• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 2,851 Views, 292 Comments

Raichu for Hire - CommanderX5

Twilight and Starlight provided her with a home and food while showering her with kindness and friendship. Determined to repay them, Raichu takes on various jobs, using her skills and survivability to face tasks too dangerous for common ponies.

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Ch.2 - Electric Critter the Foalsitter

Raichu for Hire


Chapter 2

Electric Critter the Foalsitter

“Pinkie Pie! Where are you?”

Pinkie flinched and slipped on a bar of soap, slamming her head into the slippery floor of the bathroom. Cheerful laughter of two very young ponies filled the room. After a moment to shake the stars from above her head, Pinkie glanced at the foals, a little pegasus and unicorn whose faces were visible among the bubbles and water.

Knowing better than to leave the troublemaking duo alone in the bathtub, she slowly opened the door and asked, “Nica, is that you?”

“Yes! Where are you?”

“Over here! Just go upstairs and look for the open door!” Pinkie shouted before her attention once again focused on the children. The moment Nica peeked inside, she grabbed her by the shoulder in a side-hug. “Perfect timing! I need help and I need it now!”

Several pears and apples –which were wrapped by Nica’s long tail– fell onto the floor as she gave the party mare a confused stare, which quickly shifted into a look filled with determination. It didn’t matter that she ran all the way from Sweet Apple Acres after hours of work, she still had stamina to spare and could no doubt ignore her tired muscles. “Whatever it is, I’m on it.”

Pinkie released her and bounced towards the bathtub, picking up two little wet ponies before placing them on the carpet. “Nica, meet Pound Cake,” she said, pointing at the yellow-white pegasus with bronze mane who waved his forelegs and released happy noises. “And Pumpkin Cake.” She pointed at the yellow unicorn with orange mane who shook her wet fur and started chewing Pinkie’s tail.

Nica gasped, staring into their blue and bronze eyes. Those weren’t normal fillies and foals, but tiny adorable defenseless toddlers. Their heads… are sooo big, and their bellies so small… Suddenly, an image of a transparent Pichu appeared before her. A mere look at the tiny ponies reminded her of her unevolved younger self. As a Pichu she also had an extremely large head and tiny belly.

“Hellooo... Pinkie to Nica, there’s no time for daydreaming,” Pinkie said as she waved her foreleg in front of the Raichu’s face.

Nica blinked and shook her head. The ponies before her were nearly as small as she was in the past. There was one major difference however. Now that I think about it, it took a lot of time before I proved worthy to evolve into Pikachu, facing hundreds of battles against stronger opponents while having a feeble body. It toughened me up a lot. But those tiny ponies look like the most fragile beings in the world. And they’re sooo innocent and cute!

“The Cakes got an order for a large delivery and they tasked me with a foalsitting job, but I could really use some backup. So, are you in, or are you in?”

Nica blinked in confusion, staring into Pinkie’s eyes as she struggled to comprehend the meaning behind her request. She slowly turned her head to look at the tiny ponies and bit her bottom lip, her eyes becoming as wide as plates. “Oh no…” She pushed herself free from Pinkie’s hold and started walking backward. “Oh no, no, no, no, no…”

“What’s wrong?” Pinkie asked.

“What’s wrong?” She gulped before giving Pinkie a panicked stare. “What’s wrong?! Did you forget that my last encounter with a bunch of fillies and colts ended up with me,” she held forepaw on her chest, “electrocuting them!” She hyperventilated. “My heart nearly broke that day, and I was lucky that no one was seriously hurt.” She pointed at the two tiny ponies with her trembling forepaw. “And after all that, you want me to take care of the most tiny and vulnerable beings, are you insane?”

Pinkie shrugged. “Bygones are bygones, besides, you now have that neat collar.”

Nica touched the collar on her neck as her breathing slowed down. She shook her head and said, “That’s not the point. Even with this collar, I’m still way too dangerous to be entrusted with kids of this age. I’ve tackled ponies into walls and head-smashed into ceilings whenever I was excited.”

“But you got waaay better with your jumping. Besides, the young Cakes seems to like you already.”

Nica looked down, now watching as the little unicorn climbed up her leg before nuzzling her belly, sinking herself into her white fluff. A moment later she felt the light pegasus land on her head and start chewing her ear. Nica whimpered, wishing that she would rather face a giant beast in the Everfree Forest.

Pinkie assaulted her with pleading eyes. “I really really really need your help with this. Pretty please!”

Nica closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. She owed the ponies a lot, so how could she say no, especially to Pinkie who always gifted her with the most delicious sweets and cakes. “F-fine…” Noticing how the pegasus flew away from her head and was now circling around her tail, she asked, “Are there any pillows around?”

“Pillows? On it!”

Nica stared at the party mare in confusion, seeing as her head, neck and forelegs were now digging themselves into the large tail. Did this mare manage to hide half of her body in her own tail? How’s that possible? Maybe using tail as storage is normal for ponies?

“Cupcake… no… umbrella… no… here it is!” Pinkie pulled a pink pillow with numerous sunflowers stitched on it and presented it to the large critter.

Not wasting a moment, Nica grabbed the pillow and pushed it against the yellow part of her tail. She sighed in relief.

“What are you doing?” Pinkie asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? My tail is a little bit sharp at edges, so I put it into a pillow.” She moved her tail towards Pinkie as Pound Cake landed and perched himself on it.

“Clever,” Pinkie said with a wide smile.

“Cute plushy…” Pumpkin Cake said as she climbed up her shoulder and next poked her nose. “Funny plushy.”

“Soft plushy,” Pound Cake said as he rolled on the pillow attached on her tail.

Nica resisted the urge to cry and her lips started shaking. Should she dare to leave even a scratch on those precious little beings, jumping down from a cliff –preferably into sharp rocks– as punishment would be the next thing on her agenda.

“Okay, so here’s what we’ll do,” Pinkie said, gesturing over the kitchen. “Do you see this bottle with orange goo… Apparently it’s healthy for kids to eat, but they don’t like the taste.” She pointed at the bottle and cupcake on the table. “We can always give them some sweets or cupcakes as last resort.”

Nica and Pinkie’s ears perked upward at the noise of ringing.

“On it!” Pinkie shouted before picking the kids from her back and placing them on the pillow attached to Nica’s tail. “I need to answer the customer and put a closed sign on the door. Try to feed them until I’m be back, okay?”

“B-but–” Nica failed to answer as the party mare had already dashed towards the door and downstairs. She looked at the confused duo as drops of sweat started falling down her forehead. “It’ll be alright… it’ll be alright…”

“Pinkie? Where’s Pinkie?” the young ponies said, calling for their caretaker.

Nica gulped before approaching the bottle with orange goo, sinking her paw into it. “Here you go… eat up.” She presented her paw covered in orange food to the fillies, who stared back at her in confusion. “What?”

The little unicorn crossed her front hooves and next pointed at the nearby shelf. The moment Nica opened it, several spoons caught her attention.

“Oh… ooooohhh…” Nica smiled sheepishly at realization. Her human trainer did use spoons and forks when eating. “How silly of me.”

Pound Cake flew towards the cupcake and grabbed it.

“Hey… don’t eat that,” Nica said as she leaped forward very lightly, snatching the cupcake away with a swift move of her forepaw. “You can eat this cupcake only after you eat some of… whatever that orange thing is.” Seeing tears forming in the pegasus’ eyes, she said, “No, please, no.” A wild loud crying overtook the room as Nica flinched and covered her ears, smudging some of the orange goo over them. Without a second to waste, she returned the cupcake. “Here you go, just please, don’t cry.” As the wild crying was replaced by a cheerful laughter, she sighed in relief.


Nica turned around, noticing a jar filled with cookies being levitated in a magical aura. The aura was shrinking though.

Nica bit her bottom lip and next jumped forward, catching the jar before it could hit the floor. Her tail remained straightened to keep the unicorn passenger from falling.

Pumpkin Cake clapped with her forehooves before stepping from the pillow, walking on the long black tail in the direction of the jar. Pound Cake reached it first and dived in between numerous cookies.

“Stop it, please,” Nica said as she pulled the pegasus from the jar, who shot her a raspberry and started flapping its tiny wings at rapid speed. Before Nica even noticed, she was being pulled by the smaller creature. Using her own strength she pulled in the opposite direction, her legs anchored against the floor. Noticing that she was losing this battle, she placed the unicorn on the floor and next wrapped her tail around nearby cupboard. She grit her teeth, her paws which were tired after hours of work were shaking as she struggled against the little pony. How… how are ponies this strong? Big Mac, Applejack, Lily Longsock, and now Pound Cake. How can I compete against it? Her ears picked the noise of cracking wood. Oh please no! The cupboard her tail was wrapped around shattered into pieces. Like a bolt shot from a crossbow, she and the pegasus she held flew towards the closed door at increasing speed.

Out of desperation, Nica pressed the pegasus into her belly and wrapped him with her four legs, trying to surround him with her entire body. Her back pierced through the door, scattering wood all over the place. Their trip continued as Nica rolled towards the stairs, bouncing against them like a ball. The moment she lost momentum, she pressed her rear paws against the floor to pull herself to a full stop.

“Nica? What happened?” Pinkie asked as she dashed in her direction.

Nica ignored Pinkie and looked at the pegasus pressed against her belly, picking him up in search for scratches or injuries, though his cheerful laughter calmed her and slowed her rapid breathing. She put the little pony in Pinkie’s embrace and wiped sweat from her forehead.

“Is Pumpkin Cake still in the kitchen?”

Nica’s face became pale, imagining what kind of horrors the tiny unicorn could get herself into after being left alone for several seconds. After two seconds of dashing, she leaped into the room and looked around in panic, only to see Pumpkin Cake chewing on a cookie next to a pile of cookies, the jar was lying on the floor, no doubt tripped over by the hungry toddler. Sensing how Pinkie Pie somehow appeared behind her without taking a single step, she turned around and smiled at her sheepishly. I can handle hours of hard labor, but a few minutes of foalsitting is killing me.

The foalsitting job continued for the next two hours, which involved a game of hide and seek, one long-lasting singing performance done by Pinkie Pie and…

“P-p-please… don’t cry…” Nica said as she held Pumpkin Cake in her paws, waving gently left and right in attempt to calm her down. A small bandage was wrapped around a small bruise on the unicorn’s knee. Just a few minutes ago both young ponies got into argument with each other over a plush bunny. Nica and Pinkie separated the duo, but not before Pound Cake’s extreme strength was used against his sister. Nica’s eyes watered on their own. “Ev-everything will be ok-okay… By seeing you sad… I… I feel…” She started sobbing as well, which in turn calmed the little pony in her embrace.

Pumpkin Cake focused her magic on a bag of flour, levitating it towards herself, but the moment she released it, Nica’s pillow-tail intercepted it in mid-air.

“Awww… it seems Pumpkin tried to cheer you up,” Pinkie said as she wiped tears from Nica’s cheeks with her tail. “How about we put them to sleep. The Cakes should be back soon.”

Nica nodded, following Pinkie Pie while walking on her rear feet. While Pound Cake –depressed in his guilt– was being held captive by Pinkie’s tail, his sister was held safe in Nica’s embrace.

The moment they entered a room with two beds surrounded by wooden bars, Nica placed Pumpkin Cake on her pillow-tail and started untying her own collar. An idea was born in her mind.

Pinkie placed Pound Cake in his bed and said with angered tone, “Now go to sleep, young mister, and think about what you’ve done. You’re very strong for your age, so you need to be very carefully with your pounding.”

Pound Cake lowered his head in shame.

Pinkie glanced at Nica and turned around, looking at her in confusion. Pumpkin Cake was being gently swayed back and forth on the pillow-tail, as in a crib, while Nica’s calm singing filled the room.

“Raichu Rai, Raichu Rai, Raichu Rai Rai Rai Rai Rai, Raichu Rai, Raichu Rai, Rai Rai Rai Rai, Rai Rai…”

“Is that… a lullaby?” Pinkie smiled and started shaking her head left and right to the rhythm of the calm song. Once sleeping Pumpkin Cake was taken from tail-pillow and placed on her bed-pillow, she approached and said, “You have a very pleasant voice, you should consider singing more.”

Nica picked up the collar and tied it on her neck. She looked up at the party mare and blushed. “My mom often sang to me whenever I felt depressed or was hurt. To be honest… I didn’t remember all the words. I thought my singing would work better if nopony could understand me.”

Pinkie chuckled and next rubbed top of Nica’s head.

“By the way. Do you know if there’s any cliff, or a large pile of very sharp rocks nearby Ponyville?”

“Nope, but my sister may know, why do you ask?” Pinkie asked with a shake of her head.

Nica’s ears dropped as she started tapping her forepaws together. She glanced at the bandage on unicorn’s knee and answered, “N-no reason…”