• Published 24th Mar 2018
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Raichu for Hire - CommanderX5

Twilight and Starlight provided her with a home and food while showering her with kindness and friendship. Determined to repay them, Raichu takes on various jobs, using her skills and survivability to face tasks too dangerous for common ponies.

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Ch.4 - How to Train Your Alicorn

Raichu for Hire


Chapter 4

How to Train Your Alicorn

Nica trotted towards the friendship castle with a cheerful smile, finding her time she spent with Maud Pie to be worthwhile. In fact, her entire day felt very fulfilling. Now all there was left to do was to return home while admiring the stars on the clear sky. Her head raised in pride.

She stopped, her attention focused on the balcony as she caught a glimpse of Twilight Sparkle. Feeling a burst of excitement, she ran at increasing speed. With a single jump, she flew towards the balcony like a bullet. Nica grit her teeth and the pupils in her eyes shrank at the sudden realization, at this speed, she would no doubt crash into her caretaker. Once close enough, she anchored herself against the edge of the balcony with her tail, slowing down her speed enough to land on it.

The princess flinched and yelped in surprise. “N-Nica?” She took a few calming breaths. “I was waiting for you, and yet you still caught me off guard.”

“Sorry,” Nica said, rubbing the back of her head as a small blush appeared on her cheeks.

“It’s okay. Ummm… did you have an accident?” Twilight asked as she pointed at a few bruises on her fur, most of them being on the wide belly, though a few were present on her forehead, left cheek and on each of her limbs.

Nica shook her head. “No accident… I just…” She rubbed her forearm nervously. “Let’s just say that I ended up testing my durability. Turns out that falling from a hundred meters of height into a pile of sharp rocks made of granite caused waaaaay less damage than I anticipated.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You know. If I didn’t know you as well as I do, I would be really worried about your well-being.”

“Where I come from, pokemon put themselves in danger all the time and become tougher for it. If anything, getting hurt is helping me in the long-run,” Nica explained. With a large portion of my memories still missing, I can only imagine what kind of brutal battles I endured to become so tough.

“I see.” Twilight cleared her throat and said firmly, “By the way, while you were away, I had an interesting invitation from the ‘Not Powerful but still a little Great Trixie’ for a show, which turned into a public apology before a large crowd of ponies.”

“It did?” Nica asked, feeling a sudden rush of pride. Great work, Trixie, I knew I could count on you.

“She not only apologised, but also publicly announced my superiority and even bowed to me. And no, she wasn’t brainwashed or hypnotised, I checked!” Twilight’s wings started flapping at quick pace, creating a soft breeze for the pokemon to feel. “I felt as if my view of the universe itself was shaken, as if I rediscovered Pinkie’s weird abilities all over again. Even facing powerful villains and protecting Equestria with my friends didn’t prepare me for miracles like that!” She took a deep breath and lowered herself to Nica’s face. “And something tells me you put your paw into it.”

Nica nodded. “I simply exchanged my ideology and moral values with her.” She displayed her teeth in a cheerful smile. “There was something in big ego and arrogance that annoyed me for some reason. I’m really happy I helped Trixie find a better way in life.”

Twilight looked to the side and giggled. “I swear, your humble and cheerful personality is contagious.”

Nica stared at the princess curiosity and asked, “Soooo… are you going to ask me how my day was or something?”

“Oh… right… I completely forgot.” Twilight’s wings spread and her tail started flapping left and right. Curiosity overpowered her worry. “So, how was your day? Find any jobs? Were you good at them? Do tell, do tell.”

Overwhelmed by Twilight’s excitement whose muzzle collided with her nose, Nica tripped over and was now staring at the alicorn while lying on her back. “I will tell you, just give me some space.” She gently pushed Twilight’s muzzle with her paw, took a sitting position and spoke up, “I helped Applejack and her brother… Big… Mac... was it… I carried the baskets and tail-bucked the trees so Applejack could rest.”


Nica nodded before pointing at the yellow part of her tail, which turned grey-metallic for a few seconds. “I can send power into my tail to make it harder and stronger.” She performed a fake swing. “One weak slam made apples fall from each tree.” She beamed. “I even helped Big Mac make a pear pie and we ate it together. It was delicious!”

Twilight clapped her forehooves in applause. “That’s great. There’s always plenty of work on the farm, how long were you working there?”

“I’m not sure, five hours, maybe six. Time goes very quickly when I’m having fun.”

“Wait, you were having fun while doing Applejack’s labor?” Twilight asked, receiving a nod of confirmation. “Well, that’s a first... Anyway, how much did Applejack pay you for your work?”

Nica tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Wait… was I supposed to get paid?”

“Of course. You were working for her after all, so she should pay you,” Twilight explained. “A few hours of labor is waaay above and beyond friendly helping.”

Nica’s ears drooped as she stood up, now standing on the tips of her rear paws while looking the princess in the eyes. “B-but… Applejack fed me, cleaned my dirty fur and took me to a veterinarian before bringing me here. I wanted to repay her…”

Twilight smiled warmly and shut her eyes. “Fair enough. So, what did you do next?”

Nica sat and relaxed herself, continuing in calm voice, “I went to Sugarcube Corner to deliver Pinkie a few pears and apples as a present, but she needed assistance with the foalsitting of two,” she held paws on her cheeks and displayed a dreamy smile, “cute, itty bitty vulnerable little ponies.”

“Oh, so you became the assistant of a foalsitter. Sounds like an easy task.”

“Easy?” Nica leaped towards Twilight’s face, her rear legs pressed into her chest. “Easy! Do you have any ideas what those two little kids are capable off? I think my life is going to be half a year shorter after all stress I endured!”

Twilight levitated Nica away, lowering to the floor of the balcony. “Okeeeey… Should I assume that you didn’t ask Pinkie to pay you a single bit?” Upon seeing a nod of confirmation, she facehooved. “Was there anything else?”

“Yes, there was. Pinkie introduced me to her sister, Maud, the strongest earth pony of all strong earth ponies I’ve met thus far. I got the impression that no rock-type or even steel-type pokemon would stand a chance against her.”

Twilight lowered her foreleg down and asked, “Did she hire you?”

Nica shook her head. “Not really. We just talked, exchanged our experiences, and she allowed me to practice the use of my ‘Iron Tail’ in her cave. She was very enthusiastic, cheerful and enjoyed watching my tricks and performances.”

“Wait… Maud was enthusiastic and cheerful?” Twilight asked. The moment she received a nod of confirmation, she sat and massaged her forehead. “And here I thought my life in Ponyville couldn’t get any weirder.” Her horn lit as she levitated Nica over and held in front of her face.

“Now listen, Nica. I know you were just helping Applejack and Pinkie for free because they are your friends, and it’s something I absolutely approve. But... should you get a real job, don’t forget to ask about payment, okay? Ponyville may be full of trustworthy ponies, but I wouldn’t want anyone to take advantage of you.” Twilight gave the large critter a patient smile and patted her on the head. “Let’s go to sleep. Hopefully you’ll have more luck tomorrow.”

“Not so fast!” Nica shouted as she pointed at the alicorn accusingly. “What about your training? Did you forget?”

Twilight chuckled nervously as she released Nica from her levitation. “Oh… that…”

“You’re a national heroine and an alicorn, yet Starlight who’s a unicorn still defeated you with her skills. And Chrysalis is still on the loose!” She stomped. “I swore I would help you improve for your own good, and tonight…”

“Y-yes?” Twilight asked, taking a step back.

“I’ll teach you, how to dodge.”

Twilight gulped.

Leftovers of the battleground between Twilight and Tirek were still present nearby Ponyville, no more than a few miles away from Twilight’s castle. A vast canyon with craters, shattered rocks, and a small mountain with a hole in it. A perfect location for an exercise worthy of a princess.

Twilight’s wings were raised and her horn lit as a lavender barrier protected her from all sides.

Nica stood a few meters in front of the lavender bubble, standing on four paws in a combat stance. Her tail raised upward threateningly while shining in metallic grey. The collar was no longer present on her neck. She started circling around the lavender dome, taking her time before her walk switched into a full-speed run.

I have no time for her barriers, but I won’t break it with force alone, Nica thought before unleashing a ‘Thunderbolt’ towards the barrier as the electricity scattered all over the dome. Maybe I can use my newest trick. My attacks may be too weak, but if I focus on one spot…

Maintaining her speed, Nica made some distance from the protective dome before charging at it. Continuously repeating her name, she surrounded herself in a rich aura of electricity. ’Volt Tackle’ ready. Nica unleashed another ‘Thunderbolt’, focusing her attack on one spot of the lavender barrier as electricity continuously hit it. Once close enough, she jumped, slamming herself into the damaged spot on the lavender shield as a massive explosion of electricity followed. A few cracks appeared on the barrier, as well as a small bruise on Nica’s forehead.

Without wasting a moment, Nica started running once more, making one quick circle to build up her ‘Volt Tackle’ before launching herself towards the barrier. She spun in mid air, striking the cracked part of the barrier with both ‘Volt Tackle’ and ‘Iron Tail’ at the same time, concentrating the entire force of both attacks in one specific spot, piercing it. With a hole in the barrier, she sent a weak thin ‘Thunderbolt’ inside, hearing Twilight’s yelping a moment later.

The dome vanished as the dizzy alicorn now had a few small burns present on her side.

Nica’s breathing was heavy. Even with her stamina, using a few powerful attacks in a row proved very draining. She pushed forward despite being tired, getting close enough to Twilight in time before another barrier was raised. She poked Twilight with her tail and smirked. <Got you!> she said, her words no longer translated by the magical collar.

Twilight canceled her barrier and lowered herself to Nica’s face level. “It seems you broke my defenses. I was sure you didn’t have enough power to do so.”

Nica held her forepaws on her hips and gave her a glare of disapproval.

“Alright, fine, you convinced me. It seems I need to rely on more than just on my defensive magic.” Twilight spread her wings and flapped them, launching herself into air.

Nica’s ears and tail waved on the wind created by the alicorn’s wings as she observed the princess, awaiting her counterattack. The moment a beam of magic was shot in her direction, she leaped to the side and next jumped. She bit her lip, sending only tiny bit of power into her tail as hurting her caretaker was something she wanted to keep to a bare minimum. As she had hoped for, the princess evaded her attack by flying to the side.

“Ha, I dod-yayayayayaj…” Twilight yelped as she was struck by tiny bolts of electricity.

Nica landed on the ground softly and smirked. Putting all her speed and power into one attack… wasn’t her style. Why put all of her might into a single strike which can be evaded?

“Ugh… you got me again, but this time I’ll do better.” Twilight grit her teeth as she surrounded Nica with her magic, pressing into the ground with extreme pressure, which only grew with each passing second.

Nica closed her eyes, unable to even struggle as her paws and head started sinking half a meter into the rocky ground. Her body felt as if it weighed sixty tons. Her mind provided her with a memory of her fight against Alakazam, a powerful pokemon whose ‘Psychic’ attack pressed against her with similar force, back when she was but a tiny Pichu. While Twilight’s raw power surpassed Alakazam’s many times over, she herself was no longer a feeble being, she was a fully evolved battle-hardened Raichu, and she wasn’t going to give up without doing her best.

“Are you okay down there? Am I using too much force?” Twilight asked with a hint of worry, lowering her guard.

Nica grit her teeth, sending power into her tail and using it to push herself against the pressure. Her eyes were closed, her ears and paws were hanging down, pulled with magic as if trying to separate themselves from the rest of the body, her rear paws were still trapped in the stone. After standing up, Nica unleashed electricity, breaking free from Twilight’s magic. The shift in pressure felt incredible. Her head which weighed a few tons now felt so light... She jumped out from the hole and quickly followed up with a weak ‘Thunderbolt’.

Twilight braced herself, her forelegs receiving a few small burns. “Heh, you hit me again.”

Nica wiped sweat from her forehead, now staring at Twilight with narrowed eyes.

Twilight started flying above the ground, shooting beams of magic.

Nica didn’t take her attention away from Twilight even for a moment, hopping to the side to dodge each magical beam while staring up. Despite low visibility with just the moon, stars and Twilight's beams being the only source of light, she still saw the alicorn’s movements. After all, vanishing stars on the sky meant that something blocked them.

Dodge, dodge, ‘Thunderbolt,’ dodge, dodge, ‘Thunderbolt’. Raichu repeated her pattern, easily targeting her airborne opponent while evading at the same time. Her fifth weakened attack hit its target.

Twilight frowned. “How am I supposed to evade? You’re hitting me even when I’m flying at full speed. Oh, wait… I can teleport… Maybe I should fly and teleport at the same time.”

Nica massaged her forehead. This was going to be a looong night.

Starlight was sitting on her bed with annoyed expression, staring at the ceiling. You’re already too skilled and powerful, Starlight. I need to train Twilight so she can better use her powers, she thought to herself, groaning. Ever since Nica regained her fighting skills, she was looking forward to having a friendly and exciting duel, only to be shot down because… apparently… she was too overpowered already.

She groaned again before sinking her head into the pillow.