• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,449 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Clean Slate

We open today's adventure in the mountain area where the Havoc's crashed ship was located.

There we find Havoc, Doom and Cogs standing in a line outside the ship. They appeared to be waiting for someone or something to happen.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Doom asked Havoc. "We don't even know if this Dust Buster guy is really the one who sent that transmission."

"He's the only other being in the multiverse who could," Havoc said. "If it was him, then the dimensional coordinates we sent him will cause him to appear right here."

"But master Havoc," Cogs stepped in. "I was there, Darklight destroyed Dust Buster so you could try and escape. No one could survive that."

"Well until you give me a plausible reason for someone to send a dimensional transmission, that's coded to the ships frequency, I'll continue to believe it's really him."

"Who is this Dust Buster anyway?" Doom asked.

"He's the lone survivor of a universe the Entity destroyed," Havoc replied. "My father found him and allowed him to remain on board as our servent."

"He's a butler?" Doom asked.

"With incredible fighting skills," Cogs said. "Despite losing their battle, he managed to injure Darklight enough for him to need his suit."

"He's that powerful?" Doom asked.

Before anything else could be said, there was a suddenly flash of light which caught their attention. They all looked forward a saw a portal open up infront of them.

Havoc smiled, while Doom and Cogs prepared themselves encase whatever came out of it was not friendly.

Finally something stepped out of it. It was a figure in black and white armour that looked like a tuxedo, with what looked like a metal bow tie connected to the spot bellow his neck. He wore gauntlets around his arms, which were black at the arm and white at the hands. His head was round with light grey skin and black hair that was combed to perfection.

Havoc's smile grew wider, while Cogs looked shocked and Doom looked unsure at him.

The portal closed as the figure walked forward. He then noticed Havoc along with Doom and Cogs, before letting out a growl. Suddenly he pulled out a shotgun with the barrel shaped like a broom, the head being the brushes bristles. He pointed it at them and fired, unleashing a flurry of laser fire which struck Cogs and sent him flying back.

"COGS!" Doom cried as he turned to him, but then felt a presence behind him.

He turned and saw the figure had somehow gotten next to him, before pulling out a sword with a blade shaped like a feather. Before Doom could react the figure slashed him, sending him flying back and landing next to Cogs.

"Don't worry young master," the figure said to Havoc in a suave voice. "I will free you from your captors. Where is Darklight?"

"Dust!" Havoc said as he placed his hand on the figures shoulder. "Calm down. They are not our enemies."

The figure, now known as Dust, turned to him. "What?"

"Darklight is gone," Havoc explained. "I have taken back our ship."

"Can it be?" Dust asked in amazement. He then got down on one knee and bowed his head. "Master Havoc. I vowed myself to your father long ago, but failed him in his hour of need. Now all I can do is ask you to allow me the chance to redeem myself. My life is yours, to do with as you wish."

Havoc smiled at this. "Rise Dust Buster."

Dust did so, before Havoc turned him towards his recovering lackeys. "Let me introduce you to my new servants. I believe you remember Cogs."

"Explicitly," Dust replied as he glared at Cogs.

"And Darklight's turned my second hand monster, Doom Raizer."

"I'll get you back for that cheep shot," Doom told Dust as he pulled out his sword. However, before Dust could do anything, Havoc got between them.

"Now now," He said. "Lets calm down. We may have started out on the wrong foot, but we all have a common goal."

"Which is?" Dust asked.

"We want the Guardian Elements," Havoc explained. "They are in the possession of the ones who destroyed Darklight. The Power Rangers!"

"Is that so?" Dust replied before pulling out his rifle, which he leaned on his shoulder, and sword. "Then they shall taste the fury of my Seven Cleaning Weapons!"

Havoc smiled, while Cogs frowned and Doom growled.

Later that day we find Flash and Twilight in the Red Rangers car driving along the road. School had just gotten out and the two of them were going to his house, so they could work on a project for Chemistry Club.

"Remind me again why I agreed to take chemistry as my only extra curricular activity instead of baking?" Flash asked as he drove.

"Because I told you it would be fun," Twilight said in a matter of fact tone.

"That is true," Flash replied. "Okay, second question. Why aren't we doing this at your place? Don't you have your very own lab?"

Twilight rolled her eyes hearing this. "My mom has quarantined it, until after she's had a cleaning crew get rid of the smell that's built up. She's scared I might have been inhaling toxic fumes or something."

Flash chuckled as they pulled up infront of a large apartment building and parked. They got out of the car and looked up at the building, before walking up to it and riding the elevator to the fifth floor. "Here we are," Flash explained as they stepped infront of a door for apartment five C, which he unlocked on opened for her to step inside.

Twilight looked around the place that Flash called home. It was simple yet cosy two bedroom apartment, which she could tell had been decorated by a women due to the yellow flower wallpaper. There was a sliding window on the far wall, that lead out to a balcony. Along the wall were pictures showing either Flash or a woman that was in her late twenties. Twilight had to guess that this was his aunt.

Before she could say anything to him, the sound of barking caught her attention. A black and white boston terrier raced out of another room and ran to her feet.

"Hey boy," Flash said as he knelt down and scratched him behind his ear. "This is Twilight. Be nice to her."

Twilight smiled as she knelt down to scratch the dog. "He's so cute," she said as she did so. "What's his name?"

"Banana," Flash replied, rolling his eye at the snicker she made. "I didn't name him. He's my aunts dog and she called him that, because of the banana toy she saw him playing with a the animal shelter."

"Okay," Twilight said.

Flash stood up and took off his Ranger jacket, which he hung up before pointing to the couch. "Why don't you relax. I've just gotta check a few things and then we can get started."

Twilight nodded and sat on the couch, Banana jumping on her lap the way Spike usually did. Flash meanwhile moved back over to the door and picked up the letters that had been delivered through the mail slot.

As he did, he saw there was one addressed to him with no return address.

Picking it up and opening it, Flash saw it was actually a letter and began to read it.

Dear Flash

I don't know if you remember me, but I was a friend of your father. I've recently returned to town and would like to meet with you. If you are interested, I'll be at the-

Before Flash could read the rest, his communicator went off.

Putting the letter down, he opened the channel. "Flash here."

"Flash," Celestia replied, "we've got a monster attack. The others are already on their way."

"Send me the coordinates," Flash told her before shutting the channel. He then turned to Twilight and Banana. "Sorry."

"Go," Twilight told him with a smile.

Flash nodded as he grabbed his jacket and opened the sliding window, before turning back to them. "Wish me luck boy," he said before jumping over the balcony and into midair.

Twilight got up and raced over to the balcony, seeing a red flash of light before she got there. Looking over the balcony and down to the floor, she saw the Red Ranger racing away on his Magicycle.

"Show off," she said with a smile. She turned to sit back on the couch, only to spot a framed picture on the table next to it. She picked it up and saw it was a young Flash with a man who looked like an older version of him. "This must be his dad."

Flash raced through the city on his Magicycle, following the coordinates Celestia had sent him, when he noticed another group of signals two streets off.

Using his bike's maximum speed, he quickly crossed those two streets and saw the rest of his team on their Magicycles.

"Nice to see you could join us," Lyra joked as he moved infront of them.

"Sorry if your date got cut short," Sweetie joked.

"It wasn't a date," Flash told her. "Let's just focus on whatever Havoc sent."

"Hopefully it's not that monkey again," Sandal said. "My ribs still ache."

"Don't worry," Micro said. "If it is, I'll deal with it."

"Let's just be ready for anything," Soarin suggested.

"He's right," Sunset agreed. "We can't let our guard down."

However, when they arrived at the coordinates, the one they found there was a monster they all knew.

"Doom!" Flash called out at the sight of him, standing infront of a large cloud of dust.

The Rangers all pulled up to a stop, before getting off their Magicycles and standing in line.

"Not exactly your style," Flash said. "Coming to fight all on your own."

Doom just chuckled at that. "Who says I'm alone?"

Suddenly a barrage of laser fire flew out the cloud and struck the Rangers, sending them flying back and crashing into the ground.

"What was that?" Lyra asked, but soon got her answer when they heard another voice chuckle.

The Rangers all looked up to see Dust Buster, his rifle on his shoulder, calmly step out of the dust cloud and stand next to Doom.

"So these are the Rangers," he said calmly.

"Who is that guy?" Sweetie asked.

"He must be the one who attacked the city," Micro replied.

"But where'd he come from?" Sandel asked.

"And what's with the jeeves look?" Soarin asked.

Flash picked himself up. "Who are you?"

"I am Dust Buster," the monster replied. "And from what I hear, you hooligans have been making a mess of my masters plans. Luckily, cleaning up messes is one of my specialities."

"You don't scare us," Sunset said as she and the others stood back up.

"I will soon enough," Dust replied as he aimed his rifle at them. "Behold the first of the Seven Cleaning Weapons. Broom Blaster!" He started unloading a flurry of laser fire, which the Rangers all began to dodge.

"Take cover!" Flash ordered as they each hid behind a nearby building's concrete support beams.

"That won't save you!" Dust cried as he continued to fire at one of the columns, slowly chipping away at it.

"This is bad," Lyra said.

Micro nodded. "If these supports go down, then so does the building."

"I'll stop him!" Soarin said as he summoned his Thunder Sabre and rushed out of his hidding sport.

"Soarin wait!" Flash said, but the Thunder Ranger was not listening.

He charged forward, as Dust began firing at him, while using his sword to deflect the lasers. "Take this!" He cried as he leapt up and swung his sword down, only to be blocked by Dust's sword. "What?"

"The second of the Seven Cleaning Weapon," Dust replied as he pushed the Thunder Ranger back. "Duster Blade...Cleaning Slash!" He swiped the sword through the air, slashing Soarin and sending him flying.

"Soarin!" Sweetie cried as she and Lyra rushed out to check on him.

"That does it!" Lyra yelled as she and Sweetie rushed at him.

"Magitech!" They both cried as they summoned their weapons.

Dust started firing at them again, but Lyra jumped behind Sweetie as she blocked the lasers with her shield. Once they were close enough, Lyra jumped over Sweetie and raised her Serpent Staff.

"This'll stop you!" The Blue Ranger cried as she thrusted her staff's head towards him. If he blocked with his sword, she would bite down and yank it out of his grasp.

However, instead of pulling out his sword, Dust pulled out a large dustpan and used it to block the attack. The staff tried to bite it, but could not get a grip.

"Oh no," Lyra said before Dust knocked the staff away and then smashed her with the dustpan. She was sent flying into Sweetie with such a force, that the two were thrown back and crashed next to Soarin.

"You like it," Dust asked. "It's the third Cleaning Weapon. Dustpan Shield!"

"My turn!" Micro said as he jumped out with his Morphin Blaster and Griffon Shooter drawn. "FIRE!" He shot off several rounds, which flew at Dust Buster.

In response the monster pulled out a sheet of metal with cloth around the edges. As the shots got closer, he swiped the cloth through the air and seemed to literally wiped the lasers away. Doing so caused the rag to glow

"Now what?" Micro asked in shock.

"The fourth of the Seven Cleaning Weapons," Dust replied as he rung the cloth out. "Rag Grenade!" He ball up the rag and tossed it at Micro. As it struck the ground, the rag exploded and caused Micro to go flying as well.

"This is nuts!" Sandal said as he watched Micro crash into the ground.

"Lets try together," Flash replied.

Sunset nodded. "If we all block his blaster, he can't block us all attacking."

The boys agreed and rushed out with her.

Dust saw them coming and chuckled, before pulling out a trio of metal cotton swabs with pointed tips. "The fifth Cleaning Weapon. Cotton Swab Kunai!"

He threw them towards the three Rangers, who each pulled out their Spirit Sabres to block. But the moment their swords touched the kunai, they each exploded with enough force to send them flying back.

Doom watched from the sidelines as the Rangers all groaned in pain.

"He's good," Doom said with a growl. "Which is bad for me."

"I would have thought you Rangers would have put up more of a fight," Dust said as he aimed his Broom Blaster at them.

In that moment, Flash pulled out his Morphin Blaster and placed a Charger inside.


He pointed at the spot infront of Dust and pulled the trigger, firing off a round which struck the ground and caused an explosion.

"You think this'll stop me?" Dust asked as he pulled out his Rag Grenade and used it to wipe the flames away. But as he did, he revealed the Rangers were all up and had surrounded him.

"FIRE!" They all cried out as they unloaded their blasters at him.

Dust did not have the chance to defend against them all and was struck by the blasts. He was sent flying backwards and crashed into a wall.

"That the fight you were looking for?" Flash asked as they lined up.

"Maybe," Dust said as he got up. "I think I've seen enough." He pulled out his kunai and threw them at the Rangers, who managed to jump back as they hit the ground and exploded. When the smoke faded, Dust and Doom were both gone.

Seeing the danger had passed, the Rangers demorphed and fell to their knees.

"Where do these guys come from?" Flash asked as he panted.

Back at the ship, Doom was furious at Dust.

"You had the Rangers on the ropes!" He cried out as they entered the bridge. "Then you take one little hit before giving in. I thought you said you were going to clean up this mess."

"Obviously Darklight didn't keep you around for your brains," Dust replied. "That battle wasn't about defeating the Rangers. It was about learning how they fight and seeing which Ranger to target."

Havoc, Heart and Cogs were watching this exchange. "So Dust," Havoc asked, "Which Ranger should we target?"

"Like he's picked one," Doom said. "He's been here five minutes. It takes longer then that to learn everything about the Rangers. And even longer to make a plan with it."

"As a matter of fact I already have a plan to get an Element," Dust replied before turning to Havoc. "But I will need your help to pull it off master."

Havoc smiled at this. "What'cha got in mind?"

The next day, Friday, the Rangers were all still a little sore after their battle with Dust Buster.

"You sure you guys are okay?" Rainbow asked as she watched the seven of them moving very carefully as they opened their lockers.

"As long as we don't do anything to extreme," Soarin assured her.

"I wouldn't mind a hot bubble bath though," Lyra said.

"How about we all head to the spa tomorrow?" Rarity suggested. "I'm sure that'll get you all back to your former selves."

"I wouldn't mind a steam bath," Sunset said before she turned to the others. "What about you guys?"

"I would love that," Sweetie said.

"Same here," Lyra agreed.

"A spa visit would be nice," Fluttershy said.

"Sure would," Applejack said before looking at the boys. "What about you fellers?"

The boys did not seem to like this idea. "I don't know," Micro said. "Sounds a little...girly."

"There a boyish spa treatments," Pinkie said with a smile. "Mr Cake has them all the time."

"Think of it like a sports massage," Rainbow told them, getting Soarin on board.

"I'm in," he said.

"I'll give it a try," Sandal said.

Micro nodded. "If their in, then I guess I am too."

They all nodded before turning to Flash, who had been oddly quiet, as he was looking at a piece of paper in his hand.

"Flash?" Twilight asked as she touched him on the shoulder. This caused him to look up in shock. "Are you listening?"

"No," he said truthfully before looking down at the paper. "Sorry. I got a letter from my dads old friend. He asked me to meet up with him tomorrow."

"Oh," the others said. "Well you should definitely go."

"Yeah," Sunset told him. "We can do the spa another time."

"No," Flash said. "You guys go. I don't mind missing out."

"If you're sure?" Twilight asked.

"I am," Flash said as they heard the bell ring for first period.

As they walked through the corridors, Sunset suddenly collided with someone. That someone was Table Spoon.

"Oh," he said with a smile. "Still not looking where you're going I see."

Sunset blushed at this. "Sorry."

"It's alright," Table replied. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you. Would you like to hanged out tomorrow? Just you and me."

Sunset's eyes went wide in surprise. "Oh...I'm afraid I've already made-"

"She'd love to," Rarity interrupted. "Where would you like her to meet up with you?"

"Outside the arcade tomorrow," he said. "I'll see you there." With that, he walked off leaving the others.

As soon as he was gone the girls, minus Sunset, Rainbow and Applejack, squealed in excitement.

"I can't believe this," Rarity said in excitement. "You and me are going to be working on what you wear the second school's over."

"Huh," Sunset said, still not sure what to say.

Before they could all say anything else, the warning bell went off and cut their talk short.

Back at the ship, Dust was explaining his plan.

"It's quite simple really," Dust explained. "Due to how he first met the Rangers, I believe one of them may have a soft spot for master Havoc. The Gold Ranger."

"He pulled her out of the way of a speeding car," Heart replied. "So what?"

"A common fact about human girls, they tend to grow affectionate for those who save their lives. I've seen it before."

Doom growled. "So how does this help us?"

"Simple," Dust replied. "When master Havoc and the Gold Ranger are on their date, we will strike. All Havoc has to do is stay with her, then she'll be forced to remain unmorphed."

"How does Havoc feel about being attacked?" Cogs asked.

"As long as it gets him an Element, he doesn't mind." Dust explained before leaving.

"This is bad," Heart said. "If this works Dust will be even more the favourite."

"And Havoc might see less reason to keep us around," Cogs said.

"I can't believe I'm saying this," Doom said. "But I hope those Rangers win."

The Next Day...

Havoc was leaning against the wall of the arcade in his usual get up.

"This better work Dust," he said in a grumble.


He turned to see Sunset hesitantly walking up to him. She was not wearing her usual attire and instead had on an orange shirt with her cutie mark on it, along with a spiked leather jacket on top and a purple skirt.

"Hey," she said nervously as she rubbed her arm.

"Hey," Table replied as he stood up. They stood in an awkward silence for several seconds, neither knowing what to say. "Sorry," he then said as he scratched the back of his neck, "been a long time since I went on a 'date'."

"Ditto," Sunset replied, before looking up at the arcade building. "How about we just try and have fun?"

"Sounds good," Table replied.

With that the two stepped into the building, totally unaware that they were being watched.

"So it begins," Dust said as he and Cogs watched from afar.

"I feel like this is just going to end badly for us," Cogs said.

"Don't doubt my plans," Dust warned him. "It'll work. Wait and see."

Meanwhile across town, Flash had arrived at the museum.

Currently he was standing in the dinosaur exhibit, looking up at the T-Rex skeleton, when he heard a voice."

"Flash Sentry."

The Red Ranger looked around to see a man in his mid forties with silver skin and black hair.

"Relic Fragment?"

"The very same," the man named Relic said. "Well look at you. You sure have grown since the last time I saw you. How's your aunt?"

"Working hard," Flash replied.

Relic nodded as they began to walk through the museum.

"It's still hard to believe how long it's been," Relic said with a grim look on his face. "Trail was the best archaeologist I'd ever seen. Before you were born he was an adrenaline junkie, always looking for some amazing adventure to go on. The situations he'd get us into were unbelievable."

Flash nodded with a smile. "I remember the hikes he use to take the two of us on. I used to hate them, but now I'd give anything to go on one with him."

Relic saw the look of despair on the boys face. "I know you've been looking for him. Any leads?"

"Actually yes," Flash replied as he pulled out the journal.

"You still have that?" Relic said as he took it. "Seems like yesterday when I found this in the forest."

"I've been trying to figure out what the meaning of the last few pages is," Flash explained as he opened the book to the page with Doom drawn in. "I've seen this monster."

Relic's eyes went wide, before he looked at Flash. "WHAT!?"

Flash was taken aback by the outburst. "Yeah, this monster's name is Doom Raizer. He's been fighting against the Power Rangers."

"Power Rangers?" Relic asked.

"The Guardian Rangers," Flash told him. "How do you not know about them?"

"I've been all over the place," Relic explained. "You find it hard to keep up with news of your home town when you do that. Tell me more about the Power Rangers."

Flash told him everything, well everything someone who was not a Power Ranger would know, while Relic listened intently. "And that's pretty much it," he finished. He also showed him an image of the Rangers that had been taken and posted online, which Relic took great interest in.

"Amazing," Relic said as he looked at a picture of the Red Ranger. "So your saying the Rangers are in this town. Can one...contact one?"

Flash was confused by this. Why would he want to contact the Power Rangers if he never knew about them. "No sorry. They only show up during monster attacks."

Relic nodded at this, though Flash could still tell he was thinking about something.

"Let's talk about something else," he said. "I'd love to hear about what you've been up to since I last saw you."

Flash smirked before nodding. "Sure."

Back at the arcade, Sunset and Table were enjoying themselves.

Currently they were playing air hockey, with the score even at four points each. Currently they were knocking the puck back and forth trying to score, until finally Table was able to ricochet it passed her defence and score.

"YES!" He cheered at his victory. "NUMBER ONE!"

Sunset rolled her eyes at the showboating, but smiled all the same before they walked away from the table. They then saw a claw machine.

"Never seen one of these before?" Table said, causing Sunset to raise an eyebrow.

"What arcades have you been going to?" She asked. She then explained what the point of the game was, causing Table to smirk.

"That sounds easy," he said as he moved over to the machine and activated it. He saw a large teddy bear and manoeuvred the claw above it, before bringing it down and grabbing the bear. However, when he had the claw come back up, the bear slipped from its grasp and fell back onto the other stuffed toys. "This game is rigged!"

Sunset laughed hearing this, causing Table to glare at her,

"Oh you think you can do it, huh?" He asked sarcastically. "Alright," he pointed to the smallest toy he could find, "get that one."

Sunset smirked, before moving over to the machine. Starting it up, she manoeuvred the claw over the little toy rabbit he had picked. She then dropped the claw and had it grab the toy, before bringing it back up. As it was lifted, the toy remained completely still in the claws grasp. Sunset then moved it over the chute and had the claw let go, sending the toy out of the machine.

The look on Table's face when she held the toy out to him was priceless.

"Show off," he said as he took the toy and stuffed it in his pocket. They then headed out the arcade.

"You know," Sunset said as they left. "Despite how nervous I was, this actually turned out to be a great time."

"Same here," Table agreed as they walked along the side walk towards a nearby hotdog stand. "I have to admit this town is pretty fun."

"Best one I've been too," Sunset laughed.

They each ordered a hotdog and sat down on nearby bench to enjoy them.

"So," Sunset said, "last I checked a date's suppose to help two people get to know one another. So tell me about yourself."

"Not much to tell really," Table said. "My mother died when I was young so my father raised me. Then came the...incident."

Sunset saw the sorrow look on his face, before placing her hand on his. "I know it must hurt, but you still have your friends. As long as they're here, you're not alone."

Table smiled at this, as he and Sunset slowly got closer.

But then!


Before they could even register what was happening, they suddenly found themselves in a flurry of laser fire. The two were sent flying and crashed into the ground with a thud.

"What was that?" Table asked in a moan, while Sunset turned to the source of the blast.

"We meet again," Dust said as he stepped out into the opening with Cogs. "This time, you won't be walking away."

Sunset frowned, before turning to look at Table. With him here she could not morph and was forced to play defence while activating her distress beacon.

"Let's see how long you'll last on your own," Dust said as he aimed his Broom Blaster and fired off several rounds. It caused explosion after explosion around the two teens, who were forced to run for cover behind a nearby building pillar. "Hiding again I see," Dust said. "That won't save you." He unloaded a multitude of laser fire, which back chipping away at the concrete.

"Why are these things after us?" Table asked Sunset as they tried to keep themselves clear of the laser and debris.

"I don't know," Sunset lied as she turned to him. "But you've got to get out of here. I'll try and distract them so you can run."

"I'm not leaving you," Table told her.

"You have to!"

"You said we were friend. Well I don't abandon my friends."

Sunset's face became one of frustration, before a large fragment of the pillar flew passed and reminded her that they were still in danger. "Fine," she grabbed his hand, "but stay close to me." With that she pulled him out from behind the pillar and started running away.

"Oh don't leave," Dust said as he continued to fire at them. "We were just getting to the fun part." He pulled out his kunai and threw them at the part of the building that was just above them, exploding as they struck and sent debris crashing down.

"Look out!" Sunset yelled as she and Table jumped out of the way, barely missing the rubble.

"Don't you think that was a bit much?" Cogs told Dust. "You almost hit Havoc."

"It has to look believable," Dust replied as he watched the two teens run off. "Now come on. We have a Ranger to defeat." The two rushed after them, not daring to let this chance pass them by.

Flash meanwhile was still at the museum with Relic.

They were now in his office and looking over maps of the forest that Flash's father disappeared in.

"So where did you find his journal?" Flash asked.

"Right here," Relic replied a he circled a spot on the map.

"Okay," Flash said as he looked at the area, before noticing something near it. "What's this?"

Relic looked at what he was pointing at. "Oh, that's one of the entrances to the tunnels. There are tons of them below the forest."

"I didn't know that," Flash said before his eyes went wide. "You think my dad might have gone down it."

"It's possible," Relic replied. "But those tunnels go on for miles and have several ways out. It'd be hard to find any evidence about it."

"It's a lead though," Flash said with a smile. Before he could say anything else, the beeping of his communicator caught their attention.

"What's that?" Relic asked.

"My...phone. It's connected to this so I don't have to take it out of my pocket."

"Cool," Relic replied.

Flash nodded before moving over and opening the channel. "I'm not alone," he said.

"We need you back here," Luna's voice told him. "I'll send you the coordinates."

"I'll be there," he said before closing the channel and turning to Relic. "Sorry, I've gotta get going. Is it alright if I take this?"

"Sure," Relic replied as he handed the boy the map. "I'll see you around."

"Definitely," Flash said before rushing out the office.

Once he was gone, Relic frowned. "Guardian Power Rangers, huh."

Back at the battle, Sunset and Table had been running for their lives.

"You can't escape!" They heard Dust cry out as he fired at them.

"Keep going!" Sunset told Table.

"Down here!" Table said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her down an alleyway. However, that alleyway ended with a large stone wall they could not climb over.

"NO!" Sunset yelled seeing it.

"I'm sorry," Table said, before the sound of footprints made them turn to see Dust and Cogs step into the alleyway.

"Nowhere left to run," Dust said as he pointed his blaster at Sunset. "One clean shot should do it."

Sunset panicked. She had two choice. Morph and save them while revealing her secret, or do not morph and be destroyed. The choice was clear.

"Broom Blaster!" Dust said as he placed his finger on the trigger of his rifle, but before he could fire.

"Thunder Sabre Strike!"

Suddenly he and Cogs were struck by a lightning bolt, which forced them to be sent flying out of the alleyway.

Sunset and Table looked up to see Soarin fly over the wall, landing infront of them.

"Sorry we're late," Soarin said as the other Rangers jumped over the wall and landed next to them.

"Let's get you guys to safety," Lyra said as they all rushed out of the alleyway. They passed the recovering monsters and got the two a safe distance away. "You'll be safe here," she said once they were far enough away. "We'll handle it."

Sunset and Table nodded as they rushed around a nearby corner, leaving the Rangers to deal with Dust and Cogs.

"Real classy," Sweetie told them as they readied their weapons. "Going after unarmed civilians."

"I'll do what I must to get those Elements," Dust said.

"Well you won't be getting them today!" Micro said.

"You got that right," Sandal agreed.

"Rangers attack!" Soarin said as the five of them rushed forward.

"Shades!" Dust cried out as the cloaked monsters appeared around them and charged at the Rangers.

As the two forces fought, Sunset and Table watched.

"We should leave," Sunset told him.

"No way," Table replied. "How often do you get to watch the Power Rangers fight."

"Take this!" Sweetie cried as she slashed at the Shades.

"And this!" Sandal agreed as he did the same.

Soarin and Lyra were battling Dust, who had both his sword and shield in hand.

"You Rangers never learn," he said as she swiped at them, but they managed to dodge the attacks.

"We learn quicker then you think," Lyra said as she pole bolted over him and dealt a slash to his back.

"Specially when you threaten our friends," Soarin agreed as he slashed at the monster.

Micro meanwhile, was fighting against Cogs who had his axe out.

"You're mine!" The armoured monster said as he slashed at the yellow Ranger.

"Sorry," Micro said as he dodged him, "I'm not available. But you can have this!" He fired off several rounds, which struck Cogs and sent him flying back. "Now to finish you," he said as he pointed both his weapons at Cogs. "Duel Shot!" He fired the two blasts, which flew towards Cogs and combined a few feet away from him.

"I don't think so!" Cogs said as he raised his axe and used it to deflect the blast.

However, that blast quickly found a new target. Two teenagers who had been watching from afar.

"Look out!" Sunset cried as she and Table tried to get out of the way. Unfortunately Table tripped and fell down, just as the blast stuck the nearby building and sent rubble flying down on top of him. "TABLE!" Sunset cried as she rushed over to the pile.

"MASTER HAVOC!" Dust screamed as he too rushed over.

"What did he say?" Soarin asked hearing this. He and the other Rangers moved over to the pile, where Sunset was trying to remove the rubble.

"I'll get you out of there," Sunset said. But in that moment something caught her eye. A light blue light was coming from underneath the rubble. "What?" She asked.

The Rangers also saw this and Lyra grabbed Sunset's shoulder. "Get back!" But before they could, the rubble exploded. The shockwave caused the Rangers to go flying and hit a nearby wall, demorphing them as they did.

The light faded and the armoured monster they knew as Havoc stepped out, growling as he did.

"Master Havoc!" Dust said in relief as he and Cogs rush up to him. "Thanks goodness you're unharmed."

"No thanks to this idiot!" He said as he turned to the quivering Cogs.

"I'm sorry," Cogs said.

"Havoc!" The monsters turned to see Sunset and the Rangers standing. "Where's Table?" Sunset asked.

Havoc tried to come up with an answer, but as he did Sunset noticed the crack on his helmet was the same size and shape as the scar on Table's face. Suddenly all the pieces connected, causing her to gasp.

"No," she said. "Please tell me you're not Table."

The other Rangers caught on, making them all gasp.

"So that's why Dust called him that," Soarin said.

"He was spying on us!" Lyra said.

"And I bet he used this date to get Sunset alone to attack," Micro said.

"You used her!" Sweetie cried.

"Not cool!" Sandal yelled.

Havoc just chuckled. "Alright, I admit it. I am Table Spoon. What are you gonna do about it."

"You used me," Sunset said, tears in her eyes.

"Oh don't be so mad," Havoc told her. "After all, aren't you the Element of Forgiveness."

"Yes I am," Sunset replied. "And as the Element of Forgiveness, I know when someone deserves to be forgiven...AND THAT'S NOT YOU!" She pulled out her Magi-Charger. "I'll make you pay for what you've done. It's Morphin Time! Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others cried as they pulled out theirs, activated them and placed them in their blasters.


"Energise!" They cried as they charged them up, before pointing them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed their Zord heads, which flew around them and then bit down on them. In a flash of light they were in their Ranger suits, ready for battle.

Sunset: Power Rangers!


"I'll get Master Havoc to safety," Dust told Cogs. "You keep them busy."

"I'll try," Cogs replied as he watched the two rush off.

"I don't think so," Sunset said as she pulled out a Magi-Charger and activated it. "Guardian Buster," she threw the Charger in the air, "activate!" In a flash of light the Guardian Buster appeared, allowing the Gold Ranger to catch it and pull the forend.

"Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded." Sunset placed hers into the main compartment and shut it, the white streaks changing to gold.


As Sunset aimed the weapon at monster, Lyra and Micro placed their hands on her shoulders and hips while Sandal and Sweetie did so to them. "Guardian Buster, Phoenix Blast...FIRE!" Sunset pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Phoenix Zord's head as it flew at Cogs.

He gulped as he watched the attack coming at him. "I don't like this." The Zord's head struck him, causing a explosion which sent the armoured monster flying.

"Useless tin man," Havoc said as they watched their underling be sent flying.

"I'll handle them master," Dust said. "You get to safety."

"Alright," Havoc agreed as he pulled out a walkie talkie. "Fire the Gigatisor!"

As the Rangers rushed after Havoc and Dust, they saw the red beam of light fly down and cause an explosion. When it cleared a giant version of Dust appeared.

"That's not good," Soarin said as they watched Dust look down at them.

"I'll squash you all like bugs," he said as he prepared to step on them, but before he did a fireball struck him. "What?" He asked before turning to see the Phoenix Zord flying towards him.

The Rangers cheered seeing it, before getting a call over their coms.

"Hey guys," Flash said. "Sorry I'm late."

"You're timing's perfect," Sunset said as she and the others leapt into the cockpit, activated Mega-Drive, and prepared for battle.

"Sunset," Flash said to the Gold Ranger. "Celestia told me about Table. I'm sorry."

"I'll weep later," Sunset said. "For now, we've got an oversized butler to deal with. Micro, we need firepower."

"On it," Micro replied as he pulled out his Magi-Charger. "Summon, Griffon Zord!"

The Magi-Charger grew and flew off to the Griffon Zord's hiding place, before flying into its mouth.


The Zord's eyes opened as it activated and flew out of the canyon, before heading to its Rangers aid.

"Activate," the all said, "Phoenix-Wing Megazord...Griffon Formation!"


The Phoenix-Wing formed, with Griffon locking onto its left arm.


"Let's show this guy why you don't mess with a girl in a bad mood," Sunset said, with the others nodding.

"Phoenix Fist!" They cried as the the Megazord charged forward and struck Dust with a burning punch. However, he simply used his Dustpan Shield to defend against it.

"Give me a break," he told them as he pushed them away and then switched out for his rifle. He fired off several shots.

"Griffon Zord," Micro called out, "fire!" His Zord unleashed a flurry of laser fire, which countered Dust's attack. They then charged forward and knocked the monsters rifle away.

"Hey!" Dust cried as he staggered back. "You asked for this." Suddenly he pulled out what looked like a waste bin.

"What's that?" Soarin asked.

"Be ready," Flash told them.

Dust placed his hand on the lid and opened it, unleashing a powerful burst of light which made the Rangers flinch. The light then faded, but nothing seemed to have happened other than the waste bin disappearing.

"Okay," Sweetie said in confusion.

"That was anticlimactic," Lyra said.

"Let's show him who we do this," Sunset said.

The others nodded, before they all began to speak and move in perfect sync. "Phoenix-Wing Megazord...Final Strike!”

The Megazord's wings ignited, before the flames flew up and formed a giant ball of fire infront of it. It then pointed the Griffon Zord at the fireball and shot a blast through it. The two attacks combined into a single arrow like attack which flew through the air, before striking Dust and causing a major explosion.

When the fires finally extinguished, the Rangers saw Dust was gone.

"Yes!" Flash cried as he and the Rangers cheered at their victory.

However, Soarin noticed something. "Wait," he said, "look!" Pointed at the spot Dust had been standing and the others looked over to see the waste bin, which suddenly started to shake.

"Now what?" Micro asked.

Suddenly the bins lid opened and a black mist shot out, striking the Megazord, before moving back over to the bin and transforming into Dust. "Fooled you."

"How'd he do that?" Lyra asked as the Megazord tried to pick itself up.

"Behold the sixth of the Seven Cleaning Weapons," Dust said as he picked the bin up. "Illusionary Wastebin."

"So that was what that light was," Sunset said. "It created an illusion while he hid in his bin."

"He made us waste our finishing attack," Micro said.

"Now to end you," Dust said as he pulled out his Duster Blade and walked towards the Megazord.

Back at the ship, Doom and Heart were watching the battle.

"It looks like he's gonna do it," Heart said.

"Not if I can help it," Doom said as he moved over to the Gigatisor and started fiddling with several buttons. "If anyone's gonna beat the Rangers, it'll be me. Reversing Gigatisation!" He struck the button and unleashed the machine, which fired a blue beam of light.

Dust stood over the the Megazord and raised his sword. "It's over!" But before he could land the killing blow, the blue beam struck him. "What?" He cried before he suddenly shrank.

"He's gone," Sandal said.

"What?" Flash asked in confusion.

"He got away again!" Lyra said angrily.

"Next time," Flash said, "we've gotta beat him."

Back at the ship, Doom entered his quarters and found Dust in it.

"What are you doing here?" Doom asked in anger. "Get out of my quarters."

"These are my quarters," Dust replied calmly. "Or at least they were before your 'master' stole the ship. Now that I'm back, I'm taking them back. Master Havoc told me I could have them, since he was so happy about my performance today...until the Gigatisor malfunctioned." He turned to Doom. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"The ships quite badly damaged," Doom replied. "Problems are bound to happen."

"If you say so," Dust said darkly. "But stay out of my way."

While this was happening, Havoc sat in his chair staring at the rabbit toy Sunset had given him. The words she had said to him before Dust had attacked flew through his head. However, as the memory of his father entered his head, he frowned and caused a surge of energy which struck the toy and caused it to vaporise in his clutches.

"All that matters is my revenge," he said.

Later back at school, we find Sunset sitting at the table with tears in her eyes.


She turned to see Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six walking up to her with frowns on their faces.

"We're sorry about Table...Havoc," Twilight said as she sat down next to her.

"Thanks guys," Sunset said as she sniffed. The rest of the girls pulled her into a hug, trying to comfort her. "I just feel like such an idiot."

"Don't be silly."

They all looked over to see the Rangers and Principles enter the room.

"Havoc tricked us all," Celestia said. "But he can't fool us again."

"That's for sure," Flash said. "Havoc and Dust are powerful, but they won't stop us."

The others all nodded. They may have been fooled before, but now they knew the truth and that meant they were stronger then they were before. The true fight began now.

Author's Note:

Now the Rangers know the truth and the villains have a new power at hand. What will happen next?