the gym staring at them, some in amazement while others in knowing joy.

Eventually, someone cried out a cheer which was followed by a bunch more along with applause.

The two teens smiled at this before turning back to one another and kissing again, causing the cheers to increase.

The war with the forces of darkness had come to an end, with the forces of light being victorious. Though they would no longer be needed, the Guardian Rangers would always be at the ready to return should the need arise.

Though they could no longer take those forms, they would always be the Power Rangers...Legendary Guardians.

<The End>

Author's Note:

...:fluttercry:...:pinkiesad2:...:raritycry: Why does this have to end? I'll tell you why, because that was the perfect ending and trying to keep it going would just ruin it.

Well, I've hit yet another milestone. Element of Courage was my first story. Yugioh was my first big story. And now, Power Rangers is my first completed series.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me up until now. Please leave your comments down bellow, on what you thought of the chapter and series in general. I can't wait to read them.

Comments ( 36 )

Ok, it's time for the review I already announced.

I think I started with the characters and then move on to the story.

But first, I liked the story and will try to be as constructive as possible when I give you my opinion.


All in all, a good character, his character was fleshed out relatively well and he had flawless so he felt well rounded. There was also a good amount of well written Flash-centered Chapters. And he was in character. He just didn't stand out against some other characters, he just lacked that certain spark that would really endear him towards me, but ultimately there was not much wrong with him.


Well written and had some good chapters, sadly since she mostly comes in a combo with Sweetie, Sweetie more often then not steals the show.


A really interesting character with a good backstory and some good chapters that deal with that. Probably one of my favorites.


Yeah, he was completely overshadowed by everyone else, especially by Micro. He was just there, for the most part, didn't leaf an impact on the story and all in all was just ok, nothing wrong with him but nothing great about him either.


Probably my favorite character, well written, a good amount of chapters to flesh him out and a recognizable personality as well. His character growth was well handled throughout the story. Yeah, all in all, a great character.


Had a good amount of screentime and character development when he first appeared, by the way, his first appearance at the party was just awesome but sadly fell to the wayside after the first story was finished. At this point, he was just there because he needed to be their, kinda sad.


Since she was a supporting character first her character development was really good. Good amount of screentime and she had something to do all throughout the story. Her story with Havoc was nice and kept her relevant from start to finish. And she was in character, yeah great character.


Well, his introduction was good and his chapter with Cadance was good, but beyond that, well let's just say he was basically a talking extra, not really doing much when he even was part of the main team. Not bad just barely there.


I'm not touching that, I'm just going to say that, the exact same problems like his counterpart in Dino Charge just not as bad.


Oh, boy Dusk. You have a plethora of issues. First, you exist for a stupid reason, you only are here because of Xenowing and that is all, not because you are an interesting character or because no other character could have been the Element of Darkness, hint, hint Havoc. Second, his character after his introduction is just baffling. So he is a teacher now, history no less, without any former education in that field. He can't learn that in a short amount of time. He understands modern society perfectly well even though he was gone for a thousand years and is from Equestria. Yeah, not buying that. All in all not a fan of this character.

The Main 6:

Had a good amount of screentime and were important for the plot. And there sacrifice near the end was great. All in all, a good utilization of them.

Celestia and Luna:

Aka. the real mentors of the story. Had a good amount of mentor moments and were really well handled.

Star Swirl:

You were pointless, only here because of Keeper and ultimately your connection to the villain was not used well. If there was another reason why Luna and Celestia know about the elements he could have been cut from the story altogether.


Oh boy, Darklight. He was an awful villain. Not threatening, that happens when he is injured and needs to retreat in his first battle. He nearly never does anything himself and lets his cronies do the hard work and complains afterward. And when he has his own plan it is not that good either or fails because of his own stupidity, see the finale. The only logical way he could ever defeat Chaos would probably simple luck and we see exactly that in Chaos defeat, just there at the right time. And the fact that they don't have a single real victory doesn't help much. You had the perfect opportunity, when they were after the computer-chip you could have let them have it and so changed how the race for the Elements went, the Rangers chasing after them before the monster get them and during the finally the Rangers could have gotten the device back, but no, Darklight just can't win a single thing. Darklight, a failure as a villain.

His underlings:

All have personality but we never see much beyond that, they are just there.


An entertaining villain used what he had to excellent effect, was clever and entertaining. His relationship with his father was really good and his struggle with the light was entertaining. And the end of his story is great.


Threatening, clever and was only defeated because something happened he could not foresee. Has a good goal but bad way of getting there. A good villain.


Nice interactions with Havoc and a nice character.

So, finished with the characters now let's get to the story:

The biggest problem, way too much lifted straight from Dino Charge, even if it didn't fit with the changes you already made. Chapterplots sometime one to one, just better executed. This heled the story back significantly, it robed excitement for what might happen because if you saw Dino Charge you already knew and it forced you to introduce useless characters like Dusk and Star Swirl who both had good replacements and would have given the other characters more room to breathe. Hell, the best part of your story is, in my opinion, the Revolution X part because while you can see the RPM influence it is different enough that it doesn't strangle the story. You should let more of your own ideas flow in, they are good so why just copy something that didn't really work, to begin with. Inspiration is ok, hell I know a story that takes the basic story hook and brings totally new things to it, funny enough also an EQG Tokusatsu story, but here it just felled to much. You can write and the fact that most ideas that you took over were executed better here should show you that your ideas are not bad so why cling that much to the original?

All in all, I would give this story a 7/10, I had a lot of fun with it but the problems just didn't get it higher.

One last advice, in a morphed battle scene, why not give every Ranger and the monster a specific color. Helps you to recognise who is speaking when and give the battle scenes mor pep, but that is just a sugestion.

Thank you very much for this fun story Banshee.

I might have overdone it :rainbowlaugh:

Wow, that was an epic conclusion! Now the Rangers can live normal lives and be remembered for everything they did. I admit, I was surprised when the new Havoc appeared, now I guess Sunset gets to go through what Flash went through over getting together with a different version of an old crush. Speaking of which, Flashlight for the win!

Overall, this was a very fun series. It actually felt like a real Power Rangers series. Personally, the only flaw I can really think of was that there wasn’t enough of Spike. Spike appeared in the first two chapters with Twilight as usual, but after that seemed to completely disappear, only appearing briefly in one scene for this story after that. I would think he would still be around as the team pet like he usually is and could have possibly helped. But despite that, this series was absolutely epic from start to finish, and congratulations on officially finishing this series.

Back on earth, the Shades and Shadzillas were getting low in there numbers.


Twilight watched looked up and saw the Alicorn and Phoenix unleash an attack, which struck one of the giants and destroyed it.

Delete watched.

the monster then swung his staff and struck Flash face, making the Red Ranger fly upwards and spin in the air.

Make the first word uppercase.

How long have you been trying to the Elements, a thousand years?

I think you want to add “get” after “to”, otherwise the sentence isn’t complete.

Don't be ridicules. What hope do you have again me on your own?


Their all here, lending me their strength.


In two flashes of light, the Red Legend Rangers was suited up and ready to end this.

Don’t you mean “Ranger”? The singular form.

Flash smirked as he took his guitar before turning to Twilight, the girl smiling at him with a node.

They also placed their Elements into the case and both shared a node with Starswirl, as they to returned to the rest of the group.


Meeting Soaring and Shining


My days as a Ranger might be over, but my days as a normal teenage guy can finally start again

Don’t you mean “girl”?

Sincerely speaking, kind of a let down.
Don't get me wrong, I know from the source material we should expect the 'Power of Friendship' is how the hero wins, but it really felt like you pulled it out of your ###, at no other point did you hint to a possiblity of the Rangers transferring their power into Flash himself or a telepathic link.
You had a very good redemption arc for Havoc possible long before you introduced Dusk.
Darklight was not needed to be resurrected, heck even Chaos himself was a bit of a narratively unnecessary character, as his unexplained death at the hands of the revived Darklight showed.
As you increased the number of Rangers, it felt like you gave up focus on some of the first five, namely Sandalwood but also Microchips.
The Mane 6 and the 'Royal' sisters, weren't really needed to have as much focus as they got.
Starswirl was kind of uspered of his role as the mentor by pretty much every other adult.

Now concerning Sunset's mourning scene...:ajbemused: really. There are too many words, but I will settle for three, "No Narrative Payoff"

While not really the worse entry in this series, I found the second entry utterly skip able, it really does not conclude the series all that well, kind of like the last chapter not Element of Courage, the Battle of Canterlot arch, even the last couple of chapters of Shadow Gates. Granted my opinion.

Overall, I still liked the story, still deem it a favorite, but sincerely the only story of this series I'd recommend is the first of the trilogy.


Yeah, the Power of Friendship thing was kinda weird but still somewhat acceptable, not as bad as the power boost out of nowhere during the Chaos fight, that was just no. Chaos did everything right and just gets defeated because of power boost out of nowhere.

Dusk, Darklight resurrection and Chaos death all adapted from the source material where it wasn't needed like I already said.


I actually like when the story doesn't shaft these characters.


I kinda liked the ending for Sunsets ark, but different opinion. Still awfully convenient.

Strange, I liked the second part the most, even if narratively it really is not important.

A Shade had remained alive behind him and was picking itself up before charging at him, only to be hit in the head by a fist while the wizard was not even looking.

My mind immediately thought of The Lion King when I read this part. :rainbowlaugh:

Nine of those Power Rangers were fighting against the three general monsters of Legion. Doom swinging his sword at Sandal, Soarin and Duck, while Heart tried to use her hook to beat Lyra, Sweetie and Sunset. Finally Cogs waved his axe wildly at Micro, Trail and Shining.

Who is Duck? :rainbowderp:


I have not seen the Guardian Buster in practically forever. :rainbowkiss:

:raritycry: That ending was perfect.

8920761 That's where I got it from.

I wanted to counter this, but TL;DR. Sorry. From what I did read of your comment, I have to say that I didn't mind that Dusk exists. Sure, he has the same problems that Xenowing had, but he was much better fleshed out, and I personally feel the same way about Trail. That was about as far as I got before I lost interest. I think Banshee captured both the characters and the overall feel of Power Rangers quite well. That's all I have to say.


But that is one of my biggest problems with the story, same problems as the original just better handled. Not fixing them, just patching them up. Not removing parts that didn't work but making them less painful. Even if it didn't fit with the stuff that already had changed.

I agree that he captured the feel of PR quite well and the characters as well, the only characters I had problems with were Darklight, Dusk, Trail and Star Swirl. And a lot of their problems come down to adaptation for adaptation sake without going a route that would make more sense here. Other characters were well written or just underutilized. It felled like sticking to close to Dino Charge just heald the story back.

And yeah, I can't really blame you on the too long thing, that post is massive ups :scootangel:

:ajbemused: We're going to have to agree to disagree then. I have always believed that fanfiction is LEGO for writers, and with LEGO, sometimes the fun of creating something trumps originality and sense. This story is what happens when you dump out the Power Rangers set with the Equestria Girls set and add in a few extra pieces and take out a couple of pieces and build something new out of it. Sure, it's not the most original story I've read, but I admire Banshee's work nonetheless. :ajsmug:

I loved this series. Sad to see it go but on the bright side, I loved the ending. Everything wrapped up pretty nicely and like any other, time for the heroes to have new adventures living their lives.


Yes, I can admire Banshee's work. Hell in my review I gave it a 7/10 and I wouldn't have done that if I hadn't enjoyed it, which I did.

In some ways I agree with you that mixing PR and EQG together and seeing what happens is the way to go, it just shouldn't feel like a repeat of the same story. I can give you a fanfic that pulled this off quite well, with a setup that is quite similar to the original but where every similarity just feels like a love letter to the original, even when stories are lifted nearly identical to the original the characters and world around it make it fell fresh.

By the way, I really enjoyed discussing this with you, gives me a better grasp of my opinions.


Not entirely comfortable giving it here, would feel a little bit douche just saying: "Story X did it better." I can give you the name per PN however if you like.

8920937 I don't mind. I'm curious myself.

Okay, so I typed "Power Rangers" into the search bar and filtered in Equestria Girls and sorted the results by rating. Only two stories rated higher than Banshee's, and the only one of them that I've read is just a oneshot of the Humane 6 (Sci-Twi hasn't joined the group yet) dressing up as Power Rangers to cheer up sick kids. The other one hasn't been updated in two years. :ajbemused:


Ok if you say so.

The story I'm talking about is Kamen Rider Unicorn. It takes its premise and powers from Kamen Rider W and implements them into EQG. And regarding the whole using plots from the original and implementing them in a way that is unique I think the G: Girl from Friffonstone Ark, or the Violence Dopant Ark is one of the best examples. It takes the general premise of "Stalker" and makes it its own through the characters used. While it seems structurally similar through the characters used and the different motivations behind the stalking it feels fresh. I could probably compare it most to your Trixi story.


Ok, should have been more precise. Same general genre. Tokusatsu. Aka People dressing in costumes and punching monster, this one just without the giant monster battles.

My bad. :scootangel:

This is the best story ever 😄

Quite the amazing story and i'm happy I was able to fallow it threw.

It was a great journey and I'm sad to see this end. I'll admit the final victory was corny as hell but was miles better that Dino Charge. I hope I can see more equestria girls stories like this. Possible Flash as a Kamen rider?

Thanks for the great story.

It's been almost 12 hours since I finished reading the last chapter, and I'm already going through awesomeness withdrawal. :ajsleepy: I want to read the whole series again from start to finish, but I have to study for a test. :ajbemused:

Wait. I just realized something. Are the Zords going to just go back to sleep now that the Elements are back in Equestria?

8922633 I guess. Isn't that what happens to all the Zords that survive the series.

That's what I assume. I don't think the series ever really address it. :applejackunsure:


Mhh, giant robots just standing around, depowered nonetheless. Thank god no one would use that to their advantage, especially not any government, that would be ludicrous. Since when did a government use assets that were located on their land to gain an advantage over their enemies. Thank god the Zords will be left alone. :trollestia:

But in all honesty, you just created a sequel hook for you thanks to a single oversight :rainbowlaugh: that is great. Rangers funded by the government that has reverse engineered their tech from the Zords. Now the only thing you have to do is pretend that this was intentional and everything is perfect.

8922685 Isn't that Lightspeed Rescue's premise. I'm pretty sure they they created their Zords, by studying stuff like the Turbo Zords.


As far as I'm aware there was never an origin given for the Zords in the show. It's just a fan theory, granted one that makes a lot of sense but still a fan theory.

And hell even if, a military team is not the most used premises only Lightspeed, Time Force, SPD, and RPM did it, Overdrive might count as well but rich guy funded them not a police/military organization. Granted Super Sentai used that a lot more, but still, the premise is generally not explored much and would be interesting, especially because of the interactions between the characters would probably be relatively different because of the military background and the way they would act on the battlefield.

And now I have written so much about this that I generally like the idea, goddamit me and my stupid wandering mind, I already have way too many ideas in my head I don't need another one. :facehoof:


Wait, that was the idea that has flown around my head the longest. :facehoof:

Case in point about having too many of them :rainbowlaugh:

You forgot to put "be" after "always"

She looked around and saw it was Doom, who nodded at her. "Together."

Aww, Doom really does love her. If they weren't so evil, I'd actually feel sorry for them.

His other friends pulled him into a hug, enjoying the fact they had finally defeated Legion and all his monsters. Once everyone pulled away, they turned to look at the damage done to the city.

You know, I think I know why Flash is important, not just in this series but in all your other stories too, maybe even in official franchise. It's not because he has a personality or because he's the main character. Flash is important because one, he loves and cares for other people and two, other people love and care for him. Sometimes, that's all you need. :twilightsmile: Sorry for all the feels. :twilightsheepish:

Similarities between Flash and Sunset's love lives, at least in this continuity:
1. Getting used by someone who eventually becomes a friend. Except that Sunset's someone actually fell for her.
2. The guy gets inspired to be a better person by the girl. Although in Flash's case, he was already a pretty good person to begin with.
3. Circumstances prevent them from being with the person they originally fell for.
4. Falling for and possibly ending up with the counterpart of the person they originally fell for.
Was this intentional?

8970261 Um...sure, let's go with that. Entirely intentional.

Oh, sorry my bad, I didn't know :twilightsheepish:

This has been one great adventure. And, here’s my dedication to a fantastic story. Thank you, Banshee531.

Aunque ya no podrían tomar esas formas, siempre serían los Power Rangers... Guardianes Legendarios.

Ya saben lo que dicen “Ranger un día, Ranger toda la vida”

Ya hablando enserio......... está (es la primera historia sobre Power Rangers) a sido una historia increíble, bien construida, desarrollada e ingeniosa... así que solo diré unas palabras

“Guardian Rangers, LA VICTORIA ES NUESTRA!!!!!!!!”

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