• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,449 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Red Rager

Today we find the Rangers and their friends in the woods, where Flash had brought them for a very special event. The only one of their group not there was Sunset, who had declined the offer since she was working on a new piece of gear for them.

"Is that a map?" Lyra asked as she looked at the crayon doodle Flash was currently following. "It looks like a kid...drew it."

"I was five," Flash laughed as he continued to follow the map. "It's not exactly like I was trying for a reward. All that matters is, I can read it."

"Not sure how," Twilight said as she looked at it over his shoulder.

"What are we even doing out here anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"I agree," Rarity, who was wearing a mosquito hat, asked before spraying herself with bug repellent.

Flash rolled his eyes as he continued walking through the forest. "I'll tell you in just a second," he said before doing a cross reference and smiling. He then rushed over to a tree, which had a pile of rocks around it's base. He then started moving the rocks, revealing a large metal box hidden beneath.

"Treasure!" Pinkie said happily.

"Pretty close," Flash said as he took the box out and showed it to them. When he opened it, they all looked inside and saw it was filled with...junk.

"An old baseball glove?" Micro asked as he took it out.

"A sling shot?" Soarin asked.

"An arcade ticket?" Sweetie asked.

Flash chuckled at their confusion. "When I was little, my dad and I would hike out to this spot and dig up this chest. We would then put something inside it that would serve as a memento of the events of that year, before burying it once again." He took the stuff back and placed it in the box, before placing it on the ground and pulling out something from his jacket. "Even after my dad disappeared, I still carried on the tradition." He stood back up and showed them all a picture of them all, along with Sunset, Shining, Starswirl and the principles. "This years memento is connected to me becoming a Ranger, along with all the friends I got to make because of it."

They all smiled, before seeing Flash frowned.

"I hope one day," Flash said, "I can bring my dad back and show him this photo. To tell him all about you guys."

They nodded as they watched him place the photo in the box before he began to bury it once again. Twilight kneeled down and used her magic to help bury it. "I'm sure you will."

Flash smiled at this.

"But in the meantime," Twilight then said with a smile as she held up the crayon map. "Maybe work on your map drawing."

"I was five," Flash replied, making the others laugh as they began to head back the way they came.

"Come on," Twilight said as they stood up and followed their friends. "Let's see if you're any better at target practise. Sunset's waiting for us."

Meanwhile In the crashed ship, we find Doom Raizer and Havoc on the bridge.

Havoc was lazily sitting in his throne, sipping a beverage as he listened to Doom's latest Rangers destroying idea. With the Rangers now aware of who he was, they could no longer spy on them to get ideas.

"And when the Rangers are disintegrated, we'll simply take the Elements!" Doom cried as he struck his fist into his palm.

Havoc simply slurped his drink up through a straw, before glaring at the monster. "Isn't exactly a plan for the ages," he said in a bored tone. "But you might as well give it a try. It's not like anyone else has any bright ideas."

Doom nodded before heading for the door, only for it to open and reveal Dust Buster.

"What are you doing here?" Doom asked seeing him. "Isn't there some cutlery you should polishing?"

Dust did not acknowledge him and simply pushed passed towards Havoc. "Master, I have a plan that you can't possibly yawn at." This got Havoc's attention.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Doom asked in anger.

"Of course," Dust replied nonchalantly. "I can't have you wasting master Havoc's time and resources on half baked schemes." He then pulled out a flash drive. "I created this using the reanimator. It contains a virus made from Brainwave's hypnotic data. Once we get it into the Ranger's computer, it'll spread through their equipment until eventually infecting the Rangers. Once infected, they'll be easy pickings."

"Oh please," Doom said. "How exactly are you going to get that on their computers?"

Dust simply chuckled before snapping his fingers. Suddenly a black cloud appeared next to him, before it took solid form and disappeared to reveal a monster in a black hooded cloak with a skull mask over his face. "Reaper here, has the ability to melt into the shadows. He can appear out of thin air in a second."

"I can get that virus into their systems no problem," Reaper said in a dark voice.

Havoc seemed impressed by the idea and got up. "Alright, go. But don't fail me."

"I won't," Reaper said as he took the flash drive and disappeared into the shadows.

"Once he finds the Rangers, he'll infect their systems in a matter of seconds." Dust explained. "Don't worry master.

Havoc sat back in his throne and continued to drink his beverage. "Oh I'm not worried. I just hope for your sake, you don't fail me."

Back in the forest, Twilight, Sunset and the principles were standing in a clearing with a bunch of their computer equipment set up on picnic tables.

"Alright Flash," Sunset said into their coms, "show us what you've got."

"Alright," Flash's voice replied. A minute later they all heard the sound of an engine fly through the air, causing them to turn and see Flash race by on his Magicycle. "Morphin Blaster!" They watched as he pulled out his weapon, before aiming at a target that was connected to a tree. "Fire!" He shot a blast, which struck the target dead centre. He then fired off another shot and hit another target, followed by another and another until he had finished firing at all the targets they had set up.

Once that was done, he pulled his bike up to a stop and then demorphed. His Element was hanging from his neck, in a necklace that had a metal box surrounding it.

"So," he said as he moved over to the others, with Twilight using her magic to bring the targets over to them. "How'd I do. Pretty awesome huh?"

"Not bad," Celestia told him as they moved over to where Twilight had lined up the targets. While this was happening, they did not notice a black cloud suddenly fly by their computers and insert a flash drive. The computer screen then showed an upload bar.

"What do you mean not bad?" Flash asked as he looked at the targets, which all sported blast marks. "I hit them all."

"Well yeah," Twilight replied. "But in your last test you got seven bulls-eyes. This time, you only got five."

Flash looked down to see she was right. Five of the targets had blast marks dead center, while the last two's were slightly off the mark. "Huh...I guess I did miss."

"It's fine," Luna told him. "Five out of seven isn't a terrible score you just...lost focus for a second. Something else must be on your mind."

The computer's upload bar was now full, as the black cloud flew back to it and removed the flash drive before disappearing into the trees. A second later the humans turned and headed back over to the computer.

"All the data we've collected should help us build your new Charger," Sunset explained as they began to shut the computers down, unaware of the hack that had just happened. She then turned around and held out her hand. "We're gonna need your Element though."

Flash frowned, not liking the idea of being without his Element, but knew they needed it and gave it to Sunset.

Once she had the Element, Sunset and the principles started moving over to Luna's BMW, while Flash and Twilight started putting the computers away.

"So," Twilight asked as she magicked them over to the BMW, "what is on your mind?"

"Nothing," Flash said as he tried to hide his face from her, only for it to be magic turned back towards her.

Seeing Twilight giving him a look, Flash sighed before moving over to a tree that had his backpack under it. Opening it up he then pulled out a map, which he opened up and showed to Twilight. "My dad's friend Relic told me about a bunch of underground tunnels in the forest that my dad disappeared in." He then pointed to several tunnels. "This is the area Relic found the journal in and there's a bunch of tunnels beneath it. It's possible my dad hid from Doom inside them."

"But it looks like three miles of the tunnel is now underwater," Twilight said.

"Yeah," Flash replied, "that happened two years ago. I figured I could hold my breath and swim through it."

"For three miles!" Twilight almost screamed. She gave him yet another look. "Flash, that's insane."

"Maybe it is," Flash replied. "But I've gotta at least try."

"No you don't," Twilight told him. "Flash...I know how much you miss your dad, but...maybe you need to face the possibility that he...might not have made it."

Flash's face turned to a frown, before taking the map and putting it back in his bag. "You think I should stop looking?" He started walking away, with Twilight following him.

"All I'm saying is, that you're dad wouldn't want you risking your life just for a minor clue."

Flash spun around and glared at her. "What if it was your dad, or your mom, or...Shining Armor? Would you stop looking?"

Flash's question made Twilight stop and think. If any of her family members disappeared, would she ever stop looking for them?

Seeing Twilight hesitation was all Flash need. "Yeah," he said, "that's what I thought." With that he turned back around and started walking into the forest.

"Flash?" Twilight called out to him.

"Leave me alone!" Flash yelled back before he disappeared.

Twilight sighed as she watched him leave, before Sunset and the principles walked up to her.

"Where's he going?" Sunset asked.

"I think..." Twilight said, "I just messed up."

"He'll be fine," Celestia said before turning to her. "I'm guessing you'll be wanting a lift back?"

Twilight sighed again, before nodding and turning towards the car.

While that was happening, no one noticed they were being watched.

Meanwhile Flash was continuing his trek through the forest, still mad about what Twilight had said.

"How dare she," he said under his breath. However, when he came to a stop he suddenly noticed something in his peripheral vision.

"Surprise" He heard as he turned towards it and saw a black cloud rushing towards him. Before he could react, the cloud flew through him and created a gale force wind which sent him flying into a nearby tree.

Flash groaned as his head pounded and his vision became blurry. As he slowly recovered he heard a voice.

"Without your Element, you don't stand a chance against me."

That was right, he could not morph right now.

He tried to focus his blurry vision, but all he could see was black and what looked like a white skull getting closer to him.

Reaper looked down at the incapacitated Ranger, before pulling out a large black scythe with red on the tip of the blade. "Don't worry," he said as he raised the weapon, "it'll be over soon."

Flash tried to get up, but he was still uncoordinated from the hit to the head. Was this it? Was this how he dies?

"Morphin Blaster...Fire!"

The next thing Flash knew, several flashes of light caused the black blur to jump away from him. Then a new blur appeared between him and the black one, this one being orange in colour. Though Flash was still disoriented, he could hear the sounds of fighting going on.

Eventually he heard the first voice speak out. "I'll be back, you'll see!" The next thing Flash knew, the black blur disappeared and the orange blur was walking up to him. It stopped a few feet away, before staring at him.

Flash's vision was beginning to come back into focus and as it did, the blur started taking the shape of a Ranger. Could it be?

Before he got a chance to ask, the blur turned and rushed off.

"Wait!" Flash called out but it was to late, they were gone.

Back at the base, the rest of the gang were watching and Sandal and Soarin duelled against each other with their swords.

In the lab area, Sunset, Twilight and Micro were working on the computer. Micro was holding a Magi-Charger that was red and white with the image of the Dragon Zord on it.

"So this new Charger only works with the Element of Courage?" Micro asked.

"Not exactly," Sunset replied to him. "We originally intended for this new battle mode to be used on all the Zords, but the Dragon Zord was the only one that was compatible with the program." She took the Charger and placed it in the programmer. "As such, Flash will be the only one who can access Legendary Mode." She connected the device to her laptop and started downloading all the data they had gotten in the woods. What they did not know, was this was the laptop that Reaper had uploaded the virus into and as they started transferring the data, they were also transferring the virus into the Charger.


Everyone's attention turned to the exit, as an injured Flash staggered into it.

"FLASH!" They all cried as they rushed over to him.

Soarin and Sandal got to him and placed his arms around their shoulders, before slowly moving him to the table.

"What happened?" Lyra asked him.

"A monster," Flash replied. "He attacked me in the woods and I didn't have my Element, so I couldn't morph. He planned to kill me, but before he could..."

"Yeah?" Applejack asked.

"I think I was saved by a Ranger," Flash said. "The Orange Ranger."

This made them all gasp hearing this. "Are you sure darling?" Rarity asked him.

"I couldn't really see," Flash replied. "But whoever it was, they used a Morphin Blaster."

"It has to the Orange Ranger," Rainbow said before turning to the others. "Right?"

"We cannot be completely sure," Starswirl said as he appeared next to them. "All we can be sure about is that if it was the Orange Ranger, we must find them and make them join us. The added strength is sure to help us."

Before anyone else could say anything, a beeping sound caught their attention. The new Magi-Charger's programming was complete, so Sunset took it out of the device and showed it to Flash. "Speaking of added strength. What's say we try out your new Red Legend Mode?"

"Awesome," Flash said as he took the Charger.

As the rest of the group began to prepare to head out and test the Charger, Twilight moved over to Flash. "Are you sure you're alright?" However, Flash simply turned and glared at her.

"I'm fine," he said coldly, "not that you care." Before Twilight could say anything else, he turned and left with the other Rangers.

Twilight once again sighed, wishing she could go back in time and stop herself from saying what she had said.

Later on, the Rangers arrived at the quarry they first fought Havoc in and morphed.

Most of the Rangers were standing on the sidelines, while Flash, Sunset and Sweetie were in the middle of the quarry. Sweetie had her Sphinx Shield out, ready to block anything Flash threw at her. The principles and the Mane Six were watching through the Ranger's helmets, recording everything encase a problem arose.

"Alright," Sunset told Flash, "moment of truth. You ready?"

"Sure am," Flash replied. As he held the Legendary Charger in hand. "Can't wait to see what this thing can do."

Sunset nodded before moving over to the others. "You guys are gonna love this," she told them.

"Can't wait," Micro said in excitement.

"You guys recording?" Sunset asked through the coms.

"We are," Celestia said. "We're ready when you are."

"Alright," Sunset said as she turned back to the others. "Whenever you're ready."

Sweetie nodded as she raised her shield. "Give me your best shot Flash."

"Oh I will," Flash agreed as he held up the Charger. "Legendary Charger...ACTIVATE!" However, when he clicked the Charger, the device suddenly started sparking and the electricity spread up Flash's arm and surged around his body. Flash cried out in pain as he dropped the Charger, fell to his knees and clutched his head.

"Something's wrong!" Lyra said as they all started rushing over to him, while the lightning finally stopped and Flash went completely still.

Sweetie was the first one to him. "Flash," she said as she kneeled down to his level, "are you okay?"

Flash slowly turned his head to look at the Pink Ranger. Though the others could not see it, his eyes were glowing bright red. Flash then let out a low growl, which frightened Sweetie.

"Flash?" She held out her hand to hold him, but the Red Ranger grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around until her arm was being pulled behind her back. This caused Sweetie to yell out in pain. "STOP! YOU'RE...HURTING ME!"

"Let her go bro!" Sandal cried out as he and Soarin managed to grab Flash and make him let Sweetie go.

Sweetie fell to the floor, as Lyra rushed over to her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Sweetie replied before turning back to Flash. "But Flash?"

Flash was flailing around, trying to get the two other Rangers off him. Eventually he succeeded when he threw his arms back and propelled Soarin and Sandal into the air.

"He's gone nuts!" Micro yelled as she and Sunset watched this.

"We have to get him under control," Sunset explained. "Before he can hurt himself or us."

As if to prove her point, Flash pulled out his Spirit Sabre and started swinging it about. He unleashed several random Power Slashes, which flew around the place and caused many explosions. The others Rangers were forced to take cover from this and when the explosions finally subsided, Flash was nowhere to be seen.

"Where'd he go?" Lyra asked.

"No clue," Soarin replied.

Sunset meanwhile, rushed over to where the Legendary Charger had fallen and picked it up. "I don't understand," she said. "How could this happen?"

"We need to get that Charger checked out," Micro told her. "Let's get back to the base."

Everyone except Sweetie nodded. "But what about Flash?"

"We can't help him if we don't know what's causing this," Sunset told her. "Micro's right, we need to analyse the Charger."

Sweetie finally nodded before they all headed out of the quarry.

At the ship, Havoc was waiting for Dust to explain the rest of his plan.

"So the Red Ranger is now a mindless animal," he told him. "How does this help us?"

"In his current state of mind, the Red Ranger isn't thinking and is only using pure power," Dust explained. "Which means he'll be easy pickings. We just need to send out someone with the skill and speed that pure power can't stand up against."

"And who is this someone?" Havoc asked.

"Rogue," Dust replied as the bridge doors opened and out shot a dark blue blur, which zipped around the room before coming to a stop infront of Havoc. It was a being in dark blue ninja armour with a crimson scarf that covered his whole head, say for his eyes, and had a katanna strapped to his side.

"Ready to serve," he said as he got down on one knee. "The only one whoever defeated me, your father, did so by out thinking me. Against power alone, I can't lose."

Havoc smiled at this. "Alright, go after him. Take Reaper with you."

The two nodded and left the bridge.

Back at school, the Rangers and their friends were busy trying to figure out what might have happened to Flash.

Finally, Sunset came up with the answer. "So that's it," she said as she looked through the laptop she had programmed the Charger with, getting the other's attention.

"Please tell me you found the cause of whatever's making Flash run wild?" Twilight asked. Seeing Flash attack the others had caused her a great deal of fear, seeing one of the nicest people she knew acting so savage.

"Yeah," Sunset replied. "Somehow, Havoc managed to infect our computers with a virus. It must have been downloaded into the Charger and then spread to Flash when he used it."

"What's this virus do?" Pinkie asked, her head being flat due to her concern.

"From what I can tell," Sunset explained as she and Twilight analysed the virus's coding. "It latches onto whatever negative emotion the infected person is feeling, and increases it ten fold."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "So Flash was feeling...angry?"

"That would explain why he was so violent," Rarity said. "We all have a tough time acting calm when angered, so having it increased to the highest possible level."

"That's terrible," Fluttershy said.

"But what was Flash angry at?" Sandal asked. "The guys usually pretty calm."

It was in that moment that Twilight realised. "Oh no," she said getting the other's attention.

"What's the matter Twilight?" Celestia asked.

"This is all my fault," Twilight said. "I made Flash angry."

"You?" Lyra asked.

"Why on earth would you think that darling?" Rarity asked her.

"I told him he should face the possibility of his dad being gone," Twilight explained. "Flash got really upset and that must be what's fuelling the rage he's in now." She sat down and planted her face in her hands, as tears filled her eyes. The others quickly surrounded her.

"It's okay sugarcube," Applejack assured her. "This isn't your fault."

"She's right," Sunset said. "Even if you hadn't done that, the virus would have just effected another emotion."

"She's right," Luna said. "What matters now is finding Flash and freeing him from his rage before he can hurt himself."

"But how?" Soarin asked. "Somehow being angry made him even stronger then he usually is."

"Everyone has a hidden pool of power hidden within themselves," Starswirl explained. "They are usually blocked from us, but heightened emotions like anger can often unblock them."

"So Flash will be fighting us at full strength," Sandal said. "That doesn't help us."

"What about Hypno-Charger?" Pinkie asked, getting everyone's attention.

"That could work," Sunset said. "If we can get him to hold still long enough, the Charger should work."

"But we need to find him," Lyra said.

"He could be anywhere," Sweetie said.

"He's running on instinct," Sunset explained. "So he might go somewhere he feels safe."

Twilight thought for a moment, before her eyes landed on Flash's backpack. Suddenly getting an idea, she rushed over opened it. She then pulled out the crayon map she had seen him follow that morning. "The forest!" She almost screamed. "The memento box. He could be there."

"It's worth a look," Micro said.

"Let's go," Lyra said.

"I'm coming too," Twilight said. "I got Flash into this, so I'm gonna get him out." She moved over to a metal case and pulled her replica Morphin Blaster out of it.

"Remember," Celestia told them as they left, "Flash isn't in his right mind. To him you're all enemies, so you'll need to treat him like one until you can free him."

Twilight and the Rangers nodded before heading out.

"I hope they manage to free Flash," Fluttershy said.

"Same here," Rainbow said. "We'll just have to hope they can find him before Havoc's goons do."

While this was going on, Twilight guess about Flash going to the forest was proving correct.

The Red Ranger was rushing through the trees, his Spirit Sabre in hand and an angry growl still passing through his lips. Suddenly he heard the sound of a bird, which he turned to before unleashing a Power Slash which struck the tree and made it go timber.

Once again Flash began trekking through the forest, completely unaware that he was being watched.

Up in one of the trees, the Orange Ranger was standing on a branch watching Flash run wild. Once he began running out of visual range, the Ranger leapt from his branch onto another and then another as he chased after the Red Ranger.

Twilight and the rest of the Rangers soon arrived outside the forest, having all ridden in Sandal's truck, and parked up in a clearing.

Once the truck came to a stop, they all jumped out and crowded around Twilight as she tried to read the map.

"Which way was it again?" Soarin asked.

Twilight's brain was working overtime as she tried to remember the route they took that morning. "I think it's this way. Let's go!"

They all nodded and were about to head out, but in that moment.


Before any of them could react, a dark blue blur shot passed them and caused an explosion that sent them all flying. They crashed into the ground with a thud, groaning at the surprise attack, before trying to get up and seeing the blur appear infront of them and reveal Rogue.

"Well well well," the Rangers turned to see Dust and Reaper walk up next to Rogue. "We came hunting for Red Rangers and we get the full crayon crew."

"They're after Flash as well," Sunset said as they picked themselves up.

"No doubt looking to take his Element while he's in his state," Twilight replied.

"Got that right," Dust said. "Now unless you yourselves want to be destroyed, move out of the way."

"Not happening!" Lyra said as they pulled out their Magi-Chargers. "It's Morphin Time! Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others cried as they pulled out theirs, activated them and placed them in their blasters.


"Energise!" They cried as they charged them up, before pointing them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed their Zord heads, which flew around them and then bit down on them. In a flash of light they were in their Ranger suits, ready for battle.

Lyra: Power Rangers!


"Pathetic!" Dust said as he pulled out his Duster Blade, while Rogue and Reaper took out their weapons.


"Summon Thunder Sabre!"

"Duel Morphin Blaster!"

The Rangers readied their weapons, as Sunset turned to Twilight. "Go! We'll keep them busy while you find Flash."

Twilight nodded before turning to rush into the trees.

"She's not going anywhere!" Dust said, only for his attempt to advance to be stopped when the Rangers fired at him and his monsters. "Fine, you asked for it. Attack!"

Rogue and Reaper rushed forwards, as the Rangers did the same.

"There's no way you can beat me," Rogue said as he used his katanna to duel against Soarin and Sandal. "I'm the fastest swordsmen in the multiverse."

"Speed isn't everything ninja boy," Soarin said as he blocked the monsters attack.

"And no matter how good your think you are," Sandal went on as he slashed at the monster. "There's always someone better."

Rogue however, used his super speed to dodge before circling the two and slashing at them. Once they were sent flying, he came to a stop as a dark glow appeared in his hand. "Shadow Shurikens!" He thrust his hand out and the dark light shot off, before taking the form of several energy shurikens which struck the two Rangers dead centre.

Meanwhile Lyra and Sweetie were fighting against Reaper. "Your time is up Rangers!" He cried as he swung his scythe down at Sweetie, only for the Pink Ranger to use her shield to block the blade.

"Don't think so!" Sweetie said.

"We're going into overtime!" Lyra cried as she used her staff to grab the scythes handle and pull it out of his grasp. Once that was done, she spun the staff around and used its blade while Sweetie took out her Spirit Sabre and did the same.

However, Reaper suddenly turned into a black cloud, which the weapons phased through as he blew passed them to where his weapon had landed.

Retaking corporeal form, he bent down and grabbed his scythe before turning back to them. "Deadly Slice!" He cried as his scythes blade glowed crimson, before he swung it through the air and unleashed a large energy blade. It flew through the air and struck both Rangers, causing them to be sent flying.

Micro and Sunset were battling Dust, who had his Duster Blade and Dustpan Shield at the ready.

"FIRE!" They both said as they shot their weapons, but the butler monster used his shield to block.

"That shield's to strong," Sunset said.

"Not for me," Micro replied as he pulled out a Magi-Charger and placed it in his Morphin Blaster. "Magi-Drill Blade!" The drill gauntlets appeared on his arms, before he rushed towards Dust. "Spiral Attack!" He leapt into the air and transformed into a tornado like figure, which flew towards Dust at high speed.

"Dustpan Shield!" He cried as he held up the shield. The tornado struck it, but Dust remained in place and managed to actually pushed the tornado away.

Micro cried as he shot out of the tornado, before feeling himself be slashed by Dust's sword and sent flying.

"MICRO!" Sunset cried as she watched him go flying, only turn turn back and see Dust throw his Cotton Swab Kunai at her. They struck her and exploded, sending her flying back and landing next to Micro and the others.

"They're too strong," Soarin moaned as they got up.

"We can't give up," Lyra said.

"For Flash!" Sweetie cried.

The others nodded and pulled themselves up, before turning back to their opponents and charging once again.

Meanwhile Twilight was following the map and finally arrived at the area Flash had shown them that morning, but when she got there she saw the box had been dug up and its contents thrown all over the place.

"No!" She said as she knelt down and looked the stuff over. "He's gone." However, that fact was soon proven wrong when she heard a low growl from behind her.

Slowly turning around, Twilight saw the Red Ranger step out from behind a tree and begin to step towards her.

"Flash," she said calmly, "you don't want to hurt me. We're friends...remember."

Flash's growls grew louder, before he raised his Spirit Sabre and charged at her. Having been expecting this, Twilight activated her magic and used it to push Flash back into a tree. He thrashed around as he tried to free himself.

"I'm sorry," Twilight told him as she used her magic to load the Charger into her blaster.


This is for your own good," she said as she pointed the blaster at him and pulled the trigger.

But before the blast hit him, Flash managed to break free of her magic and charged at her. Using his Spirit Sabre, he knocked the blaster from her hand and then kicked her down.

As Twilight got her bearings, she looked up and saw Flash standing over her. He raised his sword to swing the finishing blow, but before he could someone came out of nowhere and kicked him away.

Twilight looked up and was shocked to see the Orange Ranger standing over her. "No way," she said.

The Orange Ranger turned to her, before spotting the blaster on the ground. "Can that thing help him?"

"Yes," Twilight replied, "but I need him to hold still."

"Leave that to me," he replied before turning back to Flash.

The Red Ranger had recovered from the last attack and was now growling at Orange, before charging forward with his Spirit Sabre raised. The Orange Ranger pulled out his own Spirit Sabre and used it to block, as he countered everything Flash threw at him. It was almost like watching someone fight a mirror, as the two performed the exact same moves.

Eventually, Orange took Flash by surprise and knocked his Spirit Sabre away. He then leapt over the Red Ranger and landed behind him, before grabbing and holding him steady. "NOW!"

Twilight nodded and fired the green beam, which struck Flash and started dissolving the virus. However it was taking longer then expected and Flash was struggling to break free.

"It's not working," Twilight told Orange.

"Keep going," Orange replied. "Listen to me Flash, don't let the anger control you. You're stronger then this, so wake up." Flash still struggled. "Hear my voice, let it guide you back to us!"

Flash did hear his voice, and something about it seemed...familiar. That second of hesitation was all the Charger needed to wipe away the last of the virus, causing Flash to go limp as he glowed.

Orange let him go and he fell to his knees, before demorphing and falling to the ground.

"Flash!" Twilight cried out as she rushed over to him.

Flash groaned as she got to him, before slowly lifting his head. "Twilight?"

"You're back!" She said happily as she helped him sit up.

"What happened?"

"You were effected by a virus," Twilight explained. "It increased the anger I made you feel." Tears began to well up in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

Seeing Twilight cry, Flash felt bad for acting so angry at her. Placing his arm around her, he pulled her towards him and hugged her. "It's fine. I'm sorry as well."

"You've got nothing to be sorry about," Twilight said before looking at him. "So you don't remember anything while under the virus?"

"No," Flash said, "wait, I remember...a voice, calling out to me."

"The Orange Ranger," Twilight replied.

"He's here?" Flash asked as they looked around, but he was gone.

"He was," Twilight said.

"Something about that voice," Flash said in confusion. "It sounded...familiar."

Twilight raised an eyebrow at this, but knew it would have to wait. "We'll worry about that later. The others need your help." She then pulled something out of her pocket and handed it to Flash, revealing the Legendary Charger. "We wiped the virus, so you shouldn't have any problems with it."

"Great," Flash said as he got up, "thanks Twi." With that, he rushed off to go help his friends.

Back at the battle, the Rangers were still in trouble.

"Let's slice him up," Sandal said as he and Soarin tried to slash at Rogue, only for him to dodge using his extreme speed.

"To slow!" The monster said before slashing them both down.

"I can't get a hit on him," Lyra said as she and Sweetie slashed as the black cloud.

"Exactly!" Reaper cried as he reformed and slashed them both down.

"You Rangers are so easy to read," Dust said as he slashed at Micro and Sunset, knocking them both down as well. "Time to end this," he said before pulling out a metal bucket. "Behold the last of the Seven Cleaning Weapons," he said as the bucket suddenly extended to be six feet long, before be placed it on his shoulder. "Bazooka Bucket!"

"Oh no," Sunset said as he fire the weapon. In unleashed a burst of energy, which struck were the Rangers were and caused an explosion.

Said explosion sent them all flying back, demorphing as they hit the ground.

"I warned you not to get in my way," Dust said as he aimed the weapon again. But before he could fire, a laser flew passed the Rangers and struck Dust in the chest. This caused him to cry out as he dropped his weapon.

The Ranger turned around and saw Flash, morphed, rushing towards them. "Sorry I'm late guys," he said.

"FLASH!" They all cried out in joy.

"You're back!" Sweetie cried as he walked passed them.

Flash nodded as he pulled out the Legendary Charger. "Back and better then ever. Time to try this bad boy out. Magi-Charger, READY!" He clicked the button and activated it, before throwing it in the air. "Summon, Legendary Dragon Zord!"

The Charger flew through the air and grew before flying over to Drago's mountain home and landing in his mouth.


Drago activated and literally burst out of the mountain and flew into the air, before starting to glow. Suddenly his entire body shrank, until he was only a few inches tall and looked more like a dinosaur then a dragon with his wings gone.

The little dragon appeared next to Flash and landed in his arms, giving off a cute little roar as he did.

"That's what that Legendary Charger does?" Soarin asked.

"Make Drago small," Lyra finished.

"It does more then that," Sunset replied. "Show them Flash!"

Flash nodded before beginning what she wanted. He started by spinning Dragon so he was upside down, before spinning his head a hundred and eighty degrees. He then pulled what looked like a tail out of Drago's back, completing the transformation.

"He's a blaster!" Micro said in amazement.

"Legendary Dragon Morpher," Flash cried as he shut Drago's mouth for a second, causing it to let out a sound.


"Red Legend Ranger!" Flash pointed the blaster towards the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed a burst of energy, which took the form of little Drago. He flew through the air before circling around Flash, and then bit down upon him and unleashed a burst of light.

When the light died down, Flash's new form was revealed. He was now wearing red body armour, with a chest plate designed around Drago's head that had a mouth in the centre and a pair of horns coming out the back of his shoulders. He wore red metal gauntlets around his arms and on his back were a pair of white robotic wings. His helmet now had a horn design going from his visor up to the top, where two horns were sticking out.

Flash spun around, before posing. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

Everyone gasped in amazement at Flash's new form. Who knew one little Charger could do so much.

"Whoa," Flash said as he looked down at himself. "I've never felt so powerful."

Dust was not so amused. "I don't like fighting the unknown. Rogue, handle this." With that, he and Reaper disappeared in a cloud of smoke while leaving the ninja monster to do battle.

"A costume change won't save you," Rogue said as he drew his katanna and charged at Flash.

"We'll see," Flash replied as he leapt into the air, before firing off a series of shots using his Drago Blaster. When the shots struck the ground, they caused small explosion which were still strong enough to send Rogue flying back. "I like this," he said as he landed.

"Shadow Shurikens!" Rogue screamed as he threw his projectiles at Flash, who in tern simply jumped out of the way with blinding speed.

"He's keeping up with him," Sweetie said in amazement.

"That new modes boosted him to the max," Sandal said.

"My turn," Flash cried as he ran forward while unleashing a load of blasts. Rogue was so busy deflecting them that he could stop Flash, who got up close and dealt several powerful kicks to the monster. He then jumped back while firing his weapon, causing Rogue to once again be sent flying.

"I've had enough of this!" Rogue streamed as he unleashed a large amount of dark energy, which he forged into a single large shuriken. "Super Shadow Shuriken!" He tossed it at Flash.

"Winguard!" Flash cried out as the robotic wings on his back suddenly grew ten times their size, before wrapping themselves around Flash. The giant throwing star exploded as it struck the wings, but Flash simply jumped out of the fire and took to the sky on his wings. "Take this!" He cried as he flew up to Rogue and dealt several more strong kicks to his head and chest, before circling around in midair and landing.

The threw his blaster into the air. "You're turn bud!" The blaster returned to its mobile form and rushed at the monster, before biting and scratching at him.

"Get off me!" Rogue cried as he tried to swat the little Zord away. He was so focused on Drago, that he did not notice Flash rushing towards him until the Red Ranger sucker punched him in the chest and sent him flying away.

"He's amazing," Lyra said.

"He sure is."

The Rangers turned to see Twilight walking up to them, a smile on her face at the sight of Flash kicking butt.

"Great work freeing Flash," Sunset told her.

"Wish I could take the credit," Twilight replied. "But I had help."

"From who?" Micro asked.

Meanwhile, hidden behind a tree, Dust watched as Flash continued to overwhelm Rogue.

"Now's my chance," he said as he took out his Broom Blaster and aimed it at Flash's head. "Goodbye Red," he said as he lined his finger up with the trigger.

"I don't think so!"

Suddenly, Dust was bombarded by a barrage of laser fire that sent him flying out of his hidding place and into daylight.

Flash, Rogue and the others saw this and looked over at the cause of the blast. There they saw the Orange Ranger, blaster out, stepping into the clearing. He turned to Flash. "Finish this!"

Flash nodded and turned back towards Rogue. Drago leapt into his arms and he quickly changed him to his blaster mode, before pulling out his Morphin Blaster. "Weapons," he placed the barrel of his Morphin Blaster into a slot at the back of his Drago Blaster, "combined!" He pointed the combined weapon at Rogue, as the energy from both weapon began to charge up. "Legendary Dragon Morph Blaster!" He called out as he placed his finger on both triggers. "Final...STRIKE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed a single, supercharged, blast which transformed into Drago's head. It went hurtling through the air at high speed, heading straight towards Rogue.

"Just slow down a minute!" He cried as the blast struck the ground.

Flash spun around as Rogue was engulfed by an explosion and sent hurtling through the air, flying over half a mile before crashing back down.

"Awesome!" Flash cried, loving the feeling of this new ability.

"Drat!" Dust said seeing his monster be beaten, only to see the Rangers focusing on him. "It's not over yet. Master Havoc...Gigatize Rogue!" He then rushed into the forest.

The Rangers would have gone after him, but a beam of light struck the ground a mile away and caused an explosion. When it faded, a giant Rogue was standing above them.

"Who needs speed at this size?" The monster asked.

"Legendary Mode was awesome," Flash said as he took the Charger out of his Zord's mouth. In a flash he returned to his normal Ranger form, before holding out his Zord. "Your turn Drago."

Drago leapt into the air and in a flash of light, returned to his normal size.

"You ready guys?" Flash asked as he took out a Magi-Charger and clicked it. "Let's form a Megazord!" He threw the Charger into the air and it flew toward Drago.


"Right!" the others said as they each morphed, before Sandal and Sunset took out a Charger. "Activate!" They threw them in the air.



The two Zords activated and headed towards the third.

"You won't beat me this time," Rogue said to Drago, before being struck by a load of fireballs.

The Phoenix and Minotaur Zords raced towards them, as the Rangers leapt into the cockpit and activated their Mega-Drive.


The two behemoths stared each other down, before Rouge unleashed a flurry of Shadow Shurikens.

"Wildfire Wingbeat!" The Rangers cried as the Megazord unleashed its own flurry. The two attacks struck each other, concealing the other out and causing a large explosion that blinded Rogue.

"What?" He asked as he fanned the smoke away, before seeing the Megazord rushing towards him.

"Phoenix Fist!" The Rangers cried out as the Megazord slugged Rogue with a blazing punch, knocking him to the ground.

"Let's finish this!" Flash cried out.

The others all nodded, before beginning to move and speak in perfect unison. "ULTIMATE FIREBALL FINISH!"

Their Megazord's Phoenix wings ignited once again, before the flames flew into the Dragon Zord's mouth.

"Three!" They said as they pulled their weapons out of the podiums.

"Two!" They aimed the weapons at the monster.

"ONE!" They pulled the trigger.

"FIRE!" The fireball flew out the Dragon's mouth, creating an flaming arrow which flew at the monster.

"I'm on the fast track to destruction!" Were his last words before being consumed by an explosion.

"Guardian Rangers," Flash said, "Victory is ours!"

Back on the ground, the Orange Ranger had been watching the battle. "Impressive," he said, before seeing seven lights leap out of the Megazord and land infront of him.

The Rangers looked at the Orange Ranger before demorphing, as Twilight walked up to them and Flash stepped slowly towards him.

"Who are you?" Flash asked him.

The Orange Ranger continued to stare at him. "You know who I am Flash."

"How do you know my name?" Flash asked.

"I'm the one who gave it to you." Suddenly in a flash of light, the Ranger Suit disappeared to reveal the Ranger's identity.

It was a man who looked to be in his early thirties, with light orange skin and short blue air and eyes. He wore an orange overcoat that went to his knees. The man looked at Flash and smiled. "Hello son."

Flash looked like he had seen a ghost, as his eyes went wide. "D-Dad?"

The man smiled as he stepped up to him. "Look at you. Oh how you've grown."

Flash's eyes filled with tears, before he rushed towards the man and threw his arms around him. "DAD!"

The man was surprised at this, but quickly recovered and hugged his son back.

Flash pulled away from the hug and looked at his father. "You're a Ranger?"

"I guess we both are," he replied, before they both laughed and hugged once again.

The others all smiled seeing the father and son reunite. Many questions still lingered, but they could wait for later. For now, they would just enjoy the moment.

Author's Note:


Tell me what you think of Flash's knew form.