• Published 24th Mar 2018
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Raichu for Hire - CommanderX5

Twilight and Starlight provided her with a home and food while showering her with kindness and friendship. Determined to repay them, Raichu takes on various jobs, using her skills and survivability to face tasks too dangerous for common ponies.

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Ch.8 - Legends and Dreams

Raichu for Hire


Chapter 8

Legends and Dreams

A long-range teleportation spell wasn’t something difficult for Twilight Sparkle to perform, while her alicorn magic proved strong enough to fuel the spell. After traveling from Ponyville to Manehattan with a single spell, she followed up with several short-range teleportations, asking the local press and authorities about whereabouts of the local hero.

After finally arriving in front of Coco’s clothing store, she gave herself several seconds to catch a breath, her mane messed up while her face showed signs of insanity. She wiped sweat from her forehead and approached the entrance, knocking at it. She glanced at the sky, staring at the stars. Now that I think about it, maybe waking up ponies so late just to talk to Nica may not be the best idea. I can just stay in a hotel room and wait for tomorrow…

“Who’s there?”

She flinched, awakened from her thoughts. “T-Twilight, Twilight Sparkle. I came to talk with Nica.” The door opened, revealing the face of the fashionista she didn’t see for months. “I apologize for coming so late at night, but after I read the newsp–” She failed to finish as the large critter tackled her, pinning against the street while hugging her neck. She felt affection in the living form squeezing her neck with soft paws. She looked at the pokemon’s face, seeing sunglasses, a small blush, and a wide smile.

“I did it, I did it! I helped, I was useful!”

Twilight smiled sheepishly while standing up. Nica kept clinging to her neck like a scarf.

“Are you proud of me? Please, tell me you’re proud!”

“Well… I think surprised is a more suitable word…”

Nica’s radiating smile vanished as her ears drooped. “You…. you’re not proud? Wasn’t I good enough?” She released her neck and looked down at the street in depression. “I’m sorry…”

“N-no, of course I’m proud of you!” Twilight shouted in panic, embracing Nica with her wing. There seemed to be something familiar in Nica’s desire for praise. Her mind provided her with image of her younger self with test score in her mouth, hopping around Princess Celestia’s hooves in excitement. I still remember how hard I worked to make my mentor proud, and how happy I was upon hearing a single world of praise. The way Nica acts makes me feel very nostalgic.

Nica’s smile returned as she started nuzzling the princess chest.

Twilight sighed and shook her head. I swear, her desire to be helpful is out of this world.

“I’ll leave you both alone. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about,” Miss Pommel said before performing a full bow. “It’s an honor, Princess.” She walked inside, leaving the door slightly open.

“No, wait–” Twilight said, but the earth pony was already too far to hear her. She sat and looked Nica in the eyes, speaking in a patient voice, “May I ask you three questions?”

“Sure. I always love satisfying your curiosity,” Nica said, sitting as well.

Twilight took a deep breath and asked, “What’s your first instinct when you see a crumbling building that is on fire?”

“I fear that lives are in danger and run inside, hoping to save as many lives as possible,” Nica answered.

“Even at risk of burning yourself?” Twilight asked.

Nica nodded. “I still don’t know much about myself, but I know that I can endure what others can’t. If I need to jump into flames to save lives, so be it.”

Twilight smiled proudly for a moment before asking, “And what’s your reaction to organized crime?”

“Defeat them of course, and protect the innocent. This is what I have been doing while being Pichu and Pikachu, side by side with my trainer.” She gestured at herself while presenting her tail. “I’m a Raichu now, I have even greater power, so it’s my responsibility to work even harder for the sake of others.”

Twilight nodded before asking her third question, “And let’s say, hypothetically,” she held forehoof on her chest, “that I would bring you into a volcano and ask you to swim for a minute in the hot body-melting lava? Would you do it?”

Nica tapped her forepaws together, speaking hesitantly, “Well… if you asked nicely. I mean, it most likely wouldn’t kill me, and enduring it would probably improve my resistance to fire.”

Twilight facehooved. “It’s hopeless, just hopeless.” She lowered her forehoof and asked, “One last question, I promise. If I asked you to watch after half-a-year old fillies and colts at the hospital, would you agree?”

“Oh… ummm… I’m not sure. I would certainly suggest to find someone more competent,” Nica said, rubbing back of her neck. “The fear that I would harm such innocent tiny beings… It would be too much for me.”

“Of course,” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes, now understanding Nica better than before.

“Oh, I just remembered. You’re just in time.”

“In time? Whatever for?” Twilight asked.

“For your self-defense lessons!”

Twilight stood up and took a step back. “Oh…” She lowered her head and sighed. “I walked into it, didn’t I?” She looked at her saddlebag as it started moving, only for the head of a white rat to peek out. “Oh, I almost forgot. Mr. Patrick was missing you and got in for the ride.”

The white ran jumped to the street and ran towards Nica, climbing onto her shoulder before nuzzling her cheek. Nica returned the gesture by nuzzling the rat with her nose.

“So, what will my training be about tonight?”

“Tonight we’ll start working on your reflexes.”

“Reflexes?” Twilight asked, only for Nica to grab the closest stone and throw it up as it fell and bounced against the pokemon's head. “Ummm… why did you do that?”

“The better question is, why didn’t you stop it. You had three seconds to stop the stone with your levitation. What if something sharp or very heavy was falling on your friend’s head and you had a few seconds to react?”


Nica’s tail started shining brightly as she aimed it at her own forehead, ready to strike it.

“Nica, stop!” Twilight shouted as the pokemon fell over with a bruise now present on her forehead.

Nica pointed accusingly at the alicorn and asked, “You had two seconds, why didn’t you stop my tail?”

“Because it caught me off guard,” Twilight commented.

“Do Chrysalis or other villains give you a fair warning before trying to hurt you or those you care about? When your mentor was fighting with Chrysalis during the royal wedding, you had plenty of time to attack the queen when she was distracted. Only practice will help you react to such situations in time.”

Twilight bit her lip. Now that she thought about it, there were quite a few situations when she could use magic to solve the problem, but didn’t react in time.

“Defend yourself!” Nica shouted.

Twilight took a step back as the shining edge of Nica’s tail was now but a centimeter away from her neck. She gulped.

“Half a second,” Nica said before withdrawing her tail.

Twilight whimpered. At this point, she was simply embarrassing herself. She observed the large critter who ran into the store and next pushed outside a dummy.

“What are you up to?” Twilight asked, already expecting something unexpected, her senses sharpened and magic charged into her horn.

“Imagine that this dummy is your friend, ummm… Rarity…” Nica said before untying her collar. She jumped up and summoned a weakened ‘Thunderbolt.’

Twilight’s tail and mane jumped up in shock as she grit her teeth. She summoned a barrier around the dummy as electricity scattered against it.

Nica placed forepaws on her sides and gave the princess a proud glance. “Finally, some progress.”

Twilight smiled in satisfaction, only to bite her lip and use her magic, immobilizing Nica’s tail before it could strike against her belly.

The pokemon held her forepaws on her hips. “I think it’s enough for the warm up.” She stomped and grinned. “Now let’s get serious.”

Twilight chuckled nervously, not liking in the least where this was going.

Exhausted yet happy, Nica made her way to the stack of materials prepared for her by Miss Pommel. Curling herself into a ball while placing her tired head on her own legs. Despite her body enduring flames and even making contact with melted metal for a long period of time, not a single burn or bruise remained after a few hours of break.

Falling asleep took longer as her thoughts still lingered on her self-satisfaction.

Ever since she ended up in Equestria, today she felt happier than ever before, proud of what she accomplished. While eating delicious sweets or spending time in company of amazing ponies like Twilight, Starlight, Fluttershy and Miss Pommel made her happy, it also left a void of unfulfillment, like receiving something precious without giving anything in return, something she couldn’t stand for. Today however was different, instead of being gifted by the generous ponies with food and affection, she protected their lives, saved Rarity’s friend business and stopped organized crime from terrorizing the innocent.

It was a feeling she desired all this time. Fulfillment, pride in herself. After so much time, she finally didn’t feel worthless.

After half an hour of wriggling on her temporary bed, Nica fell asleep, experiencing yet another part of her past.

Being a Pikachu again while in a company of the newest team member, Eevee, Nica followed her trainer into a Pokemon Center. With the necessary number of badges gathered by their combined efforts, it was only a matter of weeks before they would fight in the Hoenn League, at least, that’s what she had expected was going to happen.

“Trainer Astra.”

Nica jumped onto her trainer's shoulder and looked towards the source of voice, noticing a tall boy with black hair and a black jacket, feeling as if she had seen him before.

“Yes, that’s me, do I know you?”

The boy nodded. “Kind of. I’m the assistant of Lt. Surge from the Kanto gym,” he said before looking at Astra’s shoulder. “I see your Pichu evolved already. She must be insanely powerful now, considering how strict you are with evolutions.”

Astra chuckled. “Oh, she’s very powerful, but we’re still no match for the Elite Four, though we’re getting there.”

Eevee who walked next to Astra’s leg started growling.

Nica looked down from her trainer’s shoulder and scolded, <Stop that. He’s an ally.>

<Ally? Sorry.> Eevee whimpered apologetically.

Nica rolled her eyes. With Eevee’s overprotective nature, it was up to her to keep him from biting any stranger that ended up in less than a meter distance from their trainer.

“You’re far away from your gym. I doubt you would go all this way just for a small talk,” Astra said, giving the taller boy a suspicious stare.

“I’m here to deliver the intel. Do you remember how Lt. Surge said he would call in a few favors?”

Astra nodded while Nica listened with full attention, her eyes now on a few letters in the human’s hand.

“Turns out it is bigger than we expected. Lt. Surge as a gym leader can’t leave his gym for long to make a move, but you’re more than welcome to try.” He turned around and waved his hand. “See ya in Kanto, I’m sure you’ll go there after reading this.”

After her trainer took a private spot under a tree near the Pokemon Center, making sure they were alone, she opened one letter after another.

The first letter was filled with congratulations. Apparently, Team Rocket in Johto region tried to start a search for Lugia in order to catch it. Astra’s raids against their outposts greatly slowed down their efforts.

The second letter however brought some dire news. Team Rocket in Kanto recovered from their war against the Guardians and was performing a full-scale search for three legendary pokemon: Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres. The reason why three of Team Rocket’s most elite members stopped robbing skilled trainers form their pokemon was because the boss wanted them on standby.

“So that’s why I wasn’t targeted,” Astra said to herself.

Nica glanced at her trainer, thinking, Since we achieved first place during the Johto League tournament, Astra expected that they would try to capture me and the rest of the team, so we prepared a trap. So this is why the attack didn’t come.

The third letter had even more bad news. Apparently, Team Rocket and their allies put a massive amount of money into corrupting higher ups at the Kanto and Johto police in order to take the Guardians down. Not long after, the police started suspecting the Guardians of going rogue while the fake evidence that the Guardians assassinated their own leaders was fabricated in advance. All that was left was for Team Rocket’s elite hitman to eliminate Astra’s parents, and the police took down the entire organization base on fake evidence.

“It seems one of Lt. Surge friends from the army reached a high rank at the police department before receiving a massive amount of money from suspicious individuals,” Astra said while reading a side note attached to the letter. “He feels guilty that he allowed money to blind his sense of duty, but he can’t take it back. Since the corruption reached many of the high ranking members in the police, one cannot just simply report it without others shutting him down.” Astra sighed. “Now I see why the police force don’t take action against the organized crime. They would be taking down their biggest source of income.”

Nica picked up a notepad and pen before writing in it. She showed the message to her trainer.

“I fear we can’t trust the police. Even if most of them have a sense of duty and want to fight crime, there’s always a risk that someone from the top will turn their efforts against us,” Astra said, looking her in the eyes.

Nica nodded. With Astra’s parents eliminated, their organization taken down on false charges and corruption reaching higher-ups in the police, the criminal teams had plenty of space to grow. It seems only humans who aren’t part of the police can now stand up against them. I feel pokemon trainers will soon need to make a stand of their own.

The last letter brought a wide smile on their faces as they looked up at each other.

<Do you think what I’m thinking?> Nica asked.

“It seems Team Rocket may have a mole in their ranks. If we hurry up, we may slow down their plans.” Astra picked up one of her luxury balls, sending Ninetales into the field. “On our way here we passed an airport, I need you to get us there as quickly as possible. The time to strike back against our enemies has finally come.”

Ninetales howled and nodded, a wide grin present on his face. <Finally I can unleash my flames of vengeance. How I have long awaited for this moment.>

Nica jumped down to grab Eevee, only to pull him onto her trainer’s shoulder before they both held Astra’s neck.

Astra grabbed Ninetales neck and held on tight.

A frozen cave filled with crystals. Not the most original location to hide, but certainly a fitting place for the legendary Articuno, a flying pokemon ruling over the power of ice.

Luckily for Nica and her trainer, walking on slippery surfaces wasn’t new to them.

Nica and Eevee walked side by side ahead of their trainer, scanning the area for possible traps or Team Rocket Grunts.

“That’s odd,” Astra said while wearing a warm white coat on top of her usual clothing.

<What is?> Nica asked, glancing at her trainer for a moment. Eevee took her example.

“According to the mole in Team Rocket, one of three elite hitmen was tasked with the capture of Articuno. Since its location was discovered recently and we timed our arrival perfectly, I expected to encounter the enemy already, yet all we found were explosives planted at the entrance and a weird device filled with poisonous gas. I expected traps or guards in our way.”

<Maybe they don’t expect anyone to get in their way. The police are pressured not to act after all,> Nica said, not expecting her trainer to understand her without help of their trusty notepad.

“Quick, hide,” Astra commanded before hiding behind the closest ice-covered structure.

Nica and Eevee followed their trainer and peeked from behind their cover. One human was standing at the entrance into a tunnel while wearing a purple coat and gasmask. Suspicious grey and purple smoke seemed to be escaping from the chamber ahead.

Suddenly, a silvery beam escaped from the chamber, creating ice on a crystal wall. The noise of battle became louder and louder.

The human at the entrance sent out four pokemon. One looking like two merged heads filled with holes.

“Weezing, you funny goofball. The moment Articuno leaves its little gas chamber, hit it with ‘Sludge Bomb.’ Hit fast and hard for your mommy,” the female voice commanded.

The second one looked like a blue shell covered by spikes, this one Nica remembered encountering in the Alola region.

“Toxapex, my dear rose with thorns, ready your ‘Venoshock’ and show no mercy.”

The third one looked like a large snake.

“Arbok, my little sweaty, ready your sludge wave, show no pity and don’t let Articuno escape.”

The last one looked like a large stock of toxins in three colors; pink, green and yellow. This one no doubt being an Alolan Muk.

Nica shivered. The last time she encountered such a beast, it tried to hug her. This one would no doubt do far worse than that.

“Muk, my pearl among the toxins, be a dear and unleash a ‘Gunk Shot’ at the legendary pokemon the moment you see its face.”

Nica narrowed her eyes. The noise of screeching pokemon became louder, and she could hear pain present in those screeches.

“Three, two, one, now,” Astra said before quietly sending her own pokemon into battle.

“Venusaur, use ‘Sleep Power,’ Starmie, use ‘Psychic’ to move the sleeping powder towards those pokemon at greater speed,” Astra commanded quietly, pointing at the pokemon in distance. “Gligar, use ‘Earthquake’ to trap them. Keep the amount of surface they can use to evade to minimum. Ninetales, keep an eye on that trainer, if she tries to send out more pokemon, to use dirty tricks or try to escape, use ‘Flamethrower’ or ‘Psychic to keep her pinned.”

Ninetales growled and nodded.

“Blissey, share your vitality with the legendary pokemon the moment you get an opening. Nica, protect Articuno and Blissey from attacks until the healing is done.”

Nica nodded before bending her legs, ready to run at any moment.

“Eevee, I know I released you, but if you can protect me from possible attacks, it would be really nice.”

Eevee nodded with narrowed eyes.

Nica smiled sheepishly. The idea of releasing one pokemon so Astra could use seven of them against the criminals was certainly a unique one. Free or not, there was no way this Eevee was going to leave his human mother figure for even for a moment.

The well timed attack from behind against the mysterious female criminal and her team proved successful. Muk fell asleep while Arbok failed to endure the ‘Earthquake’ and ‘Psychic,’ leaving the hostile trainer with two pokemon.

Articuno crashed into the ground while breathing heavily, covered by toxins.

Astra ran towards the legendary bird, using what she’d learned from the tan Nurse Joy when applying an antidote. Blissey’s vitality filled Articuno, recovering its strength with each passing second.

“Well, well, well, a sneaky attack from behind. You’re stealing my style,” the female trainer said before taking off her gasmask. “Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?”

“Enlighten me,” Astra said, shooting the criminal a challenging glare.

“I will keep my real name to myself, but for allies and my victims, I am known as Adenium, one of Giovanni’s three elites,” Adenium introduced herself, standing on the tips of her shoes before performing an elegant bow, only to grab a tranquiliser rifle from her back and aim at Astra. “And here’s my business card.”

Astra took a step back and braced herself, yet the poisonous dart hit Eevee’s neck instead as he intercepted the attack.

Before Adenium could shoot again, a stream of flames burned her weapon to crisp, forcing her to flinch and yelp, yet still maintaining balance. “Wait a moment, five… six… seven… You have more than six pokemon? First a dirty ambush and now you go around the system. Would you be interested in becoming a Team Rocket member? You could rise up the ranks in no time just like I did.”

Astra looked at her Ninetales and snapped her fingers. “Here’s my answer. Ninetales.”

The fire-breathing fox raised his tails, using 'Psychic' to throw the criminal against the rock.

Astra pulled the poisonous dart from Eevee’s neck before digging through her bag in search for another antidote.

“I like you,” Adenium said before pushing the rubble from her damaged uniform. A big ‘R’ became visible with no cape in the way. “How about you leave this cave and let me take care of this legendary pokemon, and in return, I won’t activate the device that will fill this cave with toxic gas while detonating explosives, blocking the only way out.” She picked up a gas mask from her backpage, now holding it in her right hand.

“I already got rid of the explosives and deactivated your device,” Astra pointed out. “I’m surprised you didn’t hear the explosions as my pokemon were throwing the explosives into the air one after another, detonating them with a fire attack.”

Adenium narrowed her eyes, her attitude suddenly serious. “You know what is my favorite part of my job? Trapping my enemies in small rooms filled with toxic gas, or sending expendable grunts as they badly poison my prey. It doesn’t matter how insanely powerful their pokemon are. The poison will wear them down eventually.” She pointed at Team Rocket Grunts coming out from the Articuno’s chamber, and next at more Grunts coming from the tunnel connected with the main entrance, all equipped with gas masks. “I wonder how long you’re going to last.”

Nica narrowed her eyes. So Adenium advanced in the ranks by using her own followers as stepping stones, using them to weaken her targets so she can take the credit. She glanced at Ninetales who was standing on top of a frozen rock with his sight focused on the enemy hitman. She deserves every bit of the beating that’s coming to her.

Astra glanced at Articuno and said, “I know you have no reason to trust humans, especially after your home was raided by them, but I swear, we’re on your side.” She gestured over to her team, and next pointed at the numerous poison pokemon that were being summoned into the cave, surrounding them from all sides. “This is going to be our final stand. We won’t leave you no matter what, but we need your aid to emerge victorious.”

Articuno unleashed a battle cry before spreading its wings and placing them on the ground, one in front of Blissey, and one in front of Pikachu.

Nica looked at the majestic pokemon and nodded. Fighting from back of a legendary pokemon was a great honor. Not to mention, exciting.

Twelve empty bottles of antidote were lying on a pile next to at least forty unconscious Grunts. Adenium and Ninetales were nowhere to be seen.

Covered in bruises, Astra and her team stood in front of the majestic shining blue bird, whose body wore several battle-scars as well.

“This place is no longer safe for you, you’ll need to find another home,” Astra said, maintaining a respective distance from the legendary pokemon.

<We’ll do our best to slow Team Rocket down and make them target us instead,> Nica said from her spot on Articuno’s neck.

Articuno shoot Astra a suspicious glare, and next pointed at trainer’s belt with its wing.

“You can put your worries at ease, I’m not interested in capturing you, nor any other legendaries. A power of legendary pokemon shouldn’t be wielded by a human,” She held hand on her chest, “more or less an inexperienced youth.”

Articuno lowered its wing, no longer as wary as before. It screeched, <You proved your skills, kindness and knowledge. Human. If you wish to face those who tried to hunt me, I would be more than willing to aid you.>

Nica leaped from Articuno and ran towards Astra, using a pen and notepad to translate Articuno’s words.

“I’m honored you view me as worthy, but I wish to accomplish my goal with my knowledge, the strength of my loyal team, and the aid of my trusty partner, Nica.” Astra said and next approached, raising her hand towards the large bird. “However, I’ll gladly become your friend and ally. Should any of us end up in trouble, let’s help one another.”

Articuno held its wing against its beak, chuckling. <For a human, you’re quite respectful and view me as your equal. Should we meet again or need each others help, I’ll look forward to our future encounter.> It spread its wings and flapped with great force, spreading wind through the cave before flying away, leaving behind a single blue feather which landed in Astra’s hands.

Astra waved a farewell before glancing at the unconscious Team Rocket members, and next looking at her bat-like pokemon in pride. After a moment of securing the precious feather and searching her saddlebag, she picked up a ‘Razor Fang', and next placed in Gligar’s claws. “While outnumbered, you fought against the odds with all your might and emerged victorious, watching for your allies. You used Earthquake only when no member of the team was close enough to be hurt by it. You deserve to evolve.”

Gligar looked at the item before his eyes started watering. He closed his eyes, stood tall and saluted. <It’s an honor.>

Nica looked at the ground/flying type pokemon in pride, only for her ears to pick up the noise of footsteps. Turning around, she noticed Ninetales walking towards them with Adenium unconscious on his back.

<Great job,> Nica said, running towards Ninetales and staring in satisfaction. <Now we can deliver her to the police and–>

<If it turns out that she took part in killing my former trainer and Astra’s mother, Penny Longshot, I’ll burn her to a crisp,> Ninetales spoke in a serious tone, his eyes narrowed and his sharp teeth displayed.

Nica massaged her forehead. And everything was going sooo well…