• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,273 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

  • ...

A Talk Between Two Interdimensional Friends

Miles slowly opened up his eyes, his vision blurry. His vision eventually cleared up and he saw the ceiling of MJ's apartment. He slowly sat up and placed a hand to his forehead, groaning in pain.

"What.....What happened?" Miles asked groggily.

"You got your butt whooped, that's what." Peter said in a disappointed tone.

Miles looked around and saw Peter, MJ, Twilight, and Sonic looking at him. Sonic and Twilight were standing near the window while Peter and MJ were standing next to the couch Miles was laying on. Spike then walked in from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands. He walked over and handed it to Miles, who gladly accepted it.

"What were you thinking going after Scorpion like that?" Peter asked in a serious tone, "You should've waited for backup. You could've been killed."

Sonic then turned to Peter, "Well, it's not like we could've offered backup even if we tried."

"He's right," Twilight added, "We were busy dealing with Robotnik. If we didn't stop him, he would've caused destruction with that dragon robot of his."

Peter sighed, "Good point," he turned to Miles, "It was still reckless and dangerous. But, what were they even doing there in the first place?"

"Uh, they were stealing some Sable International weapons." Miles revealed.

Peter sighed and dragged his face down his face, "Great. Just terrific."

Sonic turned to Peter, "I'm assuming that's bad."

"You have no idea."

Miles then looked around the room, "Where's Shadow?"

"After Peter administered the cure for Scorpions toxin, Shadow teleported out of the room and is somewhere in the city." MJ replied.

"He had serious issues. He didn't even say thank you." Spike muttered.

Twilight looked at Spike disapprovingly.

"Anyway, Sable International is a private army with really advanced tech. If Otto and the others have their hands on that kind of weaponry..." Peter said.

"Then things just got much worse." Miles finished.

"What I wanna know is, what exactly are they up to?" Spike asked.

Twilight sighed, "I don't know, Spike. Every move they've made has made no sense whatsoever."

Sonic then widened his eyes in realization, "Hey yeah! When they attacked our dimensions, they had a whole army of ships and goons. But after they took our friends, they just upped and left." Sonic surmised.

"Yeah, when Otto came back, there was an army of ships hovering above New York," Peter added as he stepped forward, "But have any of you noticed the lack of ships in the sky?"

"I think they're purposefully attacking at random, but why?" Twilight asked.

Miles shrugged, "To distract us?"

"But from what?" MJ asked.

"From finding where their base is," Peter concluded, "Because if we find their base, we can stop whatever they're planning."

"And they know that you guys won't stand by when there are innocent people in danger." MJ added.

Sonic then clenched his fists, "Using innocent lives to distract us from stopping them, that's low, even for Eggman."

Spike then stroked his chin in thought, "What I wanna know is, what's the deal with those portals?" Spike then turned to Sonic, "I mean, those portals don't look like the portal you and Tails went through when you left our world the first time."

Sonic's eyes then widened, Spike was right. What's more is that those portals look very familiar, very similar to.....

"Oh my gosh. I know where they are." Sonic said in realization.

Everyone then turned to Sonic in surprise.

Sonic, seeing this, decided to continue, "Their base is in a Special Zone."

Miles raised an eyebrow at that, "A Special Zone?"

Sonic nodded, "Tails knows more about them than I do, but they're basically dimensions in between dimensions."

"Is there a way to get to this 'Special Zone'?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, but they're incredibly difficult to get to, not to mention finding a portal is very rare," Sonic said as he closed his eyes, "Not to mention that it looks like they can control those portals and decide where they end up. So even if we could get to one, they could just send us anywhere they want."

Peter then raised his arms in frustration, "Great! So basically we have no way to reach them unless they want us to!" Peter then dragged his palm down his face, "Curse my Parker Luck."

"Looks like it's going to be awhile until things go back to normal." Sonic muttered in disappointment.

Twilight then looked at Sonic in slight sadness. Did he not want to see her again? She definitely didn't want to go back to being alone. Tears then threatened to fall from her eyes, she wiped her eyes with her foreleg, "I'll....I'll be right back."

Twilight then teleported out of the room in a purple flash. Everyone looked on in confusion, except Spike, who sighed in sadness, "Just great." he said sarcastically.

Sonic looked at the dragon in confusion, "What was that about?"

"She's been real depressed lately, she feels lonely. She said that she regrets becoming a princess." Spike revealed.

Sonic then look sad, he had no idea that Twilight was feeling this way. He then turned to the door and dashed out to find his friend.

Twilight was sitting on the ledge of the Empire State Building, crying silently. She didn't want to lose her friend again. She just got him back, didn't he feel the same? Wasn't he glad to see her again? Why was she doubting her friendship with the blue blur?

She sighed in sadness. She then heard a noise from behind her and turned around to see Sonic standing there with a kind smile on his face.

Sonic then stepped forward, "Took me awhile to find you, Twi," Sonic then stopped when Twilight frowned at him, "Wanna talk about it?"

Twilight sighed and turned away from him, "Why? You clearly aren't happy to see me again. You just want things to go back to normal. To go back to your own life.... without me."

Twilight then started sobbing silently, but she stopped when she felt Sonic's hand on her shoulder. She turned to face him as he sat down on the ledge next to her, "Now why would you think that?"

Twilight then frowned, "You said you'd visit! You said we'd stay in contact! But you never visited! You never even made an attempt to make contact!" she then stood up and walked away from the ledge, "Was what we went through a lie?!" she then stopped and turned around to face him, "I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!!! WHY DID YOU ABANDON ME?! WHY HAS EVERPONY ABANDONDED ME?!!"

She then broke down into loud sobs and fell on her haunches as tears fell from her eyes. Sonic looked at his friend in sadness, this was worse than he thought. She was doubting everything she knew. He then dashed over and pulled her into a tight embrace.

As she sobbed, he rubbed her back in comfort.

Sonic then whispered into her ear, "It's okay. I'm here, I'll never abandon you," he then pulled away and looked into her eyes, "I'm sorry that I never visited or made contact. But I promise you, our friendship is very real. And I promise you, I will never make you feel this way again."

Twilight sniffled, "P...promise?"

Sonic smiled, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Once he finished the Pinkie Promise, Twilight practically leapt into his arms and sobbed. As she cried into his chest, Sonic had a look of determination on his face.

"I promise, I will never hurt you again, Twilight Sparkle. I swear it." Sonic thought to himself as he continued to hug Twilight.

Author's Note:

Thought I'd add a heartfelt moment between Sonic and Twilight.

This isn't the last time we'll cover Twilight's depression.

Next time is another battle chapter.

Stay tuned.